Wood Technology

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Junior Cycle

Wood Technology
Page 3 Introduction to junior cycle

Page 4 Rationale

Page 5 Aim

Page 6 Overview: Links

Page 9 Overview: Course

Page 13 Expectations for students

Page 17 Assessment and reporting

Page 22 Appendix A:
Glossary of Wood Technology terms

Page 23 Appendix B:
Glossary of action verbs
to junior cycle
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
to junior cycle

Junior cycle education places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them
to actively participate in their communities and in society and to be resourceful and confident
learners in all aspects and stages of their lives. Junior cycle is inclusive of all students and
contributes to equality of opportunity, participation and outcome for all.

The junior cycle allows students to make a greater connection with learning by focusing on the
quality of learning that takes place and by offering experiences that are engaging and enjoyable
for them, and relevant to their lives. These experiences are of a high quality, contribute directly
to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of learners, and where possible, provide opportunities
for them to develop their abilities and talents in the areas of creativity, innovation and enterprise.
The learner’s junior cycle programme builds on their learning to date and actively supports their
progress in learning and in addition, supports them in developing the learning skills that will
assist them in meeting the challenges of life beyond school.

Under the current Framework for Junior Cycle, students have access to a suite of technology
subjects: Engineering, Wood Technology, Graphics and Applied Technology.










Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
Each subject of the technology suite offers the student different experiences which contribute
towards their education in technology education. As a result, preparing students for learning
in the technology subjects is not just about teaching towards the technology but towards the
skills that are fundamental to the technology subjects and are transferable into other areas of
their learning. Skills that encourage the student to problem-solve through creation, innovation,
communication, collaboration and exploration, all of which are developed in an active learning
environment where students can advance their ideas from conception to realisation.

Wood Technology is a subject that will allow students to explore and learn about a key natural
resource that nature has provided. Trees and wooden material have a unique relationship
with nature and humankind. The sustainable use and management of this natural resource is
important as the world faces the challenges of the 21st century. From habitats to construction or
recreation to oxygen creation this resource can play a significant role in wellbeing of our planet. To
this end it is important that citizens be given the opportunity to become knowledgeable about this
resource, exploring its heritage and potential as a material for the future.

In Wood Technology, students will explore the natural and made world through the medium of
design, seeking out opportunities to creatively and innovatively apply the material/resource in
making and shaping their environment. Wood as a material resource has seen much innovation
and change. Technological advances have created significant opportunities to expand the use of
wood as a resource for a broad range of applications. However, the uniqueness of this material and
craft is that many of the traditional applications and processes are still of value, transcending the
test of time.

Learning in this subject will be active and student centred, with learners collaborating in the
pursuit of knowledge and in the safe management of the technology classroom environment.
Through the challenges posed by the design-based philosophy of the subject, students will develop
the relevant knowledge, skills and values to bring ideas from conception to reality in a way that
will allow them to be expressive, creative and innovative.
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
The study of Wood Technology at junior cycle aims to:

• enable students to develop the necessary conceptual understanding, disciplinary skills and
subject knowledge to design and create artefacts of value

• empower students through designing and making, whilst developing an awareness of

sustainability and the use of natural resources

• develop a range of core design skills and relevant manipulation skills through modelling and
processing wood and other materials

• develop the confidence and resilience of students through engagement with the uncertainty of
design challenges

• encourage students’ innovation and creativity through recognition and appreciation of their
capacity to design and create.
Junior Cycle
Overview: Links
Wood Technology
Overview: Links Wood Technology supports a broad range of learning objectives at junior cycle. Tables 1 and 2
on the following pages show how junior cycle Wood Technology is linked to central features of
learning and teaching in junior cycle.


The statement Examples of relevant learning

SOL 15: The student recognises Students will apply numerical reasoning to establish
the potential uses of mathematical appropriate functions, proportions and dimensions.
knowledge, skills and understanding in
all areas of learning.

SOL 19: The student values the role and Students will evaluate the impact of Wood
contribution of science and technology Technology on their lives, society and the
to society, and their personal, social and environment.
global importance.

SOL 20: The student uses appropriate Students will select suitable equipment to realise a
technologies in meeting a design design task.

SOL 21: The student applies practical Students will create solutions through modelling
skills as she/he develops models and and tasks that encourage the development of their
products using a variety of materials and practical skills, while working with a range of
technologies. materials and equipment.

SOL 23: The student brings an idea from Students will develop, individually, a concept to
conception to realisation. address a problem and create their solution using
appropriate materials and the skills they have

SOL 24: The student uses technology and Students will select appropriate digital media tools to
digital media tools to learn, work and explore, research and represent design ideas.
think collaboratively and creatively in a
responsible and ethical manner.
Key skills
7 In addition to their specific content and knowledge, the subjects and short courses of junior cycle
provide students with opportunities to develop a range of key skills. Figure 2 below illustrates the
Junior Cycle key skills of junior cycle. There are opportunities to support all key skills in this course but some
Wood Technology are particularly significant.
Overview: Links

Key Skills of Junior Cycle


• Developing my understanding and

enjoyment of words and language
• Reading for enjoyment and with
critical understanding
• Knowing myself
• Writing for different purposes
• Making considered decisions
• Expressing ideas clearly and
accurately • Setting and achieving
personal goals
• Developing my spoken language
• Being able to reflect on my own learning
• Exploring and creating a variety of
texts, including multi-modal texts • Using digital technology to manage
myself and my learning
• Using language
• Using numbers
• Listening and expressing myself
• Performing and presenting
• Discussing and debating LITERATE
• Using digital technology
to communicate • Being healthy and
MYSELF • Being social
• Being safe
• Being spiritual
• Being confident

• Developing good
relationships and dealing
KEY • Being positive about

with conflict • Being responsible, safe
STAYING and ethical in using
• Co-operating WELL digital technology
• Respecting difference
• Contributing to making
the world a better place
• Learning with others BEING
• Working with others CREATIVE MANAGING • Being curious
through digital INFORMATION
& THINKING • Gathering, recording,
technology organising and evaluating
BEING information and data
• Thinking creatively and critically
• Reflecting on and evaluating
my learning
• Imagining • Using digital technology
• Exploring options and alternatives to access, manage and share
• Implementing ideas and taking action • Expressing ideas mathematically
• Learning creatively • Estimating, predicting and calculating
• Stimulating creativity using digital • Developing a positive disposition
technology towards investigating, reasoning
and problem-solving
• Seeing patterns, trends and relationships
• Gathering, interpreting and representing data
• Using digital technology to develop
numeracy skills and understanding


12914 NCCA Jr Cycle Key Skills Poster v2.indd 1 10/06/2016 12:58

8 Key skill Key skill element Examples of student learning activities

Being creative Exploring options and Students will research design solutions to a
Junior Cycle alternatives given design brief.
Wood Technology
Overview: Links Being literate Expressing ideas Students will select the most appropriate media
clearly and accurately to communicate their ideas/solutions.

Being numerate Expressing ideas Students will use correct scientific and
mathematically mathematical notation when calculating
moisture content.

Communicating Using language Students will demonstrate correct technical

language when explaining a process.

Managing information Thinking creatively Students will engage in innovative thinking

and thinking and critically to create a solution and critique their solution
based on the needs of the problem.

Managing myself Setting and achieving Students will establish a plan of work and apply
personal goals it to the creation of an artefact.

Staying well Being responsible, safe Students will work ethically and safely online
and ethical in using and when using the internet as a learning
digital technology resource.

Working with others Co-operating Students will collaborate to research and

develop solutions to a given problem.
Overview: Course
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
Overview: Course
The specification for junior cycle Wood Technology focuses on developing students’ understanding
of, and skills in, the applications and impact of using wood as a resource in the world around
them. This will be achieved through three interconnected contextual strands: Principles and
practices, Design thinking and Wood science and materials. Throughout each of the strands, the
use of four elements: Planning and managing, Communicating, Creating, and Environment and
sustainability creates a framework for learning that ensures a coherent learning experience for
the students.

Wood Technology uses an interdisciplinary approach which encourages the integration of the
three strands in the teaching and learning of the subject. It has been designed for a minimum of
200 hours of timetabled student engagement across the three years of junior cycle.

