1. The client has ineffective tissue perfusion related to hypertension and hyperglycemia caused by atherosclerotic aorta.
2. Goals are to increase tissue perfusion, demonstrate lifestyle changes, and understand their condition. Interventions include removing restrictions, encouraging ambulation, range of motion exercises, and discussing health problems and medications.
3. Evaluation shows goals were met as tissue perfusion improved, diet is closely monitored and mild exercises performed, and the patient understands their condition and treatment plan.
1. The client has ineffective tissue perfusion related to hypertension and hyperglycemia caused by atherosclerotic aorta.
2. Goals are to increase tissue perfusion, demonstrate lifestyle changes, and understand their condition. Interventions include removing restrictions, encouraging ambulation, range of motion exercises, and discussing health problems and medications.
3. Evaluation shows goals were met as tissue perfusion improved, diet is closely monitored and mild exercises performed, and the patient understands their condition and treatment plan.
1. The client has ineffective tissue perfusion related to hypertension and hyperglycemia caused by atherosclerotic aorta.
2. Goals are to increase tissue perfusion, demonstrate lifestyle changes, and understand their condition. Interventions include removing restrictions, encouraging ambulation, range of motion exercises, and discussing health problems and medications.
3. Evaluation shows goals were met as tissue perfusion improved, diet is closely monitored and mild exercises performed, and the patient understands their condition and treatment plan.
1. The client has ineffective tissue perfusion related to hypertension and hyperglycemia caused by atherosclerotic aorta.
2. Goals are to increase tissue perfusion, demonstrate lifestyle changes, and understand their condition. Interventions include removing restrictions, encouraging ambulation, range of motion exercises, and discussing health problems and medications.
3. Evaluation shows goals were met as tissue perfusion improved, diet is closely monitored and mild exercises performed, and the patient understands their condition and treatment plan.
Ineffective tissue P Client will be Independent: 1. Goal Met perfusion related H able to -Remove restrictive - to allow optimum -Although to hypertension Y 1. Increase devices as ordered circulation hypertension, and S tissue hyperglycemia, hyperglycemia, I perfusion -Encourage pt to -to enhance venous and atheromatous secondary to O 2.demonstrat ambulate as tolerated return aorta is still atheromatous L e behavioural present, tissue aorta, as O and lifestyle -Recommend or perfusion is manifested by G change perform ROM -to avoid venous pooling improved as thickened arterial I 3. Verbalize exercises and enhance venous manifested by wall and build-up C understanding return capillary refill: of plaque as of condition -Reposition pt 2sec, radial pulse shown by x-ray N regularly -to avoid skin ulceration 75bpm (palpable) result E E -Discuss health 2. Goal Met Subjective Cues: D problem and -to promote cooperation -His diet is closely -Extremities pain medication with the pt and compliance monitored, mild and cramping exercises are -Difficulty -Discuss importance of performed ambulating lifestyle change - to allow continuous through -Paresthesia Dependent: recovery and health care ambulation and -Administer prescribed assisted exercises. medications -to treat underlying Objective Cues: condition 3. Goal Met -Radial pulse: 52 -Administer fluid, - Patient bpm (+1: barely electrolytes, nutrients, -to promote optimal verbalizes palpable) and oxygen circulation and organ understanding of -Capillary refill: Collaborative: function the disease and 3sec -Assist with demonstrates -Pale medical/surgical -to treat underlying adherence to procedures condition therapeutic regiment and diet.
Activating The Emergency Operation Center (EOC) in The City of Mandaue For COVID-19 Intensified Prevention Measures and Response Management, Providing For Its Composition and Other Purposes 2