FCMC Emergency Response Plan

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Table of Contents
Introduction and Purpose ................................................................................................ 1
Goals ............................................................................................................................... 1
Applicability and Scope ................................................................................................... 1
Responsibility .................................................................................................................. 1
Order of Succession ........................................................................................................ 1
Emergency Communications .......................................................................................... 1
Training and Exercises .................................................................................................... 2
Emergency Protocols ...................................................................................................... 2
Fire .............................................................................................................................. 2
Evacuation ................................................................................................................... 3
Medical Emergency ..................................................................................................... 4
Emergency Contact Numbers ......................................................................................... 4
Facility Management ....................................................................................................... 4
Utility Failure and Natural Disaster .................................................................................. 5
FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

Introduction and Purpose

First Caribbean Marketing Company Limited (FCMC) is committed to the safety and
well-being of its staff, suppliers, and customers. Upholding this commitment requires
planning and practice. This plan has been developed to satisfy those needs and outline
the steps to prepare for and respond to an emergency affecting either the physical or
human assets of FCMC.


The goals of FCMC in responding to an emergency include:

1 : The safety of all staff, suppliers and customers.

2 : The protection or safeguarding of the physical assets of the Company.
3 : The timely stabilization of an emergency situation, minimizing negative impacts.

Applicability and Scope

This plan applies to all employees, suppliers and customers of FCMC, while engaged in
activities on the FCMC compound.

The scope of this plan is intended to encompass all hazards. This plan should be
consulted when responding to all emergencies. When encountering a situation that has
not been expressly addressed in this plan, it is recommended that the responding
personnel employ good judgment and the guiding principles outlined below.


The emergency plan is the responsibility of the Manager, Facilities. Manager, Facilities
will review and update this plan at annually. Revisions will be made as needed
throughout the year. Any suggestions, comments, or questions should be directed to the
Manager, Facilities.

Order of Succession

Leadership authority during an emergency shall flow downward through the following list
of people:

1: Charles Cheng – Managing Director

2: Nadiah Romany – General Manager
3: Krystal Lochan – Floor Manager
4: Shobha Kercelus – Fire Warden

Emergency Communications

During an emergency, FCMC will use the following means and methods of

Possible means and methods:

1 : Landline Telephones

FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

2: Cell Phones (possible outages during emergency)

3: Texting (more reliable during an emergency)
4: Two-way Radios
5: Email

Specific communications procedures defining who will be responsible for

communications and what information will be communicated have been developed and
are available for reading by all staff and upon request by suppliers and customers. The
General Manager, Floor Manager and Fire Warden are the custodians of these

Training and Exercises

Training plans are developed on an annual basis. The Safety Committee will revise and
update training plans based on the applicability to the functions of FCMC, previous
lessons learned, new or emerging statutory requirements, and suggestions from staff.

Training exercises are conducted at least once every quarter and attendees and results
are recorded for knowledge management, gap analysis, and continuous learning and

Emergency Protocols


In the Event of a Fire:

Pull the Fire Alarm and Call 911

If you see smoke or flames:


 Contain the fire by closing all doors as you leave

 Activate the nearest Fire Alarm pull station
 Report the fire by calling 911
 Evacuate or extinguish (recommended action is to Evacuate)
Persons are advised to use a Fire Extinguisher only if:

 You have been trained

 You have your back to an unobstructed exit

 You have a fully charged and proper type unit for the fire you are fighting

FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

 The fire is contained, and you have reported the fire by calling 911 or activation of
a Fire Alarm Pull Station

 Everyone else has left the area

 There is little smoke or flames

Never fight a fire if:

 You lack a safe way to escape should your efforts fail

 It has left its source of origin

 You are unsure of the type of extinguisher you need or have

Where staff attempts to, but can’t control the fire within 30 seconds, the efforts will be

a : close the door(s), and

b : evacuate immediately.

Do not ignore an alarm signal, even if you believe it may be false.


