this complete Lenormand card reading seminar was created to answer any questions that you
may have had about reading cards. Nothing will be left out, concealed or forgotten. All tricks
and tips will be revealed, imparted and thoroughly explained. Upon completion of this
seminar, you will be able to read cards.
Mlle. Lenormand’s cards, are those, with which one can forsee and predict events. One can
ask very concrete questions and will receive concrete answers in return; but, even if one has
no questions for the oracle, one can still receive tantalizing answers. There is hardly a deck of
cards that can answer questions, which concern one’s daily life. Love, career, finances,
family, hobbies, social life, etc. „When will I get together with Peter (or will I get together
with him at all)?“ These are the types of questions that the Lenormand cards can answer.
Unfortunately, positive answers are not the only responses that one will get, it’s just as likely
that one will discover things that one doesn’t want to hear.
That, too, will be practiced here. You will learn to recognize the messages, express them and
– above all else – learn to accept them. Because the truth is that interpreting the cards is not
that difficult; however, sometimes when one does a reading for oneself that one does not see
the truth or want to accept it. It is realy easy .
Of course, the fun shouldn’t end there – because at the end of the day the cards are playing
cards, with which one can also use to predict. And now let’s begin. You will first have the
opportunity to go through the entire table of contents before beginning with the first lesson.
We wish you the best of luck on the path to knowledge with the Treppner Correspondence
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
Part 2: Individual and detalied meanings of the cards from 1 – 36 and with key words,
general description of love, career, charasteristics, medical use, timing guide, astrological
Part 3: For beginners – Daily cards (general, love, career), the 3-Day Card Formation, the 9-
Card Formation. How does one use timing cards, how does one predict timing? Presentation
of characterization using the classic Lenormand predictions and astrological energies,
including energies that work externally and those to which one is exposed
Part 4: Interpreting a large card layout – step-by-step explanation. The meaning of the corner
and entry cards. Interpreting a large card layout using traditional methods.
Part 5: The 10 secrets of the great Mlle. Lenormand, written out and explained with graphic
6. .. The Fours
7. .. Diagonals
Part 6: More examples of ways to lay out the cards, with their results explained from A-Z
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
These cards were names after the most famous fortune teller and card reader of the 18th and
19th century, Mlle. Lenormand. Unfortunately, I also have to admit, that the name is, for the
most part, the only thing that connects the cards to the „Sibylle of the Salon“. In reality, Mlle.
Lenormand used a variety of card and tarot decks that were available at the time. She never
developed her own cards, as far as anyone knows. It was, in fact, imaginative corporations
who „borrowed“ the name of the famous lady for commercial purposes. In an early version of
the cards, the „Grand Jeu de Mlle. Lenormand“, which appeared about two years after the
death of the great clairvoyant, actual details of her card reading and work style were
integrated into the set—these details were revealed by personal friends and admirers.
However, today’s „Mlle. Lenormand Fortune-Telling Cards“, on which this book is based,
don’t have much in common with the first cards (which were often complicated in their
symbolism). Nevertheless, as a user of the contemporary version of these cards, you can still
allow yourself to be seen as a follower of a great tradition that first got ist start under Mlle.
Marie Anne Adelaïde Lenormand was born in 1768 or 1772 in the french town of Alençon
and was the daughter of a salesman. To some, she is considered to be the prophet of
contemporary times. Her father dies when she was young and Marie Anne could not complete
her schooling in the local convent. As a result, she took up work as a seamstress. Somehow,
as a young girl she was able to come in contact with fortune-telling—she learned how to read
palms and to read cards. As soon as she was of age, Mlle. Lenormand went to Paris, where
she would make a fateful acquaintance: A woman, who was also a card reader with a
blooming business, hired her as an assistant.
After a turbulent time, in which both of the women got into trouble with the law—it is said
that they were found guilty for conning people, but exact details remain unknown—and
during which time Lenormand left the country for awhile, Marie Anne decided to go into
business for herself. After returning to Paris, she opened an inconspicuous Salon in the Rue
Tournon. The charismatic fortune-teller received visitors of every social standing; however,
she made her name as an advisor to the rich, powerful and beautiful people of her city. During
the French Revolution, it is said that even Mirabeau, Marat and Robespierre were among her
clientele. But it was a very special client that sealed Lenormand’s legendary reputation:
Joséphine de Beauharnais, who later became the wife of Napoleon Bonapartes.
Mlle. Lenormand, who never married, nor had children, practiced her craft over the course of
decades. She out-lived the regime of the revolution, the restauration and even Napoleon; and,
remaind, until her death on 23 June 1843, extraordinarily popular.
Although much has been written about Mlle. Lenormand in diverse memoirs, there is no
information available about her fortune-telling and card readin techniques. It is only known
that she was also gifted in the areas of astrology, numerology and chiromancy (palm
reading)—and possessed a very honed intituition, if not out-and-out psychic abilities.
For the purposes of fortune-telling, Mlle. Lenormand entertained in a Salon in Paris in the
Rue de Tournon No.5. Nowadays there is a a jewelry store and a shoe store in the building.
No reminder of her legend is present, not even a single memorial plaque. However, we will
keep her memory and honor what she has left behind!
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
Of course it’s possible to lay out cards however you want and try out everything under the
sun. However, the results would end up being more frustrating than anything. When one
wants to read cards for themself, the room and the person must be free from clutter. One can
accomplish this by clearing off the table, on which one is distributing the cards. Here’s where
the Feng Shui System can be applied: everything must flow. A table that is covered in paper
and dishes blocks the energies. Free flowing energies are indisposable, if one wants to get
definitive messages. It would be optimal to have the entire apartment in harmony, but because
that is not always possible, we will limit ourselves to the minimum. We are going to create an
„altar“, a place where the oracle will be created. Helpful in this endeavor is a nice tablecloth,
a lit candle, perhaps incense and music to set the mood. Favorite objects, talismans and photos
complete the picture. This should be an area, in which one can relax and let go. Make a ritual
out of it, in this way the positive energies can grab on to our thoughts and concentrate on our
wishes, because one opens oneself to the future.
Finding your inner center
In order to read the cards, one needs to be centered. Often people try to interpret the cards
when they are in a state of crisis and doubt. It’s rare for someone to ask something of the
Leonormand cards when everything is going just fine. When your own constitution can be
described as desolate, then it is probably best for you to avoid reading the cards altogether.
Negative messages—which cannot be avoided—have the possibility of simply worsening
your personal state, which can lead to a vicious cycle. The following excercise can be done
when your inner center is off-balance and you would like to reach a clear-headed state in
order to read and interpret the cards. Length of the excercise 5-10 minutes.
1. Lie down in a relaxing position, close your eyes and try to steady your breathing
2. Concentrate only on breathing and banish all distracting thoughts.
3. Once you have reached a state of controlled breathing and are in a complete
concentrative state, open your eyes and repeat step 2.
4. Keeping your eyes open and hold your breath for as long as you can—do so for one or
two minutes—holding your breath, breathing out slowly, then breathing in, then
holding your breath again, repeat.
5. After doing so, close your eyes and concentrate on what your eyelids look like from
the inside. Try to imagine what your eyelids look like from the inside. Of course,
everyone thinks that from the inside, their eyelids are black, because it’s dark. But
though the breathing exercises, you should be able to see images. If you have done
everything correctly, then you should have no influence on the images or symbols that
are being shown to you. At the beginning, the images aren’t that spectacular. Perhaps
you are only able to see a dot or a line or a vague form that you don’t really recognize.
Try to figure out what your subconscious is trying to say to you. Give the images and
symbols enough time to develop. By doing so, you will be able to see entire stories
and people pop up before your eyes.
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6. It’s important to keep in mind that you should not try to assert any influence on to the
images. Do not try to imagine a particular person or situation. Let the images flow and
concentrate on them. You may possibly fall asleep during this process because a.) this
is preparation before dreaming and b.) it’s the first step to reaching a state of
clairvoyancy. But we’ll discuss that later. Clairvoyancy is important when reading the
cards, but it is not a prerequisite, because you will also learn how to use your intuition.
7. If you haven’t fallen asleep after a period of time, then you have reached a relaxed
state of equilibrium necessary to read the cards. Repeat this ritual as often as possible,
before you begin to work with the cards and are in a stressful state—until such time
that you have internalized everything and no longer need this assistance. Simply
because you have learned to shut yourself off, when you enter your oracle site.
This step can be skipped and is not a requirement, in order to be able to interpret the cards.
This introduction is recommended, if you’ve already worked with the cards and have learned
to interpret larger card spreads or if you have familiarized yourself with the themes. It’s
possibly even better if you’ve already trained with a few of the card formations, because this
exercise actually delves deeper into some of those areas. In this manner you can work through
some of the messages based only on your experiences and which are free from other
1. Repeat the breathing exercises from earlier, except this time while sitting at your
oracle site. Breathe deeply, hold your breath, breathe out, etc. – do this for a minute or
two. Then take card No. 1 THE HORSEMAN. Look at the card with your eyes open
until the picture becomes blurry. Then close your eyes and wait for your subconscious
to reveal the images onto your inner eyelid. It works best when you are sitting up
straight. During this process, each person is shown new images and deeper
interpretations. Some people see the same sort of things, but it can also be very
difference. It is most important to remember that you shouldn’t let the messages be
influenced by your own interpretation. Therefore, you should make note of your own
personal interpretation of each card and work with it in a psychological manner. By
psychological, I mean that the new messages that you have discovered together with
your subconscious can only be used by you and sometimes can be imparted to others.
However, that is something that comes later and requires much practice. Each day you
should try this exercise with a new card and repeat the excercise with the card from
the previous day until you have worked your way through all 36 cards.
2. Once you have worked your way through all of the cards individually, then it is time
to discover the cards as a group. Start with just three cards at the beginning, then work
your way up to nine cards and eventually the big card formation. Then you can look at
the and interpret the big picture. Perform your breathing excercise, look at the big
image with your eyes open until the image becomes blurry, then close your eyes and
wait for the message from your subconscious. Let the answer from your subconscious
influence your interpretation. This gives gives shape to the interpretation. It should go
without saying that during this process, the cards are lying on the table and that you
are in a submissive position
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This excercise is best performed evenings in bed, shortly before you fall asleep, because the
preparation for dreaming and then sleeping is also used for clairvoyancy.
1. You are now in the position to create new symbols with the basics that you know
about the Lenormand cards as your guide. This can also be accomplished without
preconceived notions and you can realize the answers to concrete questions.
2. While lying in bed, perform the breathing exercises described earlier. For the first few
times, it may help to do the breathing exercises for a bit longer (5-15 minutes). Later
on, you’ll be able to leave these out completely and will also no longer have to lie in
bed to do the breathing exercises. With enough practice and concentration, you will be
able to do this anywhere and at anytime.
3. You are still in bed, the breathing exercises have been completed and your eyes are
still closed. Now you wait for the images to be shown to you by your inner eye. At
first they might not be so clear; however, they will become more clear, with practice
and concentration.
4. At first, just let the images display. Then, ask a concrete question. For example: will
Peter and I get back together? If you and Peter are meant to get back together, then
your subconscious will reveal this to you within about five minutes through an image.
This could be the image of a heart, a ring, sometimes you will be the person smiling –
just something that let’s you know that the answer is yes. Don’t keep asking the same
question in the hope that it will be confirmed or that the answer will be different. If a
concrete image does not appear within this time, then the answer is no. It could also be
the case, that the image of something like a dumpster appears. That is also an answer:
throw this person or this relationship in the garbage. Accept the answer, because this
will save you time and worry, so that you can occupy yourself with other matters. The
state of inner clarity and true answers is reached, when you go through the individual
steps as described. You can use this method for questions about any and everything.
5. When it becomes easy for you to receive the answers, you can perform this
everywhere and for third parties as well. Shut off your mind, close your eyes (later it
will become possible to do this with your eyes open), have the person ask you a
concrete question. With you acting as the medium for the third party or the advice-
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
Nothing is forbidden in esotericism. You can really do what you want here, as long as you are
having fun and not putting anyone else in harms way. The spirit of freedom, driven by the
infinite universe and of which we are all a part, is to be supported and passed along—and with
it tolerance. This is the whole idea behind esoteric philosophy.
Therefore, you can lay out the cards as often as you would like, nothing is forbidden. There is
only the question if there will always be a good answer, because the energies necessary for
reading the card are sometimes simply not enough. This is different in the commercial area,
because one is basically acting only as the mouthpiece.
You can ask any question and read the cards for anyone, even if the other person isn’t present.
Honestly? Who is there to stop you? Who can control that? At the most, your own conscious.
And if you find out everything that you want to know, is another matter altogether, because a
lot of experience is needed for such readings. On the other hand, when you have enough
experience and maturity, then digging into your neighbor’s life is no longer interesting – then
you have a much more higher calling.
Curiosity is a part of human nature and always wants to know about secrets and the forbidden.
This is the basic idea behind tabloid magazines. Stories about people are simply thrown
together with photos and transforms the readers into voyeurs and pseudo-entourage of famous
personalities. The cards give us a behind-the-scenes view or maybe the hope the one day
everything will be better, that one finds the love of their life or, just in general, personal
satisfaction and fulfillment. When everything is at ist worst, then the cards are perhaps the
Like I said, it doesn’t matter, when, how often or for whom you read the cards. You can make
a little ship out of them or build a cardhouse. Yes, it may sound silly, but at the end of the day,
the cards are only made out of paper and ink. Haven’t you ever doodled on a piece of paper?
That is actually not much different, with the exception that defacing the oracle cards could set
Predicting death in the cards and then speaking of it, is presumptuous. Death is represented so
individually and differently in a card formation—as individual as the person himself. And
who who can claim to know a person so exactly, as to know precisely what this means? Aside
from that, everyone should have to learn of the death of a fellow man at the same time –
without having made advance preparations for it.
Diseases should be just as taboo. People should go see a doctor to find out if they are
seriously ill. You’re walking on thin ice, if you try to make a diagnosis. It could go very
wrong, very quickly. A tip about getting a cold or the flu is, however, allowed. Accidents, that
you may think that you see in the cards, should also not be revealed as a warning, because
many times this itself can cause an accident, because the person becomes fixated on having an
accident. Curses and Black Magic: there’s no such thing! There’s always some kind of
commercial interest behind that. Most of time, a person is ready to give up a lot of money to
free themselves from some kind of curse. Stay away from the topic and ignore things like
trying to get rid of these hurdles or getting partners back together, etc.
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
You now own a new pack of Lenormand cards, and can see that these cards are sorted in
numerical order. The cards are together in a row from 1 to 36. If you were to shuffle the cards
now and deal them out, then you would have a number of cards still in numerical order,
perhaps even three or four cards in a row. To prevent this, the cards should be neutralized
when they are still new. A brand new deck has to be neutralized and a deck that has already
been used should be neutralized again after each use, but not as much as a completely unused
Unwrap the cards and make 3 to 5 small stacks. Randomly place the individual cards—one
per stack. Then, make one large stack out of the smaller. Then shuffle the large stack a few
times. Then, keeping the cards face down on the table and thoroughly mix them up with your
hands. Pick up the cards one by one, so that you have all 36 cards together again in one stack
in your hand. Make sure that if you are using the Urania „blue or red owl“cards that all of the
owls on the backside of the cards are facing in the same direction. This helps you to avoid
having to resort the cards later, e.g. when you are performing a more complex formation with
the cards and some of them are facing the wrong way. Shuffle the cards a bit once more. Now
When you’re working with cards that are a bit older and used, then you don’t need to mix
them up on the table with your hands. Otherwise, you still perform the same procedure with
the smaller 3-5 stacks, then picking them all up in one hand and shuffling them once again
and without concentrating. This way, you can avoid card pairs from coming together, which
tends to happen. Shuffling alone is not enough to neutralize the cards before a reading.
Most of the time people take the card deck and shuffle the cards from the right hand to the left
hand (or vice versa). While doing this one concentrates on a person or a concrete question.
The length of time that you spend shuffling is up to you. There are no rules, because each
person has their own rhythm and goes at their own pace. The best state that one can be in
while shuffling the cards, is when you completely shut down your thoughts, forget about time
and space and let yourself go into a trance. That is the purest form of card shuffling and
getting a concrete result. It is, however, not a requirement and can also work without doing
that. If you are unsure of how long you should shuffle the cards, then pay attention to the
rhythm of the cards, the beat should sound like the refrain to a song and you should follow
along with that in your mind. The last measure should be the complete ending of the refrain.
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
If this method of shuffling is too complicated for you, then just stop mixing when you think
that the cards feel most comfortable in your hand. Just remember, these are only suggestions,
you should mix the cards the way that feels the best to you and stop mixing when it feels
right. If you don’t feel comfortable shuffling the cards in your hands, then spread the cards
out on the table and mix them that way—whatever works best for you.
Cards are drawn or laid out according to the particular lesson. When drawing cards, fan out
the already-shuffled deck in front of you, making sure that the cards are concealed. After that,
draw the cards one-by-one from the fan with your left hand (the hand closest to the heart) and
in relation to your personal situation or the question that you’re trying to answer.
You should only start turning the cards over once all of them have been drawn. Otherwise, the
results could be swayed, because the cards that one has already seen can cause emotional
fluctuations—such as joy or disappointment—and these energies can influence the next card
chosen. If you are unsure which card is the right one, then close your eyes and run your hand
over the fan and feel out the proper energy. This energy forms when a way of passage is
allowed though the gateway that connects you hand to your arm and up through your
shoulder. A little bit of practice is necessary, in order to understand what is meant by that. The
point being, that you should feel a river and not a barricade, if a certain card is supposed to be
picked. It is—as usual—merely a method that you are free to try, and is not the only way that
this can be accomplished. You will certainly find your own technique or ritual for drawing
cards. This method has certainly proven to be helpful for some people. In regards to the
dynamic or the time spent on drawing the cards, there are, again, no rules. You should use
your own natural pace, by doing so you will always choose the right cards. Above all, make
sure you concentrate on each card; either on your person or on your question.
Now you have concentrated, shuffled the cards, and the card deck is now in your hands and
hasn’t been cut—that comes later in Part 5, Section 8. Right now, we will take the cards, just
how we shuffled them and make four rows of nine cards each. You should start at the top left
with the first card and, to the right of the first card, lay out the second card. To the right of the
second card, lay out the third card, and so forth, until you have nine cards lying next to each
other. Once this is done, then you can start with the second row. The tenth card should be
placed directly underneath the first card (top left) in the first row. Complete the row the same
way that you made the first row (until you’ve reached the ninth card). Once the second row is
complete, then you can make two more rows in the same manner. In the end you should have
a large card formation of four rows with nine cards in each row. The schematic should look
like this:
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
Up until now we’ve only dealt with two types of card dealing systems: 9 x 4 and 8 x 4 + 4. It
also seems that the latter has a slightly bigger fan base. Using this system, it is said that the
last four cards represent the so-called „fate cards“. I personally haven’t been able to discover
much fate in these cards; at least not any more, nor any less than in the other cards. This could
differ with other card readers, particularly since one can determine in advance, which card is
going to be the „main fate card“ or not. As usual, you have to keep in mind that in esotericism
and when reading the cards—anything goes. If you want to designate the 20th, 25th, 30th and
35th cards as the cards most meaningful in determining fate—then please—by all means, go
ahead. I don’t need to use this method, because all of the cards (in a particular order) tell of
my fateful future.
A further advantage in the distribution and assignment of the cards in the 8 x 4 + 4 System is
that the cards are able to reflect and correspond with each other (this is also explained in Part
5), because in this system there are eight cards per row—an even number—and one can
combine all of the cards (with the exception of the four at the bottom) and none have to be left
Gypsy cards are dealt in the same way as the Lenormand cards (reflection, correspondence,
etc.) and the cards are laid out in a row of 9 x 4. In this case, one ignores the middle row when
performing a vertical reflection. That is what we do as well. There are clear advantages and a
good argument for the 9 x 4 formation: the last four cards are not missing from the overall
interpretation and there is a homogenous picture. In the aforementioned 8 x 4 + 4 method, I
always get the feeling that the last four cards are treated somewhat like the bad stepchildren—
like they don’t belong and are left out of the big picture. Because of this, I prefer the 9 x 4
formation, because you can also use other variations with it, which don’t necessarily work
with the other method. And if you feel like it, you can use the middle, vertical row as the „fate
It’s really true that the different methods are going to produce different results, when we place
value on the interpretation of the houses, reflection, correspondence and knighting. Therefore,
I am going to show you ahead of time the classic and traditional method of interpretation, in
which the system of dealing does not play a role. In the other ways of interpretation, which
are important for many people, you have to pick the system that you want to work with and
stick with it. Like I said, I favor the 9-card formation – but feel free to use which ever one you
like the best. You can look over my shoulder and make your decision later, if you still feel
By the way the 8 x 4 + 4 method is the result of predicament that arose from the later sets of
Lenormand cards. The original card sets contained 56 symbols, that could be homogenously
arranged in an 8-card formation. At some point, the card deck was reduced to 36 symbols;
however, some continued to use the 8-card formations out of habit and sort of just stowed the
rest of the cards away at the bottom. Additionally, the 8-card system has a mystique about it.
Nevertheless, I consider myself modern, which is why I’m such a proponent of the 9-card
In the end it doesn’t really make a difference. You could just as easily make a 1 x 36, 2 x 18
or 3 x 12 formation of cards, especially if that’s what you want, what you like and helps you
interpret the cards in the best way that you can.
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Once again here are the card formations, one under the other. Here you can see that the
combinations can be interpreted in the traditional way and contain the same message, they are
just laid out differently. With the 8 x 4 + 4 formation, the combinations are vertical. In the 9 x
4 formation the combinations are found diagonally—a line makes the connection more clear.
e pp
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
Communication cards
Communication cards are those cards which contribute to communicating. This can mean
conversations or discussions, telephone calls, letters, mail, text messages, online chatting,
internet forums or classified ads. These four cards represent communication:
Cards representing people
The Lenormand cards consist not only of the two cards that are actual persons—No.28 The
Lord and No.29 The Lady. In total there are 15 cards, that, aside from their main message also
represent a person. In some cases the symbol is quite apparent, e.g. Child, Horseman. In other
instances, there is an indirect reference to the card game Skat: House/King of Hearts,
Clouds/King of Clubs, Serpent/Queen of Clubs, Flower/Queen of Spades, Storks/Queen of
way, the Scythe/Jack of Diamonds and the Birch/Jack of Clubs can, in rare instances stand for
two boys; however, I’m not listing them as yet. There are so many cards that can represent
people, that it would only create confusion to include some that only occur seldomly or
almost never at all. The cards that are primarily used to represent a person and appear in the
Lenormand cards (eight altogether) are marked in bold letters in the list below. The most
important type of person represented by the card always comes at the beginning of the list and
is underlined. The cards are listed in numerical order. At the end of Part 1, I will explain what
you should look for in order to avoid mixing up the people.
The list will begin on the next page, so that all of the cards that represent people can be found
on two pages and not split up into three.
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
NO. 7 THE SERPENT – female person (only in combination with The Fox is
she a schemer or a rival), girlfriend, mother, sister, female colleague, aunt etc.
NO. 9 THE FLOWERS– friendly woman (sister, girlfriend, etc.)
NO. 13 THE CHILD – child (gender neutral), young woman
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
NO. 28 THE LORD – partner, boyfriend, husband, but also father, sometimes
a son
NO. 29 THE LADY – female partner, girlfriend, wife, but also mother,
sometimes a daughter
Object cards, Thematic cards and Mixed cards
With these cards, it’s not so much about the content, as it is the differentiation, in which case
it becomes difficult to tell the difference between the cards. Object cards relate mostly to
material things, like a house, for example; however, the symbolic context can turn the card
into a thematic card—such as when one uses the symbol of a house to refer to the family,
one’s homeland or the idea of security. All in all, the usage is determined by what the main
message is trying to convey. Some cards can be used as both object and thematic cards.
In some instances, I’ve put a few of the terms in italics, but this list is in no way complete. It’s
main purpose is to give you a point of orientation and will only be mentioned briefly.
The Lady and The Lord haven’t been mentioned at all.
Mixed cards are cards, whose content can stand for both positive and negative things—they
represent two sides of the same coin. To make it easier for the beginner, I have made a table
of the object and thematic cards, sorted in terms of positive, negative and mixed attributes.
Once again, I’ve arranged the pages, so that one can glean the information in one page instead
of two.
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Object cards
Horseman – News
Ship – Travel
House – House/Property
Flowers – Gift/material surprise
Bear – Possession
Tower – Government agency/ the authorities
Fish – Money
Anchor - Career
Thematic cards
Clover – Luck
Tree – Health/Illnes
Clouds – Ambiguity
Serpent – Detour
Coffin – Illness/Fright
Scythe – Danger/Pain
Birch – Conversation
Owls – Telephone call
Child – Fresh start
Fox – Underhandedness
Stars – Esotericism
Storks – Change
Dog – Loyalty and cameraderie
Park – Public
Mountain –Barrier – also an object card
Paths – Decision
Mice – Loss
Heart – Love
Letter – News
Lily – Family, Sexuality
Sun – Luck and Energy
Moon – Fame, Honor, Recognition
Key – Security, Good Luck
Cross – Pain and Sorrow
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When first dealing with card combinations, it can be easier if you work with the negative
cards first, as they are quick to determine the outcome of a combination—even if the outcome
isn’t necessarily the best. As far as negative cards go, we’re talking about the following:
Clouds, Coffin, Scythe, Fox, Mountain, Mice and Cross. This makes the introduction a bit
easier, and gives the beginner something to latch onto with their eyes when looking at a card
formation, in addition to the main „person cards“.
The motif on The Cloud card has two sides and, as such, two meanings. On the left side of the
card are bright, white clouds and on the right side, dark clouds have formed. The white clouds
show improvement, whereas the dark side shows a worsening and/or can point to setbacks.
However, you can’t categorize it under the mixed cards, because The Clouds first have to
blow over before they can mean something positve. This may only last for a little while;
however, a period of time to make change is necessary. The message is dependent on where
the dark or the light side of The Clouds is facing in relation to a person or object card.
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surprise in the form of gifts, invitations or in one’s social life may turn out not to be so
pleasant, even though that may not have been the original intention. There could nevertheless
be dissapointment. At this point, one has to look into one’s own personal situation. If you’ve
been invited to a job interview, then you can pretty much expect a rejection. If you are already
employed, then you can expect an uncomfortable situation or termination. However, this too
has a happy ending, because The Flowers, in turn, signal a good turn of events.
A trip, a rejection or something frightful, and a falsehood or deception. How is one supposed
to find a message in this jumble? Let’s look at the Ship – Coffin combo. This translates in to a
that Fox = lies, deception and intrigue and is in combination with the ending of something. An
underhanded plan related to a trip will be discovered.
In these two examples you can see that The Coffin has to take both of the bordering cards into
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because The Fox is resting on the side of The Anchor. Additionally, The Lady has joined this
duo, in which case one can assume that the workplace intrigue involves a woman.
take one’s personal life in to account and from there decide which message is most valid.
A piece of news or information is being blocked. This may not be such a tragic thing, because
The Sun, which follows directly after The Mountain, let’s the advice-seeker know that the
lines of communication have only been delayed.
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training is possible, in order to improve their chances of finding work. If The Mice had been
in the third position (Anchor – Book – Mice), the message would have been: career-related
advanced training would not work out.
7) No. 36 The Cross – Load and Burden
The Cross stands fate and fateful events. Something in life will be/is being moved by
unforeseen events and one will first have to go through a valley before things look up again.
When fate comes calling, it’s negative, there are setbacks and hinderances; however, in
love that won’t last very long. The Storks, which follow at the end stand for a positive change
in matters of the heart. You can try the juggling test here as well, e.g. the combination Heart –
Storks – Cross. This order also indicates a change in one’s love life; however, it also predicts
the end of it.
The cards Coffin, Mountain, Cross can say the same things–Fright/Endings,
Barriers/Hinderance, Load/Ending—and result in the same type of prediction. As individual
cards messages have different contents, but in combinations the different messages actually
aren’t so different at all.
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of stealing hearts and homes. Matters of the heart turn into lovesickness and/or The Mice are
responsible for the loss of a house/apartment – or they create the possibility that the house
will need to be repaired. This game with the negative and positive cards can go on and on.
The same can be said of The Scythe and The Clouds, if these cards are to the left of a positive
card or if The Mountain, The Coffin or The Cross are the cards being referred to.
It happens time and time again – confusing the persons being referred to in the card
formation. It’s helpful for beginners to thing of No. 29 THE LADY as your own personal
card, if you are female, and to think of No. 28 THE LORD as your partner. And vice versa, if
you are male, then your card is The Lord and your partner, The Lady. In most cases, this is the
correct association, but there are some exceptions. So, if you’re a woman, look for The Lady
and if you are a man look for The Lord. Your partner is then the opposite of your personal
card (Lord or Lady. Nevertheless there is a hierarchy to follow and you should take a quick
look at the other persons in the following order, before you make your final interpretation.
You’ve laid out the cards, are looking at the people and get the feeling that the message is
somehow not correct. Oftentimes this is because you are not in a relationship at the moment
and have determined that the primary person cards are objects of desire. Sometimes you don’t
know if the other person feels the same way and might only see themselves as a lover (Lily)
but not a future partner (Lord) or – simply – as a friend (Lord) or maybe they are an
entrepreneur or some one in a position of power (Bear), who could later turn into a partner.
Maybe as the Horseman, if it’s someone like a younger partner or a flirt. Sometimes the man
can change colors like a chameleon, and is The Dog one day and The Lord the next – then
The Dog again or The Lily. In order to find out, one has to know the person and their
characteristics and something about their personal life. This way, you can assign the person
For a man, who is himself The Lord and wants to know what The Lady is up to, the hierarchy
is as follows: Lady, Serpent, Child, Flowers – The Lady is what you’re looking for if you are
in a committed relationship; The Serpent, if you are having an affair, out of which a
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relationship could develop, but not necessarily; and The Child, if the woman is younger
and/or possibly childish or naive (or perhaps short).
In Summary:
Women should look for The Lord, but if the character and personal situation (as depicted by
the card formation) do not fit, then they should try looking at the following person cards in
this sequence: Lily, Dog, Bear, Horseman. For each card, you have to look at the character,
possibly the qualities, personal settings and their condition. After doing this, you should be
able to pick out the correct person. The same is true for the man, if he is looking for The
Lady, but is not satisfied with the message. He should then look at the Serpent, Child and
Flowers cards, in that order.
A woman wants to know what the next step is for her and her athletic, flexible boyfriend –
career-wise and in the relationship. He is starting some new projects that he feels good about.
The woman wonders why her boyfriend is to the left, near the edge, and surrounded by
negative cards.
e pp
Following the description given by the woman, her boyfriend is being represented by The
Dog, because the character traits that she described clearly around this particular card –
athletic (Horseman), flexible (Storks), fresh starts at a job (Anchor, Child, Storks, etc.). It later
occurred to her that The Lord in the formation is her business partner, whose business is about
to go under (Tower – Coffin – Cross), is going through a negative transformation and whose
girlfriend recently broke up with him (Lord- Mountain – Serpent). It just that easy to
determine the right cards, if you know some information about the person and, at least some
personality traits.
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At this time I will present all of the cards to you in detail, although one could certainly go
on and on about the thematic cards and their meanings. For the time being, I will limit
myself to the old standards, that way, the beginners will have sufficient learning material.
However, the professionals among you will surely be able to come across a new tip or two.
For each card, there are eight categories for their description:
1. Key Words
The terms most commonly associated with a card will be listed here. The primary meaning
is written in CAPTIAL letters, making it easy to spot.
2. General Description
Here is where you’ll find the description of how a card is mainly used and what you have
to look out for when interpreting it. This is just an overall summary of the card—the many,
smaller intricacies may only be mentioned briefly, as it would take too long to get into all
of them. Also, this way you won’t get too mentally overloaded.
3. Love
This category should be seen as a short question – receiving a quick answer or used for a
daily overview. Sometimes multiple messages are revealed, in which case you have to filter
out what is true. Because most people use the cards to ask about love, I gave this topic a
brief and seperate treatment.
4. Career
This is also only a short description, dealing with possible vocation fields, as this could also
turn into too much of a multilayered section. Again, this can also be used to glean quick
answers or discover your daily oracle in matters relating to work and career.
5. Characteristics/Qualities
The main characteristics/qualities of a card will be addressed, so that you can get an idea
6. Medicine
Under this heading, you will find the classic medical interpretations of the cards, but it is
only to be used as a reference and not to replace a visit to the doctor.
7. Timing Guide
Each card carries a timing factor within it. This will be mentioned only briefly. The usage
and determination of symbols referring to time will be explained later using different
8. Astrological Correspondence
Astrological signs, Houses, and Planets are discussed briefly and will be dealt with later in
a more detailed way in terms of the engeries and psychology involved.
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Love: A flirtatious situation is going to take place, it’s also possible for
one to receive a declaration of love.
sports – if you have applied somewhere, then you will be hired.
Characteristics/Qualities: communicative, social, athletic, young or
younger looking, well-dressed.
Medicine: Joints, tendons and ligaments
Timing Guide: within two days – fast
Astrological Correspondence: 3rd House = self-representation
Key Words: LUCK and hope, but always fleeting and can change from
one day to the next
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Love: One is longing for love, and this will be fulfilled if one is patient.
For the short term: a romantic date will go well.
Medicine: Minerals and natural salts should be preferred and natural
products, in general.
Timing Guide: within three years
Astrological Correspondence: 9th House = understanding, tolerance
and expansion.
the future—if one is trying to rent or buy a house—this card is the future
home and not one’s current home. It represents the object of desire and
one can determine if this fantasy will become reality.
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Key Words: MEDICINE, illness and health, a longer period, growth, the
process of maturity, growing up
Love: an eternal love, but one also learn to practice some patients in
regards to a particular person.
Characteristics/Qualities: analytical, but also pessimistic and pedantic
General Description: The clouds have a dark and a light side. If the
bright side of the cards is closest to a person card (Lord, Lady, Serpent,
Bear, Dog, etc.), or an object card (Book, House, etc.) or a thematic card
(Star, Clover, etc.), then it is a signal for the clearing up of ambiguities. If
the dark side of the card is facing the person, object or thematic card,
then it signifies dark times for the person, object or topic. These
problems will clear up, because—as in real life, The Clouds will
dissipate. However, one has to play an active role in this. If The Clouds
are located above a card, then it’s also seen as a negative sign, but there
is no effect when The Clouds are below a card.
Love: not the best time of matters of the heart – not much is going on
Career: Research, science, technology, humanities and philosophy -
additionally, the clouds are responsible for rejection and setbacks on the
Characteristics/Qualities: Smoker, social drinker, slope to drugs and
Medicine: Cold, flu, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pseudo-croup
Timing Guide: six years
Astrological Correspondence: Planet Neptune – for esotericism and
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Characteristics/Qualities: eyeglasses, a complicated person
Medicine: Stomach and intestines
Timing Guide: in seven years
Astrological Correspondence: the astrological sign: Scorpio
Love: This has nothing to do with love, but rather grief and concern, but
it doesn’t last long before everything is good again.
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illness gets better
Timing Guide: spring
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Libra
a neutral or negative side to The Scythe. The left side shows the curved
side of The Scythe – that is, the safe side or the side that shows that the
danger has passed or will pass. Turned around, the right side of the card
shows the sharp, pointed side of The Scythe is facing towards a person
card (Lord, Lady, Child, Serpent, Bear, Dog, etc.), an object card (Book,
House, Ring, etc.) or a thematic card (Stars, Moon, Cross, etc.). If one of
these is next to The Scythe, then danger is present. If The Scythe is above
or below these card, then the situation is neutral.
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to you. However, it will pass. If The Child is nearby, then the effect is
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Key Words: AN/YOUR ACTUAL CHILD, new start, new things (e.g. a
little bit of money, extra job, attentions), young woman, sometimes a
female rival, naivety, innocence
Medicine: Childhood diseases - measles, rubella, mumps, chicken
Timing Guide: in short - positive
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Cancer
smartness, cleverness
you have to watch out. If only good cards are lying around The Fox, then
you can also assume that a certain thing is very clever to do.
Career: All kinds of independent work - and watch out for harassment
and deviousness on the job
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indication of your own ability to accomplish things, which is good, if
you’re trying to become self-employed
Love: a fresh start in love, this new partner could be a spiritual person
and make for an exciting night
Career: Occupations in the field of esotericism – a complete change of
occupation,self-employment or a total change within a company.
Characteristics/Qualities: Interest in spiritual topics
Medicine: think about converting to a holistic way of life
Timing Guide: At night
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Pisces
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Career: all types of creative jobs are good and it could also indicate an
unusually revolutionary change on the job
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Aquarius
card is next to a person card, then it stands for a very loyal person.
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Characteristics/Qualities: Civil servant or self-employed, slender
General Description: There’s not much to say about The Park that
hasn’t been mentioned under the key words. If you are wondering about a
party or similar event, then look for The Park to see how the event will
turn out. Sometimes there will be gossip, if The Owls are present or the
wrong company, if The Fox is hanging around. The whole thing could be
a disaster if The Coffin or The Clouds are next to it. The Clouds could
symbolize that an open-air even will be rained out.
Love: You meet your new love in public (small or large event)
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General Description: Like the card says, there will be barriers. One has
to look to see where The Mountain is located in order to see where the
hinderance lies. Sometimes it is a burden to bear and some good could
come out of it. This is especially true in combination with The Mice, who
will move The Mountain if they are next to it. Yes, it’s just that simple
with the cards—even when The Mice are relatively small in comparison
to The Mountain. In some cases, The Mountain can be seen as a
protective barrier – which is good and can often be seen in terms of
traveling to the mountains for holiday.
Career: Mountain climber, shepher, climate researcher etc. – otherwise
indicates stagnation in the workplace
of The Paths are such that you cannot make a decision regarding the
particular topic, should you look look for alternative interpretations.
Career: Part-time jobs – and a decision that works out in your favor
Characteristics/Qualities: decisive
Medicine: veins and arteries in general—a tendency towards varicose
Timing Guide: within two months
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Gemini
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Characteristics/Qualities: unreliable und unkempt or very nonchalant
Medicine: viruses
Timing Guide: immediate - negative
Astrological Correspondence: astrological sign: Virgo
General Description: Once again, there are no big surprises here. This is
about love. If romantic love isn’t applicable, then friendship or familial
love is meant. On its own, The Heart always stands for big
feelings/emotions – in a large card formation, this should be one of the
first cards to look out for, since one always has a lot of questions
Love: the love of your life or love is just around the corner
Career: Independence in all areas - enthusiam about the job and putting
your heart and soul into everything you do
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Career: one needs routine work - a contract arrives
but in reality, there’s not that much to find out on a daily basis.
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Timing Guide: June
Astrological Correspondence: Mercury – the planet for communication
General Description: In most cases, this card stands for your current
partner. It doesn’t always stand for the man of your dreams (the one that
you really want to have, but with whom you are not together). Pay
attention to the following hierarchy of cards representing males: Lord,
Lily, Dog (then Bear and Horseman). This way you can get an idea of the
association. If you are a man, then pay attention to this are in the card
formation, because this is you.
Love: a partnership with the right man will begin soon, and/or you will
make a romantic commitment
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Love: a new woman for a really good relationship is available for a man
(or also a woman); for a woman, the desired form of commitment arrives
Career: any kind of social welfare work is good – new employment
contract is possible
Love: an affair can develop into something more – but it doesn’t have to
Career: Social welfare matters - a man will discover and promote them
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General Description:
The Sun is a success and luck card. Dreams come true when this card is
on the side of any other Lenormand card. A Mountain can be warmed up
by The Sun, it only takes awhile. Coffin and Sun cancel each other out.
Mice and Sun stand for loss of energy, Sun and Tower bring back more
power, etc. When combined with The Ring, The Flowers, The Klee, etc.
The Sun doubles the luck, since it is two cards lying next to each other.
