Syllabus: B.Tech
Syllabus: B.Tech
Syllabus: B.Tech
Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology
Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Course No.
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1 PC MEC4110 Mechanical Vibrations 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100 MEC3120
Semester 8:
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Credit Ranges
Credits Provided Credit Ranges for II Credit
Course Category (as per
in FY year Onwards Provided
Note: Students will be required to pass a minimum of 12 overall credit courses available on online platforms such as
MOOCS, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. and recommended by the Department.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Structure: B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
PEO-1 : To prepare graduates with a solid foundation in engineering, Science and Technology for a successful
career in Mechanical Engineering.
PEO-2 : To prepare graduates to become effective collaborators/innovators in efforts to address social,
technical and engineering challenges.
PEO-3 : To prepare graduates to engage in professional development through self-study, graduate and
professional studies in engineering & business.
PEO-4 : To equip graduates with integrity and ethical values so that they become responsible Engineers.
PSO-1 : Ability to apply engineering knowledge to solve real-world problems related to mechanical engineering
and associated disciplines.
PSO-2 : Ability to work professionally in industry or as an entrepreneur for sustainable development of society
with high ethical standards.
PSO-3 : Ability to pursue higher education, lifelong learning and contribute to nation-building
1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design / Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or process that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of
the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
healthy, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solution in societal
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member of leader in diverse
teams and in multidisciplinary settings
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long Learning: Recognize and need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Course Number :
Credits 3 :
Course Category HM :
Pre-requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 2L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course Theory:
Course Assessment :
Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives
1) Empower the students with methods of reading comprehension, analysis and interpretation of scientific and literary texts.
2) Inculcate scientific and critical thinking
3) Develop an inter-disciplinary understanding with regard to science and humanities.
4) Instruct in the ways of giving effective presentations and organizing ideas for debates and discussions.
5) Develop skills of effective communication and documentation.
Course Outcomes
Unit 1 : Text: Comprehension Questions, Summary type as well as short answer type and questions on Vocabulary for 10 passages
of the Basic Scientific English by Ewer and Latorre (Longman). Units are 1,3,4,5,8 &11 from main book and passages
4,11,13,17, from the supplement.
Unit 2 : Comprehension questions, summary or short answer types from the following supplementary readers:
1. Basic Scientific English by Ewer, J.R. and G. Latorre. London: Longman, 1969.
2. H.G. Wells' Time Machine, retold by Margery Green. London: Macmillan, 1971.
3. George Orwell's Animal Farm. India: Penguin Classics, 2013.
Suggested Books
1. Essential Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
2. Longman English Grammar Practice by L.G. Alexander. UK: Longman, 1990.
3. Really Useful English Grammar (Penguin Quick Guides). UK: Pearson Education Limited with Penguin Books, 2001.
4. English Grammar and Composition Book by Wren & Martin.
CO-PO Mapping
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Applied Physics
Course Number :
Credits 4 :
Course Category BS :
Pre-requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course Theory :
Course Assessment :
Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives
To equip the student with a strong understanding of the fundamentals of Physics so as to enable him/her to apply it to
his/her field of study. The course should enable the student to:
Course Outcomes
1. To understand basic physics of semiconductors and their consequent use in the electronic devices.
2. To develop basic understanding of lasers and optical fibres in the perspective of their technological applications.
3. To formulate the fundamental concepts of quantum behaviour of matter in its micro state.
4. To understand the rudiments of classical and quantum statistics and apply these concepts in various systems.
Unit 1 : Semiconductors: Elemental and compound semiconductors (S,1.1), Energy bands (S,3.1.2) Direct and indirect
semiconductors (S, 3.1.4), Electrons and holes (S, 3.2.1), Effective mass (S, 3.2.2), Intrinsic materials (S, 3.2.3),
Extrinsic materials (S, 3.2.4), Fermi level (S,3.3.1), Electron and hole concentration at equilibrium (S,3.3.2),
Temperature dependence of carrier concentrations (S, 3.3.3.), Compensation and space charge neutrality (S, 3.3.4),
Conductivity and mobility (S, 3.4.1), Hall effect in semiconductors (S,3.4.5)
Unit 2 : Lasers & its Applications: Basic principle, Induced absorption, Spontaneous and induced emissions, Ruby and He-
Ne lasers (B, 4.9), Semiconductor laser (W, 9.15), Characteristics of laser light and its applications based on these
characteristics (W, 4.13/4.42to4.45) (e.g., in industry, science, medicine, communications, surveying, holography,
fusion reactors, isotope separation, etc.)
Fibre Optics: Basic principle (S,7.2), Fibre construction (S,7.2.2) and dimensions (S,7.2.3), Light propagation in
fibres (S,7.2.4/1), Numerical aperture of fibres ( S, 7.2.4), Step index and graded index fibres (S,7.2.4), Signal distortion
in optical fibres (S, 7.2.5), Transmission losses (S, 7.2.6), Light wave communication in optical fibres (S,7.3).
Advantages of optical fibres over conventional system of communication.
Unit 3 : Particles and Waves: Mechanism of x- ray production (continuous and characteristic x- rays, Duane-Hunt limit) (B,
2.5/20, 21), Compton effect (B, 2.7/25 to 38), Pair production (B, 2.8/39 to 50), Phaseand group velocities (B, 3.4/ 13
to 22), Uncertainty principle (B, 3.7/30-40).
Quantum Mechanics: Introduction to quantum mechanics, Wave function, Conditions necessary for physically
acceptable wave function, Probability density and probability (B,5.1/1to5), Schrödinger equation (time dependent
and steady state or time independent forms), Eigen values and Eigen functions (B,5.3 and 5.7/11), Expectation
values (B,5.5), Particle in a box (infinite potential well) (B,5.8/12 to 23), Tunnel effect (qualitative discussion only)
(B,5.10/37& 38).
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Unit 4 : Statistical Mechanics: Statistical distributions (B, 9.1), Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics (B, 9.2/1&6), Molecular
energies in an ideal gas (B, 9.3/7 to 14), Quantum statistics (B, 9.4/15 &16), Specific heats of solids (B, 9.8), Free
electron in a metal (B, 9.9) and Electron- energy distribution(B, 9.10/36 to 51).
1. Ben G. Streetman, “Solid State Electronic Devices” 5th Edition (2000), Prentice-Hall of IndiaPrivate Limited, New Delhi.
2. Arthur Beiser, “Concepts of Modern Physics” 6th edition (2003), Mc. Graw Hills Inc.International Edition.
3. M.R. Wehr, J.A. Richards Jr. and T.W. Adair III, “Physics of the Atom” 4 th edition (1984),Addison Wesley / Narosa.
4. M.R. Srinivasan, ”Physics for Engineers” 1st Edition (1996), New Age International (P)Limited, Publishers
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Sources of water, Impurities in water, Requirements of water for municipal use, Municipal water treatment methods: Plain
sedimentation, Sedimentation with coagulation (Role of alum, sodium aluminate and copperas), filtration (operation of sand
filter), Disinfection, Requirements of a good disinfectant, Types of disinfecting agents (Bleaching powder, Liquid chlorine, Ozone,
UV radiations and Chloramine and their disinfection action), Break point chlorination, Super chlorination and de-chlorination.
Requirements of water for industrial use, Hardness of water, Units of hardness, Calculations on hardness, Determination of
hardness by soap and EDTA methods. Boiler defects: Sludge and scale formation, Priming and foaming, Boiler corrosion and
Caustic embrittlement, Boiler water treatment: External treatment (water softening methods) Lime-soda process, Zeolite process
and Ion-exchange process, Internal treatment methods, Calculations based on lime - soda and zeolite process.
Definition of fuels, Classification of fuels, Calorific value, Gross and net calorific value, Units of calorific value, Determination of
calorific value by bomb calorimeter, Dulong’s formula, Numerical problems, Coal, Classification of coal, Coal analysis (Proximate
and ultimate analysis), Significance, Classification of petroleum, Fractions of petroleum and their uses, Cracking, Thermal and
catalytic cracking (fixed bed only), Synthetic petrol, Synthesis of petrol by Fisher Tropsch process and Bergius process, Gaseous
fuels (CNG, LPG), Advantages and disadvantages of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, Combustion calculations based on solid
fuels. Definition and classification of lubricants, Functions of lubricants, Mechanism of lubrication, Liquid lubricants: petroleum
oils, purification of crude petroleum, blended oils, additives in the blended oils, Semi-solid lubricants or Greases: preparation
and their types, Solid lubricants, Selection of lubricants.
Definition, Significance of corrosion, Classification of corrosion, Dry corrosion, Mechanism of dry corrosion, Types of oxide films,
Pilling Bedworth rule, Electrochemical corrosion, Electrode potential and its measurement, Electrode reactions, Electrochemical
cell, Nernst equation, Calculations based on EMF of an electrochemical cell, Electrochemical and Galvanic series and their
importance, Mechanism of electrochemical corrosion (Corrosion of Fe in HCl and rusting of Fe), Factors influencing corrosion
rate, Corrosion control methods, Proper design (designing principles), Material selection, Cathodic protection (sacrificial and
impressed current), Metallic coatings (methods of applications, hot dipping, galvanizing, tinning). Organic Coatings: Paints,
Requirements of good paints, Constituents of paints and their functions, drying mechanism of oil, Varnishes (types, constituents),
Characteristics of good varnishes.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
UNIT 4 : High polymers (12 L)
Introduction, Homopolymers and Copolymers, Tacticity, Functionality, classification of polymers (based on origin, sources,
thermal behavior, structure, synthesis method, polymer chain growth), Types of polymerizations, Mechanism of Polymerization
(Free radical, anionic and cationic), Plastics, Advantages and disadvantages,
Thermoplastic resins: Preparation, properties and uses of cellulose acetate, PVC, PS, PTFE, Nylons, Thermosetting resins:
Preparation, properties and uses of Bakelite, Polyesters and epoxy resins, Difference between Thermoplastics and
thermosetting plastics, Molecular mass of a polymer, Types of molecular mass, Elastomers: natural rubber, Structure of natural
rubber, Extraction and processing of natural rubber from rubber plant, Limitations of natural raw rubber, Vulcanization and its
advantages, Synthetic rubbers: Preparation, properties and uses of Buna-S, Buna-N, Neoprene and Thiocol rubbers,
Compounding of rubbers.
1. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by SS. Dara, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (India).
2. Engineering Chemistry by B.K. Sharma, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., Meerut (India).
3. Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Linear Algebra-Matrices: Rank of a matrix, Consistency of a system of linear equations, Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, Eigen-values and Eigen vectors of a matrix, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization of a
matrix, Introduction of vector spaces, subspaces, finite dimensional vector spaces and examples.
Unit 2 : Curve Tracing and Successive Differentiation: Asymptotes, Tracing of curves in Cartesian, polar and parametric forms,
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin Theorems with remainder terms, Infinite series,
Ratio, Comparison and Root tests of convergence.
Unit 3 : Integration and its Applications: Improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions, Application of integration to length of
curves including intrinsic equation, surface area and volume of solids of revolution.
Unit 4 : Ordinary Differential Equation: Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, Linear differential equations of second
and higher order with constant coefficients, Homogeneous differential equations, Simultaneous linear differential
equations, Applications to physical problems, Method of variation of parameters.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective
To make the students conversant with the basic concept of ecology and environment
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Understand fundamental physical and biological principles that govern natural processes.
2. Communicate environmental scientific information to both professional and lay audiences.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of current environmental challenges.
4. Develop a basic fundamental background for the higher environmental engineering courses offered in civil engineering
Unit 2 : What is an ecosystem? Structure and function of ecosystem; Energy flow in an ecosystem: food chain, food web and
ecological succession. Case studies of the following ecosystems: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert
ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries). Environmental pollution: types,
causes, effects and controls; Air, water, soil, chemical and noise pollution. Nuclear hazards and human health risks.
Pollution case studies. Solid waste management: Control measures of urban and industrial waste. Disaster
management: floods, earthquakes, cyclones and landslides.
Unit 3 : Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Biogeography zones of India; Biodiversity
patterns and global biodiversity hot Spots. India as a mega-biodiversity nation; Endangered and endemic species of
India. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, biological invasions;
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Ecosystem and biodiversity services:
Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic and Informational value. Nature reserves, tribal population and rights,
and human, wildlife conflicts in Indian context. Human population and growth: Impacts on environment, human health
and welfares. Carbon foot-print.
Unit 4 : Environment Laws: Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act; Water (Prevention and
control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act; International agreements; Montreal and
Kyoto protocols and conservation on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies. Environmental movements: Chipko, Silent
valley, Bishnios of Rajasthan. Environmental ethics: Role of Indian and other religions and cultures in environmental
conservation. Environmental communication and public awareness, case studies (e.g., CNG vehicles in Delhi).
Field work:
Visit to an area to document environmental assets; river/forest/flora/fauna, etc.
Visit to a local polluted site – Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural.
Study of common plants, insects, birds and basic principles of identification.
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, Delhi Ridge, etc.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
1. Venugopala Rao, P., 2006, Principles of Environmental Science and Engg, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New
2. Masters, G.M., 1991, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
3. Peavy, H.S., D.R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, 1985, Env. Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
4. Erach Bharucha, 2nd Edition, Text Book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Students, UGC
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction: Basic Concepts and Definitions (Thermodynamic Systems, Properties, States, Processes, Cycles,
Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Quasi-Static Process), Pressure and its Measurement, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics,
Temperature and its Measurement.
Unit 2 : First Law of Thermodynamics and its Applications: Thermodynamic Concepts of Heat and Work; Types of Work
Interactions, Indicator Diagram, First Law for Closed System, Energy as a Property, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Specific
heats, First Law for an Open System, Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE) and its Applications.
Unit 3 : Pure Substance: Different Phases of Pure Substance, Two-Property Rule, Property Diagrams, Tables and Charts, T~
s, T~ P, P~ v, P~ h and Mollier (h~s) diagrams, Phase Boundaries, S-L-V region, CP and TP, Dryness Fraction and its
Measurement, Separating and Throttling Calorimeters.
Unit 4 : Second Law of Thermodynamics and its Applications: Limitations of First Law, Statements and Corollaries of Second
Law, Direct and Reversed Heat Engines (Efficiency and COP), Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Carnot Cycle,
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale, Clausius Inequality, Entropy, Introduction to Air-Standard Cycles (Otto, Diesel
and Brayton), Vapor Power Cycle (Rankine).
1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A Boles, McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Engineering Thermodynamics by D.B. Spalding and E. H. Cole, English Language Book Society, London.
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
To familiarize the students with electronic devices, its applications and digital logic systems.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : DIODE: Terminal characteristics of diodes; Diode models: ideal, constant voltage and piecewise linear; Diode
applications: Rectifiers, Half Wave, Full Wave, and Bridge Rectifier with Filter. Clippers and Clampers. Zener diode:
Operation, Characteristics, Voltage Regulation.
Unit 2 : BIPOLAR AND FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR: Bipolar Junction Transistor: operation, Current equation,
Configurations, characteristics of common emitter configuration, DC load line analysis and biasing, applications as
amplifier and switch. Enhancement MOSFET, construction, operation and characteristics, Current equation.
Unit 3 : OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER: OPAMP: characteristics, equivalent circuit, ideal behavior, open loop and closed loop
concept, concept of virtual short; OPAMP applications: Unity gain, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, Difference
and Summing amplifier, integrator, and differentiator.
Unit 4 : INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL LOGIC: Introduction to Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal systems;
Addition and Subtraction; Boolean algebra: Basic Theorems and Identities, DeMorgans theorem. Logic Gates:
Symbols and Truth Tables; Decoder, Encoder and Multiplexer.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Course Number EEA1110:
Credits 03 :
Course Category ESA :
Pre-requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 2L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course Theory :
Course Assessment :
Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of electrical engineering
Course Outcomes
UNIT 1 : ELECTRIC CIRCUITS: Single phase ac circuits; concept of phasor, RLC series and parallel circuits, Network
theorems for ac & dc circuits, three phase ac circuit; star and delta connections, Three phase power, Transients in
Electric circuits.
UNIT 2 : MAGNETIC CIRCUITS & TRANSFORMERS: Magnetic circuits: Definitions, Magnetization & Magnetic losses,
Equivalence of magnetic & electric circuits. Series & parallel magnetic circuits. Transformers: Construction & principle
of operation of single- phase transformer; equivalent circuit, calculation of losses, efficiency and voltage regulation.
UNIT 3 : INTRODUCTION TO ROTATING ELECTRIC MACHINES: Rotating magnetic field, Alternator construction, principle
of operation & emf equation. Induction motor: Classification, Construction & principle of operation of 3-phase Induction
motor, Applications.
UNIT 4 : INTRODUCTION TO POWER SYSTEM: Elements of power system: Generation, Transmission & Distribution line
diagram, Electric power generation, Concept of Green energy.
1. Vincent Del Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”., 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2015** (Textbook).
2. Jimmie J. Cathey, Syed A. Nasar, J. Cathey J., “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Schaum's Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Stephen Chapman "Electric Machinery Fundamentals", 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
4. Ashfaq Hussain, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 3rd edition, 2007.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title : Engineering Mechanics
Course Number : MEA1120
Credits : 04
Course Category : ESA
Pre-requisites(s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives:
1. To give students practice in applying their knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering and to expand this
knowledge into the vast area of Applied Mechanics.
2. To enhance students’ ability to design by requiring the solution of open-ended problems.
3. To prepare the students for higher level courses such as courses in Mechanics of Solids, Mechanical Design and
Structural Analysis.
Course Outcomes:
1. Classify basic engineering mechanics concepts required for predicting the behaviour of static structures.
2. Identify and choose various types of loading and support conditions that act on structural systems and model it using
free-body diagrams.
3. Apply pertinent mathematical and physical principles to predict the behaviour of an engineering system.
4. Develop concepts of rigid body kinematics and dynamics with an emphasis on the modelling and analysis of motion of
rigid body systems.
