Melissa Lenormand Little White Book
Melissa Lenormand Little White Book
Melissa Lenormand Little White Book
About Melissa Melissa Hill lives in Indiana with her two children, Sullivan and Freyja. She reads and collects cards, makes art, crafts, writes, cooks, gardens, and plays ukulele. On facebook: -1-
The Melissa Lenormand by Melissa Hill From Melissa I began work on the Melissa Lenormand in 2009 as a way to better understand Lenormand cards and meanings. After I worked up courage to post my images on the internet, interest and support for a finished and printed deck began pouring in. Im grateful to my fans on Facebook and the members of the Aeclectic Tarot Forum for all the generous encouragement and enthusiasm. Im also grateful to Aaron my husband and business partner in our publishing endeavor Karmic Egg. And I want to thank my beautiful children, Sullivan and Freyja for being such lovely muses. A note about the Lenormand I could have started this little white book with a discussion on the history of the Lenormand cards. I wont. Im not a historian and I probably wouldnt get it right. In a nutshell, Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand was a famous fortune teller who read cards for Napoleon and Josephine and the 36 set of cards that became known as the Petit Lenormand are based on cards that she purportedly used. The cards use symbols that are direct and simple. The meanings are typically more prescribed than the meanings of a tarot. If you do some research on the internet about the history and use of the Lenormand oracle, youll find different schools of reading. Some will offer specific meanings that are devised from combinations of cards. Some will offer specific meanings devised from the position of certain cards in certain spreads. When I started my journey into reading the Lenormand, I realized very quickly that I had to throw all that out. Its not useful for me to memorize the answers and try to make them meaningful. Its useful for me to find meaning in the symbols reading intuitively by looking for relationships between the images and the situation Im reading on. Thats a very un-Lenormand like thing to say. But what I also realized as I went through this process, was that people who do find it useful to read with an over-arching system in place can layer those meanings on top of what they intuit based on the imagery Ive chosen. So it wasnt a bad thing that I did after alljust a little different. The other thing that I wont do in this little white book is guided spreads. My first Lenormand deck came with a book that offered different spreads to do with the cards. You would shuffle, throw the spread, and then, based on the position of the card in the spread, it would have a different meaning. And it seemed to me that you would have to look up the meanings in the book. I just couldnt imagine memorizing all those different possible meanings! (This comes, of course, from a tarot reader, who has learned to understand the meanings of the cards very, very, VERY slowly over the last ten or so years) What I recommend with this deck: Spend your first few meetings with the deck just examining the pictures. Take in the different cards slowly. Ive purposely layered the artwork the way I did. I made conscious decisions about what to include and what to not include for a reason. Consider the way certain cards make you feel. Maybe even make notes.
There are a few different systems that you can employ when reading Lenormand cards. If youre interested in learning those, I suggest you search the internet for more resources, books, eBooks and courses available. You can also join the discussion on Lenormand cards, other oracle decks and tarot packs at and learn from people who have much more experience and insight than I could offer in one little white book! However you choose to read your oracle, I hope that you find the cards useful, insightful, inspiring and helpful. After reading tarot for many years, picking up an oracle was a breath of fresh air for me. While tarot will always be my first love in terms of cards, the Melissa Lenormand will always be my first set of personal cards. Im very proud of my little deck of cards and Im so thrilled that youre now a part of this process too. The cards are nothing without a reader. Cold, dead printed cardboard. With you they can come alive and they can tell stories. Thank you for making my cards come alive. Suggested Spreads Learning a new deck can be daunting. One way to make it manageable is to start with daily draws. Some books suggest one card a day. While you can certainly get lots of great insight this way, I suggest you pull two. Read the two cards as: 1. What is happening 2. What will change I think pulling two cards will give you practice at finding relationships between cards and the cards, like people, are all about relationships. Three card readings are quite popular. Use a spread like past, present, future or mind, body, spirit to gain insight into any situation. I designed the following spread specifically for use with my Lenormand, but they can also be adapted for use with tarot. The ML Relationship Spread Pull the signifier cards from the deck for the two parties involved (Woman, Man, Lady, etc. if you have a 45 card version of the deck, you will have more options!) The relationship doesnt necessarily have to be between two people either. Understanding energy relationships between two seemingly different aspects of our lives allows us to make better use of the dynamics that would naturally arise out of those situations. For example, understanding the relationship between our dream desires and the obstacles that stand in our way (perhaps the Fish and the Mountain) might help us take those first steps toward realizing our wishes. The first step is to determine those signifiers though (man, woman, lady, or another card). Pull them and set them aside. Shuffle the remaining cards and pull 13 additional cards to surround the two signifiers:
X X X X X X 1 X 2 X X X X X X The top row represents issues, events and obstacles that are known & understood on a conscious level. The middle row represents issues, events and obstacles that are demanding attention. The bottom row represents issues, events and obstacles that are unknown, hidden or subconscious. The first column represents issues, events and obstacles that are in the first persons past. The second column is what the first person is experiencing now. The third column is the future of the relationship for the first person. Imagine that middle column as where person 1 and person 2 come together and meet. For the second person, the third column (from the left) is the future of the relationship. The forth column is their present experience and the fifth column is their past. When you read these cards, consider the relationships between the past, present and future and how those relationships might influence the actions and choices of the parties involved. For example, how might a known Coffin in the past affect the unknown future of the relationship? How do those cards interact and what direction do the surrounding cards send those energies in? Which direction do the chosen signifiers seem to be gazing? What cards are they looking at? Why are these cards significant? Spend some time with each spread dont get discouraged if you dont see the answers you were hoping to see. Write down your initial reactions and then come back tomorrow, a week later, a year later. What did you find to ring true? What did you find had changed? What happened in an unexpected manner? After doing spreads like this (or the simple two or three card spreads) for awhile, you will be able to add your own personal experiences of the cards to your understanding of their meanings.
Card Meanings 1. Rider: 9 of Hearts. The rider represents news, messages, ideas and thoughts. Can also represent your intuition and invention. Considered a positive card. This was the first card I designed for the deck. I used a lovely vintage woman trick rider on a horse and a male rider on a steam-punkish swan-cycle (I dont even know where I found that clip!) to represent that even though many things change in our lives human nature remains the same. The Pegasus represents our spirits rising to any occasion and the sunflower represents our ability to bloom. 2. Clover: 6 of Diamonds. Good luck. Getting rewarded for your hard work and effort. Having hope that things will work out. The clovers in the background are from an old botany text book. The little girl in the foreground is from a vintage St. Patricks Day postcard. She labors, but she does so with joy. Being confident that our toils arent in vain make the daily grind so much more bearable even enjoyable! 3. Ship: 10 of spades. Deepening spiritual growth. Going on a soul journey. Dreaming and dreams. Navigating your life. Making acquisitions (or taking losses). I used the image of a female helmsman at the wheel of the ship to indicate the possibilities of a more intuitive approach. As a non-traditional captain of a ship, the woman also represents taking a new direction. The palette with the painting suggests using our gifts to create meaning and the shipping tag is a warning that even though you may be excited to begin, we should not rush foolishly into anything. 4. House: King of Hearts. Home life, family relationships, special places, ties to the past, ties to this world. The little cottage in the foreground of the House card is from a vintage greeting card. It may look lovely and provincial, but in the background, you see the outline of city buildings reminding us that a house can take on many forms. The bluebird shows that wherever we find the most happiness on this world that is our home.
5. Tree: Seven of Hearts. Health matters. The physical body. Natural environment. Knowledge of good and evil. Being connected. The passage of time. Growth. The tree that you see in the background of this card is from a vintage sheet music page. The photograph in the foreground is a depression-era photo of a man working with a horse-drawn plow. I chose this image because it represents, for me at least, having a sense of duty about the world. We cannot just live this metaphysical existence. We also are very physical beings and we must tend to those physical needs if we want to be wholly healthy. 6. Clouds: King of Clubs. Feeling overwhelmed. Doubts. Fear. The truth being obscured. Misunderstandings. It may say Clouds, but maybe it would be more helpful to think of this card in terms of being in a fog. What is that shape on the horizon that you can barely make out? Is it a shadow monster out to get you, or is it someone offering a helping hand? This card is a sign that you might want to wait on making any big decisions or taking hasty actions until you can see the whole picture. 7. Snake: Queen of Clubs. Temptation, dark desire, seduction, cunning, being out-witted, using all your cunning nature to overcome an obstacle. If the Clouds obscure your goals, the Snake is a card that intentionally distracts you from achieving your desires. It represents temptation, seduction, the dark side of enchantment. It can also represent cunning though so is the card telling you that you are being out-smarted, or is it a warning that you yourself must become the snake? 8. Coffin: Nine of Diamonds. Death. Transformation. Endings. Renewal. Situations coming to a head. Shit hitting the fan. Secrets revealed. Painful revelations. The coffin is a card of transformation and represents the end of a cycle or situation. When this card comes up in a reading, prepare yourself for a period of mourning. Many books on tarot and other divination decks try to gloss over the unfortunate cards in a pack but death, dying, hardship, and renewal are all parts of life. We can chose to try and hold back the inevitable or we can attend to these events with an understanding that without the shadow times, we would not celebrate in the light.