This specification aims to strike a balance between exploring the breadth of possibilities the study
of the subject presents and providing opportunities for in-depth experiences of particular areas as
appropriate. To this end, the specification allows for a certain amount of flexibility and freedom for
teachers to facilitate learning in a way that reflects students’ own choices, their curiosity and their
creativity. The achievement of learning outcomes should be planned in a way that is active and







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Junior Cycle
Wood Technology In this strand, students learn about and employ the fundamental principles and practices
associated with the study of Wood Technology. They learn to work safely and efficiently
Overview: Course
with equipment and materials, and apply principles of craft excellence through design and
manufacture. They will investigate the environmental benefits and impacts of using wood as a
natural and renewable resource and learn about sustainable practice.


In this strand, students explore design briefs and their solutions. They use key principles of design
and produce sketches, drawings, models/prototypes and artefacts that illustrate their design
thinking. Students consider factors such as materials, cost, time resources and skills to produce
purposeful, functional, appealing artefacts. They also consider the environmental and social
impacts of design decisions and investigate how to minimise material use and manage waste.


In this strand, students explore the natural and physical properties and characteristics of wood.
They learn how to use the natural aesthetics and properties of wood to enhance the appearance
and function of artefacts. They explore the role of forestation and wood in terms of local/global
ecology and sustainability and recognise the importance of considering the impact on the natural
environment when sourcing materials.
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology The learning outcomes in this element encourage students to develop a range of project
management skills while evolving their designs to the creation stage. Students develop the
Overview: Course
necessary knowledge and skills that will enable them to effectively solve contextual problems.

The learning outcomes in this element encourage students to select and use appropriate media
to communicate design ideas and technical information. Students will use technical language
associated with wood science and technology. They learn about the important role that
communication plays in addressing global and local environmental issues.

Students will plan and narrate their design evolution highlighting critical features of their
solutions to design problems.

The learning outcomes in this element encourage students to be creative and to explore ways in
which they can apply their knowledge and skills and appreciate the practices needed to produce
purposeful, functional, appealing artefacts. Students develop their creativity across the three
strands and use the natural aesthetics and properties of wood to enhance the appearance and
function of their artefacts.


The learning outcomes in this element encourage students to appreciate the environmental
benefits and impacts of using wood as a natural and renewable resource, and to use sustainable
practice throughout their learning. Students explore the role of forestation and wood in terms of
global and local ecology and sustainability.
Progression from primary to senior cycle
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology While Wood Technology is not a stand-alone subject or area within the Primary School
Curriculum, through its strands, elements and outcomes, junior cycle Wood Technology can
Overview: Course
progress related learning that has taken place at primary level.

A number of areas in the primary curriculum make reference to the development of problem-
solving skills which are important for all aspects of Wood Technology. Throughout their years
at primary school, learners engage in ‘design and make’ activities that develop their creativity
and their fine motor skills. Both domains are further developed in students of junior cycle
Wood Technology. In Social, Environmental and Scientific Education, students learn about the
importance of maintaining sustainable forests and the importance of wood as a renewable energy
source. This understanding is developed as learners progress through Wood Technology at junior

The study of Wood Technology at junior cycle develops the foundations for a student to continue
their studies in the suite of technology subjects in both the Leaving Certificate and Leaving
Certificate Applied programmes.

More specifically, the subjects Construction Studies and Graphics and Construction Studies are
available in the Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied programmes respectively. The
learning outcomes in junior cycle Wood Technology establish strong foundations for both these

The activities students engage in during junior cycle Wood Technology aim to develop a
technologically-competent student who should be able to adapt to any discipline related to the
technology subjects at senior cycle.
Junior Cycle

for students
Wood Technology
for students

Expectations for students is an umbrella term that links learning outcomes with annotated
examples of student work in the subject specification. When teachers, students or parents looking
at the online specification scroll through the learning outcomes, a link will sometimes be available
to examples of work associated with a specific learning outcome or with a group of learning
outcomes. The examples of student work will have been selected to illustrate expectations and will
have been annotated by teachers. The examples will include work that is:

• exceptional

• above expectations

• in line with expectations

The purpose of the examples of student work is to show the extent to which the learning outcomes
are being realised in actual cases.

Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are statements that describe what knowledge, understanding, skills and
values students should be able to demonstrate having studied Wood Technology in junior cycle.
The learning outcomes set out in the following tables apply to all students. As set out here they
represent outcomes for students at the end of their three years of study. The specification stresses
that the learning outcomes are for three years and therefore the learning outcomes focused on at
a point in time will not have been ‘completed’ but will continue to support the students’ learning
in Wood Technology up to the end of junior cycle.

The outcomes are numbered within each strand. The numbering is intended to support teacher
planning in the first instance and does not imply any hierarchy of importance across the outcomes
themselves. Junior Cycle Wood Technology is offered at a common level.
Strand 1: Principles and practices
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology In this strand, students learn about and employ the fundamental principles and practices
associated with the study of Wood Technology. They learn to work safely and efficiently with
equipment and materials, and to apply principles of craft excellence in design and manufacture.
for students
They investigate the environmental benefits and impacts of using wood as a natural and
renewable resource and learn about sustainable practice.

Elements Learning outcomes

Students should be able to:

Planning and 1.1 explore key elements required for the completion of tasks1
managing 1.2 justify the selection of plans, processes and materials for the
completion of tasks
1.3 collaborate effectively in a workshop learning environment
1.4 manage themselves and their resources

Communicating 1.5 represent key information graphically

1.6 create sketches and working drawings to recognised standards
using a variety of media
1.7 explain the function and application of a range of tools, equipment,
fixtures and fittings

Creating 1.8 apply knowledge of and skills in a range of appropriate existing and
emerging principles, processes and techniques
1.9 demonstrate principles of craft excellence through the design and
realisation of tasks and artefacts2
1.10 apply recognised health and safety practices in the use of tools,
equipment and materials

Environment and 1.11 investigate the environmental impacts of using wood as a natural
sustainability and renewable resource
1.12 appreciate sustainable practice throughout their learning

1 A task in this specification refers to any piece of work undertaken by students.

2 An artefact in this specification refers to a realised piece of work with a specific purpose or function.
Strand 2: Design thinking
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology In this strand, students explore design briefs and their solutions. They use key principles of design
and produce sketches, drawings, models/prototypes and artefacts that illustrate their design
thinking. Students consider factors such as materials, cost, time resources and skills to produce
for students
purposeful, functional, appealing artefacts. They also consider the environmental and social
impacts of design decisions and investigate how to minimise material use and manage waste.

Elements Learning outcomes

Students should be able to:

Planning and 2.1 explore design problems

managing 2.2 manage information and thinking to support an iterative design
2.3 evaluate their own progress to inform future learning
2.4 understand key principles of design and ergonomics

Communicating 2.5 communicate relevant information

2.6 produce sketches, drawings and models/prototypes to explore
design ideas
2.7 communicate a suitable approach to solving a problem
2.8 compile a folio through appropriate media

Creating 2.9 evolve their solutions based on critical reflection

2.10 devise templates and models using various media
2.11 produce purposeful, functional, appealing artefacts
2.12 create an artefact having considered factors such as materials, cost,
time resources and skills

Environment and 2.13 recognise the environmental and social impacts of design decisions
sustainability 2.14 investigate how to minimise material use and manage waste
Strand 3: Wood science and materials
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology In this strand, students explore the natural and physical properties and characteristics of wood.
They learn how to use the natural aesthetics and properties of wood to enhance the appearance
and function of artefacts. They explore the role of forestation and wood in terms of local/global
for students
ecology and sustainability and recognise the importance of considering the impact on the natural
environment when sourcing materials.

Elements Learning outcomes

Students should be able to:

Planning and 3.1 identify common species of trees

managing 3.2 evaluate the characteristics and properties of common species of
3.3 understand the properties associated with a range of materials
applicable to Wood Technology
3.4 evaluate the use of wood in comparison to alternative materials

Communicating 3.5 explain the properties associated with the classification of wood
3.6 discuss the use of wood in comparison to alternative materials
3.7 justify the use of materials based on characteristics and properties
within a context

Creating 3.8 utilise the natural aesthetics and properties of wood to enhance the
appearance and function of an artefact
3.9 create an artefact that demonstrates an understanding of the
properties associated with a range of materials applicable to Wood

Environment and 3.10 appreciate the role of forestation and wood in terms of local/global
sustainability ecology and sustainability
3.11 investigate the journey of wood from forest to end use
3.12 consider the impact on the natural environment when sourcing
Junior Cycle

and reporting
Wood Technology
and reporting

Assessment in education involves gathering, interpreting and using information about the
processes and outcomes of learning. It takes different forms and can be used in a variety of
ways, such as to record and report achievement, to determine appropriate routes for learners to
take through a differentiated curriculum, or to identify specific areas of difficulty or strength
for a given learner. While different techniques may be employed for formative, diagnostic and
summative purposes, the focus of assessment and reporting is on the improvement of student
learning. To do this it must fully reflect the aim of the curriculum.

The junior cycle places a strong emphasis on assessment as part of the learning process. This
requires a more varied approach to assessment, ensuring that the assessment method or methods
chosen are fit for purpose, timely and relevant to the students. Assessment in junior cycle Wood
Technology will optimise the opportunity for students to become reflective and active participants
in their learning and for teachers to support this. This can be achieved through the provision of
opportunities for students to negotiate success criteria against which the quality of their work can
be judged by peer, self, and teacher assessment; and through the quality of the focused feedback
they get in support of their learning.

Providing focused feedback to students on their learning is a critical component of high-quality

assessment and a key factor in building students’ capacity to manage their own learning and their
motivation to stick with a complex task or problem. Assessment is most effective when it moves
beyond marks and grades, and reporting focuses not just on how the student has done in the past
but on the next steps for further learning. This approach will ensure that assessment takes place
as close as possible to the point of learning. Final assessment still has an important role to play but
is only one element of a broader approach to assessment.

Essentially, the purpose of assessment and reporting at this stage of education is to support
learning. Parents/guardians should be given a comprehensive picture of student learning. Linking
classroom assessment and other assessment with a new system of reporting that culminates in the
awarding of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) will offer parents/guardians a clear
and broad picture of their child’s learning journey over the three years of junior cycle. To support
this, teachers and schools have access to online assessment support material. Along with the guide
to the Subject Learning and Assessment Review (SLAR) process, this focuses on learning, teaching
and assessment support material, including:

• formative assessment
• planning for and designing assessment
• ongoing assessments for classroom use
• judging student work – looking at expectations for students and features of quality
• reporting to parents and students
• thinking about assessment: ideas, research and reflections
• a glossary.
The contents of the online support material include the range of assessment supports, advice
and guidelines that enable schools and teachers to engage with the new assessment system and
reporting arrangements in an informed way, with confidence and clarity.
Assessment for the JCPA
18 The assessment of Wood Technology for the purposes of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement
(JCPA) will comprise:
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology • two Classroom-Based Assessments: Wood science in our environment, and Self-analysis and
and reporting • a project

• a written examination.


CBA 1: Wood science The teacher’s judgement is recorded for the purpose of subject learning
in our environment and assessment review, and for the school’s reporting to parents and
The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one
of second year.

CBA 2: Self-analysis The teacher’s judgement is recorded for the purpose of subject learning
and evaluation and assessment review, and for the school’s reporting to parents and
The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one
of third year and will inform the student’s work on the project.

Weighting for
Final assessment externally assessed Assessment method

Project 70% Will be specified and marked by the State

Examinations Commission annually.

Written examination 30% Set and marked by the State Examinations

Rationale for the Classroom-Based Assessments in Wood Technology
19 Classroom-Based Assessments are the occasions when the teacher assesses students in the specific
assessments that are set out in the specification. Classroom-Based Assessments are similar to the
Junior Cycle formative assessment that occurs every day in every class. However, in the case of the Classroom-
Wood Technology Based Assessments, the teacher’s judgement is recorded for the purpose of subject learning and
Assessment assessment review, and for the school’s reporting to parents and students.
and reporting
Over the three years of junior cycle students will be provided with opportunities to stimulate
their curiosity and interest in Wood Technology. The Classroom-Based Assessments link to
the priorities for learning and teaching in Wood Technology. It is envisaged that through the
Classroom-Based Assessments students will actively engage in practical and authentic learning

The Classroom-Based Assessments will provide an opportunity for students to:

• research information using a range of methods

• analyse data and evidence to make informed valued judgements and decisions

• organise information and plan logically

• communicate clearly and effectively

• collaborate with others on tasks

• reflect on their contributions to the work and their own learning.

Through these Classroom-Based Assessments they will develop their knowledge, understanding,
skills, and values, thereby achieving the learning outcomes across the strands.

