SMAM in Epithermal Porphyry Systems
SMAM in Epithermal Porphyry Systems
SMAM in Epithermal Porphyry Systems
Epithermal Systems
Many hydrothermal minerals are stable over limited temperature and/or pH ranges. Therefore, by mapping the distribution of alteration minerals in areas of epithermal prospects, it is possible to reconstruct the thermal and geochemical zonation, leading to a model of the hydrology of the extinct hydrothermal system. Alteration minerals are also crucial to distinguish the style of deposit, low sulfidation or high sulfidation. Common alteration minerals in epithermal systems are e.g. kaolinite, dickite, pyrophyllite, alunite, smectite, illite-smectite, illite and sericite, and these can all be measured with the TerraSpec spectrometer. Examples of what we can measure with SMAM:
Smectite Illite-Smectite
The results can be used to map pH and temperature variations, which will help to navigate your way in the epithermal system and locate the mineralized zone.
Low Temperature
disordered kaolinite
Mineral Mapping Pty Ltd
ordered kaolinite
Fig. 3. Simplified phase diagram of an epithermal system. The location of the imaginary drill holes (DH 1 and DH 2) is illustrated in fig. 4.
Increasing pH
DH 1
Increasing Kaolinite crystallinity
No rm. Hu llQ (Stacked)
No rm. Hu llQ (Stack ed)
1900 nm
1500 1800 2100
2200 nm
Wavelength in nm
Wavelength in nm
Fig. 1. Illite crystallinity; we can measure the ratio of the depth of the 2200 nm feature to the 1900 nm feature.
Fig. 4. Overview of an epithermal system with alteration minerals that can be measured with SMAM. General recommendation; measure 1 spectrum every meter on every exploration drill hole to navigate your way in the system.
DH 2
Kaolinite (Steam-heated)
Increasing temperature
Increasing crystallinity
Alunite + Silica
Infrared-active alteration minerals associated with porphyries include sericite/muscovite, biotite, phlogopite, actionolite, chlorite, epidote, calcite, clay minerals (illite, kaolinite, smectite) and tourmaline. Alteration mineralogy in Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Systems:
Vertical zonation from Potassic, (biotite + K feldspar) to Phyllic, (sericite) to Advanced argillic, (pyrophyllite, dickite, quartz Topaz in F-rich systems) or Argillic, (illite-smectite) Lateral Zonation from Potassic to Propylitic, (actinolite, chlorite, epidote, albite, calcite)
Biotite (potassic alteration): besides the shift in the 2250 nm feature, Mg-chlorite shows a secondary feature at 2390 nm. White mica (phyllic alteration): the wavelength shifts in this example from 2194 nm in muscovite to 2222 nm in phengite. Dickite (advanced argillic alteration): major features at 1380, 1415, 2180 and 2208nm; topaz: major features at 1405 and 2080 nm.
Seedorff et al., 2005
Fe-chlorite Fe-rich biotite Mg-rich biotite
Mg-rich biotite Proximal Fe-rich biotite Distal
Potassic alteration
Phyllic alteration
Muscovite Phengite
Muscovite - Acidic Adjacent to Adv. argillic (shallow)
Dickite Topaz
Propylitic alteration
Chlorite composition (propylitic alteration): in this example; Mg-chlorite 2324 nm, Fe-chlorite 2350 nm.