The 1992 Cairo Earthquake A Case Study of A Small
The 1992 Cairo Earthquake A Case Study of A Small
The 1992 Cairo Earthquake A Case Study of A Small
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Key words: Egypt, Cairo, Red Sea, synthetic seismogram, focal mechanism, seismic hazard, site effect and peak
ground acceleration
On 12 October 1992, an earthquake, magnitude mb = 5.9 and Ms = 5.2, hit the City of Cairo, Egypt. It was this
century’s largest earthquake in northern Egypt with related destruction in the City of Cairo, the Nile Valley and the
Nile Delta areas.
Our source parameter determinations show that the 1992 earthquake had a normal faulting mechanism, seismic
moment Mo = 5.2 × 1017 Nm, centroid depth of 23 km and a source time function duration of 3 seconds. The
mechanism is compared with those corresponding to two other events that occurred in the northern Red Sea. The
similarity between the mechanisms as well as the spatial distribution of the geological faults around Cairo suggest
seismic activity along the extension of the stress field of the Red Sea rift system to the area around the City of
Cairo. This situation affects the level of seismic hazard in the Cairo area.
The 1992 earthquake belongs to an unusual class of relatively small, Mw < 6.0, yet destructive earthquakes.
The damage caused by these events is usually attributed to their shallow focal depth, ≤ 5 km, and to amplification
of seismic waves in the local soil beneath the damaged structures. However, the Cairo earthquake deviates from
other events of this class since the focal depth was determined to be 23 km. We calculated synthetic accelerograms
for the 1992 earthquake with the loose sediments observed in the Nile Valley, and show that this enhanced the
amplitude of the acceleration by a factor of two. However, the determined accelerations, about 0.5 m s−2 , cannot
alone explain the relatively large amount of damaged structures. Hence, a major cause to the destruction is likely
the poor state of construction of the Cairo buildings.
Totally, 8500 buildings were damaged in the Cairo find a reasonable explanation to the destructive cause
area alone. An official investigation revealed that of the event.
1343 schools were damaged beyond any repair, 2544
needed major repair and 2248 needed repair mainte-
nance. On the other hand, ancient historical monu- Data
ments suffered only minor damages, e.g., two stone
slabs fell from the roof of Kom Ombo temple, six More than 100 stations responded to our request
Coptic churches and 140 Islamic buildings, including and contributed to data collection with seismograms,
mosques, suffered some damage. One stone, 1500 kg and/or bulletins. The majority of these stations pro-
of weight, moved and fell down from the Khefren vided copies of three-component, short- and long-
pyramid. period, analog and/or digital records. The distribution
A number of surface distortions associated with of contributing stations around the epicentre provided
the shock were noticed in the area just after the earth- a good coverage from all directions except the az-
quake. The most common feature was surface fissures imuth range between 180 to 270 degrees. This gap
observed at epicentral distances of up to tens of kilo- corresponds to northern and central African countries
meters with displacements of up to about 150 cm where only few stations are working.
(Badawi and Mourad, 1994) visible in the asphalt Polarities of first P-onsets were identified by
roads between Cairo and El-Faiyum. present authors in most of the available seismograms.
The Cairo earthquake belongs to a rare group of Some of the records reveal a double P-pulse with less
relatively weak earthquakes, 5 < m < 6, which caused than 1 sec delay. In some cases this phenomenon in-
surprisingly severe destruction within the respective troduces difficulties in the polarity reading. Since a
epicentral area. Other shocks with similar character- large number of records are available, only sharp clear
istics are, e.g., Skopje 1956 (Poceski, 1963), Agadir polarities were picked. Less pronounced onsets were
1960 (Duvergé, 1969), and San Salvador 1986. All ignored. Altogether, 43 polarities, well distributed
these shocks were shallow crustal events taking place around the source, were considered.
in areas with unconsolidated sedimentary covers. Waveforms of digital records usually show good
As follows from available geological maps quality, only a few stations have high seismic noise.
