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Exercise Program

It is a planned activity detailing a range of physical exercises and the amount of time each exercise
should be performed where it is typically tailored to individuals' needs.

When you design your exercise program, points to keep in mind include:

1. a goal or aim

2. have a Maximum Heart rate and Target Heart Rate

3. apply the principles of training

4. plan a training session

5. an exercise log to monitor your progress

Health Benefits of Exercise and Exercise Program

An exercise program that is designed specifically for you is a great way to stay physically and mentally
fit. It also provides many other benefits, including

✓ improved condition of the heart and lungs

✓ increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness

✓ improved muscle tone and strength

✓ weight management

✓ better coordination, agility and flexibility

A SMART Guide to Goal Setting


S (Specific) Write down want you want to achieve.

M (Measurable)Write down amounts, times, days, and othermeasure factors

A (Achievable)Your goals should be realistic

R (Relevant)Your goal should be important to you

T (Trackable)

Recording your progress helps you see what you have achieved

Monitoring Health Practices

1. I get enough sleep

2. I consult a doctor when I observe something unusual in my body.

3. I exercise regularly

4. I eat fruits and vegetables.

5. I don't smoke.

6. I avoid eating foods that are too salty, sweet or fatty.

7. I properly manage my stress.

8. I make sure that the food I eat is nutritious.

9. I drink enough amount of water a day.

10. I monitor my weight regularly.


Treating Sports Injuries

Muscle sprain - an abnormal stretching or tearing of a ligament that supports a joint

Follow the RICE method to keep your injury from getting worse:

R: Rest the injury.

I: Ice the injury to lessen swelling, bleeding, and inflammation.

C: Apply a compression bandage to minimize swelling.

E: Elevate the injury to reduce swelling.

Muscle Cramps - is a sudden contraction of muscle that may feel extremely painful.

First Aid Treatment: Muscle Cramps

Cramps usually will relieve on their own without treatment. Make sure always calm down and relax by
having slow deep breathing through mouth.

To speed the healing process, we can:

1. Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle.

2. Apply an ice massage to the cramped muscle

3. If leg cramps, fully straightening the leg and bending over and grabbing the end of the toes, the cramp
will eventually relieve.

4. Application of muscle pain relief cream

5. Drink beverages contain potassium, such as water

Heat Exhaustion a condition usually develops gradually, and caused by loss of salt and water from the
body through excessive sweating. It is more common in persons who are accostomed to exercising in a
hot, humid environment

First Aid Treatment. Heat Exhaustion

1. Help the athlete to lie down in a cool place. Raise and support her legs. (raising the legs improves
blood flow to the brain)

2. Provided the athlete is conscious, help her to sip plenty of weak salt solution (one teaspoon per litre
of water)

3. If recovery is rapid, advise the casualty to see her own doctor.

4. IF the athlete becomes unconscious, place her in the recovery position. Call your local emergency
number for an ambulance.

Monitoring Health Practices

1. I get enough sleep.

2. I consult a doctor when I observe something unusual in my body.

3. I exercise regularly.

4. I eat fruits and vegetables.

5. I don't smoke.

6. I avoid eating foods that are too salty, sweet or fatty.

7. I properly manage my stress.

8. I make sure that the food I eat is nutritious.

9. I drink enough amount of water a day.

10. I monitor my weight regularly.


Healthy Strength Training

• Make a progressive resistance strength-training program a priority in your weekly schedule.

Strength train at least once a week; even better, twice a week.

Find a facility where you feel comfortable training and where you can get good professional guidance.

Learn the proper technique for each exercise.

Train with a friend or group of friends.

Consume a pre-exercise snack consisting of a combination of carbohydrates and some protein about 30
to 60 minutes before each strength-training session.

Use a minimum of 8 to 10 exercises that involve all major muscle groups of your body

Perform at least one set of each exercise to near muscular fatigue.

To enhance protein synthesis, consume one post exercise snack with a 4-to1 gram ratio of
carbohydrates to protein immediately following strength training and a second snack one hour

Allow at least 48 hours between strength-training sessions that involve the same muscle groups.

