The Contemporary World Syllabus
The Contemporary World Syllabus
The Contemporary World Syllabus
Reading Materials
3 Chapter 9 of textbook:
“The Globalization of
- Define economic
Economic Relations” by
István Benczes
- Identify the actors that
Lecture/discussion Wallerstein, Immanuel.
facilitate economic
2004. “The Modern Quiz on the reading materials
The Global Economy Debate: The students will debate the motion World-System as a
- Define the modern
“That global free trade has done more harm than Capitalist World Recitation
world system
good.” Economy: Production,
- Articulate a stance on
SurplusValue, and
global economic
Polarization.” In
WorldSystems Analysis:
An Introduction.
Durham & London: Duke
University Press, pp. 23-
- Explain the role of Lecture/discussion LCD Projector Quiz on the reading materials
international financial Market Integration
institutions in the Film viewing and discussion Reading Materials: Recitation
creation of a global Chapter 17 of textbook:
economy “The Rise of the Global
- Narrate a short history Corporation” by Deane
of global market Neubauer
integration in the Bello, Walden F. 2006.
twentieth century “The Multiple Crises of
- Identify the attributes of Global Capitalism.” In
global corporation Deglobalization: Ideas
for a New World
Economy. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila
University Press, pp. 1-
4 Reading Materials
Chapter 7 of textbook:
- Explain the effects of
“Governments and
globalization on
Citizens in a Globally
Interconnected World of
- Identify the institutions Quiz on the reading materials
States” by Hans Schattle
that govern international The Global Interstate System Lecture/discussion
Mazower, Mark. 2006.
relations Recitation
“An International
- Differentiate
Civilization? Empire,
internationalism from
Internationalism and the
Crisis of the Mid-
Twentieth Century.”
International Affairs
82(3): 553–566.
5 - Identify the roles and LCD Projector
functions of the United
Nations Lecture/discussion Reading Materials
- Identify the challenges Chapter 29 of textbook:
Quiz on the reading materials
of global governance in Contemporary Global Governance “The United Nations
the twenty-first century Meets the Twenty-first
- Explain the relevance of Century: Confronting the
the state amid Challenges of Global
globalization Governance” by Thomas
G. Weiss and Ramesh
Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1996.
“The Future of the
State.” Development
and Change 27(2): 267–
6-7 - Define the term “Global Lecture/discussion LCD Projector
Quiz on the reading materials
- Differentiate the Global Group report Reading Materials
South from the Third Chapter 12 of textbook:
Graded Group Report:
World “Locating the Global
Students will form groups of
- Analyze how a new South” by Lisandro E.
3-5. Each group will be
conception of global Claudio
Global Divides: The North and the South assigned a Latin American
relations emerged from Connell, Raewyn. 2007.
(focus on Latin America) country to report on. These
the experiences of Latin “Dependency,
groups will deliver 10minute
American countries Autonomy and Culture.
presentations on the
In Southern Theory: The
contemporary foreign and
Global Dynamics of
economic policies of their
Knowledge in Social
respective countries.
Science. Cambridge, UK:
Polity Press, pp. 139163.
7-8 - Differentiate between Lecture/discussion LCD Projector
regionalization and
globalization Group report Reading Materials
- Identify the factors Chapter 13 of textbook:
leading to a greater “Globalization and the Quiz on the reading materials
integration of the Asian Asia Pacific and South
region Asia” by Ehito Kimura Graded Group Report:
- Analyze how different Shiraishi, Takashi. 2006. Students will form groups of
Asian states confront the “The Third Wave: 3-5. Each group will be
challenges of Southeast Asia and assigned an Asian country to
Asian regionalism
globalization and Middle-Class Formation research and report on. These
regionalization in the Making of a groups will deliver 10minute
Region.” In Beyond presentations on the
Japan: The Dynamics of contemporary foreign and
East Asian Regionalism, economic policies of their
ed. Peter Katzenstein respective countries.
and Takashi Shiraishi.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, pp.
9 - Midterm
10 - Analyze how various Lecture/discussion Quiz on the reading materials
media drive various forms
of global integration Group Report Graded Group Report:
- Explain the dynamic LCD Projector Students will form groups of
between local and global 3-5. Each group will be asked
cultural production Reading Materials to pick an Asian musical act
Chapter 22 of textbook: that became internationally
“Globalization and the famous. In their group report,
Media: Creating the they must answer the
Global Media Cultures
Global Village” by Jack following questions:
Lule Chapter 23 of 1. Where did the musical
textbook: “Popular act/artist originate?
Music and 2. In which countries did the
Globalization” by Yara artist become famous?
El-Ghadban 3. How did the artist become
4. Why do you think the artist
became famous?
11 - Explain how Lecture/discussion LCD Projector
globalization affects
religious practices and Discussion of film Reading Materials
beliefs Chapter 10 of textbook:
- Analyze the relationship “Religion and
between religion and Globalization” by Victor
global conflict and, Roudometof
Quiz on the reading materials
conversely, global peace Chapter 43 of textbook:
The Globalization of Religion
“Religion and Global
Conflict” by Mark
1. Study will have and advance study on the topics before attending classes.
2. Students will submit outputs needed in a particular topic.
3. Students must attend regular evaluation assessment.
1. Classroom Procedure
a. Students must regularly attend the class.
b. Students are allowed only to have a maximum of 5 minutes late before the class starts.
c. Students must be in proper complete uniform in attending the class.
2. Class Preparation:
a. Students are expected to actively participate in all classroom activities.
INC if there is missing any of the course requirement listed. Given 1 year to comply the INC.
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved: