Non-Acid GERC: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management
Non-Acid GERC: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management
Non-Acid GERC: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Currently, managing GERC involves dietary and Coughs linked to GER can stem from diverse disease
lifestyle modifications, a range of pharmacological conditions, each characterized by different underlying causes.
treatments, and, when necessary, surgical interventions. Significant aspiration, known as gross or macro aspiration,
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most commonly used has been observed in various disorders such as recurrent
medications for this condition(6). However, their aspirational pneumonia, pulmonary abscesses & fibrosis,
effectiveness is primarily observed in patients with acidic obliterative bronchiolitis, and bronchiectasis. Furthermore,
reflux confirmed by MII-pH monitoring. For patients who do micro aspiration has been noted in individuals with conditions
not respond to standard treatments, the emerging role of leading to inflammation of larynx, such as laryngitis,
neuromodulators like baclofen offers new hope. These agents bronchitis, and sinusitis. Nevertheless, some patients
are showing promise in treating nonacid GERC and are experience a chronic persistent cough without other
increasingly becoming a focus of interest among healthcare symptoms related to reflux.(20) and those with bronchial
professionals. asthma have been documented to exhibit vagally mediated
distal esophageal-tracheo-bronchial reflex mechanisms(21).
Although there has been progress in researching nonacid
GERC, a significant gap in our detailed understanding of its The cough associated with GERD does not have specific
pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management still exists. The features or timing that set it apart from coughs due to other
absence of standardized clinical treatment protocols causes(22). It can present either as a productive cough with
continues to be a major challenge, adversely affecting the phlegm, akin to the type seen in chronic bronchitis, or as a dry
patient outcomes. To tackle these existing gaps in knowledge, cough. Night-time occurrences of this cough are relatively
we offer a thorough overview of the current and emerging rare, affecting only a minority of patients(22). Notably, in up
diagnostic tools, treatment options, and potential future to 75% of cases, the cough may arise without any
developments in diagnosing and treating patients with accompanying gastrointestinal symptoms, thus acting as a
nonacid GERC. covert sign of GERD(23).
Alternatively, when assessing chronic cough, it is prudent to
II. THE ASSOCIATION OF CHRONIC COUGH consider GERD as a likely cause, especially in instances
WITH GERD where patients encounter typical gastrointestinal symptoms
like heartburn and regurgitation on a regular basis. This
Many A persistent chronic cough, persisting beyond consideration is further emphasized if chest imaging or the
three weeks in patients who have normal CXR and are not overall clinical presentation is suggestive of a condition that
undergoing treatment with ACE inhibitors, has been the mirrors aspiration syndrome(24). Coughs linked to GERD
subject of extensive studies, particularly in its relationship to can be related to various aspiration syndromes, encompassing
GERD in cough pathogenesis. This type of cough is prevalent, conditions such as Mendelson syndrome, pneumonia, and
affecting an estimated 9% to 33% of the population in both lung abscess.
Europe and the United States(7), imposing a considerable
socioeconomic burden(8). In contrast to Western nations, Although the features and timing of a cough may not
historically, chronic cough among Asians was seldom linked consistently signal GERD as the root cause of chronic
to GERD(9). However, there has been a noticeable rise in coughing, there is a clinical profile that can predict with
chronic cough linked with GERD in Japan (10)and China(11), considerable accuracy (around 91%) whether the patient's
paralleling the increased prevalence of GERD in these cough will respond positively to anti-reflux therapy. This
regions When investigating the causes of chronic cough and remains valid even if the patient does not display any
after excluding other factors like asthma and postnasal drip, gastrointestinal symptoms. Numerous prospective studies
GERD should be taken into account as a potential with pre- and post-intervention comparisons indicate a
aetiology(12). Across several studies, GER has been probable association between chronic cough and GERD.(14,
identified as a contributor to chronic persistent cough in about 15, 22, 25).