Love: the one and only true love…or it’s on ist way
Medicine: Try to relax, a illness coming to a good end.
Timing Guide: Summer
Astrological Correspondence: The Sun – for the true self
mutual feelings.
Love: the confirmation that the person you love, loves you back.
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Medicine: collarbone or the stirrup in the – good news in regards to an
Timing Guide: November
Astrological Correspondence: Planet Pluto for stability and power
General Description: This is the main money card and the card to look
out for if we are looking for answers to a question that is financial in
nature. The message is less pleasing if there is a Coffin in the
combination, but with The Sun, on the other hand, there is a definite
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Key Words: WORK, career, solidarity, homeland, beach and surf, also
„chained down“
General Description:
Everyone knows that The Anchor stands for work. The reason is because
when ships would enter the harbor, they would lower the anchor and the
unload the ship. Nevertheless, there are also other meanings behind this
symbol. For example, it could stand for an arrival – to one’s homeland,
on the job or „arriving home to“ your life partner. But pay attention, The
Anchor can also be a stone around your neck, at least that can also be
gleaned from the symbolism. If you’re looking for a free time activity:
the beach and water are being indicated.
Love: love is return after many years, you can cling to it or it can cling to
you – so always keep a space free
Career: permanent employment of all kinds – finding a good job,
stability ensured
Love: Fateful partner or separation? You already know! If you are honest
with yourself, you’ve known the answer all along!
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Daily Cards
As a beginner this is your first introduction to getting to know the cards. At this point you’re
going to mix and draw the cards, as explained to you in the first part. This „daily card“
usually indicates a general topic—the one that is the most important on that particular day.
The messages for each card can be found in Part 2 of this course and you can simply go back
and read from there. If it’s difficult for you to relate the daily card to your personal
circumstances, then try to write down everything that happens to you that. This helps you to
sharpen your intuition and you will get better over time. It’s good to wake up everyday in the
morning with the thought that something special is going to happen at some point during the
day. Nevertheless, it’s not possible for us to get married, fall in love or inherit something
everytday; however, something is going to happen everyday. If there’s no highlight
professionally or in a relationship, then maybe the cards are indicating a friendly visit, or
show that you’re going to visit your accountant or that you’ll get annoying phone call. The
normal daily things in life are also shown in the cards. And sometimes you’ll draw The Coffin
and will get a good scare…because the curtain rod falls on your head while cleaning the
Because people are (naturally) terribly impatient and curious, one can also use the daily card
to concentrate on love, career or finances. These topics already have their own pre-made
categories. Try to see if this will come up as a daily occurence in the future. Otherwise, you
can try using the individual card messages to do a quick „question and answer session“ about
love and career; however, time will play a role in this case, because a big change (on this
particular day or within 24 hours) is not likely to take place. It’s also not very helpful to be so
specific about time periods, e.g. „Will I find the love of my life TODAY?“ – the card that you
choose, can show a short period of time, but most likely not an immediate period of time.
If you practice each day and pull a new card every day, make a nator of your interpretation
and then the actual result on the following day. If you gather the notes in a small booklet, then
you can always look back on your experiences. If you get the feeling that the messages are not
on the mark, then you are misunderstanding what the cards are trying to tell you. Practice
makes perfect!
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We’re already to the point of interpreting the combinations. Part 1 and the combination
chapter will be very useful to you at this juncture, because in Part 1 it is explained how
combinations are made and in the combination chapter can be adjusted for use in the 3-card
formation. Only coincidental messages are possible here—the messages in the cards could be
about any topic – love, career, or finances. Of course, you can try to concentrate on a
particular question, but this formation is not going to show a daily occurence, rather
something that is going to come in the future. It could possibly happen very soon, but that is
not a guarantee. It is recommended that you practice drawing combinations first—without
trying to concentrate on a particular theme. Just concentrate on yourself. You’ll be able to go
over what happened in the online forum with the other students or you can start another little
notebook and jot down your experiences. If you’re unable to let go of a particular worry—
because you’re love sick or are worrying about general problems—then choose a card from
the deck that relates to your worry. For example, choose: The Heart, for love; The Ring, for a
connection; The Book, for education, The Fish, for finances…or whatever works best for you.
After you’ve chosen and laid out the card that is to represent your topic, then shuffle the
cards, as explained in Part 1 and then draw three of them. Interpret these cards in relation to
your topic. A general message concerning this topic will arrive within 1-3 days.
Example 1:
A woman would like to know whether her advanced training will be sponsored by the state
employment office, so she lays out The Book, which stands for education. Then, she draws
the following three cards:
In the combination Tower – Storks – Mountain, the interpretation says that a change (Storks)
with an authority (employment office) will be blocked (Mountain). This means that her
Example 2:
Another woman would like to know if she is finally going to hear from the man of her
dreams. He’s pulled back and hasn’t contacted her for weeks. She draws The Heart and lays it
down, because her concern is a matter of love. The following additional cards are drawn:
The woman is glad, because the fright or disappointment (Coffin) surrounding the message
(Letter) has only gotten lost (Mice), as The Mice cancel out The Coffin. Nevertheless, it’s not
really a reason to jump for joy, as the woman will receive a message, but the two preceeding
cards do not speak of good feelings or joy. So the message is therefore, irrelevant.
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The 9-card formation is a very suitable introduction to interpreting the larger card formations.
Here, there are two variants, which are interpreted according to two different methods. One
method of drawing is rather random and general, the other is based on a pre-determined topic
or theme. It functions somewhat like the 3-card layout, in that one chooses a card representing
a topic beforehand, only in this case, the topic card is integrated into the formation. The
messages usually arrive at short notice. This could be because one only uses a small portion of
the card deck, ¼ of it to be exact, and perhaps the answers therefore arrive in ¼ of the time.
Honestly, I really don’t know why it happens this way and that is just a theory. Fewer cards,
therefore less waiting time. The indications suggest that the daily card (one card) is
applicable for the day on which it’s drawn and with the 3-card formation, a message arrives
within 3 days—hence, the theory behind the 9-card formation. Before you begin, you should
make sure that you’ve read Part 1, in order to learn the proper way of shuffling and drawing
the cards.
Concentrate on your personal situation. If you’ve shuffled the cards as described in Part 1,
then draw 9 cards and lay them out according to the following example:
The interpretation of the topic is to be done in the order of the uneven numbers 1-3-5-7-9 and
then in order of the even numbers 2-4-6-8 . The card in the middle refers to the question that
is going to be addressed, however it is also included in the interpretation.
Example 1
Hans, 42-years-old—who is curious, but otherwise content with himself and the world—has
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Interpretation of Example 1:
The theme of this formation is represented by The Anchor (Position 5), which indicates
career. This is somewhat surprising to Hans, because he is actually quite satisfied with his job.
Perhaps a nice surprise is to be expected? The Clover in Position 1 and The Bear in Position 3
confirm that Hans has luck with his boss (Bear). Looking a little more at the cards, you can
see The Book (education or a secret) and The Key (success and the airing of a secret). Hans
can figure out for himself what that means. It’s about the advanced training program that he’s
been wanting to do for a long time. It’s possible that his boss will give him permission to go
to the seminar.
The other cards 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 hold a further surprise for Hans. The Park, The Letter, The
Flowers and The Dog can be seen in those positions. However, Hans does not have an
explanation for these as yet. But the cards say that Hans will receive a gift (Flowers) in the
form of an invitation (Brief) to an event (Park) fom a friend (Dog). Maybe he will be invited
to a beer garden or a concert by his best friend Wilhelm? They’ve been talking about doing
that for awhile. Maybe now is the right time?
Proceeding with a question, where the topic is already certain
This method is to be used, when you want to determine the topic of the formation beforehand.
Here, you choose the card in advance that is the most similar to your topic. For example:
travel (Ship), career (Anchor), self-employment (Tower), love (Heart), or a specific person
(Lord, Lady, Serpent, Lily, etc.), partnership (Ring), etc. This card is then place in the middle
of the 9-card layout in Position 1. Shuffle the cards as usual, while concentrating on the
question. Then, draw 8 other cards and place them according to the following schematic:
Each card should then be interpreted individually, according to their position in relation to
card number 1. So: card 1 and 2, then 1 and 3, 1 and 4, and so on. Then, interpretation should
take place according to the diagonals 2-1-9 and 4-1-7. Lastly, take into account the
combinations: 2-3, 2-5, 3-1, 3-4, 5-7, 6-9 – all of these must be accounted for. This might look
quite complex at first, but in this manner, none of the combinations are lost or ignored and it
gives us the overall view for interpretation. This way of interpreting the cards also helps to
train the mind.
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Example 2 - Travel
Ms. Luther is planning a surprise trip to her mother’s and would simply like to know how the
trip is going to go. She places The Ship and draws the following eight cards:
And the interpretation
First we collect all the information from the procedure described above, these are known as
the short interpretations that are covered in Part 2
1 – 3 Ship – Heart = a pleaseant journey Reise, one likes to travel, a romantic getaway
1 – 4 Ship – Mountain = travel is prevented or there is a barrier on a journey
1 – 5 Ship – House = a journey home
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All of this information will now be filtered and brought down to a common denominator. Ms.
Luther would like to visit her mother. Her mother, however, is experiencing some emotional
blockage. Ms. Luther can confirm this, because her mother was never really able to show her
feelings. Her mother stays at home a lot, but is nevertheless happy and is trying to be a little
bit nicer. The trip by car is blocked, which is also confirmed by Ms. Luther, because her car is
old and stalls out often. Additionally, there are barriers in the realm of love. Ms. Luther goes
back to her hometown and meets with an old aquaintance and they still have feelings for each
other. All in all the trip will go well, her mother will open up more emotionally and an old
flame will be rekindled.
Example 3 - Love
Maria has been single for year. She would like to know if something is going to happen soon
concerning affairs of the heart. She puts The Heart in the center of the formation and draws
the following eight cards:
e pp
We know this already, but I like to repeat myself: first we collect all the information from the
procedure described earlier, these are known as the short interpretations that are covered in
Part 2:
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2 – 1 – 9 Book – Heart – Owls = secret, exciting love, two secret loves, two secrets in a
relationship… etc.
4 – 1 – 7 Lily – Heart – Lord = passion and love the right man
This case is obvious. Maria had an affair at some point, but the man didn’t want anything
more from her, aside from sex. Soon, a new man will enter her life and he is Mr. Right.
However, this ex will come back again and cause some momentary confusion, because she
still hasn’t completely gotten over him. Now she has to make a choice between two men. She
will choose the right one, and it won’t be a difficult decision…because she can see herself
marrying Mr. Right. A firm partnership is in the the cards.
Timing cards
Yes, one can determine timing from the card formation and there are three ways of doing so.
On the one hand, through drawing cards; on the other hand, by looking at the layout of the
large card formation. For this, you need a kind of template from which you can infer the
times. This method can only function, however, if you aren’t asking the question of „when“
on a daily basis and are truly strong and pure on the inside. So, you will really have to take
your time when doing this. You could go ahead lay out a large spread of cards, interpret them
and determine the timing from that; however, you could also do it in a way in which you are
only asking about the time. I’m going to introduce these three methods to you. And please be
honest with yourself, when dealing with the timing cards – do not do it regularly, otherwise
the system won’t work. The cards will not be able to answer you honestly, if you keep
second-guessing the oracle, because you are unsure. If you are unsure, then don’t trust in the
cards—do not lose faith in yourself. The cards are only a medium to find the answers within
For this you must only concentrate on your timing question, shuffle the cards well, spread
them out on the table and draw a card. In the combination part you can look under „Timing
Guide“ and from there infer the time, when the situation in question will take place.
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Determing timing using the large card formation, without additional card
This is the method to use, if you are not interpreting the cards, but rather, only want to
determine the timing. There is a template for this (Houses of Time) so that you can simply
find and read off the times. You must decide before hand, for which thematic card you would
like to determine the time. For example, you can ask, „When will I move?“ Then, you can
look for the house in which The Storks reside. Or, „When will I find my true love?“(Heart)
„When will I buy a house?“ (House), „When will I start my own business?“ (Tower) etc. The
topic and the cards can be chosen in advance, but you have to stick with them. Shuffle the
cards, as you have learned and concentrate. Then, lay out the cards face down in the 9 x 4
formation. Do not turn any of the cards over, until they have all been laid out. Lastly, look to
see which Time House the card is in—that is your answer.
Row 1:
1. Time House: within two days - fast
2. Time House: suddenly and unexpectedly, within four days
3. Time House: in three years
4. Time House: In the morning
5. Time House: in five years
6. Time House: six years
7. Time House: in seven years
8. Time House: immediately - negative
9. Time House: Spring
Row 2:
Row 3:
19. Time House: in one year
20. Time House: at noon
21. Time House: January
22. Time House: within two months
23. Time House: immediately - negative
24. Time House: August
25. Time House: an eternity or „not yet“
26. Time House: March
27. Time House: June
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Row 4:
28. Time House: April
29. Time House: May
30. Time House: Winter
31. Time House: Summer
32. Time House: In the evening
33. Time House: November
34. Time House: in four years
35. Time House: September
36. Time House: immediately – negative
If you shuffle the cards now and then ask, for example, when you are going to move and then
the No. 17 card – THE STORKS – is located in the fifth Position in the second row (overall
postion = 14), then the cards have revealed that you will move in December.
Determining timing using the large card formation with the previous card interpretation
This is the classic method, if you want to interpret a large card formation and figure out the
timing all at once. If you haven’t asked a specific question of the cards, but something
nevertheless catches your eye and you would like to know when this change is going to take
place; then, you should look for THE STORKS again to see which Time House they fall
under. For specific questions, you should always look for your person card (No. 29 THE
LADY for females and No. 28 THE LORD for males). Again, it is important to accept the
message and the timing that is revealed to you and do not ask again. Just wait for the event to
arrive, that’s how timing works.
Astrological Energies
Now we have to determine the energies, by which we or another person are influenced, but
that we cannot see directly. Here, we’re talking about astrology, which we can also use
psychologically. This helps us understand our actions better, as we can look even more deeply
into the sould. In this way, we can reach understanding or apply patience, if we appear restless
or inaccessable to ourselves or a loved one. We can generally analyze a person better, much
like the detective Sherlock Holmes, and put these valuable discoveries to use. In a moment,
you will see a list of Madame Lenormand’s cards arranges by Astrological Signs, Planets
and Houses. There’s no long or drawn out written description, merely the most important
characteristics—so that it’s nothing overwhelming. There are only a few new terms, that are
used astrologically and analytically.
The list on the following page is in numerical order from card No. 1 The Horseman to card
No. 36 The Cross. Color-coding is used, so that you can later differentiate between the signs.
The astrological signs are in red, planets are blue, and houses are represented in green.
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No.16 The Stars: Astrological Sign: Pisces
No.17 The Storks: Astrological Sign: Aquarius
No.18 The Dog: 4th House – your own feelings
No.19 The Tower: Planet Saturn – self control and diligence
No.20 The Park: 7th House – meetings
No.21 The Mountain: Astrological Sign: Capricorn
No.22 The Paths: Astrological Sign: Gemini
No.23 The Mice: Astrological Sign: Virgo
No.24 The Heart: Astrological Sign: Leo
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Fire sign – this is our little fighter. Aries are impatient, impulsive and very direct. They love
competition, whether in sports, hobbies or on the job. They do not like to lose.
Earth sign – from the hunter to the gatherer. Taurus actually belongs to the astrological signs
that have a hard time separating themselves from personal and material matters. The material
aspects remain in the foreground; however, they also like to be responsible for community
affairs and their organization.
Air sign – Geminis are the slender types, are sporty and always in motion. They „need“ an
audience that will voluntarily listen to them and get excited about their feisty speechs.
Physical appearances – attractiveness – is very important to the Gemini.
Fire sign – and here is the second child among the astrological signs. Leos are also very
playful and never really grow up. They are naive and are dependent on their fellow men, but
they are also a little bit show-offish and like it best when they are around others who are like
them. With a Leo on your side, something is always happening. They are full of urgency, act
Earth sign – Virgos can be very modest and live in the background. They are very analytical
and can often read other people very well. They have a keen understanding of human
psychology. Virgos enjoy mathematics and calculating things, as well as a clean home and a
classic taste in fashion.
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Air sign – strategic, tactical and very diplomatic! Libras always know exactly how to pull the
strings, so that no one feels cheated. Everyone knows the saying that a Libra is always in
favor of balance and cannot stand discord. They have a sense for beauty, aesthetics, a high
general knowledge and are linguistically gifted.
Water sign – Scorpio is the magician under the astrological signs; they can convince and/or
inspire other people to follow them without question. They also have concrete ideas about
how something should be, are good at making plans and have leadership personalities.
Fire sign – you’ll hardly find a pilot, who doesn’t have some kind of sagittarian emphasis in
their horoscope. Sagittarians are travellers and like to go abroad, but enjoy short little jaunts to
the nearest ice cream shop, as well.They are also philosophers and often belong to intellectual
10. Capricorn 22.12. – 20.01.; Lenormand: No.21 „The Mountain“
Earth sign – Capricorns love structure, systems and are somehow always connected with the
government. Policemen, soldiers and teachers – all of them usually have some kind of strong
Capricorn influence. Unfortunately, Capricorns tend to make life hard for themselves in that
they are always trying to keep a particular order about things and have a hard time thinking
Air sign – Aquarius is the go-to sign, when you’re in need of conversation material. Even if
everyone else is united in their opinion, you can almost be certain that an Aquarius will
disagree. Aquarians also need constant change and movement and can oftentimes be
identified by their ever-changing physical appearance. They also like to have partners with a
clear age difference.
Water sign – the motto of the Pisces: do everything possible to avoid being noticeable or
standing in the spotlight – it makes them very unconfortable. The much more prefer being in
the background or dreaming away in their own world. Pisces are very in touch with the
subconscious and spend their lives contemplating the unknown. They are the most intuitive of
the astrological signs.
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By now you should realize that we’re actually only dealing with 11 planets and that the planet
Venus is used twice to represent different Lenormand cards. There are, of course, more
planets that exist in astrology, but we are only going to deal with the most relevant and
already proven planets. They explain to us, to which influences we are exposed.
Mars always brings with it a warrior/fighting-type of energy. It wants to see things through,
be victorious and win. One has to deal with some type of aggression or one doesn’t know how
to control one’s temper
This planet stands for security and demarcation, but also for responsibilty for the community
and contact for third parties. Venus also stands for contracts, partnerships and changing one’s
living situation, just to name a few examples.
Feelings, emotions and mental equilibrium are represented by The Moon. The Moon needs
The position of the The Sun in the horoscope determines the astrological sign: through ist
position in a certain house, we can learn about our own situation. The Sun represents the true
This planet was discovered relatively recently (1976). It was also recently realized that this
planet contains analytic energies. How can you picture that? Chemist, criminologists and
writers usual have a strong Chiron influence. You do as well, especially if you are trying very
hard to examine something.
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Pluto is the thinking and/or inventive planet. Plans, conceptions, ideas and intuition all begin
with Pluto. It is the container of knowledge – nothing is excluded.
The ultimate planet of luck! Exapansion is the name of the game here. Luck and success in
business and social areas can also be expected. Not only in one’s job, but also in one’s free
time, as well as other secondary matter. Breakthroughs and success are a safe bet.
The planet that never rests! Energies of change, transformtion and circulation are provided by
Uranus. It also tends to move fate back into the right light – sometimes combined with „pain“
or revelation.
12. Neptune; Lenormand: No.6 „The Clouds“
With this planet, everything is shrouded in fog. One is overlooked, but also can’t see for
oneself. With this type of energy, the famous „rose-colored glasses“ can come into play and a
This house mobilizes an amazing amount of energies, in order to get your personal goals
accomplished. This mobilization can touch all areas of your life and doesn’t just refer to the
„elbow grease“ applied to get things done in the workplace.
This is where security is found and it is collected and hoarded – the motto: you only have
what you have. And this is only given up reluctantly, because in the 2nd House one is always
afraid of getting caught up in bad times. Contracts are signed, in order to make things more
The 3rd House primarily addresses the superficial and relates to the Self, which needs a
suitable stage for presentation. The scenes themselves can look completely different from one
another—either a real stage, on the field (sports), or at a bar.
