Improve WT 1 - 4 - Pie Chart - Paraphrasing - Proportions - KEY

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Possible answers
a Children are now learning how to
do mental arithmetic again, which
means that they will rely less on
a how, and
b For example
c respectively
d whereas
e Meanwhile,
c The average PhD student reads
more articles than the other
students at the university.
d Those students who are
researching for a PhD have more
time to read articles than junior
b Some cities charge motorists to f but, which lecturers.
take their cars into the centre in g that
order to encourage people to use Describing proportions
public transport. Possible answers 1
c Machines are manufactured to illustrate = show a three-quarters
break down after a certain time so weekly = every week b half
that companies can sell more of compared to = in comparison with c a quarter
them. the overwhelming majority = the vast d a third
majority 2
Unit 4 furthermore = moreover
the pattern = the trend
26 per cent, about one in four, just
over a quarter;
Task 1 the corresponding figure = the same 33 per cent, one third, one in three;
figure 48 per cent, almost half, nearly half,
Using general and specific
it is clear that = it is evident that just under one half, close to one half;
6 75 per cent, three out of four, three
1 quarters
Paragraph 1: a
Students' own answers.
Paragraph 2: b, c, d 3
2 Paragraph 3: e, f very big: vast, overwhelming
Students' own answers. Paragraph 4: g very big (used before numbers):
3 7 massive, hefty
a The pie charts describe the General: a, e, g very small: tiny
proportions of each group reading Specific: b, c, d, f not very big (used before
particular numbers of articles each numbers): modest, mere
week. 4
General: b, d, e, f, g
b The numbers represent Possible answers
Specific: a, c, h
percentages of people. a about one in four/just under a
c It shows the number of articles 9
quarter of
read each week. There are three 1 There are clear differences in the
b the overwhelming/vast majority of;
separate categories. pattern of student enrolment at
75 per cent
d For all students, the most university in different years.
c about one in three/just over one
noticeable feature is that the 2 Less than one third of children in
third; one in ten/one tenth
majority read 1-5 articles. rural areas obtained a place at
d Fifty per cent; a hefty 64 per cent/
For PhD students, the most university.
over six out of ten
noticeable feature is that the 3 Greater numbers of boys choose
e The overwhelming/vast majority/
majority read 12 or more articles to study physics than girls.
About nine out of ten
per week. 4 International students make up
21 per cent of the total number of 5
For junior lecturers, the most
students at university. a The percentage who spent 8-14
noticeable feature is that the
5 There is a clear relationship hours in the library are similar: 35
majority read 6-11 articles per
between parental income and per cent for all students and 32
children's achievement in school per cent for postgraduate. The
e In general, most students read
exams. proportions are approximately the
between one and five articles a
same, but for different categories
week. Paraphrasing of hours.
Most PhD students read more
1 b The percentages of students
articles than other students and
a Far fewer junior lecturers read over spending 1-7 hours and 15 or
junior lecturers.
12 articles a week compared with more hours are very different in
A tiny minority of junior lecturers
PhD students. each case.
read only 1-5 articles per week.
b The average junior lecturer reads c As students progress towards
f In the introduction.
more journal articles than the postgraduate level, the number
average student. of hours spent in the library

Answer Key
d Undergraduate students spend
less time than other students
in the library. Other students
spend less time in the library
than postgraduate students.
Postgraduate students spend
d It is impossible to argue against

the fact that more time needs to be
devoted to learning music, either
during or after school hours.

Possible answers
b There is no doubt that students
need to have good study skills
on entering university, since
most subjects require a lot of
sophisticated skills like listening to
lectures and note taking.

more time in the library than all Some people believe physical c Yet others feel that university
other students. education is a necessary part of lecturers need some teacher
the learning process for all pupils. training, as they are used to
b proportion f Some people feel that play is a lecturing rather than teaching
a pattern
c majority d minority major part of the learning process which is not suitable for small
e trend f two-thirds for children. groups. Lecturers could, for
g Other people are of the opinion instance, follow short courses or
g quarter
that it is important for children to visit colleges or schools.
7 It is important that boys and
Students' own answers. try to learn another language early
in their education. girls be educated in separate
h Yet other people put forward schools. One reason for this is that
Task 2 they learn in different ways. For
the view that being bored and
Avoiding overgeneralization example, boys are known to prefer
learning to deal with boredom is
1 a necessary part of the learning competitive activities.
a They are connected by the topic of process for children. Some people think that teachers'
education. salaries need to be as high as
b No, they stand alone. The doctors' or lawyers' since they
el d2 c3 b4 g5 a6
statements are very sweeping and have such an important job to
f7 h8
do not clearly support the first one. do. For instance, creating a future
c You could give reasons like: Developing reasons generation of doctors and lawyers
because this would help poorer requires good well-paid teachers in
countries and poorer parts of rich the present.
a3 b2 c 1
countries develop. Then you could
give examples, like: 2
For example, schools in places like Possible answers Unit 5
.... could be sponsored by richer a For example, they can learn
countries. languages like Japanese or Task 1
Russian. Describing changes
b A good example is the endless 1
Both reasons support the opinion.
tests given to schoolchildren in a Sandra
3 some countries. b Tom
Students' own answers. c Take, for example, trips to places c Dave
4 of historical interest like The Great
Possible answers Wall of China or Istanbul.
You may feel that some of the d It can, for example, provide small Possible answers
a Dave thinks it was worse. There is
statements are too broad. For classes and sometimes even
better facilities. now more for young people to do.
example, 'the present generation
Famous sports stars like Sandra thinks it was better. It was
knows more than the previous one'
footballers could, for instance, quiet and peaceful. Now there is
is obviously not true for everyone in
the present generation. It may not be conduct training on a regular basis. a bypass. Tom agrees the town
was prettier and more peaceful.
true for all subjects. 3 However, he thinks there are more
5 Possible answers jobs and opportunities.
Possible answers a Some people are of the opinion b Students' own answers.
a It is important that universities that foreign language learning c Dave: The ice rink, the leisure
should make more links with should be compulsory, because centre, and the skate park were
businesses. it helps intellectual development. opened by the council last year
b There is no doubt that the present It can, for instance, develop Sandra: A bypass and an industrial
young generation knows more than one's own language and improve estate were built a few years ago.
their previous counterparts. communication. d Students' own answers.
c One cannot deny that teaching
thinking at school is essential,
even at primary level.


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