Unit 1 : Fundamental Concepts and principles of Mechanics, Reduction of a system of forces to a force couple system, free
body diagrams, equilibrium of rigid bodies in 3 dimensions, reactions loading indeterminacy and solvability, Friction
forces and laws of dry friction, Principle and application of virtual work.
Unit 2 : Analysis of multiple particle system: Application of Newton’s laws, linear and angular momentum, kinetic energy and
work energy principle, principle of impulse and momentum to a system of particles.
Unit 3 : Translation and rotation about a fixed axis, general plane motion, absolute and relative velocity in plane motion, angular
momentum of rigid body in plane motion. Problems of motion of rigid bodies and system of rigid bodies.
Unit 4 : Principle of Work and energy, conservation of energy for rigid body and a system of rigid bodies, conservation of
momentum and angular momentum of rigid body in a general 3D motion.
1. Beer Ferdinand P. and Johnston Jr., E Russel, Vector Mechanics of Engineering: Statics and Dynamics, Metric Edition,
Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Merium, JL., Engineering Mechanics (Volume I and II), 3rd Edition (SI Version) John Wiley and Sons.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To develop an appreciation of forces, stresses and strains on normal and inclined planes, principal stressand
principal strains
2. To develop basic understanding of various types of stress conditions viz. shear, bending and torsion instructural
3. To develop understanding of basic principles and methods of structural analysis and its application to the determinate
Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop basic concepts of forces acting on simple structural elements and also the concept of combinedstresses (2D
stress state) in materials used in Civil Engineering.
2. Understand the behavior of simple structural elements under shear, bending and torsion
3. Understand the fundamental principles used for the analysis of the determinate structures.
4. Analyze determinate arches and trusses.
Unit 1 : Analysis of stress and strain: Mechanical properties, analysis of simple state of stress and strains, elastic constants,
example of state of tension, compression and shear. Analysis of two-dimensional stresses and strains, Principal stress
and Principal strain, Mohr’s circle.
Unit 2 : Analysis of determinate structures: Concept of bending and shear forces in simple beams, Relationship between load,
bending moment and shear force. Bending moment and shear force diagram for simple beams and cantilevers.
Unit 3 : Bending shear and torsion: Bending and shear stresses in simple beams, concepts of torsion in circular shafts.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Applied Mathematics-II
Course Number AMS1120 :
Credits 04 :
Course Category DE :
Pre-requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course Theory :
Course Assessment :
Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives
To learn partial differentiation, multiple integration and their applications, Laplace transform and its applications to differential
equations, Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, the students would be able to:
1. Apply the theory of functions of several variables in engineering problems.
2. Use double and triple integrals to find area and volume.
3. Apply Laplace transform method to solve differential equations.
4. Apply Fourier series and Fourier transform methods in relevant areas.
Unit 1 : Partial Differentiation and Applications: Functions of several variables, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem for
homogeneous functions, Total differential, Change of variables, Jacobian, Taylor series for a function of two variables,
Maxima and minima of functions of two variables.
Unit 2 : Multiple Integration: Double and triple integrals, change of variables, Change oforder of integration, Applications to
area and volume.
Unit 3 : Laplace Transform: Laplace transform of elementary functions, Shifting and other theorems with important properties,
Inverse Laplace transforms, Applications to singleand system of linear differential equations.
Unit 4 : Fourier Series and Fourier Transform: Fourier series, Fourier coefficients, Halfrange series, Fourier series of odd
and even functions, Fourier series of T-periodic function, Introduction to Fourier transforms.
1. R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa.
2. Thomas and Finney; Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Narosa Publishing House.
3. Erwin Kreyszig; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, INC
4. Chandrika Prasad; Mathematics for Engineers, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Applied Physics Lab.
Course Number :
Credits 1.5 :
Course Category BS :
Pre-requisites (s) None :
Contact Hours 0L – 0T – 3P
Type of Course :
Course Assessment :
Course work (Reports/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
1. To demonstrate abilities of applying fundamental physics and basic electrical and/or mechanical engineering principles
to one or more engineering disciplines.
2. To formulate, conduct, analyse and interpret experiments in engineering physics.
3. To use modern engineering physics techniques and tools, including laboratory instrumentation.
4. To communicate their ideas effectively, both orally and in writing; and function effectively in multidisciplinary teams and
to understand professional and ethical responsibilities.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. To determine the total, permanent and temporary hardness of water in ppm by Versenate method.
2. To determine the amount of dissolved oxygen in water in ppm units.
3. To determine the percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder.
4. To determine of the Ion-exchange capacity of a cation exchanger.
5. To determine the saponification value and the percentage of fatty oil in the given sample of compounded oil.
6. To determine the aniline point of a given sample of an oil.
7. To determine the flash point of an oil by Abel’s and Pensky Marten’s apparatus.
8. To determine the relative viscosity of an oil by Redwood viscometer and to study the variation of viscosity with change
in temperature. Determination of the Drop point of Grease
9. To demonstrate and explore the electrochemical nature of aqueous corrosion.
10. To carry out proximate analysis of the given sample of coal.
11. To determine the cloud point, pour point and setting point of an oil.
1. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by SS. Dara, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (India).
2. Engineering Chemistry by B.K. Sharma, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., Meerut (India).
3. Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To develop understanding of the fundamentals of engineering graphics, standards, conventions of drawings, scales,
2. Exposure to orthographic projections of point, lines, planes and machine parts.
3. Understanding of isometric projection and development of surfaces.
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to interpret engineering drawing and knowledge viz conventions dimensions, scaling and various engineering
2. Ability to comprehend the principle of orthographic projections with the ability to draw the projections of lines and planes.
3. Ability to draw orthographic projection of machine parts and then sections and visualize engineering components from
any drawing.
4. Capability to draw & interpret isometric projections of object with proper scaling and able to develop surfaces of solids.
Unit 1 : Introduction to engineering graphic, Conventional Lines and their uses. Methods of dimensioning, scales, Cycloidal
curves and involutes.
Unit 2 : Necessity for orthographic projections, projection of points, lines and planes.
1. P.S. Gill, “Engineering Drawing”, S.K. Kataria & Sons; 2013 edition (2013).
2. Parthasarathy, Vela Murali, “Engineering Drawing”, Oxford University Press (2015).
3. Web Links:
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Computer Programming Laboratory
Course Number :
Credits 1.5 :
Course Category ESA :
Pre-requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 0L – 0T – 3P
Type of Course :
Course Assessment :
Continuous Assessment 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%
Course Objective
To make students of all branches of B.Tech. familiar with the programming concepts and to implement the algorithmicapproach
of problem solving in C language to gain working knowledge of C programming.
Course Outcome
1. Understand programming concepts and C language constructs such as operators and data types, control statements,
functions etc.
2. Gain algorithm development skills.
3. Implement programming problems in C Language
Introduction to Programming Environment, experiments to be conducted in the laboratory consist of, but not limitedto, the
1. Kernighan, Brian W., and Dennis M. Ritchie. "The C programming language. "Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,New
Jersey (I978).
2. Gottfried “Theory and Problem of Programming with C” Schaum’s Outline Series, TMC (Text book)
3. E. Balagurusamy “Programming in ANSI C”, McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited (2016) (Text Book)
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To familiarize the students with the basic materials and manufacturing processes.
2. To expose the students to various tools, equipment and machine tools used in manufacturing.
3. To provide hand-on sessions to learn various manufacturing processes.
Course Outcomes
1. Perform casting and know materials, tools and equipment related to casting.
2. Perform joining operations and know the relevant materials, tools and equipment.
3. Perform forming processes and know the materials, tools and equipment required.
4. Perform machining operations and know the materials, tools and equipment required.
The shops covered in the syllabus include Moulding, Carpentry, Welding & Electroplating, Fitting, Smithy, Tin Smithy,
Machine. The following experiments are performed in these shops.
Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S.R. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, ed. viii, 2020, Perason.
Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Use different types of power semiconductor devices & power electronic converters for particular applications.
2. Know the working of DC motors, types of DC motors, characteristics, speed control techniques and their applications
3. Know the working of induction motors: understand the concept of rotor slip, its induction motors and synchronous
4. Know the working of special motors and transformers, to design tariff and to apply power factor improvement methods.
Unit 1 : Principles of Power Electronics and reverse recovery characteristics of Power diode; I-V characteristics of SCR and
TRIAC, various operation modes of TRIAC; introduction to single phase rectifier, inverter & chopper and their
Unit 2 : DC Motors: Construction, EMF and torque equation, types and characteristics, Speed Control and Starters,
applications, Permanent magnet motors.
Unit 3 : Three Phase Induction and Synchronous Motors: Three phase induction motors: Introduction, working principle,
equivalent circuit and torque equation, torque slip characteristics, Speed Control, starters and applications.
Synchronous Motors: Introduction, construction, Principle of operation, applications.
Unit 4 : Special Motors and Industrial Power Supply: Special Motors: Hysteresis Motor, Reluctance Motor, Stepper Motor,
Universal Motor and their applications. Industrial Power Supply : Autotransformers, wielding transformers, tariff system
and power factor improvement.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Stress at a point, Stress tensor and its properties, Equilibrium equations (Cartesian & Polar Co-ordinates), Principal
stresses, Strain and its measurements, Strain tensor, Strain rosettes. Compatibility equations.
Unit 2 : Generalized Hooke’s law and constituting equations, Strain energy in tension, shear, Bending and torsion,
Castigliano’s and Maxwell’s theorems, Deflection of straight and curved beams using strain energy. Introduction to
columns, Euler’s buckling theory, Rankine Gordon-formula.
Unit 3 : Analysis of beams, Principle of superposition, statically indeterminate beams, Shear force, Bending moment and
deflections in statically indeterminate beams, Macaulay's double integration method, Moment area theorem,
Clapeyron’s three moment theorem, Deflection in fixed and continuous beams.
Unit 4 : Thin cylinders and spherical shells, cylindrical vessel with hemispherical ends, Wire wound barrels, Lame’s theory,
Thick cylinder, Compound cylinder, Force fits, Rotating rings and disc
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to identify and analyse the mechanisms required for a particular motion requirement.
2. Capability to analyse the velocity and acceleration of planar mechanisms.
3. Propensity to synthesize planar mechanisms for the given motion parameters.
4. Ability to understand the suitability of different gear drives for motion/power transmission and to analyse different types
of gear trains.
Unit 1 : Kinematic pairs & chain, constrained criterion, mobility and range of movement, Planar Mechanisms and its inversion,
Straight line motion Mechanisms, Pantograph, Engine indicator, Hook’s joint and steering gear mechanism.
Unit 2 : Velocity analysis in mechanism: relative velocity & Instantaneous centre method, Acceleration analysis in mechanism,
Graphical method, problem involving Corriolis acceleration, Klien’s construction, Analytical methods for velocity &
acceleration analysis.
Unit 3 : Kinematic Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms: Chebyshev Spacing of Precision Points, Two-/Three- position synthesis
of Planar four bar mechanisms, Path Generation and Function generation problems, Bloch’s Method and
Freudenstein’s method of synthesis.
Unit 1 : Gear Drives: Introduction, classification of gear, gear nomenclature, tooth profile, interference, path of contact, arc
of contact of meshing gears. Gear Train: Simple, compound and epi-cyclic gear trains.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Recognize different materials, their properties as well as their applications and select the Standards used in the design
of machine elements.
2. Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering for designing machine part.
3. Ability to select and design the fasteners as per the requirement.
4. Ability to select and design the shaft under various loading conditions.
Unit 1 : Introduction, type of design, general considerations and procedures of machine design, types of loadings, selection
of materials and its designations, uncertainty, design stress and factor of safety, reliability, stress and strength, codes
and standard
Unit 2 : Theories of failures, failure resulting from static and variable loading, design for fatigue, Low cycle fatigue and high
cycle fatigue, S-N diagrams, Endurance limit, cumulative fatigue damage, surface fatigue strength
Unit 3 : Design of threaded fasteners, bolted joints including eccentrically loaded joints, Riveted joints, power screws
Unit 4 : Design of Solid and Hollow shaft under bending, torsional and thrust load. Design of Keys.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
To create basic awareness for applying the concepts of thermodynamics in processes used in different industrial applications.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand and apply basic thermodynamic relations, use various thermodynamic tables and charts for analyzing real
life engineering problems.
2. Comprehend thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures and solve problems based on gas-vapor mixtures and
psychometric processes.
3. Apply concepts of gas and steam power cycles for mechanical power production.
4. Explain different refrigeration cycles, properties of refrigerants and working of compressors used in refrigeration
Unit 1 : Thermodynamic Relations: Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Joule-Thomson coefficient, Relations
involving enthalpy, internal energy, entropy, specific heats, volume expansivity, isothermal and adiabatic
compressibility, Ideal and real gas behavior, Real gas equations of state, Generalized charts for: compressibility,
changes of enthalpy and entropy at constant temperature, Availability and irreversibility.
Unit 2 : Non-Reactive Mixtures: Mixtures of ideal gases, Mixtures involving gases and vapours, First law applied to gas vapor
mixtures, Adiabatic saturation process, Dry and wet bulb temperatures, Psychrometric chart and processes.
Unit 3 : Thermodynamic Cycles: Analysis of air-standard Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual, Ericsson, Stirling and Brayton cycles;
Simple Rankine cycle.
Unit 4 : Introduction to Refrigeration Systems and Compressors: Basic refrigeration cycles (Reversed Carnot, Vapour
compression, Air refrigeration and Vapour absorption), Refrigerants, Compressors: Reciprocating compressors,
Volumetric efficiency, Multistaging, Principles of rotary compressors.
1. Claus Borgnakke and Richard Sonntag, ‘Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’, Seventh Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2008.
2. Moran et al.,‘Engineering Thermodynamics’,Wiley India Pvt. Ltd,
3. Cengel and Boles, ‘Engineering Thermodynamics’, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Eastop and McConkey, ‘Applied Thermodynamics’, Pearson Education Asia, 2003.
5. C. P. Arora, ‘Refrigeration and Air Conditioning’, Tata McGraw Hill.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply the knowledge of Fluid statics and/or non-dimensional analysis for design and analysis of systems.
2. Analyze fluid kinematics and perform calculations in potential flow.
3. Predict and design a fluid dynamical system based on inviscid theory.
4. Design piping systems and network
Unit 1 : Fluid as continuum, incompressible and compressible fluids, stress at a point, Newton’s law of viscosity, Newtonian
fluids, thermodynamic/hydrodynamic pressure, manometers, hydro-static forces on submerged plane and curved
surfaces, rigid body motion of fluid, buoyancy and stability, dimensional analysis, significance of non-dimensional
numbers as applied to fluid mechanics.
Unit 2 : Eulerian & Lagrangian description of fluid motion, velocity & acceleration, stream line, path line and streak line, 2D
stream function in Cartesian & polar coordinates, translation, vorticity & angular velocity, circulation, flow classification.
Irrotational flow and its origin, governing equations and elementary solutions, superposition of elementary solutions
and applications.
Unit 3 : System & control volume, basic & subsidiary laws, transport theorem (no proof), laws of conservation of mass,
momentum; integral & differential approaches, Euler & Bernoulli’s equations, applications of Bernoulli’s equation.
Unit 4 : Laminar & turbulent flows: friction factor, Moody’s diagram, energy losses through pipes, bends & pipe fittings, velocity
distributions in pipes; constriction meters.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the students are expected to be able to:
1. Understand and apply fundamental concepts of functions of complex variable and complex integration to various
2. Understand the series expansion and evaluate the real integrals by contour integration.
3. Apply tools of vector differentiation in the relevant field.
4. Apply tools of vector integration in the relevant field.
Unit 1 : Functions of Complex Variable: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, complex integration, Cauchy’s
theorem, Cauchy integral formula.
Unit 2 : Series and Contour Integration: Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series, zeros and singular points, residues and residue
theorem, evaluation of real integrals by contour integration.
Unit 3 : Vector Differentiation: Scalar field, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance, vector field, divergence and
curl of a vector field and their physical significance, solenoidal and irrotational fields, determination of potential
Unit 4 : Vector Integration: Line integral, conservative field, surface and volume integrals, Gauss divergence theorem, Stokes’
theorem, Green’s theorem in a plane and applications.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Numerical Solution of Equations & Finite Difference: Solution of system of linear equations by Gauss-Seidel and
Gauss elimination methods, solution of single nonlinear equations by Newton-Raphson and general iteration methods
and their convergence. Finite difference operators, difference tables and relations.
Unit 2 : Interpolation, Differentiation& Integration: Interpolation by Newton’s forward, backward, central, divided difference
formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Numerical differentiation and integration. General Quadrature formula:
Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Weddle’s rules.
Unit 3 : Numerical Solution of O.D.E: Numerical solution of initial value problems by Taylor’s series, Euler’s method, modified
Euler’s and Runge-Kutta methods, solution of boundary value problems by finite difference method.
Unit 4 : Optimization: Introduction to linear programming, definitions and some elementary properties of convex sets, graphical
and Simplex method, degeneracy and duality of linear programming and its simple applications.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Students should have the knowledge of the variables of metal casting processes to produce engineering components
and consequently employ the process.
2. Students should have the knowledge of the parameters in metal joining/welding techniques of manufacturing
engineering components and adopt the process.
3. Students should gain knowledge of the parameters which affect the manufacture of engineering components through
metal forming techniques and consequently implement them while manufacturing.
4. Students should have the knowledge of the factors affecting production of polymer, elastomer, ceramic and glass
components and they should be able to produce them.
Course Outcomes:
1. Graduates should be able to analyze the variables of metal casting processes to produce engineering components and
consequently employ the process.
2. Graduates should be capable to evaluate the parameters in metal joining/welding techniques of manufacturing
engineering components and adopt the process.
3. Graduates should gain knowledge and able to estimate the parameters which affect the manufacture of engineering
components through metal forming techniques and consequently implement them while manufacturing.
4. Graduates should be able to develop and analyze the factors affecting production of polymer, elastomer, ceramic and
glass components and they should be able to produce them.