38–82% of patients, either independently or alongside
bronchial asthma and postnasal drip(13-18). Over 90% of III. THE OVERVIEW OF NON-ACID GERC
chronic persistent cough cases are attributed to GERD,
bronchial asthma, or postnasal drip, either as separate A. Incidence:
conditions or in combination. Addressing this, the American Recent research recognises the substantial impact of
College of Chest Physicians has endorsed a consensus non-acid reflux on the development of persistent cough(27).
statement, grounded in evidence-based practices, presenting studies suggests that with discontinuation of proton pump
an algorithm to guide the evaluation of chronic cough in inhibitor (PPI) therapy, a significant proportion (37%) of
immunocompetent adults.(19). At the core of this algorithm cases with GERD and a significant majority (80%) of cases
is the guidance that clinicians should first explore postnasal with PPI-treated chronic cough show non-acid reflux(28).
drip as a potential cause when assessing patients with a Among GERC patients who discontinued acid suppression
chronic persistent cough and normal chest X-rays, before therapy, the proportion of reflux types was as follows: 65%
considering bronchial asthma and GERD. This diagnostic acid, 29% weak acid, and 6% weak alkaline(29). An analysis
progression is strategically aimed at isolating the primary of 50 patients undergoing PPI therapy found that 26%
etiology of the cough exhibited a positive symptom index (SI) for non-acid-related
chronic cough. The higher frequency of non-acid-related
persistent cough after PPI treatment may be attributed to the
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
inhibitory effect of PPIs and the elevated pH caused by the acid GERC. They highlight its critical influence on cough
initial acid reflux. The absence of accurate diagnostic hypersensitivity and the neurogenic inflammation of the
methods may greatly underestimate the actual occurrence of airways that characterizes chronic cough due to non-acid
non-acid GERC. reflux.
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
45). Moreover, persistent cough appears to protect lung by liquid, which typically has low resistance, flows across an
reducing the level of pepsin in pulmonary tract(46). electrode, the impedance decreases. Additionally, during
hiccups, the low ionic density of air creates a high
IV. RESPIRATORY TRACT INFLAMMATION resistance to electrical charges, resulting in a significant
AND HYPERSENSITIVITY impedance to gas flow. A pH impedance probe use these
information assess the direction of pill movement in the
Both reflex and reflux theories are linked to pulmonary esophagus lumen and to document the occurrence of
tract inflammation and hypersensitivity, with low forward and backward motion during ingestion and
regurgitation and sustained proximal reflux stimulation regurgitation, respectively(52). The MII-
causing neurogenic inflammation and pharyngeal pH system, when used in combination with pH monitorin
inflammation, respectively. This leads to pulmonary g is not only useful to differentiate the type of reflux i.e.
epithelial damage, exposure of cough receptors, and acid, weak acid & alkaline(53)but also for establishing the
increased respiratory tract sensitivity, potentially play a relationship between reflux occurrence and cough which
significant role in coughing(47, 48). In a study Peterson and are generally not possible with traditional monitoring
colleagues observed an elevated level of SP in sptum in those method. Ambulatory pH-impedance-pressure monitoring,
patients with the dual condition of asthma and acidic GERC, when combined with 24H dynamic manometry, facilitates
as well as those with chronic cough as compared to those with the evaluation of the relational connection between
non-acidic GERC(49). In an another study researchers found different types of reflux( Acid & weak acid) cough. This
that Patients with nonacidic and acidic GERC shown an technique has found a correlation between cough and
increased cough sensitivity and release of Substance P and mildly acidic reflux in patients suffering from chronic
MCT in their airways, suggesting similar mechanisms of cough of unknown aetiology(54-56). There are a number
pathogenesis of both type of GERC(33). Non-acid GERC is of studies have shown that increasing esophageal
seems to be influenced by sensory nerve stimulation, mast impedance monitoring is how essential for effective and
cell activation, and respiratory tract inflammation, with precise identification of non-acid GERC(27, 57,
different molecular mechanisms affecting different clinical 58).However, the MII-pH method requires several
circumstances. adjustments to address the drawbacks such as limited
normal reading range, low sensitivity, and false-negative
Diagnosis: results. A precise clinical symptoms diary is essential for
Diagnosing GERC is challenging as over 70% of assessing non-acid reflux but many patients fails to
patients do not show typical GER symptoms(26, 50). Hence, maintain a accurate record of their coughing episodes
The American College of Chest Physicians recommends which leads to misdiagnosis. These factors emphasise the
ruling out other possible cause of chronic cough to predict the requirement for further research before adopting this
presence of GERC(26). However, symptoms alone cannot method as standard non-acid GERC diagnostic tool.
