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Casio fxcg50

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The status bar will display messages and current status like battery level,
angle mode, fraction results, complex mode, or input/output settings.

Select the desired icon by highlighting it and pressing l or

pressing the number or letter in the upper right corner.

The function keys allow you to access the tab (soft key) menus that
appear at the bottom of the screen. When an (>) appears above the u
key, selecting u will offer more on-screen choices.

The p key displays every mode the calculator has. To select a mode,
press $N to the desired icon and press l or press the number
or letter in the upper right hand corner of the icon.

The d key operates like the back arrow on a web browser; it will take
you back one screen each time you select it. The d key will not take
you to the icon menu.

The L key activates any function displayed on or above the calculator

buttons that is yellow. For example, to find the square root of a number,
you would need to press L, then s. L5gives you access
to on-screen color formatting.

The Okey will power the unit on. To turn the unit off, press L O.

The a key activates any function displayed on or above the

calculator buttons that is in red. For example, to type the letter A,
press a, then f.

The l key executes operations. When data is entered, the l

button must be pressed to store the data.


The following explains the meaning of each icon on the fx-CG50 icon menu

Icon Menu Name Description

This icon menu is used for general computations, including binary, octal, decimal, and
RUN-MATRIX hexadecimal functions and matrices.

This icon menu is used to perform single-variable (standard deviation) and paired variable
STATISTICS (regression) statistical calculations, to perform tests, to analyze data and to draw statistical

This icon menu lets you input text, math expressions, and other data in a notebook-like interface.
eACTIVITY Use this mode when you want to store text, formulas, or built-in application data in a file.

SPREAD- This icon menu is used for creating spreadsheets.


GRAPH This icon menu is used to draw, store and calculate information from functions.

DYNAMIC This icon menu is used to store graph functions and to draw multiple versions of a graph by
GRAPH changing the values assigned to the variables in a function.

This icon menu is used to store functions, to generate a numeric table of different solutions
TABLE as the values assigned to variables in a function change, and to draw graphs.

This icon menu is used to store recursion formulas, to generate a numeric table of different
RECURSION solutions as the values assigned to variables in a function change, and to draw graphs.

CONIC This icon menu is used to graph parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas. Conic sections can
GRAPH be inputted as rectangular functions, polar coordinates, or parametric functions for graphing.

This icon menu is used to solve linear equations with two through six unknowns,
EQUATION and high-order equations from 2nd to 6th degree.

2 fx-CG50QuickStarGde
The following explains the meaning of each icon on the fx-CG50 icon menu

Icon Menu Name Description

PROGRAM This icon menu is used to store programs in the program area and to run programs.

This icon menu is used to perform financial calculations and to draw cash flow
FINANCIAL and other types of graphs.

This icon menu is used to control the optionally available EA-200 Data Analyzer. For information
E-CON4 about this icon menu, download the E-CON manual from http://edu.casio.com.

LINK This icon menu is used to transfer memory contents or back-up data to another unit or PC.

MEMORY This icon is used to manage data stored in memory.

This icon menu is used to initialize memory, adjust contrast, reset memory, and to manage
SYSTEM other system settings.

GEOMETRY This icon menu allows you to draw, analyze and animate geometric objects.

PICTURE This icon menu allows you to plot points (that represent coordinates) on the screen
PLOT and then perform various analysis based on the plotted data.

3D GRAPH This icon menu allows you to draw 3-dimensional graphs.

This icon menu indicates the “Metric Conversion” add-in application is installed.
To do conversions, go to the Run-Matrix icon and press i.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 3

For basic calculations, like those that can be done on a scientific calculator, use the Run-Matrix menu.
From the Main Menu, press 1.

To select how certain commands and results will be interpreted or displayed, press Lp(SET UP). For Input/
Output, select Math for natural display of fractions, radicals and other expressions. For Frac Result, select d/c for a
fraction result as the default or ab/c for a mixed number as the default. For Angle, select Deg or Rad for degrees or

Note: the status bar at the top of the screen displays the selection for some of these options.

3 5
1. Evaluate 2 + .
4 6
Press LbZ2$3$4$+b5$6l. To see the result as a mixed number,
press LvX. To see the result as a decimal, press v.

4 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

2. Simplify .

Press LsS18l. To see the result as a decimal, press v.

