Evans 2012
Evans 2012
Evans 2012
Geology 2012;40;783-786
doi: 10.1130/G33037.1
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GEOLOGY, September 2012; v. 40; no. 9; p. 783–786; Data Repository item 2012223 | doi:10.1130/G33037.1 | Published online 29 June 2012
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Tomkins, 2011). Results indicate that sufficient gence rate, V/Sc (n = 57), V/Ga (n = 24), Zn/Fe
oxidized material is subducted to significantly (n = 49), total Fe, the age of subduction zone,
oxidize subarc mantle on time scales shorter than and the product of subduction zone age and con-
the lifetime of a subduction zone (105–107 yr); vergence rate.
that the limit on the extent of subarc mantle oxi- Redox budget is correlated at a significant
dation is the solubility of oxidized iron, carbon, level (Fig. 3; Table 1) with convergence rate,
and sulfur in fluids that leave the subducting the age of the subduction zone, and the proxy
slab; and that the redox budget of subarc mantle for the total length of oceanic crust subducted.
increases with the age of the subduction zone. In This result is robust whether the average of
addition, the extent of oxidation should be sensi- results for each subduction zone or the full data
tive, to some extent, to convergence rate, since set is considered. V/Sc is not correlated with
the depth of fluid release affects the solubility the redox budget or the total length of crust
and efficiency of transfer of oxidized iron, car- subducted. V/Sc ratios vary from 3 to 10; based
bon, and sulfur in fluids. on the assumption of 10% melting of a spinel
If convergence is slow, then fluid release or garnet peridotite, this indicates a source
occurs at relatively shallow depths, which zone with an fO of QFM ±~1 (Mallmann and
reduces the chance of sulfate release (Newton O’Neill, 2009), lower than that estimated for
and Manning, 2005), and fluids may escape up arc regions (Fig. 2). V/Ga and Zn/Fe produce
the slab-mantle interface instead of migrating similar results. Total Fe correlates to some
into the subarc mantle. If convergence is fast, extent with redox budget (σ = 0.38), and to a
then fluid release will occur at greater depths; lesser extent with convergence rate (σ = 0.26)
fluids are likely to be more silica rich, and may and subduction zone age (σ = 0.28).
Figure 2. A: Oxidation state of olivine-spinel carry higher concentrations of sulfate (Newton The strong correlation between redox budget
pairs versus forsterite content of olivine and Manning, 2005) than fluids produced at and arc parameters suggests a causal relation-
from contrasting basalts. Calculations per- shallower depths. Fluids released from the slab ship between increased redox budget in arc
formed following Ballhaus et al. (1991). Black at depth may also infiltrate and interact with basalts and subduction zone age and/or conver-
circles—mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB);
triangles—boninites; squares—ocean is-
the subarc mantle more effectively than fluids gence rate. This relationship is robust so long as
land basalts (OIB); white circles—low-K arc derived from shallower depths. It is possible the redox budget has not been affected by degas-
magmas; gray circles—high-K arc magmas. that there is a critical convergence rate such that sing or fractionation processes during basalt
Calculated differences in oxygen fugacities convergence rates greater than the critical value ascent and eruption, or by oxidation processes
between groups are independent of spinel lead to transfer of oxidized elements to the deep subsequent to eruption. The effects of degas-
compositions (see the Data Repository [see
footnote 1]). B: Average MnO/FeO ratio of ol- mantle rather than release by devolatilization. sing and fractionation on the data set were mini-
ivine per sample suite versus average calcu- To explore these ideas, a database was con- mized by choosing the most primitive basalts,
lated ΔQFM (quartz-fayalite-magnetite) from structed that contains ferric:ferrous ratios of and it seems unlikely that degassing and/or
olivine-spinel pairs. basalts from a range of different arcs, taken fractionation processes would produce the
from the GeoRoc database (http://georoc.mpch observed correlations. Post-eruption alteration
-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/). Criteria for inclusion could also cause oxidation, and, if old basalts
the Cr-Ga oxybarometer proposed by Dare et al. of an arc in the study were (1) a lack of recent are more altered than young basalts, then the
(2009), but cannot be compared directly with subduction history related to arcs other than observed correlation between redox budget and
the results of Kelley and Cottrell (2009) because those studied; (2) a lack of continental crust subduction zone age could be caused by altera-
they did not calculate fO . The calculated differ- in the arc region; and (3) reasonable age con- tion. However, alteration would increase water
ence in fO between the sample groups is not a straints on convergence rates and arc age. Data content, and there is no correlation between this
function of spinel composition (Fig. DR1 in the for convergence rates and arc age were taken parameter and redox budget, so a role for altera-
Data Repository). from Jarrard (2003). Redox budgets (Evans, tion seems unlikely.