distinguish non acid reflux from acidic reflux, thus diagnostic Associated metrics (MII-pH): pH and impedance
testing require for proper diagnosis of the condition. monitoring are used to measure acid or non-acid exposure
in the esophagus and determine the corelation between
Monitoring Non-Acid Reflux: symptoms and occurrence of reflux. The two main tools
Traditional 24 hours pH monitoring and endoscopy for this purpose are the symptom index (SI) and symptom
fall short in identifying non-acid reflux associated chronic association probability (SAP) (59). The SI quantifies the
cough, especially in patients with normal esophageal lining proportion of reflux-related symptoms within the
epithelium. Therefore, these methods are not recommended monitoring timeframe, yet it fails to account for the
as primary examinations for such cases. Instead, a range of aggregate count of reflux incidents. Conversely, the SAP
alternative approaches and techniques are now employed to gauges the likelihood that the observed symptom-reflux
detect non-acid GERC which are explained below. correlation is not coincidental, remedying the SI's
oversight by factoring in the overall quantity of reflux
Multichannel intraluminal impedance pH detection: MII- episodes in its assessment.
pH, a technique first documented by Silny in 1991, had Symptom associated probability (SAP): SAP is an
been primarily used for monitoring the gas and liquid effective method for identifying the association between
movements within the hollow structures. It works by cough and reflux. It involves creating a dynamic fourfold
measuring the electrical impedance of a catheter equipped table, with each segment of 2 minutes serving as a
with a ring electrode. In this method, a conductive separate calculation interval, to assess various
electrode is inserted into the esophagus through the nasal combinations of symptoms and reflux represented by
passage, allowing the measurement of voltage variations separate square. This approach accounts for both the
between two electrodes. Latest studies have emphasized frequency of reflux and cough symptoms, overcoming the
its effectiveness in detecting both acidic and non-acidic limitations seen with other methods like the SI and
reflux, and also its advanced capability in evaluating the Symptom Sensitivity Index (SSI). The SI and SSI are
symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease either focused on specific symptoms or constrained by the
(GERD)(51). It detects the characteristics of the refluxate count of reflux episodes. This comprehensive approach of
that whether they are solid, liquid, gas or mixture. The SAP makes it a frequent choice for diagnosis of non-acid
voltage variations between electrodes also reflects the reflux related chronic cough. SAP scores, calculated using
direction of movement of refluxate. For instance, when a pH measurements, can assess both acidic and nonacidic
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
reflux. A score above 95% is typically considered positive, exposure of the esophagus to acid and predicting the
indicating a significant non-random correlation between efficacy of PPI therapy. Nowadays, the preference has
reflux events and symptoms like cough(27). Nevertheless, shifted towards using AET as a more reliable metric,
the Patients suspected of suffering non-acid GERC often owing to concerns about the DeMeester score's
inaccurately record coughs & time during MII-pH inconsistency in repeat assessments(64-66)
monitoring, making it challenging to achieve a diagnostic Mucosal impedance: In severe reflux disease cases,
SAP score over 95%. While combining a dynamic dynamic impedance measurements can be unreliable
esophageal manometry with daily cough monitoring because low baseline values that complicate interpretation.
could improve accuracy(27, 60), this method is not widely This indicates that GERD might cause long-term changes
yet used in China. Thus, current guidelines suggest in the esophagus, difficult to track with standard
considering an SAP score of 75% or higher as positive. To impedance methods. To overcome this, the Mucosal
validate the effectiveness of such guideline, Xu et al. Impedance (MI) technique was introduced. It utilizes a
examined MII data from 103 patients suspected of having probe inserted through the working channel of an
GERC, which revealed that an SAP of 80% or higher endoscope to directly assess the mucosal impedance(67).
offers a better diagnostic precision for both acidic and Baseline impedance is an accurate technique for detecting
non-acidic GERC(61). Non-acid GERC has slower nerve GERD and distinguishing its different types. Research by
velocity and symptom onset compared to acid GERC. In Naik et al. in 2019 demonstrated that baseline impedance
a study authors observed that heartburn, cough and acid had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 96% and a
reflux after 2 min post reflux were 80%, 81%, 92% specificity of 95%.(68). However Further research is
respectively in the patients with acid reflux while 54%, required to explore the role of Mucosal Impedance in
56%, 79% respectively in those with non-acid reflux(31). GERC.