3. Add 48 and 24. Then, divide by 2. Finally, subtract from 56.

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the Ans key. Ans represents the previous answer. Press
48+24l. Then, press M2l. Ans appears automatically when an operation symbol is
pressed. However, Ans has to be pressed for the subtraction part. Press 56-Ln(Ans)l.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 5

To construct graphs and use graphical analysis commands, use the Graph menu. From the Main Menu, press 5.

The first screen is the function/relation editor. To select how certain results will be displayed, press Lp
(SET UP). The suggested selections for Coord, Grid, Axes and Label are shown. Scroll down to these selections.
To make a change, highlight the item and use the function button that appears directly below the desired tab. For
example, when Coord is highlighted, q(On) will turn coordinates on and w(Off) will turn coordinates off.
Press d to return to the editor.

The Math Club plans to sell t-shirts. Previous experience suggests that the number of t-shirts sold depends
on the price. A good model for the number sold, y, as a function of the price, x, is y = -2x + 40.

1. Construct a graph of this equation.

To construct a graph of this model, press n2f+40l. To select the view window, press
Le(V-Window). Change the values for the window, as shown, pressing l after each value. The values for
Scale determines the location for the marks on the axes and the gridlines. Press d to return to the editor.

To draw the graph, press u(DRAW). When a graph is displayed the + key can be used to zoom in,
the - key to zoom out, and$!BN to scroll.

6 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

2. How many shirts would be sold at a price of $12 per t-shirt?

To trace on the graph, press Lq(Trace). Use $! to move the cursor. To select a specific value, type
the value, in this case 12. A dialogue box opens, press l. To mark a point and keep the coordinates on the
display, press l a second time.

3. There is a price that is too high, meaning no shirts are sold. This point occurs at the x-intercept of the graph
(where y = 0) and the value of x is a root of the equation −2x + 40 = 0 .

To find the root, press Ly(G-Solv)q(ROOT). The result, $20, is shown at the bottom of the screen.
To mark this intercept and keep the coordinates on the display, press l a second time.

4. If −2x + 40 shirts are sold at price, x, then the number of dollars collected for the sale is x (−2x + 40 )
or −2x 2 + 40x .

To graph this function, first, deselect the previous equation by pressing d, B so the cursor is on Y1,
then press q(SELECT)N. Note, the = sign is not highlighted. The cursor should now be on Y2.
Press n2fs+40fl.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 7

To set up the view window, press Le(V-Window). Change the values for the window so that Ymax is 250 and
Yscale is 50. Press d to return to the editor. To draw the graph, press u(DRAW).

5. Compute the number of dollars earned, if each t-shirt is sold at $12.

To compute the number of dollars earned if shirts are sold for $12, press Lq(Trace). Type the value, in this
case 12. A dialogue box opens, press l. The models predict that at a price of $12, 16 shirts will be sold
for a total of $192.

6. Determine the price that will give the greatest profit.

To determine the price that is predicted to make the most money, press Ly(G-Solv)w(MAX). The results,
$10 and $200, are shown at the bottom of the screen. To mark the point and keep the coordinates on the display,
press l.

8 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

7. Determine the price of each t-shirt in order to collect $150.

To determine the price of each t-shirt, in order to collect a total of $150, press Ly(G-Solv)u ()
w (X-CAL)150l. (The () symbol moves to the next page of commands.)

There is another point where y = 150. Use $ to move to the next point. Press l to mark one or both of these
points. $150 can be earned by selling shirts at $5 or at $15.

8. Find the intersection of the equations in Y1 and Y2.

Although it is not particularly meaningful in this example, a common problem is to find the intersection point of two
graphs. Press d to return to the editor. Highlight Y1 and press q(SELECT). Now, both graphs will be drawn.
Press u(DRAW). To find the intersection points for the two graphs, press y(G-Solv)y(INTSECT). 38 shirts
are sold at the price of $1, for a total of $38. (These graphs also intersect at (20, 0) where no shirts were sold.)

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 9

1. Construct a table of values that shows the price, number of shirts, and total dollars using increments of $0.50.

To construct tables, from the Main Menu, press 7. The equations for the functions appear if they have been
previously entered, including those entered in the Graph menu.

