Motor Tachometer Speed Calculation Using Hardware Timer Capture Feature
Motor Tachometer Speed Calculation Using Hardware Timer Capture Feature
Motor Tachometer Speed Calculation Using Hardware Timer Capture Feature
Author: Arnold Motley Associated Project: Yes Associated Part Family: CY8C24x23A, CY8C27x43, CY8C29x66 GET FREE SAMPLES HERE Software Version: PSoC Designer 4.4 Associated Application Notes: None
The PSoC MCU captures and measures tachometer (tach) signals from fan and other types of motors. This is critical when performing automatic speed control and speed error detection and correction. The PSoC digital blocks provide a hardware timer capture, which is a special feature used for the accurate measurement of motor tach signals.
Motor Background
Motors come in a wide variety and have different features and capabilities. For this design, a voltage controlled variable speed motor with a tach output feature is selected. The tach output comes from an open drain connection, so a 1 k resistor to Vcc is necessary. The motor has 2 poles, which means that two square wave pulses (periods) are generated for one mechanical revolution of the motor. The tach period has a duty cycle of 50%. The motor statistics follow: Operating Voltage: 7vdc - 12vdc Operating Speed: 3900 RPM at 7 vdc 6800 RPM at 12 vdc The LPF is configured for 1 kHz cutoff frequency. The 600 kHz column clock required for the LPF is generated by the Count_LPF2 user module. The output of this counter also feeds the Count_30 kHz counter, which generates a 30 kHz clock for the capture timer. The last component in the analog stage of the design is a comparator. The two purposes of a comparator follow: 1. It "conditions" the tach signal when it leaves the filter. This is done by decreasing the leading edge rise time of the tach signal. In this design, the tach output of the comparator has a rise time of about 6-7s. The comparator also provides the hardware connection to the timer. The comparator output bus feature is enabled in the comparator block for this purpose.
December 3, 2007
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The hardware capture feature of the timer works as follows: When a positive tach pulse is sensed on the capture line of the timer, an interrupt is generated. Upon entering the timer Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), the timer is stopped and then a count variable "PulseCount" is checked to see if this is the first of two pulses. If it is the first pulse, the counter variable is incremented, the timer period is loaded with a value of FFh, and the timer is restarted in preparation for the next pulse. If it is the second pulse, the timer compare register is read and the value (the tach period) is moved to the PulseData variable. A value of 1 is added to the PulseData variable in case an overflow condition is detected. In an overflow condition, the variable returned from the timer compare register is FFh and the compare test indicates that the overflow did not occur. Adding 1 to PulseData makes the value 0, and now the test correctly indicates an overflow condition. The compare value in the ISR is set to a value of 20h, which correlates to a timer period window of 7.5 ms. This is calculated as follows: Upper time limit = (input Clk period) * (Timer period count - value set in ISR) Upper time limit = (1/30 kHz) * (256 - 32) Upper time limit = 7.5 ms According to the previous calculations, the window for capturing tach pulses is 7.5 ms with a resolution of 33 s or 1 over the timer clock frequency of 30 kHz. Setting up the timer correctly is very important to ensure that the pulses are captured accurately and an overflow condition is detected properly. In the design, the hardware timer compare value is also set to 20h. At a setting of 20h, PSoC indicates an overflow condition at a fan speed of 3720 RPM. This trip point is 4.6% below the minimum operating fan speed of 3900 RPM at 7vdc. The trip point setting is variable and may be adjusted by changing the compare value in the timer module and the ISR. When this state is sensed, a flag may be set to indicate a low fan speed condition. This allows the design to add support for a complete fan failure and slow fan conditions. This same capability allows variable speed error correction. For example, if a slow fan condition is detected, instead of just turning on the backup fan at full bore, an algorithm is added to the firmware to allow the variable speed operation of the backup fan.
capture interrupt. Moreover, if the time between the tach signals exceeds the total period of the timer, the firmware cannot detect this condition. For such conditions, a 16-bit timer is used to increase the measurement range or a timeout mechanism may be implemented by using another timer. The main body of code sits in a loop until the variable NewData is set. When NewData is set, the code goes into a switch statement to check if the data is valid or not. If the data is valid, the variable "PulseWidth" is set with the variable "PulseData." PulseWidth holds the tach data until a new data point is captured. If the data is invalid then "PulseWidth" is set with a value of 0. "Overflow" and "NewData" are also set to 0 in preparation for the next capture. The data stored in "PulseWidth" could be sent to a monitoring device for further processing.
Block Diagram
The block diagram in Figure 2 shows the PSoC hardware user modules that are used in the design. Pin 1 in the following figure is configured as a standard analog input pin. The tach signal from the fan is a square-wave pulse train from 0 5 vdc, so the gain on the PGA is set at unity (A=1). Figure 2. Tachometer Block Placement
Cypress PSoC
Mux Tach_1
P0[7], Pin 1
2-pole LPF
The 2 pole LPF has an fc = 1 kHz, and the comparator switching level is set at 2.5 vdc. This level is chosen to limit noise affects, yet it allows enough margin for proper design operation. With the PSoC A_Mux module, a multichannel sensing scheme is easily implemented.
The PSoC controller is used to control motor operation. It incorporates many functions normally done with external hardware, including the following: Speed Sensing Error Detection Correction This application note demonstrates straightforward PSoC device implementation of capturing and measuring tachometer signals.
Firmware Support
If PulseData is sampled less than or equal to 20h, this indicates that an overflow condition has occurred. Now, in the ISR an overflow variable "Overflow" is set to 1 and the timer is started. A variable "NewData" is set to 1 to indicate that a new tach signal pair is received. The PulseCount variable is also reset to 0 and a reti is done. This code detects a low fan speed condition. Note This code does not detect the complete failure of the fan because there would be no tach signal to generate the
December 3, 2007
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In March of 2007, Cypress recataloged all of its Application Notes using a new documentation number and revision code. This new documentation number and revision code (001-xxxxx, beginning with rev. **), located in the footer of the document, will be used in all subsequent revisions. PSoC is a registered trademark of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. "Programmable System-on-Chip," PSoC Designer and PSoC Express are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.
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December 3, 2007
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