9. Flowers: Queen of Spades. Giving & receiving. Gifts, love, happiness, emotions, abundance, friends. The images used in this card are from vintage birthday cards. The Bouquet may seem like a simple card on the surface, but when it comes up in a reading, try asking yourself what is being offered? Is it tangible? Is it intangible? Does it come with a price? Is it priceless? What are the implications of receiving it? OR, what is the universe asking ME to give? A gift is a connection made. Are you resisting those connections for some reason? Or are you making them in vain? 10. Scythe: Jack of Diamonds. Reaping what you sow. Choices made and verdicts handed down. A necessary painful period of time. The Scythe is a sort of foreboding image, but like the coffin, its one of those cards that help to balance out the oracle. In this card we see that the actions weve taken toward a certain goal are now producing results for better or worse. Prepare yourself for a bit of judgment and if you can, try to accept the consequences of your deeds with grace. 11. Whip: Jack of Clubs. Taking inventory of a situation. A cleansing time. Purging. Arguments and heated debates. The large whip on the top of the card is from an old book on medieval torture. The smaller woman with the broom is from a vintage advertisement. The image below is from a reconstruction-era family-tree meant for freed slaves who were now able to track down lost family members. The left side shows them in the slave state and the right side shows them lounging around at a picnic, enjoying each others company at leisure. The Whip card points to a kind of duality. 12. Bird: Seven of Diamonds. New vision, seeing things in a different light, being happily paired or coupled, excitement & nervousness. The bird in my card is a re-colored illustration from a vintage grade-school reader. When this card comes up in a reading, consider getting a birds-eye view on the situation at hand. Typically the card would have two birds (and its called The Birds), but this bird carries a human companion on her back. In my notes I wrote this card can be used to represent education. Consider what will carry you to the heights you need to achieve?
13. Child: Jack of Spades. A child, childlike behavior, having a new mind, blank slate, friends, happy times, a fling. The beautiful little girl in this card holds a basket of cherries in her hand. She smiles sweetly at the camera poised to take her photo. Above the photo of the girl is a paper doll. She looks sad and sweet sitting there by herself, obediently holding a bouquet of flowers. The child can represent an actual child, a younger person or someone who acts immature or naive. Or it can represent all these aspects of your own psyche. While my first inclination is to see this card as a positive sign, it may also be pertinent to remember that typically, childhood is a time of feeling powerless and youth can be a source of angst. 14. Fox: Nine of Clubs. Cunning like a fox, watching over or being watched, gossip, something done behind your back, dancing around the situation. The Melissa Lenormand Fox card features the fox and the raven from Aesop's fable having a contest of wits. In order to bring balance to the meaning, I included a woman and a fox engaged in what looks like a dance in the background. The fox serves as a warning. Be vigilant, else find yourself out-witted by another. 15. Bear: Ten of Clubs. Strength of character, strong words, powerful energy & spirit, being overwhelmed by a dispute or conflict. The images used on the Bear card are from a vintage primary reader. I re-colored and layered the image but otherwise left it in-tact. Consider whether the woman is being carried along by the strength of the bear or whether she's controlling the bear using his strength to achieve her own goals. 16. Stars: Six of Hearts. The universe, cosmos, metaphysics, heaven, positive results in business and money matters. An Astrolabe is an astronomical tool used by astronomers and astrologers that dates back to 150 BC. On the Star card, it represents how we navigate our lives and make choices based on our predictions. What are those predictions rooted in? Fact? Opinion? Faith?
