An Analysis of Authentic Assessment Implementation Based On Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja
An Analysis of Authentic Assessment Implementation Based On Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja
An Analysis of Authentic Assessment Implementation Based On Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja
Abstract Keywords:
This research aimed at (1) describing authentic assessment preparation according to Authentic assessment,
Curriculum 2013 by grade seven teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja, (2) describing Implementation,
authentic assessment implementation according to Curriculum 2013 (3) describing Obstacles,
obstacles experienced by teachers in implementing authentic assessment according to Preparation
Curriculum 2013 This research is descriptive qualitative study. The data were gaining
by study documents, observations, and interview. The result shows that (1) the
conformity of authentic assessment preparation based on Curriculum 2013 by the
teachers in is 53.97% which category is sufficient. (2) Conformity of authentic
assessment implementations by the teachers is 44.4% which category is sufficient. (3)
Obstacles experienced by teachers are in terms of students’ number and lack of time
in the authentic assessments implementation. In conclusion, authentic assessments
implementation already measured the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills
of the students according to Curriculum 2013.
Curriculum 2013, which is applied at this time is expected to answer the constantly changing
challenges of the time which cannot be prevented, and to prepare learners who are able to compete in the
future with all the advances in science and technology. Changes in the KTSP curriculum into the
Curriculum 2013 caused alteration of paradigm in the learning process, in which every learning activity is
expected to shape the attitudes and behavior of the students. The curriculum changes have implications
for how teachers teach in the learning process using a scientific approach. Curriculum changes also have
implications to assessment.
Authentic assessment in Curriculum 2013 is expected to assess three aspects of the students
which are attitude, knowledge, and skill. Authentic assessment is an evaluation process that involves
various forms of measurement that reflects the performance of student learning, achievement, motivation,
and attitudes on relevant activities in learning (American Librabry Association, In Syofiana, 2010).
Gulikers (in Idham, Nadrun, Darmawan, 2015) mentions that the authenticity of assessment involves
authentic task, physical context, social context, assessment result, and assessment criteria. Authentic tasks
are the tasks that reflect professional activities. The tasks must be relevant to the students’ need that
reflects professional activities. Physical context refers to the time and condition. Conducting the
assessment should be in appropriate time in order to improve students’ ability in using their knowledge in
the real-life situation. Social context refers to assessment that considers suitability of the culture and
community where the students live. Assessment result is the outcome of students’ work in the assessment
process. The assessment result should be real and useful for the students’ life. Assessment criteria are the
characteristic of students’ performance. It is used to score the students’ performance in order to stimulate
them to learn.
Designing authentic assessment must be planned well in learning preparation. It must follow
some systematic steps. According to Mueller (2005), the steps of designing authentic assessment are to
determine standard, to choose authentic task, to determine criteria of students’ performance, and to make
scoring rubric. Teachers must follow those systematic processes. They must choose the authentic task
based on the standard of what students should know and be able to do, then make criteria of students’
* Corresponding author.
E-mail Address: [email protected] (Kadek Agus Suarimbawa), [email protected] (A. A. I. N. Marhaeni),
[email protected] (G. A. P. Suprianti)
performance in authentic task, and finally make the scoring rubric based on the criteria of students’
However, authentic assessment requires teachers to have proper understanding and commitment
to use, because it needs an intensive preparation and procedures to be applied effectively (Fatonah,
Suyata, Prasetyo, 2013) In this case, teachers play a significant role as the assessors who are supposed to
master how to assess their students well. In contrast, the real condition shows that some teachers are not
familiar enough with some techniques in authentic assessment such as self-peer assessment, project
based assessment and portfolio (Chan, 2006; Oz, 2014 in Aliningsih & Sofwan, 2015). Consequently,
without adequate and proper knowledge and skills, some problems will almost certainly appear among
teachers who apply the assessment.
Learning preparation is done by constructing lesson plan (RPP) which is developed in detail
referring to the syllabus, textbooks, and teacher guide’s book. Nesari & Heidari (2014) stated that lesson
planning is an important process by teachers in gaining experience since it forces them to reflect on what
to teach, how to teach and how to evaluate. The lesson plan can be developed by teachers in groups
between schools or between regions which is coordinated, facilitated and supervised by education
departments or ministries of the local religion. (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 103
Tahun 2014). Besides, in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 103 Tahun 2014 also
describes the development of learning assessment means to determine the scope, techniques, and
instruments, as well as create scoring guidelines. In addition, the lesson plan also include the proposed
program of providing positive feedback, reinforcement, enrichment and remedial.
In Curriculum 2013, based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 65 Tahun 2013,
there are three main aspects assessed using authentic assessment, which are attitude, knowledge, and
skill. Techniques and instruments used for the authentic assessment of the competence of attitudes,
knowledge, and skills are further described in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 104
Tahun 2014 about Assessment of Learning Outcomes by Educator on Primary Education and Secondary
Education as follows.
A. Attitude Competency Assessment
Educators assess attitude competence through observation, self-assessment, peer-assessment by
learners, and journals. The instrument used for observation, self-assessment, and assessment of
learners among participants is a check list or the assessment scale (rating scale), accompanied by
rubric, whereas in journals such as notes educators.
