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Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21831/pep.v21i1.15779
learning the criteria for assessment, (3) Self- competence are: (1) performance assess-
assessment should play a great role, (4) ment; (2) project assessment; (3) product
When possible, students should present assessment; and (4) portfolio assessment.
their work publicly and defend it. Thus, As an integral part of learning proc-
representatively this kind of assessment as- ess, it is important to design and apply an
sesses the process and outcome of students assessment systematically, this refers to the
learning process. Additionally, in a separate necessity of teachers to know the mecha-
article, Wiggins (1989a, p. 711) emphasized nisms, procedures and instruments of stu-
the importance of contextual student home- dent learning outcomes assessment in accor-
work as a part of the authentic assessment dance with the competencies to be mea-
such as creating a report paper to enforce sured. Competence as measured through
student to collaborate with their friends. authentic assessment describes the demands
Ministry of Culture and Education that exist in the Standard of Competence or
(2014) in this context mentioned that au- Core Competence, and the Basic Compe-
thentic assessment is a significant meaning- tencies. The focus of assessment in Curri-
ful measurement to the student’s result of culum of 2013 was the success of students
study in terms of manner, skills, and know- in achieving competency standards as speci-
ledge. It is known that authentic assessment fied, including manner, skills, and know-
may reflect aspects of affective, psychomo- ledge. Therefore, teachers must pay atten-
tor, and cognitive that found in the stu- tion to the attainment of students to ensure
dents' learning activities. Thus, authentic as- they are measured empirically by the stan-
sessment requires students to show manner, dard and achieve the purpose of learning.
using the knowledge and skills gained from Authentic assessment is also need to give a
learning in the conduct of the actual situ- picture about student’s development right
ation. Authentic assessment carried out after the learning process, this refers to the
com-prehensively to assess the input, proc- necessity of teachers to do perpetual and
ess, and output of learning, including man- comprehend assessment, it means that
ner, knowledge, and skills. Authentic assess- teachers should understand the develop-
ment is aimed to measure student’s know- ment of their student everyday, authentic
ledge, skills and attitudes in a valid and con- assessment is not only seeing the result but
crete way. To assess those three aspects, also the process behind that to be a consi-
there are various types of assessment that deration in the assessment process itself.
can be done, Ministry of Culture and Edu- Teachers in this case play a role as an
cation (2014) mentioned the types of au- evaluator of learning, have the ideal capacity
thentic assessment as follows: (1) perfor- and are able to understand and implement
mance evaluation consist of: log and learn- authentic assessment in a professional man-
ing journal; structured assignment; task per- ner in accordance with what required in
formance; long-term projects; portfolio; Curriculum of 2013. But in fact, since
demonstration; experiment; presentation; second year of Curriculum 2013, the imple-
and simulation, (2) project assessment, (3) mentation of authentic assessment still be
portfolio (4) written assessment, and (5) one of the main evaluation issue due to the
attitude. Forms of authentic assessment to obstacles in its implementation, it implies
assess student’s manner competence, such by the results of a questionnaire given to
as: (1) oservation; (2) self-assessment; (3) 100 teachers grade 5 in Yogyakarta, the
peer-assessment; and (4) journal assessment, result shows that 100% of the respondents
meanwhile the aspects of assessment for think there are obstacles in implementing
knowledge competencies include: (1) written authentic assessment. In addition, a survey
test; (2) discussion observation—question conducted by Khilmiyah, Sumarno, &
and answer, and conversation; and (3) as- Zuchdi (2015, p. 2) found that 70% of
signments. The form of assessment for skill intelligence and judgment that has been de-
veloped in elementary school around Yog- about how the program runs, which is used
yakarta is through cognitive assessment. to determine future action to be done.
Teacher’s attention and understanding to Evaluation model used in this study is
the importance of development of emotio- a stake model, which is one of the edu-
nal, social, and spiritual intelligence is still cational system of evaluation models. Stake
low in the learning and assessment process. emphasizes on implementation of the two
Assessment of the student’s character is main aspects, namely (1) description and (2)
only based on teacher’s observations during consideration (judgments), and distinguish-
school day. It means that authentic assess- es three stages in the evaluation of the
ment that includes cognitive, affective, and program, which are (1) antecendents/con-
psychomotor aspects has not been applied text, (2) transaction/process, and (3) out-
optimally. In regards to that problem, to put-outcomes. According to that, this study
know more about the obstacles and prob- aimed to find out the implementation of
lems we need to evaluate the implementa- authentic assessment in elementary school
tion of authentic assessment, especially to in Province of Yogyakarta and also to know
elementary teachers in Province of Yogya- about the obstacles of its implementation.
