B. Create Your Concept Map of The Disorder. Use A Separate Paper For This. Use Short Coupon Bond and Draw Your Concept Map Using This Format
B. Create Your Concept Map of The Disorder. Use A Separate Paper For This. Use Short Coupon Bond and Draw Your Concept Map Using This Format
B. Create Your Concept Map of The Disorder. Use A Separate Paper For This. Use Short Coupon Bond and Draw Your Concept Map Using This Format
Approximately every 43 seconds, an American will have an MI (Mozaffarin et al., 2016) and many of these people will die as a result. Early recognition and
treatment of patients presenting with an MI will improve their chances of survival.
Laboratory Tests, Diagnostic Tests and Medical Interventions Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Intervention
Ineffective cardiac tissue Administer oxygen and
perfusion related to thrombus in thrombolytics as ordered.
Medical Interventions coronary artery, resulting in
Laboratory Tests : Begin routine medical interventions: altered blood flow to myocardial
Creatine Kinase and Its Supplemental oxygen
Isoenzymes Nitroglycerin Administer morphine as ordered
Acute pain related to
Myoglobin Morphine and provide care in a calm,
myocardial ischemia resulting
Aspirin from coronary artery occlusion efficient manner that reassures
Beta-blocker with loss or restriction of blood the clients and minimizes
Diagnostic Tests :
Angiotension – converting enzymes flow to an area of the anxiety. Stay with the client
12 – lead ECG until discomfort is relieved.
inhibitor within 36 hours myocardium and necrosis of the
Echocardiogram Anticoagulation with heparin and platelet myocardium.
MRI inhibitors
Statin Risk for decreased cardiac
output related to left ventricular Administer antidysrhythmic
Evaluate for indications for reperfusion failure. drugs as indicated.
2 hours prior to admission, upon waking up in the morning 6am, the patient was seen taking his morning coffee. An
hour prior to admission, patient experienced chest pain with numbness at the left shoulder, blood pressure was taken and revealed
a result of 150/90 mmHg and they decided to brought to patient in hospital to seek consultation accompanied by his folks.
Smooth and symmetrical facial
Skull and Face contour and movements No masses N/A N/A
No edema
Fissures are equal in size
-Symmetric Nasolabial Folds.
The abdomen has unblemished No masses and tenderness Tympany over the Audible bowel sounds
skin and is uniform in color. stomach and gas-
The abdomen has a symmetric filled bowels;
Abdomen contour. dullness, especially
over the liver and
Extremities Bluish fingernail No masses
Delayed Capillary refill
Cold and clammy skin N/A N/A
Convex curvature; angle of nail
plate about 160O
No abrasion
No lesion & edema
Bluish toenail No masses
Delayed Capillary refill Joint movement
Cold and clammy skin
No abrasion
No lesion & edema
Intact convex curvature of teonail
Cardiac muscles demonstrate markedly enlarged silhouette
Significance: Enlargement of the cardiac muscles silhouette indicate myocardial infarction or ischaemia. This occurs when narrowed arteries,
caused by fatty deposits that build up in the arteries makes the cardiac muscle to pump blood harder causing cardiac muscle enlargement.
ECG 12 Lead
Significance: ST segment elevation can signify myocardial infarction or ischaemia. The injured myocardial cells depolarize normally but
repolarize more rapidly than normal cells, causing ST segment to rise.
Examination Result Normal Value Interpretation Significance
CBC Hemoglobin - 13 Hemoglobin: Low A low level of hemoglobin in the blood relates directly to a low level of
g/dl 13.8 -17.2 g/dL oxygen. Patient has anemia.
WBC - 8,000 Normal
WBC: 4,500-11,000
cells/mm3 Normal
FBS 90 mg/dL <100mg/dL Normal Normal
Troponin I 2.0 ng/mL <0.6 ng/mL High A high level of Troponin 1 in the blood can signify heart attack.
Cholesterol 220 mg/dL <200mg/dL High A high level of cholesterol in blood may reflect arteriosclerosis as a cause for
coronary narrowing or spasm.
HDL 60 mg/dL 30-70mg/dL Normal Normal
LDL 170 mg/dL <130mg/dL High A high level of LDL in blood may reflect arteriosclerosis as a cause for
coronary narrowing or spasm.
Triglycerides 160 mg/dL <150mg/dL High A high level of triglycerides in blood may reflect arteriosclerosis as a cause for
coronary narrowing or spasm.
Sodium (Na+) 150 mEq/L 135-145 mEq/dL High A high level of sodium indicate fluid deficits and can results from decreased
water intake or loss of water though excessive sweating.
Potassium (K+) 4 mEq/L 3.5 -5.0 mEq/L Normal Normal