Notably SAP calculation, which considers symptoms Salivary pepsin: Pepsin, a key component of nonacidic
within a 2-minute window post-reflux, may not be gastric juice, is considered to be more damaging to the
suitable for non-acid GERC patients, suggesting the need tissues of the upper respiratory tract than acid. In a
to reassess the suitability of this time frame for calculating comprehensive meta-analysis of research using
SAP in non-acid GERC cases. immunoassay to detect pepsin in saliva and sputum,
Symptom index (SI): The SI calculates the proportion of Samuels et al. concluded that pepsin testing offers a highly
total coughs occurring within a certain timeframe after precise and noninvasive method for diagnosing
reflux. This period was initially set at 5 minutes but has GERD.(69). This method also proves effective for quick
recently been adjusted to 2 minutes. An SI value screening of the disorder.
exceeding 50% is regarded as positive. In a study authors Bile reflux: Non-acid reflux includes components like
found that 13 out of 50 cases with non-acid related cough recently consumed food and gas, nonacidic gastric and
had positive SI(31). The SI has a key limitation: it heavily pancreatic secretions, with bile being a primary
focuses on cough symptoms while ignoring the overall constituent. A study by Tack et al. revealed that in a group
count of reflux events. This can result in misleadingly of 65 patients who were still experiencing GERC
negative SI readings for patients with regularly frequent symptoms even after regular PPI therapy, 38% exhibited
reflux but minimal cough symptoms during monitoring, bile acid in their esophagus(70). This suggests a notable
potentially causing misdiagnoses. Moreover, Yang et al. involvement of bile acid in nonacidic GERC cases. The
suggested a diagnostic SI value of ≥45% for acid GERC 24-hour bile reflux monitoring technique is highly
& ≥30% for non-acid after evaluating 118 suspected case beneficial in evaluating GERD with precision. It records
of GERC(62). a range of data, including episodes of bile reflux, the
Symptom sensitive index (SSI): The SSI measures the duration of prolonged reflux events, the maximum length
proportion of reflux incidents accompanied by cough. A of a reflux episode, and the total time and proportion of
SSI value of 10% or higher deemed positive. However, reflux episodes with an absorption value equal to or
this method heavily relies on the count of reflux episodes, exceeding 0.14. However, while this method excels in
making it less suitable for diagnosing non-acid GERC. identifying and documenting bile acid, it is not capable of
tracking reflux that is weakly acidic or detecting small
Other Impedance Metrics: amounts of acid in alkaline reflux.
