Biology is not merely a correlational science but z apply knowledge and understanding of
also an experimental discipline, which deals with biology in situations which are novel and
different tools and techniques. In most of the unfamiliar by developing abilities to analyze,
activities that we perform, biology has a role to hypothesize, extrapolate draw conclusions
play. Therefore, the present course aims at and predict results;
imparting biological knowledge vis-a-vis the z develop skills in handling and improvising
ever growing human needs. Besides integrating scientific apparatus, and recording
the content and adequate depth into the subject observations and data;
recent advancements in concepts as well as
z inculcate scientific attitude and practice it in
emerging areas like biotechnology and
day to day life.
immunology have also been introduced.
The present curriculum contains 5 modules.
The course would enable the learner to, These modules are compulsory for all learners,
z acquire knowledge of biological terms, facts, thus, each learner studies five modules in all.
concepts, principles and processes in order Each module has been divided further into units
to understand the living world as a whole; and then into lessons. The number of lessons,
suggested study time and marks allotted for
z appreciate diversity in the living world as each unit are as follows:
also the interrelationships of various living
characteristics of protozoa and algae with 1.2.2 Tissues
common examples. Plant Tissues - classification, structure and
Kingdom Fungi - General characteristics of functions of meristematic and differentiated
fungi with common examples. tissues.
Animal tissues - structure and functions of
1.1.3 Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous
Classification and characteristics of Plantae up tissues.
to division - Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta,
Spermatophyta, classification of Spermatophyta Module 2 Form and Functions of Plants
upto classes - Gymnospermae and Angiospermae, and Animals
Dicotyledonae (Malvaceae and Fabaceae) and Time : 70 hr Marks : 26
Monocotyledonae (Poaceae and Liliaceae).
Classification and characteristics of Kingdom Approach
Animalia upto phyla - Porifera, Cnidaria, This module highlights the complex nature of
Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, the structure and function of the different organ
Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, systems in plants and animals with special
Hemichordata, Chordata, Classification of emphasis on the life processes.
Arthropoda and Chordata upto classes, class
Mammalia upto major orders.
Unit 1. Plants - Morphology and Physiology
Times 20 hr Marks: 4
2.1.1 Root System
1.2.1 Cell - the basic unit of life Characteristics and regions of root, primary
structure of dicot and monocot roots, secondary
Cell - Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic growth in dicot roots, types and modifications
cells, animal and plant cells. of roots, common functions of roots.
Cell organization - plasma membrane, cell wall,
cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum, cilia and 2.1.2 Shoot System
flagella, nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria,
Characteristics of stem, structure of monocot
chloroplasts, golgi bodies, centrosome,
and dicot stems, difference between dicot and
peroxisomes, cell inclusions.
monocot stem, secondary growth in stem: wood,
Cell molecules - water, mineral ions, origin of lateral branches, types and modification
carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, of stem, functions of stem.
nucleotides, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins,
Structure and modifications of leaf, internal
hormones, steroids and alkaloids.
structure of a typical dicot and monocot leaf,
Cell cycle - significance of mitosis and meiosis, stomata, hair and hydathodes, phyllotaxy.
karyotype analysis.
Flower - Parts of flower, arrangement of various 2.1.6 Respiration
floral parts, placentation, inflorescence, major Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiratory
types of inflorescence. quotient, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, pentose
Fruit - Definition, structure, major categories, phosphate pathway, factors affecting respiration
edible parts of common fruits. (excluding biochemical pathways), fermentation,
photorespiration, Amphibolic Pathway.
2.1.3 Absorption, Transport and Water Loss
Unit 2. Animals -Morphology and Physiology
Water relation - permeability, diffusion, osmosis,
plasmolysis, active and passive absorption and Time: 35 hr Marks: 14
movement, imbibition, water potential,
Transpiration - The process and its significance, 2.2.1 Nutrition and Digestion
factors affecting rate of transpiration, opening Nutrition and its types, digestive system of
and closing mechanism of stomata (potassium invertebrate (Cockroach), digestive system and
ion theory), factors affecting stomatal process in humans (ingestion, digestion,
movements, guttation and factors affecting rate absorption, assimilation, egestion), intracellular
of guttation, translocation of solutes. and intercellular digestion, role of enzymes and
hormones in digestion.
