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1.a) Structures of Igneous Rocks
Igneous rocks are rocks formed by cooling and hardening of molten rock (Magma).
Magma consists mostly of liquid rock matter but may contain crystal of various minerals and may contain
a gas phase that may be dissolved in the liquid or present as a separate gas phase.
The large scale, easily recognizable textural features visible to the naked eye are known as structures.
Blocky and Ropy lavas, Pillow, Flow and Joints are the major structures shown by Igneous rocks.
Igneous rock structures depend on the following components.

STRUCTURE  Composition of magma

 Presence of gases and other volatiles
 Temperature
 Viscosity of magma
 Pressure at which cooling and consolidation takes place

Structure of igneous rocks may be classified as mega, minor and micro based on their stages of

Mega structure Minor structure Micro

Formed at the extrinsic magma (extrusive These are formed in the fluid These are formed due to a
stage). Examples include; stage of the magma and includes reaction between already
 Vesicular and amygdaloidal the following; solidified crystals and as a
structure; when lavas are heavily  Primary foliation; many result pf the magma. It
charged with the gases and other plutonic rocks are includes the following;
volatiles have erupted on the sometimes catalyzed by  Graphic structure;
surface, the gaseous constituents foliation due to the results from the
escape from the magma as there is a parallel accumulation of integration of Quartz
decrease in pressure, thus near the platy and ellipsoidal and orthoclase
top of flows empty cavities of mineral grains. feldspar.
variable dimensions are formed.  Banding in rock; these  Myrmekite
However, the vascular formed are are also referred to as structure; produced
subsequently filled in with some layered rocks. by the integration of
low temperature secondary minerals  Schlieren; these are quart and plagioclase
such as calcite, zeolite etc. these are many, irregular leaves feldspar where quartz
called Amygdales. without sharp connection occurs as bulbs or
to the surrounding drops in plagioclase.
 Cellular/scoriaceous structure; igneous rock. They can  Xenolithic structure;
this awakens from the gases and attar inclusions, the return of foreign
from lava that is involved in volatile separation in the layer in rock fragments inside
and gaseous movement. A number the rock. the Ignatius rocks give
of caves are formed by the rise to the xenolithic
consolidation of the lava. When the structure.
caves are plentiful, the term pumice  Perlitic structure;
or rock froth is applied and such these are focus lines of
structures are termed as cellular. cracked fractured,
often seen in volcanic
 Block lava; because lava of acidic glass. These are only
composition, due to their high due to the shrinkage of
viscosity, doesn’t flow to greater the glass mass in
distances, they are found after cooling.
solidification to often a very rough
surface. Such lava flow is called
block lava.

 Ropy lava; this lava is simply

mobile due to its low volume and
can flow o greater distances and
after solidification to provide a
smooth surface.

 Pillow structure; this is made of

the shape of a remote pillow. They
are made by taking lava into wet
and under ice sheets, under water
filled sediments or under see water.

 Sheets structures development of a

single set of joints is well defined,
sometimes having a chipping effect
on the bod of igneous rock.

 Platy structures; due to the

development of different sets of
joints which causes blades of rock
mass to the rock.

 Column structure; as a result of

shortening due to cooling, a few
sets of vertical joints develop such
joints results into the formation of
column which maybe square,
rectangular or hexagonal in outline.

Other structures include, Flow

structure and rift and grain.

1.b) Process of sedimentation

Sedimentary rocks are formed on or near the earth’s surface, in contrast to metamorphic and
igneous rocks which are formed deep within the earth. The most important geographical process that lead
to the collection of sedimentary rocks are;
 Erosion
 Weathering
 Dissolution
 Precipitation and
 Lithification.
Erosion and weathering include the effects of wind and rain which slowly breaks down large rocks into
small ones. It transforms boulders and even mountains into sediments such as sand and mud.
Precipitation is the formation of rocks and minerals from chemicals that precipitates from water i.e. as a
lake dries up over thousands of years, it leaves behind mineral deposits
Lithification is the process by which clay, sand and other sediments on the bottom of the ocean and water
bodies are slowly compacted into rocks from the weight of overlying sediments.
Dissolution is the process in which minerals are disassociated and ionic compounds are dispersed in a
liquid usually water.it occurs when water comes into contact with the rocks and dissolves into minerals
that makeup that rock into individual elements. I.e. the dissolution of calcite.

1.c) Primary sedimentary structures.

 Graded bedding; this means that the grain size with in a bed changes upwards; this type of
bedding is commonly associated with so called turbidity currents. Graded bedding layers may
Normal grading; if a particles size decreases upward, the bed is said to be normally
Reverse grading; of the particles\ size is increases upwards, the bed is said to be reversely
graded or inversely graded.

This is so important as its useful in indicating the deposition environment.

 Valve deposit; a valve is a pair of sedimentary layers that is deposited over the course of single
layer. They are most common in high latitude areas or high-altitude lakes where there’s a strong
contact in seasonal conditions.

 Mud cracks; these structures form when the clay rich sediments found in mud dry and shrink. As
the sediments shrinks, cracks begin to form in the sediments creating polygonal patterns called
mud cracks.
Figure 1:Mud cracks

 Rain imprints; these are geographic structures characterized by small crater like pits with small
raised bumps. The Imprints result of the impact of rain on the soft sediment surfaces, like mud
which is rapidly hardened into rock with the still intact.