karta. Arikunto (2013, p. 325) argues that
the evaluation of a program is a series of Methods
activities and it is purposes to see how far
the program is succeed. According to This is an evaluative research that
Sukmadinata (2009, p. 172), evaluation and aimed to evaluate the implementation of
curriculum have a causal relationship where authentic assessment of Curriculum 2013 in
a change in the curriculum will influence elementary school of Province of Yogya-
the curriculum evaluation and curriculum karta. The result of evaluation is expected
evaluation would otherwise change the as- to be a base or foundation to measure the
pects of curriculum implementation. The achievement of curriculum assessment in
evaluation is purposes to find out the lacks 2013 and also to give judgement or recom-
so that it can be a consideration in the mendation in regards to improve the quality
future implementation of education system. of its implementation. Evaluation approach
The results of evaluation curriculum can be that be used in this study is Stake’s Counte-
used by teachers, principals and other edu- nance Model that measure the implementa-
cational stakeholders. In line with the afore- tion of authentic assessment with the stan-
mentioned opinion, Doll (1964, p. 22) says dard of that should be a criteria to deter-
that ―Acknowledge presence of value and mine the succeed. Stake model design’s
valuing, orientation to goal, comprehensive- evaluation emphasized two major aspects
ness, continuity, diagnostic worth and valid- which are description and judgement.
ity and integration.‖ An evaluation and as- Those two major aspects is distinguished
sessment should contain value and assess- into three stages of evaluation, as follow: (1)
ment, has a clear purpose or objective, com- input and planning (antecedent), (2) process
prehensive and perpetual, has a function as (transaction), (3) outcomes. Stake model is a
diagnostic tool, and integrated. Hence, the systematic method to evaluate the overall
evaluation was not carried out randomly, implementation of authentic assessment
but systematic, detailed and use procedures process that includes planning, implementa-
that have been tested thoroughly. Further- tion, and assessment. We choose Stake
more, Alkin (2011, p. 10) also states that "a model of evaluation with the consideration
definition of evaluation based on its goal. that we would like to conduct and focus on
Evaluation is the favored term when we talk evaluation of the implementation of
of judging a program,‖ it implies that eva- authentic assessment. Evaluation design
luation is an activity to gather information with this model has several stages, such as:
(a) antecedent phase that describes teacher’s
experience on the design of authentic as-
The Evaluation of Authentic Assessment Implementation ... − 107
Muhammad N. Wangid, Ali Mustadi, Anwar Senen, Nur L. R. Herianingtyas
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
50,00% Manner
40,00% Skills
30,00% Knowledge
Atencedents Transaction Outcome
the skills assessment is also only reached saction (process), and outcomes (results).
61.88% of percentage and still need to get At the expected conditions, the third stage
feedbacks and improvements. Aspects of has a percentage of 100%, means that there
knowledge get the highest percentage com- are no gaps between the three stages. But in
pared with other aspects which reached actual conditions (observed), there is a gap
84.96%, it means the teacher has been able between the percentage of the third stage.
to carry out an assessment of knowledge There is a gap between antecedent (prelimi-
well although not optimal. In the output nary) and transaction (process). Antecedent
stage, known that manner assessment is still transaction amounted to 68.75% and
very low which is only at the 54.76% of amounted to 63.41%. From these two
percentage, skills in 70.97%, and knowledge stages, there was a decrease of 5.34%. That
assessment is in 80.08%. Those aspects still is at the planning stage teachers already
need further considerations. planed well although there are still short-
Implementation of authentic assess- comings in the implementation, meaning
ment can be seen from diagram in Figure 1. that not all of the plan can be implemented
Furthermore, the results of these by teachers appropriately. Gaps also occur-
evaluations are systematically processed with ed between transaction (process) and out-
Stake model evaluation (Stake's Counte- comes (results). Transaction (process) have
nance Model), which measures the enforce- 63.41% of percentage, while outcomes
ability of authentic assessment on the Curri- (results) are in 68.48%. The gap at second
culum 2013. Stake's model evaluation design stage is an increase of 4.07%. This means
emphasizes the implementation of the two that although the process of implementa-
major things which are description and con- tion of authentic assessment is not optimal
sideration of the decisions (judgments). The but teachers are already understand how to
following chart is presented according to the make a report on authentic assessment.
