Trace Elements and Its Significance in Geochemistry

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B.Sc. SEMESTER-II DATE-15/05/2020


Trace elements are those which occur in very low concentrations in common rocks (usually < 0.1 %
by weight). Their concentrations are therefore commonly expressed in parts per million (ppm) / parts
per billion (ppb).

The incorporation of a trace element in the crystal structure of one or more minerals depends largely
on its charge and radius, but also on the electro-negativity of this element, and crystal field effects.
Accordingly, a trace element will either substitute for a major element in the structure of a
crystallizing mineral, or remain in the liquid.

Unlike major elements, trace elements tend to concentrate in fewer minerals, and are therefore more
useful in formulating models for magmatic differentiation, and in some cases, in predicting the source
of a particular magma.

Trace elements most commonly used for the interpretation of the petrogenesis of igneous rocks
include: Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Rb, Ba, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb and the Rare Earth Elements [REE] (La to Lu). The
concentration of trace elements will vary with the rock type; whereas Ni and Cr show higher
concentrations in mafic and ultramafic rocks, Zr and Rb are more concentrated in acidic rocks.
Accordingly, some major or minor elements as K and P, which occur in very low concentrations in
basalts (approaching trace levels), are just as useful in petrogenetic interpretations.

Applications of trace elements to Igneous Petrogenesis

1- Testing models of magmatic differentiation using trace elements

Relies on calculating the concentrations of trace elements remaining in the liquid once a certain
amount of a particular mineral fractionates. The method can also be utilized to determine how much
partial melting is needed to produce a specific magma from a given rock type. It is therefore
invaluable for testing models of partial melting vs. fractional crystallization.

2- Determination of the depth of generation of a primary magma

Trace element contents of different types of primary magmas indicate that these can be produced by
different degrees of partial melting at different depths in the mantle.

As you are aware, primary basalts are produced by partial melting at different depths in the mantle. At
shallow depths, the mantle consists of Plagioclase lherzolite, at depths between 40 and 80 km, it
consists of spinel lherzolite, whereas at depths > 80 km, it consists of garnet lherzolite. Because
Plagioclase, Spinel and garnet concentrate Sr, V + Cr, and Heavy Rare Earth elements (HREE),
respectively, magmas produced by small degrees of partial melting at shallow depths will be depleted
in Sr, those from intermediate depths will be depleted in V and Cr, whereas those from depths > 80
km will be depleted in HREE’s.

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3) Prediction of the phases fractionating from a magma

The same rationale presented in (2) above applies for the identification of the phases which have
fractionated from a magma undergoing fractional crystallization.

Separation of:
(a) Plagioclase depletes the remaining melt in Sr and Eu,
(b) Olivine depletes it in Ni and Co,
(c) spinels deplete it in V, Cr and possibly Zn,
(d) K-feldspar in Ba and Rb etc.

4) REE and REE diagrams

REE are very useful for petrogenetic interpretations. Their concentrations in an igneous rock are
usually divided by (i.e. normalized against) their concentrations in standard chondrites or N-MORB
(normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt) in order to smooth out large differences in concentration between
one REE and the other. These normalized values are then plotted on diagrams similar to that shown
on Fig. 1, where the REE are arranged on the X-axis from the lightest element to the heaviest.

Figure 1- REE Diagram showing change in concentration of trace elements in a melt as percentage of partial melting increases. Light
REE’s (La-Gd) are less compatible as compared to heavy REE’s (Ho-Lu) which are more compatible in garnet. Thus with increase in % of
partial melting the incompatible element concentrations will decrease.

5) Discriminant diagrams

Trace elements can also be used to identify the paleotectonic setting of some volcanic rocks (i.e. to
determine where they were erupted). In this case, rather than use the absolute concentrations of trace
elements (which may have been affected by such post-magmatic processes as weathering, alteration
or metamorphism), ratios of relatively immobile trace elements (as these are least affected by post
magmatic processes).

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Figure 3 - Examples of discrimination diagrams used to infer tectonic setting of ancient
(meta)volcanics. (a) after Pearce and Cann (1973), (b) after Pearce (1982), Coish et al. (1986). (c)
after Mullen (1983) (d) and (e) after Vermeesch (2005).

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PETROLOGY (after Green, 1980).


Ni, Co, Cr Highly compatible elements. Ni and Co are concentrated in olivine, and Cr
in spinel and clinopyroxene. High concentrations indicate a mantle source,
limited fractionation, or crystal accumulation.

Zr, Hf Very incompatible elements that do not substitute into major silicate phases
(although they may replace Ti in titanite or rutile). High concentrations
imply an enriched source or extensive liquid evolution.

Nb, Ta High field-strength elements that partition into Ti-rich phases (titanite, Ti-
amphibole, Fe-Ti oxides. Typically low concentrations in subduction-related

Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Platinum group elements (PGE’s) are siderophile and used mostly to study
Os, Ir, Pd melting and crystallization in mafic-ultramafic systems in which PGEs are
typically hosted by sulfides. The Re/Os isotopic system is controlled by initial
PGE differentiation and is applied to mantle evolution and mafic melt

Sc Concentrates in pyroxenes and may be used as an indicator of pyroxene


Sr Substitutes for Ca in plagioclase (but not in pyroxene), and, to a lesser

extent, for K in K-feldspar. Behaves as a compatible element at low pressure
where plagioclase forms early, but as an incompatible element at higher
pressure where plagioclase is no longer stable.

Y Commonly incompatible. Strongly partitioned into garnet and amphibole.

Titanite and apatite also concentrate Y, so the presence of these as
accessories could have a significant effect.

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