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The theme of the 4th House is all-around well-being, taking care of others, and ensuring
comfort and security. How does one care for one’s fellow man? Care-takers for the elderly,
cooks, housewives, service industry and craftsmen/women, just to name a few.
Life is good in the 5th House. There you can experience, enjoy, or switch off—there is a
constant search for the truly unique, and every resource is tapped into – even if the outlook
isn’t so rosy.
Taken literally, there are several different topics that are addressed by this house. First and
foremost are work and diligence. Order and cleanliness are standard, which explains why the
record keeping and budget function without a hitch. However, there is also a heightened sense
of observation and perfect analysis of human nature.
7th House: Meetings; Lenormand: No.20 „The Park“
This house is the area for holding a meeting or the place where meetings are planned and
made possible. Important to the 7th House are meeting in public, direct contact with the
audience or people and a changing client base.
First, a concept is formed; then, comes the planning stage; lastly, the connection of people and
groups through common interests is made. The entire process originates from some type of
leader. The connections, however, can function on many different levels.
The dissolution of connections (from the 8th House) take place in the 9th House. Global and
holistic thinking and understanding, freedom and tolerance, as well as going abroad and
expansion (mental and material) are the order of the day.
Effort, preparation for projects, and separations of all kinds take place in the 10th House.
There is always some kind of limitation placed on personal freedom—one is isolated and
should accept this condition, in order to receive one’s reward and success.
A revolutionary change with a lot of movement and feedback for individual development are
assigned to this house. A convenient addition to one’s own fate is made possible by the 11th
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The dissolustion of material things takes place here – as they are not important in order to be
happy. Recognition of the nonsensical nature of matter and the discovery of intuition and a
sense for the humanities.
First take the 36 Lenormand cards and form three piles—created after sorting out the
astrological signs, the planets and the houses from one another, one pile for each category. If
you only want to find out something about yourself, then take out the card which corresponds
to your astrological sign and put it to the side. Now, concentrate and shuffle the cards for the
12 Houses, fan them out in front you and draw a card while asking the question, „Which
external influences are affecting me?“ and then place this card face down to the side. After
that, take the 12 planet cards, shuffle them, and draw one, while asking the question „Which
internal energies are moving me?“ This card should also be place face down and to the side.
Once you have the three cards, you can turn them over. You can, of course, ask the questions
for other people as well—children, partners, parents, colleagues. The person doesn’t have to
be present, you just need to know their astrological sign, so that you can keep focused on the
Hannelore is 34 years old and would like to know, which energies are affecting her at the
moment. So, she finds her astrological sign-card, Libra = The Flowers. Then she draws the
No.8 card – The Coffin – for external influences (Houses) and for inner condition the No. 5
card – The Tree.
favor of balance and cannot stand discord. They have a sense for beauty, aesthetics, a high
general knowledge and are linguistically gifted.
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In actuality, Hannelore is not one with herself and her environment. She is missing the
harmony and balance. She knows something is there, she just doesn’t know how to grasp onto
it. She kind of has the feeling, that she is being cut by other people, that they are holding back
information from her and trying to uproot her. The card THE COFFIN, which stands for the
11th House confirms Hannelore’s feelings. It’s possible, that her fate will change, but it’s also
going to be „painful“—in away, she’s going to touch the hot stove top and burn her hands, but
in the end she will learn not to repeat what she did in the past. In fact, she has to move away
from the recent past and investigate her origins. For her, that means, that the harassment has
probably only just begun. Chiron, symbolized through the card THE TREE, advises that she
should get things back on track. To do so, there are questions that need to be answered. Where
is she now? Where does she want to go? What makes her authentic? In the past, wasn’t she
always the one who tried to keep the balance? She has to learn to speak up and make
decisions – even if it makes her a little less popular. If she doesn’t learn how to dish it back
out and get under people’s skin sometimes, then the external energies – in the form of
underhanded people – will make sure that there is no way to succeed. Discord can still come
along, even if one is always terribly polite.
On the next page you will learn how to develop your own card formations
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First of all, you have to figure out what is is that you want to know. Career, Love, Finances,
Hobby? Most people choose love, so we’ll use that as our example. Ok, now. What interests
you personally? Do you want to know if you will get together with a certain man, if you move
in together, get married, have children, know if the love will last forever, or if another man
will come along, find out if you’re soulmates, if there’s competition, is there a danger for the
relationship? Will he take care of you, will you have an erotic connection, will you work or
maybe start a business together? Is the man still trying to sort out issues from his past, is his
ex still in the picutre, will he be faithful, will you always love him? What hurdles will I/he/we
face? Will there be external annoyances or will we be thick as thieves?
Now I’ll choose six questions for „us“, for six positions. However, you can choose as many
questions and create as many positions as you want. Even in this example there are no limits.
Even if you conform to the placement and questions in the example, then it is still YOUR
formation, perfectly tailored to you and perhaps a wider audience could also enjoy it?!
6 Questions – „X“ stands for an imaginary male person (your dream man)
2 3
4 5
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In Position 1 for the question: „Will X leave his wife?“—The Child can be seen. That means
he’s trying to make a fresh start with his wife – also because of the children. If he were going
to split up with his wife, then there would have to be The Scythe, The Cross, The Mountain,
The Coffin , The Mice, etc. in that position.
In Position 2 for the question: „ Will X and I then get together?“ – The Horseman is seen.
This means that he will still continue to see you…
In Position 3 for the question: „Will X and I develop something?“ – The Flowers are in this
spot. This means that he will continue to be friendly towards you and give you gifts.
In Position 4 for the question: „Will X and I get married?“ – Here one sees The Bear – there’s
going to be another man!
In Position 5 for the question: „Will X and I have children?“ – The Key is in this spot, so, yes,
it’s possible, but it’s not the most clever idea, is it?
In Position 6 for the question: „Are X and I meant to be a couple?“ – The Lily is lying here,
which means it’s just an affair, nothing more.
As you can see, the inquiry is a virtual roller coaster beginning with the first card, which
threatened to end your dreams. Fate seems to have another man in mind for you; however,
you will experience a few more blissful encounters with your lover – and possible get
pregnant. To top it all off, you weren’t mean to be together. Frustrating? No, it’s just a peek in
to the future, in order to help you form it.
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Row 1 — just think of the game „I’m packing my suitcase and bringing a…“
A man or a domestic animal/dog
A happy man or a dog with a child, or a young woman, or a young woman who is grieving or
suffers from back pain.
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A happy man or a dog and a child, or a young woman, who is suffering with a secret or is
worrying about education/finances. Here we have to take the first message about the back
pain out, because the worry is related to The Book.
A happy man, or a dog and a child or a young woman, who is worrying about an underhanded
secret or her education (also could have the wrong invoice).
A happy man or dog and a child or a young woman, who is worried about an underhanded
secret or education and who could reverse some kind of danger.
A happy man or dog (and from this point we will leave out the dog, otherwise it’s too much to
write each time) and a young woman (again, we will leave out the possible alternative of the
child), who is worried about an underhanded secret, etc. and is therefore posing a danger to
another woman.
A happy man and a young lady. The young lady is worried about her education, as something
could go wrong and has problems (of an aggressive nature) with another woman, who is self-
employed or a civil servant. This is the interpretation of Row 1. Now we have to look at Row
2 and see if any different interpretations develop.
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Rows 1 and 2
A happy, athletic man and a young lady. The young lady is worried about her education and
that something could go wrong with it and must deal with aggression towards another woman,
who is self-employed or a civil servant. Any changes to the formation from this point out will
be marked in bold letters. The message will now be supplemented or taken out completely,
because with each step the interpretation of the formation changes.
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An unhappy (Clover - Coffin) man, who receives a negative message (Horseman - Coffin)
and a young lady. The young lady is worried about her education and that something could go
wrong with it and must deal with aggression towards another woman, who is self-employed or
a civil servant.
An unhappy (Clover - Coffin) man, who receives a negative message (Horseman - Coffin)
and a young lady who is lovesick (Heart – Coffin) . The young lady is worried about her
education and that something could go wrong with it and must deal with aggression towards
another woman, who is self-employed or a civil servant.
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An unhappy (Clover - Coffin) man, who receives a negative message (Horseman - Coffin)
and a young lady who is lovesick (Heart – Coffin) out of jealousy (Heart - Bear) and is
suffering from it (Cross - Bear) or the young lady knows a man in power (Cross - Bear),
and is in love with him (Heart), which is why they give the man (Dog), who is „actually“
happy (Clover), a message of bad news (Clover - Coffin - Horseman) . What we have to
find out now is, whether the young lady’s sorrow is because of her education where there is
potential that something could go wrong and where there is aggression towards a woman who
is self-employed or a civil servant or whether the message is connected to the young
woman’s education where something went wrong and if the separation (Scythe) from a
self-employed woman or female civil servant stands alone.
e pp
Let’s leave the preceding text for a moment and supplement it with some more information.
This young woman is grieving (Cross) due to a man (Bear) or a man in a position of power
(Cross – Bear), because she is in love with him (Heart), but he is already taken (Serpent).
However, this woman doesn’t know anything about this flirtation, because the secret (Book)
is located above the Serpent.
Furthermore, we can see that this woman (Serpent), is not without her fault, because she is a
calculating personality (Fish – Fox) and likewise has a secret (Book) that has to do with
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Additional cards show us that there is still a possible blockage (Mountain) in terms of the
money, since The Mountain is next to The Fish. However, the woman (Serpent) still has
access to the money, because The Mountain is not between The Serpent and The Fish, but
rather comes after The Fish. Now we have to observe to see which card comes after The
Mountain and if this story relates back to The Lady No. 28. The following interpretation is
possible: a woman (Serpent) has a devious (Fox) secret (Book) concerning finances (Fish) and
is trying by all means necessary, perhaps even violence (Scythe) to keep the other woman
(Dame) far away (Mountain) from the money.
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Now we can also get rid of the story with the young woman and the education and the
annoyance with this self-employed woman or female civil servant, because it looks like a
different kind of connection is beginning to crystalize. We’ll keep the part of the
interpretation about the money coming between the two women and add on that the financial
Here too, we will maintain all other messages and expand the interpretation by adding that
because of the money situation between the women, a legal process might be possible (Tower
– Birch)
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Rows 1, 2, and 3
Here, we learn that the unhappy man has gotten a contract (Horseman – Ring) – at least for
now. Let’s wait and see what happens.
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and the decision regarding the contract is in – and it’s not positive, as The Coffin appears
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A relocation – at least for now – is possible (Storks – House), but who is going to move? The
young lady (Child) or the person in power (Bear)?
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And the other woman has a beautiful home or luck in the home (Serpent – Sun – House).
Additionally, it seems as though this woman (Serpent) will clear up the financial matters (Fish
– Clouds)
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There’s something else that needs to be resolved and is sick or healthy (Tree) – we’ll find out
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Something is still waiting to be resolved, is sick or healthy and is causing stress (Owls)
Possibly a court hearing is taking awhile (Tree) to come to a conclusion, because Tower –
Birch – Park represents an public conflict with the authorities. That could just as well be the
cause of the stress (Owls).
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Let’s start on the right side again and try to compliment the formation. The man (Dog), who is
actually unhappy (Clover – Coffin) and has received a disappointing message (Coffin –
Horseman) from a young lady (Child), gets a contract (Horseman – Ring), which is successful
or emotional (Moon). He’s going to have to make a decision about something, because The
Paths come next.
Now we’re getting closer to what’s going on with the man (Dog). This isn’t about a contract,
it’s about a relationship. He enters an emotional (Moon) relationship (Horseman – Ring, The
Horseman, because the man is active) with a lovely woman (Flowers). It’s the decision (The
Paths) that he makes to escape his lovesickness (Coffin – Heart), even though he isn’t
suffering that much, because The Coffin in the combination only indicates a short term
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Furthermore, we can take note, that the young woman (Child) has experienced a change of
heart (Heart – Storks) and has started fresh (Stars), even though she first sends out a negative
(Coffin) love letter (Heart – Horseman). The man and the young woman are unhappy about
this (Clover – Coffin), but the sadness only last a little while (Coffin – Heart) and, at any rate,
the feelings weren’t that big to begin with, rather more friendly, since the man is being
symbolized by The Dog (good friend).
Now we will go down one vertical column further and come to the young woman’s other man
(Bear). As previously mentioned, there’s be a change (Storks) of heart (Heart) in the woman
and a new beginning (Stars). This new man (Bear) is in a high position (Cross – Bear) and he
is in love with the woman and the woman with him. It looks as though he also wants to move
away from house and home (House – Storks), but he is still together with another woman
(Serpent). Then, some news (Letter) comes into the house. There isn’t anything more we can
say. Perhaps another card will reveal more?
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Now we have to tie in the letter, as the left half of the formation has already been interpreted.
Another man (Lily) is involved with news (Letter). This could also mean family, sex or
harmony. But those things wouldn’t make much sense in this case, because The Lily has The
Sun between it and The Serpent. That means that there is another partner for this other woman
(Serpent). This is a possibility, as she has a secret hanging over her head (Book) – somehow,
everyone in this situation is hiding something and affairs are abound. However, now The
Letter is on the scene – maybe it’s an important communiqué (Letter) intended for the home?
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The man (Lord), who is having an affair with this woman (The Serpent) and has feelings
(Sun) for her, could be from far away or about to take a trip (Ship). However, the man (Lord)
is unsure (Clouds) of how his lover feels about him.
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it is certain (Key) that the man (Lord) is going to have a successful (Key) business trip (Ship –
Summary – there are multiple stories and themes
It’s true that a woman (Lady) wanted to know how a court hearing about money and
involving her sister (Serpent) was going to turn out. In the end, one can say that the case is
going to last for awhile and will be the cause of some unrest. Additionally, it doesn’t look like
there is going to be a clear winner or lose. Barriers are removed, but this probably stands for a
settlement. And as for the other stories, which don’t seem to have much to do with this
woman, but pop up anyway—they serve to provide a little bit of gossip. Her sister is married,
but is having an affair—and so is her husband. It looks like their marriage is heading for
divorce, but that may still be a ways off, since both can still be seen in the formation. The
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couple will also speak openly with one another, because The Letter reveals that there will be
family-related discussions in the home. However, let’s look at the three introductory cards
for a moment, since they are still hold a meaning for future occurences and aren’t really
related to a specific person, aside from the advice-seeker. In this formation, these cards are:
The Dog – The Clover – The Child. When considered neutrally, this combination could
signify that a fresh start with a man is on it’s way = a happy, new beginning with a man. That
could fit, because our advice-seeker is single, but not necessarily looking for a man. Then,
there are the four corner cards, that related to the topic of the card formation. In this case,
the cards are: Dog – Tower – Moon – Key = a man (Dog) is certain (Key) to be successful
(Moon) with the authorities (Tower) – that is the main message of the card formation and
relates back to the woman’s court hearing. The Dog represents her lawyer and the woman will
not have any financial losses
I hope you were able to understand this principle. If you are still experiencing difficulties
understanding this type of interpretation, here are a few tips for beginners:
First, pay attention to the negative cards (Clouds, Coffin, Scythe, Fox, Mountain, Mice,
Cross). Where are they located and where do they make sense? By doing this, you can pick
out individual messages, because negative messages can be easily or quickly spotted or are
already present. It’s not pleasant, but you can hit the points quickly and that should help
motivate you.
Let’s take a look at the cards individually and not in great detail.
Clouds: The Clouds are by The Lord, something isn’t very clear to him, but it’s going to hit
him right over the head—The Clouds are right above him, after all. Also, The Mountain is
weighing down on The Clouds from above, making them particularly heavy—but that is just
an aside.
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Coffin: The Coffin is next to The Ring. This means that there is about to be a separation, and
from the looks of it, a separation between The Lady and The Lord.
Scythe: The Scythe is pointing directly at The Serpent, there is potentially some pain there or
another danger by means of injury or insult. Yes, Tree is next to it and it stands for medicine,
maybe she needs to go to the dentist.
Fox: The Fox is interesting, because it is next to The Book, to The Child, The Lily and The
Heart – the entire situation must be evaluated and The Dog and The Lady must be drawn in as
well. Secrets (Book) of a devious nature (Fox) related to love (Heart), that affect a younger
woman (Child). Clearly the man (Dog) is cheating on his girlfriend (Child) with The Lady.
Thank goodness there is a happy (Clover) change (Storks) for the young woman (Child) with
another man (Bear). Ok, the last few things haven’t got anything to do with The Fox, but they
were lying so clearly and simply next to each other, that they could be quickly mentioned
(that’s how we completed the majority of the large card formation so fast).
Mountain: The Mountain mainly makes sense next to The Letter and The Fish – this means
that a piece of information or a money transfer is being blocked. It could also have something
to do with court proceedings (Tower – Birch – Park etc.)
Mice: The Mice are once again next to many cards and could mean a variety of things. I’ll
place some emphasis on either The House or The Lily. Something isn’t right at home or in the
family. If you were to take the name of The Child literally, then perhaps the erotic
relationship between the woman (Lady) and the man (Dog) not so great. Otherwise, I would
assume that something in the house is broken.
Cross: It’s lying mainly by the Anchor, i.e. the workplace. In other words, there is some worry
about the job. If you add The Owls into the mix, then The Lord is experiencing, unrest, hectic
You can see that with just a few cards, one can already pick out quite a few things from a
Just so that this information can be digested a little bit better. Let’s take a look at only these
seven negative cards in the formation. We’ll start on the next page, so that you can see
everything on one page and understand it more clearly.
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Clouds: The Clouds lie between The Park and The Tree. Here I’ll give the interpretation that a
matter related to the public will be cleared up. One can also see another lawyer (Bear – Birch,
but also another woman…). It’s important to note, that success is also present (Key) and
regardless of the trouble with the public, it will turn out well. I can’t really figure out anything
from The Clouds and The Trees, which most likely have something to do with love or
eroticism and are irrelevant to the interpretation at this time.
Coffin: The Coffin is also in a great position. Next to The Tower, The Ring, The Dog. Here, a
man is really worried about the creation of a contract in relation to the officials and
authorities. At the same time, he’s separated from The Serpent, because The Coffin and The
Ring are going in The Serpent’s direction. This has to do with The Park, once again. Maybe
there is going to be some new work? It almost looks that way!
Scythe: The Scythe is at the end, with the pointed side turned away from The Lady. This
could mean that a sticky situation could actually turn out to be quite advantageous. It’s also
slightly possible that there will some bad news, because The Letter follows, but even if that
were the case, there wouldn’t be any damage, as it is bordered with the positive energy of The
Flowers, The Lily, and The Fish.
Fox: The Fox is boxed in between The Mice and The Horseman, which indicated that
someone is sending deceptive (Fox) messages (Horseman), but this will be cancelled out
(Mice). In other words, one will get over the intrigue.
Mountain: The Mountain is next to The Anchor, The Tower, The Owls and The Storks. This
probably means that just about everything will be hindered. Things with the authorities and at
work. This will cause worry to spread. Change will come, but it will take awhile…or is also
being blocked.
Mice: see The Fox
Cross: The same thing that applied to The Mountain, also applies to The Cross. It addresses
worries (Cross= grief and concern) that a man is experiencing and that are related to the
authorities or some kind of official Messages tend to repeat themselves, which only unites
these negative cards.
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7. .. Diagonals
8. .. Picking up the cards? Completing the series in your head
9. .. Covering cards
10. .. The system of dealing the cards for a large card formation
1. Interpretation of the Houses and/or Position
What do we mean here? Well, we mean the position that the cards take, when we’re laying
them out in numerical order. It begins with the NO. 1 card, THE HORSEMAN, percedes to
NO. 2 THE CLOVER, then to NO. 3 THE SHIP, etc. all the way to NO. 36 THE CROSS. It
All of the cards were sorted by number (1 – 36) in the 9 x 4 formation and spread out.
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Well, now we know, that The Horseman is in the 1st House (in Position 1), etc. So, what do
we do now? Now, it’s time to imagine these positions while laying down the cards. We
should have the numbers of the individual cards in our head, in order to be able to put these
cards back into the same position. If you can’t keep track of the numbers in your head, then
make a cheatsheet so that you will be able to do the combinations for interpreting the houses.