17. Stork: Queen of Hearts. Beginnings, birth, gifts and new ideas. Starting something. Giving something. The stork is a symbol of birth and new beginnings. On the card is an infant seated on a lily pad. When this card comes up in a reading, be prepared for coming changes. It is an important card as it puts nearby action cards into effect. 18. Dog: Ten of Hearts. Companionship, loyalty, finding your groove, feeling satisfied and happy. What can we say about Mans Best Friend? If youre a dog person, you probably immediately resonate with the happy smiling woman and her beloved companion. Having a dog around just makes us feel better, safer and more at ease. People who own pets are said to live longer and suffer less health problems. The woman and the dog are from a vintage postcard. The begging pooch on the lower right hand side of the card is from an old advertisement. 19. Tower: Six of Spades. Innovation, discovery, structure and infrastructure, civilization, spiritual insights, going above, enlightenment, industry This was a card I went back and forth with in terms of imagery. Finally I settled on a rather famous image the Eiffel Tower being struck by lightening. To me, it represents a high point of human innovation and is a fitting representation of the Tower meanings. 20. Garden: Eight of Spades. Socialization, parties, events, company, growing, planting seeds, escapism, hiding away, enjoying oneself in the world The image is taken from the cover of some vintage sheet music. Its the romantic notion of a garden escape not a place where you go to toil and pull weeds! Think, secluded hide-away, some special place that you share with someone you love, or that feeling you get when youre with special people anywhere in the world.
21. Mountain: Eight of Clubs. Problems and obstacles that must be dealt with, building momentum, work & creative pursuits keeping you busy I chose the vintage photograph of the train going through the mountain pass (the mountains in the background were collaged into the image also) because to me it added an element of balance to the symbolic mountains that is even mountains can be blasted through with enough determination and strength of will. 22. Path: Queen of Diamonds Having choices, our path in life, the wheel of fortune, not knowing what is the best way The cross-road sign is a contemporary image, but the smaller pictures on each side are from a vintage boy's health book. One side shows the path to success and the other illustrates the path to ruin. I was just so tickled with the image of the clean, smoke-free boy becoming a doctor, while the kid that indulges ends up a bum I had to use it. 23. Mice: Seven of Clubs. Problems and mistakes, poisonous thoughts, debts and financial problems, lies that are coming back to bite you When this card comes up in a reading, I have to ask myself, What did I do? What do I need to atone for? and Who do I need to apologize to? Did you tell a lie or keep the truth hidden? If you want to get rid of this infestation, youll have to begin by acknowledging its existence. 24. Hearts: Jack of Hearts. Love, friendships, romances, wishes coming true, sweetness, family, self-confidence and grace The boy in the heart-tree is from a vintage valentine. The two playing cards are from a vintage deck. I tried to locate a full deck of cards to do proper playing-card insets on my Lenormand, but couldnt get a full-set of scanned cards I could verify were in the public domain. These two images of the court of hearts just stuck with me though and ended up in this card.
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25. Ring: Ace of Clubs. Cycles, contracts and agreements, marriage, an actual ring, payoffs for work done The image used for this card is from a vintage advertisement. I chose it because all of the different rings on the page represent a choice being made. When you enter into a relationship, its a decision that one should not take lightly. Whether the relationship is for love or money, those that we enter into in good faith and with careful consideration tend to be the most successful. 26. Journal: Ten of Diamonds. Books, history, lessons, diary or journal, secrets unearthed, hidden knowledge, education, school The background text in this card is one of those fill-in-the-blank journal pages that is about going to the school dance. The woman lounges with her book in the framed image above daydreaming of what is to come. I chose to title this card Journal rather than Book because I felt like it could be made more personal. A journal is a book we keep for ourselves not for anyone else. When this card comes up in a reading, consider those selfish acts we take that are for our own improvement. Learning and understanding can take time and attention from other real-life situations, but its necessary for growth. 27. Letter: Seven of Spades. News & new information, intentions, correspondence, exchanges, a period of waiting, figuring things out The two girls at the bottom of the card share a letter. A lovely hand-written card is stamped with the finger diagrams of a vintage typists manual. Sending letters is a dying art. In the age of electronic communication, even sending a coherent email is becoming more and more rare! Consider how you communicate what kinds of messages youre saying and also how youre communicating. What do your choices say about you that your words dont?
