How To Screen A Child With Dyslexia IMA New
How To Screen A Child With Dyslexia IMA New
How To Screen A Child With Dyslexia IMA New
Dyslexia in School going Children to be identified by Paediatricians, or any
qualified Doctor who is taking care of a child. No child wantonly fails in a class.
No Parent knows that he needs to consult a Doctor for problem in Learning.
Teachers can be able to pick up the children with learning problem easily as
they watch them in their daily class works and home works and by their
performance in studies. Now parents have no time to see the performance of
their children as both the educated parents are working hard to have a
comfortable living and if even, they notice poor marks, they prefer only
Tuition, after the school hrs. So, the child is subjected to lot of stress as they
have problem in the basic Phonology itself and they are unable to read fast,
write with lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and also poor in maths. So,
any amount of Tuition will not be able to increase their performance and they
are going to get low marks only, unless we provide them Remedial teaching.
One source of potentially powerful ,highly accessible screening information is
the Teachers judgement about the child’s reading and reading related skills
Evidence based screening as early as kinder garden and also in grade 1-3 by
the child’s Teacher .The Teacher responds to the small set of questions (10-12)
predict the pool of children who are at Risk for Dyslexia with a high degree of
accuracy. Screening takes less than 10 mts and completed on a Tablet, and is
efficient and economical (1)
For informal screening ,in addition to the careful history ,the primary care
Physician in an office setting can listen to the child read aloud from the child’s
own grade level reader .Keeping the set of Graded readers available in the
office serves the same purpose and eliminates the child to bring in school
books ,Orel reading is the sensitive measure of reading accuracy and Fluency.
(1)Ref: page 268 Nelson 21st Edition. Topic Dyslexia Chapter 50
We need to put a board that If there is problems in reading writing and doing
math , problems in spelling ,and if the child gets low marks in exams kindly
consult your Doctor
The Receptionist could be trained to tell about the importance of screening the
children with problem in studies.
When the child comes for learning problem for the 1st time. parents need to be
counselled regarding the need for screening and simple intervention will solve
the problem. The child examined clinically for any Medical problem and simple
investigations like CBC, ESR, peripheral smear, Mx test and Thyroid function
Test may be done. They may be asked to come at the convenient time usually
on Friday when there will be minimum OP. The Teachers questionnaire may be
given to them to be filled by the Teacher. Parents need to come with the
student’s note book, homework note books, progress report.
When they come for Special consultation after fixing an appointment.
In the Reception the parents will be given a Performa which contains all the
details of the parents education, income , useful hrs they spend with the
children, consanguinity , Anti-natal Natal and post-natal problems , nature of
delivery , any intervention done immediately after delivery and any Neonatal
admissions in the hospital or after the neonatal period , any health problem in
child hood , the problems in reading writing and doing maths and any other
psychological problem the child have etc .
The student will be given a work sheet depending on their class they study. If
the child is doing 3rd standard, he will be given a 1st standard questionnaire.
The questionnaire contains writing ABCD 26 letters, 1234 up to 20. What
comes before and after M, 8. naming the fruits, vegetables (pictures will be
there) identify the shapes, Drawing the shapes, draw a man copying the
paragraph, Chair picture will be there, he need to write 4 lines about the chair
and do some maths.
Weight, height, and Head circumference will be measured in the reception
itself. Immunization history will be noted in the reception.
Dyslexic children to compete with normal children in the exams ,one hr extra
time in public exams , no mark reduction for spelling and grammar mistakes ,
use calculator in math exam, can use scribe if there is poor handwriting .
Doctor need to identify the children early as the load is very high nearly 5-10 %
they have multiple inelegance and remedial teaching works well. With