(Egyptian Geological Survey, 1981) and the geolog- Analog seismograms, especially from nearby stations,
ical study of Said (1981), the epicentral area of the caused some problems, e.g., high skew and truncated
1992 event is covered by Miocene-Oligocene-Eocene waveforms which introduced certain difficulties in the
sediments of thickness of about 900 m (El-Gamili, data analysis. In total, 9 stations with good-quality
1982). As yet, no surface tectonic lineaments have records have been used in the waveform analysis. For
been observed in the epicentral area (El-Shazly et al., teleseismic body wave inversion, digital data from the
1980), probably due to the thick loose sedimentary world wide networks were received from IRIS data
cover. However, on both sides of and close to the Nile centre, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
river, a large number of NW–SE and NE–SW faults
have been observed (Figure 1b). Trends of the new
observed lineaments (Arab et al., 1994; Badawi and Hypocentre location
Maurad, 1994) are in good agreement with the surface
structure in the surrounding areas (Figure 1b). The As mentioned above, the geology and tectonics of
NW–SE and NE–SW faults are assumed to be part of, Egypt is complicated. The crustal structure is rather
respectively, the Red Sea rifting system and of the Gulf heterogeneous and could change abruptly from area
of Aqaba-Levant system (Bayoumi, 1983; Hempton, to area, especially near the Nile Valley. Within the
1987). These two systems are considered to be the Nile Valley graben, loose sediments, e.g., silt and
main factors behind the seismicity of Egypt (Kulhánek sand are thicker (900–1000 m) and more water satu-
et al., 1992). rated than outside the graben where they are almost
The main objectives of the present work are the fol- absent (thickness of 1–2 m). As one departs from
lowing: To deduce the source parameters (mechanism, the graben, water saturation and thickness of the
source time function, seismic moment, focal depth) loose sedimentary layers decrease rapidly (El-Gamili,
for the 1992 Cairo earthquake; to suggest a plausible 1982). Consequently, dramatic changes in the velocity
tectonic model for the occurrence of the event; and to of seismic waves may be expected. Velocity models
Figure 1. (a) Distribution of seismic stations (crosses) used in locating the 12 October 1992 earthquake (open circle). See the insert (Figure 1b)
for details. (b) Fault pattern around the City of Cairo, main faults (solid line), secondary faults (dashed line), solid circle – Cairo earthquake of
12 October 1992. The surface is covered by quaternary deposits, except for the doted area where Tertiary – Cretaceous sediment are represented.
Collected and modified from El-Shazly (1980) and Arab et al. (1994).
deduced from various seismic profiles surrounding the Earthquake source parameters
epicentral region of the 1992 Cairo earthquake were
examined to find the appropriate crustal structure to The earthquake source parameters, focal mechanism,
be used in location and waveform modelling. A crustal seismic moment, centroid depth and source time func-
model modified from profile number 7 (Gaulier et al., tion were determined through a three-step procedure.
1988) for the Gulf of Suez and adjacent area was P-polarities and forward modelling were used to con-
used (Table 1). This profile agrees with the results strain the mechanism style, whereas the inversion of
given by Hoseny (1985). A minor modification for teleseismic body waves yielded the final results, in-
the uppermost sedimentary layer was made by making cluding seismic moment, source time function and
use of results from gravity and seismic studies of the earthquake centroid depth.
Nile Valley (El-Gamili, 1982; Said, 1981). In profile
number 7, the first layer (layer 3 in Table 1) extends Polarity mechanism
from 0 to 10 km. Our modification was made by in-
serting two layers (first and second layer in Table 1), To determine the fault-plane solution from P-wave
corresponding to the Eonile Canyon deposits (Said, polarity readings, a modified version of the program
1981) beneath the Cairo area. We are fully aware of FOCMEC (Snoke et al., 1984) was employed. Polari-
the fact that, by using such a distant profile (profile 7 ties were weighted as full weight for sharp polarities
mentioned above), an error could appear in our conclu- and half weight for emergent ones. 43 azimuthally
sions. However, profile number 7 is the closest profile well distributed polarities were used to derive the
to the epicentral area currently available. mechanism for the Cairo earthquake. 40 correspond
The 1992 earthquake has been located by using the to sharp polarities and were given full weight and 3 to
program HYPOINVERSE (Klein, 1978) which makes emergent polarities were given half weight. Under the
use of the first P and/or S arrival times as well as condition of the smallest polarity error, two families
of the crustal model (Table 1) of the studied area. of solutions were obtained (Figure 2), one showing a
Arrival-time readings are firstly weighted according normal faulting mechanism with a strike-slip compo-
to the record quality, then the program uses an auto- nent and the other indicating pure strike slip. In terms
matic weighting with respect to the epicentral distance of stress axes, the two families reveal that the T- and P-
and travel-time residual. Arrival-time data from sta- axes are oriented approximately SSW–NNE and E–W,
tions deployed in Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia are respectively.