Figure 2:Rain imprints

 Rill marks; these are small, dendritic channels or grooves that form on beaches by discharge of
pore waters at low tide by small streams debouching into a small mud. They commonly form on
beaches and river banks as water drains across a gently sloping surface.
Figure 3:Rill marks

2.a) Properties of minerals

Minerals are classified according to their physical and chemical properties;
Physical properties of minerals;
Luster; this is how light is reflected form the surface of a mineral. The way how light interact
with the surface of a crystal, rock or mineral. There are main types of luster, metallic and non-
Minerals exhibiting metallic luster look like metals and non-metallic lust can be divided into
groups of mineralibilty I.e. earthy, waxy, pearly etc.

Figure 5:Nonmetallic luster

Figure 4:Metalic luster
Hardness; this is the mineral resistance to be scratched. The harder ones are difficult to scratch.
Mohr’s scale of hardness below describes the order of minerals from the less hardness to the
Diamond is said to be the hardest mineral

Color and streak; this refers to the color of the powdered mineral.
Streak is the color of a crushed minerals powder. This property can be used for mineral
identification. Some minerals have a distinctive color, for example the green color for chlorite but
most naturally occurinf minerals contain trace of substances which modify their color. Thus,
quartz for example which is colorless when pure may be white, grey, pink or yellow when certain
chemical impurities are present.

Cleavage; this is the tendency of minerals to break along planes of weak bonding. It is described
by a number of planes exhibited and the angles at which they meet.
Fracture; this refers to rough or irregular surfaces along which the mineral breaks randomly.
Minerals that don’t exhibit cleavage are said to fracture when broken.
Specific gravity; This is the number that expresses the ratio between the weight of a mineral and
the weight of an equal volume of water.
Chemical properties
Mineral differs from each other in chemical composition and architecture, and these facts produce
destructive physical properties that enable minerals to be identified.
A sample test is;
1. Taste test, Nacl or common table salt has a distinctly salty taste.
2. Fizz test. This is used such as carbonate minerals effervescence in hydrochloric acid giving
bubbles of carbon dioxide.
3. Other chemical properties include ability to change color, rust, burn etc.
2.b) Quartz
This is also known as silicon dioxide. It’s the commonest mineral made of two most abundant chemical
elements on earth. Oxygen and silicon. It makes 12% of the lands surface and about 20% of the earths
crust. It is divided into;
 Crystalline Quartz- visible crystals
 Cryptocrystalline/ hidden crystals which requires a microscope.
Quartz crystals are named from the color of the crystals i.e. purple(amethyst), pink-rose tiny
amount of titanium oxide crystals, white (milky quartz and clear (rock crystal).

Figure 6:Quartz

This is a name given to the group of minerals distinguished by the presence of alumina and silica in their
chemistry. It includes; aluminum silicates of soda, potassium or lime. Most abundant mineral on earth.
The account for an estimate of 60% of exposed rocks as well as soils, clays and other un consolidated
sediments. Minerals from large granite bodies I.e. plutons by geologists.

Figure 7:Feldspar

Field spar is used to make dinnerware and bathroom tiles and building tiles by ceramics and glass
products. It is also o used as a flux.
These are fairly light and relatively soft, and the sheets and flakes of mica are flexible. Mica is a mineral
name given to the group of minerals that are physically and chemically similar. They are all silicate

Figure 8:Mica

This is a mineral that holds a significant place in the world of geology, mineralogy and various industries
due to its distinctive properties and widespread occurrence. It is calcium carbonate mineral and tis major
component of limestone.

Figure 9:Calcite

It is used as a flux in cement production

Also used in acid neutralization.
3.a) Relationship between geologists and civil engineers

 Where as geological and civil engineers sometimes work together, they have very
different responsibilities. While geological engineers study the earth and outer surface to
evaluate potential mining and infrastructural construction, civil engineers design the
infrastructure to be built.
 Geological engineers can work in different disciplines, some study mining sites to
determine components of the earths and design the best extraction methods at site, others
study the earths components to analyze and report whether or not the site is safe to design
different infrastructure. They report their finding to civil engineers and managers, then
work with them thought the infrastructure design process.
 Civil engineers design and supervise the construction of different infrastructures, such as
building, dams etc. after the design an engineer supervise the construction from
conception to completion.
3.b) Importance of studying geology as civil engineers.
 It provides a systematic study of the structure and properties of construction materials and the
occurrence. Civil engineers need to know the properties of rocks occurrence to enable them
consider different rocks for any required purpose.
 Selection of a site is important from a view point of stability of foundation, and availability of
construction materials. Geology provides knowledge about the site used in the construction of
buildings, dams etc.
 Helps identify area susceptible to failures due to geological hazards i.e. landslides, earthquakes,
weathering etc.
 The knowledge about the nature of the rocks is very necessary to tunneling, construction of roads,
and determining the stability of cuts and slopes.
 Foundation problems of dams, bridges and building are directly related to the geology of the area
where they are to be built.
 The knowledge of ground water is necessary for the connection with the excavation works, water
supply, irrigation and others. Hydrological maps provide the necessary information.
 Geological surveying of the site before starting the project helps to reduce on the overall costs.
 The knowledge of erosion, transportation and deposition by the surface water helps soil
conservation and river control is done by geologists.
1. The oxford companion to the earth (2000) by Hancock Paul.
2. Glossary of geology by Klaus K. E. Neuendorf.
3. Field hydrogeology by John E.

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