Mn/Fe ratios correlate with calculated fO for 2006; see the Data Repository) were calculated The cause of the relationship between redox
MORB and arc samples, including boninites for the more primitive basalts (MgO > 8%). budget, convergence rate, subduction zone age,
(Fig. 2B); this supports the validity of trends in Redox budget is an extensive variable that can and the convergence rate–subduction age prod-
the calculated fO . OIB olivines are not on the be used to measure the oxidizing capacity of a uct is difficult to identify because each pair
trend defined by the MORB and arc samples; material; high values indicate high levels of oxi- of these four parameters is significantly cor-
this may relate to the mantle source’s residual dized elements. This variable was used because related. Thus it is impossible to state whether
mineralogy (Sobolev et al., 2007). it depends on the quantity of material consid- the increased redox budget of basalts from old,
ered, and is therefore appropriate for studies of fast-converging arcs is a result of the increase
DISCUSSION element fluxes and mass balances. in the depth of fluid release associated with
Results (Fig. 2) imply that subarc mantle is Redox budgets were plotted against conver- increased convergence rate, or the cumulative
1–4 log units more oxidized than mid-ocean gence rate, time since initiation of subduction, input of oxidized material into the subduction
ridge mantle. Potential oxidants include water, and the product of convergence and subduction zone. Higher correlation coefficients are cal-
oxidized iron, sulfur, and carbon (e.g., Kelley zone age, which is a proxy for the total length culated for convergence rate and redox budget
and Cottrell, 2009) from subducting slab, sedi- of ocean crust subducted. V/Sc, V/Ga, and Zn/ than for subduction zone age and redox budget.
ments, and mantle lithosphere. Fe ratios, which are proposed proxies for subarc This may indicate that convergence rate is the
Quantitative estimates of the relationship mantle fO (e.g., Mallmann and O’Neill, 2009; more influential parameter, or it may indicate
between the oxidizing capacity of subducted Lee et al., 2010), were also calculated. Correla- that subarc mantle reaches a steady-state redox
material and increases in subarc mantle redox tion coefficients were calculated for seven arcs budget after a certain time so that inclusion
state have been made (Evans, 2012; Evans and between the redox budget (n = 158), conver- of arcs older than a critical age degrades the
RB (moles kg–1)
Izu-Bonin arcs older than 100 Ma. However, the older arcs
RB (moles kg–1)
more efficient in silica-dominated than water-
Convergence Rate (mm yr-1) Convergence Rate (mm yr-1) dominated fluids (Hermann and Spandler,
2008), and deep dehydration caused by rapid
convergence could lead to fluid release in silica-
0.7 rich supercritical fluids (Mibe et al., 2011).
Kamchatka Kurile
In addition, the lower water contents of such
0.6 melts compared to aqueous fluids may induce
RB (moles kg–1)
RB (moles kg–1)
Age (Ma) The data provided here support and help to
Age (Ma)
explain the notion of oxidized subarc mantle.
0.6 0.8
However, contradictory evidence from Zn/
0.7 Fe, V/Sc, and iron isotope data remains
0.5 Kamchatka Kurile unexplained. It may be that there are factors that
0.6 are not yet accounted for that affect the results
RB (moles kg–1)
of the relatively new trace element and isotopic
RB (moles kg–1)
0.5 techniques. For example, the data investigated
here were obtained via a range of methods, and
Marianas 0.4
0.3 Lesser Antilles it is possible that the lack of a single consistent
Greater Antilles
method and database has obscured relationships.
Yap Alternatively, it must be considered if high
0.2 subarc mantle fO is the only possible cause of
high Fe3+/Fetot in primitive arc basalts.
0.1 0.1 Water in the arc magma source zone cannot
1 10
1 10
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