Pemfis Ecg Spirometry
Pemfis Ecg Spirometry
Pemfis Ecg Spirometry
I grant permission to take samples of blood, saliva and or urine in connection with this examination. I understant that this statement will be forwarded to the Company's medical Department.
Remarks :
e) Blood Pressure : (please record opposite) Systolic / Diastolic mmHg Pulse Rate: 91
10 Respiratory System
a) Is there any abnormality in the shape and development of
the chest ?
b) Are there any abnormal physical signs in the lungs ?
12 Nervous System
a) Is there any sign of disease in the central nervous system ?
2 Spirometry Report :
3 Audiogram Report :
4 Blood Examination Report (Please, attach the result of the following examinations or indicate here below the result) :
1) Heamoglobin 9) Basophils 17) Blood Urea
2) RBC 10) MCV (**) 18) Cholesterol
3) ESR 11) MCM (**) 19) Total Bilirubine
4) WBC 12) MCHC (**) 20) Direct Bilirubine
5) Neutrophils 13) Platelet 21) Alkaline Phosphatase
6) Lymphocytes 14) Reticulocyte (**) 22) AST (SGOT)
7) Monocytes 15) Hematocrit 23) ALT (SGPT)
8) Eosinophils 16) Glycemia 24) Gamma GT
Laboratory findings --->
7 HIV Test
8 HbsAg
9 HbsAb
11 Stool examination
The present Medical Certificate is valid until : and found him (tick the box)
I have examined Of
FIT for duty UNFIT for duty Pending