Building Evacuation

In the event of an evacuation order being announced for the FCMC Building, or if it
becomes necessary to evacuate due to an emergency, occupants are encouraged to
fully cooperate with FCMC emergency personnel and:

a : Take only keys, wallets, and essential belongings with you

b : If possible, wear weather appropriate clothing

c : If you are the last one to exit your room, close and lock doors

d : Leave the building immediately

e : Do not investigate the source of the emergency

f : Walk, don’t run, to the nearest exit

g : Use stairs, not elevators

h : Assist people with special needs

i : Take a roll call of personnel from your department (accountability).

j : Wait for instructions before returning to the building after an evacuation

FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

Medical Emergency

If someone is injured or becomes ill:

1 : Stay Calm

2 : Dial 811 and explain the type of emergency, the location, condition, and number of

3 : Let the dispatcher know of any safety hazards - chemical spill, fire, fumes, etc.

4 : Do not hang up unless told to do so by the dispatcher

5 : Do not move the victim unless there is danger of further injury

6 : Do not leave the injured person except to summon help

7 : Comfort the victim until emergency medical services arrive

8 : Render first-aid or CPR only if you have been trained

Emergency Contact Numbers

999 Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS)

990 Trinidad and Tobago Fire Services
Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management Emergency
Call Center
811 Medical Emergency/Ambulance
555 Anti-Crime Hotline
667-4714 Arima Health Facility
623-2951 Port of Spain General Hospital
225-4325 San Fernando General Hospital Emergency Department
636-4024 Couva District Hospital

Facility Management

The FCMC Facilities Management consultant team will:

a: Account for employees

b: Obtain the visitor log (if available)
c: Identify employees and customers/visitors who are onsite
d: Provide site and building maps to emergency responders (if available)
e: Provide facility access to emergency responders
f: Ensure incoming emergency response personnel know where to stage

FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

Utility Failure and Natural Disaster

Utility Failures

These may include electrical outages, plumbing failure/flooding, ventilation problems,

elevator failures, etc. FCMC’s Facilities Services has procedures and personnel to deal
with utility failures. For the safety of staff and customers, in the event of a utility failure:

1 : Remain calm

2 : Immediately notify relevant or available FCMC personnel

3 : If the building must be evacuated, follow the instructions on Building Evacuation

4 : Unplug all electrical equipment (including computers) and turn off light switches

5 : Use a flashlight: Do not light candles or use other kinds of flames for lighting

6 : Elevators:
a : If passengers are trapped in an elevator, advise them to stay calm and tell them
you are getting help
b : If it is safe for you to stay in the building, stay near the passengers until
assistance arrives

7 : If you are trapped in an elevator, help will be there soon:

a. Remain calm
b. Use the Call Button to call for help
c. Verify location of building and elevator to incident responders
d. Stay on the phone until the responders arrive
e. Do not try to climb out or exit the elevator without assistance


Minor or area flooding on the FCMC compound could occur as a result of a water main
break, loss of power to sump pumps, or major multiple rainstorms. FCMC monitors the
Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Office and other emergency advisory systems to
stay abreast of weather and alert related conditions and will provide instructions should
they be necessary. For imminent or actual flooding, and only if you can safely do so:

1 : Secure vital equipment, records, and other important documents

2 : Move to higher, safer ground
3 : Shut off all electrical equipment
4 : Do not attempt to drive or walk through flooded areas
5 : Wait for further instructions on immediate action from Safety and Security
6 : If the building must be evacuated, follow the instructions on Building Evacuation
7 : Do not return to your building if you have been evacuated by flooding until you have
been instructed to do so by FCMC personnel or Emergency Services

FCMC Emergency Response Plan 2023 - 2024

Record Keeping

FCMC will keep up-to-date and accurate records of all training exercises, emergency
response, and physical/property damages in accordance with the Corporate Document
Retention Policy.

These documents will be available for review by FCMC Executive Management, Statutory
Agencies, and authorized employees.

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