Unit 1 : Metal Casting: Casting processes, Pattern and core making, Moulding, Solidification of metals, Gating system, Riser,
Casting processes, Inspection of Casting defects, Casting Design and Economics
Unit 2 : Metal Joining: Fusion and non-fusion welding processes, metallurgy of welding, weld design, welding defects, testing
welded joints, soldering, brazing, adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening.
Unit 3 : Metal Forming: Mechanisms of Plastic deformation, yield criteria, Hot and Cold working processes: rolling, forging,
extrusion and drawing, shear metal working, punching, blanking, bending, deep drawing, coining and spinning, Design
of Jigs and Fixtures, Press working tools.
Unit 4 : Processing of Metal and Non-Metals: Powder Metallurgy: Production of metal powders, compaction, sintering,
Selective laser sintering, forming and shaping of ceramics and glasses.
Processing of Plastics: Extrusion, Injection moulding, Blow and rotational Moulding, thermoforming, casting of plastics,
processing of elastomers and reinforced plastics, Design Consideration, Rapid prototyping.
1. Manufacturing Technology, Volume 1, P.N. Rao, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
2. Manufacturing Science, A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallick, East-West Press Private Limited.
3. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, S. Kalpakjain, Addission-Wesley Publishing Company.
4. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, J.A. Schey, McGraw Hills.
5. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, E.P. Degarmo. J.T. Black and R.A. Kohser, Prentice Hall of India.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
1. Videos and web links on of different manufacturing processes like welding, casting, forming and material processing
and use of advance equipment.
2. Introduction to advanced materials and processes like additive manufacturing, hybrid material, CMM, selective
sintering, and 3-D Printing.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the principles of measurement systems and the methods of measuring & analyzing physical parameters.
2. The students must be able to analyse the experimental data through class lectures/tutorials and assignments.
3. Analytical methods and principles learned in this course will be applied to further laboratory and theory courses in
forthcoming semesters, higher studies, and experimental studies and also very useful for Industrial applications in
measurement and quality control.
Course Outcomes:
1. Present the data with the statistical point of view, compute probabilities based on a real-life problems, and apply the
standard discrete or continuous probability distribution for industrial requirement of an engineer.
2. Perform hypothesis testing for the data based on industrial applications. Also, to be able to relate the experimental
output based on regression analyses.
3. Understand generalized measurement system principles and behaviour.
4. Understand the working principles of typical measurement system elements and acquire knowledge about some
important specialized instruments used in engineering systems.
Unit 1 : Measure of central tendency dispersion. Review of basic probability concepts, mathematical expectation. Discrete
and continuous random variables, probability density function, CDF. Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions and
their applications.
Unit 2 : Sampling distribution, Central Limit Theorem, t- distribution, 2- distribution and F-distributions, Confidence interval
and significance level, Hypothesis testing based on mean and variances.,
Unit 3 : Generalized Measurement System Principles: Functional elements, classification, Performance characteristics of
measurement systems: Static characteristics, impedance loading effects.
Unit 4 : Introduction to dynamic characteristics. Typical Measurement System Elements: Transducers, Signal conditioning
and Data presentation elements, Specialized Measurement Systems: Instruments for Temperature, Pressure, Force,
and Torque measurement.
1. Nakra, B. C., and Chaudhury, K. K., “ Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis:, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Holman, J. P., “Experimental Methods for Engineers” 7th Edition, McGraw Hill
3. Doebelin, E.O. “Measurement Systems - Application and Design”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. L., Myers, S. L. and Ye K., “Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists”, Pearson
5. Johnson, R.A., “Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, PHI.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
4. Presentation of temperature/ vibration recording using NI card and LABVIEW data acquisition system.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome:
1. Students should have in depth knowledge of engineering materials and their composition etc.
2. Students should be aware with properties of materials and change in properties due to working and processes like heat
treatment etc.
3. Students should be able to select the materials for a particular application.
Unit 1 : Introduction Crystal Structure, Miller indices, Crystal imperfections, Role of dislocations, Grain boundaries and
stacking faults on mechanical properties of materials.
Unit 2 : Phase diagrams: Allotropy of iron, Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, TTT-diagram, types of heat treatment, Annealing,
Normalizing, Hardening Tempering, Case-hardening, Surface hardening, Effect of alloying elements in steels and cast
Unit 3 : Diffusion in Solids: Types of diffusion, Isothermal Transformation, Precipitation hardening, Age-hardening, Aluminum
alloys, Brasses, Bronzes, Non-metallic materials-Glasses, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites.
Unit 4 : Mechanical Failure, Tensile Test, Fatigue Test, Creep Test, Environmental Effect on basic Engineering Materials.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Students should gain the knowledge of process parameters during metal cutting and their relationship.
2. Students should be able to able to identify the specific tool measuring equipment and use them according to
measurement standards.
Course Outcomes:
1. Capability to identify cutting parameters and various types of cutting tools. Able to correlate the cutting parameters and
estimate them.
2. Capable to employ various machine tools: conventional/ non-conventional and CNC equipment.
3. Ability to design and measure the dimensions of a component according to the measurement standards.
4. Gain the knowledge to measure parameters of screw threads, gears and surfaces.
Unit 1 : Fundamentals of metal cutting, Chip formation, Mechanics of metal cutting, Signature of Single point/ multipoint cutting
tool, Temperature in cutting, Tool life and Tool wear, Tool Materials, Cutting Fluids, Calculation of MRR, Power
required and Cutting time, Economics of Machining.
Unit 2 : Machine tools, Machine tool alignment tests and machining operations; Jigs and Fixtures; NC, CNC, Programming for
NC/CNC; Non-conventional machining: ECM, EDM and USM.
Unit 3 : Engineering metrology, Limits, Fits and Tolerances, Inter-changeability, Selective assembly, Linear and angular
measurements, Precision ball measurement, Gauge Design, Comparators, Interferometry with simple numerical.
Unit 4 : Form of Gears and screw threads; manufacturing and their measurement. Surface integrity: Surface finish; finishing
operations; Surface treatment; Surface measurement with simple numerical.
1. Manufacturing Technology, Volume 2, P.N. Rao, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
2. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, S. Kalpakjain, Addision-Weseley Publishing Company.
3. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, B.L. Juneja, G.S. Sekhon, New Age International Private Limited.
4. Engineering Metrology, Jain, Khanna Publishers
5. CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing by M.P. Groover & E.W. Zimmers, Jr.
6. CNC Machines by B.S. Pabla & M. Adithan
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
The designed course aims to develop communication and presentation skills using modern tools.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to:
Unit 1 : Writing official Letters, Basic principles, Format and type, Employment letters, Placing orders, Enquiry and response
letters, Letters of complaint and apology, Persuasive letters, Curriculum vitae.
Unit 2 : Business Working:
a) Glossary of business terms
b) Drafting business messages, memos, telexes, e-mails, press notice references, tenders and bids, employment
Unit 3 : Academic Writing:
a) Note-making and note taking, abstracting, use of graphics (tables and free diagrams), preparing bibliography.
b) Writing academic papers and reports.
Unit 4 : Oral Communication in Business Setup: Attending interviews, telephonic conversations, reception of visitors, holding
Unit 5 : Oral Communication in Academic Setup. Participating in group discussions, Presenting prepared papers and reports,
Seminar Strategies.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To develop the technical skills necessary to generate an engineering drawing and an engineering assembly using a
modern CAD system
2. To introduce the elements of engineering communications; including graphical representation of machines and its
3. To model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings with geometric dimensioning and tolerance.
Course Outcomes
1. Apply various concepts like dimensioning, conventions and standards related to machine drawings in order to become
professionally efficient.
2. Read, interpret and draw assembly drawings with moderate complexity using standard conventions and methods.
3. Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new products.
4. Model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings using CAD packages like AutoCAD.
5. Develop skills to communicate ideas and information through engineering drawing.
Unit 1 : General Introduction and introduction to AutoCAD, Conventional representation of common features and symbols
used in machine drawing.
Unit 2 : Fasteners & Fixtures: Nut and bolt assembly, Riveted joints, Screw Jack, Bench Vice, Pipe Vice.
Unit 4 : Bearings, Valves & Miscellaneous items: Plummer Block, Tailstock/ Swivel Bearing, Stop Valve, Non-Return Valve.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Develop the concept of velocity and peizometric head and how they are related to each other.
2. Develop the concept of friction in fluids and its impact on design of piping systems.
3. Basic knowledge of different piping system component design.
4. Basic knowledge of pressure distribution inside bends.
5. Develop an understanding and use of different flow measurement devices.
Course Outcomes:
List of Experiments
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Students should have the knowledge of the properties to recognize various engineering materials. They should also be
aware of the tests to sort those engineering materials.
2. Students should have the hands-on training of basic forming processes like forging, bending etc. and should also be
able to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.
3. Students should have the hands-on training of basic engineering processes of metal casting and should also be able
to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.
4. Students should have the hands-on training of basic engineering processes of joining/welding and should also be able
to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.
Course Outcomes:
1. Graduates should be able to recognize various engineering materials and can apply the test to recognize and sort
2. Graduates should be able to perform basic forming processes like forging, bending etc. and should also be able to
quantify process parameters for quality products.
3. Graduates should be able to perform basic metal casting processes and should also be able to quantify process
parameters for quality products.
4. Graduates should be able to perform basic joining/welding processes and should also be able to quantify process
parameters for quality products.
Rotor – I
2. a) To determine the electrode consumption rate (ECR) at various current densities for electric arc welding process.
b) To study the quality of the weldment by joining metallic components of different thickness at various current densities.
3. To design and produce patterns for the given engineering products incorporating the shrinkage & draft allowances
i) Moisture Content
ii) Permeability Number
iii) Hardness of Sand Mould
iv) Crushing and Shearing Strength of the Sand Mould and
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
b) Find out:
Rotor – II
1. To study the effect of forces on the lateral & longitudinal deformation during forging of the given component.
2. To identify the heat affected zone (HAZ) of the welded part through visual inspection method.
3. a) To identify and study the various phases in microstructures of the following standard specimen
i) V-block and
ii) Bending Die
c) To study the effect of bending along and across the grains of the given sheet metal.
d) To perform non-destructive test (dye penetration) on a test specimen and comment on the results.
4. To produce the castings for different mould hardness (ramming intensities) and find out the defects.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to understand the basic principles of refrigeration, combustion and heat transfer through experimental
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand working of steam power-plant and also two and four stroke internal combustion engines.
2. Estimate the psychrometric properties of ambient air and also flow conditions (by-pass factor) across the
cooling/heating coils.
3. Determine the volumetric efficiency of reciprocating compressor, evaluate the performance of centrifugal blower and
coefficient of performance of vapour compression refrigeration system.
4. Understand the thermal structure of laminar pre-mixed flame.
List of Experiments:
1. Measurement of relative humidity by adiabatic saturator and comparison of result with other hygrometers.
2. Study of Steam Power Plant
3. Comparative study of two-stroke and four-stroke I.C. Engines.
4. Measurement of actual and theoretical COP of a vapour compression refrigeration system.
5. To study the cooling and heating processes in the forced draft cooling tower and estimate the rate of heat transfer and
evaporation rate of water.
6. Determination of volumetric efficiency of a two-stage reciprocating air Compressor.
7. To draw temperature profiles of a premixed LPG flame.
8. To determine the bypass factor of cooling and heating coils of unit air conditioner.
9. Determination of characteristics of a centrifugal blower.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective
To give the practical exposure to electrical machines, speed control of electricmotors, operation of various power electronics
devices and their characteristics.
Course Outcomes
1. Perform load tests on various types of electrical machines and to plot their different characteristics.
2. Perform various tests on a single-p hase transformer for determining itsvoltage regulation and efficiency.
3. Study the speed control methods for the wound rotor and universal motors.
4. Study the TRIAC characteristics and its AC Phase control and also the SCR characteristics and to control the speed
of Universal motors using SCRs.
List of Experiments:
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Description:
The objective of the course is to make students understand the significance and importance of Entrepreneurship, which will
allow them to get the required intuition and interest in starting their own start-ups
Course Objectives
1. Ability to self-assess and improvise the effectuation theory of entrepreneurship for setting a new venture.
2. Capability to identify the problems worth solving and propose solutions using Design Thinking approach
3. Gaining insights into the techniques of selecting the customers and markets, along with the significance of crafting good
value propositions
4. Understanding & crafting Business models for the start-ups.
Unit 1 : Self & Opportunity Discovery: Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups, Concept of Flow, Different Entrepreneurial styles and their
identification, Principles of Effectuation: Bird in Hand, Affordable Loss, Crazy Quilt, Lemonade, Pilot in Plane, Case Study
on Effectuation, Identification of problems worth solving, Concept of Design thinking & Design thinking models, Case studies
on Design thinking, Idea of brainstorming.
Unit 2 : Customer & Solution: Identification of Customer & Consumer, Different Market types, Customer Segmentation, Niche
Marketing, Value Proposition Design: Introduction & Concept, Value Proposition Canvas, Case study on Value Proposition
Unit 3 : Business Model & Validation: Introduction to Business Models, The Lean Approach, Case study on Business Model,
Blue Ocean Strategy, Building Solution Demo, Minimum Viable Product
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
To focus on general concept of control systems incorporating modelling and performance analysis with potential application to
engineering systems. Modelling in time and frequency domains stability analysis.
Course Outcomes:
1. Acquire general understanding of control systems, including system modelling and its performance analysis.
2. Develop mathematical models of a simple mechanical and electrical system. Design proper controller for a control
system to achieve desired
3. Design proper controller for a control system to achieve desired specifications.
4. Apply the State Space representation. Design and analyse state space model using MATLAB.
System Engineering, effects of feedback, modelling, and transfer function of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic
systems, DC and AC servomotors, Tacho-generators, Synchro error detector
reduction techniques, signal flow graphs, Mason’s Gain Formula, System representation in various forms of state
variables, concept of controllability and observability
Unit 3 : TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS OF LINEAR SYSTEMS: Transient and Steady state responses, transient response of
second order systems, error constants, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root-locus technique and its applications. Concept of
proportional, derivative, integral and PID Controllers.
Unit 4 : FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Stability of Control Systems, Frequency domain analysis of linear systems using
Bode’s plot, gain margin and phase margin. Nyquist criterion and its application. Correlation between Time and
Frequency response
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Design of different clutches and brakes and will be able to design and analyse welded connections.
2. Select and design appropriate bearing as per the requirement.
3. Identify and design the type of spring and design the same as per the requirement.
4. Design of geared transmission system.
Unit 1 : Welded Joints: Types of Welded connections, Design of Simple and eccentrically loaded welded connections.
Clutches & Brakes: Plate, Cone and Centrifugal Clutches, Classification and Design of Brakes.
Unit 2 : Bearings & Lubrication: Laws of friction, Lubrication, Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic bearings, Ball and Roller bearings,
Method of load estimation and Selection of bearings.
Unit 3 : Springs: Design of helical springs, design of torsion and leaf springs, elementary idea of rubber springs.
Unit 4 : Power Transmission with Toothed Gears: Selection of Gears and Gear Materials, Tooth Forces, Design of different
types of Gears.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge of static and dynamic force analysis in mechanisms while transmitting motion and power.
2. To analyze the forces acting in different parts of reciprocating engines and understand the role of flywheel in controlling
speed fluctuation caused by changes in turning moments.
3. To understand the need and techniques for balancing of rotating and reciprocating parts.
4. To analyze various kind of cam-follower systems and to understand the gyroscopic principals and its application.
5. To design and analyze different types of governors for controlling speed changes caused by changes in the load.
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to evaluate and analyze the static & inertia forces acting at different spatial locations of a planar mechanism
while transmitting motion and power.
2. Capability to analyze the turning moment diagrams of various types of single-/multi-cylinder engines and the application
& design of flywheel.
3. Gaining insight into the role of governors in controlling the mean speed and design/analysis of different types of governors.
4. Understanding of causes of rotating and reciprocating unbalance and balancing techniques for rotating/reciprocating
masses, in-line, radial and V-engines.
5. Ability to analyze the Cam-Follower systems including graphical construction of Cam profile.
6. Understanding the gyroscopic principles and its application in the stabilization of aeroplane, ships, two-wheel and four-
wheel drives.
Unit 1 : Force analysis in Mechanism: Static and Dynamic force analysis in mechanisms, D’Alembert’s Principal & Equivalent
Offset Inertia force, Combined Static and Inertia Force Analysis, Dynamics of Reciprocating Engine (Analytical
Unit 2 : Turning moment diagrams of single & multi- cylinder engines, Fluctuation of energy and speed, Flywheels. Governors:
Types of Governors, analysis of governors. Stability Effort, Power, Sensitivity of governors and controlling forces.
Unit 3 : Balancing: Static and dynamic balancing of revolving masses in one and different plane, balancing of reciprocating
masses, balancing of V-Engine, in–line and radial I.C. Engine.
Unit 4 : Types of Cams and followers, Motion analysis of followers, Graphical construction of cam profiles for different
followers, Pressure angle and Cam size, motion analysis of cams with specified contour. Gyroscope: Gyroscopic
forces and couples, Gyroscopic stabilization of aeroplane and ships, Stability of four-wheel drive, Stability of a two
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
To equip graduates with the heat and mass transfer processes that continuously take place in various equipment’s employed in
process and power industries and formulate simple problems to estimate rate of heat and mass transfer, temperature variation
and efficiency.
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to formulate and analyse heat conduction problems with and without heat generation and through extended surfaces.
2. To analyze 1D unsteady and 2D steady conduction problems and radiative heat exchange between two or more
surfaces of different geometries.
3. To understand the phenomena of forced and free convection and formulate and analyse the governing equations. To
possess knowledge of condensation and boiling heat transfer for different applications.
4. To estimate parameters for the design of heat exchangers and also estimate diffusion and convective Mass transfers
occurring in day-to-day life.
Unit 1 : Basic laws of heat transfer, General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinate
systems, 1 D steady state heat conduction through composite structures, Variable thermal conductivity, Critical
thickness of insulation, 1-D heat conduction with internal heat generation, Heat Transfer through extended surfaces.