To set the initial value, end value and the increment, press y(SET). Enter the values for Start, End and Step. Press
l after entering each value, then press d. To display the table, press u(TABLE). Use N to scroll through
the table.

Note: values in the x-column can also be changed manually. Press any value desired, then press l. Here, the value
of 3 was changed to 7.

10 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

1. Explore how the graph of the function y = Ax + B changes for different values of A and B.

From the Main Menu, press 5. Use q(SELECT) to deselect any functions and N to move to a new line; in this
screen shot, it is Y3. Press r(TOOL)e(BUILT-IN). With Y=Ax+B, highlighted, press q(SELECT).

To use a standard window, press Le(V-Window)e(STANDRD)d.

Press y(MODIFY). A graph is drawn based on values stored to A and B. Values for the variables are displayed in
the lower left portion of the screen. The active value is magenta, in this case, A. Press $ to increase A by the value
shown as Step. Press ! to decrease A. Alternately, press any number keys to change the value of A. A dialogue
box opens displaying the new desired value, then, press l. Notice, the previous graph is drawn in faint yellow. Use
NB to change the value of a different variable or the value for Step.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 11

1. The equation −2x 2 + 40x = 150 was previously solved in the Graph menu. It can also be solved in the Equation
menu by transforming it to -2x + 40x -150 = 0 .

Press pf(A). (It is not necessary to push a.) To solve polynomial equations, press w(POLY).
Press q(2) for a second degree polynomial.

Enter the 3 coefficients, pressing l after each one. Note, equations must be in standard form to solve. To solve,
press q(SOLVE). Both solutions are displayed. Note, when solutions are not rational, both a decimal and an exact
solution are displayed. The third screenshot displays the solutions to −2x 2 + 40x −160 = 0 .

12 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

2. Solve the system

{a + 4b - 5c = 23
2a -b + 6c = 5
3a + 7b + c = 32

The Equation menu can also be used to solve linear systems. Within the Equation menu, press Ld(QUIT).
Press q(SIMUL), then w(3).

Enter all 12 values, pressing l after each one. To solve this system, press q (SOLVE).

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 13

1. Construct the graph of the conic section .

From the Main Menu, press 9. Scroll down to the correct form and press l.

Enter the correct values. Note, the exponents in the denominators, so A = 2, rather than 4. Also, note the minus signs
in the numerator, so H = 3 and K = -1. Press l after each value. As before, press Le(V-Window)
to change the values for the window, then press d. To draw the graph, press u(DRAW).

2. Find the asymptotes for the conic graph.

To draw the asymptotes, press Ly(G-Solv)y(ASYMPT). The slope for each line is also displayed.

14 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

3. Find and label the vertices and foci for the conic graph.

To find the coordinates of the vertices, press Ly(G-Solv)r(VERTEX). To find the coordinates of the foci,
press Ly(G-Solv)q(FOCUS). In each case, press $ to move to the second point. To mark points and
label the coordinates on the display, press l.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 15

1. Suppose one of the questions asked on a survey was “What type of pet do you have?”, and the results from
50 people are shown in this table. Construct a pie chart and a bar chart of these data.

Pet Category Dog Cat Fish Bird Other None

Frequency 14 12 9 6 4 5

From the Main Menu, press 2. The list editor opens. Enter the values in the table in List 1, pressing l after
each value.

To construct a graph, press q(GRAPH). Then, press u(SET). Scroll to Graph Type and select r(Pie).

If necessary, scroll to Data and change to List1. Display can be used to select percentages or counts with the chart.
Press d and q(GRAPH1). The color and shading of plots can be changed by using L5(FORMAT).

16 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

To change to a bar chart, press du(SET)Nu () e(Bar). Press dq(GRAPH1) to view the bar chart.
To display the frequencies, press Lq(Trace).

2. The number of games won (out of 162) by a certain baseball team for the years 2002 – 2013 are shown in the
table. Construct a histogram and a boxplot for these data.

67 88 89 79 66 85
97 83 75 71 61 66

Enter these data in the list editor. To set StatGraph1 to a histogram, press q(GRAPH) and u(SET).
For Graph Type, select q(Hist).

Press dq(GRAPH1). Select Start and Width values to determine the rectangles that will be plotted.
Press q(1-VAR) to see the statistical analysis of the data.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 17

Press u(DRAW) to return to the plot. To display the frequencies, press Lq(Trace).