B. Knowledge Competence Assessment
Educators assess the competence of knowledge through written tests, observation, and
worksheet. Written test instrument is in the form of multiple choice questions, stuffing, short
answer, true-false, matching, and description. Observation is done through discussion, question
and answer, and conversation in the classroom activities. Worksheet is the form of homework
assignments or projects done individually or in groups according to the characteristics of the task.
C. Skills Competency Assessment
Educators assess competency skills require learners to demonstrate a certain competence by
using performance, project, product, portfolio, and written assessments. Instruments used in the
form of a check list or the assessment scale (rating scale) incorporating sections. Performance is a
practice that requires a response in the form of assessment skills of an activity or behavior in
accordance with the demands of competence. Projects is learning tasks which include the design,
implementation, and reporting in writing or orally in a certain time. Product assessment includes
the ability of learners to make the products, technology, and art, such as: food, clothing, sanitary
facilities, technological tools, works of art, and goods made of fabric, wood, ceramic, plastic, or
metal. Portfolio assessment is the assessment carried out by assessing the entire collection of
works of students in certain fields that are reflective-integrative to know the interests, growth,
achievement, and / or creativity of learners within a certain time. The work can be shaped
concrete actions that reflect concern for the learner to the environment. In addition to assess the
competence of knowledge, a written assessment is also used to assess the competence of skills,
such as essay writing, report writing, and writing letters.
Based on previous explanation about the importance of authentic assessment, the teachers in
SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja should use authentic assessment as their assessment method based on the
Curriculum 2013 which is applied in this school in academic years 2016/2017. Curriculum changes from
KTSP to the Curriculum 2013 certainly require preparation. Teachers have some problems in
implementing the authentic assessments in teaching using Curriculum 2013. The problems are caused by
different process of assessing using authentic assessment in Curriculum 2013 and using standard
This research used descriptive qualitative research method. According to Miles and Huberman
(1994), qualitative research is conducted through an intense contact with real life situation. The situations
are typically ‘banal’ means that it is a normal situation without any control; reflect to daily life of
individuals, groups, societies, and organization. Sampling the source of data was done by using purposive
sampling, with triangulation of data collection techniques (combined), data analysis is inductive or
qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasizes on meaning rather than generalization.
The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja. Choosing SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja as a
research field is based on the consideration that SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja is one of favorite schools in
Singaraja and the school has already applied Curriculum 2013 which means the school has to use
authentic assessment in the learning process. Subjects in this study are teachers of grade seven in SMP
Negeri 4 Singaraja who are expected to provide the necessary information about object of the research.
The object of this study is the preparation, implementation, and obstacles experienced by the grade seven
teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja who are implementing authentic assessment in teaching English
according to the Curriculum 2013.
There were three types of data collection namely, document analysis, observation, and interview.
Method of data collection conducted in this research is called as triangulation of data. The benefits of
triangulation is to increase the confidence of research, creating innovative ways to understand the
phenomenon, the findings reveal the unique, challenging or integrate theory and gives a clearer
understanding of the problem (Miles and Huberman, 1994).
According to Miles and Huberman (1994), qualitative data analysis techniques were classified as
three concurrent flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Data
reduction is process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear
in written-up field notes or transcriptions (Miles and Huberman, 1994). Data display is an organized,
compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action, (Miles and Huberman,
1994). Looking at displays helps us to understand about the content and to do something either analyze
further or take action based on that understanding. Verification may be as brief as a fleeting second
thought crossing the analyst's mind during writing, with a short excursion back to the field notes, or it
may be thorough and elaborate, with lengthy argumentation and review among colleagues to develop
"inter subjective consensus," or with extensive efforts to replicate a finding in another data set (Miles and
Huberman, 1994).
Results of study documents, interviews and observations, can be compared to find out the
conclusion. In this research, the results of documents analysis and classroom observation are converted to
show the percentage of the performance in the preparing and implementing the authentic assessment.
Based on the findings of research and discussion, it can be summarized that the percentage of the
conformity of authentic assessment preparation based on Curriculum 2013 by the teachers of grade seven
in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja is 53.97% which category is sufficient. Each lesson plans created already
include authentic assessments, i.e. authentic assessments of attitudes, knowledge and skills which is in
accordance to the demand of on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 103 Tahun 2014 and
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 104 Tahun 2014. However, not all types of authentic
assessment techniques are designed and developed in the lesson plans. In the implementation, the
percentage of the conformity of authentic assessment by the teachers of grade seven in SMP Negeri 4
Singaraja is 44.4% which category is sufficient. The implementation of authentic assessments are carried
out based on the teacher preparations in lesson plans and also some addition of authentic assessment
techniques are implemented by the teachers in the learning process. Authentic assessments have been
capable already to measure the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills of the students which is
accordance to the demand of on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 103 Tahun 2014 and
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 104 Tahun 2014. Although the preparation and
implementation of authentic assessments run well, there are still obstacles experienced by teacher in
terms of the large number of students and lack of time to finish the assessment. The large number of
students made the process of assessment became quite difficult.
The author wishes to acknowledge the principal and the teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja who
had supported the writers when conducting the research. The author also wishes to acknowledge the
support of colleagues and all those people who participate this study.
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