Dark Sun Osr
Dark Sun Osr
Dark Sun Osr
The present is a conversion of the Dark Sun Campaign Setting to Basic D&D and
subsequent retroclones (Mainly Old School Essentials). The main objectives of this
conversion is to provide a framework from which players could enjoy the setting with
little modifications, modifying pre-existing classes in order to fit the setting better,
adding new rules for equipment, new rules for spellcasting and psionics and organize
them in a way that these are easy to understand, simple and convenient.
Source materials employed for the creation of this document were the Old School
Essentials Classic Fantasy Rules, Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Rules,
Planar Compass Issue #1, Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Advanced Dungeons
and Dragons 2nd Edition and of course, the Dark Sun Boxed Set.
-- Lixu
Victims of a poisoning by a bard suffer a
–2 penalty to the saving throw. After
reaching 4th level, this penalty becomes –4.
After reaching 8th level, this penalty
becomes –7, and after reaching 12th level,
this penalty becomes –9.
From 2nd level, a bard has a 2-in-6
chance of knowing lore pertaining to
monsters, magic items, or heroes of
folktale or legend. This ability may be used
to identify the nature and powers of magic
At 7th level, a druid gains the power to
change into the form of An animal from his
favored land three times per day. The
animal may be of any size up to around
twice the bulk of the druid’s normal form.
If a druid has lost hit points, they regain
1d4 hit points per level upon changing into
an animal. All equipment carried by the
druid is absorbed into the animal form and
reappears when the drui changes back.
Druids can identify all plants and animals
and can discern pure water.
Elves can use the following skills
with the chance of success shown
The referee should roll for hide in
shadows and move silently on the
player’s behalf, as the elf always
believes the attempt to be successful.
If the roll fails, the referee knows that
the elf has been noticed and should
determine enemies’ actions
Fighters can use all types of weapons
and armor.
After reaching 5th level, fighters gain
a +1 bonus to loyalty and morale.
During combat, a Gladiator may
spend his round looking for a weapon
Saving Throws
Half-elves have infravision to 60’ (see
Darkness under Hazards and Challenges
in Core Rules).
A half-elf can befriend one pet when he
reaches 5th level. The pet may be of any
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.
D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
AFTER REACHING 9 LEVEL TH P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks; S:
A half-elf may strive to become a leader Spells / rods / staves.
among humans and elves, constructing a
stronghold either in the name of a human
liege or founding a tribe with other
elves. If the stronghold is done with
humans, the half-elf earns becomes part
of the nobility of a city-state. Half-elves
may hire mercenaries of any race.
Half-Giants deal more damage due to
Requirements: Minimum STR 9,
their natural strength. Every melee
minimum CON 9.
weapon that would inflict 1d4, 1d6, 1d8
Prime requisite: CON and STR.
and 1d10 damage, when wielded by a
Hit Dice: 1d12.
Half Giant it would inflict 1d6, 1d8,
Maximum level: 8.
1d10 and 1d12 damage respectively
Armor: any, shields.
Weapons: Normal sized and Large
Languages: Common.
Half-Giants don’t follow any alignment;
instead they take the alignment of those
In some lost millennium, as a bizarre
who surround them.
experiment or perhaps as some sort of
curse, giants were magically crossbred
with humans. Half-giants are now fairly
Due to their height, Half-Giants are
common, especially to human controlled
forced to live and adapt to a world not
lands at the edge of the sea of dust.
suited to their size. Half-Giants must pay
10% more for armor and commodities.
Additionally, Half-Giants need double
Half-Giants can only use normal and
the amount of food and water to survive.
large sized weapons, as well as using
any kind of armor, including shields.
After reaching 8th level, Half-Giants may
build a stronghold, which will form the
Half-Giants gain +2 Hit Points every
basis of a new community of Giants and
time they reach a level ( i.e: a 3rd level
other Half-Giants. Giant
Hal-Giant has 3d6+6 Hit Points).
communities—known as Clans—are
Additionally, Half Giants have an armor
typically located across the shores and
class bonus of +2.
islands of the Sea of Silt. The leader of
the clan is called the Chief.