I’ll repeat that one more time, we are going to combine the individual cards from the card
formation from Lesson/Part 4 with the positions of the individual cards, as they would be if
they were lined up in formation from 1-36. It goes like this:
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Interpretation is done in combinations. The Horseman from the house interpretation is going
to be combined with the corresponding card from the previous card formation from Part 4 –
which were The Storks. Horseman – Storks stands for: a message bringing change or change
occurs through a young man, etc. Then, we look at Position 2, which is The Clover and it is
combined with card in Position 2 from the current formation (seen above). Clover – Mountain
means: no luck or luck is being blocked, etc. If you are unsure about a message, then it would
probably help if I told you that the card from the template is always the first card—
theoretically speaking, it will be to the left—and the card from the current formation is going
to be to the right of the template card. This is important, because there are other combinations
sometimes. Moving on, let’s go to the third card from the template—No. 3 The Ship—and
combine it with the third card in the current formation, The Tower. Ship – Tower, this could
indicate a business trip. You can go through the entire formation, in this manner until you’ve
made all 36 combinations. If it is too much information for you to keep in your head, then
make some notes to yourself or you can look up the combination section of this course.
Here we are talking about further methods of combining cards with one another. And to do
that, we will take our current mixed-up formation and then imagine that we were first folding
the the card formation in half, vertically (from top to bottom) and then horizontally (left and
right). By doing so (vertically), the first card in the first row would match up with the first
card in the last row. The first card in the second row automatically matches up with the first
card in the third row. Then we repeat this again, this time using the second card in the first
row, together with the second card in the last row, as well as the second card in the second
row with the second card in the third row. This is repeated until we’ve matched up all nine
cards (or also the columns). I will show this to you with an example below, which is the
explanation with the horizontal reflection, where the middle row is ignored.
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The diagram shows how you can carry out the verticle mirror interpretation using the same
numbers and the resulting combinations. You combine the Number 1 with 1 = Storks and
Paths, Number 2 with 2 = Anchor and Moon, Number 3 with 3 = Mountain and Sun, and
Number 4 with 4 = Owls and Child, etc until you get to the last pair with the Number 18 and
18. If you are still unsure about combinations, then you can re-read that chapter of the
correspondence course.
Horizontal Reflection
This is a little bit different – once again pairs will be formed. This time from left to right and
starting outwards moving inwards. One begins with the first card in the first row and
combines it with the last card in the last row (Storks and Heart). This is to be done four times
in this row: the second time by combining the the next to last cards (Mountain and Tree); the
third time, by combining the third to last cards (Tower and Clouds); and the fourth time, by
combining the fourth to last cards (Cross and Park). Complete every row in this manner. The
vertical rows of cards are to be ignored. Here’s what the diagram looks like:
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As you can see, the middle rows have been neglected during this procedure. This is because
there are only nine rows and this is an uneven number and results in leftover cards. In this
diagram you can see that the first card from the first row and the last card from the first row
are combined with the No. 1 card. This is the Storks – Heart combination which signifies
changes in love. Now combine all of the same numbers with each other, which give us 16
other combinations. 2 with 2 = Mountain – Tree and 7 with 7 = Coffin – Key or 16 with 16 =
Fox and Stars, to clarify my point. Do that with all of the numbers, make a note of the
messages, and when in doubt use the combination chart as a guide.
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3. Corresponding cards
In this method the cards are interpreted diagonally and crosswise, whereby you have to pay
attention to the rows here. The highest row (Row 1) will be combined diagonally and
crosswise with the lowest row (Row 4) and the middle row (Row 2) will be also be combined
diagonally and crosswise to the third to last row (Row 3). As you can see from the diagram,
this will give us 16 other combinations, that you should remember or make a note of or, when
it doubt, refer back to the combo chart. The first card from the first row will be combined with
the last card from the last row; the second card from the first row, to the next to last card in
the last row; or the first card in the second row (No.9) can be combing with the last card in the
third row (Nr. 9), etc.—just to give you an idea. This is done until you’ve completed the
combinations 1 – 16.
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The term „knighting“ comes from the game of chess, wherein the moves of the „knight“
chesspiece are followed and it describes how this piece is allowed to move about the
chessboard. The first thing we need to do is select a card from the formation beforehand that
we want to use to perform the „knighting“. It can be love (Heart), money (Fish), a particular
person, education (Book), career (Anchor), etc. The card that we choose to represent this topic
then becomes the starting position – here’s where our knight would be standing, if we were
playing chess. We can combine our „knight“ with all of the cards that it would be able to
reach from its stationary position and we can relate these combinations to our chosen topic.
So, the number of additional combinations can vary depending where our knight’s starting
point is. In the middle of the formation or on the edge, we can make 2-6 combinations. The
knight is allowed to move two spaces backwards or fowards and then one space up or down,
so that it always jumps in an L-form. Here are some diagrams to give you an idea of how this
can develop.
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For a better idea, let’s take a look at „knighting“ with a card that has been well-placed—The
House, which is in the third row in the fifth position (middle). In this spot, the card can
combine with six other cards.
A = Beginning E = Ending and between them are connecting lines in the form of an L
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If you want to learn more about your house or domestic situation, then you could combine
The House to The Cross, The Park, The Coffin, The Key, The Mice and The Lord, in order to
glean more information and use other messages to equalize this input. I hope that you have
been able to understand this system and move in the described L-form – once more: two
spaces to the right or left, then one space forward (Coffin and Key, in this case) or one space
backwards (Mice and Lord). The knight can also move one space to the left or right and then
two spaces forward (Cross and Park). These six combinations can be combined with The
House (House – Mice, House – Lord, House – Coffin, House – Key, House – Cross, House –
Park). Don’t forget to make notes, if necessary.
Of course, sometimes a card doesn’t have as advantageous of a position as The House in this
formation, which results in fewer revelations. For example, when a card is located near the
edge (above and below or left and right). There are some diagrams on the next page
demonstrating this.
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In this graphical demonstration of knighting, the cards are positioned less optimally near the
edge. There are fewer possible combinations out of this. Let’s take The Owls and The Heart.
If you strictly adhere to your „road map“: from the starting point (Ex: Owls), you can move
one to the right and one to the left and two backward (Paths and Mice); the possibility of
moving forward lies beyond of the card formation; moving two to the right or left is also
outside of the card formation; and one space forward or backward (Ship and Cross)—you end
up with four possible combinations. Looking at The Heart and adhering to the „road map“, we
can only get two combinations (Key and Fish), because all of the other possibilities would be
outside of the card formation. Make a note of these messages or take a peek at the combo
5. Counting
This is also a method used for gathering and collecting more information from the card
formation. Once again, you need to choose a topic and a corresponding card, which isn’t
meant to be counted along with the rest. From this starting point you will choose every fifth
card to interpret—in this instance you are NOT gathering combinations, but formulating a
Graphical example for the topic of love (Heart). The A stands for starting point (remember
it’s not being counted). The numbers 1-5 are serving the purpose of counting and the number
five is in „red“ because we want to interpret these fifth cards in relation to the topic of love. If
it looks like you’re getting to the end of the card formation, because we have arrived at the
last card from the bottom-most row (The Scythe, in this example), we simply continue
counting, jumping to the first card in the first row (The Storks, in our example). We continue
counting until we have arrived back to the starting point. A quick tip: the last card that you
should take up for the interpretation is always located directly to the right of the starting point.
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Now we have to form a story that relates to love out of the sequence of counted cards. The
cards are: Serpent – Moon – Clover – Sun – Tower – Tree. To formulate the whole thing:
there is involvement in terms of love, deep feelings, luck, hope and energy in relation to a
female figure; however, there is also loneliness (or possibly diligence or ambition) and a
constant growth. Thus, everything in is A-OK in the area of love!
6. The Fours
The Fours are also a system for formulating further statements. There are always four cards,
whose corner points form a rectangle, and can be summarized to make a message. The
following diagram demonstrates, which four corner points belong together and can be used to
formulate a message. These four corner points always contain the same digit. All of the 1s and
all of the 2s, etc belong together.
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Once again, the middle row is ignored. All of the 1s belong together: Storks – Heart – Paths -
Scythes; all of the 2s belong together, Mountain – Tree – Sun – Lady; and all of the 3s, Tower
– Clouds – Mice – Lord, and so on, until you’ve got all eight groups together.
Subsequently, one gets eight more messages. Group 1 Example: Storks – Heart – Paths –
Scythe = a decision (Paths) will be made soon (Scythe) and a change (Storks) in love (Heart)
If one takes into account the 4-card formation, there are still more messages to be found.
These possibilities can be found from left to right and from right to left. This way there are six
4-card combinations, two 3-card combinations and two 2-card combinations. The two corner
cards are ignored. On the following page you will see two diagrams where you can recognize,
which cards always belong with the diagonals and can be used to formulate more messages.
For the sake of clarity, both of the diagrams on the next page will be represented one
underneath the other.
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With this template you can now make your own card formations and formulate the 4-card
combinations, etc. For example, the 2-card row with Birch – Bear – Book – Lady = a lawyer
or notary closes a contract with The Lady.
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That is the question. Some do it, some don’t – pick up the cards after shuffling, that is. I
would recommend not picking up the cards for the time being, in order to preserve the
original card formation that stems directly from your hands and to interpret it just like that.
Unless you get to a point where you think you can’t see enough, because a person card or a
particular object card is lying inconveniently within the formation or on the edge—then it
could be recommended to pick up the cards. However, you must pick up the cards in the order
of how you put them down – start with the last card and always work from right to left. It
looks like this:
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Put the cards back together, so that they are the same way that they were before you laid them
out – starting at the back and moving forward. Start with the last card in the last row, place it
on top of the next to last card. Then moving to the left, place those two cards on top of the
third to last card in the last row, etc. Once you have finished with the last row, then move up
to the 3rd row, starting again at the far right—just as demonstrated in the picture above. When
you get to 3 E (the end of the third row), move up and start at 2A (the beginning of the second
row) picking up the cards all the way to 2 E. From 2 E, move up to 1 A, to the first card in the
first row—The Storks, in this case. Afterwards, turn the deck over so that cards are once again
face down. Lift the deck with your left hand, place the lower pile on top of the higher pile,
then deal out the cards once more. This way you can gain more knowledge, without having to
re-shuffle the cards. Besides, it would be just wasting energies that you already used while
shuffling the cards the first time.
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There is also another way to do this so that you can see more, but without having to pick up
the cards and lay them back out. We can complete the row in our heads. As I’ve mentioned a
number of times before, one can lay out the cards how one wants, there is not a template.
Theoretically speaking, one could make a row of cards that is 1 x 36, except in this case there
would be no combinations. But it works, too. And if that can work, then one could also do it
any time after having shuffled and dealt the cards. One doesn’t necessarily have to do this
with all of the cards, but maybe with just a few, that are close to the edge and don’t really
impart a particular message. In a 1 x 36 formation, the card in Position 1 is next to the card in
Position 2, which is next to the card in Position 3, and so on to 36. With the 9 x 4 formation,
there is a break after every ninth card, we interrupt the row and begin a new one. So, it’s
possible that important person cards or object cards are on this fracture. In order to avoid
reshuffling the cards, we just remove this fracture, and, through this, gain more insight.
For example, we can remove this fracture at the 9th and 10th card, to see if we can maybe
learn something more about love (Heart), because then it will also be framed better by some
of the other cards. At the same time, you can fix the fracture between the 18th and 19th cards.
It would look like this:
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You can do this rather arbitrarily, from left to right and from right to left. I’ll show that on the
other page. You can also put multiple cards together. You can put The Owls by The Anchor
and The Child next to The Moon and The Paths next to The Letter. This first card always
belongs on the side of the preceeding card (Storks are to the right of The Scythe). This will
close the circle.
Put the cards from left to right, then automatically slide these up a row. The first card in the
second row (Position 10) belongs to the last card in the first row (Position 9). The first card in
the third row (Position 19) belongs to the last card in the second row (Position 18), etc. This is
shown in the next diagram.
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And now The Anchor is, like in the previous example, next to The Heart and The Flowers and
next to The Moon—doing this results in the same messages, but one can see considerably
more, but doesn’t have to automatically shuffle all over again. Later it’s possible to learn how
to do this in your head. Lastly, one more diagram showing the shifting of the first and last
card, which is a particularly nasty position for person cards.
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9. Covering cards
If you still haven’t learned enough from a card formation, then you can also ask specific
questions. When doing this, you take out every fourth card from the formation.
e pp
We will worry about these nine cards later. First, we will take the reduced card formation (36-
9=27) and form 3-card combinations out of it, which we will then interpret. These
interpretations will carry a lot of weight.
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And now to the arranged 3-card combinations:
You can interpret these combinations again and try to find special messages that have a
personal meaning for you. Next, take the nine cards that you sorted out, shuffle them, fan
them out in front of you and ask a specific question to one of the card in the plundered large
formation. Draw a card from the fan and use this card face down on top of the card in the
large formation, to which you posed a question. Now, turn over the other card and combine
the two cards.
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e pp
This is one way that this situation could look. For example, you can ask if you are going to
receive something soon and relate this question to The Fish (Money). Perhaps the card that
you drew from the fan was The Clover. This in combination with The Fish means that you
will get money soon. Or you ask about a party that is going to take place and you would like
to know if it will be nice. Upon asking this question you placed the face down card on top of
The Park. In this example, the face down card is The Key, which means you will have success
at the party. Continue to do this for the other nine cards. You aren’t required to if you can’t
think of any more questions. If you don’t receive a sufficient answer, you can also draw more
than one card per question and card. Up to 3 cards is OK.
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10. The system of dealing the cards for a large card formation
So, now we still have these nine cards available and they still want to be shuffled once and put
into a formation. Concentrate, as you are by now used to doing, shuffle the cards and lay these
out the the following sequence, starting at the top.
3–7 9 4–8
The card in the ninth position refers directly to you. Positions 1 and 5 refer to your head,
Positions 2 and 6 affect your feet, 3 and 7 relate to the future, 4 and 8 relate to the present..
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Card Formation 1
The first card formation relates to a 45-year-old woman, her name is Claudia and she is
experiencing some difficulties with her business. At the same time, she is trying to being two
new endeavors. One is in the field of esotericism; the second ist that she would like to work in
journalism as a sports reporter. Her financial situation is important to her and she would like
to know if she is going to have to go to court to settle a business matter. She is in a committed
relationship and has no children.
e pp
First we will interpret the card formation in such way that we get an overview and a first look
at the relevant combinations. These can be the cards that have negative meanings, but also
those that are paired together with positive cards. We’ll start at the top left and work our way
down to the last row.
The first noticeable thing is that a woman (Serpent) receives a positive (Clover) piece of news
(Horseman). Then there is also a man (Dog) who wants to have a crucial (Paths) conversation
(Birch). This man, however, has a good idea (Stars) involving another man (Lord). A very
beautiful combination is Flower – Lily – Ring, which could mean a surprising contract (with
who knows what) is in store for the woman. Additionally, the danger during contract
negotiations is deflected, because the pointed side of The Scythe is facing away from The
Ring, but at the same time towards The Cross. This means that pain and sorrow will be cut
away by The Scythe. We can also see that the bright side of The Clouds is also facing The
Cross, which means that ambiguities will disappear completely. A little bit (Child) of money
(Fish) will bring some change (Storks) and recognition and success (Moon) for the advice
seeker (Lady). Furthermore, we see a businessman (Bear), who is either from far away or who
is taking a trip (Ship) and he’s bringing dedication and security in the area of business (Bear –
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Key – Heart – Anchor) and there will also be success and recognition tied in with that. Next, a
secret is going to be revealed (Mice – Buch) and it probably has something to do with some
sort of deception (Fox) with the authorities/officials (Tower).
That is just a rough introduction and overview of the situation. Those were all messages that
could be discovered independently of the person seeking advice or knowledge of their
situation. That is how I would always begin, if were in your place. After gleaning that
information, then you can move on to a move detailed analysis. First, we’ll get to Claudia’s
Will the difficulties related to business disappear? Will there be a court hearing, or
will the issue be resolved out of court?
Will I make a new start in the esoteric field – will it work out?
Will I be able to make it as a journalist or sports reporter?
e pp
First, we will take a look at the business affairs and for that we need to find The Tower, as
Claudia is self-employed. And right off the bat, we run into The Fox. That shows that
something has gone wrong for Claudia and she is at a disadvantage. In the house
interpretation, The Tower is combined with The Cross – yes, there is some grief in relation to
her self-employement. The Tree is corresponding to The Tower, and advises that the matter
could take a while to resolve. The Ship and The Lord come into the scene in the reflection –
so there will be some good business activity with a man. In the knighted position, the The
Cross combines with The Tower—which is confirmation of the difficulties—and The Letter.
So, some news will arrive. In order to find out what kind of news it is, we look to the
interpretation of the houses, once again. Underneath that is The Ring, which means there will
also be a contract or a deal – but the corresponding card is The Coffin, which means that
something about the matter will make Claudia ill at ease. However, reflected are The Storks
and The Scythe—so this news will either be about a very sudden change or it is the
anticipated accusation from the other side. If you take a looked at the knighted cards, they are
indicating The Letter and help to shed some light about this news: Birch – Stars – Lily –
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Clouds – Anchor – Tower. It’s quite clear that the news is about independent work (Tower –
Anchor), but also about a hearing (Birch), whereby a court hearing is ruled out, because the
cards are not next to each other in the formation (Tower – Birch – Bear). At any rate, the
ambiguities will be cleared up (Clouds) and the news is sent by someone who means well
A court hearing isn’t foreseen, because there is no Birch to go along with The Bear and The
Tower, which would stand for a hearing. Also, directly next to The Tower is a secret in
relation to some kind of deception that will be uncovered. Once can say that Claudia doesn’t
need to worry about going to court and experiencing a loss, but that the whole process might
take awhile. Parallel to that she will also start a business partnership with a man. It’s unknown
if something more will come out of that, but it looks like the man is her partner, because the
primary male person card comes up for the topic.
As you can see, dear students, there’s no need to go through all the combinations with
interpretation of the houses, reflection, corresponding cards or knighting—we just go through
the themes that interest us. You can fill entire books with interpretations about a single card
formation, but we’re only after the facts.
Now for the next question: will Claudia make a fresh start in the esoteric field? Let’s take
another look at the card formation and get our answers right now.
e pp
The Stars stand for esotericsm and they are located between two men, and boxed in by The
Scythe and The Cross. Any worries will be vanquished and The Clouds with their bright side
added to the mix, are also a positive sign. However, in the house interpretation, The Coffin
pops up underneath, in the corresponding cards a strong partner appears (Bear) and reflected
are The Fox and The Serpent, knighted are Ring, Letter and House. The Fox causes worry,
because one has to either be on guard or very clever. For The Coffin in the house
interpretation, I would say the connection is still missing. Ring, Letter and House indicate a
nice contract. Does one have to look out for The Serpent because of the connection by
knighting? Let’s take a closer look at that.
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In the interpretation of the houses, The Serpent is in The Clover position and that is an
indicator of luck. Reflected, it falls on The Stars and The Bear. A-ha! A woman could
represent a strong partner in the esoteric field. Knighted, The Serpent lands by The Child, The
Storks and The Flowers – this woman wants a fresh start, brings changes and is very friendly.
The Fox, in this case, stands for cleverness. Good.
Claudia’s last question was if she should work as a journalist or a sports reporter or not. Let’s
go back to the card formation once more and see what it tells us.
e pp
The Park is isn’t boxed in so well, here. And The Book, even less so. Looking at
interpretation of the houses, The Park is in position of The Letter – a sign for writing and
communication. When reflected, we find the cards Storks and Cross. which mean change, but
is it fateful? The corresponding cards point to The Mountain – and well, that’s just a big fat
barrier and the knight? Here, we see The Lord, The Dog, The Ring and The Mice – all in all,
that doesn’t bode well for a contract or getting something done. Until now. Maybe The Book
will tell us more? Interpretation of the houses: Anchor, reflected: Key and Dog,
corresponding: The Clover and knighted: Lady – House – Ring – Cross. Ergo: Possibility is
there, but it’s going to take place behind closed doors, because The Park is by and large in a
negative location. From this you can assume that writing ability is there, but mostly are home
in a quiet room. The sports reporter also falls by the wayside, as The Horseman in
combination with The Park would be necessary, since that is the symbol for spot. However, a
getting a contract for writing and working at home is a possibility and the offer will probably
come from one of the two men.
