Module Lower Plants
Module Lower Plants
Module Lower Plants
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Course Description
This course is made up of three sections. The module consists of; introduction to Lower plants; their
Morphology, Physiology (body function and reproduction), Ecology, Classification and Economic
Importance of Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes and Ferns. Similarities and differences of the 4 groups and also
economic importance of each group are to be emphasized.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course students will be able to:
Identify the major groups of lower plants or cryptogams
Characterize each group of cryptogams
Appreciate the diversity of non-seed producing plants
Explain the inter- and intra- group features of cryptogams (compare and contrast).
Describe the relationship between seedless and seed producing vascular plants.
Recognize the contribution of lower plants to ecosystem in general and to our economy in
Appreciate the diversity of plants
We aim to provide background information and practical oriented training that should serve the need of
microbiologists and biologist. The two most important actors in this course would be the facilitators and
the students. All major learning modes: visual (books, slides, and live specimens), auditory (lectures and
class interactions), and manipulative (“hand on” exercises) would be followed in the process. The active
learning methods that would be employed are group discussion, brainstorming, presentation by
students, report of practical activities, and interaction with facilitators during feedback
The lecturer would be a facilitator or a guide of the class activity. The students will be the key players in
this respect. The laboratory assistants and the instructors will be there throughout the laboratory sessions.
Please be friendly, co-operative and avoid shyness so that the teaching and learning process could be
Always check the lab board for instructions on the activities for each day. The list of samples to study, class
exercises and demonstrations will generally be given. A short field trip around the campus to study the ecology of
each group of cryptogams would possibly be scheduled. All these would be facilitated by the duo of the instructor
and laboratory assistant.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
a) General characteristics
b) Nutrition and Ecology of Fungi
c) Reproduction in fungi
d) Classification
e) Economic importance of Fungi
Note: Specific characteristics of each class such as occurrence, plant body (anatomy), reproduction and life
history are discussed.
Class Hepaticae
Class Anthocerotae
Class Musci
Psilopsida – Psilotum
Lycopsida – Selaginella
Sphenopsida – Equisetum
Pteropsida – Ferns
General Characteristics
Reproduction and life history
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Moore, R., Clark, W.D. and Stern, K.R. (1995). Botany. Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
Mauseth, J.D.(1975). Botany: an introduction to plant biology. 2nd ed. Saunders College publishing.
Haynes, J.D.(1975). Botany: an introductory survey of the plant kingdom. John Wiley & sons Inc. New York.
The course Lower Plants covers four major groups of organisms namely; fungi, algae, bryophytes and
pteridophytes. They are spore-producing plants (non-seed bearing). They are collectively categorized as
Cryptogams. The word Cryptogam is derived from the Greek words kryptos meaning ‘hidden’ and gamos
meaning ‘marriage’ and ‘hidden marriage’ referring to the minute (microscopic) form of reproduction in these
spore-producing organisms. The ‘Cryptogams’ are an artificial group, that is, a group of organisms that share a
common trait but not necessarily close relatives of each other. When Carlos Linnaeus propounded the basic
system of classifying organisms in the mid-18th century, he used the term Cryptogamia to refer to all ‘plants’
with hidden reproductive organs. The organisms he included in this group were the mosses and other
bryophytes, ferns, macroalgae and fungi; basically all the non-animal macroscopic organisms that lack flowers
or seed-bearing cones. Although the term cryptogamc botany is still in use, modern taxonomy does not include
fungi as one of the groups because it is already a non-plant group. In this course fungi are treated as cryptogams
because we simply want to introduce it to our students, which otherwise is not a plant therefore not studied
under the field of botany but mycology.
1.3.1. Activity
1) The following organisms belong to the Plant and Fungi Kingdoms. Identify those that reproduce by
spores and those that reproduce by seed. Fern, Juniper, Moss, Spirogyra, Pythium, bread mold, Mango,
Cycad, Fig, Sargassum.
2) Categorize the above listed plants/organisms into the groups below.
Algae......................................................................... Pteridophytes.................................................................
3) Which group of organisms from the list in no. 2 does not belong to the plant kingdom? What
distinguishes this group from the others?
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
2.1 General Features of Fungi Session 1
The fungi constitute a large and diverse group of non chlorophyll – containing simple organisms.
They are usually filamentous, although some unicellular forms are present. The major component of
the cell wall is cellulose or chitin. The cell walls of all fungi contain a mixture of fibrillar chitin for
rigidity and amorphous components which include proteins, mannans and glucans.
A single thread (filament), or a branch is termed a hypha and a mass of hyphae that constitute the
thallus or vegetative plant body is termed a mycelium.
It is usually colorless, although some do produce non photosynthetic pigments. Some have pigmented
asexual spores.
Their food storage is glycogen.
The hypha is a tubular structure containing protoplasm which is bound by cell wall.
The hypha is delimited by cross walls known as septa. The perforations in the septa or septal pores
facilitate the free movement of protoplasm from one fungal cell to another and throughout the hyphal
Fungal cells have cross walls called septa and a hypha containing septa is referred to as septate.
Hyphae without cross walls are referred to as non-septate.
Hyphal cells may contain one, two or many nuclei, and are referred to as being uninucleate,
binucleate or multinucleate, respectively.
Hyphae without septa are referred to as coenocytic.
Hyphal filaments elongate by apical growth, but most parts or fragments of hypha are capable of
Fungi often secrete hydrolytic enzymes which break down organic polymers like polysaccharides and
proteins into organic monomers like monosaccharides and amino acids and they are easily absorbed
through their cell walls.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
∗ Discuss the ecological role of fungi in the terrestrial ecosystem
All fungi are chemoheterotrophic. They obtain their energy and carbon compounds from the metabolism
of organic nutrients. There are no photosynthetic fungi, a key difference fungi and plants. Although some
fungi are parasites, most are saprophytic heterotrophs. They are major decomposers of dead organic
material. They release carbon and nitrogen back into the environment, playing an essential in both the
carbon and nitrogen cycles. Fungi lack chlorophyll, the green pigment that enables plants to make their
own food. Consequently, fungi cannot synthesize their own food the way plants do.
Fungi grow on diverse habitats. They are found in almost every available habitat on earth where organic
material is present. They are thus universal in their distribution and majority of them are terrestrial.