Half-Giants have a +2 bonus to saving
throws against Spells and Wands.
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
P: Paralysis / petrify;
B: Breath attacks; S: Spells / rods / staves.
With their natural strength and build, a
Mul can spend 48 hours without eating,
drinking water or sleeping. They only
need a 12 hours rest after doing a forced
march. They also recover 1d6 instead of
a 1d3 when doing a full rest
Saving Throws
All Magic-Users are hunted by the Spell Recovery: While defiling, the
almost all of Athasian Society, with the caster must roll 2d6, getting a different
clearer exceptions of the sorcerer-kings, result depending on the result.
who employ a certain amount of defiler
apprentices, and the Veiled Alliance, a 2d6 Effect
secret society that opposes the sorcerer
kings and seek to protect and train 2-8 No effect, cast as normal.
preservers. 9-11 Spell is preserved.
In the wilderness, a ranger has a 3-in-6
chance of going unnoticed when
sneaking up on a target. If the ranger
goes unnoticed, the target may be
surprised (see Surprise under Encounters
in Core Rules).
Rangers can identify and follow tracks.
This skill improves as the character
gains levels (see the table to the right).
Success may be modified by the
following factors:
▶▶ Soft/hard ground: +20% to –50%.
▶▶ Size of group being tracked: +2%
per creature beyond the first.
▶▶ Passing through an area where other
tracks mingle: –50%.
▶▶ Age of tracks: –5% per 12 hours.
▶▶ Rainfall: –25% per hour.
▶▶ Efforts made to hide tracks: –25%.
Templars are the greatly feared disciples Magical research: A templar of any
of the sorcerer-kings. Their organization level may spend time and money on
is steeped in ancient tradition and magical research. This allows them to
treacherous politics, and the work they create new spells or other magical
perform for the sorcerer-kings is effects associated with their deity. When
governed by endless bureaucracy. a cleric reaches 9th level, they are also
able to create magic items.
Alignment: A templar character may be
either neutral or lawful—there are no Spell casting: Once a templar has
chaotic templars. advanced in the hierarchy (from 2nd
level), the character may pray to receive
KING’S OATH spells. The power and number of spells
The templars from one city state have no available to a templar are determined by
association with those from another. the character’s experience level. The list
Thus, templars cannot transfer loyalty of spells available to clerics is found on
from one sorcerer-king to another while the magic section.
the first is still alive. Should a templar's
sorcerer-king fall from power or be Using magic items: As spell casters,
killed, he may petition to another templars can use magic scrolls of spells
sorcerer-king for acceptance, where he on their spell list. They can also use
may find an open hand or the taste of items that may only be used by divine
steel, at the new sorcerer king's whim. spell casters (e.g. some magic staves).
A templar can pass judgement on his
A Templar may request the help of 1d4
city-state at any time. In any matter
soldiers from his city-state at any time.
involving disobedience or the actions of
These soldiers can not leave their cities
a slave, a free man or a noble, a templar
without the sorcerer king’s permission.
may give judgement, sentence, or pardon
as he sees fit. Penalties can include
imprisonment, torture, or even death. At
1st level, a Templar can pass judgement
on slaves, at 6th level, on free men, and
on 12th level, on nobles.
THE THIEF succeed, the thief may not try to read
that particular text again until they reach
Requirements: None a higher level of experience.
Prime requisite: DEX
Hit Dice: 1d4 SCROLL USE
Maximum level: 14 A thief of 10th level or higher can cast
Armour: Leather, no shields arcane spells from scrolls. There is a
Weapons: Any 10% chance of error: the spell does not
Languages: Alignment, Common function as expected and creates an
unusual or deleterious effect.