Post reflux swallow induced peristaltic wave: The PSPW
DeMeester score & Acid Exposure Time: The DeMeester in pH-impedance studies refers to the subsequent drop in
score (DMS) is a comprehensive metric used to assess impedance within a 30-second span after experiencing
acid exposure during extended pH monitoring, reflux. This occurrence is typically lower in GERD
incorporating elements like acid exposure time (AET). patients than in those without the condition. To determine
AET, represents the total proportion of monitoring the PSPW index, one must divide the total PSPW
duration when esophageal pH remains <4. A suspicion of occurrences by the number of reflux episodes(71-73). The
GERC arises with an AET of 4.8%, and acid GERC is index is useful for assessing the effectiveness of the
considered likely when AET hits 6.2%(62, 63). Values esophagus's primary peristaltic response to reflux, which
that reside within these two limits are deemed as is integral to its capability to perform successive
indeterminate. The DMS, initially a prevalent tool contractions during rapid swallowing. Research has
combining six different parameters to assess acid reflux, revealed that the PSPW index is indicative of diminished
was widely used for identifying possible pathological esophageal chemical clearance in GERD sufferers in
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
comparison to individuals without GERD. Hence, the LES, a method first proposed by Martinucci et al. To
PSPW index has potential utility as a diagnostic indicator, ensure precision, three 10-minute stable time frames
especially in the absence of other impedance-pH around 1 a.m., 2 a.m., and 3 a.m. are chosen for
assessment data(71, 74). measurement(79). During these periods, the patient is in a
Number of reflux event: Standard metrics for MII-PH supine position, ideally without any swallowing, reflux
testing, such as AET, DMS, SAP, and SI, are widely events, artifacts, or significant pH changes. The average
recommended for the assessment of GERC(4, 26, 75). BI for each of these intervals is computed using
Despite their widespread use, these metrics are not specialized software. The average of these BI values then
without limitations. AET and DMS, for instance, merely provides the MNBI, effectively reflecting the BI over a
gauge the severity of acid reflux events. Moreover, the six-hour night-time duration. This methodology has
effectiveness of SAP and SI may be reduced due to flaws gained widespread acceptance in many studies. However,
in their algorithms and the possibility of inadequate variations exist in some research, such as using the
patient compliance. To address these issues in diagnosis, impedance channel at 5cm above the LES or calculating
a new objective benchmark has been introduced for more an average MNBI value from the distal four channels (Z3–
accurate identification of GERD. Under the guidance of Z6) (80-83).
The Lyon GERD Consensus, exceeding 80 reflux Baseline impedance measurements serve as indicators of
episodes in a 24-hour span is classified as abnormal, while the esophageal mucosa's permeability, a phenomenon
a count below 40 is considered to be within the documented in animal studies and among healthy human
physiological norm for diagnosing GERD(66). subjects. Notably, lower impedance values have been
The technique of impedance-pH monitoring stands as a observed in cases of both erosive and non-erosive
dependable approach for quantifying reflux episodes, a GERD(84, 85). Decreased baseline esophageal mucosal
variable that is notably stable and not significantly altered impedance is linked to alterations in the intercellular
by the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)(76). This spaces and tight junctions, and these changes are often
makes it a valuable adjunctive assessment, especially associated with the manifestation of reflux symptoms(86-
when findings from AET are inconclusive. Contemporary 88).
studies underscore the diagnostic importance of MNBI serves as an impedance-based diagnostic tool that
quantifying reflux episodes for the assessment of both records readings during sleep, thus avoiding the daytime
acid and non-acid GERC. Specifically, diagnosing non- interference of swallowing 108. Studies have
acid GERC is effectively accomplished by recording demonstrated that low MNBI readings can effectively
upwards of 58 non-acid reflux episodes, whether as a distinguish between several gastrointestinal conditions,
stand-alone measure or combined with additional MII-PH such as different forms of esophagitis, cough-associated
indices(77). Crossing the threshold of 58 non-acidic symptoms, non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), as well as
reflux episodes and a rate of non-acid reflux higher than discerning functional heartburn from GERD/NERD in
68.18% provides clinicians with a robust indicator for the comparison with healthy subjects(71-73). A reduced
early identification of non-acid GERC. This criterion is MNBI suggests a deterioration in the esophageal mucosal
emerging as one of the most definitive and objective barrier and has proven to improve the diagnostic accuracy
measures within MII-PH evaluation, offering significant of impedance-pH tests for patients with uncertain GERD
diagnostic merit for GERC, with increasing specificity for diagnoses. Furthermore, MNBI is valuable alongside Acid
nonacidic variants. Nevertheless, there is a need for Exposure Time (AET) to monitor a patient's reaction to
further investigative work to validate the exactness and treatments for reflux(74).
consistency of this measure against traditional diagnostic
modalities. Monitoring cough:
Mean nocturnal base line impedance: The Acid Exposure Monitoring cough patterns plays a crucial role in
Time (AET) is considered a critical measure for detecting diagnosing GERC since the assessment of SAP and SI relies
abnormal reflux, yet it's noteworthy that nearly a third of on the documentation of cough incidents by the patient,
reflux esophagitis patients may present with AET within typically noted in a diary or similar record-keeping tool. Such
normal limits(78). To overcome the limitations of AET, records are vital for identifying the correlation between reflux
additional parameters such as Mean Nocturnal Baseline events and coughing, aiding in the effective diagnosis and
Impedance (MNBI) have been developed. These management of GERC.