Terrestrial fungi thrive best in humus soil and are considered more advanced. They produce non-motile
reproductive cells (spores) which are dispersed passively by wind, water or animals. Aquatic fungi are
considered primitive. They live on decaying matter and living organisms found in fresh water and
produce flagellated (motile) reproductive cells.
a. Saprophytic fungi produce enzymes and acids that break down cellulose, starches, sugars, proteins,
fats and other constituents of the substrate which in turn diffuse into the fungal cells where they are
utilized for food and energy for more growth.
b. Parasitic fungi produce external or internal mycelia with reference to the host.
i. External mycelia are usually whitish or dark brown in color and cob-web like, forming dense
threads on the surface of leaves, stems, or fruits.
ii. Internal mycelia either penetrate between the host cells, a condition termed intercellular, or
penetrate into the host, a condition termed intracellular. Since they come in contact with host
protoplasm, intracellular hyphae absorb food directly. Intercellular hyphae absorb food as it
diffuses out through the host cell wall, or send special absorbing organs called haustoria, into the
host cells.
iii. The haustoria enter the host cell through a minute puncture in the cell wall. Haustoria may be a
simple knob, long tube, or variously branched.
2. 2.1 Mycorrhizae
Many fungi grow in association with plant roots. The fine, highly branched fungal hyphae extend
throughout a relatively large volume of soil. As a result of their superior absorptive capability, the fungi
take up mineral nutrients. The fungi pass on some nutrients to the plant roots and receive sugar and other
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
nutrients from the plant. In many forests, a lot of carbon fixed by photosynthesis ends up in fungal
mycelium because of the mycorrhizal symbiotic association in which the fungus assists the growth of
forest trees. What is important is that the mycelial sink keeps the nutrients on site preventing loss of
nutrient from the soil by leaching.
The benefits of mycorrhizas to plants include efficient nutrient uptake, especially phosphorus; enhanced
resistance to drought stress; and direct or indirect protection against some pathogens. Mycorrhizal fungi
also link plants together into communities that are more resilient to stress and disturbance than single
plants. When plants are connected by a common fungus, the products of photosynthesis can move through
the fungus from a well-placed donor plant to a shaded recipient plant. In nutrient-poor soils, mycorrhizal
fungi can provide nitrogen to their host plant that their mycelia have obtained by saprotrophic digestion of
nutrients in the soil.
2.2.2 Lichen
Lichen is a plant-like structure composed of two kinds of organisms living symbiotically; fungi and
photosynthetic cells (either blue green algae sometimes called cyanobacteria or green algae). The fungus
in lichen obtains organic compounds from the photosynthetic partner and the photosynthetic partner.
This picture shows the mycorrhizal Plants on the left have mycorrhizas, plants on the right
network of the roots of a small seedling don't.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
2.3 Reproduction in Fungi Session 3
At the end of the session every student will be able to;
∗ Characterize reproduction in fungi
∗ Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reproduction by spores
∗ Explain the different modes of sexual reproduction in fungi
Reproduction is the formation of new individuals having all the characteristics typical of the species
(Alexopoulos and Mims (1982). Reproduction in fungi can be broadly categorized into types; sexual and
2.4 Asexual reproduction
This mode of reproduction occurs by physical break up of parts of the filament or modification of
vegetative parts to give rise to new individuals. Asexual reproduction takes place under favorable
conditions and most fungi use this method to propagate themselves several times during the season.
Spores vary in shape and size, colored or hyaline, moistly unicellular.
2.4.1 Types of asexual reproduction
1) Fragmentation: the fungal hypha breaks into smaller pieces and each may later grow into new
mycelium. This is a common laboratory technique where a piece of fungal segment is transferred
into fresh medium which afterwards develops into a fungal colony
2) Fission: this is a common method in unicellular fungi and some lower fungi. A single cell divides
on a lateral plane to give rise to two daughter cells.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
3) Budding: this is common in yeasts. A small outgrowth emerges on the parent cell. The nucleus
divides into two. One of the daughter nuclei passes into the bud. The bud increases in size while it
is still attached to the parent cell but soon breaks off. Sometimes the daughter bud is not separated
and produces another bud in the same manner. This process is repeated forming a chain of buds
appearing like a mycelium called pseudomycelium.
4) Oidia: sometimes hyphae break up into small components called oidia or arthospores. They are
one celled and on germination form a new plant. These are usually formed in Eryshiphe and
5) Chlamydospores: in some fungi like Fusarium and Mucor, cells of hypha become thick walled
either singly or in chains after accumulation of food material in them. They may be terminal or
intercalary in position and are capable of forming a new plant on return of favorable condition.
6) Gemmae: are chlamydospores like in structure but not so durable and thick walled. They are
formed in Saprolegnia and others.
7) Zoospores: these are naked, motile and flagellated spores.
8) Sporangiospores: spores produced in special structures called sporangia (singular; sporangium)
9) Conidia: asexual spores borne in chains on the tip of specialized structures called conidiophores.
10) Urediospores and pycniospore
Reproduction by spores provides the fungus advantages as follows;
a) A crop of spores provide the individual in a large number and repetition of the same many times
under favorable conditions increases chances of survival.
b) The methods of dissemination through air, water, animals etc. affords the fungus of fresh supply
of food.
c) Comparatively spores are more resistant than vegetative hyphae and can tolerate/withstand
unfavorable conditions.
2.5 Sexual Reproduction Session 4
Sexual reproduction in fungi takes place by the fusion of compatible parent nuclei. It begins with the
coming together of two sex cells or reproductive structures or mating types. Enzymes are produced to
digest the walls of the cells and fusion of cytoplasm of the two cells takes place. This is known as
plasmogamy. The two haploid (n) nuclei of the two mating types fuse together. This is called karyogamy.
Karyogamy results in the formation of a diploid (2n) nucleus (zygote). Immediately after karyogamy,
meiosis takes place reducing the chromosome number to haploid state. These sexually produced spores
divide mitotically to produce multicellular individuals.
The fungal structure that produces gametes is known as gametangium (plural gametangia) and two
compatible gametangia are morphologically identical. In some species, the male and female gametangia
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
are morphologically different. In such cases the male gametangium is termed antheridium (pl. antheridia)
and female is known as archogonium or ascogonuim (pl. archegonia, ascogonia).
2.5.1 Types of Sexual Reproduction in Fungi
A. Planogametic Copulation
This involves fusion of two naked gametes of opposite (+ and -) mating strains. One or both
gametes could be motile. This is characteristic of lower fungi.
B. Gametangial Contact
The two gametangia grow parallel and close to each other, form a bridge known as fertilization
tube. The male gamete migrates through the tube to the female gametangium and fertilizes the
female gamete.
C. Gametangial Copulation
Here the entire contents of the two contacting gametangia fuse. This takes place by the
dissolution of the contacting walls of the two gametangia, resulting in a common cell in which the
two protoplasts mix. This method is also called conjugation or gametangiogamy. Example is
zygospore formation.
D. Spermatization
Some fungi bear numerous, minute multinucleate, spore-like male structures termed spermatia
(singular; spermatium). The spermatia are usually carried by wind and deposited on female
gametangial hyphae, to which they become attached. A pore develops at the point of contact, and
the contents of the spermatium pass into the particular receptive structure that serves as the
female organ.