2.1.4 Plant Nutrition
Some of the digestive disorders are vomiting,
Mineral nutrition, functions of minerals diarrhoea, constipation, Indigestion and jaundice
(aeroponics and hydroponics), macro and micro
nutrients, deficiency symptoms of elements, mode
of nutrition in plants - autotrophic, heterotrophic, 2.2.2 Locomotion and Movement
saprophytic, parasitic and insectivorous plants. Movement and Locomotion, types of movements
for locomotion, flagellar movement. Muscular
2.1.5 Nitrogen Metabolism movement in animals structure of muscle,
myofilaments, the sliding of muscle contractions,
Molecular nitrogen, nitrogen fixation (biological stimulation of muscle contraction.
and abiological both), nitrogen fixation by free
living organisms and symbiotic nitrogen fixation,
nitrate and ammonia assimilation by plants, 2.2.3 Respiration and Nitrogenous Waste
amino acid synthesis by plants. Nitrogen cycle Elimination
Respiratory organs of humans, mechanism of
2.1.6 Photosynthesis breathing and its regulation, gaseous transport
through blood and tissue respiration, gaseous
The process and its significance, site of exchange in animals (earthworm/cockroach),
photosynthesis (functional aspect of chloroplast common respiratory disorders - prevention and
structure), photosynthetic pigments photo- cure.
chemical aspects of photosynthesis, photo-
phosphorylation (cyclic and non-cyclic), C3 and Ammnotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism, urinary
C4 pathways, factors affecting photosynthesis, system in cockroach and humans, finer structure
chemosynthesis, Chemiosmotic synthesis. of mammalian kidney, ultrafiltration and urine
formation, role of kidney in osmoregulation,
kidney failure, dialysis, kidney transplantation, Module 3: Reproduction and Heredity
role of Antidiuretic Hormones (ADH), role of Time : 60 hr Marks: 22
liver in excretion.Emphysema, Renin-angiotensin
and Atrial Antinatriuretic factor.
2.2.4 Circulation of Body Fluids This module is designed to highlight the diverse
methods of reproduction in living beings from
Types of blood circulation, open circulatory unicellular organisms to complex forms
system in cockroach, circulatory organs in including humans. This module highlights the
humans, blood circulation, histology and increase in human population all over the world
functions of blood, blood coagulation, blood and also provides adequate information about
transfusion, blood groups, blood pressure, lymph the methods of family planning and birth control.
and lymph glands, spleen, immune system (basic The principles and mechanisms of heredity in
idea of immunocytes and immunity), blood determining the characteristics of organism has
related disorders - hypertension, atheroma and also been discussed in this module.
arteriosclerosis, ECG, pacemaker.
Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, sets of genome - colour blindness, haemophilia,
abscissic acid; seed germination - mechanism Down syndrome (Mongolism), Turner syndrome,
and factors affecting germination, role of growth Klinefelter syndrome, Rh factor, ABO blood
regulators in seed dormancy, vernalisation, group, amniocentesis, human genome.
senescence, abscission, stress factors (salt and
water), measurement of growth, plant movements 3.2.2 Molecular Inheritance and Gene
- geotropism, phototropism, turgor growth Expression
movements (tropic, nastic and turgor),
phytohormones and their role in plant One-gene-one enzyme hypothesis, discovery of
development. Differentiation, dedifferentiation DNA as genetic material, structure of DNA and
RNA, types of RNA, functions of nucleic acids,
DNA replication, protein synthesis, transcription
3.1.3 Reproduction in Humans and and translation, house keeping genes, regulation
Population Management of gene expression, positive and negative control
Female and male reproductive organs, histology systems, Operon model, mutations and their
of gonads, gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage, types, mutagens, useful and harmful effects of
blastulation, gastrulation, fate of germ layer mutation.
(general account only), embryonic development
and nutrition, childbirth, twins, growth, ageing 3.2.3 Genetics and Society
and senescence, death, in-vitro fertilization.
