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Chapter fourteen which is titled “The Dark Night of the Soul Psalm” based on Psalm

119:81–88 is where we see the Psalmist’s worse predicament. What is meant by “worse

predicament” is this- when you have enemies all around you almost swallowing you alive, it is a

bad thing. But when you believe you have a God who is greater and more powerful than your

enemies, yet this God seems to be hiding or silent or inactive or sleeping, that is the worse thing.

This is the cry of the psalmist in this session of Psalm 119, he feels rejected, frustrated and

abandoned because God seems to be doing nothing to rescue him.

Many of us God’s children presently may liken our experiences to that of the psalmist.

When it seems God is doing nothing to help, what do we do? The Psalmist held unto God’s word

in the midst of his predicament and that is what any Christian should do. We should trust God’s

word and promises. We believe the testimonies in the Bible about God. We should not abandon

God’s word because this “dark night of the soul” is always the time that one may be tempted to

throw aside the word of God and try to look for help elsewhere other than God’s.

It is definitely not an easy moment when one thinks God has failed him and yet holds fast

to His word but it has also remained the only source of strength according to the psalmist in this

chapter. You can drop everything in times of trials but do not drop the word of God because in it,

there is strength, hope, and courage to remain stable and steady in the storm. God may seem to

be hiding or silent in our moments of trials but he also works in silence and at the right time he

will show up in favour of His children. This is what He did for the Jews in the book of Esther.

The only book of the Bible where God is not mentioned but also the only book of the bible

where God is silent but active though not seen until the people saw the outcome of His silent

work in favour of His children. In our dark moment as God’s children, let us know that God is

working and so we must wait for the favourable outcome as we keep trusting Him.

Chapter fifteen is titled “Standing on a Rock” based on Psalm 119:89–96. This affirms the


- God’s word is eternal and settled in heaven. (vs.89)

- God is faithful, immutable or unchanging (vs. 90)

- God is sovereign (vs. 91)

- God’s word is sufficient. (vs. 92-93)

All these attributes of God and His word is all we need to stand strong in our times of trouble just

like the Psalmist concludes in this verses about His own situation too. If not for God and His

word, may be the Psalmist would have fallen or sank under the load of His predicament. Let trust

God and His word as we sing along with Edward Mote : “ My hope is built on nothing less than

Jesus’ blood and righteousness…”

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