E. Somatogamy (Somatic Copulation)
The vegetative cells, not gametes or gametangia are involved in this type of sexual reproduction.
Two hyphae meet and fuse, growing dikaryotically (n + n). The two nuclei fuse to form a diploid
nucleus and further meiosis gives rise to spores.
2.5.2 Activity
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
By the end of this session, each student will be able to;
∗ Discuss the criteria for fungal classification
∗ State the specific suffices in fungal taxonomic hierarchy
∗ List and distinguish between the different groups of fungi
∗ Characterize the major groups of fungi
3.1 Criteria for Fungal Classification
Taxonomy is the branch of science that deals with identification, description and classification of living
organisms thereby differentiating between various groups of organisms based on sets of data on structure,
development and physiology. It is a dynamic area of study and classification of fungi in particular is in a
state of flux and different classification schemes will continue to be espoused by different researchers and
differences will continue to exist until the gaps of knowledge among mycologists are filled.
In this course the classification scheme adopted are based on the following criteria;
1) Nature of somatic phase whether unicellular or a mycelium, if the latter, septate or non
2) Kinds of asexual spores, sporangiospores or conidia; motile or non motile
3) Number, form and arrangement of flagella in the motile spores
4) Nature of the life cycle (sexual cycle), haplontic or diplontic)
5) Presence or absence of the perfect or sexual stage
3.2 Taxonomic Hierarchies
The following are the suffices for the various ranks/hierarchies in fungal classification as recommended
by the International Code of Fungal Nomenclature (ICFN)
The name of Division of fungi ends in - mycota
The Sub-divisions - mycotina
Classes - mycetes
Sub-classes - mycetidae
Orders - ales
Families - aceae
Genera and species - no specific suffices
3.3 Class Chytridiomycetes
Members of this class are commonly called Chytrids and include approximately 800 species that
are found in aquatic (freshwater and marine) or moist habitats.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
They have coenocytic hyphae. The unique characteristic of members of this class is the
production of motile zoospores, each with a single, posterior, whiplash flagellum.
They bear intercellular rhizoids used in absorbing food from their substrates.
They are generally found in damp soils, aquatic habitat, or as parasites of a wide variety of plants
animals, algae, protista and other fungi. Few are found in the marine habitat.
Examples are Synchytrium brownii, Polycephagus euglenae and Synchytrium endobioticum
(causes black wart disease of potato tuber).
3.4 Class Oomycetes
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Life Cycle of Saprolegnia parasitica
The Class Zygomycetes consists of fewer than 1000 species. The zygomycete hyphae do not have
one nucleus per cell, but rather have long multinucleate, haploid hyphae that comprise their
mycelia. Asexual reproduction is by spores produced in stalked sporangia.
They are also known as zygote fungi and the name refers to the production of sexual resting spore
which typically results from the fusion of two gametangia.
No motile cells of any form are found in members of this class.
All produce typical aerial sporangia or conidia with coenocytic hyphae.
They produce septa at the base of reproductive organs and at aged parts of the mycelia.
The mycelia of some species produce rhizoids which adhere them to the substratum.
Sporangiospores are borne on sporangia while conidia are borne on conidiophores.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Both Sporangiospores and conidia are asexual spores.
The gametangia grow together until they touch. Protoplasmic fusion occurs and a zygote is
formed. There are three orders in the class zygomycetes; Mucorales, Entomorphthorales and
Examples of Zygomycetes are Pilobolus (hat throwing fungi), which grows on dung,
Entomorphthora (fly fungi) and Rhizopus stolonifera bread mold.
3.5.1 Activity
1) Explain why the Zygomycetes are considered to be an intermediary group between the
lower fungi previously considered and Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and
2) Indicate the ploidy of the following;
a. mycelium of Rhizopus b. zygospore of Rhizopus
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
3.6 Class Ascomycetes (Sac-fungi)
Members include yeasts, powdery mildew, blue green molds, morels and truffles.
Some are obligate parasites, but most are facultative parasites.
They have well developed mycelia that are septate and multinucleate (except yeasts).
Ascomycetes differ from other groups of fungi by their ascus or sac-like structure containing
usually definite number of ascospores.
Eight ascospores are typically formed within the ascus, but this number may vary from species to
Asexual reproduction is by budding, fission, fragmentation, arthrospores, chlamydospores or
according to species and the prevailing environmental conditions.
Sexual reproduction is achieved by gametangial contact, gametangial copulation, spermatization
and somatogamy depending on the species. Sclerotia are formed by many species. All fruiting
bodies, both sexual and asexual, arise from a stroma (plural stromata) which is a tissue-like mass
of hyphae in or from which the fructifications are produced.
The following types of sexual fruiting bodies or ascocarps are recognized;
o Perithecium (plural perithecia), a hollow, flask shaped, or globular ascocarp with a pore (ostiole)
at the top and a wall of its own.
o Cleistothecium (plural cleistothecia), a hollow, completely closed, spherical ascocarp.
o Apothecium (plural apothecia), an open ascocarp that is generally disk-like or cup-shaped. It may
or may not be stalked. The asci are borne in a palisade layer within the cup.
Examples of ascomycetes include yeasts Saccharomyces, leaf curl fungus (Taphrina),
Aspergillus, Penicillium, powdery mildew (Erysiphe), Ergot (Claviceps), brown rot (Monilinia) and
cup fungus (Peziza).
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
3.7 Class Basidiomycetes Session 7
Members of this class include mushrooms, toadstools, bracket fungi, puffballs and species
causing such diseases as wheat rust and corn smut.
They are the most advanced group of fungi and differ from other groups in that they produce their
spores called basidiospores on the outside of specialized structures called basidia.
Many are saprophytes, being particularly important in the decay of dead forest trees. Others are
parasitic and cause considerable damage to forest and orchard trees, wheat, corn onions, roses and
many other plants.
Somatic structure
The mycelium of basidiomycetes is made up of well developed septate hyphae, which penetrate
the substratum and absorb nutrients.
They have dolipore type of septa characterized with swollen, barrel-shaped, perforation and
covered by a membranous pore cap.
The mycelia pass through three distinct stages of development. The first is the primary mycelium,
which results from a germinating basidiospore. The cells of the primary mycelium are haploid
like the basidiospore, septate and uninucleate.
The secondary mycelium originates from the primary mycelium. The cells are typically
binucleate. The binucleate condition begins with the fusion of the protoplasts of two uninucleate
cells without karyogamy taking place after plasmogamy. This is made possible through special
structures called clamp connections.