Genetics through ages, recombinant DNA
Demography - birth rate, death rate and technology, gene cloning, gene bank, Polymerase
population growth rate, position of India in Chain Reaction, DNA fingerprinting, genomics,
world population, consequences of genetic engineering and its importance, transgenic
overpopulation management of population plants, animals and microbes, genetic counselling.
growth, methods of contraception. Lactation, Bt crops, Biopiracy, Biopatent
gemmule, Reproductive system of insects, male
reproductive system, female reproductive system Module 4 Environment and Health
Time: 50 hr Marks: 13
Unit 2. Principles and Applications of Genetics
Time: 30 hr Marks:10 Approach
This module emphasizes the basic understanding
3.2.1 Principles of Genetics of rules governing the interrelationships in a
Heredity and variation, Mendel’s laws of biotic community. It brings out the basic
inheritance, incomplete dominance, lethal genes, principle of conservation by pointing out that
pleiotropic genes, polygenic inheritance with conservation of natural resources would brighten
examples, chromosomal basis of inheritance, the prospect of future of humankind. This module
linkage and crossing over, cris-cross inheritance, aims to create an idea about healthy living. It
maternal inheritance. Sex Determination in Birds, also imparts knowledge regarding role of proper
Sex Determination in Honey Bees. and balanced diet to prevent nutritional
deficiency diseases. The types, causes and modes
Human karyotypes, autosome and sex
of transmission of human diseases are discussed
chromosomes, abnormalities due to multiple
in this module. This module also intends to Unit 2. Healthy Living
make the learner understand various emerging Time: 25 hr Marks: 6
areas in biology.
4.2.1 Nutrition and Health
Unit 1. Environment and its Conservation
Health and nutrition, types of nutrients - macro
Time: 25 hr Marks : 7 and micronutrients, sources and functions of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals,
4.1.1 Ecological Principles water and roughage; energy requirement of the
body, balanced diet, balanced diet for special
Biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystem, needs growing children, persons in different
interrelationship between plants and animals, occupations, pregnant and lactating mothers,
energy flow in the biosphere, food chain, food deficiency diseases - Protein Energy Malnutrition
web, man’s place in the environment, biomes, (PEM), mineral deficiency and vitamin deficiency
flora and fauna of different biomes. with examples - hypervitaminosis, obesity, food-
4.1.2 Conservation and use of Natural
Resources 4.2.2 Diseases
Population growth, Ecological succession biotic Definition, types and transmission of diseases,
interaction define - parasite, pathogens, infection, infestation,
vector; causes, symptoms, prevention and control
Types of natural resources – non-renewable and of some common communicable diseases -
renewable with examples, need for conservation influenza, measles, polio, hepatitis, tuberculosis,
and restoration, Indian traditions of conservation diphtheria, leprosy, malaria, filariasis and dengue;
of nature, conservation of soil, water and cardiovascular diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis,
biodiversity, endangered and threatened species, cancer, allergy, syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS
wildlife reserves in India, agencies (national and (awareness, symptoms and prevention), drug
international) dealing with conservation of abuse.
wildlife, environmental legislation, sustainable
development, conventional and non-conventional Module 5 Emerging areas in Biology
sources of energy (hydel, wind, tidal, nuclear,
solar, geothermal, hydrogen energy, biogas and Time: 10 hr Marks: 7
bio fuels), depleting energy resources,
conservation of energy. Approach
z Our Biodiversity Richness This module has been included in the Biology
course to familiarize the learners with the
z Non-conventional Sources of Energy importance of the new emerging areas of biology
like Biotechnology and Immunology which have
4.1.3 Pollution an impact on human lifestyles.
Causes, prevention and control of different
kinds of pollution, (air, water, thermal, soil, 5.1.1 Biotechnology
noise and radiation), entry and translocation of Introduction, industrial biotechnology (alcohol,
pollutants in our body, waste management. beverages, yoghurt, cheese, vinegar, antibiotics),
general idea of genetic engineering, importance (i) epidermal peel of onion
of transgenic organisms, gene therapy, (ii) cheek cells of humans
bioremediation, biopesticides.
