Decreased Cardiac Output RT Hypertension

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Jessa Mae G.

Felisco Med A Rotation

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning/Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Decreased Cardiac Within 8 hours of Independent: After 8 hours of

”Nagluya akong Output rt nursing nursing
paminaw, nabuyod Hypertension interventions, - Monitor vital - To asses interventions,
gani ko maong di patient’s vital signs signs effectivenes patient’s vital signs
pd ko layhan will show adequate s of show adequate
magsige ug cardiac output as medication cardiac output as
lingkod” as evidenced by: and be alert evidenced by:
verbalized by the for any
patient - Blood immediate - Blood
- Noted pressure intervention pressure
episodes of and heart s and heart
Nausea rate will rate has
after meals return within - Gather - To return within
and drinking normal health determine normal
meds range history and the potential range
- Dyspnea - Absence of identify risk causes and - Absence of
during sleep edema factors appropriate edema
or with - active intervention - active
exertion participation s participation
in different in different
Objective: relaxation - Assess the - To note for relaxation
- Bipedal techniques peripheral any techniques
edema for stress pulse decreased for stress
Grade 1 managemen tissue managemen
- Visible t perfusion t
striae on - Absence of - Absence of
both arms dyspnea - Evaluate - To assess dyspnea
- Clammy, - Adherence reports of for any - Adherence
cool skin to diet and extreme signs of to diet and
- On soft diet, lifestyle fatigue and poor lifestyle
low salt, low modification progressive ventricular modification
cholesterol - Demonstrat shortness of function and - Demonstrat
with SAP e breath apply e
- On oxygen compliance appropriate compliance
@ 2 lpm via on managemen on
nasal medication t medication
cannula managemen managemen
Vital signs: t - Elevate the - To facilitate t
BP: 180/110 mmHg - Verbalize head of the lung - Verbalize
Pulse: 134 bpm future bed expansion future
O2 sat: 98% activities for and activities for
RR: 27 cpm the maintain the
Capillary Refill: 4 improvemen appropriate improvemen
secs t of cardiac oxygenation t of cardiac
health level health

- Initiate - Stress can

relaxation contribute to
techniques blood
such as pressure,
deep relaxation
breathing techniques
help in the

- Encourage - To slowly
the patient promote
to sit on the activity and
bed and increase the
dangle the strength of
feet the cardiac

- Provide a - To avoid
calm and any trigger
quiet of stress

- Administer - Antihyperte
prescribed nsive
medication medications
help in
lowering the

- Administer - To relieve
oxygen as shortness of
ordered breath


- Educate the - To help

patient on manage and
lifestyle control
modification blood
s pressure

- Collaborate - To provide a
with the better
dietitian on understandi
the ng and
prescribed allow
diet adherence

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