Exit Exam Worksheet
Exit Exam Worksheet
Exit Exam Worksheet
Institute of technology
1) Orographic precipitation occurs due to air mass being lifted to higher altitude by:
A) The density difference of air masses
B) A frontal action
C) The presence of mountains barrier
D) Extratropical anti cyclones
2) The normal annual rain falls at station A, B, and C situated in meteorologically
homogenous region are 175, 180 and 150 cm respectively. In the year 2000, station B
was inoperative and station A and C record annual precipitation of 150 cm and 135 cm
respectively. The annual rainfall at station B in that year could be estimated as
Station A B C D E F G
Rainfall 130 142.1 118.2 108.5 165.2 102.1 149.6
A) 5 B) 3 C) 4 D) 2
8) How many additional gauges are required in a catchment if the error allowed in
estimation of mean rain fall is reduced by half than the present?
A) Equal to its present number
B) Twice of its present number
C) Three times that of its present number
D) Four times that of its present number
9) Which of the following is not essential requirement for precipitation to occur?
A) presence of moisture in the atmosphere
B) existence of nuclei around which condensation vapor takes place
C) Dynamic heating responsible for heating of water vapor in atmosphere
D) Precipitation product must reach the ground in some form
E) None
10) The mean areal precipitation using Thiessen polygon method for the catchment
represented by the following figure is
A) 10.64 B) 13.2 C) 9.8 D) 12.4
11) The isohyets due to a storm in a catchment was drawn as figure below and
A 95 mm B 65 mm C 115 mm D70mm
14) Which of the following is not the component of direct runoff hydrograph?
A) the rising limb
B) the crest segments
C) depletion curve
D) base flow
E) inflection point
15) Which of the following terminology is unique?
A) Effective rainfall
B) Net rainfall
C) Excessive rainfall
D) Rainfall
16) Which method of baseflow separation is realistic in situations where the groundwater
contributions are significant and reach the stream quickly?
A) Straight-line method
B) Curve method
C) Line segment method
17) Which of the following is not he key points assumptions in unit hydrograph?
A) spread uniformly over space - evenly over the watershed
B) the excess RF rate is constant over the time interval
C) Ordinates of unit hydrograph are proportional to total runoff (linearity)
D) Unit hydrograph represent distributed parameter and its time is not stationarity
18) The following are the ordinates of a storm hydrograph of a river draining catchment
area of 423 km2 due to a 6-hr isolated storm. Assuming that the base flow is 10 m3/s
and increased by 0.5 m3/se after 12 hr. Derive the ordinates of a 6-hr unit hydrograph
for the catchment.
19) If peak discharges in 4 and 8 hr unit hydrographs of a basin occurs at t1 and t2, then
A) t1= t2 B) t1>t2 C) t1<t2 D) difficult to guess
20) The statement “ordinates of the direct run off hydrograph of a common base period
are directly proportional to the volume of runoff represented by the respective
hydrograph” is
A) principle of linearity B) principle of time invariance C) principle of uniformity D)
none of the above
21) find the peak one-hour unit hydrograph ordinates using the excess rain fall hyetograph
and direct runoff hydrograph given in the table
Time (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Excess 1.06 1.93 1.81
rainfall (in)
Direct 428 1923 5297 9131 10626 7834 3921 1846 1402 830 313
runoff (cfs)
23) If a risk of a flood occurring in the next 10 years is accepted to 10%, the the return
period for the design should be
1 1
A) 1 + (0.9)0.1 B) 1 − (0.9)0.1 C) D)
1−(0.9)0.1 1+(0.9)0.1
24) Total rainfall in a catchment area of 1200 km2 during 6-hour storm is 16 cm while
surface runoff due to the storm is 1.2*108 m3. the index is
A) 0.1cm/h B) 1.0 cm/h C) 0.2cm/h D) cannot be estimated
25) If peak of flood hydrograph due to 3-hour duration isolated storm in a catchment area
is 270m3/s. total depth of rainfall 6.0cm. assuming an average infiltration loss of
0.3cm/h and constant base flow of 20 m3/s, which of the following will be the peak of
3h unit hydrograph of given catchment?
26) If a 4-h unit hydrograph of a catchment has a peak ordinates of 60m3/s, the the peak
ordinates of an 8-hr unit hydrograph for the same catchment will be
A) 60 m3/s B) > 60m3/s C)> 60m3/s D) not applicable
27) When a 2-h unit hydrograph is available, other unit hydrograph of the folllowing
duration may be eaasily prepared except
A) 4-hours B) 5-hours C) 1 -hours D) 8-hours
28) In order to prepare 2 hour uint hydrograph from a 6 hour unit hydrograph which of
the following method will be used?
A) Synthetic unit hydrograph C) S- curve
B) Instantaneous unit hydrograph D) Simple unit hydrograph
29) S- hydrograh is used to obtain unit hydrograph of
A) Shorter duration C) Aand B
B) Longer duration D) none of these
30) Prism storage in a river reach during the pasage of flood wave is a function of
A) Inflow B) outflow C) constants D) both A and B
31) Wedge storage in a river reach during the passage of flood wave in the rising phase is