Athasian thieves run the gamut of
society. They range from gutter snipes THIEVING SKILLS
who prey upon the merchants and Thieves can use the following skills,
freemen of the cities to vagabonds who with the chance of success shown
steal what they can from passing opposite:
caravans or merchant ▶ Climb sheer surfaces (CS): A roll is
trains. required for each 100’ to be climbed. If
the roll fails, the thief falls at the
BACKSTAB halfway point, suffering falling damage.
When attacking an unaware opponent ▶ Find or remove treasure traps (TR): A
from behind, a thief receives a +4 bonus roll is required to find a treasure trap and
to hit and doubles any damage dealt. then another to remove it. This may be
attempted only once per trap.
COMBAT ▶ Hear noise (HN): In a quiet
Because of their need for stealth and free environment (e.g. not in combat), a thief
movement, thieves cannot wear armour may attempt to listen at a door or to hear
heavier than leather and cannot use the sounds of something (e.g. a
shields. They can use any weapon. wandering monster) approaching.
▶ Hide in shadows (HS): Requires the
READ LANGUAGES thief to be motionless—attacking or
A thief of 4th level or higher can read moving while hiding is not possible.
non-magical text in any language ▶ Move silently (MS): A thief may
(including dead languages and basic attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.
codes) with 80% probability. If the roll ▶ Open locks (OL): Requires thieves’
does not tools. A thief can only try this skill once
per lock. If the roll fails, the thief may
not try the same lock again before THIEF SKILLS CHANCE OF
gaining an experience level. SUCCESS
▶ Pick pockets (PP): If the victim is
above 5th level, the thief ’s roll is
penalised by 5% for every level above
5th. There is always at least a 1% chance
of failure. A roll of more than twice the
percentage required for success means
that the attempted theft is noticed. The
referee should determine the reaction of
the victim.
A Pack is the single unit of organization
among the Thri-kreen, generally of at
least 12 individuals. A Thri-kreen is able
to create its own pack at any time by
asserting dominance over other
Thri-Kreen (e. g: role playing),
becoming Chief of the Pack and
commanding them just like with regular
Thri-Kreen cany of take a day of rest to
craft their own racial weapons, Gytchka
and Chatkcha, using materials like
bones, stones and metal, combined with
their own saliva. These weapons have
the same properties as metal weapons
and break the same as bone weapons.
PCs begin play with 3d6x10 Ceramic
Hirelings are NPCs hired by a character
to perform certain services.
Boomerang: After throwing this
weapon as a projectile, it has a 50% of
coming back afterwards.
Wood 1
Stone 2
Obsidian 3
Bone 4
Metal 5
Magical 6
Psionic energy is recovered by resting,
depending on the activity, as listed on
the table below.
Non psionic characters are automatically
contacted. Psionic characters can be
contacted if willing. Otherwise attack
modes must be used.
A battle with psionic characters follows
the same rules as normal combat (see
Combat in Old-School Essentials Core
Rules) with the addition of the following
Only one psionic power can be initiated Unlike other powers the same attack
per round with the following exceptions: mode can be initiated twice per round. A
Maintenance: Powers can be maintained power check is required for each attack.
as long as the character has energy to
expend. Multiple powers can be CONTACT FROM ATTACK
maintained simultaneously. Even though contact is made through
attack modes it takes more than one
Defense modes: Can always be used attempt. Three successful attacks results
when the character is under attack in contact with the defender.
regardless of whether they have used
another power that round. ATTACK MODIFIERS
The potency of an attack mode depends
CONTESTED PSIONICS on the defense mode being used against
When two characters engage in psionic it. The table below shows the modifier to
combat, the two power checks are add or subtract to the attack mode’s
compared. The character with the higher power score depending on the defense
successful roll wins. If neither power mode being used.
check succeed or the rolls are equal then
the defender wins. DEFENSE MODES
Five specific psionic powers are used for
ATTACK MODES self defense. They are:
Five specific psionic powers are used for >Intellect Fortress
attacking and establishing contact. They >Mental Barrier
are: >Mind Blank
>Ego Whip >Thought Shield
>Id Insinuation >Tower of Iron Will
>Mind Thrust
>Psionic Blast Each psionic character starts off
>Psychic Crush knowing one defense mode. Subsequent
Attack modes are normal powers and modes are learned upon leveling, as
count towards the total powers known. described in the class description.
A wild talent is someone from any
other character class who has natural, ALL-ROUND VISION
latent psionic potential. This potential Range: Self
can be present in any character, Power Score: WIS -3
regardless of class, alignment, or race. Duration: 1d4 Rounds
Wild talents can never approach This power gives the psionicist "eyes in
psionicists in skill, but they do boast at the hack of his head-and in the sides and
least one psionic power-which is known top, as wefl. (Of course, this is
as a "wild power" among psionicists. figurative; he does not literally sprout
eyeballs.) In effect, the character can see
When you create your character, roll a in all directions simultaneously.
d20. If the result is equal to or under
your Intelligence score, or if your class KNOW DIRECTION
is Psioniscist, you are considered a wild Range: Self
talent and have a wild psionic power. Power Score: INT
Refer to the table below to determine Duration: 1 day
what your wild power is (Psionicists The psionicist becomes his own
may pick their power instead of rolling). compass. for the duration of this power,
You can use your wild power a number the psionicist knows which way is north.
of times per day equal to half your
character level (rounded up). CATFALL
Range: Self
Power Score: DEX -2
Duration: n/a
A character using this power can spring
like a cat in the same round, and always
land grace fully on his feet. He still
suffers damage from falling, but the
damage is halved.
Range: Self
Power Score: CON -1
Duration: 1d4 Rounds
The psionicist using this power actually
changes the coloration of his skin,
clothing, and equipment to match his
background. The match is automatic; he
does not choose the appearance.
Range: 100’ Range: 30’
Power Score: WIS -3 Power Score: INT
Duration: 1d4 Duration: 1d4
The psionicist can animate the shadow The psionicist can manipulate existing
cast by anyone or anything and make it light with this devotion. He cannot
seem to have life of its own. create light from darkness, but he can
create darkness from light.
Range: 100’
Power Score: INT -5
Duration: 1d2 Rounds
This power allows the psionicist to
shape and alter existing sounds.
Range: Unlimited
Power Score: CON -3
Duration: 1d2 Rounds
Sight Links allows the telepath to tap
into another creature’s optical system.
The telepath sees whatever his link sees.
Range: 100’
Power Score: INT -3
Duration: 1d4
A telepath can detect the presence of
living, thinking creatures within a
limited area.
Range: Unlimited
Power Score: INT -1
Duration: 1d2
This is one-way communication,
allowing the telepath to send his own
thoughts to a creature he can see to its
mind. The telepath can send information
or simply distract the target
POWER LIST ● Mind Link
● Mind Over Body
● Astral Projection
● Mind Thrust (A)
● Aura Alteration
● Molecular Agitation
● Body Control
● Molecular Manipulation
● Body Equilibrium
● Molecular Rearrangement
● Body Weapon
● Psionic Blast (A)
● Cell Adjustment
● Psychic Crush (A)
● Clairaudience
● Precognition
● Clairvoyance
● Reduction
● Detect Evil
● Shape Alteration
● Detect Magic
● Suspend Animation
● Dimension Door
● Telekinesis
● Dimension Walking Domination
● Telempathic Projection
● Ego Whip (A)
● Teleport Thought Shield (D)
● Empathy
● Tower of Iron Will (D)
● Energy Control
(A) Attack Modes
● Expansion
(D) Defense Modes
● Hypnosis
● Id Insinuation (A)
● Intellect Fortress (D)
● Invisibility
● Levitation
● Mass Domination
● Mental Barrier (D)
● Mind Bar
● Mind Blank (D)
POWER DESCRIPTIONS the cost is 20 psionic energy instead of
Power Score: INT Range: Self
Initial Cost: 6 Power Score: CON - 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/hour Initial Cost: 7
This power separates the character’s Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
astral body from their physical one. The The psionic character is able to adapt
character can then use this astral body to their body to survive in a hostile
travel the astral plane while their environment such as fire, water, acid, or
physical body remains on the original poison.
