BMT401 B
BMT401 B
BMT401 B
Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks. Marks
1 What do you meant by Lateral Inhibition? Draw a graph which indicates the (3)
2 What do you meant by aliasing in the context of image processing? (3)
3 What are basis images? (3)
4 State and explain the properties of two-dimensional DFT. (3)
5 What is intensity level slicing? (3)
6 Explain first derivative based image sharpening filters. (3)
7 Explain ringing effect in images. How can it be overcome? (3)
8 Compare and contrast Prewitt masks and Sobel masks (3)
9 Explain chain codes with an example. (3)
10 Discuss the concept of image segmentation? Enlist any five applications of (3)
image segmentation in medical images
Answer any one full question from each module, each carries 14 marks.
Module I
11 a) Explain the following concepts (i) Neighbours of a pixel (ii) Adjacency (iii) (8)
Connectivity (iv) Path
b) What do you meant by aliasing in the context of image processing? (6)
12 a) Discuss in detail about the following vision models (i) Color Vision Models (ii) (14)
Monochrome Vision Models
Module II
13 a) Briefly explain sine and cosine transform with any 5 properties of each. (14)
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16 a) Explain histogram matching techniques. (14)
Module IV
17 a) Suggest a method to solve the multiplicative noise effect on the observed image. (14)
18 a) Discuss the different noise models in detail (i) Gaussian (ii) Rayleigh (iii) Erlang (14)
(iv) Exponential (v) Uniform (vi) Salt and Pepper
Module V
19 a) Explain the method of Edge Linking and Heuristic Graph Searching for (14)
boundary extraction in medical image processing.
20 a) How an image is segmented using amplitude thresholding? (14)
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