May 2021 P2 MS

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Mark Scheme (Provisional)

Summer 2021

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Commerce 4CM1
Paper 2
Facilitating Commercial Operations
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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Summer 2021
Publications Code 4CM1_02_2106_MS

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General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded

for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to

their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should

be used appropriately.

• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark

• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the

principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be

• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme
to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.

• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.

• Mark schemes will indicate within the table where, and which strands of
QWC, are being assessed. The strands are as follows:

i) ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar
are accurate so that meaning is clear
ii) select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to
complex subject matter
iii) organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary
when appropriate

Question Which one of the following is a source of long‑term finance? Mark
1 (a) A01 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is D Retained profit (1)

A is not correct because factoring is short-term

B is not correct because trade credit is short-term
C is not correct because a bank draft is a method of payment


Question Which one of the following is a financial institution? Mark

1 (b) A01 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is B A Central Bank (1)

A is not correct as a Chamber of Commerce is an aid to

C is not correct as a trade fair is a method of promotion
D is not correct as a night safe is a banking service

Question Define the term delivery note. Mark

1 (c) A01 = 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a definition of delivery note

• A document sent with products listing all items being

delivered (1)

Question Define the term cheque. Mark

1 (d) A01 = 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a definition of cheque

• A cheque instructs a bank to transfer funds from one

account to another (1)


Question State one benefit to customers of using the Amazon website to Mark
Number buy products.

1 (e) (i) A02 - 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a valid benefit to customers of using

the Amazon website to buy products

• The Amazon website shows thousands of products

such as electronics and fashion making it easier for
customers to find exactly what they want (1)

Question State one way the Amazon website may help to promote the Mark
Number products it sells.

1 (e) (ii) A02 = 1 mark

Award 1 mark for a valid way in which the Amazon

website helps promote the products it sells

• Previous customers who have used Amazons website

can be emailed alerts to new special offers on new
dresses (1) (1)

Question Calculate, to two decimal places, the Additional guidance Mark

Number profit for the year margin for 2019.

1 (e) (iii) A02 = 2 mark Award 1 mark for
profit for the year margin substituting
numbers into the
= 11 588 formula
----------- x 100 (1)
280 522 Award full marks for
correct numerical
answer without
= 4.13 (1) working (2)

Question Explain one advantage for small retailers of using a cash and Mark
Number carry warehouse.

1 (f) A01 = 3 marks

Award 1 mark for identifying 1 advantage for small

retailers of using a cash and carry warehouse and up to
2 marks for explaining the advantage for a maximum of
3 marks

• A cash and carry warehouse allows small retailers to

buy products in small quantities (1) as they often
have limited storage space in their shops (1) and
they can then replace bestselling products on a
regular basis as needed (1)

Accept any other appropriate response

Answers that list 3 reasons with no explanation will get

a maximum of 1 mark


Question Explain one reason why an agenda might be prepared for a Mark
Number meeting.

1 (g) A01 = 3 marks

Award 1 mark for identifying 1 reason why an agenda

might be prepared for a meeting and up to 2 marks for
explaining the reason for a maximum of 3 marks

• An agenda provides a list of items (1) that ensures

all these points will be discussed (1) by attendees
who can offer informed opinions in the meeting (1)

Accept any other appropriate response

Answers that list 3 reasons with no explanation will get

a maximum of 1 mark

Question Analyse how these warehouses benefit Amazon. Mark
Indicative content
1 (h) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks


• These large warehouses help Amazon to store

products such as computers that sell in large

• Having large quantity of products in stock means

that when ordered they are available for next day


• Amazon can hold a large inventory of its best sellers

so that it can always meet the demands of its

• Customer will be more willing to order from Amazon

as they know the products will be delivered quickly (6)

Level Mark Descriptor

0 • No rewardable material
Level 1 1–2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context. (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information
and/or issues, finding limited connections
between points. (AO3)
Level 2 3-4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context although there
may be some inconsistencies. (AO2)
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding interconnected points with chains
of reasoning, although there may be some
logical inconsistencies. (AO3)
Level 3 5-6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context throughout.
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding detailed interconnected points
with logical chains of reasoning. (AO3)

Question Which one of the following would a supplier send to a business Mark
Number that had received damaged products?