plane. This projection has the following
>>Physical tether: The astral body is Range: Self
connected to its physical body by a long Power Score: CON - 3
silver cord that disappears from sight Initial Cost: 2
after 10’. This cord is virtually Maintenance Cost: 2/round
indestructible but if it is somehow Allows the psionic character to adjust
severed (perhaps from an extreme astral their weight so that they may walk on
storm) then the character dies. water, quicksand, etc.
>>Temporary Body: If the astral body
enters a plane other than its origin a BODY WEAPONRY
temporary body, identical to the original, Range: Self
appears there. If the astral body enters its Power Score: CON - 3
origin plane it can observe but not Initial Cost: 9
interact with the plane. Maintenance Cost: 4/round
One of the psionic character’s limbs
AURA ALTERATION becomes a weapon of their choosing.
Range: Touch The limb takes on the material of the
Power Score: Wis - 4 weapon (wood, steel, etc).
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: n/a CELL ADJUSTMENT
This power can be used in two ways: Range: Touch
>>Mask alignment and level: The true Power Score: CON - 3
alignment and level of the character Initial Cost: 5
remains the same but anyone viewing Maintenance Cost: up to 20/round
the aura will be fooled. This power is used in two ways:
>>Remove geas or quest: If an attempt >>Cure disease: For the cost of 5
is being made to remove geas or a quest, psionic energy a disease can be cured in
1 round.
>>Restore hit points: 4 hit points can DETECT EVIL
be restored each round for the cost of 5 Range: 120’
psionic energy per hit point. Power Score: WIS - 1
Initial Cost: 4
CLAIRAUDIENCE Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
Range: Unlimited Objects enchanted for evil purposes or
Power Score: WIS - 3 living beings with evil intentions are
Initial Cost: 6 revealed by the aura.
Maintenance Cost: 4/round >>Intent only: This power does not
Allows the psionic character to hear grant the ability to read minds, but only
clearly up to a certain range in a certain grants a general sense of evil intent.
direction. The range of the power affects >>Definition of evil: The referee must
the power score modifier as per the table decide what is “evil”. Some things that
to the right: are potentially harmful, like traps, are
not “evil”.
Range: Unlimited DETECT MAGIC
Power Score: WIS - 4 Range: 60’
Initial Cost: 6 Power Score: INT - 1
Maintenance Cost: 4/round Initial Cost: 4
Allows the psionic character to see Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
clearly up to a certain range in a certain Enchanted objects, areas, or creatures
direction. The range of the power affects are caused to glow. Both permanent and
the power score modifier as per the table temporary enchantments are revealed.
to the right:
Range: 90/180/270’
Power Score: Wis - 2
Range: 45’
Initial Cost: 2
Power Score: Int - 3
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Initial Cost: 6
This power is a piercing mental attack Maintenance Cost: 5/round
that makes contact (see Contact rules)
The psionic character can weaken a
with another psionic character’s mind. It
substance by moving its molecules
has the following effect:
around at the rate two square inches per
>>Power Loss: If the target’s mind has
already been contacted, they lose the use
of one power chosen at random for 2d6
Range: 6’
There are three ranges that affect the
Power Score: Int - 5
power score of mind thrust:
Initial Cost: 20
>>90 feet: no effect.
Maintenance Cost: 10/hour
>>180 feet: -2 to power score.