Unit 2 : 1-D unsteady heat conduction, 2-D steady heat conduction, theories of thermal radiation, Solid angle, Intensity of
radiation, Radiation Shape factors for simple geometries, Radiation heat transfer between black surfaces and gray
surfaces, Radiation shields, Radiation through gases, Solar radiation.
Unit 3 : Viscous flow, hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, Momentum and energy equations of the laminar boundary
layer over a flat plate, Dimensional analysis, Integral momentum analysis of the boundary layers, Free convection
heat transfer, Empirical relations for heat transfer, Boiling and condensation heat transfer, Heat Pipe.
Unit 4 : Classification of heat exchangers, Overall heat transfer coefficient, Log mean temperature difference (LMTD), Heat
exchanger effectiveness, NTU-method, Baffled shell and tube type heat exchangers, Heat exchangers design
considerations, Diffusion and convective mass transfers, Fick’s law of diffusion, Steady state diffusion, Isothermal
evaporation of water into air, Convective mass transfer, Evaporative cooling.
Text Books:
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title : I.C. Engines
Course Number : MEC3220
Credits : 04
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : IC Engines-classification and major applications, Engine performance parameters and characteristics, Comparison of
Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, Two-stroke engines- operation, advantages and disadvantages, Scavenging-methods
and parameters, Engine emissions and (BS) emission standards, Conventional and alternative fuels for SI and CI
engines, fuel additives and rating of fuels.
Unit 2 : Fuel-Air cycles and their significance, Effects of specific heat variation, dissociation and number of moles, Effect of
operating variables, idealized Intake and Exhaust processes, Actual cycles, Various losses encountered in SI and CI
engines, Mixture requirement in SI engines for steady state and transient operations, Carburetion, Fuel injection
systems in CI and SI engines.
Unit 3 : Combustion in SI engines, effect of engine variables on detonation, Combustion in CI engines, effect of engine
variables on delay period, Comparison of knock in SI and CI engines, Types of combustion chambers in SI and CI
engines, Supercharging and Turbocharging.
Unit 4 : Gas turbines: Thermodynamic analysis of actual gas turbine cycles, Gas turbine cycles with Intercooling, Regeneration
and Reheating, Jet propulsion: Turbojet, Turboprop, Turbofan, Ramjet and Scramjet engines, Rocket engines.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Enable students to understand the working of Thermal Power Plant and its cycles of operation.
2. To learn about the functioning of air and steam nozzles.
3. To study types and characteristics of steam turbines.
4. To develop understanding of steam condensers, cooling towers and power plant related environmental issues.
Course Outcomes:
1. Explain methods of improving Rankine cycle efficiency. Analyse Reheat , Regeneration and combined cycles.
2. Determine critical pressure, design parameters and draw performance curves of convergent–divergent nozzles. Explain
supersaturated expansion.
3. Evaluate power and efficiency through graphical as well as analytical methods for steam turbines.
4. Estimate make-up water required in cooling tower and analyse different type of steam condensers. Quantify the role of
emissions with respect to thermal power plants and calculate exegetic efficiency.
Unit 1 : Vapour Power Cycles: Steam boilers and their classification, Rankine cycle and its modification; reheat, regenerative
and supercritical cycles, nuclear power cycles, Introduction to combined cycle power plants.
Unit 2 : Nozzles: Fluid flow through varying area; Gas and steam flow through convergent- divergent nozzle, Critical pressure
ratio, Nozzle efficiency, Equilibrium and super saturated steam flow through nozzles, Calculation of throat and exit
velocities, areas and mach numbers for gas and steam flows.
Unit 3 : Steam Turbines and Condensers: Steam turbines and their classification, Compounding, Velocity diagrams and blade
design, Turbine control/governing. Types of condensers and their analysis, cooling tower analysis.
Unit 4 : Environmental aspects of Thermal Power Plants and Exergy. Environmental issues related to power plant operation.
Exergy and second law efficiency of plant.
1. T. D. Eastop and A McConkey, ‘Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists’, Fifth Edition, Pearson
Education Ltd, 2003.
2. Claus Borgnakke and Richard Sonntag, ’Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’, Seventh Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd,
3. Rayner Joel, ‘Basic Engineering Thermodynamics’, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, 2008.
4. P.K. Nag, ‘Power Plant Engineering’, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hi Pub. Co. Ltd, 2001.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Knowledge of Governing Equations for viscous flow of Newtonian fluids, their scaling / dimensionless representation
and the dynamic similarity principle.
2. Learning to obtain exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations for parallel flows, stagnation-point flows.
3. Development of the concept of Boundary-Layer, derivation of its governing equations and their self-similar solutions for
flow along a flat plate.
4. Knowledge and application of approximate methods of obtaining integral Boundary-Layer parameters using Von-
Karman Momentum Integral equation.
5. Learning facts about turbulent flows and knowledge of Governing equations for statistical description of turbulent flows
(RANS approach).
6. Understanding the closure problem in the RANS approach, the concept of Reynold’s stresses and development of
basic ideas in Turbulence modelling.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Viscous Flow: Relationship between Stresses & Rate of Strains, Stoke’s Hypothesis, N-S Equations in 3-D Cartesian
Coordinates, Reynolds’ similarity Principle, Limiting cases of very small & very large “Re”.
Unit 2 : Exact solutions of N-S Equations in case of parallel Flows, Flow through Circular Pipes, Flow induced by a suddenly
accelerated and Oscillating Plate, Hiemenz Flow, Flow Between Two Rotating Cylinders.
Unit 3 : Two Dimensional Boundary Layer Flow: Prandtl B.L. Equation, B.L. along a flat plate, Blasius Solution, Von- Karman
Integral Momentum Equation, Skin Friction, Flow Separation and its Control.
Unit 4 : Turbulent Flow: Time averaging of N-S Equations for Turbulent Flow, Reynolds’ Stresses, Turbulence Modeling and
Velocity Profiles for Turbulent Flow in Pipes, Turbulent Boundary Layer.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Impart knowledge of basic principles of operation of various types of Turbomachines (Turbines and Pumps).
2. Providing knowledge of classification of Turbomachines on the basis of (i) principle of operation (ii) type of flow and
3. (iii) their intended usage.
4. Illustrating the use of Dimensional Analysis in the identification of the relevant dimensionless performance parameters.
5. Elucidating the role of Dimensionless performance parameters in design and selection of the turbomachines.
6. Imparting knowledge of working / operation of axial flow compressors and demonstration of application of principles of
fluid flow and thermodynamics in prediction of their performance.
Course Outcomes:
1. Classify different types of Hydraulic Turbines on the basis of their principles of operation.
2. List different non-dimensional groups and its use in Modeling and Similitude.
3. Design and model Impulse/Reaction turbines, Rotodynamic pumps, Positive displacement pumps.
4. Predict performance of axial flow compressors.
5. Analyze performance of Hydraulic Ram system.
Unit 1 : Hydraulic Turbines: Classification; Energy Transfer between rotor and fluid in Turbomachines; Impulse and Reaction
Turbines-Pelton, Francis, Kaplan and Tubular Turbines – Theory, Losses, Efficiencies, Performance Curves; Draft
Tube, Cavitations, Governing. Similarity Laws: Similarity Laws, Specific Speed, Model Testing, Instrumentation for
Testing of Hydraulic Machines.
Unit 2 : Pumps: Classification; Centrifugal & Axial Flow Pumps –Theory, Working Principle, Heads, Losses, Efficiencies,
Performance Curves, Surging, Cavitation.
Unit 3 : Compressors: Classification; Axial Fans, Multistage Axial Flow Compressors, Stage Efficiency, Performance Curves,
Surging, Choking and Stalling.
Unit 4 : Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating Pump, Gear Pump, Vane Pump and Screw Pump. Hydraulic Systems:
Accumulator, Intensifier, Hydraulic Lift, Fluid Coupling, Torque Converter, and Wind Turbine: Actuator Disc and Blade
Momentum Theory.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment,
and environments.
2. Prepare students to adapt and solve the increasingly complex problems faced by industry; embrace innovation through
intellectual diversity and creative problem solving
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge and understanding of productivity models in various industries. Design and develop the products and
processes. Apply basic knowledge of product development and industrial process design.
2. Analyze the facility location and network models. Understanding of supply chain system.
3. Interpretation and analysis of data from aggregate output planning models. Knowledge and understanding of Human
Factors Engineering and various job design techniques
4. Select and analyse an inventory control model. Understanding of manufacturing resources and queuing systems
5. Analyse and control the quality of an end product. Analysis of industrial systems using linear and non-linear
programming approaches
Unit 1 : Overview of Industrial Engineering. Introduction to productivity. Productivity measurement in manufacturing and
service organization. Operations strategies. Product development, liability and process design. Facility location and
layout, group technology, flexible manufacturing system.
Unit 2 : Project management, network models, PERT and CPM. Introduction to quality, quality controls and tools. Statistical
process control charts. Acceptance sampling. Introduction to inspection. Introduction to Value Engineering.
Unit 3 : Scheduling systems, capacity planning, aggregate planning, operations scheduling. Inventory control. Inventory
concepts, costs and modelling. Deterministic and stochastic inventory models. Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Introduction to JIT. Introduction to supply chain and supply chain management.
Unit 4 : Introduction to Human Factors Engineering, job design, job enrichment, error safety. Introduction to Operations
Research, simplex method, transportation and assignment models. Elementary models in single and multi-variable
unconstrained non-linear programming. Simple queuing models.
1. Adam, B.E. & Ebert, R.J. ‘Production and Operations Management’ PHI
2. Riggs J.L. ‘Production Systems Analysis and Control’ John Wiley & Sons
3. Groover, M.P. ‘Automation, Production Systems & Computer Integrated Manufacturing’ PHI
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Prepare engineering students to analyze cost/revenue data and carry out economic analysis for decision making and
to justify or reject alternatives/projects on an economic basis.
2. To familiarize the student with the basic concepts of management applied to contemporary organizations.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Engineering Economy: Necessities and Luxuries, Market segments, Supply and Demand, Diminishing
Returns, Economic Indicators (GDP, GNP, GNI, Fiscal Deficit etc.); Time Value of Money: Time value equivalence,
Cash flow diagrams, Conversion factors, Nominal and effective interest rates; Evaluating & Comparing Alternatives:
Present, Future & Equivalent annual worth, Comparison with unequal lives, Perpetuities and Capitalized costs.
Unit 2 : Breakeven Analysis; Demand Forecasting, Financial Management, Process, Balance sheet and financial ratios;
General Replacement Studies: Defender and challenger (both equal and unequal lives), When to replace; Benefit-
Cost Analysis: Benefit/cost criterion, Benefit/cost comparisons; Depreciation: Purpose and use, Declining value and
replacement of assets, Depreciation and tax, Straight line method, Declining and double declining balance method;
Inflation and its effects, Inflation, its causes and consequences.
Unit 3 : Management Process: Types of managers, Managerial levels and skills, Role of managers; Environmental and Ethical
issues; Decision Making: Types of decisions, Decision making environments; Techniques for decision making (payoff
matrix, decision trees); Planning: Need and importance, Vision, mission, goals and strategies, Type of plans Principles
of Organizational design: Division of work, Unity of command, Tall and flat structures; Leadership Power and authority,
Leadership styles, Managerial grid; Motivation, Maslow’s and Hertzberg’s theories; Controlling.
Unit 4 : Operations Management: Process, Framework (capacity planning and scheduling, process, quality, inventory and
workforce); Marketing Management: Process, Marketing Mix and strategies; Human Resource Management;
International Business.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome:
1. To get practical knowledge of operating various heat transfer equipment’s under and controlled heating and cooling
2. To learn the use of thermocouples and temperature indicators, measurement of current, voltage and flow rate/velocity.
3. To predict transient behaviour of various equipment’s and estimate heat transfer rates, film coefficients, efficiency,
effectiveness, etc. in free and forced convection.
4. To evaluate emissivity and Stefan Boltzmann constant and heat transfer in solar cooker and solar water heater.
5. To study pool boiling and condensation processes through visualization.
6. To determine thermal conductivity of insulating material and conductance of a heat pipe.
List of Experiments:
1. To determine thermal conductivity of an insulating material by two slabs guarded Hot Plate method.
2. Calibration of Temperature Indicator and a Thermocouple.
3. To determine the thermal conductance of a Heat pipe (a superconducting device) and other identical pipes.
4. To determine heat transfer coefficients of air flowing across the extended surface. Also, find the rate of heat transfer,
efficiency and effectiveness of the surface used.
5. To determine emissivity of a plate and the Stefan Boltzmann constant.
6. To study the transient behavior of the solar cooker and determine its time constant.
7. To determine the film coefficient of air flowing over a heated body during the transient heat conduction.
8. Experimental study on film-wise and dropwise condensations and estimation of overall heat transfer coefficient.
9. Experimental study on Pool Boiling of water over a heated Nichrome wire and determine the Critical Heat Flux at
different temperatures of the pool water.
10. To determine overall heat transfer coefficient, heat removal factor and efficiency of a solar water heater.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Use various codes, data base, hand books and select material for designing machine components.
2. Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, and Science for designing machine elements.
3. Design machine components which should not fail under various types of loading.
4. Develop complete system design.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Students should have the knowledge to discuss and operate different metrological instruments and various machine
2. Students should have the knowledge to compute cutting parameters and surface finish in Conventional and
Computerized Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools.
3. Students should have the knowledge to classify various machine tools’ Alignment system.
4. Students should have the knowledge to list and propose various tools applied for quality control.
Course Outcomes:
1. Discuss and operate different metrological instruments and various machine tools.
2. Compute metal cutting parameters and surface finish in Conventional and Computerized Numerically Controlled (CNC)
machine tools.
3. Classify various machine tools’ Alignment system.
4. List and propose various tools applied for quality control.
1. To perform Alignment tests on: (a) Lathe Machine (b) Milling Machine
2. I) To study the working of optical projector and to measure the outside and root diameters of the given gear.
ii) To measure the tooth thickness of the given gear with the help of tooth caliper.
3. i) To find angle of the given wedge by means of: (a) Bevel Protractor (b) Sine Bar
ii) To study the flatness of the slip gauges by using optical flat.
4. To study the effect of cutting speed, feed rate on surface finish of a turned specimen.
5. To determine the cutting force in a turning environment. Plot the graph between specific cutting energy and cutting
6. To construct process control charts for variables (X & R charts) and study the variability (due to assignable causes) in
a quality of a manufacturing process.
7. To study the working principle of CNC lathe/CNC milling machine and to write the NC program for a given job.
8. To determine the MRR and power consumption during drilling operation.
9. To study the principle of differential indexing on a milling machine.
10. To develop automation of machines using ARDUINO and run accordingly.
1. Manufacturing Science, A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallick, East-West Press Private Limited.
2. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, S. Kalpakjain, Addission-Wesley Publishing Company.
3. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, S. Kalpakjain and S.R. Schmid, Pearson Education.
4. Production Engineering Sciences, P.C. Pandey and C.K. Singh, Standard Publishers Distributors, Nai Sarak, New
5. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, J.A. Schey, McGraw Hills.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to understand the need and application of modern CAD and CAE.
2. Capability to understand and demonstrate 3D development of solids using standard CAD approaches and to generate
mechanical assemblies.
3. Ability to exhibit the understanding and application of commercial finite element packages along with standard
4. Capability to provide FEA solutions to structural components along with analytical validation.
Unit 1 : General Introduction of solid modelling and analysis, Types of Modelling techniques.
Unit 2 : Basic 3D CAD principles, Concept of Protrusion and Cuts. Extrusion and Extrusion Cut, Revolution and Revolution
Cut, Sweep and Helical Sweep and cuts, Mechanical Assembly.
Unit 3 : Basic FEA Principles using commercial codes, Concept of analysis, Types of analysis, Axial loading in tension and
Unit 4 : Transverse loading like simply supported beams etc., Problems on industrial components.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Develop an understanding of the working of various machines and mechanism of common applications.
2. Apply scientific theories, mathematics and laws of mechanics in real life problem.
3. To be able to perform the kinematic analysis on various machines and stress analysis of various machine elements.
Course Outcomes:
1. Solve the problems related to the theory of elasticity, concepts of stress and strain, strength and stiffness, deformations
and displacements, strain energy, and load carrying capacity.
2. Analyze flat and curved structures based on the principles of strain energy along with ability to carry out buckling
3. Solve statically indeterminate structures using standard methods and theorems.
4. Apply the principles of stress-strain in solving real industrial components like thick and thin pressure vessels.
List of Experiments:
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Knowledge of Pressure distribution and related forces on bluff and streamline bodies.
2. Knowledge of Performance characteristics of Turbines and Pumps.
3. Understanding boundary layer flow and its characteristics.
4. Introduction to PIV technique for measurement of instantaneous fluid velocities.
Course Outcomes:
List of Experiments:
1. To determine the drag coefficient CD of a circular cylinder placed in a uniform cross flow of air by measuring the
pressure distribution on its surface.
2. To study the performance characteristics of centrifugal pump and to draw the iso-efficiency curves.
3. To measure the pressure distribution and the aerodynamic characteristics of a symmetric NACA 0012 Airfoil.
4. To study the performance characteristics of a Pelton turbine under constant head and to draw the iso- efficiency curves.
5. To determine the instantaneous velocity field of fluid by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method.
6. To measure the velocity profile in a turbulent boundary layer region on a flat plate with zero angle of incidence with and
without stream wise pressure gradient.
7. To study the performance characteristics of Francis turbine.
8. To study the performance characteristics of a gear pump.
9. To measure pressure distribution in a convergent-divergent nozzle at different back pressures.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Understanding of vibration concepts for design of machine parts that operate under vibratory conditions.
2. To be able to obtain the linear vibratory models of dynamic systems with changing complexities.
3. Ability to derive the differential equations of motion of vibratory systems.
4. Capability to carry out vibration analysis using efficient solution methodologies.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understanding of basic concepts and capability to model physical systems that operate in vibratory conditions.
