Computer-Aided Drafting 1
Computer-Aided Drafting 1
Computer-Aided Drafting 1
1. Select the AutoCAD 2017 option on the
Program menu or select the AutoCAD
2017 icon on the Desktop. Click Start
Drawing to start a new drawing.
Note that AutoCAD automatically assigns generic names, Drawing X, as new
drawings are created. In our example, AutoCAD opened the graphics window using
the default system units and assigned the drawing name Drawing1.
2. If necessary, click on the down-arrow in
the Quick Access bar and select Show
Menu Bar to display the AutoCAD
Menu Bar. The Menu Bar provides
access to all AutoCAD commands.
Every object we construct in a CAD
system is measured in units. We should
determine the system of units within the
CAD system before creating the first
geometric entities.
In the Menu Bar select:
[Format] [Units]
Note that function key [F7] is a quick key, which can be used to quickly toggle
on/off the grid display. Also, note the command prompt area can be positioned to
dock below the drawing area or float inside the drawing area as shown.
The origin or 0,0 should be the most easily
accessible point on the design. If a large
percentage of the dimensions on a drawing
stem from one point, it should be made the
origin. The coordinate readout on the bottom
of the screen is there to help you find your
position. The placement of the origin is
important to establish a base for your
readouts. It will be more important later when
merging files.
To move 0,0 from the bottom of the screen
use the PAN command
Often you can press down on the roller ball of your mouse to
get PAN. The command line equivalent is PAN or just P.
by typing it on the command line, Z
using the slider bars on the top and
bottom of the screen
using the pull-down menus or the
standard toolbar
Command: ZOOM or Z
Command: LlNE or L
Specify first point: 0,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: 10,0
Command:LlNE or L
Relative Value Entries
Specify first point:2,3
Specify next point or [Undo] :@4,0
Command: LINE
Specify first point: 3,4
Specify next point or [Undo] :@4<45
Absolute Relative
3P = a circle fitted through three points
2P = a circle fitted through two points
Ttr = a circle that is tangent on its diameter
to two selected objects indicated with a
specified radius
Command: ARC or A
Three points