To change to a box-and-whisker plot (boxplot or median box plot), press du(SET). Scroll to Graph Type
and press w(MedBox). Press dq(GRAPH1). To display the minimum, maximum, and quartiles, press
Lq(Trace). Use $ to display the next value.

18 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

1. Suppose $100.00 is deposited into a savings account with an interest rate of 4% compounded quarterly. How
much is in the account for each of the first 8 quarters?

Because this is a discrete model, it can be modeled as a sequence. Although the menu says Recursion, it can be used
for both explicit and recursive sequences. From the Main Menu, press 8 to open the sequence editor. If the type is
not an, press e(TYPE)q(an). The account pays 1% per quarter so enter the formula as shown, using q(n) for n.
Press l.

To create a table of values, press y(SET). Select Start and End values and press l after entering each value. To
display the table, press du(TABLE).

This sequence can also be viewed as a graph. Before plotting the graph, set a window by pressing Le
(V-Window). Press d. To see the graph, press u(GPH-PLT). To trace on the graph, press Lq(Trace).

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 19

The sequence can also be created as a recursive formula. Return to the editor using Ld(QUIT). To change
the type, press e(TYPE)w(an+1) and edit the equation. To insert an, press w(an) then l. To specify the initial
value, press y(SET). For a0, enter 100l.

To see the table, press du(TABLE). To view a graph, press u(GPH-PLT).

2. How long will it take for the account to double in value to $200.00?

One good way to answer this question is to return to the Equation menu. Press pf(A). To enter the equa-
tion, press e(SOLVER). If e(SOLVER) is not an option, press d until it is. To insert the =, press L.(=).
Once the equation is entered, press l or u(SOLVE). It will take 70 quarters or 17 years for the investment to

20 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

Financial analysis can be done from the Finance menu (G).

1. Compute the amount in the account (from our previous example) after 8 quarters.

To compute the amount in the account after 8 quarters, use compound interest. For compound interest, press
w(COMPND). Enter the values, as shown, for n, I%, PV, and P/Y. PV is the present value, the initial amount.
P/Y is the number of payments per year. Remember to press l after entering each value.

To compute the future value, press y(FV). The negative sign is correct, as a reasonable interpretation is that $100
was deposited and $108.28 can be withdrawn. This value agrees with the previous result from the Recursion menu.

2. Determine how long it will take for the account to double in value to $200.00.

To determine how long it will take for the account to double in value to $200.00, press q(REPEAT). For FV, enter
n200l, then press q(n). This value agrees with the previous result from the Equation menu.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 21

1. What is an equation for a circle in the image?

From the Main Menu, press 9. To select a background, press Lp(SET UP). Scroll to Background and
press e(OPEN). Highlight the CASIO folder and press q(OPEN).

Scroll down to the g3p folder and press q(OPEN). Scroll down to Amusem~1.g3p and press q(OPEN).

Press d. Scroll down to the equation for the circle and press l. To change the color, press

22 fx-CG50QuickStarGde
Press q(MODIFY). Modify the coefficients to find a good model.

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 23
As an alternate to Modify, the PRIZM™ fx-CG50 allows you to plot points on a image and use regression to find
a model.

1. What is an equation for a line in the image?

From the Main Menu, press ((I). To open the image, press iq(FILE)q(OPEN).

Highlight the CASIO folder and press q(OPEN). Scroll down to the g3p folder and press q(OPEN).

Scroll down to Bridge.g3p and press q(OPEN). To plot points, press iw(Plot).

24 fx-CG50QuickStarGde
Use the direction wheel to move the arrow to a point on the line. Press l to mark the point. Continue to mark
several additional points. When done, press d. To perform a regression, press u () w(REG).

For linear regression, press q(X) and select either form. Here, w(a+bx) is used.

To save the result, press y(COPY). The display is improved if the graph is not blue, so scroll to Y2 and press l.
Press (DRAW) to view the equation of the line. The graph is drawn but as a thin blue line.

To draw the graph that was saved, press ir(DefG)u(DRAW).

fx-CG50QuickStarGde 25
In a similar manner, a quadratic model can be used for another portion of the bridge.

26 fx-CG50QuickStarGde

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See the complete line of Casio calculators

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