(iii) epidermal peel of leaf to observe
5.1.2 Immunology stomata
Types of defense mechanisms of body, cells of (iv) T.S. of stem to observe xylem and
immune system (T-cells, B-cells, macrophages), phloem
antigens and antibodies humoral and cell mediated (v) striated muscles from cockroach leg.
immune response, types of immunity,
3. To study the various modifications in root,
stem and leaf
(a) Root (i) Storage (carrot beet root/
PRACTICAL WORK radish) (ii) Support -Prop root, stilt
Purpose root
(b) Stem (i) Underground - Rhizome,
The purpose of teaching biology is not only to
acquaint the learners with biological terms, tuber, corm, bulb (ii) Aerial - Tendril,
facts, concepts and principles but also to develop thorn, phylloclade, cladode
practical skills. Development of practical skills (c) Leaf (i) Tendril (ii) Spine (iii) Phyllode
leads to better understanding through firsthand 4. To observe and study the T.S. of dicot and
experience and mutual reinforcement. It takes monocot root and stem from permanent
into account the development of psychomotor slides.
skills. Since this is an import aspect of
development, the present biology course 5. To study the microscopic structure of
considers practical work as an integral part of human cartilage, bone, blood, testis and
the theory. ovary from permanent slides.
The skills which the present course intends to 6. To study the structure and function of
develop are: different parts of the following flowers :
China rose, Petunia
(i) observational skills in the form of identifying
relevant details in given specimens, locating 7. To identify the characteristic features of
the desired parts in a dissection or specimen. the following animals and classify upto
(ii) manipulative skills in the form of arranging, class sponge, earthworm, butterfly, snail,
handling and reading apparatus and starfish, bony fish, cartileginous fish, toad,
instruments. houselizard, pigeon and bat.
(iii) collecting, mounting and preserving skills. 8. To study the stages of mitosis from
(iv) drawing, labelling and reporting temporary stained mount of onion root
experimental results thereby interpreting tips.
them. 9. To study the morphological adaptations of
(a) plants living in xeric and aquatic habitats
List of Practicals e.g. cactus and water hyacinth. (b) animals
1. To study parts of a compound microscope. to parasitic mode of life e.g. tapeworm.
10. To study the (a) texture and (b) water
2. To prepare temporary stained glycerine holding capacity of two different types of
mounts of soils.
11. To study osmosis by potato osmometer. z Video tutorials in Chemistry available on the
12. To study the rate of photosynthesis in NIOS website ( as well as
aquatic plants. YouTube.
13. To study the structure and germination in z 30 Personal Contact Programme (PCP)
gram and bean seeds. sessions for theory part and 06 Personal
14. To demonstrate respiration in germinating Contact Programme (PCP) sessions for
seeds. practicals at your study centre. Please contact
your study centre for the PCP schedule or
15. To study the action of salivary amylase on visit our NIOS website at
z Face-to-Face Personal Contact Programme
SCHEME OF STUDY (PCP) at your study centre, live Personal
Contact Programmes (PCPs) through audio
The revised course in Biology provides you with streaming are webcast on Mukta Vidya Vani,
package of learning opportunities which comprise which can be accessed through NIOS website
of: (
z Printed Self Learning Material (SLM) is in
three parts i.e. Part-1 , Part-2 and a laboratory SCHEME OF EVALUATION
manual. The learner will be assessed through Continuous
z Supplementary Materials in the form of and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in the
Audio and Video Programmes. form of Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) as
well as Public Examination. The following table
shows the details:
There will be a practical examination of 3 hours duration and maximum marks 20, apart from the
theoretical examination. The distribution of marks is as follows
(i) Performing an experiment 4 marks
(ii) Submitting a project 2 marks
(iii) Identification of given samples (4 samples) 2 marks
(iv) Preparing mounts 2 marks
(v) Maintenance of record book 3 marks
(vi) Viva-voce 2 marks
Total 15 marks + 5 marks for CCE
Total 20 marks