General Introduction: 1.1 Definitions and Concept
General Introduction: 1.1 Definitions and Concept
General Introduction: 1.1 Definitions and Concept
General Introduction
Okueze, E
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The analysis of seismological data recorded from earthquake waves, (fig 1.1) shows that the Earth is internally made up of 3 principal regions CRUST, MANTLE and CORE.
Fig. 1.1 (a) Earthquake wavefronts and raypaths for direct P-waves. (b) Raypaths for some reflected and refracted waves, illustrating wave nomenclature.
This study is usually referred to as Earthquake seismology. The recording and analysis of resulting seismic waves from earthquakes especially since the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake shows a whole range of variations of the physical properties of Okueze, E Page 2 of 5 Univation
the rocks of the Earth with depth (P and S- wave velocities, density, pressure and temperature), (Fig. 1.2).
Fig. 1.2 Earth-layering.(a) Terminology. (b) Variation of physical properties with depth within the earth. P= pressure in 1011 Pa, =density in g/cm3, =S-wave velocity in km/s,
Mohorovicic in 1909 detected an interface boundary from his analysis where P-wave velocities increased remarkably known as the Moho (i.e. the Mohorovicic discontinuity )at a depth range of 10 to 40km. Gutenberg also detected another major discontinuity in 1913 at approximately 2850km depth. Interestingly he discovered that S-value reduced to almost half while densities shot up almost three times at this boundary known as the Gutenberg discontinuity. While the Moho defined the boundary between the Crust and the Mantle, Gutenberg defined that between the mantle and the core. However, 2 main transition zones were interpreted to occur at 900km depth (dividing the mantle into upper and lower) and at 5000km depth marking the end of the Outer core as different from the Inner core. Okueze, E Page 3 of 5 Univation
At Gutenberg boundary, S-waves stopped propagating and P-wave velocity reduced to a half. This phenomenon has been interpreted to mean that the waves encountered a liquid medium at this depth and hence the Outer core is believed to be liquid. At the 5000km depth, Lehmann analysis in 1936 showed that P-wave s velocities shot up again to about 1.5 of its value indicating a solid medium once again as the Inner core. It was also observed that other physical properties increased gradually from this 5000m depth till the centre of the Earth at about 6400km depth. The crust and the Mantle are further grouped into 3 subdivisions the Lithosphere (which is cold, rigid and brittle) at 0-125km depth; the Astemosphere (which is warm, mobile and plastic) between 125-250km depth; and the Mesosphere (which is highly dense, has high temperature and pressure and is basically non-magnetic) is at a depth range of 250-2850km. TheMoho which is the lowermost boundary of the crust lies at about 10km depth at its shallowest point beneath the deep ocean basins within the Pacitic abyssal plains and up to 40-50km depth at its thickest area within the continental area of the Hymalayas in Asia. The interaction of the warm and mobile Astemosphere, which is continuously in a convective motion with the overlying cold, rigid, and brittle Lithosphere, gives rise to the major geologic processes which have shaped the Earth surface since the s beginning of time. Volcanic eruptions, Earthquake phenomenon, ocean basins and mountain chains are all part of and the result of the Astermosphere-Lithosphere interaction now generally referred to as Plate Tectonics. Further details of these phenomena and the internal structure of the Earth are discussed in Lowrie (1997). Incidentally, in all the depths of the Earth, all exploration activities for natural resources take place within just about the first 10km of the crust. Natural resources where they occur are formed through various geologic processes many of which are exclusive. In other words, resources such as coal or hydrocarbons do not form during processes that can form minerals such as Olivines, Cassiterites, quartz etc. While volcanic activities give rise to the formation of the above minerals, sedimentation, diagenesis and time give rise to the formation of coal and hydrocarbons. Therefore distribution of natural resources is not arbitrary but well organised and structured. All successful applications of geophysical investigations for subsurface Okueze, E Page 4 of 5 Univation
resources must then take into account the regional and/or local geologic setting. Exploration for coal or hydrocarbons should take place within sedimentary basins while the search for Olivines, Felspar, Cassiterite etc should be concentrated in basement regions.
Okueze, E
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