2. Application of principal of Mechanics and mathematics to obtain governing equations
3. Capability to obtain the solution of Governing equations and interpretation of results using efficient methodologies.
4. Ability to model and analyse continuous systems and to obtain approximate solution of vibratory systems.
Unit 1 : Introduction to vibration, basic concepts, equivalent systems, Fourier analysis. Free undamped and damped (viscous
and Coulomb damping) vibration analysis of single degree of freedom systems.
Unit 2 : Forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, transmissibility, Response of a system due to base excitation
and rotating unbalance, whirling of shaft, Vibration measuring instruments.
Unit 3 : Free and forced vibration of two/multi degree of freedom systems, Semi-definite systems, Coordinate couplings and
generalized coordinates, Vibration absorbers, Eigen value problems.
Unit 4 : Approximate methods of determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes, Vibration analysis of continuous
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. Enabling the students to understand the fundamentals of combustion.
2. Helping the students to comprehend the knowledge of chemical kinetics.
3. Give them an understanding of the structure of premixed flames and related aspects.
4. Provide them knowledge of diffusion flames and give a brief idea of droplet and spray
Course Outcomes
After taking this course students should be able to
Unit 1: Fundamentals of combustion: Gaseous, liquid and solid fuels, heats of formation and reaction,
stoichiometry, constant pressure and constant volume combustion, estimation of adiabatic flame
temperature, factors affecting flame temperature, equilibrium reactions.
Unit 2: Chemical Kinetics: Elementary Reactions, reaction order and molecularity, Arrhenius law, relation
between rate coefficient and equilibrium constant, global reactions, mechanisms of formation of oxides
of nitrogen.
Unit 3: Laminar premixed flames: Premixed flame structure, flammability limits, laminar flame speed
(burning velocity) and its estimation methods, H2-O2 combustion, concept of deflagration and detonation.
Unit 4: Laminar non-premixed (Diffusion) flames: Flame structure, gaseous jet diffusion, single droplet
combustion, introduction to spray combustion.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. Prepare the students to understand the global fuel consumption scenario and related issues.
2. Equip them with the fundamentals of combustion.
3. Furnish them the knowledge regarding the utilization of alternative gaseous fuels.
4. Making them understand the performance of I.C. Engines utilizing alternative liquid fuels.
Course Outcomes
After taking this course students should be able to
1. Recognize the global fuel consumption pattern and the need for alternative fuels in combustion
2. Understand the fundamentals of combustion engineering.
3. Develop the understanding of the production methods and utilization of alternative gaseous fuels
in SI and CI engines.
4. Analyze the performance parameters of alternative liquid fuels in I.C. Engines.
Unit-1 Introduction: Global energy consumption scenario, modes of transport, GHG emissions from
transportation sector, conventional fuels and the need for alternative fuels (liquid and gaseous fuels),
important fuel properties.
Unit -2 Basics of combustion: Stoichiometry, first law of thermodynamics as applied to open and closed
systems, adiabatic flame temperature, important characteristics of premixed and diffusion (non-
premixed) combustion.
Unit-3 Gaseous fuels for land transportation: Production methods of hydrogen, safety aspects,
combustion properties of hydrogen, performance of hydrogen in I. C. Engines. Production techniques of
bio-gas, natural gas and LPG, their application in SI and CI engines, estimation of properties of gaseous
Unit-4 Liquid fuels for land transportation and aviation fuels: Production technologies for alcohols,
properties of alcohols, alcohol blending, utilization of alcohols and their blends in I. C. Engines. Vegetable
oils as fuels, production and properties evaluation of bio-diesel fuels, use of bio-diesel fuels and their
blends in combustion engines, introduction to aviation fuels.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Title :
Introduction to Electric Vehicles
Course Number MEE4290 :
Credits 4 :
Course Category DE :
Pre-Requisite(s) None :
Contact Hours 4 :
Type of Course Theory :
Course Assessment :
Course Work/Quiz (15%)
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%
Course Objective
This course is designed to offer basic knowledge to the students in the area of electric vehicles.
Course Outcomes
Unit 1 : Overview of Electric Vehicles: Research and Development of Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Vehicles, Comparison with
IC Engines, Future of Electric Vehicles, Electric Vehicle and Environment.
Unit 2 : Fundamentals of Electric Vehicle: Types of Electric Vehicles, Configurations of Electric Vehicles, Performance of
Electric Vehicles; Traction Motor Characteristics, Tractive Effort and Transmission Requirement, Vehicle Performance,
Tractive Effort in Normal Driving, Energy Consumption, Vehicle safety.
Unit 3 : Batteries: Overview of Electrochemical Batteries, Types of Batteries; Lead–Acid Battery, Nickel-Based Batteries,
Lithium-Based Batteries, Parameters of Batteries, Manufacturing and recycling, Charging Systems, Fuel Cell Energy
Storage System.
Unit 4 : Electric Propulsion Systems: Types of Electric Motors, Principle of Operation and Construction of DC Motors, Induction
Motors, Permanent Magnet Motors, Motor Cooling, Efficiency, Introduction to Converters, Electric Drive Trains.
1. A K. Babu, Electric and Hybrid vehicles, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, 2019.
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, Kambiz Ebrahimi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles,
CRC Press, 2018.
3. James Larminie and John Lowry, Electric Vehicles Technology Explained, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2003.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the operating principles, components and control of NC/CNC machine tools.
2. Understand the working principle of CNC, AC and DNC machines.
3. Develop manual part program for various machining operations.
4. Develop APT part program for various machining operations.
Unit 1 : Numerical Control: Basic concepts, classification of NC/CNC systems, point to point, straight line and continuous path
system, incremental and absolute systems, open loop and closed loop control systems, axis standards, NC/CNC
components, data feeding methods.
Unit 2 : CNC Machine Tools, accuracy, precision and resolution, structure, drives, actuators, feedback devices, DNC and
adaptive control (AC) systems.
Unit 3 : Manual part programming, programming terms and procedures, programming formats, description of G-M codes,
Lathe and Milling operations Programming.
Unit 4 : General-purpose CNC programming languages, APT language, geometry, motion auxiliary and post processor
statements. Programming of simple milling operations with APT.
1. Kundra, Rao & Tiwari, Numerical Control & Computer Aided Manufacturing, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub., New Delhi.
2. Yoram Koren& Joseph Ben Uri, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
3. M. P. Groover & E. W. Zimmers, Jr., CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall of India,
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
4. B. S. Pabla& M. Adithan, CNC Machines, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
1. Understand non-traditional machining processes, their classification, and need. Able to comprehend the
mechanism of mechanical non-traditional machining processes such as USM, AJM, WJM, AWJM, etc.
2. Understand the mechanism of thermo-electrical non-traditional machining processes such as EDM, LBM, EBM,
PAM, etc.
3. Understand the mechanism of chemical and electrochemical non-traditional machining processes. Able to
comprehend additive manufacturing processes.
4. Develop micro fabrication techniques for conductive and non-conductive work materials.
Unit 1 : Non-traditional machining processes: need, classification, and comparative analysis; ultrasonic machining (USM); abrasive
jet machining (AJM); water jet machining (WJM); abrasive water jet machining (AWJM).
Unit 2 : Electrical discharge machining (EDM); wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM); laser beam machining (LBM); plasma
arc machining (PAM); electron beam machining (EBM).
Unit 3 : Chemical machining (CHM); electrochemical machining (ECM); electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) and its
Unit 4 : Hybrid machining processes; additive manufacturing processes; micro fabrication techniques.
1. P.C. Pandey and H.S. Shan, Modern Machining Processes, McGraw Hill
2. A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallik, Manufacturing Science, EWP Pvt. Ltd.
3. V.K. Jain, Advanced Machining Process, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To familiarize the students with concepts of plastics, polymers, and ceramics as engineering materials.
2. To familiarize students with the processes available for processing plastics, polymers and ceramics
Course Outcomes
1. The engineering importance of plastics, polymers and ceramics and their application areas.
2. The fundamental processes used for processing plastics, polymers and ceramics.
3. The mechanical and thermal properties of plastic, polymers and ceramics.
UNIT 1 : Principles of Power Electronics: I-V and reverse recovery characteristics of Power diode; I-V characteristics of SCR
and TRIAC, various operation modes of TRIAC; introduction to single phase rectifier, inverter & chopper and their
UNIT 1 : Introduction to Polymers, Basic types of Polymers, Strengthening Mechanisms, Linear Polymers, Crystallinity,
Plasticization, Fillers, Blending and Alloying, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Polymers.
Unit 2 : Ethenic Polymer, Polyamides, Thermoplastic Polyesters, Liquid Crystal Polymer, Thermosetting polymers, Phenolics,
Alkyds, Unsaturated Polymers, Elastomers, Special Purpose Elastomers, Polymer Fabrication Techniques, Injection
Moulding, Compression Moulding, Transfer Moulding, Blow Moulding, Thermoforming Extrusion, Calendaring,
Unit 3 : Selection of Plastic, Plastics for Structural Components, Plastics for Corrosion Control, Plastics for Electrical
Applications, Polymer Coating Adhesive, Recycling of Plastics
Unit 4 : Nature of Ceramics, Manufacturing of Ceramics, Cemented Carbides for Structural Applications, Ceramics for Wear
Applications, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ceramics.
1. Kenneth, G., Budinsiki; Engineering Materials, Properties & Selection, Prentice Hall
2. Serope Kalpakjian; Manufacturing Engg & Tech., Addison Wesley.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
1. Able to manage and identify a project, describe a project life cycle, and understand the WBS concept.
2. Able to understand the concept of project planning, use of network models, and Gantt chart with proficiency in using
project scheduling and project management software.
3. Able to understand the concept of risk and determine how risk differs from planned activities.
4. Able to have Team-building skills, good communication with team and stakeholders, and use various work
measurement techniques to evaluate project performance.
UNIT 1 : Introduction to Project Management: Project management, Project types, project phases, Feasibility Studies,
Project Life Cycle, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
UNIT 2 : Planning Projects-I: Project estimating and scheduling techniques. PERT, CPM, GANTT chart, Project
scheduling software.
UNIT 3 : Planning Projects-II: Risk planning methods; Cost planning, Communication plan and Final project plan. Project
Management Software
UNIT 4 : Executing Projects: Team management; communication with stakeholders of the projects. Management
techniques for measuring work, Project Performance Evaluation, ISO
1. Shtub, Bard and Globerson, Project Management: Engineering, Technology, and Implementation, PHI
2. Lock, Gower, Project Management Handbook.
3. Wiest and Levy, Management guide to PERT/CPM, Prentice Hall. India
4. Horald Kerzner, Project Management: A Systemic Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, CBS
5. P. K. Joy, Total Project Management: The Indian Context, Macmillan India Ltd.
Additional Readings:
1. John M Nicholas, Project Management for Business and Technology: Principles and Practice, PHI.
2. N. J. Smith (Ed), Project Management, Blackwell Publishing.
3. Robert K. Wysocki, Robert Back Jr. and David B. Crane, Effective Project Management, John Wiley.
4. Jack R Meredith and Samuel J Mantel, Project Management: A Managerial Approach, John Wiley.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To provide a basic understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in designing control schemes for dynamic
2. To understand concepts of the mathematical modeling, feedback control and stability analysis of control systems.
3. Understand the behavior of linear time-invariant systems qualitatively and quantitatively, both in the transient and
steady-state regimes, and design various compensation techniques.
Course Outcomes
After successfully completing the course, students should be able to do the following:
1. Recognize automatic control system and its types, calculate the gain of the system using block diagram and develop
the mathematical model of the physical systems.
2. Illustrate the response of 1st and 2nd order systems and estimate the response and error in response of first and
second order systems subjected standard input signal
3. Determine the stability of control system and determine the phase margin and gain margin root locus using Routh’s
criterion and root Locus technique.
4. Employ state equations to study the controllability and observability.
Unit 1 : Introduction to automatic control systems, open loop & closed loop systems, Concepts of feedback, requirements of an
ideal control system, General representation of a feedback control system, transfer functions, rules of block diagram
algebra, reduction of block diagram to obtain closed loop transfer function. Types of controllers-Proportional, Integral,
Differential, Proportional & Integral, Proportional Differential and Proportional Integral Differential controllers.
Mathematical Models of Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems.
Unit 2 : Transient response and steady state analysis of unit, step input, general operational representation for a differential
equation of control system, distinct, repeated and complex conjugate zeros, general form of transient response, First
and second order systems, response to step pulse, ramp and sinusoidal inputs, Higher order systems, system
optimization, optimization using calculus of variation and dynamic modelling.
Unit 3 : Stability of control systems, Routh’s stability criterion for a control system, Significance of Root locus, angle and
magnitude conditions, breakaway points, angles of departure and arrival, construction of Root locus using general rules
and steps, root locus-plots of simple transfer functions, stability analysis and transient response from root locus,
Determination of phase margin and gain margin using root locus, introduction to experimental determination of Transfer
functions. Frequency response analysis, logarithmic plots, stability and relative stability analysis on Bode plots.
Unit 4 : Design and compensation techniques, Introduction, preliminary design consideration, load compensation, lag
compensation, lag-load compensation, and summary of control systems design compensation methods,
Microprocessor based control system design. Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plot, Bode’s
Plot, Nyquist plot and Nyquist stability criterion, Relative Stability, Phase and Gain Margins Series and feedback
compensation, Introduction to state concepts, state equation of linear continuous data system. Matrix representation of
state equations, controllability and observability, Kalmanand Gilberts test .
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
To train students on written, oral and presentation skills through in-class supervised activities involving group discussions, power
point presentation and written report on any searched topic of technical or socio-economic area of their choice.
Course Outcome:
1. Prepare and deliver short presentations for which they have to search the topics ranging from diverse fields of
engineering and socio-economic issues.
2. Participate in series of group discussions and express their views on a topic assigned on the spot or in advance in
order to reach consensus on certain issues.
3. Submit a written technical report on their topic of presentation in a professional technical journal format.
Reference Material:
1. Prepare the presentation following professional technical presentation guidelines and format provided at the beginning
of the semester.
2. General rules and guidelines for group discussion provided at the beginning of the semester.
3. For report submission, follow standard technical journal template.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of various research sources and carry out critical reviews.
2. To train students in carrying feasibility studies of a potential research topic/area.
3. To develop the ability for justification and defense of a research proposal.
4. To develop documentation and research proposal writing skills.
5. To develop presentation and communication skills (oral and written) using modern multimedia facilities and aides.
6. To develop an ability to manage research in time bound fashion in a collaborative environment.
Course Outcomes:
1. Capable to carry out extensive literature review and identify potential research problem based on literature survey.
2. Able to model a physical system, design of experimental facility and develop efficient solution strategies using
numerical/analytical techniques.
3. Plan the work effectively, imbibe independent out of box thinking, collaborate among the team members, monitor, and
regulate the project progress and timely completion and effective team player with knowledge sharing.
4. Interpretation and presentation of the results employing modern tools and plotting software.
5. Understanding the implications of the results obtained and optimization of the procedure/process to cater the financial/
economic/ environmental/ social/ health aspects.
6. Dissemination of the results/information obtained through presentations, technical reports and conference/journal
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To design experiments and study the effect of various process parameters or the quality of work piece.
2. To fabricate jobs using various manufacturing processes.
3. To perform various heat treatments and study their effects on different properties of materials.
4. To perform non-conventional manufacturing processes using modern machine tools.
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to investigate and develop the manufacturing sequence to fabricate different engineering components.
2. Ability to manufacture engineering components using various manufacturing processes.
3. Ability to test and improve physical and mechanical properties of engineering components.
4. Ability to work on modern machine tools and employ modern manufacturing techniques.
List of Experiments:
1. (a) Fabrication of a pattern for a hollow component (i.e., a pattern needs core/cores.)
(b) Develop a core box for the above component.
(c) Cast the pattern developed in pattern making shop.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To give in-hand training on the significance, procedure and determination of vibration characteristics of single-/two-
degree of freedom systems.
2. To supplement the theoretical knowledge with experimentation to validate the frequency response of discrete systems.
3. Understanding of various vibration measuring instruments.
4. Evaluation of critical speed of continuous systems.
Course Outcomes
1. Ability to model, design and determine the free vibration characteristics of single-/two- degree of freedom damped and
undamped translational and rotational systems.
2. Capability to evaluate the damping properties of various fluids.
3. Ability to carry out response analysis of free/forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems.
4. Ability to analyze the whirling speed of rotors with different BC’s.
List of Experiments
1. Laboratory Manual
2. S.S.Rao, Mechanical Vibration, Prentice Hall.
3. J.S. Rao & K. Gupta; An introductory Course on Theory & Practice of Mech. Vibration, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to carryout engine testing by determining its performance parameters.
2. To impart the knowledge of combustion generated pollutants, their sampling and analysis techniques.
3. To expose the students to the Gas turbine type combustor and its working.
4. To develop an understanding of preservation of food product.
Course Outcomes:
1. Find out the mechanical efficiency of a multi-cylinder SI Engine, determine parameters of multi-cylinder SI Engine under
constant throttle condition, various performance parameters on a two stroke SI Engine.
2. Carry out energy balance and determine volumetric efficiency, A/F ratio, valve timing on four stroke CI Engines.
3. Understand the sampling considerations and analytical techniques used. Perform energy balance on Hilton
Combustion Unit using LPG fuel.
4. Estimate thermo-physical properties of food products in forced convection.
List of Experiments:
1. Easton and McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologist, Pearson Education Asia, 2003
2. CP Arora, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Obert EF, IC Engine and Air Pollution, Tata McGraw Hill
4. SR Turns, Introduction to Combustion, McGraw Hill
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Classify the different type of fractures and identify the mechanism of fracture and crack growth in different types of
2. Understand the principle of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics LEFM and evaluate stress intensity factor SIF and strain
energy release rates SERR for typical crack configurations.
3. Comprehend the principle of Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics EPFM and understand the meaning of the J-Contour
integral etc.
4. Understand the correlation between fracture and fatigue along with development of basic ideas for fracture based
design of simple components.