Classroom-Based Assessment 1: Wood science in our environment

This Classroom-Based Assessment is designed to encourage the practice of research for students.
It affords students the opportunity to individually or collaboratively develop their skills in
researching and communicating their findings. The Classroom-Based Assessment is primarily
focused on the Wood science and materials strand but can incorporate learning from the other
strands. Students will explore a wood science-related issue within a local/global context. They will
analyse the information/data collected, evaluate and present the findings of their research of the
issue they have investigated, with support/guidance from the teacher. It is important to instil in
students a curious disposition where they are free to experiment and encouraged to explore new
and challenging opportunities and to reflect on the process.

The student can communicate their findings through any appropriate media.
Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Student Self-analysis and evaluation
20 For this Classroom-Based Assessment, the student, individually, will conduct an analysis of
their coursework and skills to date in Wood Technology. Students will focus their analysis and
Junior Cycle evaluation on a range of completed tasks or on a specific task. Students are expected to critically
Wood Technology review their progress and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, with a view to
Assessment informing their planning and decisions for the project. The formative assessment related to this
and reporting process will be reported upon to the student and parent/guardian by the school as with all other
Classroom-Based Assessments.

This Classroom-Based Assessment is designed to encourage the practice of self-evaluation

throughout, rather than only on completion of a task. Once the student conducts the self-analysis,
they must interpret their analysis and evaluate their findings to offer constructive direction for
the upcoming project.

The student can communicate the self-analysis and evaluation process through any appropriate

Features of quality
The features of quality support student and teacher judgement of the Classroom-Based
Assessments and are the criteria that will be used by teachers to assess the pieces of student work.
Features of quality for the Classroom-Based Assessments will be provided in the Assessment
Guidelines document.

Assessing the Classroom-Based Assessments

More detailed information related to assessment of the Classroom-Based Assessments will be
available in separate Assessment Guidelines. This will include, for example, the suggested length
and formats for student pieces of work, the features of quality to be applied to the assessment, and
support in using ‘on balance’ judgement in relation to the features of quality.

The assessment section of www.ncca.ie will also include substantial resource material for use and
reference in ongoing classroom assessment of junior cycle Wood Technology, as well as examples
of student work and guidance for the Subject Learning and Assessment Review process.

On completion of the Classroom-Based Assessments, students undertake a project as part of
their final assessment. The project is completed after the second Classroom-Based Assessment
in third year. The brief for the project is set and the project is marked by the State Examinations
Written examination
21 Students will undertake a written examination of 90 minutes duration:

• The examination will take place at the end of third year and will be offered at a common level.
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology • The examination will be set and marked by the State Examinations Commission.
and reporting
Inclusive assessment practices
This specification allows for inclusive assessment practices whether as part of ongoing assessment
or Classroom-Based Assessments. Where a school judges that a student has a specific physical or
learning difficulty, reasonable accommodations may be put in place to remove, as far as possible,
the impact of the disability on the student’s performance in Classroom-Based Assessments. The
accommodations, e.g. the support provided by a special needs assistant or the support of assistive
technologies, should be in line with the arrangements the school has put in place to support the
student’s learning throughout the year.
Appendix A: Glossary
of Wood Technology
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
Appendix A:

Glossary of Wood
Technology terms

This glossary is designed to clarify the terminology used in the junior cycle Wood Technology
specification, enabling both teachers and students to understand how the terms are interpreted
and applied.

Term Interpretation

Artefact A realised piece of work with a specific purpose or function.

Craft excellence This is an umbrella term that relates to accuracy of work, quality of
finishing, correct application of tools and equipment.

Task Refers to any piece of work undertaken by students.

Appendix B: Glossary
of action verbs
Junior Cycle
Wood Technology
Appendix B:
Glossary of action

This glossary is designed to clarify the learning outcomes. Each action verb is described in terms
of what the learner should be able to do once they have achieved the learning outcome. This
glossary will be aligned with the command words used in the assessment.