This is a special feature of Basidiomycetes and the function is to allow the passage of one of the
two nuclei into a new daughter cell as the septum is formed. Since this process is unique to this
class, it serves a diagnostic function as any mycelium found with clamp connection may be said
to belong to this class.
The secondary mycelium is dikaryotic (n + n) being a product of cellular fusion of primary
mycelia from two compatible mating strains. It has two nuclei per cell.
The third type is the tertiary mycelium composed of complex tissues that form various shapes of
basidiocarps and therefore is limited to higher Basidiomycetes that form such fruiting bodies.
Nearly all Basidiomycetes reproduce sexually and no specialized sex organs (like antheridia and
archegonia) are formed. It is usually by conjugation and this can occur;
a) between ordinary hyphal cells
b) between two special cells or
c) between special sperm-like bodies and receptive hyphae.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Some species are heterothallic, i.e. only (+) and (-) strains conjugate.
Fusion of the two nuclei and subsequent meiosis take place in special cells known as basidia.
The meiospores formed by these basidia are called basidiospores.
In both types, prior to conjugation the cells of the vegetative mycelium contain a single nucleus, after
conjugation the resulting cell contains two haploid nuclei (n + n). The two nuclei in each cell do not fuse
until just before meiosis. Fusion of the two nuclei and subsequent meiosis take place in special cells
known as BASIDIA.
The common asexual spores found among the smut fungi are the dikaryotic teliospores. They are
generally dark colored with thick walls and are produced in large dusty masses called SORI. Other
dikaryotic spores are AECIOSPORES and UREDIOSPORES.
Although both n + n mycelia develop extensively, the n + n phase is of special interest because it gives
rise to the spore bearing body or basidiocarp in which the basidia are developed. The hyphae form a
tangled mass in the substrate or host and emerge to form a basidiocarp – the mushroom, puffball or
bracket fungus. As the basidiocarp grows, the ends of certain hyphae generally become aligned in a layer
that will bear spores when mature, known as hymenium.
The basidiocarp of a typical mushroom consists of a short upright stalk or stipe, attached at its base to a
mass of mycelium and expanding on top into a broad cap or pileus. Many mushrooms have a ring of
tissue around the stipe rather close to the pileus. This ring occurs because when it is young, the pileus was
attached to the stipe at this point. The underside of the pileus is formed by thin gills radiating outwards
from the stipe. These gills are lined with a hymenium or spore bearing layer. A section of the gill reveals
majority of basidiospores attached to the basidia. Four basisiospores are attached to each basidium by
short stalks called sterigmata.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
When the basidiocarp is in the button stage, it is completely surrounded by a thin tissue known as the
universal veil. As the basidiocarp expands, this veil is torn. Part of it remains attached to the cap, where
ruptured fragments of it may be seen in the mature mushrooms; the remaining part stays underground
forming a cup-shaped structure out of which the stalk grows. The enlarged basal structure is referred to as
the volva.
sterigma basidiospore
old basidium
young basidium
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
8) Mycorrhiza. This is a fungal association with the root of higher plants. In some cases, the fungi
are unicellular and live without individual root cells, but in many cases, the fungi have typical
hyphae that cover the root tips in a thick mat and penetrate between cortical cells. These hyphae
do not have haustoria, but contact with the root cells is very close and food is transferred in both
directions. Fungi of all types are involved in this association but Basidiomycetes are by far the
most common.
Two fungal specimens are provided; baker’s yeast – Saccharomyces cervisae and common bread mold –
Rhizopus stlonifer.
1. Make a mount of the yeast culture, observe, draw and label.
2. Can you identify the budding yeast cells?
3. Give three important uses of Saccharomyces cerevisae and classify it.
4. For the Rhizopus stolonifer, describe the hyphae.
5. Examine the sample carefully and note the shape, color and function of the spores.
6. Note the sporangium, sporangiophore, horizontal stolons and the rhizoids.
7. Draw and label the various parts of the fungus.
8. Classify Rhizopus stolonifer.
1. What are the food storage reserve and cell wall component of fungi
2. In which Class of fungi do Mucorales, Entomorphthorales and Zoopagales belong?
3. Sac fungi belong to which Class.
4. Presence of dolipore septa is a diagnostic feature of members of this Class of fungi.
5. Which fungus causes Ergot disease of rye and what are the benefits derivable from it.
6. Why are Deuteromycetes termed “imperfect”?
7. Name one antibiotic produced from fungi
8. What is the mutualistic relationship between some fungi and higher plant roots?
9. Type of vegetative reproduction whereby small outgrowth emerges from parent cell.
10. Sexual reproduction in Oomycetes is by............................
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
UNIT 4 ALGAE Session 9
At the end of this session each student will be able to;
∗ Identify structures of some algae that help them adapt to specific habitats
∗ Appreciate the diversity of algae with respect to habitat
∗ Recognize the ecological role of algae in the aquatic food chain
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Meaning of ecological terms
Define the following terms and explain how algae survive in each given habitat
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Ulothrix Zygnema Oedogonium
Examples of filamentous chlorophyta include; Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Oedogonium, Cladophora. Colonial
forms include, Volvox, Pandorina, Eudorina. Flat blade-like thallus is found in Sea lettuce – Ulva.
Sexual reproduction occurs by the fusion of two similar or dissimilar gametes by the processes of
isogamy, anisogamy, or oogamy.
Asexual reproduction takes place by spores which are of varying type; ciliate spore is called zoospore; a
non-motile, non-ciliate spore with a distinct wall of its own but produced within a mother cell is called
Division Phaeophyta
The brown algae are nearly all found in marine habitat and they vary in size from small filamentous forms
to huge complex kelps. No unicellular or colonial forms have been identified. They are a very interesting
group of sea weeds with variety of peculiar forms and sizes, and comprise about 1,000 species. They are
widely distributed along sea coasts between tidal levels on rocky shores. A holdfast attaches the plant to
the rocky ocean floor. Photosynthesis occurs in a leaf-like blade or lamina, and a stipe connects the
lamina with the holdfast. Bladders are present in some species and aid in buoyancy of the laminae. The
food reserves are typically sugar, laminarin (a complex soluble carbohydrate), oils and complex alcohols;
no insoluble carbohydrates are formed. The inner layer consists of a slimy, gelatinous material called
algin. Members of the phaeophyta include; Fucus, Laminaria, Ectocarpus.
Asexual reproduction is occasionally by fragmentation, or by zoospores. Sexual reproduction is various;
both isogamous and anisogamous forms are found. An alternation of phases occurs, with a strong
tendency towards a reduction of the gametophyte, the large kelps are sporophytes, and in Fucus the
gametophyte phase is present only as gamete (no multicellular gametophyte). The motile cells, either
zoospores or gametes, are pear-shaped with two unequal flagella attached at the side. The brown algae are
complex and well developed giving rise to definite gametophytes and sporophytes. Plants that produce
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gametes are known as gametophytes, and those that produce meiospores are known as sporophytes. It
follows that gametophytic plants are haploid and sporophytic plants are diploid.