It needs to be mentioned that the constellation directly in front of The Lady: Moon – Storks –
Fish – Child and underneath that – Ship – Bear – Key – Heart – Anchor. This could also
symbolize – very shortly – that a completely different occupation could be taken up by The
Lady. It would be an occupation that one really enjoys (Heart – Anchor)
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Card Formation 2
A woman is lovesick, because the man of her dreams is still married and is reluctant to get
divorced, since he’s already built a home and has children. In addition to this, he is a public
figure. Martina would like to know what is going to happen between the two of them. Will
Gerhard leave his wife and get together with her or is another man waiting for her?
e pp
The same as before, the first thing to do is get a kind of general overview of the cards and use
our eyes to skim from the upper left of the card formation and find appropriate combinations.
Scythe – Clouds tell us that the ambiguities related to love (Heart) move out of the way.
Mountain – Mice reveals that barriers will be removed. The Fox next to The Lily says that
something in the bedroom isn’t going right. Ring – Anchor is an employment contract, Lord –
Ring – Serpent, indicates a man who is in a relationship, Flowers – Book – Sun mean that an
indefinite situtation will bring energy, Child – Owls represent two children, Ship – Storks –
Key – Moon tell us that travel is definitely going to bring a change in feelings. Yep, that’s
about it for now. So, how about we take a look at Martina’s questions.
Martina wants to know if Gerhard will leave his wife and get together with her?
If not, then is there another man waiting for her?
On the next page we will take a look at the big picture again, in relation to the questions.
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It’s acutally pretty pointless, in such an obvious card formation as this one, to ask the question
of whether or not Gerhard will leave his wife. The Ring is positioned quite stabily between
him (Lord) and his wife (Schlange). No card would be able to work in a destructive manner
against union (Scythe, Coffin, etc.). In the interpretation of the houses, The Bear is also
underneath The Ring and symbolizes a certain strength to this partnership. When we reflect
The Ring, then we see The Serpent and The Fox. He is still together with his wife, but there is
also deception. That is true since Gerhard is cheating on his wife with Martina (Lilie – Fox –
Ring). The confirmation can be seen in the corresponding cards, because that’s where Martina
is located (Lady). Gerhard is also connected to Martina. He likes her, that much is certain. In
the knight position The Ring is on The Heart, The Fish, The Coffin and The Horseman, The
Lady and The Owls – this could be a sign of a separation, but The Ring is closer to Gerhard’s
wife, so it is her love (Heart) that is being referenced. Also, Gerhard caught up with material
things, because The Fish (Money) are also by The Ring. Ring – Lady – Owls is a clue to two
connections – that is true, as well. Ring – Horseman – Coffin means a rejection in a question
of connection. This is referring to Martina, because further cards that there is obscurity in
relation to her love for Gerhard (Clouds – Ring) and he is turning away from the topic. The
Heart is also by The Fox, which indicates the wrong love – again, pointing to Martina. If we
look at The Heart a little bit closer there are a more conclusions that can be drawn. For
instance, it becomes apparent that The Heart, during the interpretation of the houses,
combines with The House – that stands for stability – but „actually“ for Martina; in the
reflection, The Heart combines with The Lord and The Moon, this certainly stands for a lot of
emotion and The Horseman in the corresponding cards also reveals that the promises of love
are real. In the knighted position, The Heart is next to The Mountain (love cools off), The
Ring (a love connection), The Sun (true feelings) and The Cross (a love with a lot of sorrow
and the end of a love). Gerhard isn’t a complete jerk, he likes Martina, but his wife as well.
And because he has children and a house, he is going to stay with his wife. He just met
Martina too late. If he were in a totally ramshackle relationship with his wife, then it would be
much easier to make the decision. Instead, he is going to choose the family – understandibly.
Because every new beginning is just that—new and exciting—Martina is going to have to let
go of Gerhard, wish him all the best, and break off the relationship. A good choice.
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So, now we’re to the question of whether or not another man is awaits Martina. Let’s take a
peek, shall we?
Ambiguities in matters of love (Scythe – Clouds – Heart) will be removed. We already went
over that. A barrier related to this will be moved, as well (Mountain – Mice). Martina will
definitely take a trip somewhere, and this trip will provide some kind of change in her love
life (Ship – Storks – Keys – Moon). She will meet a stranger (Book) on this journey, who is a
charming (Flowers) man (Bear), who is self-employed or a civil servant (Tower). Through
this meeting Martina will be reenergized and happy (Sun). About this man: it can be said that
he is an optimist, as he combines with The Sun in the knighted position, but he is also a
smoker, because The Clouds also combine with The Bear in the knighted position. He is
active and likes change (Knight: The Storks). In the reflection he combines with The Dog and
The Flowers: he is loyal, friendly, and charming. The correspondence cards show a Tree by
him. Is he maybe a doctor? The Bear is located in the position of The Scythe in terms of
interpretation of the house, so maybe we can assume a dentist. Not bad!
A lot of things are happening for Martina. In the interpretation of the houses, she is in the
position of The Mice, which indicates doubt and loss. In the reflection, she is combined with
The Fox and The Serpent – yes, there will be some deception involving another woman. In
the corresponding cards and knighted position she combines with The Ring, indicating a
connection. Also in the knighted position we see Clouds – Park = no more meetings with
Gerhard in public and/or one last meeting with Gerhard in public, since another knighted
combination for Martina is Ring – Mountain (barriers in a connection), additionally there is
the combination of Storks – Clover = a happy change. Most likely with a new man.
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Card Formation 3
Heinz is a freelance photographer who hasn’t had a lot of commissions in awhile. He would
like to become more active professionally and would like to know if his efforts will be
fruitful. Also, he is single and would like to know if he is going to be alone for much longer.
Once again, we’ll go through the card formation briefly to see which combos pop up. Cross –
Paths, that means Heinz is standing at a crossroads, he’s going to have to make a decision.
Dog – Owls – Serpent. A man (Dog) will have a telephone coversation (Owls) with a woman
(Serpent). Serpent – Coffin – Mice – Bear, a frightful situation will end for a man and a
woman. Scythe – Anchor, someone is going to lose some work and ambiguities will clear up
because of it. Key – Sun – Ship, a trip to southern parts is sure to take place or it could also
mean success in business matters (which could also possibly be true, because The Fish =
money, and are located above, but The Fox is nearby, so caution is advised). Tower – Child =
small independence; Storks – House, a change in the domestic situation takes place or a man
relocates and Lady – Clover – Brief, a woman will get a message that makes her happy.
As you may have noticed in the other card formations, there are a lot of little nooks and
crannies that I didn’t get into. For example, in this card formation: Dog – Owls – Serpent: a
man and a woman have a telephone conversation, one could mention that and try to pull more
meaning out of it. However, the questions of the person seeking advice should take priority.
Heniz wants to know if his new professional activities will be successful, we can already
confirm this from the general overview, but we will delve a bit deeper into it. To do so, we’ll
take a another look at the complete card formation on the next page, so that we can have the
cards right in front of our eyes while we are investigating.
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Heinz is standing at a crossroads (Cross – Paths) and that relates to a new project (Book), and
he has to become active (Horseman), he has success (Mond), but still has to deal with a
barrier to the public (Mountain – Park). This could be because Heinz is blocked himself,
because in the knighted position The Mountain falls directly on him, but also on to The Sun –
Heinz is full of energy. And it’s true, Heinz is waiting for a message, which is being blocked
by The Mountain, in the reflection. The project (Book) is being blocked in the reflection, and
subsequently Heinz himself, because according the interpretation of the houses The Mountain
falls directly on his person. This blocked message is supposed to be coming from a man (Bear
in the reflection combining with The Letter and The Book and in the corresponding cards with
The Mountain). Apparently, because of this there are also difficulties with a woman (Serpent),
that will be resolved (Mice). A lot of money (Stars – Fish) is awaiting Heinz, as well as
further discussions (Birch) with a man (Lily) and these discussions also involve The Dog and
The Serpent again – the business circle is closing. We can now reflect The Fish, knight them,
find their corresponding cards – and we only see good things about this future money. So,
we’ll save ourselves the trouble, because you are NOW far enough to see for yourself how the
system works. The area of business, everything is coming up roses. Now let’s take a look at
Heinz’s love life – the card formation will be displayed again on the next page.
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The first thing we do is look to see where The Lady is location. She is far away from Heinz
and does not yet have a connection to him. In other words, he doesn’t know her as yet. Now,
we look for The Heart. It is located in The Lily’s position in the interpretation of the houses.
So, so…love and passion are to be expected. In the reflection, paths and The Lady combine
with The Heart. A decision about love? Does Heinz actually know the woman already? In the
corresponding cards we see The Coffin with The Heart, that means that Heinz already had a
bout of lovesickness over this woman. In the knighted position, The Heart is next to Heinz,
The Moon (deep feelings), The Fox—be cautious—and it is by money, that means Heinz likes
material things, which is clear, as he’s always had to cutback on spending for financial
reasons. Let’s change to The Ring. In the interpretation of the houses, it falls to The Letter.
Heinz should excpect a message relating to love or a contract. Reflected, we see The Clouds
and The Moon—those are feelings, but also unclearness. In the corresponding cards, The
Horseman brings a message from The Lady about a connection—she is namely to be found in
the knighted position of The Ring, from which we can infer that it’s probably about his ex-
girlfriend, because the other cards in the knighted position are Scythe and Mice = separation,
but it is possible that this could be reversed. In the interpretation of the houses The Lady
combines with The Fish, which indicates that she likes money too. That’s a good match. In
the reflection, she combines with The Heart (and The Heart in the knighted position joines
with Heinz. Very good!) and The Coffin. She went through a big heartbreak (possibly because
of another woman, because Heinz combines with The Child (young woman) in the
corresponding cards. On the other hand, Heinz’s ex comes to The Paths (decision) in the
corresponding cards. In the knighted position, she combines with Lily, Anchor, Fox, and
Ring. This means that she cheated on Heinz, possibly with a man from work, but he is no
longer working at her company.
Result: Heinz meets up with an ex-girlfriend. She cheated on him, which is why he broke up
with her and he let himself be comforted by one of his ex’s friends. The Clover indicates that
The Child had a lot of access to The Lady. Perhaps nothing happened between this young
woman and Heinz. At any rate, his ex regrets her mistake and is pining after him. She will call
him and he must then decide if he can forgive her, which it looks like he can.
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Your advantage in this system is, that you can add your own experiences behind the given
combinations. This gives you a clear overview of your own thoughts and ideas but offers the
possibility to involve the given template.
It is easy for you to orientate with the cards and their special meanings, for the cards have a
numerological order. Beginning with No.1 “The Cavalier /Rider” the list continues with No.2
“The Clover” and leads to No.36 “The Cross”. If you are a bit unsure with the cards you may
either orientate on the number or the picture of the card. Every other card that should
numerological appear later on will be firstly introduced in context with its combination. This
helps you keep the track of the matter and you do not have to scroll (or if you print the
contents: turn the pages) the whole addendum.
The “main card” is always located on the left- at least you should imagine the combination
like this yourself. To the right is the “Combination card”. This is very important, because
some symbols such as “The Clouds”, “The Scythe” and “The Mouse/ Mice” receive another
meaning in combination. This circumstance is annotated and concerned cards are marked with
a special hint.
I listed every combination that makes the expressions repeat themselves but I decided that this
repetition serves the reader’s convenience. The combinations’ meanings are not changing
when the cards are located side-by-side, one below the other or diagonally. Should this not be
the case you can look at the annotations of the main cards. If you encounter different
meanings or a repeating meaning you should look at your own situation in detail. If you tell
the fortune for others you will realize that a research of the person’s background will be the
The charts are especially developed for printing. Right on top you will find the correct symbol
in connection with the combination and page.
Should you miss a keyword in the headline you can refer to it as a special case as described
beforehand. I wish you a lot of fun with acquiring new cognitions and developing new
possible combinations with creativity and imagination.
Iris Treppner Lenormand-Course.www.iristreppner.de. All content is subject to copyright 04.04.2007!
1. The Cavalier / The Rider (message, young man, means of transport, sports, etc.)
13. The Child: the child is a boy, message about a new start, surprising message
(unhoped-for), wish becomes true, a young lady comes in touch, a child calls
14. The Fox: message with untruthfulness
15. The Bear: money in the house or at the bank account, message from an official person
(lawyer, principal, tax counsellor, realtor etc.), phone call from an elderly person
(gender neutral)
16. The Stars / The Star: idea, new start, inspiration
17. The Stork: a message means change-from abroad / about moving / journey / birth,
23. The Mice / The Mouse: lost message, negative message, car is damaged, sport is to be
cancelled, young man is ill / he is sad, a horse is ill / not alright
24. The Heart: love messages /declarations, flirt, young man is in love, a woman is in love
with a young man
25. The Ring: proposal of marriage, contract
26. The Book: secret correspondence, documents come to the house / store, travel to study
/ apprenticeship
27. The Letter: documents, messages, phone calls
28. The Gentleman / The Man: sporty, active, agile
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman / The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: message, consent from supporter / favorer / discoverer, message
from a the male affair, message / phone call from prospective partner
31. The Sun: a message promises big success
32. The Moon: message of success
33. The Keys / The Key: a message will surely arrive, message / information about a new
start / prospect of success
34. The Fish: money in the house or at the bank account, message from a brother or
35. The Anchor: message about work (positive, possible contract), travelling in the job
36. The Cross: fateful message
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: positive message which makes one happy
3. The Ship: lucky journey, joyful meeting, excursion
4. The House: Luck in the house
5. The Tree: good ending with an illness
6. The Clouds: justified hope
7. The Snake: lucky woman / woman who brings luck and hope
8. The Coffin: no luck!
9. The Flowers: joyful invitation / present
10. The Scythe: sudden luck
11. The Birchrod / The Whip: cheerful / carefree conversations
12. The Birds / The Owls: phone call that makes one happy
13. The Child: happy joyful child /young lady, happy new start
14. The Fox: illusive luck
15. The Bear: fortunate gambling
16. The Stars / The Star: lucky inspiration / new start, success
17. The Stork: change brings happiness and success
18. The Dog: friendship that makes one happy, helpfulness
19. The High Tower / The Tower: luck with public authorities
20. The Garden: luck and hope in a community, having fun
21. The Mountain: blockade (thoughts), luck and hope is temporary not there
22. The Roads / The Road: decision that makes one happy /brings luck
23. The Mice / The Mouse: no luck / lucky time is over
24. The Heart: luck with concerns of the heart
25. The Ring: lucky connection, contract brings luck
28. The Gentleman / The Man: lucky man, happy, jovial, positive, optimistic
29. The Lady / The Woman: lucky woman, happy, jovial, positive, optimistic
30. The Lilies / The Lily: good sexuality, businessman promises success
33. The Keys / The Key: luck- all the time luck, success
34. The Fish: luck with money, positive businessman
35. The Anchor: work that is fun
36. The Cross: examination with a positive ending
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: message from far away, business message / consent,
information about a journey
2. The Clover: lucky journey, lucky / happy meeting, excursion
4. The House: journey back home, property deal
5. The Tree: long journey, one needs longer for things
6. The Clouds: journey via plane, obscurities concerning a journey are abolished, journey
with an elderly man
7. The Snake: journey with detour, journey to / with (elderly) woman / female friend
8. The Coffin: heritage, journey is cancelled / halted, shock / fear on journey
9. The Flowers: lucky journey to /with nice people, business with nice things: cosmetics,
hairdresser, interior decoration, flowers, creativity
10. The Scythe: quick / sudden journey, journey is going to happen
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: trouble because of a journey
12. The Birds / The Owls: information / a phone call concerning a journey
13. The Child: new start on a journey, new start in business, child participates at journey,
young lady is on a journey
14. The Fox: journey before long, cheating in business, cheating / deceitfulness in heritage
15. The Bear: big / many business dealings, success, a lot of money
16. The Stars / The Star: start a new business, make a journey to make a new start
17. The Stork: abroad, travel abroad, travel over the ocean, journey promises change
18. The Dog: visit of a friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: business journey, absolute independence, travel alone
20. The Garden: journey to an event, “upper class”, public relations
21. The Mountain: no journey, bad deals (blockades), no deal, journey up to the
22. The Roads / The Road: two journeys, different ways on a journey, business decision
23. The Mice / The Mouse: negative journey, cancelation of a journey (loss), time delay
on a journey, no deal, inheritance cannot be accepted
26. The Book: educational journey, secret journey / one does not know yet of the journey,
business journey
27. The Letter: information / message during / about a journey, message is on its way
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man on journey, businessman, man likes to travel
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman / The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: sexual adventures, winter journey, businessmen, journey with /
to business partner / sponsor
31. The Sun: successful deal, journey to the south
32. The Moon: honorable, glorious journey, journey by night, business connection with
superior personalities
33. The Keys / The Key: journey is definitely going to happen, success in business,
handcraft business
34. The Fish: money ion the house or bank account, business partner, business journey,
fishing trip
35. The Anchor: cruise, mariner (when it is a “Person card”), travel agency (work in
connection with a journey)
36. The Cross: fateful journey (destination)
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: house receives message, young man comes to house,
2. The Clover: luck at home / in the house
3. The Ship: journey back home, estate dealings
5. The Tree: old house, house near the forest / with surrounding trees, house in need of
rehabilitation ( reference: ”ill” house), the house inside/outside breaks down
6. The Clouds: family affairs are resolved, obscurities concerning a house or apartment
are abolished
7. The Snake: a house is reached crabwise
8. The Coffin: a house is desolate, shock in the house
9. The Flowers: a house with garden, nice tenants, birthday party, celebration, invitation,
companionship in the house
10. The Scythe: the damage of a house is repaired, financial shortage which arose in
combination with a house is overcome
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: the atmosphere in the house is disrupted, conversations /
negotiations in the house / about the house
12. The Birds / The Owls: difficulties in the house (short term period)
13. The Child: new house, new building, family with children, young lady enters the
14. The Fox: defraud in family, be careful with buying a house!
15. The Bear: Enlargement of ones property, agent, buying a house
16. The Stars / The Star: luck in connection with the house, lucky house
17. The Stork: move, modification of buildings, refurbishment
18. The Dog: friendly tenants, neighbors
19. The High Tower / The Tower: big house (company, enterprise)
20. The Garden: public house, hotel, house with garden / pleasure grounds
21. The Mountain: no access to a house / no purchase, hostile house, enemy in / at house
(wicked neighbor?), house is a burden, purchase of house is not possible / longwinded
22. The Roads / The Road: decision in / for a house, two dwellings
23. The Mice / The Mouse: house will be sold, lost of a house, damages at a house
24. The Heart: heartily house, lovely family, love will enter the house
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: a message about an illness, a young man who is ill, a young
man who is connected to medicine, a car has to be repaired ( reference to illness)
2. The Clover: good ending with an illness
3. The Ship: long journey, one needs longer for things
4. The House: old house, house near the forest / with surrounding trees, house in need of
rehabilitation ( reference: ”ill” house), the house inside/outside breaks down
6. The Clouds: old man is ill, obscurities in context with an illness / medicine / cure are
7. The Snake: woman is ill (mother, sister, daughter) female apothecary, female doctor,
8. The Coffin: heavy illness, long time of being ill
9. The Flowers: a lot of “green”, free nature, a good woman is ill, homeopathy,
homeopathic means
10. The Scythe: a surgery is not necessary, the illness will go away
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: long lasting struggle
12. The Birds / The Owls: forest
13. The Child: ill child, younger lady is ill or is connected to medicine
14. The Fox: wrong illness, skipping something
15. The Bear: established entrepreneur, scrooge, blinkered person
16. The Stars / The Star: being outside at night
17. The Stork: some more time will pass before change happens
18. The Dog: dog is ill, old friend / man is ill or is connected to medicine
19. The High Tower / The Tower: health office
20. The Garden: hospital, therapy, treatment at a health resort
23. The Mice / The Mouse: illness is going to be better, flora and fauna are not thriving
24. The Heart: lovesickness, heart disease
25. The Ring: life long partnership, chronic illness
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man is ill, man is connected to medicine (work)
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman /The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: sexual disease
31. The Sun: vitality
32. The Moon: depression
33. The Keys / The Key: good ending of an illness
34. The Fish: money will accumulate
35. The Anchor: work in connection with medicine
36. The Cross: fateful disease, backache
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Card no.6 “the Clouds” has a left light and a right dark side. The dark side of “The clouds” have a negative and the light side
a positive aspect. The direction of either dark or light side to a Person- or Subject card refers to an aggravation or
improvement. I considered that while describing the combination. I will now answer the question concerning the clouds’
location except being next to a Person- or Subject card. If “The Cloud” is located above, they show that the way one is trying
to solve a situation is wrong, that one should better consider another possibility. Clouds that are located beneath other cards
show an exhausting challenge that one will cope with while using a lot of energy. Diagonal location to another card is treated
as if the card was lying next to it.
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: unclear message, message from a man one should be aware
of, message is connected with trouble / mischief, cancelation
2. The Clover: clouded luck, disappointment
3. The Ship: journey via plane, obscurities concerning a journey are abolished, journey
with an elderly man
4. The House: uncomfortable dark house, obscurities concerning a house
5. The Tree: elderly man is ill, obscurities concerning an illness
7. The Snake: elderly (wicked or unappealing) couple, throwbacks for a woman
8. The Coffin: there is something in the air…
9. The Flowers: an invitation is not clear / not arriving, bad company
10. The Scythe: hecticness
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: argument with a man, a man is annoyed, sometimes: judge
12. The Birds / The Owls: a phone call that annoys oneself
13. The Child: new start is not working from the very beginning on, child with problems,
abortion, conflict for a young lady
14. The Fox: dangerous schemer
15. The Bear: dangerous, powerful ambassador, problems with the boss or an official
17. The Stork: damage makes one become wiser, a man is moving, a man is changing
18. The Dog: favoritism, trouble with (in favor of) a friend / comrade
21. The Mountain: absolute failure, negative phase is not over yet
22. The Roads / The Road: be careful with a wrong decision!
23. The Mice / The Mouse: Everything will be clear soon!
24. The Heart: lovesickness
25. The Ring: contract / relationship is not blessed
26. The Book: secrecy causes trouble
27. The Letter: cancellation, refusal, throwbacks
28. The Gentleman / The Man: a man is not feeling well, sometimes two men (father and
29. The Lady / The Woman: A Woman is not feeling well, perhaps a headache
30. The Lilies / The Lily: obscure partner, troubles caused by a new affair, problems with
the family, sexual life is not satisfactory
31. The Sun: one should not loose ones’ optimism!
32. The Moon: depression, no success
33. The Keys / The Key: success is delayed
34. The Fish: keep an eye on your finances, debts
35. The Anchor: clouded working atmosphere
36. The Cross: fateful throwbacks (unavoidable)
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7. The Snake (elderly woman, female friend, mother, daughter, female rival,
business woman, detour)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: a telephone call from a (elderly) woman, mother, friend etc.,
to make a detour
2. The Clover: lucky woman / woman who brings luck and hope
3. The Ship: journey with detour, journey to / with (elderly) woman / female friend
4. The House: a house is reached crabwise
5. The Tree: woman is ill (mother, sister, daughter) female apothecary, female doctor,
6. The Clouds: elderly (wicked or unappealing) couple, negative things are turned away
from a woman
8. The Coffin: female doctor, ill woman, retiree, shock for a woman
9. The Flowers: two female friends, mother and daughter, you meet this woman at an
event, invitation from / for a woman
10. The Scythe: a woman can recover but also: attack from a woman
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: eloquent, disputatious woman, trouble or break up for a
12. The Birds / The Owls: phone call from a woman, woman is hectic or worried
13. The Child: woman with a child, new start with a woman, a younger and an older lady
14. The Fox: female rival, female schemer, female liar
15. The Bear: business woman, a woman knows how to achieve acceptance, a couple
16. The Stars / The Star: esoteric woman, new start with a woman (private or in business)
17. The Stork: a relocation on detour (intricate), a woman makes change happen, a woman
18. The Dog: friendly woman, woman with a dog
19. The High Tower / The Tower: female executive, business woman, independent
20. The Garden: high-profile woman
21. The Mountain: blockades, hindrances fro a woman
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8. The Coffin (Transformation, end and new beginning, disruption, illness etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: refusal, shock /terrible news, message about an illness
2. The Clover: no luck!
3. The Ship: heritage, journey is cancelled / halted, shock / fear on journey
4. The House: a house is desolate, shock in the house
5. The Tree: heavy illness, long time of being ill
6. The Clouds: there is something in the air…
7. The Snake: female doctor, ill woman, retiree, shock for a woman
9. The Flowers: an invitation is cancelled, bad taste, unpleasant event
10. The Scythe: short disease, recovery after surgery
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: heavy struggle / fight could lead to break up
12. The Birds / The Owls: conversations with no outcome, bad messages / shock
13. The Child: child is ill, deceased child or younger woman / abortion
14. The Fox: the end of an intrigue
15. The Bear: ill grandfather / grandmother, negative authority affair
16. The Stars / The Star: successful new start after a crisis
17. The Stork: negative change, no change
18. The Dog: at the moment one should not count on ones friends, a friend / comrade is ill
19. The High Tower / The Tower: failure with authorities
20. The Garden: shock at an event, event is canceled, hospital
21. The Mountain: Static, nothing works
22. The Roads / The Road: the way is ending here
23. The Mice / The Mouse: all sorrows are abolished
26. The Book: shock because of a letter / document, shocking secret, no retraining /
advanced training, failed examination
27. The Letter: cancellation, abrogation. negative message
28. The Gentleman / The Man: shock for a man, ill man
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman / The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: no sexual life, sexually transmitted diseases (also prostata)
31. The Sun: after a lot of effort is put into something- success will be regained
32. The Moon: psychic diseases
33. The Keys / The Key: everything will be better soon, an accident is going to happen
(not dramatic)
34. The Fish: financial loss / sorrows
35. The Anchor: joblessness, threatening abrogation
36. The Cross: something dies (in yourself, too…)
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: received invitation / present, message from a nice woman
2. The Clover: joyful invitation / present
3. The Ship: heritage, journey is cancelled / halted, shock / fear on journey
4. The House: a house with garden, nice tenants, birthday party, celebration, invitation,
companionship in the house
5. The Tree: a lot of “green”, free nature, a good woman is ill, homeopathy, homeopathic
6. The Clouds: an invitation is not clear / not arriving, bad company
7. The Snake: two female friends, mother and daughter, you meet this woman at an
event, invitation from / for a woman
8. The Coffin: an invitation is cancelled, bad taste, unpleasant event
10. The Scythe: unexpected joy, surprise
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: cheerful conversations, slapstick, job interview
12. The Birds / The Owls: two invitations, invitation via phone
13. The Child: children party, surprising invitation, present for a child / young lady, small
14. The Fox: invitation in connection with false cordiality
15. The Bear: friendly boss
16. The Stars / The Star: success in society
17. The Stork: decorating one’s living space is the goal which will be achieved
18. The Dog: friendly people, nice company
19. The High Tower / The Tower: independence in society
20. The Garden: beautiful things; cosmetic store, hairdresser, flower shop, massage
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In case of card No.10 The Scythe it is very important to take a close look at the direction of the sharp part and the shaft.
The sharp end often symbolizes danger (relative, not very dramatic) in connection with a person or casualty card. The
shaft displays a danger that is over or even never existed. Located above a person or casualty card the scythe is referring
to a negative situation that will soon be overcome. Is the scythe located beneath a card one may only detect a reference
to cards that are located next or diagonal to the card in combination. The scythe neutralizes negative cards when those
are at her right side. There is an easy explanation to this even if a relation seems not to be coherent at first. A Mountain
is “cut” by a scythe, which symbolizes a blockade that will be abolished. Clouds disappear faster if a scythe is located
left to them because it figuratively crushes them (they are cut).
will happen, be careful with injuries or diseases concerning the head’s area (teeth)
8. The Coffin: short time of illness, time after a surgery
9. The Flowers: negative surprise, shock caused by a sudden surprise (also positive)
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: troubles (verbally or physically), martial arts
12. The Birds / The Owls: aggressive conversations or discussions
13. The Child: child / young lady is threatened or suffers under pain / toothache
14. The Fox: aggression caused by lies (intrigues / mobbing
15. The Bear: the boss’ position is not safe
18. The Dog: aggressive comrade, dog (pet in general) is abused / suffers under pain
19. The High Tower / The Tower: police, prosecution
20. The Garden: bad company, one does not feel well
23. The Mice / The Mouse: danger disappears
24. The Heart: jealousy (heartache)
25. The Ring: relationship in danger, threatening break up
26. The Book: a secret is revealed, failed examination
27. The Letter: quick message (short message, email, phone call), negative message,
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man with toothache, man could be injured, aggressive guy
29. The Lady / The Woman: woman with toothache or abdominal pain, danger of an
30. The Lilies / The Lily: aggressive, pervert sexual practices, spontaneous sex, short
term passion
31. The Sun: electricity, electrical voltage
32. The Moon: variations in one’s mood, unstable soul life, no success
33. The Keys / The Key: securely quick / sudden, loss of safety
34. The Fish: keep an eye on your finances, threatening shortage
35. The Anchor: position at work is in danger aggressions at work
36. The Cross: sudden pain / ordeal, but also: backache disappears
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11. The Birch rod / The Whip (trouble, break up, conversations, letters etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: message will bring trouble, message about a break up, two
messages, dancing, discussions
2. The Clover: cheerful / carefree conversations
3. The Ship: trouble because of a journey
4. The House: the atmosphere in the house is disrupted, conversations / negotiations in
the house / about the house
5. The Tree: long lasting struggle
6. The Clouds: argument with a man, a man is annoyed, sometimes: judge
7. The Snake: eloquent, disputatious woman, trouble or break up for a woman
8. The Coffin: heavy struggle / fight could lead to break up
9. The Flowers: cheerful conversations, slapstick, job interview
10. The Scythe: troubles (verbally or physically), martial arts
12. The Birds / The Owls: many conversations, messages, discussions, most times:
13. The Child: new start is connected with trouble
14. The Fox: trouble caused by lie, false conversations / discussions
15. The Bear: lawyer, trouble / discussion with a supervisor
16. The Stars / The Star: music
17. The Stork: changes, ideas caused by conversations
18. The Dog: trouble or discussion with a friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: judicial proceeding, trouble with authorities
20. The Garden: dancing and singing, take a speech, recitations, readings
21. The Mountain: conversations with no real matter, no advancement
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman / The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: judge, conversations with lover or male person, sometimes
conversations with family members
31. The Sun: positive conversations
32. The Moon: conversations promise success
33. The Keys / The Key: conversations will definitely take place
34. The Fish: arguments about / in connection with money, talking about ones finances
35. The Anchor: trouble at work, conversations about work, break-up with the company
36. The Cross: a conflict is solved
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12. The Birds / The Owls (phone call, short-term difficulties, nervousness, number
two etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: many messages, hard / tough conversations, a message that
worries, two young men / boys
2. The Clover: phone call that makes one happy
3. The Ship: information / a phone call concerning a journey
4. The House: difficulties in the house (short term period)
5. The Tree: forest
6. The Clouds: an annoying phone call
7. The Snake: phone call from a woman, woman is hectic or worried
8. The Coffin: conversations with no outcome, bad messages / shock
9. The Flowers: two invitations, invitation via phone
10. The Scythe: aggressive conversations or discussions
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: many conversations, messages, discussions, most times:
13. The Child: two children, two young ladies
14. The Fox: false message
15. The Bear: conversation with the boss, entrepreneur, difficulties with a supervisor
16. The Stars / The Star: phone call promises success
17. The Stork: change in combination with difficulties, agitation
18. The Dog: many friends, a friend is worried / nervous
19. The High Tower / The Tower: difficulties with public authorities
20. The Garden: conversations at places where many people pass (fortune-telling, life
counselling, call center etc.), taking a speech
21. The Mountain: conversations with no productive ending, phone call is cancels,
abandoning nothing
22. The Roads / The Road: talking / discussing about decisions, many ways lead to a goal
23. The Mice / The Mouse: anonymous phone call, no phone call, misunderstandings
occur when trying to solve a situation
24. The Heart: talks about love, difficulties concerning love are not for long
25. The Ring: many contracts (minimum are two)
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13. The Child (child, young lady, new start, surprise, wishes come true, greenness,
immaturity, female rival)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: the child is a boy, message about a new start, surprising
message (unhoped-for), wish becomes true, a young lady comes in touch, a child calls
2. The Clover: happy joyful child /young lady, happy new start
3. The Ship: new start on a journey, new start in business, child participates at journey,
young lady is on a journey
4. The House: new house, new building, family with children, young lady enters house
5. The Tree: ill child, younger lady is ill or is connected to medicine
6. The Clouds: new start is not working from the very beginning on, child with problems,
abortion, conflict for a young lady
7. The Snake: woman with a child, new start with a woman, a younger and an older lady
8. The Coffin: child is ill, deceased child or younger woman / abortion
9. The Flowers: children party, surprising invitation, present for a child / young lady,
small party
10. The Scythe: child / young lady is threatened or suffers under pain / toothache
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: new start is connected with trouble
12. The Birds / The Owls: two children, two young ladies
14. The Fox: smart child, child is a liar, female rival, female lover
15. The Bear: big or strong (mentally) child, child with a grandfather, young lady puts
something through
16. The Stars / The Star: a plan is realized, luck for a young lady
17. The Stork: pregnancy, young lady moves, child moves
18. The Dog: child with find, child / young lady with dog, young lady with partner /
19. The High Tower / The Tower: youth welfare office, school
20. The Garden: kinder garden, event with children / adolescents, discotheque
21. The Mountain: blockades caused by manipulations in connection with a child / young
22. The Roads / The Road: going a new way, encounter with a child / young lady
23. The Mice / The Mouse: child / young lady is ill/ worried, “lost” of a child, perhaps
moving out
24. The Heart: new start in love, affair, flirt, mistress (younger female rival)
25. The Ring: new contract (surprising), to contract a relationship with a young lady
26. The Book: a child wants to be born, child / young lady has a secret, secret about a
child / young lady, child / young lady is in apprenticeship / studies etc.
27. The Letter: surprisingly positive message, message from a child / young lady
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man is naïve, immature, man with child / young lady, new
start for a man
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Man / The Gentleman, also: lady looks younger
than she is / is munchkin
30. The Lilies / The Lily: early pregnancy
31. The Sun: happy child / young lady, success for child / young lady
32. The Moon: sensitive child / young lady, success for child / young lady
33. The Keys / The Key: new start (sometimes pregnancy), child / young lady is good in
what she/ he does
34. The Fish: one will receive (some) money, new business partner
35. The Anchor: new work, work in connection with children
36. The Cross: child / young lady has a cross to bare
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16. The Stars / The Star: smart inspiration
17. The Stork: it is smart to let change happen, changes caused by intrigues (later on these
changes are judged to be positive)
18. The Dog: false friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: internal revenue
20. The Garden: false / ad company
21. The Mountain: lies do not lead to a goal
22. The Roads / The Road: making a smart decision, false decision is possible
30. The Lilies / The Lily: problems in sexuality, falseness in family, affair, unsavory man
31. The Sun: false friendliness
32. The Moon: apparent success
33. The Keys / The Key: intrigue / lie
34. The Fish: fraud in finances, burglary
35. The Anchor: intrigue at work, false hopes in love
36. The Cross: notoric lies (addicts / unfaithful partners), life lie
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15. The Bear (entrepreneur, boss, lawyer, property, power, strength etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: money in the house or at the bank account, message from an
official person (lawyer, principal, tax counsellor, realtor etc.), phone call from an
elderly person (gender neutral
2. The Clover: fortunate gambling
3. The Ship: big / many business dealings, success, a lot of money
4. The House: Enlargement of ones property, agent, buying a house
5. The Tree: established entrepreneur, scrooge, blinkered person
6. The Clouds: dangerous, powerful ambassador, problems with the boss or an official
person, incompetent lawyer, tax counsellor, agent
7. The Snake: business woman, a woman knows how to achieve acceptance, a couple
8. The Coffin: ill grandfather / grandmother, negative authority affair
9. The Flowers: friendly boss
10. The Scythe: the boss’ position is not safe
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: lawyer, trouble / discussion with a supervisor
12. The Birds / The Owls: conversation with the boss, entrepreneur, difficulties with a
13. The Child: big or strong (mentally) child, child with a grandfather, young lady puts
something through
14. The Fox: deceitful business man / lawyer / boss
16. The Stars / The Star: financial improvement, advancement, aggrandizement
17. The Stork: change of company headquarters, new boss / supervisor
18. The Dog: friendly man, two men, man with dog 8 pet)
19. The High Tower / The Tower: judge
22. The Roads / The Road: business decision, business man is decisive / has made a
23. The Mice / The Mouse: doubts concerning a business situation, father / grandfather is
ill / worried
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16. The Star / The Stars (ideas, success, new start, spiritualism etc.)
17. The Stork: successful changes, changes in one’s head
18. The Dog: spiritual friend / comrade, man is lucky
19. The High Tower / The Tower: success in independence, good luck with public
authorities, reclusiveness serves spiritual development
20. The Garden: spiritual seminar, success and acceptance in public
21. The Mountain: hindrances are abolished, when one got to the top of the hill
22. The Roads / The Road: right decisions promise success and profit
23. The Mice / The Mouse: addictives, medicaments
26. The Book: secret society, spiritual community, fortune-teller, astrologist
27. The Letter: message promises success or satisfaction
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man is successful, man with a psychic talent, astronomic
29. The Lady / The Woman: woman is successful, woman with a psychic talent,
30. The Lilies / The Lily: lucky sexuality, new start with family
31. The Sun: honor, acceptance, success, identification process
32. The Moon: honor, acceptance, success, societal uprise
33. The Keys / The Key: success or good cognitions
34. The Fish: money and success in business caused by new ideas
35. The Anchor: new work is fun, esoteric work
36. The Cross: a lot of energy is transformed spiritually / accordant to fate
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: a message means change-from abroad / about moving /
journey / birth,
2. The Clover: change brings happiness and success
3. The Ship: abroad, travel abroad, travel over the ocean, journey promises change
4. The House: move, modification of buildings, refurbishment
5. The Tree: some more time will pass before change happens
6. The Clouds: damage makes one become wiser, a man is moving, a man is changing
7. The Snake: a relocation on detour (intricate), a woman makes change happen, a
woman moves
8. The Coffin: negative change, no change
9. The Flowers: decorating one’s living space is the goal which will be achieved
10. The Scythe: quick changes, moving house
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: changes, ideas caused by conversations
12. The Birds / The Owls: change in combination with difficulties, agitation
13. The Child: pregnancy, young lady moves, child moves
14. The Fox: it is smart to let change happen, changes caused by intrigues (later on these
changes are judged to be positive)
15. The Bear: change of company headquarters, new boss / supervisor
16. The Stars / The Star: successful changes, changes in one’s head
18. The Dog: circle of friends is changed, new friends
19. The High Tower / The Tower: positive changes with help of public authorities, get rid
24. The Heart: one will encounter a new love, falling in love, experiencing the partner
totally new
25. The Ring: changes in relationship (private / business / work), good changes caused by
a new contract
26. The Book: changes happen caused by a revealed secret, documents are changed
(testament), changes after examination / studying period / apprenticeship
27. The Letter: message promises positive change
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man is agile / flexible / multifarious, man promises
change, man wants to change / moves
29. The Lady / The Woman: see The Gentleman / The Man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: early pregnancy, changes caused by a man
31. The Sun: successful change, change promises energy, journey / moving south
32. The Moon: changes promise success (over night)
33. The Keys / The Key: change will surely happen
34. The Fish: changes caused by money / business man
35. The Anchor: new work, changes at work
36. The Cross: change is caused by destiny (one may not escape)
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18. The Dog (loyalty, friendship, constancy, a good friend, pet etc.)
