Astronomy Category 2 11th 12th Grades SAMPLE TEST
Astronomy Category 2 11th 12th Grades SAMPLE TEST
Astronomy Category 2 11th 12th Grades SAMPLE TEST
a. Full Moon
b. Waxing Gibbous
c. Waning Crescent
a. 360 days b. 360 years
d. First Quarter
c. 354 years d. 354 days
3. The focal length as measured using
6. An Olympiad student fails to get a medal.
monochromatic red light of a convex lens is
The angry team leader launches him into a
denoted A. The focal length as measured using
rocket far into space and then throws him out.
monochromatic blue light of a convex lens is
The student just grazes the upper edge of the
denoted B. Then
atmosphere during his trajectory back towards
the Earth. He will:
7. If v is the escape velocity of a given 10. The star Sirius is the brightest star in the
satellite, then its orbital velocity will be: constellation of Canis Major. It has a surface
temperature of 9940 K and a radius that is 1.7
times that of the Sun. If the surface
temperature of the Sun is 6000 K, estimate the
ratio of the Luminosity of Sirius to the
Luminosity of the Sun.
a. v(1/2) b. 2(1/2) xv
c. v d. v/2(1/2)
a. remain unchanged
b. double
c. halve a. 0.8 b. 0.2 c. 0.6 d. 0.4
d. increase four-fold
12. Find the redshift of a galaxy which emits
9. The perihelion of a comet in orbit around in the Hydrogen-alpha line at 700nm. (The H-
the Sun is 0.1 AU and the aphelion of the alpha line in a laboratory is 656.28 nm)
same comet is 1.9 AU. What is the time of
revolution for this comet?
a. 0.067
b. 0.938
a. 11.5 days b. 2.62 years c. 0.063
c. 1 year d. 2.83 years d. 0
a. Star 1 by a factor of 10
b. Star 1 by a factor of 2.51
c. Star 2 by a factor of 10
d. Star 2 by a factor of 2.51
a. Median b. Mean
a. Main Sequence stars c. Mode d. Standard deviation
b. Red Dwarfs
c. White Dwarfs 17. If the sun rises at 6 am on a given day in
d. Red Giants Dhulikhel (27.6 degrees North, 85.5 degrees
East), what is a reasonable estimate for the time
15. The magnitude scale for stars in of sunrise in Dhangadhi (28.7 degrees North,
astronomy is a logarithmic scale: m1-m2 = - 80.6 degrees East)?
2.5 log (F1/F2) where F1 is the flux of star 1,
F2 is the flux of star 2, whereas m1 is the
magnitude of star 1 and m2 is the magnitude
of star 2. If star 1 has a magnitude of 1, and
star 2 has a magnitude of 2, which star has
greater flux and by what factor?
a. 5:40 am b. 6:20 am
c. 6:05 am d. 5:55 am
18. What is the angular velocity of the 22. If the Sun is located in the constellation
Earth’s rotation? of Capricorn, determine the season in the
Southern Hemisphere.
19. Which is the most distant object that can 23. The Voyager 1 spacecraft is in a trajectory
be seen with the naked eye? that will allow it to escape the gravitational
attraction of the sun. It is known that the speed
at which Voyager 1 is currently receding from
the Sun is greater than the escape velocity at
that point. Which conic section does the path of
Voyager 1 sketch?
a. Orion Nebula
b. Small Magellanic Cloud
c. Large Magellanic Cloud
d. Andromeda Galaxy