Bruises, strains and sprains Remember R.I.C.E.

•Rest-stop performing if swollen or limping

• Ice-apply ice pack (wrapped in a wet cloth) for 15 minutes, every 2 hours for 24 hours, then for 15
minutes every 4 hours

for the next 24 hours

• Compress-apply elastic bandage, firmly to extend well beyond the injury (do not leave on overnight)

• Elevate-raise the limb so that the injured part is just above the level of the heart Support an arm with a
sling Support small joint injuries with an elastic bandage

Cramp or tight muscles

• If the area is very tender, treat as if for a sprain or strain.

•If the whole muscle is in spasm, try a slow stretch then massage. stroking towards the heart.

• In hot conditions beware of dehydration

Heat exhaustion:

• Get the person out of the sun and into a shady or air-conditioned location

• Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly • Loosen or remove the person's clothing

• Have the person drink cool water or other non-alcoholic beverage without caffeine.

. Cool the person by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning

Monitor the person carefully Heat exhaustion can quickly become heatstroke

• Call emergency medical help if the person's condition deteriorates, especially if fainting, confusion or
seizures occur, or if fever of 104°F

(40°C) or greater occurs with other symptoms

Monitoring Health Practices

1. I get enough sleep

2. I consult a doctor when I observe something unusual in my body.

3. I exercise regularly.

4. I eat fruits and vegetables.

5. I don't smoke.

6. I avoid eating foods that are too salty, sweet or fatty.

7. I properly manage my stress.

8. I make sure that the food I eat is nutritious.

9. I drink enough amount of water a day.

10. I monitor my weight regularly.

The US Department of Health and Human Services cited the benefits of regular physical activity.
Accordingly, strong and moderate evidence suggests that regular physical activity improves health in the
following ways:

•Reduces the risk of:

A. Early death

B.Heart disease

C. Stroke

D. Type 2 diabetes

E. High blood pressure

F. Adverse blood lipid profile

G. Metabolic syndrome

H. Colon and breast cancers

• Helps in the prevention of weight gain

•Helps with weight loss when combined with a diet

•Increase cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness.

•. Prevents falls.

•Reduces depression

•Improves cognitive function for older adults

A. Improves functional health for older adults.

B. Improves functional health for older adults.

•Helps reduce abdominal obesity


Treating Sports Injuries

Muscle sprain - an abnormal stretching or tearing of a ligament that supports a joint

Follow the RICE method to keep your injury from getting worse:

R: Rest the injury.

I: Ice the injury to lessen swelling, bleeding, and inflammation.

C: Apply a compression bandage to minimize swelling.

E: Elevate the injury to reduce swelling.

Muscle Cramps - is a sudden contraction of muscle that may feel extremely painful.

First Aid Treatment: Muscle Cramps

Cramps usually will relieve on their own without treatment. Make sure always calm down and relax by
having slow deep breathing through mouth.

To speed the healing process, we can:

1. Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle.

2. Apply an ice massage to the cramped muscle

3. If leg cramps, fully straightening the leg and bending over and grabbing the end of the toes, the cramp
will eventually relieve.

4. Application of muscle pain relief cream

5. Drink beverages contain potassium, such as water

Monitoring Health Practices

1. I get enough sleep.

2. I consult a doctor when I observe something unusual in my body.

3. I exercise regularly.

4. I eat fruits and vegetables.

5. I don't smoke.

6. I avoid eating foods that are too salty, sweet or fatty.

7. I properly manage my stress.

8. I make sure that the food I eat is nutritious.

9. I drink enough amount of water a day.

10. I monitor my weight regularly.

The US Department of Health and Human Services cited the benefits of regular physical activity.
Accordingly, strong and moderate evidence suggests that regular physical activity improves health in the
following ways:

•Reduces the risk of:

A. Early death
B.Heart disease

C. Stroke

D. Type 2 diabetes

E. High blood pressure

F. Adverse blood lipid profile

G. Metabolic syndrome

H. Colon and breast cancers

• Helps in the prevention of weight gain

•Helps with weight loss when combined with a diet

•Increase cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness.

•. Prevents falls.

•Reduces depression

•Improves cognitive function for older adults

A. Improves functional health for older adults.

B. Improves functional health for older adults.

•Helps reduce abdominal obesity


jogging is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. Jogging is a form of running at a slow or leisurely
pace. The main intention is to increase physical fitness with less stress on the body than from faster
running, or to maintain a steady speed for longer periods of time. Performed over long distances, it is a
form of aerobic endurance training. A person can find places to jog almost everywhere. The lone
requirement to prevent injuries is a good pair of shoes.

The Benefits of Jogging

Why run? The reasons are many

It's one of the most efficient ways to achieve aerobic fitness.

It helps you lose weight.

It can be done inexpensively.

It's convenient indoors or out

It's a good stress reliever.

You can run alone or with others for social interaction.

✓ Prevent diseases

Nature of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD)

Here are some common Non-Communicable Diseases

1. Allergy is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system. The allergic reaction-is
misguided in that these foreign substances are usually harmless. The substances that trigger allergy are
called allergen. Examples include pollens, dust mite, molds, danders and certain foods People prone to
allergies are said to be allergic.

The most common signs and symptoms include:

• Runny nose

• Stuffy nose

• Sneezing

• Nasal itching (rubbing)

• Itchy ears and throat

. Post nasal drip (throat clearing)

2. Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways (the tubes that carry air into and out of the
fungs) to become inflamed, which means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucos. The muscles
surrounding the airways also tend to tighten, which makes the already clogged airways even narrower.

The following are the signs and symptoms of asthma.

. Shortness of breath



Chest tightness

Asthma may be prevented through lifestyle changes, activity reduction, allergy-shots, and medications.

3. Cardiovascular disease is the disease of the heart and blood vessels.

These include heart diseases and vascular diseases.

a. Heart (cardio) Diseases

B. Vascular (blood vessel) diseases.

Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is higher than normal Blood pressure
is the force of the blood on the inside walls of the blood vessels.

Aneurysm is an excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall.

4. CANCER is caused by abnormal cells growing without control. As these abnormal cells grow, they form
in masses called tumors. Tumors can either be:

•Benign- masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not spread.

• Malignant- masses of cells that are cancerous. They may spread to other parts of the body by moving
along the blood vessels or through the lymph system. This spreading is called metastasis.

Warning Signs of Cancer: Remember the word CAUTION-UP!

C-hange in bowel or bladder habits.

A-sore that does that not heal.

U-nusual bleeding or discharge.

T-hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

I-ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing

O-bvious change in wart or mole

N-agging cough or hoarseness

U-nexplained weight loss

P-resistent hoarseness

Cancer maybe diagnosed in different ways:

Biopsy-the doctor may take a piece of tissue.

Curretage- a tissue from within the body is removed

X-ray-a quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body. For some types of
X-ray tests, a contrast medium such as iodine or barium provide greater detail on the images. is
introduced into your body to

Treatment of Cancer

Surgery This involves removal of tumor and repair of the affected organ

Radiation Therapy or radiotherapy This involves attacking the cancer cells with X-rays or with rays or
particles from radioactive substances such as cobalt-60 or radium.

Drug Therapy or chemotherapy- This has become an increasingly important method of cancer
treatment. Drugs have been proven effective especially in treating leukemia and lymphoma

5. Diabetes is a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy Carbohydrates are
normally changed into a simple sugar called glucose (a source of energy) Insulin, the hormone produced
in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the blood

Type I- Diabetes is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas. This can be due to a
defective immune system which attacks the cells that produce insulin. This kind of diabetes usually
begins before the age of 40.
Type II- Diabetes is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas or failure of the insulin to
function normally. Most often it begins in overweight adults.


Nature of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD)

Here are some common Non-Communicable Diseases

1. Allergy is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system. The allergic reaction-is
misguided in that these foreign substances are usually harmless. The substances that trigger allergy are
called allergen. Examples include pollens, dust mite, molds, danders and certain foods People prone to
allergies are said to be allergic.