Division Rhodophyta
The red algae form a big group of highly specialized marine algae comprising about 3,000 species. Many
species form a characteristic belt of vegetation along the sea coast between the high tide and low tide
levels. They mostly grow attached to rocks. There are however, some epiphytic and parasitic forms. Red
algae are characterized by red or purple color due to the presence of a red pigment called phycoerythrin in
addition to chlorophyll which is often masked by the other pigments. They show a variety of vegetative
forms; filamentous, ribbon-shaped, and distinctly leaf-like with veins. Gelatinous material is abundant in
red algae, either occurring within the thallus or forming a sheath in the filamentous forms. Some of them
are heavily encrusted with lime. The cells may be uninucleate or multinucleate. There is total absence of
motile ciliate cells in this division, zoospores are altogether absent, and gametes are never ciliate.
Examples are Polyphyridium, Polysiphonia and Batrachospermum.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Chlorophyta Mostly Chlorophylls a & b, Polysaccharides Starch None, 1-8 or
(green algae) freshwater, carotenoids including cellulose dozens; whiplash
some marine,
terrestrial or
Phaeophyta Almost all Chlorophylls a & c, Cellulose, alginic Laminarin, Mannitol 2 lateral, forward
(brown algae) marine, rarely fucoxanthin and acid & sulfated tinsel, behind
freshwater other carotenoids polysaccharides whiplash
Rhodophyta (red Mostly marine, Chlorophyll a, Cellulose, pectin, Floridean starch None
algae) some fresh carotenoid, calcium salts
water phycobilins
Chrysophyta Marine & Chlorophylls a & c, Cellulose or silica Chrysolaminarin 1 or 2 whiplash or
(diatoms, yellow freshwater, fucoxanthin & shell, sometimes tinsel
green, golden some terrestrial other carotenoids absent
brown algae) or airborne
Euglenophyta Marine or Chlorophylls a & b, Absent Paramylon 1 – 3, tinsel
(euglenoids) freshwater, carotenoids
some airborne
Pyrrhophyta Marine and Chlorophylls a & c, Armor-like plates Starch None, or 2 tinsel
(dinoflagellates) freshwater, peridin and other that may be
some airborne carotenoids cellulosic
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4.4 Range of Structures (Morphology) of Algae Session 12
Algae range in forms from simple unicellular, through colonial, filamentous, siphonous to the complex
parenchymatous thalli of the large sea weeds. Algae plant body is not differentiated into true roots, stem
and leaves thus they are referred to as thallophytes. They do not also have conductive vessels (except
probably in some kelps). Generally they have simple structural organization and their sex organs are
usually unicellular, if multicellular (in few exceptions) they are never surrounded by sterile layer of cells
(usually for protection).
Unicellular forms
Simple isolated cells are found in all groups except the Phaeophyta (brown algae) while in some groups
they are the only forms represented eg Bacillariophyta (diatoms). Unicellular algae may be of three types;
a) Rhizopodial eg Chrysoamoeba and Ochromonas (both Chrysophyta)
b) Protococcoidal (non-motile) eg. Chlorella
c) Flagellated (motile) eg. Chlamydomonas, Euglena
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Volvox aureus Hydrodictyon reticulatum Pediastrum boryanum Pediastrum duplex
4.4.1 Activity
1. Discuss the differences between the three groups of unicellular thallus organization
2. Study the organisms indicated as representative examples of motile and non-motile colonial
Under unfavorable conditions some single cells may fuse together to form a single unit. This is facilitated
by the secretion of mucilage by the component cells or a situation whereby the cells are embedded in a
gelatinous matrix. These cells resume their normal life cycle under favorable conditions as the mucilage
dissolves and they become single cells. There are two types of aggregate thallus arrangement;
a) Palmelloid eg. Tetraspora
b) Dendroid eg. Parasincladus
Note: The mucilage which holds the cells in aggregation is either produced by the protoplast of the cells
or arises by the gelatinization of their cell membranes.
These are characterized by vegetative cell division but the cells after division do not separate and are
arranged in a linear row. These filaments or threads are of the following types;
a) Simple or unbranched filaments. There are few algae with this structure and they are usually free-
living or sometimes attached. Examples Spirogyra, Oedogonium, Ulothrix and Zygnema
b) Branched filaments. There are three types of branching in algae
i. A simple branching system attached to the substratum by a basal disc secreted by the
lower cells
ii. The heterotrichous type with a basal attachment and upright branches referred to as the
erect portion and a prostrate portion which may be poorly developed in some species.
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Spirogyra Zygnema Cladophora
This type of thallus is confined to a few genera in the Xanthophyta and Chlorophyta. The thallus is
multinucleate but not divided into cells (except during formation of reproductive structures) in many
forms the thallus can be elaborate and big in size. This thallus structure is referred to as acellular
When vegetative cells division takes place in more than one plane the structure so formed is termed
parenchymatous. This is the most advanced type of thallus structure in algae and its maximum
development is found among the sea weeds especially the Laminariales and Fucales. The thalli of some
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brown algae show marked anatomical differentiation to the extent of developing sieve like members for
conducting manufactured food.
4.4.2 Activity
1. Compare colonial and aggregate thallus organizations
2. Compare all the thallus organizations and decide which type is more advanced and comparatively
closely related to the tissue organization in higher plants
3. Which multicellular thallus structure is unique?
4. Draw a representative for each (unicellular and multicellular) thalli organization
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1. Isogamy: the pairing or fusion of similar gametes is known as isogamy. Usually the gametes
come from two different individual filaments or sometime from two different cells of the same
parent plant.
2. Heterogamy: the fusion of two dissimilar gametes is known as heterogamy and it has two main
a) Anisogamy; the two motile gametes involved may differ in size (morphological anisogamy)
orr physiological behavior (physiological anisogamy)
b) Oogamy; here male gametes (antherizoids) are flagellated whereas the female gamete (egg) is
larget and non-flagellated. The gametangia producing the two types of gametes are distinct in
shape from the rest of the vegetative cells and are called antheridia and oogonia respectively
4.6 Life History
This is the process which begins with one individual and continues till a new generation of similar
individual is produced. During development an alga passes through a number of distinct phases, the
sequence of which s called life history. The life history of algae includes two alternating generations, the
gametophyte and sporophyte.
There are different types of life cycles in algae;
1. Diplontic life cycle eg. Sargassum
The only haploid structures in this type of life cycle are the gametes. Upon fusion of the gametes,
the diploid nature of the thallus is restored and the mature thallus is diploid.
2. Haplontic life cycle eg. Chlamydomonas
In a haplont life cycle, the only diploid phase is the zygote. Meiosis follows immediately after the
fusion of gametes and the resulting mature thallus will be haploid.
3. Two morphological phases; haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte
Gametophyte is always haploid and saprophyte diploid. The haploid gamete producing
generations alternates with a diploid spore producing generation in a complete life cycle. Both
gametophyte and sporophyte may be morphologically alike (isomorphic eg. Ectocarpus ) or look
different (heteromorphic eg. Laminaria).
4. Three morphological phases (Red algae only) eg. Polysiphonia
This comprises of three distinct individuals in one life cycle.
a. Haploid gametophyte
b. Diploid carposporophyte (usually develop on female gametophyte) and
c. Independent tetrasporophyte
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4.7 Economic Importance of Algae Session 14
1) In addition to supplying food directly for human and animal consumption, the algal photosynthetic
process supplies oxygen to life in water. The diatoms and the pyrrhophyta are known as the “grass of
the sea” and form the basis of the ocean food chains.
2) When abundant in water supplies (especially greens and blue-greens), they form blooms that impart
obnoxious odor and flavor to water. Such large numbers may cause difficulties in the filtration
processes of treatment plants. In oceans, “Red tides” occasionally occurs as a result of billions of cells
of dinoflagellates usually of the species Gymnodinium or Gonyaulux. These algae produce toxins that
cause high fish mortality during such red tide outbreaks. When ingested by other organisms like
mussels, they may be dangerous for human consumption as a result of the accumulation of toxins
3) Agar-agar. This is a gelatinous substance obtained from red algae Gelidium and Gracilaria. It is a
good bacterial and fungal culture medium. It is used as a base substance for shoe polish, shaving
cream, cosmetics etc. it is also an emulsifying agent, as a dying and printing material for textiles.
4) Since the siliceous walls of diatoms do not decay, they accumulate at the bottom of water over time
forming diatomaceous earth. This is used as metal polish, in toothpaste, paints and plastics
manufacture. They are also useful as filters in the filtration of liquid e.g. in sugar refining and as heat
insulator in boilers and furnaces.
5) Ash obtained from burnt kelps is an excellent source of iodine and potassium. Kelps are also
harvested for their algin content. Algin is a colloid used in stabilizing many dairy products. It imparts
a consistency and prevents the formation of ice crystals.
Describe the thallus organization of the brown algae and differentiate between the life cycles of
Ectocarpus and Fucus.
Describe the diatom frustule and what is their ecological importance in the ocean?
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Like the rest of land plants, the Bryophytes are Embryophytes (plants that produce an embryo) and they
have traditionally been viewed as a distinct lineage from other land plants. They are not considered to
have given rise to the vascular plants but they probably were the earliest land plants. Like the rest of the
land plants, they evolved from green algal ancestors, closely related to the Charophytes. They are a
group of simple land plants, well-adapted to moist habitats. Like other land plants, the Bryophytes:-
• have multicellular sex organs, i.e. the gametes are enclosed by a sterile jacket of cells
• are parenchymatous, not filamentous
• retain the zygote within the female sex organ and allow it to develop into an embryo there
• have cutin (a cuticle) on the plant and spores
• All bryophytes exhibit definite alternation of generations. A haploid plant producing gametes
alternates with a diploid plant; gametophyte and sporophyte respectively.
• The gametophyte is nutritionally independent and structurally more complex than the sporophyte.
It bears the male and female sex organs; antheridia and archegonia respectively.
Bryophytes, in contrast,
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Resemblances between Bryophytes and Algae Session 16
1. Thallus-like plant body
2. Lack of vascular tissues
3. Absence of roots
4. Conspicuous plant in the life cycle being the gametophyte
5. Autotrophic mode of nutrition
6. Retention of swimming habit of sperm which indicates algal ancestry of bryophytes
7. Early stages of gametophytic development of many bryophytes are green filaments strikingly
resembling filamentous thallus of green algae
8. Identical chlorophyll compliments in the vegetative cells of bryophytes and green algae.
9. Carbohydrate food reserve in both bryophytes and green algae is true starch made up of two kinds
of glucose macromolecules, amylase and amylopectin
10. The bryophytes and green algae have much in common at the level of cell structure and metabolic
Similarities between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes
The features in which bryophytes resemble pteridophytes are;
a) Terrestrial habitat
b) Development of embryo after gametic union
c) Development of embryo within the archegonium protected by multicellular maternal tissue.
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d) Similar type life cycle characterized by heteromorphic alternation of generations
e) Presence of cuticle
f) Presence of stomata except the liverworts
g) Multicellular sex organs with a jacket of sterile cells
h) Presence of water essential for fertilization
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Kny's Wall Chart Showing Male Gametophyte of Marchantia a thallose liverwort
The thallus, seen here in section, shows little external differentiation (no stem or
leaves) and internally there is little differentiation either.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Moss - Thallose liverwort - Leafy liverwort -
radially symmetrical bilaterally symmetrical bilaterally symmetrical
rhizoids multicellular rhizoids unicellular rhizoids unicellular
leaves with or without a midrib leaves without a midrib
Sexual Reproduction
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
The gametophytes (which are the stage of the life cycle we recognise as the liverwort) bear male sex
organs termed antheridia (antheridium sing.) and female sex organs termed archegonia (archegonium
Biodisc photomicrograph
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Anthoceros is the most familiar species in the temperate zone, others being chiefly tropical. They
have the simplest gametophytes of all bryophytes.
The gametophytes of hornworts are flat, dark green thallus and structurally simpler. They are
small green thallus plants with little internal differentiation of vegetative tissues.
They are slightly lobed with numerous rhizoids growing from the lower surface; either annual or
The pores and cavities are filled with mucilage rather than air and the mucilage usually contains
Hornworts are unisexual and gametangia form on the upper part of the thallus but their
development is distinctive.
The antheridia are formed from special cells lining the inner surface of the mucilage chambers
near the upper surface - roofed chambers in the upper portion of the thallus.
The archegonia are formed from superficial cells, but the archegonia do not completely surround
the egg, thus the archegonia are embedded within the thallus and in direct contact with the
surrounding vegetative cells.
The sporophyte of anthocerotae has subepidermal cells that contain chloroplasts and typical
stomata are also found on the epidermis.
A foot embedded in the thallus is the absorbing organ. The sporangium is an upright elongated
Spores mature in progression from top down.
Hornworts sporophytes have tapering tips, distinct epidermis and stoma-like structures.
The sporophyte remains photosynthetic and can live for several months while spores are released
over time.
