Devotional Assignment Script On Why We Sing

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Introduction: Singing in church today is gradually becoming more of specials or choir / solo ministration,
whereas the congregational singing should be the ultimate singing in the church. I will not talk about
why the congregational singing is diminishing but I will rather and briefly talk about why we sing in the

1. Singing in church aids the teaching and learning of the word of God: Deut. 31:30 says “ And
Moses recited the words of this song from beginning to end in the hearing of the who whole
assembly of Israel:” The word of God taught or learnt in songs is difficult to forget. Singing is
louder in the heart than ordinary words. I can personal testify that right from my childhood I
have known about Job, Hannah, Mary and Joseph through my church choir who put their story
to music.
2. Singing remains one of the best ways to express our feelings of joy, sorrow etc to God. Those are
what we find in the book of Psalms.
3. Singing is a natural and most sincere response of worship for anyone who has a personal
experience of God. Hannah, Moses, Miriam, Mary, Zechariah, Simeon etc. all raised songs of
praise confirm this truth. Even angels chorused “Gloria in excelsis Deo” after the annunciation of
Jesus’ birth.
4. Our message of salvation – the gospel gives us another reason to sing and it is enough to be
sung to the whole world because singing is an effective means of communication of all times.
5. We sing because the joy , the happiness, and the hope we have in Christ who came to die and
save us to give us eternal life that no Governor or President of any nation could give. That is
enough music for the church.
Let me also mention some reasons as discussed by my lecturer Dr. Lewis
6. Congregational singing connects us with those who have gone before and reminds us that
Christianity is a movement that is bigger than our tiny short lives.
7. Singing empowers the congregation to actively participate in worship. I guess that may not
happen in other aspects of worship.
8. Singing unites the congregation in its expression of worship and devotion to the Lord. This is
where all of us – Pastors, members, the rich and the poor are equal.
9. The songs of our faith are spiritually formational. As stated by Kaithy in his book, he says “you
are what you sing”
10. Singing and making music to the Lord celebrate God’s creativity and our likeness with Him.

In conclusion, choir I encourage us to be good facilitators of good singing in the church as we

sing the chorus “ I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eyes is on the sparrow
and I know he watches me” Beloved, Let us thank God for the gift of singing. Amen.

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