Verb Description

Analyse study or examine something in detail, break down in order to bring out
the essential elements or structure; identify parts and relationships, and
to interpret information to reach conclusions

Apply select and use information and/or knowledge and understanding to

explain a given situation or real circumstances

Appreciate recognise the meaning of, have a practical understanding of

Calculate obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working

Collaborate work jointly with others or together on an activity or project

Communicate use visual gestural, verbal or other signs to share meaning or exchange
information; interaction between sender and recipient; both work
together to understand

Compare give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or
situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout

Compile to build up gradually

Consider think carefully about something, typically before making a decision

Construct develop information in a diagrammatic or logical form; not by factual

recall but by analogy or by using and putting together information

Contrast detect correspondences between two ideas

Convert change to another form

Create process and give form to the topic of what is to be created using selected
methods and material and/or to give the material used a new form

Critique give a detailed analysis and assessment of something

Deduce reach a conclusion from the information given

Define give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity

Demonstrate prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples

or practical application

Describe develop a detailed picture or image of, for example a structure or a

process, using words or diagrams where appropriate; produce a plan,
simulation or model

Determine obtain the only possible answer by calculation, substituting measured or

known values of other quantities into a standard formula

Develop advance a piece of work or an idea from an initial state to a more

advanced state
Verb Description
24 Devise to plan or invent with careful thought

Discuss offer a considered, balanced review that includes a range of arguments,

Junior Cycle
factors or hypotheses; opinions or conclusions are supported by
Wood Technology
appropriate evidence
Appendix B:
Glossary of action Distinguish make the differences between two or more concepts or items clear
Draft develop an idea or concept for planned work

Engage enter into or become occupied by an activity or interest; to attract or

hold interest and attention

Engineer develop/build an item for a specific purpose that includes critical-to-

function components

Estimate give a reasoned order of magnitude statement or calculation of a


Evaluate (data) collect and examine data to make judgements and appraisals; describe
how evidence supports or does not support a conclusion in an inquiry
or investigation; identify the limitations of data in conclusions; make
judgements about the ideas, solutions or methods

Evaluate (ethical collect and examine evidence to make judgements and appraisals;
judgement) describe how evidence supports or does not support a judgement;
identify the limitations of evidence in conclusions; make judgements
about the ideas, solutions or methods

Evolve to develop through experience

Explain give a detailed account including reasons or causes

Examine consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the

assumptions and interrelationships of the issue

Experience to perceive an object on the basis of aesthetic considerations and to

establish a direct personal relationship

Experiment a procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or

demonstrate a known fact

Evidence provide information indicating if something is true, or valid or to

establish facts in investigation

Explore to think or talk about something in order to find out more about it

Identify recognise patterns, facts, or details; provide an answer from a number of

possibilities; recognise and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature

Illustrate use examples to describe something

Illustrate use drawings or examples to describe something


Investigate observe, study, or make a detailed and systematic examination, to

establish facts and reach new conclusions

Interpret use knowledge and understanding to recognise trends and draw

conclusions from given information
Verb Description
25 Interpret (aesthetic) assign meaning to objects on the basis of observations and contextual
knowledge; translate the effect of an image into words by reasoning and
Junior Cycle explaining on the basis of reflection and understanding why the image
Wood Technology is how it is and is not different
Appendix B: Justify give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion
Glossary of action
verbs List provide a number of points, with no elaboration

Manage to work upon or try to alter for a purpose

Measure quantify changes in systems by reading a measuring tool

Model generate a mathematical representation (e.g., number, graph, equation,

geometric figure) for real-world or mathematical objects, properties,
actions, or relationships

Order describe items/systems based on complexity and/or order

Outline give the main points; restrict to essentials

Present make objects perceivable for others

Produce make or manufacture from components or raw materials

Prove use a sequence of logical steps to obtain the required result in a formal

Realise implement, execute or put into practice an idea or a product or a draft

Recognise identify facts, characteristics or concepts that are critical (relevant/

appropriate) to the understanding of a situation, event, process or

Respond react to a stimulus which may be: critical emotional aesthetic or

contextual based, or a combination of these

Represent bringing clearly and distinctly to mind by use of description or


Research the study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach
new conclusions; revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of
new facts

Review looking over or through material in order to correct, improve or revise

Sketch represent by means of a diagram or graph (labelled as appropriate); the

sketch should give a general idea of the required shape or relationship,
and should include relevant features

Solve find an answer through reasoning

Test establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something

Understand have and apply a well-organised body of knowledge

Use apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice; employ something
in a targeted way

Utilise make practical and effective use of

Verify give evidence to support the truth of a statement

Visualise make visible to the mind or imagination something that is abstract or

not visible or present to the eye
© 2018 Government of Ireland

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