Ma 06
Ma 06
Ma 06
When you You might stalk game for food, or hunt the most dangerous
make a Fighting-based attack roll, add +1 to damage on a game of all (and in a fantastical setting, that’s not necessarily
successful hit. humans). A Sniper could be an assassin or someone trained in
supplying covering fire. A Sniper could work for the police,
Expert: You have excellent speed and timing. When you
military, or some admired or loathed informal militia.
perform the Momentum stunt with SP gained from a Fighting-
based attack roll, you gain a bonus to your initiative as if you Eras: The marksman has existed for as long as ranged
have spent one more SP than you have. So, if you spend 1 SP, weapons have. Whether it’s as a musketeer, a Napoleonic
you gain a +8 bonus to initiative; if you spend 2 SP, you gain rifleman, a hunter, or a trained assassin, most games have a
a bonus of +12. place for the Sniper.
Master: You know a host of special techniques. When you There might be some situations where the Sniper is actu-
perform the stunt attack action with a Fighting-based attack ally an Archer, swapping Longarms for Bows. In eras where
roll, you automatically generate 2 SP, not 1. muskets and other simpler firearms reign, substitute Black
Powder weapons for Longarms. Note that these are sepa-
Performer rate specializations, and benefits for one weapon type don’t
transfer to another.
You love an audience, even when you’re supposed to be Synergies: A Sniper/Martial Artist probably has strong opin-
hiding, and however you do it—music, acting, rhetoric, ions about who, what, and how to shoot, while a Sniper/
magic—you’ve got a knack with getting that audience on Driver is especially talented at making a quick getaway after
your side, which is harder than it seems. a job. A Sniper/Investigator relentlessly tracks their quarry;
no more peerless hunter exists.
You never make excuses for your performance. A bad day might
see you torn to pieces on the internet or pelted with tomatoes. Sniper Talent
But you’re already one of the best. You might never be famous,
but without doubt you have the talent and you have the skills. Requirements: Accuracy 3 or better and the Accuracy
(Longarms) focus.
Eras: Every era and culture has a place for Performers, from
music hall singers and street magicians to rock stars and pop You are a crack shot.
Novice: You know how to quietly set up a decisive shot on
Synergies: A Performer/Executive could be a politician with an unaware target. If you’re hidden from your target, you
the considerable powers of a demagogue. A Performer/ can re-roll your first Accuracy (Longarms) attack during an
Martial Artist performs balletic, acrobatic movements— encounter, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
maybe you’re a street dancer or an actor in martial arts
movies. A Performer/Gunfighter might be a trick shooter Expert: You know how to wait for a perfect shot to present
at a rodeo or a lone traveling musician with more than just itself. If you use the Aim action to benefit an attack with Accu-
a guitar in their guitar case. A Performer/Thief could be an racy (Longarms), add a bonus to damage equal to the attack
expert escapologist or theatrical pickpocket. roll bonus Aim provides. This includes any bonus from the
Precision Marksmanship stunt.
Performer Talent Master: You are a deadly, remorseless shot. When you are
using the Accuracy (Longarms) focus, you can perform the
Requirements: Communication 3 or higher and the
Called Shot stunt for 2 SP instead of the usual 4.
Communication (Performance) focus.