Unit 1 : Introduction and overview of fracture mechanics, Mechanism of fracture and crack growth, Concept of stress
concentration, Airy’s stress function, Westergaard solution for cracks, Crack-tip stress and displacement fields.
Unit 2 : Linear elastic fracture mechanics, Griffith theory of brittle fracture, Energy principles, Strain energy release rate SERR,
Stress intensity factor SIF, SIF for different geometries, Relationship between G and K.
Unit 3 : Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics EPFM, J-Integral, Path Independence of the J-Integral, Crack tip opening
displacement CTOD, and concept of crack resistance JR curve.
Unit 4 : Fatigue and fracture correlation, Fatigue crack growth, Crack initiation, Crack propagation: Stages I & II and crack
arrest, Constant amplitude loading, Fatigue life prediction, Paris law, Case Studies, Fracture based designing of
machine components.
1. T.L. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics - Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd Edition, Taylor and Francis Group, 2005.
2. Prashant Kumar, Elements of Fracture Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. David Brooke, Sijthoff & Noordhohh; Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, 1986
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Impart basic understanding and importance of health monitoring of a critical component in any plant or structure.
2. Impart basic understanding of the maintenance principles and highlight the importance of condition-based
3. To be conversant with different monitoring techniques and apply the same depending on application.
4. To be capable to detect common electrical, mechanical and structural faults.
5. To be capable to boost research in the developing and interdisciplinary area of condition monitoring and fault diagnostic.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand different maintenance principles and appreciate the importance of condition-based maintenance.
2. Understand different health monitoring techniques.
3. Apply various condition monitoring techniques suitable to application.
4. Detect and diagnose faults in electrical machinery, common mechanical faults and structural faults using the latest
Unit 1 : Introduction, Principles of maintenance, Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis, An Overview of Structural Health
Monitoring (SHM), Application and economic benefits, Fault diagnostics and Prognostics.
Unit 2 : Various Condition Monitoring (CM) techniques, Vibration monitoring, Defect diagnosis, Spectral maps, Envelope
detection technique, Cepstrum analysis, Shock Pulse Method, Noise monitoring, Acoustic Emission (AE), Oil
monitoring, Temperature monitoring, Non-destructive techniques.
Unit 3 : Electrical machinery faults, Motor current signature analysis, Detection of common machine faults: Unbalance
detection, Misalignment detection, Cracked shaft detection, Looseness and rub detection, Fault detection in ball and
journal bearings, Gear fault detection, Fans, blowers & compressors, Pumps and turbines.
Unit 4 : Structural Health Monitoring and Smart Materials, Structural Health Monitoring versus Non Destructive Evaluation,
Smart Materials, Emerging SHM Technologies using Piezo Sensors, and Magnetostrictive Sensors, SHM using
Optical Fibres and other sensors, Lamb wave method.
1. R. Mohanty, “Machinery Condition Monitoring: Principles and Practices”, CRC Press, 2014.
2. R. B. Randall, “Vibration-based Condition Monitoring”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011.
3. P. Gauenzi, “Smart Structures”, Wiley, 2009.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course objective:
Course outcomes:
1. Ability to apply various approximate methods for the solution of differential equations.
2. Capability to model physical systems based on Finite Element procedure.
3. Ability to analyze 1D- bar, beam and frame problems.
4. Propensity to model and analyze 2 D, plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems.
Unit 1 : Approximate Analytical Methods: Weighted Residual Methods (Galerkin, Least Square and Collocation Methods),
Weak Formulation and Integral Function.
Unit 2 : Basic steps of finite element analysis e.g., modeling of boundary value problems, discretization of domain, Shape
functions, derivation of element equations, connectivity of elements, imposition of boundary conditions,
Unit 3 : Bending of beams, Finite element analysis of Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theory, Reduced integration
elements, consistent interpolation element, error analysis various measures of errors, solution of equations,
convergence study, Analysis of Frames.
Unit 4 : Finite Element analysis of two-dimensional problems, Interpolation functions, numerical integration and modeling
considerations. Application of two-dimensional analysis to Plane Stress, Plane Strain and Axisymmetric problems.
1. Tripathi R. Chandrupatla and Ashoke D. Belegundu; Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
2. O. C. Zienkiewiez and K. Morgan; Finite Elements and Approximations, John Willey and Sons, New York
3. C. S. Krishnamurthi; Finite Element Analysis, Theory and Programing, Tata McGraw Hill.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To give students practice in applying their knowledge of mechanics to model dynamical system.
2. To inculcate ability to analyse the structures, to carry out safe structural design for dynamic conditions.
3. To prepare the students for broader applications of dynamics and vibration control for reduction of vibration in vehicles,
aerospace structures etc.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to modeling of dynamical systems, generalized coordinates, constraints, degrees of freedom, review of
single degree and multi degree of freedom systems – free undamped vibration, free damped vibration, forced vibration
with general forcing function, transmissibility, convolution method.
Unit 2 : Dynamical modelling: d’Alembert’s principal, Lagrange’s equations of motion, Conservative systems, Hamilton’s
principle, Dynamical modelling of continuous system, modal analysis
Unit 3 : Reduction of vibration at the source: balancing of rigid rotors, field balancing, detuning and decoupling, dynamic
properties and selection of materials, design for enhanced material damping, design of damped/undamped dynamic
vibration absorbers, passive vibration control.
Unit 4 : Active vibration control: Introduction, Smart materials, sensing and actuation mechanism, role of active damping,
active vibration control strategies.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Identify the mechanical behaviour of layered composites compared to isotropic materials as well as some common
manufacturing techniques.
2. Understanding to estimate the elastic properties of both long and short fibre composites based on their constituent
3. Capability to transform stress, strain and stiffness tensors from material coordinate system to problem coordinate
system using ideas of matrix algebra.
4. Ability to calculate laminate properties from the lamina properties and to predict the failure strength of laminated
composite structure.
Unit 1 : Composite material and its application, need for composites, composite fabrication, classification of composites –
Matrix polymer composites (PMC), Metal matrix composites (MMC), particulate composites.
Unit 2 : Linear elasticity for anisotropic materials and the Generalized Hook’s law, stress-strain relation for plane stress and
plane strain conditions, transformation of stress and strain.
Unit 3 : Mechanical behaviour of composite materials, micro and macro mechanical analysis, properties of unidirectional long
fibre composites.
Unit 4 : Test methods: Non-destructive techniques, property characterization, experimental determination of strength and
stiffness. Failure mechanism: Failure of lamina, theories of failure for composite laminates, Tsai Hill & Tsai Wu failure
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To give students practice in applying their knowledge of mechanics of materials to the vast area of structural mechanics.
2. To build the concept of evaluation of stresses and strain in complex loading environment.
3. To prepare the students for analyzing structural elements subjected to thermo-mechanical loading
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to analyze three-dimensional state of stress-strain with exposure to constitutive material model and the analysis
of solid mechanics problem.
2. Ability to analyze asymmetrical bending problem and torsion of non-circular members.
3. Propensity to estimate the stresses/strains in composite tubes, disk and rotating shaft and cylinders.
4. Ability to analyze solid mechanics problems under thermo-mechanical loading.
Unit 1 : Three dimensional stresses and strains, stress and strain at a point, Principal stresses, Mohr’s circle, Octahedral
stresses, Cauchy’s stress quadric, Generalized Hook’s law, Principle of superposition, Displacement equation of
equilibrium, Generalized force & displacement.
Unit 2 : Maxwell-Betti-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem, Begg’s deformeter, Fictitious load method, Virtual work. Asymmetrical
bending, Euler Bernoulli hypothesis, Shear Centre, Bending of curved Beams, Torsion of general prismatic and
elliptical bars.
Unit 3 : Stresses in composite tubes, shrink fit, sphere with purely radial displacements, stresses due to gravitation, Disk of
variable thickness, Rotating shaft and cylinder.
Unit 4 : Therm oelastic stress strain relation, Thermal stress in thin circular disc, long circular cylinder, sphere, Theorem of
stationary potential energy, Energy & Stability, consideration for buckling, Rayleigh Ritz method.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to select and use appropriate engineering graphics & geometric modelling techniques for mechanical
engineering applications.
2. Ability to formulate problems involving concatenated transformations of geometric entities.
3. Ability to model curves, splines and surfaces.
4. Ability to formulate and solve basic engineering optimization problems.
Unit 1 : Introduction computer aided design (CAD), wireframe modelling, surface modelling, solid modelling, feature based
solid modelling, solid modelling functions, Boolean functions, capabilities of modern CAD systems, Introduction to
Unit 2 : Introduction to computer graphics, graphics systems, geometric transformations, representation of points, straight line
and polygons, transformation of intersecting lines, two dimensional geometric transformations- rotation, reflection and
scaling, translation and homogeneous coordinates, concatenated transformations.
Unit 3 : Raster Graphics, Modelling of Curves, Modelling of Splines, Surface Description and generation.
Unit 4 : Techniques of optimizations, classical methods, engineering applications of optimization, linear programming in
reference to various mechanical design problems, use of tables, charts, interactive optimization.
1. David F. Rogers & J.A. Adam; Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hills.
2. Andrew Tizzar; Computer Aided Engineering. McGraw Hills.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to identify mechatronic system and have knowledge about the sensors and transducers.
2. Identify different actuation systems and design basic system.
3. Identify different types of controllers and ability to choose one according to the need.
4. Programme PLC and have a basic idea of microprocessors and PLC.
Course Syllabus:
Unit 1 : Introduction to mechatronics, application of mechatronics in design and modelling, mechanical components in
mechatronics, mechanisms used in mechatronics, control system, sensors and transducer, signal conditioning.
Unit 2 : Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation system, types of control valves, mechanical actuation system and electrical
actuation system, modelling of basic systems.
Unit 3 : Machine elements used in mechatronics system, electrical drives, types of controller, closed loop controller, PID
controller, adaptive control.
Unit 4 : Microprocessors, memory mapped system, programmable logic controllers, basic idea of PLC programming, selection
of PLC.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to impart adequate knowledge of different automotive systems.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand the classifications of engines, their firing order and different type of engine systems.
2. Explain working of different types of fuel injection and fuel ignition systems for modern engines.
3. Describe functioning of Transmission systems.
4. Understand functioning of Suspension systems and Catalytic converter.
Unit 1 : Introduction and engines classifications, firing order and its determination for multi-cylinder engines, Cooling and
lubrication systems, Types of lubricants used in IC Engines, Braking systems and their types.
Unit 2 : Types of ignition system; Battery ignition and Magneto ignition systems, Types of spark plug, Hot plug and cold spark
plug, Advances in sparkplug technologies, Valve and Ignition timing , VVT system, Spark advance and Retard and
their control, Types of fuel injection systems. Fuel pump, fuel injector. Introduction to fuel injection system in gasoline
engines. New Technology available in sparkplug, VVT system.
Unit 3 : Transmission train, Automatic manual transmission, Conventional and non-conventional drives, Clutches, Gear boxes,
Synchromesh device, Propeller shaft, differential axle.
Unit 4 : Suspension system and its types, Steering system, Wheel alignment and balancing, Power steering and its
components, Catalytic converter and its modifications to adopt E-5 and E-6 emission norms.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Will understand the importance of maintaining thermal environment for human comfort in different ambient conditions.
2. Will become fully aware of the techniques for controlling the contamination of environment related to modern A.C.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Human Comfort, factors and charts applied to various psychrometric processes of air conditioning systems. A.C.
Systems: classification, components and applications
Unit 2 : Heat transmission in buildings, building survey and location of equipment, considerations for heating and cooling
loads, load estimation procedures
Unit 3 : Air Transmission and distribution systems, design of duct systems, Natural and mechanical ventilation systems
and their combinations. Air Cleaners and Scrubbers. Fluid distribution Systems: pipe sizing and layout, Hot water
and Steam Heating Systems.
Unit 4 : A.C. system Controls: Elements of basic control system, open & close loop systems, pneumatic, electric and
electronic control systems, Thermostats and humidistats, Dampers, Green Building and Energy saving techniques
1. C.P. Arora; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. W.F. Stocker & J.w. Jones; Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, McGraw Hills Inc. Intl. Student’s Edition.
3. F.C. Quiston & Jerald J. Parker; HVAC Analysis & Design, John Wiley & Sons.
4. HVAC Systems & Equipment, 1992, ASHRAE Handbook.
5. HVAC Fundamentals, 1993, ASHRAE Handbook.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Will have basic knowledge of different types of Power Plants and their site selection criteria.
2. Will understand the working of different types of boilers. Fluidized bed combustion systems.
3. Will be able to understand the working principle of different types of Nuclear power plants.
4. Will be able to know Power Plant Economics, various energy storage devices and environmental considerations.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to power plants: Major types of power plants, theirspecial features and application. Direct energy
conversion systems, Selection of site, Major components of thermal power plant.
Unit 2 : Steam Generators: Classification, theirspecial features, performance, mountings and accessories. Draft system,
furnaces and combustion equipment, fluidized bed combustion system, coal and ash handling.
Unit 3 : Nuclear power plants: nuclear fuels, moderators, reflectors and coolants. Nuclear reactors, their types and
applications. Radioactive waste disposal and safety aspects. Combined power cycles and cogeneration.
Unit 4 : Power Plant economics: Load duration and load curves. Influence of load factor,capacity factor, utilization and
diversity factors. Energy storage methods. Energy management. Instrumentation in power plants. Environmental
aspects of power plant operation.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objective:
Make the budding engineers recognize the global energy challenges and be acquainted with harnessing techniques of non-
conventional energy resources.
Course Outcome:
1. Recognize the role of energy in the development of society and impact of conventional and non-conventional sources
of energy on the environment.
2. Understand the technology for harnessing wind and ocean energy.
3. Estimate the direct and diffuse solar radiation on different dates, times and locations.
4. Understand the application of flat and focusing collectors for space heating/cooling, refrigeration and power generation.
5. Comprehend with solar ponds, stills, energy storage and photovoltaic and solar cell.
Unit 1 : Global and national energy scenario, conventional and non-conventional energy sources, Impact of energy use on
environment. Biomass conversion. Geothermal energy. Working principles of Fuel cells.
Unit 2 : Wind Energy Resources; global wind circulations; Indian sites for wind power; Wind energy system components,
Aerodynamic design of wind turbine, Wind Turbine control. Energy from Ocean (Wave energy, Tidal Energy, Ocean
Thermal Energy).
Unit 3 : Introduction to Solar Energy, Solar constant, Solar radiation at earth’s surface, Estimation and measurement of solar
radiation, Solar radiation on tilted surface, Solar thermal energy collection- flat plate collectors their material and
performance, focusing collectors.
Unit 4 : Solar heating and cooling of buildings, solar refrigeration, power generation from solar energy, solar ponds and solar
stills, solar cooking, solar energy storage, Basics of solar photovoltaic cells.
1. Solar Energy and Applications by S. P. Sukhatme and J. K. Nayak (Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co Ltd.)
2. Non-Conventional Energy Resources by B H Khan (Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co Ltd.)
3. Solar Energy Thermal Processes by Duffie and Beckman (Willey & Sons)
4. Non-Conventional Energy Sources by G.D. Rai Khanna Pub., Delhi.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Illustrate the basic concepts of refrigeration system and analyze the vapour compression cycle.
2. Understand VARS, aircraft refrigeration system and select proper refrigerant.
3. Use psychrometric principles for air-conditioning systems.
4. Design various components of air-conditioning systems.
Unit 1 : Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems: Analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system, Actual vapour
compression refrigeration cycle, Multi-pressure Systems, Cascade Systems, Trans critical CO2 refrigeration cycle,
Cold preservation of food, Cold storage.
Unit 2 : Air Refrigeration Systems: Bell Coleman air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration systems. Vapour Absorption
Refrigeration System: Properties of binary mixtures, Processes executed by binary mixtures, Aqua-ammonia and Li-
Br Absorption systems. Refrigerants: Selection criteria and desirable properties of refrigerants, Alternative refrigerants.
Unit 3 : Psychrometric properties, Psychrometric chart, Psychrometry of Air-Conditioning processes, Thermal comfort and
comfort chart, Cooling and heating load calculations.
Unit 4 : Air Conditioning System Design: Selection of inside and outside conditions, Air transmission and distribution
systems, Duct sizing methods, Introductory to Fans.
1. C.P. Arora; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Manohar Prasad; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, New Age Publishers
3. Roy J. Dossat; Principles of Refrigeration, Wiley and Sons.
4. W.F. Stoecker and J.F. Jones; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, McGraw Hill International Edition.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To impart complete knowledge of causes and effects of Air Pollution due to combustion systems.
2. To develop an understanding of basic meteorological processes and their effect on air pollution.
3. To explain the pollutants formation mechanism, monitoring techniques and control strategies.
4. To discuss automotive emissions, their reduction technologies and emission standards.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand and explain the global consequences of air pollution, its severity level and the effect of meteorological
conditions on pollutants dispersion.
2. Understand the formation mechanism and control strategies of combustion generated pollutants particularly from I.C. engines.
3. Carry out sampling and analysis of combustion generated pollutants using modern on-line techniques/instruments.
4. Select and design pollutant control devices for various applications.
Unit 1 : Introduction to Air Pollution, Global consequences of Air Pollution, Effect of atmospheric and meteorological
conditions, Atmospheric stability considerations, Stack plume behaviour, Atmospheric dispersion models, Assessment
of Air Pollution severity.
Unit 2 : General considerations of Combustion Generated Pollutants, Formation mechanism and source control of NOX, SOX,
CO, UHC and Particulates/soot, Photochemical smog, Emissions from I C engines, Emission reduction technologies,
Emission standards for Automobiles.
Unit 3 : Methodology for sampling and analysis of Combustion Generated Pollutants, Sampling considerations for Particulates
and gaseous pollutants, Sampling probes, Principles of operation of instrumentation used for NO X, CO, SOX, CO2,
UHC and O2 analysis.
Unit 4 : Types of Air Pollution Control Equipment & Source Correction methods, Gravity Settling chambers, Cyclone
separators, Fabric Filters, Wet Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators, Gas absorption and adsorption devices,
Afterburners / Incinerators, Catalytic Combustion, Flare System.