This power can change the material of
>>270 feet: -5 to power score.
an object at the rate of one ounce an
Range: 60/120/180’ Range: Self
Power Score: Wis - 5 Power Score: Wis - 5
Initial Cost: 10 Initial Cost: 24
Maintenance Cost: N/A Maintenance Cost: N/A
This power is a dreadful mental attack The psionic character is able to look into
that makes contact (see Contact rules) the future and see the most likely result
with another psionic character’s mind. It of a plan or decision. Player knowledge:
has the following effect: The referee should make the power
>>Health Deception: If the target’s check on behalf of the player in secret so
mind has already been contacted, they that the player does not know if they
must save vs death or for 6 turns the actually succeeded.
target believes they have lost 80% of
their remaining hit points. If they lose REDUCTION
their perceived hit points the target will Range: Self
pass out. They will not die unless their Power Score: Con - 2
actual hit points are depleted. Initial Cost: Varies
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
There are three ranges that affect the Allows the psionic character to shrink
power score of psionic blast: their body at the cost of 1 psionic energy
>>60 feet: no effect. per 1 foot up to 1 foot or less. Below that
>>120 feet: -2 to power score. they can reduce their current size by half
>>180 feet: -5 to power score. per psionic energy spent.
Power Score: Wis - 4 Range: Self
Initial Cost: 7 Power Score: Con - 6
Maintenance Cost: N/A Initial Cost: 21
This power is an overwhelming mental Maintenance Cost: 1/round
attack that makes contact (see Contact The psionic character can transform their
rules) with another psionic character’s body into an object or living thing as
mind. Synapse squeeze: If the target’s long as it is of similar mass. This
mind has already been contacted, they transformation has the following effect:
must save vs paralysis or suffer 1d8 >>Retained stats: The psionic
damage. character’s health points and THAC0
remain the same.
>>New AC and attacks: The psionic
character assumes the AC of that which
they are transformed into, as well as any
non magical attacks it may have.
Range: Touch Range: Unlimited
Power Score: Con - 3 Power Score: Wis - 2
Initial Cost: 12 Initial Cost: Contact
Maintenance Cost: N/A Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Allows the psionic character to slow The psionic character is able to project
their life signs, or the life signs of emotions onto contacted targets. This
another, to the point where they appear cannot result in extreme changes but can
to be dead by most inspections. The only sway emotions.
duration of the suspension is equal to the
result of their power check in weeks or TELEPORT
less. To end this slumber they choose a Range: Infinite
time to awake and make another power Power Score: Int
check. If the result is less than the Initial Cost: 20+
chosen awake time then the suspension Maintenance Cost: N/A
ends early. The psionic character or a chosen
creature vanishes and reappears at a
TELEKINESIS location of the psionic character’s
Range: 90’ choosing.
Power Score: Wis - 3 >>Gear: The subject is teleported with
Initial Cost: 3+ all its gear, up to its maximum load.
Maintenance Cost: 1+/round >>Teleport others: The target must be
By concentrating, the psionic character willing or unconscious. The power score
is able to move objects or creatures by for teleport is reduced by 2 when
the power of thought. Weight: For teleporting others.
targets above 3 pounds, the initial cost is >>Destination: May be at any distance,
equal to the object’s weight and the but must be known to the psionic
maintenance cost is the weight divided character. The destination must be an
by two, rounded down. open space at ground level. (It is not
>>Movement: The target may be moved possible to intentionally teleport the
up to 60’ per round, in whatever subject into mid-air or into solid matter.)
direction the psionic character wishes The cost and power score of teleport are
(including vertically). affected by the distance as shown on the
>>Weapon: The target may be used as a table below.
weapon using the psionic character’s
THAC0 with a penalty equal to a third
of the target’s weight, rounded down.
Teleportation Cost and Modifier
Range: Self
Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: 1
Maintenance Cost: N/A
This defensive power guards the
thoughts of the psionic character to
protect them from mental attacks and
contact (see Contact rules). Additional
power: The psionic character is able to
initiate another psionic power on the
same round as thought shield.