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28. Man: Ace of Hearts. A specific man. Masculinity. Outward focusing power. Forceful mastery over a situation. Physical exertion. When I did the Man and Woman/Lady cards, I began by pouring over old photographs and images and ended up using the ones that seemed to call to me. That was certainly the case with the Man card. As a signifier, you can use this card to represent a certain person or an aspect of yourself that you hope to empower or uncover in your readings. The machinery in the background represents an industrial revolution, what is man-made and the environments we create (both external and internal as our lives become more complex and digital). 29. Woman: Ace of Spades. A specific woman. Intuitive knowledge of a situation. Feminine receptiveness. Emotional understanding. The Woman is from a vintage advertisement (I believe it was for fur coats). I re-colored and layered the image, but other than that, its not altered. When I saw her face, she seemed at once strong and wise. Use the card to represent a specific woman in a reading, or use it to represent womanly aspects of yourself however you might interpret that. As the opposite end of the spectrum from the man card, the pond and garden in the background represent wild, untouched and natural places that we either choose to let fallow, appreciate for their natural beauty, or manipulate to our will. 30. Lily: King of Spades. Passion, sex, power structures, choices, love, understanding relationships The Lily card features a handsome man seated in the lower right hand corner, above him, a bouquet of lilies and in the background, two women kiss. The image of the two women kissing is from an odd series of World War II postcards that depict what women would do if men werent around to take care of them. The man is good looking, but also smug. What does he know about the situation? The card is tense intentionally because relationships can be tense. When this card comes up in a reading, I would try to take stock of my love situations and figure out where I am standing, where I want to stand and how best to get there.
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31. Sun: Ace of Diamonds. The ultimate source of power, insight, sum knowledge, universe, spirit, goddess/god, etc Layered in the background is a vintage advertisement from Mexico. I chose that layer because of the great shining star in the background, but also because there was something suggestive of ancient times in the image. The sun in the foreground is from an antique book on astrology when astrology and astronomy were considered one and the same. The card is a card of knowledge, but its a soul-level understanding that it speaks of. When this card comes up its time to start thinking about what you believe is fundamental to the universe. 32. Moon: Eight of Hearts. Unseen realms, hidden places, the shadows, spirituality, instincts, nightmares, dreams, intuition It was impossible to not pick that beautiful vintage image of the woman and the moon. Shes been re-colored and layered with some moon charts from an old astronomy/astrology book. Ive come to the understanding that the moon pretty much rules every aspect of my life. Her phases are my phases and I can track my moods by her waxing and waning. The moon represents those shadow desires we have within us. Listen to and acknowledge those voices else risk moonsickness (that crazy manic feeling some get when the moon is full). 33. Key: Eight of Diamonds. Opening doors, coming to an understanding, turning the page, a new beginning, unlocking meanings/secrets, a pivot point I love the idea of a skeleton key that can open any door. Find that skeleton key in your life and the possibilities are limitless. In the background of this card is a photograph of a small boy peering out of a doorway. Is he opening it for you, or is he shutting it to keep you out? What doors are you closing on yourself? What doors do you open for others? Finally, you see the keys of a safe-deposit box. What do you keep locked away from view? Is it for the best? What should you lock away?
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34. Fish: King of Diamonds. Asking, questions, wishes coming true, wealth and success, work and career, excess, indulgence The images in this card are from vintage advertisements. In the background is a corner of a photo frame that is layered in (the fish spilling down the currents). The merman appears to be begging the fishes for something. What do you ask of the world? This card is an indication that you should expect to snag that awesome job or raise youve been wanting. But with all that success comes some danger of indulgence. Dont get carried away and dont cave to peer pressure. 35. Anchor: Nine of Spades. Security, putting down roots, having a successful and comfortable job or relationship, family ties, history Everyone needs something to anchor them in reality. Its long been a symbol of good luck for a reason. The ultimate dream for so many people is to have their family taken care of. Consider how far youve come for that quest. If youve been thinking about starting a family or buying a house, maybe now is the time. Now isnt the time for flights of fancy you can be happy at home if youre with people you love. 36. Cross: Six of Clubs. Fate, karma, knowledge of good and evil, heaven and earth, sickness and health Absolutely one of my favorite cards in the deck. The nurse is so benevolent in her posture. We can never really know what is going to happen in our lives (but boy, dont we try to find out!) but we do make decisions that affect the course of our histories. I dont necessarily personally believe in fate, but I do know that you get out of life what you put in. The way you take care of yourself today will affect the way you feel tomorrow.
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