1. “Air Pollution Control Engineering “ by Noel de Nevers. Mc Graw Hill Int. Edition
2. “Air Pollution”, by Wark & Warner, Harper & Collins Publishers
3. “Air Pollution”, by Rao and Rao, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. “Air Pollution Control Theory”, by Crawford , Tata Mc Graw Hill
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
To produce graduates strong in Knowledge of energy resources, technologies and management fundamentals and make them
capable in addressing the present and potential future energy problems.
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand the basic knowledge of different principles of energy audit, conservation and management.
2. To comprehend the working of different types of boilers and heat recovery systems.
3. To select different types of energy storage systems as per available resources.
4. To understand different energy saving and management methods.
Unit 1 : Energy Scenario: Conventional and non-conventional Energy sources, Energy Conservation and its importance,
Energy conservation Act., Energy Audit: its definition & methodology, Duties and responsibilities of Energy Manager.
Unit 2 : Energy Flow in thermal systems: Thermal systems: concept and their types. Performance evaluation of boilers, energy
saving opportunities in boilers. Fluidized bed boilers; principle of fluidization, circulating fluidized bed, bubbling
fluidized bed boiler, pressurized fluidized bed combustion, advantages of fluidized bed combustion boilers. Types &
classifications of furnaces, Heat losses in a furnace, fuel economy measures in furnaces, waste heat recovery from
flue gases.
Unit 3 : Energy Storage and Systems: Types: pumped hydro system, compressed air system, flywheel, magnetic and thermal
storage systems: Principle and their Performance.
Unit 4 : Energy Saving and Management: Energy savings opportunities in thermal systems (Power Plants and Refrigeration
systems). Management methods for energy conservation in thermal systems.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Provide students a solid background in the physical principles and mathematical foundations of fluid mechanics and its
application in biomedical problems.
2. Integrate fluid dynamics engineering concepts to examine and to model the biological flow in human body.
3. Develop a critical thinking regarding the current research challenges in biological fluid dynamics.
Course Outcomes:
1. Analyze fluid mechanics models currently used for clinical research problems.
2. Understand the physiology and anatomy of the studied systems.
3. Analyze problems involving circulatory biofluid mechanics and blood rheology.
4. Identify specific diseases and how they are related to fluid dynamics.
5. Analyze, interpret, and synthesize results from the literature related to biofluid methodologies.
6. Have the capability to carry out a biofluid dynamics research project.
Unit 1 : Review of basic fluid mechanics, Biorheology, Constitutive equations, Non-Newtonian fluid models. Models for blood
flow: Steady flow in tubes, Pulsatile flow in a rigid tube.
Unit 2 : Circulatory system physiology: Function of circulatory system, circulation in heart, blood and lymphatic vessels. Blood
properties. Hemorheology. Blood flow dynamics in arteries and veins. Heart-valve hemodynamics.
Unit 3 : Synovial joints physiology. Function of synovial fluid. Diseases. Synovial fluid properties and rheology. Lubrication
Unit 4 : Biofluid dynamics of the human brain. Cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebral blood flow. Blood brain barrier. Brain diseases.
Unit 5 : Respiratory system physiology. Air flow in the lungs. Mechanics of breathing. Gas exchange and transport. Model
human airway problem. Flow and pressure measurement techniques in human body.
1. C. Kleinstreuer, Biofluid Dynamics: Principles and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006.
2. J. N. Mazumdar, Biofluid Mechanics, World Scientific, 2004.
3. L. Waite, Applied Biofluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill, 2007
4. Krishnan B. Chandran, Stanley E. Rittgers, and Ajit P. Yoganathan, Biofluid Mechanics: The Human Circulation, 2nd
Edition, CRC Press, 2012.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Classification of Pde’s: Linear & Non-Linear Pde’s, Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic pde’s. System of first order pde’s
Initial and Boundary conditions, Discretization by finite difference approach, Mixed partial derivatives.
Unit 2 : Parabolic partial differential equation: Finite difference formulations, Explicit and implicit methods, Parabolic equations
in two space dimensions, Various explicit and implicit schemes, Tridiagnonal system of equations, Consistency
analysis and stability analysis.
Unit 3 : Elliptic pde’s, Finite difference formulations, solution procedures, Applications, Multi-dimensional problems, Modified
equations, Hyperbolic pde’s Finite difference formulations, Applications, Non-linear problems.
Unit 4 : Incompressible Navier Strokes equations, Primitive variable formulations, Vorticity stream function formulations,
Poission equation for pressure, Boundary conditions, stability considerations. Applications to various problems.
1. Versteeg, H.K. and Malalasekera, W., An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method,
2e, Prentice Hall, UK, 2007.
2. Patankar, S.V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, USA, 2011.
3. J.D.Anderson Jr., Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill.
4. Hirsch; Numerical Internal and External flows Vol. 1 and Vol. 2.
5. Computational Fluid Dynamics by J.H Ferziger & M. Peric, Springer.
6. Dale Anderson, J. C. Tannehill, R. H. Pletcher, R. Munipalli and V. Shankar, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer, CRC Press, 2020
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of Navier-Stokes equations for viscous compressible fluid flow and important
dimensionless number relevant to the flow.
2. To provide knowledge of compressible flow phenomenon like shocks, expansion waves.
3. Development of an understanding of 1D and Quasi 1D flows with effects of friction, heat transfer and area change.
4. To provide knowledge of moving shock wave and reflection phenomenon, shock tubes and 2D irrotational compressible
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Compressible flow and its applications, Review of Basic Equation in Differential and Integral Form
(Mass, Momentum and Energy) for a viscous compressible flow and equations of states. Review of concepts of speed
of sound in a stationary compressible medium and the Mach. No Basic differential equations for an inviscid
compressible flow Dynamic, similarity parameters in a compressible viscous flow.
Unit 2 : Steady One-Dimensional Flow Model-Basic Equations, Normal Shock Waves (Stationary), Oblique Shock Waves,
Reflection & Interaction of Oblique Shock Waves, Expansion Waves Adiabatic Flow in a Constant area passage with
friction, frictionless flow in a constant area passage with heat addition/removal.
Unit 3 : Quasi-ID Steady Flows-Adiabatic Flow in a variable area passage without friction, Convergent-divergent nozzles and
their operating characteristics. Convergent-divergent Supersonic Diffusers, Generalized Quasi-ID Flow Governing
Unit 4 : Unsteady wave motion Moving normal shocks, reflected shock waves, Physical aspects of wave propagation,
Shock-tube relations, Introduction to 2-Dimentional Compressible Flow, vorticity considerations, Irrotational flow and
velocity potential, linearized solutions, method of characteristics.
Books :
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. The students will be able understand the basics working of rotodynamic machines
2. They will be able to understand the design of positive displacement pumps.
3. They will learn the basic design analysis of axial flow compressors and their performance characteristics.
4. They will learn the design principles of blowers, both centrifugal and axial type.
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe basic working of single and multi-stage centrifugal pumps and blowers.
2. Calculate performance and design positive displacement pumps.
3. Perform basic design analysis of axial flow compressors and calculate their performance characteristics.
4. Propose turbo-machines based on their applications.
Unit 1 : Pumps: Classification, Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps, Working Principle, Heads, Efficiencies, Cavitation,
Performance, Multi-stage Pumps. Reciprocating Pump, Gear Pump, Vane Pump, Screw Pump, Applications of
Unit 2 : Blowers: Centrifugal Blowers, Single and Multi-stage theory, adiabatic efficiency, performance; Applications.
Unit 3 : Compressors: Axial Flow Multi-stage compressors, Overall efficiency stage efficiency, symmetrical blading, airfoil
blades, surging, choking and stalling, performance; Applications.
Unit 4 : Similarity Laws: Specific Speed, Model Testing of Pumps and Compressors in Laboratory, Predicting Performance
of Prototype, Scale Effect.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Inadequacy of reductionism, Need for new paradigm, Characteristics and measures of complexity, Second law of
thermodynamics, Dynamical Evolution.
Unit 2 : Nature of information, Algorithm information theory, Nonlinear dynamics, Chaos and Complexity, Cellular automata
as model of complex systems, Self-organized criticality, Power laws.
Unit 3 : Complex adaptive and non-adaptive systems, Robots and smart structures, Swarm intelligence, Computational
Unit 4 : Network theory, Small-world, Small-world & Scale-free networks, evolution of complex networks, Strogatz and Watts
models, Synchrony in Physical, Biological and Chemical Systems.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Introducing governing equations and statistical tools employed for studying turbulence
2. Understanding the scales of motion and the related energy dynamics
3. Exposure to RANS approach and turbulence modelling
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction: Definition of turbulence; Features of turbulence – irregularity, diffusivity, high Reynolds number,
rotational, dissipative, continuum phenomenon; Characterization of turbulent flows –statistical averages, moments,
probability density function, correlation, spectrum, scales, intermittency, quadrant analysis.
Unit 2 : Statistical Modelling of turbulent flow: Reynolds averaged Navier – Stokes Equations; Equations for Reynolds
stresses, mean and turbulent kinetic energy; Energy transfer in turbulent flows; Closure problem.
Unit 3 : Turbulence modelling: Outline of approaches to prediction of turbulent flows; Desirable futures of a model of
turbulence; Zero -, one -, and two- equation models of turbulence; Limitations of RANS approach.
Unit 4 : Experimental techniques and Canonical turbulent flows: Need for special techniques; Hot-wire anemometry; LASER
Doppler Velocimetry; Particle Image Velocimetry. Homogeneous flows, free-shear flows like jets and wakes, wall-
bounded flows like channel, pipe and boundary-layer flows.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. Set up the most appropriate CFD model (in terms of boundary conditions, material properties, solution control
parameters, solution monitor, etc.) for the problem in hand.
2. Set up the most appropriate turbulence model for their particular applications.
3. Explain how to conduct both Steady state and Transient (time dependent) fluid flow simulations.
4. Explain how to solve for both isothermal and non-isothermal thermo-fluid applications in their CFD model set up.
5. Describe how to extract the required results and plots from the wealth of information available at the solution stage.
Course Outcomes:
1. Propose the most appropriate CFD model for the problem in hand and use commercial CFD packages.
2. Conduct both Steady state and Transient fluid flow simulations for both isothermal and non-isothermal thermo-fluid
3. Model most appropriate turbulence prediction methodology for their particular applications.
4. Propose numerical simulation or Matlab Program to design and improve experiments and equipments.
Unit 1 : Review of Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals: Basic Governing Equation of Mass, Momentum and Energy, Boundary
Conditions, Modelling of Fluid Flow and coupled problems and Mathematical behavior of PDE’s.
Unit 2 : Finite Difference & Finite Volume Method: Fundamentals of Finite Difference method, time stepping and General
description of solution to ODE's. Finite Volume Method for Diffusion, Convection-Diffusion and Unsteady Flows
Problems, Solution Algorithms for Pressure‐Velocity Coupling in Steady Flows, Solutions of Discretised Equations.
Unit 3 : Fluid Turbulence and its Modelling: RANS Equations and Closure Problem, RANS equations based turbulence
models, DNS and LES.
1) Programming in Matlab: 1D & 2D Steady State Diffusion, Convection-Diffusion problems, Unsteady Problems --
Heat Equation (1D and 2D).
2) Commerical Software (Ansys Fluent): laminar problems of LidDriven Cavity and Flow past cylinder, turbulent flows
in Pipe and Flow past airfoil.
1. Versteeg, H.K. and Malalasekera, W., An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics,The Finite Volume Method,
2e, Prentice Hall, UK, 2007.
2. Patankar, S.V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, USA, 2011.
3. J.D.Anderson Jr., Introduction to Computer fluiddynamics, Mc Graw Hill.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. The general objective of this course is to introduce the students to the application of nanotechnology in the area of
fluids and thermal engineering.
2. Demonstrate to the students the superior thermophysical properties of nanofluids.
3. Show through analytical and numerical analyses corroborated by experimental data that heat transfer systems will be
smaller and will require less pumping power for the same amount of heat transfer using nanofluids, in comparison to
conventional fluids used today.
4. Guide the students to research on this new topic to design modern mini and microchannel heat exchangers with
nanofluids exhibiting much higher thermal efficiency and saving energy.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to nanofluids, nanostructured materials, base fluids, dispersion, sonication and stable suspension,
Thermophysical properties, empirical correlations of different nanofluids. Effect of volumetric concentration and temperature.
Unit 2 : Combined effects of thermophysical properties of nanofluids on the thermal diffusivity, the Prandtl number, the
Reynolds number and the Nusselt number. Basic understanding of their effects on frictional loss and heat transfer.
Single-phase fluid equations, laminar flow, Correlations for friction factor and Nusselt number for nanofluids.
Unit 3 : Turbulent flow: Single phase fluid fully developed flow Dittus-Boelter and Glienilski equations. Blasius and other
turbulent friction factor correlations. Their comparison with nanofluids data. Principles of measurement and apparatus
for the nanofluid convective heat transfer coefficient.
Unit 4 : Application of nanofluids to various types of industrial heat exchangers. Application to building heating and cooling.
Application to automobile radiators. Introduction to electronic cooling in micro channels with nanofluids.
1. Sarit K. Das, S. U. S. Choi, W. Yu, and T. Pradeep, Nanofluids: Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. W. J. Minkowycz, E M Sparrow, J. P. Abraham, Nanoparticle Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, CRC Press, 2012
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
The course intends to teach design and analysis of air-breathing engines and their components. It also explores design aspects
of chemical, electrical and nuclear rockets.
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Fundamentals of jet propulsion Basic configuration and analysis of turbojet, turboprop, turbo-shaft, turbofans, ramjet
and scramjet engines. Performance characteristics of air-breathing engines.
Unit 2 : Aero-thermodynamics of Subsonic, Supersonic Inlets and nozzles, Combustors and after burners using Rayleigh
and Fanno flows.
Unit 3 : Off-design performance analysis of turboshaft, turbojet and turbofan engines, primarily of single-spool and twin-spool
Unit 4 : Concept and requirement of multi-staging. Basic design consideration of rocket nozzles, combustion chambers.
Non- Conventional rocket propulsion systems and their basic design considerations. Electric, Electro-thermal,
Electromagnetic and Electrostatic rocket engines. General applications of electric and nuclear propulsion systems
1. P.P. Hill & C.R. Peterson; Mechanics & thermodynamics of Propulsion, Addison Wesley Publishing Company (Text
2. Cohen, Rogers and Saravanamuttoo; Gas turbine theory, PHI
3. Sutton & Ross; Rocket Propulsion, John Wiley & Sons.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of Governing equations for linear acoustic theory and understanding the interaction of acoustic
waves with impedance discontinuities.
2. Ability to analyse and design problems related to acoustics.
Course Outcomes:
1. Analyse linear acoustic wave problems and explain hearing and sound perception.
2. Predict reflection and transmission and design partitions.
3. Model and analyse problems related to radiation, scattering and diffraction.
4. Analyse and design solutions for practical problems related to acoustics of large and small enclosures.
Unit 1 : 1D acoustic wave equation, acoustic intensity and energy, units of sound, hearing and perception, analysis methods
of linear acoustic wave equation.
Unit 2 : Normal incidence from one fluid to another, Mass law, transmission loss at a partition, oblique incidence (Snell’s law),
transmission and reflection from of an infinite and finite structure.
Unit 3 : Radiation from a breathing and trembling sphere, Kirchoff-Helmholtz Integral equation, baffled piston, finite vibrating
plate, diffraction, scattering.
Unit 4 : Absorption and Attenuation of sound, Absorption from viscosity and thermal conduction, absorption coefficient,
viscous losses at walls, Sound in enclosures, Sabine’s theory, direct and reverberant field, characteristics of sound
in small space, duct acoustics.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
To equip students with tools and techniques which will help them in evaluating and analyzing Industrial vibration and noise
control problems and designing their control strategies.
Course Outcomes:
1. Evaluate and analyse linear vibration problems and design control strategies for its control.
2. Describe and model the phenomenon of sound and learn its measurement techniques.
3. Evaluate and analyse noise problems and design control strategies for its control.
4. Analyse and design solutions for practical problems related to architectural acoustics and duct acoustics.
Unit 1 : Vibration Measurement and Control: Vibration of Single and multiple DOF, Vibration of Beams and Plates, Vibration
Measurement, Measurement of Damping, Vibration Control at the Source, Dynamic Vibration Absorber, Impedance
Mismatch, Active Vibration Control.
Unit 2 : Sound and its Measurement: Plane Wave Propagation, Spherical Wave Propagation, Decibel Level, Frequency
Analysis, Measurement of Sound Pressure Level, Hearing and perception of sound, Noise Limits in India, Sound Level
Meter, Microphones, Microphone Sensitivity.
Unit 3 : Noise Control Strategies: Control of Noise at the Source, Control of Noise in the Path, Noise Control at the Receiver
End, Noise Control of an Existing Facility, Estimation and Control of Compressor Noise, Estimation and Control of
Noise of Fans and Blowers, Estimation and Control of Pump Noise, Estimation and Control of Gear Noise, Impact
Noise Control.
Unit 4 : Acoustics of Enclosed spaces: Sound Field in a Room, Acoustics of a Partition Wall, Design of Acoustic Enclosures,
Noise Reduction of a Partition Wall and Enclosure, Acoustics of Barriers. Simple Expansion Chamber, Plug Muffler,
Absorptive Ducts and Mufflers, Acoustic Source Characteristics of I.C. Engines, Design of Muffler Shell and End
Plates, Helmholtz Resonators, Active Noise Control in a Duct.
1. M.L Munjal, Noise and Vibration Control, World Scientific, IISc Press.
2. David A. Bies and Colin H. Hansen, Engineering Noise Control, Spoon Press
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome:
1. To compare Powder Metallurgy as a manufacturing proves over other manufacturing techniques. Detailed knowhow of
the steps and advantages associated with PM process.