2 (a) A01 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is A A credit note (1)

B is not correct because a postal order is a payment method

C is not correct because a standing order is a payment
D is not correct because a debenture is a source of finance


Question Which one of the following is the most suitable form of Mark
Number communication to discuss a new product with managers in
different countries?

2 (b) A02 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is C A videoconference (1)

A is not correct because an email does not aid group

B is not correct because a telephone call is one to one
D is not correct because a face to face meeting has high
travel costs for all the managers

Question Figure 2 shows the number of internet users in India from 2015 Mark
Number to 2019.
Identify which year had the smallest number of internet users.
2 (c)(i) AO2 - 1 mark

2015 (1)

Question Identify how many internet users there were in 2017. Mark
Number Answer
2 (c)(ii) AO2 - 1 mark

437 million (1)


437 (1)

Question Define the term average inventory. Mark
2 (d) A01 - 1 mark

• Average inventory is the usual amount of stock held by

the business. (1)

Question Explain one reason why a business might use competitive Mark
Number advertising.

2 (e) A01 = 3 marks

Award 1 mark for identifying 1 reason a business might

use competitive advertising and up to 2 marks for
explaining the reason for a maximum of 3 marks

• A business can highlight the difference between its

products and similar products of a competitor (1) to
influence the customer to buy its products rather
than its competitors (1) thereby increasing its own
market share (1)

Accept any other appropriate response

Answers that list 3 reasons with no explanation will get

a maximum of 1 mark


Question Explain one benefit to a business of being paid by direct debit. Mark
2 (f) AO1 = 3 marks

Award 1 mark for identifying 1 reason a business might

benefit from being paid by direct debit and up to 2 marks
for explaining the benefit for a maximum of 3 marks

• The business can change the amount of payment to be

received (1) every month or whenever the payment is
due (1) which means the business does not have to
waste time chasing inaccurate payments or bad debts

Accept any other appropriate response

Answers that list 3 reasons with no explanation will get a

maximum of 1 mark

Question Option 1: increase the sales of electric scooters Mark
Number Option 2: buy cheaper, lower quality batteries.
2 (g) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks AO4 = 3 marks
Arguments for option 1:

• The $1 800 selling price of the scooter attracts city workers

• Gogoros’ production of its Viva model is subsidised by the
Taiwan government

• The subsidy may help Gogoro sell a new model for the
same profit without increasing the selling price and
therefore maintain or increase sales
• A new subsidised model would mean Gogoro could afford to
produce lots of scooters at low cost so that more are
available for sale to more buyers and profits increase


• However, Gogoro may have already attracted most of the

buyers interested in a scooter so a subsidy may not
increase sales as much as it hopes and profits may fall.
• However, Gogoros’ new design may not be as attractive as
the old and may not attract as many buyers so profits may

Arguments for option 2:


• The expensive batteries will last longer

• Once the high quality batteries go flat they have to be
replaced with a fully charged battery

• If Gogoro buys cheaper batteries it will decrease

purchasing costs and profits will increase
• The batteries are not available elsewhere so owners
accept the cheaper batteries, decreasing purchasing
costs and increasing profit

• However, the cheaper batteries may go flat quicker and

need to be charged more frequently so customers will
become dissatisfied
• However, existing customers may not like the lower
quality batteries and may choose to switch to
competitors or non-electric scooters and the benefit of
the reduced purchasing costs will be lost as profits fall

Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material
Level 1 1-3 • Limited application of knowledge and understanding
of commercial concepts and issues to the
commercial context (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information
and/or issues, finding limited connections between
points (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple justification
based on limited evaluation of commercial
information and issues relevant to the choice made
Level 2 4-6 • Sound application of knowledge and understanding
of commercial concepts and issues to the
commercial context although there may be some
inconsistencies (AO2)
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or issues,
finding interconnected points with chains of
reasoning, although there may be some logical
inconsistencies (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a justification based
on sound evaluation of commercial information and
issues relevant to the choice made (AO4)
Level 3 7-9 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and issues to
the commercial context throughout (AO2)
Deconstructs commercial information and/or issues,
finding detailed interconnected points with logical
chains of reasoning (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear justification
based on a thorough evaluation of commercial
information and issues relevant to the choice made

Question Which one of the following is an example of a point of sale Mark
Number promotion?

3 (a) A01 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is C A carrier bag (1)

A is not correct because local sponsorship is not point of sale

B is not correct because a magazine advertisement is not
point of sale
D is not correct because a credit card is a method of payment

Question Which one of the following may be a reason Big Blue holds Mark
Number face‑to‑face meetings with its designers?

3 (b) A02 - 1 mark

The only correct answer is B To touch the local materials


A is not correct because written records may not be kept

C is not correct because future meeting dates could be planned
be email
D is not correct because prices can be agreed over the

Question State one way the South African government could help Big Mark
Number Blue export products abroad.

3 (c) A02 = 1 mark

South Africa’s department of trade could organise a trade fair

and Big Blue could be invited to display its range of T-shirts

Accept any other appropriate response


Question Complete the statement of account to show the missing Mark
Number amounts.

3 (d) i A02 = 1 mark

575 (1) (1)

Question Complete the statement of account to show the missing Mark

Number amounts.

3 (d) ii A02 = 1 mark

1 825 (1) (1)

Question Analyse the benefit to Big Blue of allowing customers to pay for Mark
Number their purchases by spreading the interest‑free payment over
three months.

Indicative content
3 (e) A02 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks


• Account Customers are likely to buy more T-shirts

• Account customer have more favourable payment
terms than other customers


• Big Blue will receive more money from individual

customers and so increase overall value of sales
• Big Blue may attract more account customers who
may take advantage of the payment terms

Accept any other appropriate response


Level Mark Descriptor

0 • No rewardable material
Level 1 1-2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context (AO2)

• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information

and/or issues, finding limited connections
between points (AO3)
Level 2 3-4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context although there
may be some inconsistencies (AO2)

• Deconstructs commercial information and/or

issues, finding interconnected points with chains
of reasoning, although there may be some
logical inconsistencies (AO3)
Level 3 5-6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context throughout

• Deconstructs commercial information and/or

issues, finding detailed interconnected points
with logical chains of reasoning (AO3)

Question Option 1: offer a specially designed free T‑shirt with all Mark
Number purchases
Option 2: open an online shop.
Justify which one of these two options Big Blue should choose.
Indicative content
3f AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks AO4 = 3 marks

Arguments for option 1:


• T-shirts showing pride in the African heritage are the

most popular Big Blue items of clothing to offer as free
• The unique designs of all the clothing appeals to


• When wearing the free T-shirts, customers are

promoting Big Blue to other people they meet
• So the design of the T-shirt may tempt them to look for
new designs on other items


• However, some customers may not like the special

design and will not recommend Big Blue to their friends
• However, it may be too costly to produce enough
specially designed T-shirts to make this an effective

Arguments for option 2:


• Big Blue online shop would show its original designs of

dresses and trousers
• The online shop shows their African fashion to
potential customers in other countries.