Stake's Countenance Model in the Table 2. However, it still need a lot of feedbacks and
From that chart we can analyze verti- considerations.
cally the antecedent stage (planning), tran-
Transaction Conformity
Implementation of authentic 100% 63.41%
Discrepancy Discrepancy
Outcomes Conformity
Reporting the results of an 100% 68.48%
authentic assessment
ment need to be done programmatically and From those problems we can suggest
systematically, the implementation need to some feedbacks, such as: (1) Teachers
be prepared with clear and precise measure- should be committed to carry out the eva-
ment. In authentic assessment plan, assess- luation as planned and the assessment
ment criterion and the way we process the carried out consistently; (2) Teacher should
score should be thoroughly understood by carry out a thorough assessment by seeking
the teachers. Furthermore, according to involvement of social aspects of spiritual,
Regulation of Ministry of Culture and Edu- attitudes, skills and knowledge, as well as
cation Year 2013 and The Model of Assess- the implementation of the continuous as-
ment in Student Competencies Achieve- sessment to determine the development of
ment, the standard implementations of au- students' abilities and carry out the follow-
thentic assessment are as follow: (1) infor- up of their development; (3) Teacher should
ming manner, skills, and knowledge compe- inform students that assessment will be
tency that will be assess-ed; (2) informing implemented in lesson; (4) Teacher should
techniques that will be applied; (3) inform- carry out an assessment on know-ledge,
ing assessment rubric and criteria; (4) con- skills, and attitudes competencies in a bal-
ducting integrated manner, skills, know- anced, coherent and comprehensive ways.
ledge assessment; (5) Using techniques and The findings coincide with what presented
instruments that has been planned; (6) by Sadler (2005) that ―the success of any
Conducting conducive, quite, and comfort- assessment is depending on the effective
able assessment. selection and use of appropriate procedures
One of the authentic assessment as well as on the proper interpretation of
principles is to measure the competence of student’s performance. Thus, assessment
students in various ways and sources. That procedures also help in evaluation the suit-
can be a source of assessment process and ability and effectiveness of the curriculum,
products Suarta, Hardika, Sanjaya, & Arjana the teaching methodology and the instruc-
(2015, p. 48). Therefore, the implementa- tional materials.‖ Thus the success of assess-
tion of authentic assessment in this regard ment depends on the effectiveness in the
depends on the ability of teachers to im- selection of valuation techniques and the
plement assessment methods and tools to implementation of the assessment proce-
assess the manner, skills, and knowledge of dure that is able to interpret valid students'
students in accordance with the compe- ability. Therefore, in its implementation
tence to be achieved. The precision of the required a competent teacher who commit
use of appropriate methods and instrument to implement professional and procedural
will be able to describe the actual student’s assessment. Puckett & Black (2008) defines
competence. From that implementation the scope of authentic assessment, namely:
standard, teachers are known have not ―The ―four P's‖ of authentic assessment.
apply the instrument properly, it can be The four words starting with P that are
seen from the obstacles experienced by listed as characteristics of authenticity, how-
teachers. In fact, most of teachers does not: ever, seem to describe a valid performance-
(1) Inform their student about assessment based assessments in general, not what
techniques; (2) Inform assessment rubric most of advocates would argue are the
and criteria; (3) Use planned technique and crucial dimensions of authentic assessment:
instrument, for instance teachers do not use Process, Performance, Products and Port-
assessment rubric as what cited in lesson folios.‖ Therefore, in the implementation
plan; (4) Using all of instrument as cited in phase, authentic assessment includes an as-
lesson plan; and (5) Most of teachers are sessment of how the development process
assessing knowledge rather than other of student learning, how the student's per-
competencies. formance, and how the products produced
by the students.