available (Figure 1a). Altogether, 21 P-arrivals as well
as 5 S-arrivals have been used in locating the earth- Forward modelling
quake. From our calculation the hypocenter is located
at 29.79◦ N and 30.68◦ E at a depth of 20 km. This To resolve the ambiguity in the P-wave polarity mech-
location is in fairly good agreement with those given anism, forward modelling was performed for waves
by PDE and Helwan. recorded at regional distance of up to 16◦ . The synthet-
ics were calculated by using a discretized wavenumber
(Bouchon, 1980) propagator matrix wavenumber in
Figure 2. Lower-hemisphere projections of the focal sphere for the 1992 Cairo earthquake. (1): distribution of possible nodal planes from
FOCMEC solutions, (2): corresponding maximum (P) and minimum (T) deviatoric stress axes, (3): distribution of P-wave polarities; dilatation
denoted by rectangulars and compression by crosses. Small crosses refer to polarities taken from ISC. (4): preferred polarity solution.
(Table 2). The derived fault plane solution (Figure 4) are presently no observations of ground acceleration
is close to that presented by Harvard and NEIC (Ta- available from Egypt. Therefore, ground acceleration
ble 2). Our moment, 5.2 × 1017 Nm, is within 10% of values given for different areas in Egypt are only esti-
the Harvard CMT moment. In general, the synthetic mates calculated by using various empirical formulas
P waves fit the data better than the SH waves which (Maamoun et al., 1984). These formulas often pay
is a common observation when inverting teleseismic small attention to local geologic conditions, in spite
body phases. The derived source time function of 3 s of the fact that these strongly affect the acceleration.
duration and the centroid depth of 23 ± 3 km satisfy Hence, estimates of ground acceleration at a specific
the observed data well. The depth was well resolved site made by using an empirical formula and at the
due to the clear separation between the direct body same time ignoring local conditions can easily lead to
waves and the pP, sP and sS phases. This makes the large errors. It has been shown that loose sediments
source time function estimate more reliable since the indeed amplify seismic waves (Aki, 1982). We inves-
tradeoff which occurs when the depth phases interfere tigated specifically how the soft sedimentary deposits
with direct phases is smaller when pP, sP and direct in the Nile Valley affect the peak ground acceleration
P and S phases are separated. A difference between associated with the Cairo earthquake.
the observed and synthetic SH seismograms is obvious We used the same technique as described in mod-
for the Harvard station, HRV. It can be explained by a elling regional seismograms above to synthetisize ac-
proximity to the node of the radiation pattern as well celerograms to investigate the general effect of the
as by heterogeneities of the Earth structure. known sedimentary top layers. The accelerograms
In general, source parameters deduced through two were synthesized using our fault orientation (Table 2),
different modelling techniques are in good agreement source size, source time function, source depth and
with the available Harvard solution and also compare crustal model parameters.
well with those of the northern Red Sea quakes of The effect of the loose sedimentary cover was
1969 and 1972 (Table 2). determined by comparing our results considering sed-
imentary cover, (i.e., layer, 1 in Table 1), and by
ignoring this layer. The computed synthetics indicate
Ground acceleration that the presence of the soft soil cover amplifies the
ground acceleration almost by a factor of 2. How-
The destruction in Cairo may have been due too poor ever, the obtained accelerations, about 0.5 m s−2 , were
quality of a part of the buildings in northern Egypt but too small to explain the destruction. The cause of
obviously the duration and peak ground acceleration the destruction is probably to be found in the state
also have a certain effect. Peak ground acceleration is of the damaged buildings themselves, even though
one of the most important factors to consider in the we should not discount effects from a more complex
design of structures like dams, nuclear power plants, 3-dimensional crustal structure as well as local soil
buildings, etc. To the best of our knowledge, there conditions beneath a given construction.
Figure 4. Top: Lower hemisphere projection of teleseismic inversion focal mechanism. Observed (solid line) and synthetic (dashed line) P-wave
seismograms of the 1992 earthquake, Mo = 5.2 × 1017 Nm, h = 23 ± 3 km. STF – source time function. 50 s – time scale of seismograms in
seconds. Station codes are given to the left of seismograms, d – dilatation. Bottom: Same as top, except for SH waves.
