Assignment 1 Eat359
Assignment 1 Eat359
Assignment 1 Eat359
EAT 359
Question 1
a) What is a hydrologic cycle? Draw a schematic diagram of the hydrologic cycle and show the
various components of the hydrologic cycle.
(8 Marks)
b) Briefly discuss the mechanism of infiltration and the factors which affect the infiltration
capacity over an area.
(4 Marks)
c) Table Q1 gives the values of a field study of infiltration using a flooding-type infiltrometer.
For this data, plot the graph and evaluate the best establish Hortons infiltration capacity
equation for this soil.
Table Q1
(8 Marks)
Question 2
a) List two requirements in locating a new rainfall station. Provide the justifications for the
(4 Marks)
b) For a drainage basin of 600 km2, isohyetals drawn for a storm, as Table Q2a:
Table Q2a
(6 Marks)
d) A catchment area has seven (7) raingauge stations. In a year the annual rainfall ecorded by
the gauges are as Table Q2b:
Table Q2b
Station P Q R S T U V
Rainfall (cm) 130.0 142.1 118.2 108.5 165.2 102.1 146.9
For a 5% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the minimum number of
additional raingauge stations to be established in the catchment.
(6 Marks)
Question 3
a) List the agencies in your area that responsible for the water resource and environment.
Explain what those responsibilities are.
(4 Marks)
b) Based on what you know, how would you explain the water resources issues and pollution
management issues in Malaysia.
(8 Marks)
c) Are you ready moving towards a green economy? Discuss in short notes how you can
achieve that.
(4 Marks)
fp = 3.0 + e-2t
where fp is in cm/h and t is in hours. Assuming the infiltration to take place at capacity rates
is a storm of 120 minutes duration, estimate the depth of infiltration in: