• Frequency is how often you exercise. Usually, we can measure this by the
number of days each week.
• Type refers to what kind of exercise you are doing. For example, you might
do a cardiovascular activity (also known simply as 'cardio'), strength
training, or a combination of the two.
• Time refers to the time of day you exercise and how long each session lasts.
When setting up your targets, it is very significant to be practical and realistic. How
much time you can spend exercises each day or week?
• Flexibility is one of the best things about FITT. You can make adjustments based on
your physical condition.The application of F.I.T.T. Principles can drive you to make a
simple fitness plan target. Setting these principles and used this guide to have a better
Moderate Physical Activity refers to activities that are not too easy
and not too hard. This kind of activity requires a moderate amount of effort
and noticeably accelerates the heart rate.
Vigorous Physical Activity increase the heart rate and make you sweat and may
let you enjoy being active even more. You may play games with lots of
running involved, say, basketball. You may also do running or jogging,
or other sports like football, tennis, and swimming.
The Physical Activity Pyramid above shows various physical activities that you can do
for a better and healthy lifestyle. Activities that are enumerated in Step 1 are
categorized as Moderate Physical Activities, whereas those listed in Step 2 and Step 3
are classified as Vigorous Physical Activities. Various exercises are also stated in Step
3 and Step 4 of the pyramid. Engaging in such activities for at least 60 minutes per day
will help you
become a healthy and active individual.
•Being physically active is an important part of your growth and development, especially
if done regularly. It is a great way to spend time with friends, meet new people, feel
good, and break up long stretches of playing online games and watching movies. It is
invigorating to move the entire body, even by just cheering, or running after the ball.
•Being active every day can help teenagers achieve the following:
✓ improve heart health and fitness
✓ develop strong muscles
✓ develop strong bones
Heart Rate (Pulse Rate). This is the number of heart beats per minute or the times per
minute that the heart contracts. It indicates the effort your heart is doing based on the
demands you place on your body.
Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR), This refers to the highest number of
times your heart can contract in one minute. This can be computed using this
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). This is a subjective measure of how hard a person
feels like they’re working during physical activity. This observation is based on elevated
heart rate, increased breathing, and muscle fatigue (Healthline, 2020).
RESTING HEART RATE – This is the number of beats in one minute when you are at
complete rest. The ideal resting heart rate for adults is 60-100 bpm
RECOVERY HEART RATE - This is the heart rate that our body will decrease to after
an exercise session.
Overexertion. This refers to the pressure one put in himself or herself, too
much pressure that leads to a simple discomfort that might extend to worse,
Hypothermia. This happens when the body loses temperature particularly heat faster
than the body is able to heat up. A person suffers hypothermia when his or her body
temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius.
Emergency Personnel – detailed First Aid arrangements for on-site emergencies; may
consist of teachers, physicians and nurses, athleticcoaches, security and maintenance
personnel (for schools), or community leaders, and homeowners’ association president,
(for community).
Emergency Equipment – first aid kit, wheelchair, spine board, stretche blankets, and
• Your engagement in different physical activities may also deepen you understanding
on how important and relevant health and fitness in addressing health problems.
• You have a lot of options in your community on what physical activities you will be
participating with; like fun runs, dance competitions, marathons, sports tournaments,
summer sports clinics, outdoor recreation events, talks, seminars, or conferences,
school, clubs, community or company events.
• Finally, your self-motivation and discipline will be the keys in your participation to your
journey to an active lifestyle.
Vigorous activities -increase their heart rate and make them sweat and may let them
enjoy being active even more.
Teenagers may also join groups like community youth clubs such as scouting which will
keep them physically active while getting new knowledge or learning new skills. They
may also develop their leadership skills.
4. Determine what do you want to have during with your event. (Is this open for all or
not? Are you going to have mini games? Do you want to give prizes? Is there going to
be a registration fee or for a cause?
5. Count the number of people who will be involved in your event. (This will affect to
your budget. Set your budget according to your initial plan.)
6. Once you have finalized the budget and the activities, you can start finalizing your
event or program, too.
-Exercise is a type of physical activity that enhances health and fitness like aerobic
exercise and some aerobics activities and muscle-bone strengthening activities.
-Exercise is a great treatment for depression and it will make your sleep better.
-The benefits of aerobics exercise are: to strengthen the heart muscle, lower blood
pressure and lower risk of diabetes and cancer. It can burn fat more effectively.
-We need to be reminded that being physically fit can help you to get improve your
self-esteem, develop your confidence and boost your immune system.
-Regular aerobic activities can help you live healthier and longer.