1754 10 29.6 32.2 6.6 VII-IX A great loss of life was re-
ported. Qarafa, Bulaq and
part of new Cairo were de-
1847 08 07 29.7 30.8 5.8 VII-VIII 274 people killed and thou-
sands injured and heavy
wide destruction were re-
ported practically on all
Destruction due to liquefaction could be observed in ments with no surface lineaments. Nevertheless, near
the Nile flood plain areas (Badawi and Mourad, 1994). to the 1992 epicentre, NW–SE and NE–SW fault sys-
Earthquake damage in northern Egypt with con- tems (Figure 1b) were reported by El-Shazly et al.
centrations in the City of Cairo, Nile Valley and Nile (1980). These are probably due to the complexity of
Delta has been reported from earthquakes which oc- the region which is affected by the northern Red sea
curred as far as Turkey, Gulf of Aqaba, Cyprus or rifting system and by the north-east trending systems
Crete. The most recent example of severe destruc- such as the Gulf of Aqaba-Levant fault system or the
tion in Cairo city due to a distant earthquake is the eastern Mediterranean – Cairo – Faiyum system. It is
case of Mw = 7.2, Gulf of Aqaba, 22 November 1995 possible that the stress fields of the two systems affect
earthquake and the Mw = 6.8, Cyprus, 9 October 1996, north-eastern Egypt (Kulhánek et al., 1992; El-Sayed
earthquake. These earthquakes were located at dis- et al., 1996). The proposed normal-faulting mech-
tances of about 400 and 600 km, respectively, from anism and the NW–SE oriented strike of the Cairo
the City of Cairo. Even if these earthquakes caused earthquake imply that the event occurred along the ex-
relatively minor damages, this nevertheless indicates tension of the stress field of the Red Sea rifting system.
that at least some of the buildings in the Cairo are in A comparison between the mechanism of this event
a poor state since normally destruction would not be and the northern Red Sea events of 1969 and 1972
observed at these distances. shows a high degree of similarity. These similarities
The 1992 earthquake was followed by a large num- also support the proposed location of the 1992 event,
ber of aftershocks but no foreshock was recorded. i.e., along the extension of the Red Sea fault system
The absence of microseismic activity before the Cairo (see Figure 1b). As shown in Table 2, the only differ-
earthquake as well as the low b-value (approximately ence among the three mechanisms is an increase of the
0.7) given for the area by El-Sayed and Wahlström strike-slip component from the 1969 event to the event
(1996) manifest a period of seismic quiescence and of 1992, i.e., a likely decrease of the effect of the Red
stress accumulation before a major earthquake. In Sea rift stress field as we depart from the rifting axis.
view of the historical seismicity (Table 3), the maxi- The Cairo earthquake of 12 October 1992 rings an
mum experienced earthquake magnitude is close to 6.6 alarm for the future urban plans in Egypt. To mitigate
(see Ambraseys et al., 1994). Based on the historical the effects of similar future disastrous earthquakes,
and recent seismic activity, the Cairo area will proba- seismic risk factors should be considered. In the fur-
bly experience another damaging shock in the coming ther planning, one should also realize that building
hundred years. codes are different for different localities in Egypt.
The polarity mechanism exhibited in Figure 2 Economically speaking, it is cheaper to use suitable
shows two families of solutions. Both forward mod- building codes for different parts of the country, which
elling of regional waves as well as teleseismic body- will become available through detailed studies of local
wave inversion (Figures 3 and 4) support the normal- geology.
faulting mechanism. This solution is similar to that
given by the Harvard group and by PDE (Table 2).
Field observations, such as displacements in the cov-
ering sediments and roads also indicate the normal-
faulting mechanism (Badawi and Mourad, 1994). Acknowledgements
However, from a large-scale tectonic point of view, re-
verse or strike slip faulting is the predicted style for the
predominantly compressional stress regime in Egypt This work was carried out at the Seismological De-
(Mousa, 1989). Nevertheless, this conclusion may be partment, Uppsala University, Sweden. Financial sup-
an oversimplification of the true situation. The tec- port was provided partly by the Swedish Institute,
tonic stress regime in north-eastern Egypt is influenced University of Uppsala, Swedish Foundation for In-
by an interaction of at least three plates, namely the ternationalization (contract 720-22195 (G10940-300))
African, Arabian and Eurasian plate. Our results indi- and Swedish Natural Science Research Council (con-
cate that, within areas close to the Red Sea, extension tract G-GU 3164-309, 312). The authors are very
is likely to be the prevailing regime. grateful to all station directors who provided the data
As mentioned above, the surface geology of the required. We are greateful to the anomymous reviewer
epicentral area is covered by loose quaternary sedi- who revealed a numerical error in the text.
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