14. The Fox: false friend
15. The Bear: friendly man, two men, man with dog (pet)
16. The Stars / The Star: spiritual friend / comrade, man is lucky
17. The Stork: circle of friends is changed, new friends
19. The High Tower / The Tower: egoistic friend, lonely friend, business man
20. The Garden: friend is popular, meeting /seeing a friend at an event (bar, disco etc.)
21. The Mountain: obstinate friend, hindrance / blockade for a man
26. The Book: friend who studies, introverted friend, friend has a secret, stranger who
becomes business partner or partner for good
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19. The High Tower / The Tower /public authorities, court, enterprise, loneliness
14. The Fox: internal revenue
15. The Bear: judge
16. The Stars / The Star: success in independence, good luck with public authorities,
reclusiveness serves spiritual development
17. The Stork: positive changes with help of public authorities, get rid of loneliness but
also personal withdrawal
18. The Dog: egoistic friend, lonely friend, business man
20. The Garden: public building, business complex, in case of a person card:“is in public.”
21. The Mountain: business rivalry (competitor), temporarily: one does not achieve
anything at public authorities
22. The Roads / The Road: lonely ways, public authority offers an alternative
23. The Mice / The Mouse: negative ending concerning public authorities
24. The Heart: a love will be lost
25. The Ring: one thinks a bout a split from partner / will actually break up
26. The Book: in case of a person card: teacher, professor
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13. The Child: kindergarten, event with children / adolescents, discotheque
14. The Fox: false / ad company
15. The Bear: big businessman, man in public interest
16. The Stars / The Star: spiritual seminar, success and acceptance in public
17. The Stork: change makes one appear in public
18. The Dog: friend is popular, meeting /seeing a friend at an event (bar, disco etc.)
19. The High Tower / The Tower: public building, business complex, in case of a person
card:“is in public.”
21. The Mountain: temporarily not possible advancement, the success one hoped for will
not happen to come, event is boring, canceling an event
22. The Roads / The Road: decision in public, on ones’ way to an event
23. The Mice / The Mouse: event is cancelled or negative
24. The Heart: one falls in love / meets the big love in public / at an event
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The Mountain is a serious blockade which may only be deleted by The Scythe or The
Mouse / The Mice (located left to The Mountain). Some other cards are able to weaken its
meaning. The Mountain shows the same meaning in combination with neighbored cards
as with cards located above, beneath, diagonal it of a subject or person card
10. The Scythe: blockades and hindrances disappear
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: conversations with no real matter, no advancement
12. The Birds / The Owls: conversations with no productive ending, phone call is cancels,
abandoning nothing
13. The Child: blockades caused by manipulations in connection with a child / young lady
14. The Fox: lies do not lead to a goal
15. The Bear: elderly man / business man etc. is stuck, hindrances concerning business
16. The Stars / The Star: hindrances are abolished, when one got to the top of the hill
19. The High Tower / The Tower: business rivalry (competitor), temporarily: one does not
achieve anything at public authorities
20. The Garden: temporarily not possible advancement, the success one hoped for will not
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22. The Road / The Path (decision, journey, alternative, ambition, street, lady: sister,
friend etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: a decision will come, many alternatives /possible solutions
2. The Clover: decision that makes one happy /brings luck
3. The Ship: two journeys, different ways on a journey, business decision
4. The House: decision in / for a house, two dwellings
5. The Tree: decision that affects ones life
6. The Clouds: be careful with a wrong decision!
7. The Snake: decision on detour, being unsure
8. The Coffin: the way is ending here
9. The Flowers: walk away in nature, flowers
10. The Scythe: quick decisions, wrong decision might be dangerous, no alternative
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: different decisions / ways to go
12. The Birds / The Owls: talking / discussing about decisions, many ways lead to a goal
13. The Child: going a new way, encounter with a child / young lady
14. The Fox: making a smart decision, false decision is possible
15. The Bear: business decision, business man is decisive / has made a decision
16. The Stars / The Star: right decisions promise success and profit
17. The Stork: a decision promises the change one hoped for
18. The Dog: decisions / alternatives for a man
19. The High Tower / The Tower: lonely ways, public authority offers an alternative
20. The Garden: decision in public, on ones’ way to an event
21. The Mountain: dead- end
23. The Mice / The Mouse: quick way (journey), way is shortened
24. The Heart: decision out of love
27. The Letter: decisive curiosity, message will give a decision, message from a woman
28. The Gentleman / The Man: man is decisive
29. The Lady / The Woman: woman is decisive
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23. The Mice / The Mouse (lost, worries, disease, parasites etc.)
The Mice / The Mouse are thieves and “destroy” / “steal” all surrounding cards. In case of negative cards it is an
advantage and one should always put The Mice / The Mouse at first place when being unsure about its place in the
meaning of the combinations. Is The Mice / The Mouse located at The Mountain near The Flowers and The Sun, The
Mice / The Mouse should be located as number one to The Mountain that is neutralized by The Mice / The Mouse.
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: lost message, negative message, car is damaged, sport is to
be cancelled, young man is ill / he is sad, a horse is ill / not alright
2. The Clover: no luck / lucky time is over
3. The Ship: negative journey, cancelation of a journey (loss), time delay on a journey,
no deal, inheritance cannot be accepted
4. The House: house will be sold, lost of a house, damages at a house
5. The Tree: illness is going to be better, flora and fauna are not thriving
6. The Clouds: Everything will be clear soon!
7. The Snake: woman lost something, illness for a woman
8. The Coffin: all sorrows are abolished
9. The Flowers: invitation is cancelled, bad company, job interview was / will be
10. The Scythe: danger disappears
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: trouble will pass, no conversations
12. The Birds / The Owls: anonymous phone call, no phone call, misunderstandings occur
when trying to solve a situation
13. The Child: child / young lady is ill/ worried, “lost” of a child, perhaps moving out
14. The Fox: lies are revealed
15. The Bear: doubts concerning a business situation, father / grandfather is ill / worried
16. The Stars / The Star: addictives, medicaments
19. The High Tower / The Tower: negative ending concerning public authorities
20. The Garden: event is cancelled or negative
21. The Mountain: hindrances disappear
22. The Roads / The Road: quick way (journey), way is shortened
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: love messages /declarations, flirt, young man is in love, a
woman is in love with a young man
2. The Clover: luck with concerns of the heart
3. The Ship: honeymoon, journey with the partner / lover
4. The House: heartily house, lovely family, love will enter the house
5. The Tree: lovesickness, heart disease
6. The Clouds: lovesickness
7. The Snake: female lover (rival), ex- girlfriend
8. The Coffin: lovesickness exists only for a short period
9. The Flowers: romantic love
10. The Scythe: jealousy (heartache)
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: heartache, inner conflict in love
12. The Birds / The Owls: talks about love, difficulties concerning love are not for long
13. The Child: new start in love, affair, flirt, mistress (younger female rival)
14. The Fox: jealousy, falseness in connection with emotions
15. The Bear: jealousy with an outburst of fury
16. The Stars / The Star: lucky love
17. The Stork: one will encounter a new love, falling in love, experiencing the partner
totally new
18. The Dog: friendship becomes love, love to a (new) man, heartily friendship
19. The High Tower / The Tower: a love will be lost
20. The Garden: one falls in love / meets the big love in public / at an event
21. The Mountain: coldness of heart
22. The Roads / The Road: decision out of love
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25. The Ring (marriage, relationship, partnership, contract, club, association etc.)
spiritual group
17. The Stork: changes in relationship (private / business / work), good changes caused by
a new contract
18. The Dog: club, society, association, relating with a man (private / business / work)
19. The High Tower / The Tower: one thinks a bout a split from partner / will actually
break up
20. The Garden: new societal relationship, advancement, marriage
21. The Mountain: stress in a relationship (threatening break up)
22. The Roads / The Road: decisive contract, sometimes two contracts
23. The Mice / The Mouse: break up in a relationship
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I give you an advice concerning the books’ position to the person card. If the book is symbolizing a secret and the open
page is in direction of the person card, this person will soon know the secret. Is the closed page in direction to the person
card, the secret will be unrevealed.
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: secret correspondence, documents come to the house / store,
travel to study / apprenticeship
2. The Clover: studying is joyful promises joy and success
3. The Ship: educational journey, secret journey / one does not know yet of the journey,
business journey
4. The House: a house one does not know yet, secrets concerning the family / house,
5. The Tree: this secret will not be disclosed
6. The Clouds: secrecy causes trouble
7. The Snake: secret affair, woman has something to hide / secret, studied/erudite woman
8. The Coffin: shock because of a letter / document, shocking secret, no retraining /
advanced training, failed examination
9. The Flowers: blind date, rendezvous with a stranger
10. The Scythe: a secret is revealed, failed examination
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: diary, writing
12. The Birds / The Owls: secrecy, whistling about a secret
13. The Child: a child wants to be born, child / young lady has a secret, secret about a
child / young lady, child / young lady is in apprenticeship / studies etc.
14. The Fox: conspiracy, espionage, cheat sheet at an examination
15. The Bear: man in connection with law, studied person, public authority is discreet, a
man that one does not know yet
16. The Stars / The Star: secret society, spiritual community, fortune-teller, astrologist
17. The Stork: changes happen caused by a revealed secret, documents are changed
20. The Garden: seminar, reading, retraining, further training. Additional training
21. The Mountain: no forthcoming in ones’ study
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27. The Letter (message, phone call, short message, email, information, letter etc.)
14. The Fox: message with untruthfulness
15. The Bear: correspondence with an influential person
16. The Stars / The Star: message promises success or satisfaction
17. The Stork: message promises positive change
18. The Dog: message from a friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: letter from public authority
20. The Garden: invitation to an event / party
21. The Mountain: no messages at all (at the moment)
22. The Roads / The Road: decisive curiosity, message will give a decision, message from
a woman
23. The Mice / The Mouse: message does not arrive, message is lost
24. The Heart: messages in connection with love
25. The Ring: contract
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12. The Birds / The Owls: man is nervous, also eloquent
13. The Child: man is naïve, immature, man with child / young lady, new start for a man
14. The Fox: smart man, cheater
15. The Bear: father / father-in-law, man is exited, hot-tempered, unjust
16. The Stars / The Star: man is successful, man with a psychic talent, astronomic
17. The Stork: man is agile / flexible / multifarious, man promises change, man wants to
change / moves
18. The Dog: man and his friend, loyal friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: entrepreneur, egoistic or lonesome and left, official
located in between the man hides something, introverted man, intelligent, well-read
man, man studied, eventually an apprenticeship for a man
27. The Letter: message from / for a man
30. The Lilies / The Lily: harmony is needed, passionate
31. The Sun: sunny nature, optimistic
32. The Moon: sensitive, emotional
33. The Keys / The Key: reliable
34. The Fish: materialism
35. The Anchor: diligent, hard-working
36. The Cross: spiritual, Christian
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19. The Child: woman is naïve, immature, woman with child / young lady, new start for a
man, also: lady looks younger than she is / is munchkin
13. The Fox: smart woman, cheater
14. The Bear: mother / mother-in-law, woman is exited, hot-tempered, unjust
15. The Stars / The Star: woman is successful, woman with a psychic talent, astronomic
16. The Stork: woman is agile / flexible / multifarious, woman promises change, woman
wants to change / moves
17. The Dog: woman has a good friend (not lover!) or son, loyal woman
18. The High Tower / The Tower: business woman, female official, egoistic or lonesome
19. The Garden: woman in public
25. The Book: yet unknown woman for the person who asks the question, when The Book
is located in between, the woman hides something, introverted woman, intelligent,
well-read woman, woman studied, eventually an apprenticeship for a woman
26. The Letter: message from / for a woman
30. The Lilies / The Lily: harmony is needed, passionate
31. The Sun: sunny nature, optimistic
32. The Moon: sensitive, emotional
33. The Keys / The Key: reliable
34. The Fish: materialism
35. The Anchor: diligent, hard-working
36. The Cross: spiritual, Christian
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30. The Lilies / The Lily (lover, patron, supporter, harmony, passion, family)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: message, consent from supporter / favorer / discoverer,
message from a the male affair, message / phone call from prospective partner
2. The Clover: good sexuality, businessman promises success
3. The Ship: sexual adventures, winter journey, businessmen, journey with / to business
partner / sponsor
4. The House: family will visit, important man (business) comes to the house
5. The Tree: sexual disease
6. The Clouds: obscure partner, troubles caused by a new affair, problems with the
family, sexual life is not satisfactory
7. The Snake: woman and her lover, sexual relationship
8. The Coffin: no sexual life, sexually transmitted diseases (also prostata)
9. The Flowers: Tête-à-Tête
10. The Scythe: aggressive, pervert sexual practices, spontaneous sex, short term passion
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: judge, conversations with lover or male person, sometimes
conversations with family members
12. The Birds / The Owls: passing difficulties in sexuality
13. The Child: early pregnancy
14. The Fox: problems in sexuality, falseness in family, affair, unsavory man
15. The Bear: business partner
16. The Stars / The Star: lucky sexuality, new start with family
17. The Stork: early pregnancy, changes caused by a man
18. The Dog: harmonic friendship, friend / man is sexually interested
19. The High Tower / The Tower: judge, support from a man who owns / leads an
20. The Garden: important man in society, strip bar, brothel
26. The Book: affair, one does not know this man yet, man in connection with law /
knowledge, man hides something
27. The Letter: message from a lover, message from businessman / patron
28. The Gentleman / The Man: harmony is needed, passionate
29. The Lady / The Woman: harmony is needed, passionate
31. The Sun: lucky relationship /sexuality, support by an important personality
32. The Moon: encounter / support with / by an important man
33. The Keys / The Key: help by a third male person
34. The Fish: business talk that promises more many
35. The Anchor: harmony at work, boss / comrade
36. The Cross: meeting with a high dignitary, sexual life is a burden
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31. The Sun (energy, luck, summer, south, true love etc.)
15. The Bear: money and success are promised, luck caused by a male person
16. The Stars / The Star: honor, acceptance, success, identification process
17. The Stork: successful change, change promises energy, journey / moving south
18. The Dog: friend puts accents, friend gives you power and energy, positive and lucky
19. The High Tower / The Tower: luck with public authorities / enterprises / stores
20. The Garden: appreciation in public, success
21. The Mountain: soon there will be better times (fig.: sun warms the mountain)
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32. The Moon (honor, success, appreciation, soul life, at night etc.)
13. The Child: sensitive child / young lady, success for child / young lady
14. The Fox: apparent success
15. The Bear: success and acceptance in business
16. The Stars / The Star: honor, acceptance, success, societal uprise
17. The Stork: changes promise success (over night)
18. The Dog: successful friend, friend is sensitive
19. The High Tower / The Tower: successful personality
20. The Garden: becoming popular
23. The Mice / The Mouse: depression, addiction: alcohol, drugs, bulimia, no success,
sleepless nights
24. The Heart: deep, true feelings, romance
25. The Ring: successful contract, strong attraction between two persons
26. The Book: secret knowledge, success with a book / documents / speech
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33. The Key / The Keys (new start, success, safety, tool etc.)
1. The Cavalier / The Rider: a message will surely arrive, message / information about a
new start / prospect of success
2. The Clover: luck- all the time luck, success
3. The Ship: journey is definitely going to happen, success in business, handcraft
4. The House: one opens a new house, good luck / success / new start in the house, plans
are promised to be fulfilled
5. The Tree: good ending of an illness
6. The Clouds: success is delayed
7. The Snake: luck, security, new start for a woman
8. The Coffin: everything will be better soon, an accident is going to happen (not
9. The Flowers: success will arrive in seven-league-boots
10. The Scythe: securely quick / sudden, loss of safety
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: conversations will definitely take place
12. The Birds / The Owls: exchange opinions
13. The Child: new start (sometimes pregnancy), child / young lady is good in what she/
he does
14. The Fox: intrigue / lie
15. The Bear: success and money, success in undertakings
16. The Stars / The Star: success or good cognitions
19. The High Tower / The Tower: success with public authorities, independence will be
successful, new start with big enterprise / public authority
20. The Garden: success with an audience / in public
21. The Mountain: blockade is abolished successfully
23. The Mice / The Mouse: unreliability, fail, there is a factor that makes the situation
appear unsure
24. The Heart: new / old love will definitely appear
25. The Ring: support and a contract, success concerning a contract
26. The Book: a secret is revealed, success with book / text / article / document
27. The Letter: message one hoped for will arrive
28. The Gentleman / The Man: reliable
29. The Lady / The Woman: reliable
30. The Lilies / The Lily: help by a third male person
31. The Sun: success for sure
32. The Moon: success:
34. The Fish: success with finances
35. The Anchor: craftsmen, luck and success at work
36. The Cross: destiny /fate
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: money in the house or at the bank account, message from a
brother or businessman
2. The Clover: luck with money, positive businessman
3. The Ship: money ion the house or bank account, business partner, business journey,
fishing trip
4. The House: economically the family is successful, house is near the water
5. The Tree: money will accumulate
6. The Clouds: keep an eye on your finances, debts
7. The Snake: woman has or gets some money
8. The Coffin: financial loss / sorrows
9. The Flowers: a discoverer / patron at a party, money present, voucher
10. The Scythe: keep an eye on your finances, threatening shortage
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: arguments about / in connection with money, talking about
ones finances
12. The Birds / The Owls: short term difficulties with finances, but also money form two
different sources
13. The Child: one will receive (some) money, new business partner
14. The Fox: fraud in finances, burglary
15. The Bear: a lot of money, abundance (relative) solid finances
16. The Stars / The Star: money and success in business caused by new ideas
17. The Stork: changes caused by money / business man
18. The Dog: financially safe friend, friend is a business man
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1. The Cavalier / The Rider: message about work (positive, possible contract), travelling
in the job
2. The Clover: work that is fun
3. The Ship: cruise, mariner (when it is a “Person card”), travel agency (work in
connection with a journey)
4. The House: job /work in the house / from home, refurbishment
5. The Tree: work in connection with medicine
6. The Clouds: clouded working atmosphere
7. The Snake: female comrade
8. The Coffin: joblessness, threatening abrogation
9. The Flowers: work with beautiful things
10. The Scythe: position at work is in danger aggressions at work
11. The Birch rod / The Whip: trouble at work, conversations about work, break-up with
the company
12. The Birds / The Owls: meeting, nervousness at working place, difficulties at work
13. The Child: new work, work in connection with children
14. The Fox: intrigue at work, false hopes in love
15. The Bear: boss, supervisor
16. The Stars / The Star: new work is fun, esoteric work
17. The Stork: new work, changes at work
18. The Dog: comrade
19. The High Tower / The Tower: employment office, huge enterprise, craft company
20. The Garden: public work, job in connection with an audience, selling something
26. The Book: work in connection with books, documents for work
27. The Letter: employment contract
28. The Gentleman / The Man: diligent, hard-working
29. The Lady / The Woman: diligent, hard-working
30. The Lilies / The Lily: harmony at work, boss / comrade
31. The Sun: work with / in sun (solarium), luck at work
32. The Moon: successful work, work at night, night shift
33. The Keys / The Key: craftsmen, luck and success at work
34. The Fish: money through work, money works, money is well invested
36.The Cross: this work is destiny
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15. The Bear: wealthy man, man in higher position
16. The Stars / The Star: a lot of energy is transformed spiritually / accordant to fate
17. The Stork: change is caused by destiny (one may not escape)
18. The Dog: examination for a friend
19. The High Tower / The Tower: trouble with public authorities, independence is fate
20. The Garden: burial, cemetery, event is important
21. The Mountain: problems are almost over, half way is done (the most difficult part is
24. The Heart: fateful love (most times connected with sorrow)
25. The Ring: this relationship cannot be broken
26. The Book: writing is fate, fateful secret
27. The Letter: fateful message (most times positive)