Besides the planning and process the development of student learning proc-
phases, according to Regulation Ministry of ess. This authentic output can be used as a
Culture and Education No 66 Year 2013 self-reflection for both teachers and stu-
and The Model of Assessment in Student dents to keep doing improvements, so stu-
Competencies Achievement, standard of dents should always know their learning de-
outcome assessment are as follow: (1) proc- velopment. Paris & Ayres (1994) affirmed
ess assessment result based on scoring cri- that ―authentic assessment in terms suggest-
teria and guidelines for each assessed com- ing that authenticity requires that the as-
petencies; (2) determine the value with cer- sessments be formative. They join some
tain calculation and formulation; (3) com- who argue that authentic assessment, Be-
pare the result of knowledge assessment cause it is formative, creates reflective stu-
with the minimum score, meanwhile the dents and teachers‖, it means that the au-
result of skills and manner assessment are thentic assessment is an assessment which
determined by the achieved score using can be used as a reflection towards a better
assessment rubric base; (4) create written achievement. Thus the assessment activities
report with numbers and described descrip- not only provide feedback to the students
tion; (5) assessment result is analyzed to but also to teachers to continuously im-
know student’s obstacles and development, prove the quality of learning. It is also ex-
that result is given back to the students with pressed by Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall,
constructive comments; (6) write the result & Wiliam (2003) that ―An assessment acti-
of assessment in numbers and/or compe- vity can help learning if It provides infor-
tencies category as the documentation; (7) mation to be used as feedback by teachers
Conduct remedial program for those who and their pupils in assessing Themselves
have not met the minimum score; (8) and each other, to modify the teaching and
conduct knowledge enrichment program learning activities in the which they are
for those who have met the minimum engaged. Such assessment Becomes orma-
score. From that outcome standard, we can tive assessment when the evidence is ac-
see that teachers are not apply this kind of tually used to adapt the teaching to meet
assessment optimally, it implies from the learning needs.‖ Assessment activity can
obstacles and problems experienced by help learning process if there is information
teachers. In fact, teachers do not do a result to be used as feedback by teachers and their
documentation systematically. students in assessing themselves and each
We are strongly recommend for other so that the implementation and learn-
teacher to have peer-discussion to enrich ing process of assessment will always car-
their knowledge in terms of the application ried out through the right way. That argu-
of this authentic assessment program, so ment is supported by Hattie & Timperley
that there will be positive feedback for the (2007) who wrote about the importance of
students as well as their parents. Therefore, feedback given to students, ―Generally, the
communication with their parents is really feedback has to be given as soon as possible
important, hence the parents will also know after the completion of the learning task.
the developing of their children. The Also students need to see that the feed-
involvement of parents in this authentic forward comments can be incorporated in-
assessment is really important, as what Frey to subsequent performance and overall in-
& Schmitt (2007, p. 11) said that ―the fluence the quality of Reviews their learning
involvement of families in the assessments in positive ways. At the same time, in some
parallels the role of the students in authen- instances, Temporarily withholding feed-
tic assessment for school-aged children.‖ back is needed to allow the students to
The results of the assessment (out- internalize and process the demands of the
come) should be valid, comprehensive, and task.‖ Generally, the feedback should be
representative so that it can truly describe given as soon as possible after the comple-
tion of the students' task to make students (outcomes) shows 68.48%, so that it also
realize and reflect advantages and disadvan- classified in Good category. Although the
tages as well as to strive better in the future. overall result has been running well, but of
From some of the results of an eva- the standard that should be 100%, there are
luation, it is known that the overall teacher several obstacles in each stages and caused
has not been able to implement an the implementation cannot be run well.
authentic assessment of learning optimally Therefore we need some feedbacks toward
since there are obstacles faced by teachers, for the sake of improvement, we need some
therefore, should be efforts to provide efforts to provide additional information
additional information that is more specific that is more specific and practical to
and practical toward teachers in terms of teachers about authentic assessment and the
authentic assessment and its implementa- need for commitment and professionalism
tion in the learning activities, hence teachers of teachers in carrying out the assessment in
would really understand the terms and im- accordance with the terms and systematics
plement the assessment program professio- specified on the Curriculum 2013’s standard
nally. Professionalism of teachers in assess- of assessment. The results of this evaluation
ing students is important, success assess- conducted in Province of Yogyakarta shows
ments by teachers can affect student suc- that not all aspects met the standards of
cess in learning and achievement of learning 100%. Therefore, the findings of this study
goals because the result can motivate are expected to be used as a reflection to
students to see their reflection in learning improve the performance of all stakehold-
process. Related to these findings, Jones ers, especially teachers, principals, and pa-
(2005) support by saying ―Teachers of make rents to continue work together for the sake
professional judgments on learners' perfor- of improvement of the quality of authentic
mance in every teaching and learning ses- assessment in students. With coordination
sions undertaken from, whether consciously among all stakeholders, implementation of
or subconsciously. Using professional Re- authentic assessment will be run more
views These judgments and translating them optimally.
into a feedback on the quality of individuals'
work is the focus of Assessment for Learn- Refferences
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From the result, we can conclude
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only categorized as Good with 68.75% of Social Sciences, 6(2), 153–161.
percentage. Process stage (transaction) or https://doi.org/10.3844/jssp.2010.15
execution gets percentage of 63.41% and 3.161
also categorized as Good. Results phase Frey, B. B., & Schmitt, V. L. (2007).