Spore tetrad
sporophyte wall
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Hornwort gametophyte foot
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
The approximately 12,000 species of mosses make up the largest and most familiar group of
Musci as a class show great structural uniformity.
Some are prostrate while others are erect and vary in size from a few millimeters tall to half a meter
in some species of Sphagnum, Polytrichium, Dawsonia and Fontnalis.
Often desert mosses pass almost completely unnoticed until moistened by rain, and change from dull
brown to bright green Gametophytes of nearly all species have two growth stages;
a) creeping filamentous stage (protonema) from which develops
b) the moss plant with an upright or horizontal stem bearing small, spirally arranged green
leaves. Rhizoids are found at the base of the stem.
Ecological Role of Bryophytes
Many are pioneer plants, growing on bare rock and contributing to soil development. In bogs and
mountain forests they form a thick carpet, reducing erosion. In forest ecosystems they act like a sponge
retaining and slowly releasing water. They provide habitat for other plants and small animals as well as
microorganisms like N2-fixing blue-green bacteria. Lacking a cuticle and transport tissue they readily
absorb whatever is around them and can serve as bioindicators of pollution and environmental
Economic Importance of Bryophytes
Bryophytes today have limited economic importance. Some are edible although liverworts were soaked in
wine and eaten in the 16th century. Mosses are used as stuffing in furniture, as soil conditioner, as fuel and
absorbent in oil spills. Because of its acidity, the moss Sphragnum has been used by aboriginal people as
disinfectant and for dressing wounds. North American Indians used Mnium and Bryum to treat burns
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Representative Genera and Species
Moss taxonomy is characterized by a few genera with large number of species.
Fissidens grandifrons is a common and conspicuous moss plant found in waterfalls and rapids of small
streams. The frond is flattened, with two rows of dark green leaves, superficially giving the appearance of
liverworts. It is easily recognized as a moss by its relatively thick leaves, dark green color and lack of
notched leaves.
Polytrichium juniperinum is a relatively common species well adapted to frequently dry habitat. Leaf
structure is more complex than in other mosses. From the upper surface of the leaves there arise a number
of parallel plates thin-walled photosynthetic cells separated from each other by narrow fissures. The lower
part of the leaf is made up of thick, sclerotic cells, the leaves roll up longitudinally closing the air spaces
and protecting the chlorenchyma layer from drying.
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Tortula ruralis is a very common desert moss growing on soil.
Grimmia apocarpa is another desert moss growing on rock especially basalt.
Species of Funaria and Bryum are frequent along the edges of shrubbery or in footpaths and cracks of
1. Describe the distinguishing features of bryophytes. In what aspects do they differ from algae and
2. Give a general account of Bryophyta with special reference to its classification
3. Define alternation of generations. Point out the differences between the alternations in algae and
4. List the salient features in the life cycle of bryophytes
5. Describe the general features of the classes of bryophytes
6. Write an essay on general characteristics and classification of bryophytes
Objective questions
1. The spore producing organ in bryophytes is
A. foot B. Seta C. Capsule D. Archegonium
2. The haploid or gametes producing generation is commonly known as
A. sporophyte B. Gametophyte C. Adult D. All of the above
3. The condition of producing only one type of spore is called
A. Heterospory B. Apospory C. Homospory D. Autospory
4. Which of the following is not a character of bryophytes
A. presence of archegonium B. independent sporophyte
C. motile sperm D. water is essential for fertilization
5. Gametophytic generation is dominant in
A. Bryophyte B. Pteridophyte C. Gymnosperm D. Angiosperm
6. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of bryophytes?
A. they are photosynthetic
B. they lack tracheids and sieve and sieve tubes
C. their zygote and the sporophyte are haploid
D. the spores germinate and produce gametophyte
7. The female gametangium of a bryophyte differs from that of a fungus in possessing
A. large neck B. a venter
C. jacket of sterile cells D. a single egg cell
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
Vascular Cryptogams (Seedless vascular plants)
The seedless vascular plants consist of four divisions of non-seed bearing vascular plants namely;
Psilotophyta (whiskferns), Lycopodiophyta (club mosses) Sphenophyta/Equisetophyta (horsetails) and
Polypodiophyta (true ferns). Features that enable members of these groups to thrive on land include;
o a resistant cuticle
o complex stomata
o vascular tissue
o absorptive root hairs and
o desiccation resistant spores.
They share some features with bryophytes, including the same type of pigments, storage of starch as their
primary food reserve and basic life cycle. However the evolution of functional vascular tissue among
others enabled vascular plants to invade and dominate drier habitats on land and effectively than non-
vascular plants.
They have chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids as photosynthetic pigments; same as found in bryophytes and
green algae with starch as their food storage reserve and presence of cellulose cell wall. The sporophytes
and gametophytes are nutritionally independent. The sporophyte is the dominant generation.
They are homosporous or heterosporous. The spores are produced in sporangia which may be borne on
sporophylls, either scattered or arranged in definite organ called stribilus cone. Heterosporous species
bear two types of sporophylls – microsporophyll and megasporophyll. Most ferns bear sporangia on the
abaxial surface of mature leaves in structures called sori. The sporangia may be eusporangium (developed
from several sporangial initials) or leptosporangium (developed from single initial). Spores produced in
strobili are usually wind dispersed. A strobilus is essentially a stem tip with several closely packed
sporangia. However the strobilus is one of the most significant developments in reproductive organization
among plants because it is older than cones in gymnosperms and flowers in angiosperms.
Organs that produce gametes and spores in the Pteridophytes are similar in several ways to those of
bryophytes. Antheridia and archegonia are multicellular and protected by a layer of sterile (non-
reproductive) cells. The antheridia are spherical or ovoid and embedded partly or wholly in the
gametophyte while the archegonia are flask shaped. Each antheridium produces many sperm cells but
each archegonium has only one egg cell.
The gametophyte/prothallus is formed by the germination of the spore and it is a small and inconspicuous
structure. Gametophytes from homospores are termed exosporic – they grow upon the soil and form
independent plants. They have thin delicate thallus with numerous rhizoids e.g. Psilotum, Lycopodium,
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Ophioglossum. Gametophytes from heterosporous pteridophytes are termed endosporic because they are
retained within the original spore case. They utilize the food reserve in the spore.
Fertilization is facilitated by water medium; the zygote gives rise to the embryo which divides repeatedly
and develops into young sporophyte.
Pteridophytes are currently divided into 4 divisions.
Division Psilotophyta (whisk fern)
Members of this division are mostly fossils except two living genera; Psilotum and Tmesipteris. They
are rare plants mainly found in the tropics.
Psilotum is a slender tufted perennial herb 15 – 60 cm or more in length, grows as an epiphyte on
tree trunks, or on rocky slopes with little organ differentiation.