parameters are instrumental in examining chemical
clearance processes and determining the health and Diary cough occurrence recording: A cough diary is a
function of the esophageal lining. They not only improve personal record in which individuals track occurrences of
the accuracy of impedance-pH testing in distinguishing their coughs within a set timeframe, often over a 24-hour
acid from non-acid GERC but also have the potential to cycle. The data noted is based on personal observation,
identify those with non-acid GERC who could benefit which can result in missing or incorrectly logged details.
from established anti-reflux therapies(71). In MII-pH As a result, SAP determined from these diaries may not
monitoring, there are six impedance channels (Z1–Z6) be entirely precise. Studies suggest that the frequency of
strategically placed at intervals of 17, 15, 9, 7, 5, and 3cm coughs recorded by patients typically represents just 40%
above the LES. The established protocol for measuring of the true number of episodes. Furthermore, recorded
MNBI in this procedure calculates the baseline impedance instances of coughing are typically noted to have an
(BI) specifically at the channel situated 3cm above the estimated duration of about 30 seconds. Additionally, the
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
One might contend that alginate therapy, by thickening the majority of the patients mainly had non-acidic reflux, but
the consistency of gastric contents, could potentially decrease the study didn't conduct any follow-up to determine long-
the volume of reflux despite not lessening the number of term results. Further investigations are required to better
reflux episodes. This hypothesis warrants further exploration understand the role of baclofen in treating extra-esophageal
for confirmation. Clinically, alginates are widely utilized, symptoms and to verify its sustained effectiveness in
supported by patient-reported advantages and a well- alleviating symptoms(109). In a randomized trial with 234
documented safety profile. However, definitive proof participants, the effectiveness of baclofen and gabapentin in
substantiating the efficacy of alginates in managing non-acid treating GERC, particularly those resistant to PPI and
reflux is currently insufficient. domperidone, was assessed. The study found that both
medications had comparable effectiveness, with success rates
Prokinetics: of 53.0% for baclofen and 57.3% for gabapentin. The role of
Prokinetics are drugs that augment gastrointestinal non-acid reflux in these outcomes is unclear, as the study did
motility by increasing the affinity of M receptors to not specifically focus on this aspect. However, given the lack
acetylcholine, resulting in enhanced gastric and esophageal of response to PPIs in all patients, non-acid reflux might have
motility. Additionally, they mitigate the effects of reflux been a contributing factor. Additional research is required to
material on the lower esophagus and decrease the amount and more precisely understand the effects of baclofen and
frequency of nonacidic reflux(102). In a meta-analysis of 12 gabapentin on GERD-related coughs and to clarify the role of
RCTs involving over 2000 participants, Ren et al. non-acid reflux in these treatments(110).
investigated the supplementary effects of prokinetics on
GERD patients unresponsive to PPI therapy. The analysis In clinical practice, the prescribing of baclofen is
showed that prokinetic agents reduced the frequency of reflux frequently limited due to its potential side effects. Common
events, yet the esophageal acid exposure time did not change. adverse reactions includes dizziness, tiredness, headaches,
Patients experienced an improvement in overall quality of life; and gastrointestinal issues. Informing patients about these
however, there was no significant enhancement in clinical potential side effects is a regular part of the prescribing
symptoms or in the GERD-typical findings observed during process. Attempts to create other GABA-B agonists with
endoscopy. As anticipated, side effects were more common fewer side effects have mostly ceased because of their
among those treated with prokinetics.(103). insufficient effectiveness.
The research on the effects of baclofen on extra- Numerous investigations have delved into non-acidic
esophageal symptoms remains limited. A recent open-label reflux, particularly in patients who exhibit resistance to
study examined the efficacy of combining baclofen with PPI, proton pump inhibitors. In a noteworthy study, 19 individuals
finding improvements in various symptoms and cumulative who remained unresponsive to PPIs underwent
reflux symptom scores over three months periods. Initially, fundoplication. Among them, 14 exhibited a positive
Volume 9, Issue 5, May – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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