The most common signs and symptoms include:

• Runny nose

• Stuffy nose

• Sneezing

• Nasal itching (rubbing)

• Itchy ears and throat

. Post nasal drip (throat clearing)

2. Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways (the tubes that carry air into and out of the
fungs) to become inflamed, which means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucos. The muscles
surrounding the airways also tend to tighten, which makes the already clogged airways even narrower.

The following are the signs and symptoms of asthma.

. Shortness of breath


Chest tightness

Asthma may be prevented through lifestyle changes, activity reduction, allergy-shots, and medications.

3. Cardiovascular disease is the disease of the heart and blood vessels.

These include heart diseases and vascular diseases.

a. Heart (cardio) Diseases

B. Vascular (blood vessel) diseases.

Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is higher than normal Blood pressure
is the force of the blood on the inside walls of the blood vessels.

Aneurysm is an excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall.

4. CANCER is caused by abnormal cells growing without control. As these abnormal cells grow, they form
in masses called tumors. Tumors can either be:

•Benign- masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not spread.

• Malignant- masses of cells that are cancerous. They may spread to other parts of the body by moving
along the blood vessels or through the lymph system. This spreading is called metastasis.

Warning Signs of Cancer: Remember the word CAUTION-UP!

C-hange in bowel or bladder habits.

A-sore that does that not heal.

U-nusual bleeding or discharge.

T-hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

I-ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing

O-bvious change in wart or mole

N-agging cough or hoarseness

U-nexplained weight loss

P-resistent hoarseness

Cancer maybe diagnosed in different ways:

Biopsy-the doctor may take a piece of tissue.

Curretage- a tissue from within the body is removed

X-ray-a quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body. For some types of X-
ray tests, a contrast medium such as iodine or barium provide greater detail on the images. is
introduced into your body to

Treatment of Cancer

Surgery This involves removal of tumor and repair of the affected organ

Radiation Therapy or radiotherapy This involves attacking the cancer cells with X-rays or with rays or
particles from radioactive substances such as cobalt-60 or radium.

Drug Therapy or chemotherapy- This has become an increasingly important method of cancer
treatment. Drugs have been proven effective especially in treating leukemia and lymphoma

5. Diabetes is a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy Carbohydrates are
normally changed into a simple sugar called glucose (a source of energy) Insulin, the hormone produced
in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the blood

Type I- Diabetes is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas. This can be due to a
defective immune system which attacks the cells that produce insulin. This kind of diabetes usually
begins before the age of 40.

Type II- Diabetes is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas or failure of the insulin to
function normally. Most often it begins in overweight adults.


Nature of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD)

Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens or disease- causing organisms such as
bacteria or viruses, but rather, by how people live, by the conditions with which they are bom or by the
hazards around them. It also includes diseases caused by a breakdown of the body tissues (degenerative
diseases), poor diet, environmental and occupational hazards, stress and tension.

Here are some common Non-Communicable Diseases

1. Allergy is a misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system. The allergic reaction-is
misguided in that these foreign substances are usually harmless. The substances that trigger allergy are
called allergen. Examples include pollens, dust mite, molds, danders and certain foods People prone to
allergies are said to be allergic.

a. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is the most common of the allergic diseases and is characterized by
seasonal nasal symptoms that are due to pollens. Year round or perennial allergic rhinitis is usually due
to indoor allergens, such as dust mites or molds, Symptoms result from the inflammation of the tissues
that line the inside of the nose (mucus lining or membranes) after allergens are inhaled. Adjacent areas,
such as the ears, sinuses, and throat can also be involved.

The most common signs and symptoms include:

• Runny nose

• Stuffy nose

• Sneezing

• Nasal itching (rubbing)

• Itchy ears and throat

. Post nasal drip (throat clearing)

b. Allergic conjunctivitis) is inflammation of the tissue layers (membranes) that cover the surface of the
eyeball and the undersurface of the eyelid. The inflammation occurs as a result of an allergic reaction
and features:

Redness under the lids and the eyes

• Watery, itchy eyes

• Swelling of the membranes

c. Allergic eczema is an allergic rash that is usually caused by skin contact with an allergen and features
the following signs.

. Itching, redness, and or dryness of the skin

. Rash on the face, especially among children

Rash around the eyes, in the elbow

creases, and behind the knees, especially in adults

d. Hives (urticaria) are skin reactions that appear as itchy swellings and can occur on any part of the
body Hives can be caused by an allergic reaction, such as to a food or medication, but they also may
occur in non-allergic people.

Typical sign and symptom of hives are

Raised red welts or swollen mark

Intense itching

E. Allergic shock or (anaphylactic shock) is a life-threatening reaction that can affect a number of organs
at the same time. It typically occurs when the allergen is eaten (for example, foods) or injected (for
example, a bee sting) Allergic shock is caused by dilated and leaky blood vessels, which result in a drop
in blood pressure. Some or all of the following signs and symptoms may occur

Hives or reddish discoloration of the skin

Nasal congestion

Swelling of the throat

Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting

Shortness of breath, wheezing (breathed with a whistling sound in the chest)

Low blood pressure

2. Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways (the tubes that carry air into and out of the
fungs) to become inflamed, which means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucos. The muscles
surrounding the airways also tend to tighten, which makes the already clogged airways even narrower.

The following are the signs and symptoms of asthma.

. Shortness of breath



Chest tightness

Asthma may be prevented through lifestyle changes, activity reduction, allergy-shots, and medications.

3. Cardiovascular disease is the disease of the heart and blood vessels.

These include heart diseases and vascular diseases.

a. Heart (cardio) Diseases

•Congenital heart disease is an abnormality in the heart's structure that you're born with.

•Congestive heart failure is the inability of the heart to keep up with the demands on it, with failure of
the heart to pump blood with normal efficiency. When this occurs, the heart is unable to provide
adequate blood flow to other organs, such as the brain, liver, and kidneys.

Arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart beats with an aregular or abnormal rhythm
•Rheumatic heart disease active or inactive disease of the heart that results from theumatic fever and
that is characterized by reduced functional capacity of the heart caused by inflammatory changes in the
myocardium or scarring of the valves

•Myocardial infraction (heart attack) occurs when the heart muscle tissue dies from lack of oxygen
because of reduced blood flow. Heart attack is fatal when the large part of the heart is affected

B. Vascular (blood vessel) diseases.

Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is higher than normal Blood pressure
is the force of the blood on the inside walls of the blood vessels.

Aneurysm is an excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall.

4. CANCER is caused by abnormal cells growing without control. As these abnormal cells grow, they form
in masses called tumors. Tumors can either be:

•Benign- masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not spread.

• Malignant- masses of cells that are cancerous. They may spread to other parts of the body by moving
along the blood vessels or through the lymph system. This spreading is called metastasis.

Warning Signs of Cancer: Remember the word CAUTION-UP!

C-hange in bowel or bladder habits.

A-sore that does that not heal.

U-nusual bleeding or discharge.

T-hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

I-ndigestion or difficulty in swallowing

O-bvious change in wart or mole

N-agging cough or hoarseness

U-nexplained weight loss

P-resistent hoarseness
Cancer maybe diagnosed in different ways:

Biopsy-the doctor may take a piece of tissue.

Curretage- a tissue from within the body is removed

X-ray-a quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body. For some types of X-
ray tests, a contrast medium such as iodine or barium provide greater detail on the images. is
introduced into your body to

Treatment of Cancer

Surgery This involves removal of tumor and repair of the affected organ

Radiation Therapy or radiotherapy This involves attacking the cancer cells with X-rays or with rays or
particles from radioactive substances such as cobalt-60 or radium.

Drug Therapy or chemotherapy- This has become an increasingly important method of cancer
treatment. Drugs have been proven effective especially in treating leukemia and lymphoma

5. Diabetes is a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy Carbohydrates are
normally changed into a simple sugar called glucose (a source of energy) Insulin, the hormone produced
in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the blood

Type I- Diabetes is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas. This can be due to a
defective immune system which attacks the cells that produce insulin. This kind of diabetes usually
begins before the age of 40.

Type II- Diabetes is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas or failure of the insulin to
function normally. Most often it begins in overweight adults.

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