Uts Reviewer
Uts Reviewer
Uts Reviewer
Dream Analysis
- he believed that dreams are a window into unconscious mind
- dream represent unfulfilled wishes from the id, trying to
breakthrough to the conscious.. they’re disguise using defense as
symbolism: manifest content (what they dreamt) latent content
(what it meant)
- dream extension of conscious mind & of reality
Dynamic Relationship
- the id, the ego, and the superego, it is important to remember that
these are not three separate entities with clearly defined boundaries.
- these aspects are dynamic and always interact to influence individual's
overall personality and behavior.
Ego Strength - refer to the ego’s ability to function despite these dueling
Healthy Personality
According to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a balance between
the id, the ego, and the superego.
- because if there’s imbalance between those elements
it would lead to a maladaptive personality.
→ a leading figure in psychology & philosophy at the turn of 19 th century
→ father of American psychology
→contributed significantly by founding the school of functionalism,
focusing on how mental activities help individuals adapt to their envi.
The Self
→the totality of all that a person can call hers
→for William - the self is an object that can be observed
& a subject, an agent that does the observing
- self has two parts: ME & I
Other Concepts
- I - the one who acts nd decide
-ME - what you think/feel about yourself as an object
Identity - composed of one’s characteristics, roles, responsibilities
that define who one is.
Self-concept - what comes to your mind when you are asked
about yourself , like your little details: your age nd
history nd name.
Self, identity, and self-concept are not fixed.
Incongruence -
Congruence -
→this theory states that individuals compare their actual self to
internalized standards or the ideal/ought self.
- the gap between two of these self-representations.
→ the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively
through reflection nd introspection
- can keep you doing something dangerous
- Self- awareness - can be too much that we are concerned about being
criticized by others also known as self-consciousness
-too much interaction lead to Deindividuation- the loss of individual self
→ our personal positive/negative perception of ourselves
- social relationship affects our self-esteem thru social comparison