Science Education Lesson Plan Format
Science Education Lesson Plan Format
Science Education Lesson Plan Format
Names Brent Gackstetter, Margaret Kim, Shenny Nguyen Subject Chemistry
Unit Name and Unit Name: Combustion (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving Unit Driving Question: How can we effectively blank for EDSC to
of EDSC 442C)
Question prepare our forests for and respond to wildfires? 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon: California Wildfires
Anchoring Activity: You are a fire marshal for a small town that has a small forest nearby. Due to the
spate of recent wildfires the city council has asked you to propose measures that they could implement
to prevent a wildfire in the nearby forest. What measures should you, as the fire marshal, recommend to
Phenomenon or
the city council to help reduce the chances that the nearby forest will burn and if it does burn what
Design Problem
measures will the fire department take to put out the fire?
(with Anchoring
Activity for the
Please provide a link to the media being used to show this event or describe how students will experience this
phenomenon first hand)
HS-PS1-3 Plan and conduct an investigation to gather evidence to compare the structure of substances at the
NGSS Performance
Expectation bulk scale to infer the strength of electrical forces between particles.
Science and
Planning and carrying out investigations They will be planning an investigation of the energy content
Practices (SEPs) of a chosen material throughout the bulk of this lesson,
which will include identifying their control, independent, and
dependent variable, and writing out a scientific procedure.
Practice(s) Experimentation
(Bundled SEPs)
Energy and Matter
● The total amount of energy and matter in
● What students want to measure and how
closed systems is conserved.
calorimetry works is dependent on energy and
● Science assumes the universe is a vast single
matter being conserved. (Will be observed when
system in which basic laws are consistent.
Cross Cutting students are developing what is relevant for their
Concepts (CCCs) procedure.)
● Different patterns may be observed at each of
● Students connecting the increase in temperature of
the scales at which a system is studied and can
water in calorimetry allows for students to
provide evidence for causality in explanations
of phenomena.
Connections to
HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and
other standards
interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.
Math) HSN-Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
Target Vocab to be
Variable, Control, Independent, Dependent , Hypothesis, Procedure, Calorimetry, Energy
Students will be producing and performing an experimental procedure as part of this lesson. The experiment they will be
Safety performing will involve burning materials and hot surfaces and liquids. As a result, safety procedures in this lesson
involve the use of tools to handle hot materials and goggles in case of splashes.
The 5E Model
Lesson Intro Engage: Procedure Writing Activity Engage:
(Engage) ● Take a survey of students’ favorite breakfasts Students will complete a survey of their favorite breakfasts
(maybe the previous day via google form) prior to class.
TIME: 1 Period
● Break students up into pre-assigned lab groups,
then give each member a different breakfast Students will break into assigned groups and create a
● Have students try to write up procedures for procedure for their individual breakfast.
making these breakfasts, then share with their
groups. Then, students will pick one procedure Students will share their individual procedures with the
that was the most detailed and easiest to group and decide the procedure that was best.
follow and replicate to submit to the class
● Teacher showcases the procedures and engage Students engage in the whole class discussion on what
in whole class discussion. makes a good procedure.
Lesson Body
(Explore, Explain, Calorimetry Direct Instruction (general topic overview)
Elaborate) ● Teacher introduces the general idea of
calorimetry as using the energy change of
TIME: 4 periods
another material to determine the energy that
was contained in another material. It is
assumed that energy is completely transferred
but not always the case, so the goal is to create
an experiment that does this as much as
● Connection to Anchoring Phenomenon: In
order to create your plan for mitigating wildfire
risks, you, the fire marshal, decide to do
research on different burning materials.
Evaluate: Final Draft Jigsaw Evaluate: Students participate in jigsaw activity. Students
● Direct students to participate in a jigsaw share their group’s procedure with another group. Students
activity. Half of the students in one group will provide feedback to peers.
move to another group, and the remaining half
of the group will introduce and explain their
procedure to the other students from another
group. The students from the other group will
provide feedback or questions about the
procedure to the group.
Lesson Closure
● Walk around the classroom and watch student
discussions, interjecting to complicate
TIME: 2 periods discussions where appropriate.
Evaluate Pt. 2: Performing the Procedures Evaluate Pt 2: As a group, students perform their
● Direct students to perform their procedures, procedures. Students gather data and observations in their
make sure that students follow the safety lab notebook as they perform their experiment.
directions inside of the safety contract
PM (Formative) Assess students learning Graphic Organizer Teacher receives feedback If throughout different
activities the teacher
recognizes a common gap in
understanding, the teacher
may address this to the
from listening in on student
whole class or individually to
Review of student rough discussions, student use of
through different a group.
draft of procedure and graphic organizer, and
activities of writing an
student reasoning for student drafts of written
experimental procedure. Teacher may redesign
material choices. materials. activities or create
supplemental activities to
help scaffold the procedure-
making process even further.
DIFFERENTIATION English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
● use of graphic ● teacher models ● use of graphic ● exploration
organizer completion of organizer questions included
● visual graphic organizer ● collaboration with in the graphic
representation ● provided with a expert students organizer
of vocab list with ● IEP appropriate ● assist other
demonstration/ definitions accommodations students/groups
labelling ● sentence frames ● challenge to utilize
● Word wall for for discussion more scientific
vocabulary with vocabulary in
definitions in the presenting
appropriate explanations
● sentence frames
for peer
● sentence frames
for peer review