The plant shows conspicuous dichotomous branching. It has a slender, subterranean rhizome and
slender, green aerial branches.
True leaves are absent, and sporangia developed on tips of some branches, and typical quartets of
spores suggesting normal meiosis have been observed.
Sporangia of Psilotum are actually considered to be three sporangia fused together in a three-lobed
structure called synangium.
Rhizoids growing from the rhizome absorb moisture and nutrients and anchor the plant to the soil.
The gametophytes of Psilotum are perennial and usually grow under the soil.
They are achlorophyllous and live saprophytically on soil rich in organic matter or in symbiosis with
mycorrhizal fungi.
Antheridia protrude slightly above the surface and produce multiflagellate sperms.
Archegonia are slightly sunken and have necks shorter than those of bryophytes.
Water medium is necessary for fertilization of the egg by the sperm.
Fertilization is followed by the development of young sporophyte within the archegonium.
The zygote forms a foot and an embryonic stem.
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Division Lycopodiophyta (Club mosses)
These are commonly known as club mosses, although they are in no way in resemblance with the
They include about 1,100 species in 15 genera of 3 families. There is one living genus from each
family in our modern flora: Lycopodium, Selaginella and Isoetes.
They are primarily tropical but they also form a conspicuous part of the flora in temperate regions.
Various species of Lycopodium and Selaginella have been used as ground cover and ornamentals in
exterior plantings as well as in green houses and home display.
Lycopodium spores have been used medicinally as a pill coating.
The division still is of great economic significance for the production of coal. The lycopods that
thrived in the past periods were responsible for many of our coal deposits.
The short fleshy axis pf Isoetes has been used as food for man; it contains a lot of starch and oils.
However the major importance of the genus is probably that it serves as food for water birds,
muskrats and many aquatic wild animals.
Division Equisetophyta (Horsetails)
Members of this division once grew very abundantly, as in evident in their good representation in
fossil records. Today the division has one genus Equisetum with about 25 species.
Most species are characterized by the presence of silica in the epidermis of their stems and they are
commonly known as horsetails.
The sporophyte of Equisetum is the dominant phase of its life cycle.
The stem has distinct nodes and internodes. Meristematic tissue occurs above the nodes, which are
sheathed by whorls of small, brownish, short-lived leaves.
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Photosynthesis is carried out by the green stems. Roots occur only at the nodes of the rhizomes or
bases of upright stems.
The gametophytes are green bodies about the size of a pin head and consist of a cushion-like base
with many erect, delicate lobes.
The sporangia are stalked, shield-shaped structures borne at right angles to the main axis of the cone
and borne on sporangiophores.
The archegonia produce the egg and the antheridia the antherizoid mother cell which gives rise to
numerous sperm cells.
Fertilization is in water medium and results in a diploid (2n) oospore which gives rise to an embryo
that develops into a branching rhizome. This subsequently produces erect aerial shoots and numerous
adventitious roots.
At the present time Equisetum is neither ecologically important on a world basis, nor of great
economic value.
About a century ago it was used for scrubbing and polishing floors, pots and pans.
Their fossils contributed much to the world’s coal deposits. It has often been suggested that silicon
being an essential element in the plant nutrition due to Equisetum accumulating large amounts and
therefore shows promise as a genus in which the details of silicon metabolism could be studied and
Division Polypodiophyta (Ferns)
This division comprises of the ferns (about 7,600 species), most of which are shade-loving plants
of small size, their upright leaves or fronds generally being their most prominent feature.
Ferns are basically terrestrial plants that grow well in moist, shady, cool places.
They are able to grow and reproduce when there is abundance of water, either free water or very
moist soil.
All ferns are perennial and herbaceous and range in size from small aquatic to giant tree ferns that
may grow to over 12 m tall.
Ferns exhibit alternation of generations with sporophyte generation being large and long-lived
(dominant phase).
The two generations are independent at maturity.
The sporophyte is always photosynthetic, and the gametophyte is usually so, but in some species
are subterranean, colorless, saprophytic and mycorrhizal.
The fern sporophyte is differentiated into true stems, roots and leaves with vascular supply.
Young fronds are CIRCINATE ie. coiled inwards on the upper surface and are characterized by
great apical growth and present only in the ferns.
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
The young leaves are commonly called fiddleheads.
The lateral leaflets borne by the axis or rachis are known as the pinnules. As the leaf expands, it
uncoils and becomes flat. This is true not only for the rachis but of the leaflets too.
Generally, sporangia are thick or thin walled, homosporous or heterosporous, borne on
unmodified foliage or on specialized fertile leaves.
Gametophyte or prothallus is a flat, green, heart-shaped structure with rhizoids on its lower
They may be short lived and bear both antheridia and archegonia. The antheridia are borne lower
down the gametophyte, closer to the rhizoids. The archegonia are borne closer to the notched end
of the gametophyte and consist of a short neck, venter that encloses the egg cell.
Fertilization occurs when moisture is present with the sperm swimming to the neck of the
The resulting zygote is diploid and rapidly develops into an embryo sporophyte; comprising of
foot, root, stem and leaf. The embryo develops directly into a young sporophyte.
While ferns are not used in industry, they are of economic importance in some rather specialized ways
especially in medicine, food and as ornamentals.the rhizomes of Polypodium glycerrhiza are used
Lecture Notes BOT211 Lower Plants
commercially to a limited extent in flavoring pipe tobacco. The juice extracted from rhizomes of
Ophioglossum vulgatum and Botrychium lunaris were used to stop vomiting, nose bleeding and treat
ulcer. The now seldom used de-worming drug – Aspidium is obtained from Dryopteris filix-mas.
Athyrium filix-fermina and Pteridium aquilineum are also reported to be useful in controlling worms in
both livestock and humans. The old foliage of all three species, but especially D. filix-max, has been
reported to be poisonous when used in large quantities. An extract of P. aquilineum is used as an
astringent (a substance that draws tissues together). Adiantum pedatum was used by the American Indians
in making ointments for treating inflammation of the skin.
Marsilea vestita has been used in some places as horse fodder. It is also considered a weed in areas where
its growth gets out of control. Some species of Pellaea are poisonous to livestock. Salvinia molesta – a
native of South America has been introduced to almost all continents and has become a serious weed. It
has been seriously considered as a source of livestock fodder as it is reported to produce over 100 tons of
dry matter per hectare annually.
Blue green algae live symbiotically with the fern Azolla. It has been established that, for example in
China over 3 million acres of rice fields planted with Azolla containing nitrogen fixing species of
Anabaena as symbionts.
Several ferns are cultivated as ornamentals; among these are Woodwardia fimbrianta, Polystichum
lonchitis and species of Adiantum and Woodsia.
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