• Online customers see new design immediately which

will encourage sales
• The online shop can reach around the world 24/7 to
all people with pride in an African heritage


• However, many customers may not access the online

shop on a regular basis so would not see the new
• However, Big Blue would find it expensive to invest in
an attractive website in order to attract enough
customers to make it worthwhile (9)
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material
Level 1 1-3 • Limited application of knowledge and understanding of
commercial concepts and issues to the commercial
context (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information
and/or issues, finding limited connections between
points (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple justification
based on limited evaluation of commercial information
and issues relevant to the choice made (AO4)
Level 2 4-6 • Sound application of knowledge and understanding of
commercial concepts and issues to the commercial
context although there may be some inconsistencies
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or issues,
finding interconnected points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical inconsistencies
• Makes a judgement, providing a justification based on
sound evaluation of commercial information and issues
relevant to the choice made (AO4)
Level 3 7-9 • Detailed application of knowledge and understanding
of commercial concepts and issues to the commercial
context throughout (AO2)
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or issues,
finding detailed interconnected points with logical
chains of reasoning (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear justification
based on a thorough evaluation of commercial
information and issues relevant to the choice made.

Question Outline one advantage for farmers in remote areas of using trains Mark
Number to transport their agricultural products to the cities.

4 (a) A02 = 2 marks

The transport of the agricultural products in trains over

long distances (1) will reach the ports and cities much
faster and cheaper than by road (1)

Accept any other appropriate response


Question Analyse the likely benefits to businesses of using Kobo360 to Mark

Number transport their products.

4 (b) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks


• Kobo 360 has 13,000 different trucks travelling

throughout Nigeria every day
• Businesses know what they need to transport and
can book an appropriate truck after consulting the


• Kobo360 can transport different types of freight by

road using the best route so saving costs to the
• Customers can have the convenience and speed of
simply booking transport whenever needed without
maintaining their own fleet of trucks so lowering

Accept any other appropriate response


Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material
Level 1 1-2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information
and/or issues, finding limited connections
between points (AO3)
Level 2 3-4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context although there
may be some inconsistencies (AO2)
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding interconnected points with chains
of reasoning, although there may be some
logical inconsistencies (AO3)
Level 3 5-6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context throughout.
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding detailed interconnected points
with logical chains of reasoning (AO3)

Question Evaluate whether the use of venture capital is a good source of Mark
Number finance to help Kobo360 grow. You should use the information
provided and your own knowledge of commerce.

4(c) A01= 3 marks AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks
AO4 = 3 marks


• Venture capital is a form of financing from private

investors for businesses that need large up front capital
and that are believed to have long-term growth potential
• Venture capital usually comes from well-off investors,
investment banks and other financial institutions


• Kobo360 needed $250 000 for an even larger fleet of trucks

and investment in the technology for the apps used by its
• The venture capitalists have chosen to invest in
distribution in Africa because they have a belief in
long term high profits from the developing countries
on the continent and a vision for Kobo360s success


• This is not likely to be available from other

traditional methods such as a bank loan as the risk
is too high therefore Kobo360 could not raise this
amount of finance for expansion
• Kobo360 can benefit from their vision and share
ideas for success and returns on investment


• However, Kobo360 could have sold shares to raise

the capital required and expand when it wished
• However, Kobo360 may not share the vision and the
investors may find it difficult to control the business

Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material
Level 1 1-4 • Demonstrates elements of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues, with limited commercial terminology
used (AO1)
• Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct commercial information
and/or issues, finding limited connections
between points (AO3)
• Draws a conclusion, supported by generic
assertions from limited evaluation of commercial
information and issues (AO4)
Level 2 5-8 • Demonstrates mostly accurate knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues, including appropriate use of commercial
terminology in places (AO1)
• Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context, although
there may be some inconsistencies (AO2)
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding interconnected points with chains
of reasoning, although there may be some
logical inconsistencies (AO3)
• Draws a conclusion based on sound evaluation
of commercial information and issues (AO4)
Level 3 9-12 • Demonstrates accurate knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues throughout, including appropriate use of
commercial terminology (AO1)
• Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of commercial concepts and
issues to the commercial context throughout.
• Deconstructs commercial information and/or
issues, finding detailed interconnected points
with chains of reasoning (AO3)
• Draws a valid and well-reasoned conclusion
based on a thorough evaluation of commercial
information and issues (AO4)


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