2. Aware about properties of Metal Powders and their manufacturing techniques.
3. Able to suggest areas where powder metallurgy technique should be used.
Unit 1 : Basic Manufacturing Methods: Introduction to Powder Metallurgy, Scope and Limitations, Powder Manufacture:
Reduction, Electrolysis, Atomization, Commination, Rapid Solidification Techniques.
Unit 2 : Powder Compaction: Die Design, Friction and Wear Considerations during Compaction, Single and Double Action
Compacting, Isostatic Pressing, Cold and Hot Consolidation, Sintering.
Unit 3 : Post Sintering Treatments: Coining, Sizing & Machinability consideration, Steam Treatment, Heat Treatment of
Sintered Parts, Solid and Liquid Phase Sintering, Dimensional Control.
Unit 4 : Application of Powder Metallurgy Parts: Sintered Bearings, Filters, Sintered Carbides, Iron and Steel Components,
Light Metal Alloys, Composites; MMC, Smart Materials by PM Processing, Automobile, Household and Business
Machines, Defense, Nuclear Industries.
1. G.S. Upadhaya; Sintered Metallic & Ceramic Materials-Preparation, Properties & Applications, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
UK, 2000.
2. G.S. Upadhaya; Powder Metallurgy Technology, Cambridge Int. Sc. Pub., Cambridge, UK, 1997.
3. R.M. German; Powder Metallurgy Science, Princeton, MPIF.
4. S.A. Tsukerman; Powder Metallurgy.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. The course aims at the knowledge of optimization techniques used in various industries.
2. To understand the concept of investment systems and game theory.
3. To understand the industrial systems under the conditions of certainty, uncertainty and risk.
4. To study and apply the queuing models, dynamic programming models.
5. To apply the project management, reliability and non-linear programming concepts.
Course Outcomes:
1. Gain knowledge and understanding of mathematical models and optimization techniques applied to various industries.
2. Understand the investment systems and game theory and analyze the industrial systems under various conditions.
3. Select and analyze queuing and dynamic programming models based upon given data.
4. Comprehend and understand the project management, reliability and non-linear programming concepts.
Unit 1 : Overview of Operations Research: Development, Definition, Characteristics and Necessity in Industry, Art of Modeling,
Types of Mathematical Models. Introduction to Optimization: Linear Programming (LP), General Mathematical
Formulation for LP, Canonical and Standard forms of LP, Development and Application of Simplex Method, Duplex
Method, Linear Goal Programming, Transportation and Assignment Models.
Unit 2 : Decision Theory, Games and Investment Analysis: Steps in Decision Theory Approach, Decision making under
conditions of certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk. Theory of Games, Competitive Games, Simple applications of Game
Theory, Introduction to Investment Analysis, Methods of Investment analysis.
Unit 3 : Queuing Models: Applications of Queuing Models, Waiting time and Idle time costs, Decision Queuing Models,
Introduction to Dynamic Programming. Applications of Dynamic Programming.
Unit 4 : Project Management, Reliability and Non-Linear Programming: Phases of Project Management, Work Breakdown
Structure (W.B.S.), Introduction and Concept of Reliability, Methods of increasing Reliability, Introduction to Non-
Linear Programming, Applications of Non-Linear Programming.
1. F.S. Hillier & G.J. Lieberman, Operations Research, Tata McGraw Hills, New York.
2. P. K. Gupta & D. S. Hira; Operations Research, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. 2009 edition.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concept of quality, quality cost and quality control tools and their measurement.
2. To understand the application of control charts and TQM tools and practices in the organizations for improved
3. To generate an idea of sampling plans and methods of improvement of quality of products and services along with
knowledge of reliability and maintainability in the production system.
4. To understand the principles, policies and procedures of quality systems implementation and quality certifications in
the organization along with the knowledge of service quality and SQ models.
Course Outcomes:
1. Gain knowledge and skills to use QM/TQM models, quality control tools and techniques.
2. Design, use and interpret various process control charts and to apply state of art of production and quality management
3. Understand sampling schemes to be applied to different production systems and to perform reliability engineering
analysis and TPM throughout the product life cycle.
4. Understand the importance of quality system certification and procedures as well as concept of service quality.
Unit 1 : Fundamentals of quality and TQM, Components, benefits, and obstacles of TQM, Frame work & paradigms of quality,
Costs of Quality; PDCA Cycle, 5S Principle, Seven basic quality control tools, Management tools, Quality Philosophy
of various Quality Gurus.
Unit 2 : Variable and attribute control charts (𝑋̅-R, p, c.etc.) and their interpretation, Process Capability and its Indices,
Taguchi’s concept of Quality, Kaizen (CQI), JIT and its application, Benchmarking, Teams and Empowerment.
Unit 3 : Acceptance sampling, Clot formation process, Concept of Sampling Plans, Operating Characteristic (OC) Curve,
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Reliability Engineering and its measurement, Introduction to Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM).
Unit 4 : Introduction to Quality Management Systems (QMS), Quality System (QS) procedure and structure, QMS
requirements and implementation, Introduction to EMS standards, HRM & its framework, Service Quality concept,
Quality Circles and Quality Awards.
1. Total Quality Management by Besterfield Dale H., Pearson Publication, 5the Ed.
2. Total Quality Management by Subburaj Ramasamy, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 8th ed., 2017.
3. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (Third Edition) by Douglas C. Montgomery, John Willey and Sons.
4. Service Marketing-Concepts, Applications and Cases by M.K. Rampal and S.L. Gupta, Galgotia Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
1. Introduction to QM/TQM tools like Six Sigma etc. and their applications.
2. Case study of any industry (manufacturing or service) using QM/TQM tools and techniques and control chart
3. Introduction to SERVQUAL Model.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Ergonomics, Information Theory, Model of Information Processing, Signal Detection Theory, Man-Man
and Man-Machine Communications
Unit 2 : Human Physiology, Work measurement, Motor Activities, Cognitive Abilities, Compatibility
Unit 3 : Anthropometry: Static and Dynamic, Work Spaces, Design of work surface, Work station and Task, Dynamic Loading.
Unit 4 : Effect and Control of Environmental Stressors Like, Noise, Vibration, Heat and Illumination, International Standards
related to these.
Unit 5 : Human error Accidence and Safety, Human Factors in Automobiles, Working with Computers and other systems,
Recent trends in the Field.
1. Mark S. Senders & E J MacCormick: Human Factors in Engineering & Design, McGrawHills.- Text Book
2. Encyclopedia of Human Factors and Ergonomics–Reference Book
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
Course Objectives Upon course completion, the students will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge and understanding in the design and development of manufacturing systems.
2. Apply the concept of coding and classification techniques and the understanding of various types of flexibilities.
3. Interpret and analyze the data from MRP and other ERP systems and to generate the reports as desired.
Unit 1 : Types of manufacturing systems, Introduction to modeling of manufacturing systems. Queuing theory. Serial
manufacturing systems-assembly lines, and transfer lines, paced and un-paced lines.
Unit 2 : Flexible Manufacturing Systems-System Components System Design, System Setup, Scheduling & Control, Flexible
assembly Systems, Group Technology- Principles of groups, Coding schemes, Assignment of machines to groups
and parts to machines.
Unit 3 : Probabilistic and Deterministic Inventory models, MRP & MRPII. Planning, scheduling, sequencing. Integrated
production management systems. Material handling systems. Storage and retrieval systems.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To identify the necessity and application areas for facility planning & layout in plant engineering.
2. To understand the concept of SLP approach for designing and evaluating the layouts.
3. To understand the techniques used for computerized layout planning, both for single and multi-facilities.
4. To understand, formulate and solve the single and multi-facility location problems.
5. To study the designing approaches for storage system.
Course outcomes:
1. To solve layout problems using Systematic Layout Planning &Relationship Diagram etc.
2. To solve computerized layout planning problems using CRAFT, CORELAP, ALDEP.
3. To formulate, &solve location problems for single and multi-facilities.
4. To plan, design and evaluate the different storage system.
Unit 1 : Layout design process, systematic layout planning, flow analysis and activity analysis, relationship diagram, space
requirements, designing the layout.
Unit 2 : Computerized layout planning and evaluation (ALDEP, CORELAP, CRAFT), computerized layout generation-
construction algorithms, improvement algorithms.
Unit 3 : Single facility location problem to minimum location problems with rectilinear and Euclidean distances. Multi-facility
location problem to rectilinear distance minimum location problems.
Unit 4 : Dedicated storage location polity – space requirements, sizing on the basis of service levels and costs, assigning
products to locations, randomized storage location policy.
1. Facility Layout & Location-An Analytical Approach by Richard L. Francis, John A. White, Prentice Hall.
2. Facilities Planning by J.A. Tompkins & J. A. White, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. Impart knowledge of basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
2. Develop capability to apply the basic concepts of AI and ML to different manufacturing systems.
Course Outcomes
1. Understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence including a basic knowledge of the different classifiers used in
machine learning.
2. Understand the different libraries used in Python for machine learning and create their own codes.
3. Apply the knowledge and concepts of machine learning to problems in industrial engineering.
4. Apply the knowledge and concepts of machine learning to problems in production engineering.
Unit 1 : Machine Learning: Introduction to Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, Probability, Linear Regression, Naïve Bayes
Classifier, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, KNN classifiers, k-Means clustering, ROC Curves, Significance
Unit 2 : Basics of Python: Introduction, Keywords, Regular expressions, Functions, Toolkit in Python: scikit-learn, Tensor flow,
Pandas, Matplotlib, OpenCV.
Unit 3 : Machine Learning in Industrial Engineering: Problems in forecasting, scheduling, transportation, inventory models,
quality control, maintenance and process optimization.
Unit 4 : Machine Learning in Production Engineering: Optimal parameter selection in manufacturing processes, Process
optimization: Conventional and Non-conventional machining, welding processes; Tool condition monitoring.
1. “Hands on Machine Learning with Python: Concepts and Applications for Beginners” by John Anderson, AI Sciences
2. “Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-learn and Tensor Flow” by Aurelien Geron, O’Reilly Publishers, 2016.
3. “Introduction to Operations Research” by Lieberman, G. J., & Hillier, F. S. , New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, (2015).
4. “Manufacturing Science” by A Ghosh & A K Mallick, East-West Press Private Limited, (2010).
Mapping of COs, POs & PSOs
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
To increase awareness and capabilities of data analytics for mechanical engineering applications using Python.
Course Outcomes
Unit 1 : Introduction to data analysis: Significance of DATA and DATA analytics. Types of data analysis – descriptive,
diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive. Use of statistics and probability in data analysis.
Unit 2 : Introduction to Python: Basics of Python: Variables, data types, statements and functions.
Unit 3 : Functions and Packages: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib & Pandas. Importing Python packages and calling functions.
Introduction to Numerical and scientific Python. Use of matplotlib package for visualization.
Unit 4 : Pandas and Descriptive Analytics: Introduction to Pandas. Data Frame: the key data structure for Data Science in
Python. Data cleaning and wrangling, using pandas for descriptive analytics.
Unit 5 : Diagnostic and Predictive Analytics: Performing diagnostic analytics with pandas, pivot tables, introduction to
regression and other machine learning techniques for predictive analytics. Applications in Mechanical Engineering.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Unit 1 : Essentials of machine learning Introduction to machine learning, meaning of supervised and unsupervised learning,
scope of application; mathematical basis of classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction, use of
optimization methods.
Unit 2 : Essentials of Python basics, data types, comparison and logic, functions, use of packages –scikit-learn, Introduction
to tensorflow and its applications.
Unit 3 : Supervised Learning - Classification and Regression: Classification, single and multiple variable regression with
TensorFlow and scikit-learn. Applications in mechanical engineering – demand forecasting, inventory planning and
control, maintenance and process optimization.
Unit 4 : Unsupervised Learning – Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction: Clustering and dimensionality reduction with
TensorFlow and scikit-learn. Applications in mechanical engineering – group technology, human factors
engineering, design of experiments, business processes.
1. “Hands on Machine Learning with Python: Concepts and Applications for Beginners” by John Anderson, AI Sciences
2. “Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-learn and Tensor Flow” by Aurelien Geron, O’Reilly Publishers, 2016.
3. Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, by Willi Richert , Luis Pedro Coelho and M. Brucher, Packt
Publication, 2018
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
To equip students with the basic understanding of electric and hybrid vehicles.
Course Outcomes
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Electric Vehicle: Types of Electric Vehicles, Configurations of Electric Vehicles,
Performance of Electric Vehicles; Traction Motor Characteristics, Tractive Effort and Transmission Requirement,
Vehicle Performance, Tractive Effort in Normal Driving, Energy Consumption, Comparison with IC Engines, Electric
Vehicle and Environment.
Unit 2: Batteries: Overview of Electrochemical Batteries, Types of Batteries; Lead–Acid Battery, Nickel-Based
Batteries, Lithium-Based Batteries, Parameters of Batteries, Charging Systems, Fuel Cell Energy Storage System.
Unit 3: Electric Propulsion System: Types of Electric Motors, Principle of Operation and Construction of DC Motors,
Induction Motors, Permanent Magnet Motors, Motor Cooling, Efficiency, Introduction to Converters, Electric Drive
Unit 4: Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Concept of HEVs Drivetrains, Comparison between Conventional IC Engine
Vehicles and HEVs, HEV technologies, Types of HEVs, Series and Parallel HEVs, Advantages and Disadvantages,
Series-parallel HEVs, Plug-in- HEVs.
4. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, Kambiz Ebrahimi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel
Cell Vehicles, CRC Press, 2018.
5. James Larminie and John Lowry, Electric Vehicles Technology Explained, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2003.
6. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2000
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
1. To know the principle methods, areas of usage, possibilities and limitations as well as environmental effects
of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To be familiar with the characteristics of the different materials those are used in Additive Manufacturing.
1. To compare different methods and discuss the effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To analyse the characteristics of the different materials in Additive Manufacturing.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Overview, History, Need, Classification, Additive Manufacturing Technology in product
development, Materials for Additive Manufacturing Technology, Tooling, Applications.
UNIT 2 CAD & REVERSE ENGINEERING: Basic Concept, Digitization techniques, Model Reconstruction, Data
Processing for Additive Manufacturing Technology: CAD model preparation, Part Orientation and support
generation, Model Slicing, Tool path Generation, Softwares for Additive Manufacturing Technology: MIMICS,
– Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)- Principle, process, advantages and applications – Solid based system –
Fused Deposition Modelling – Principle, process, advantages and applications, Laminated Object Manufacturing
UNIT 4 POST PROCESSING OF AM PARTS: Support Material Removal, Surface Texture Improvement, Accuracy
Improvement, Aesthetic Improvement, Preparation for use as a Pattern, Property Enhancements using Non-thermal
and Thermal Techniques, case studies.
1. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice, Ali Kamrani & Emad Abouel Nasr. Springer.
2. Additive Manufacturing, C.P. Paul, A.N. Jinoop, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology Principles and Applications by G. K. Awari, C. S.
Thorat, Vishwjeet Ambade , Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome
1. Ability to identify and understand the robotic system and their workspace.
2. Have idea about kinematics of robot.
3. Understand robot actuation and control system.
Unit I: Introduction, History of Robotics, Classification of Robots, Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots, Robot
Components, Robot degrees of freedom, Robot Coordinates and Reference Frames, Robot Characteristics,
workspace, and Applications.
Unit II: Matrix Representation of Point, Vector and Frame relative to a fixed reference frame; Homogenous
transformation matrices; Representation of transformations: Pure, rotational and combined.
Unit III: Forward Kinematic Equation of Robots: Position and Orientation, Denavit-Hartentberg representation
of Forward Kinematic Equation of Robots.
Unit IV: Sensors, Actuators and Drive Systems for Robotics applications, Sensor Characteristics and utilization,
Characteristics of Actuating Systems, Basics of Robot Control System, Programming modes, Languages.
1. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by John J. Craig, Pearson, Education International, 2005.
2. Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications by Saeed Benjamin Niku John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. An Introduction to Robot Technology by Phillipe Coiffet, Springer Netherlandsl, 2012.
CO and PO Mapping
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
1. Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, second edition, Nam-Trung Nguyen & Steven T.
Wereley, Artech House.
2. Micro and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics: Transport in Microfluidic Devices, Brian J. Kirby, Cambridge
University Press.
Pos PSOs
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1 3 2 2 2 2 2
2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3
4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To acquaint students with theory of linear elasticity, work and energy principles.
2. To introduce various structural component of aerospace vehicle and loadings over it.
3. To equip students with theory of bending and torsion of slender bodies.
4. To introduce numerical methods for solving linear structural mechanics problems in aerospace structures.
Course outcomes:
1. Ability to identify various aerospace structural component and loadings over it.
2. Ability to apply work-energy principles in analyzing the behavior of various structures.
3. Capability to analyze the behavior of thin-walled beams subjected to combined loads, including bending
and shear.
4. Expertise to solve structural problems subjected to torsional loads.
Unit 1: Introduction to aerospace vehicles and various loading on it, static equilibrium, compatibility equations,
Strain energy and complementary strain energy, Potential and complementary potential of external forces
Unit 2: Principle of virtual work, Potential theorems, Unit load method, Determinate and indeterminate structures,
planar and space trusses, Raleigh-Ritz Method.
Unit 3: Bending and extension of beams, stress resultants, modulus weighted section properties, Idealization of
stiffened–shell structures.
Unit 4: Torsion of slender bodies, Prandtl-stress function, Warping function, Thin-walled open sections, thin walled
closed section, Shear center, shear flow in thin walled multicell box beams.
CO and PO Mapping
Pos PSOs
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4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To understand the fundamentals of refrigeration and to select the appropriateequipment for various
refrigeration applications.
2. To design and implement refrigeration systems as per the recommendedstandards.
3. To understand the basic components of refrigeration system and refrigerants.
4. To provide knowledge of cold chain management systems.
Course Outcomes
After taking this course students should be able to:
1. Design the refrigeration system based on vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
2. Apply the concept of air refrigeration system, vapour absorption refrigerationsystem.
3. Select the components of refrigeration system and proper selection of refrigerant.
4. Analyse food storage and transport systems.
Unit 1: Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems: Analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system, Actual
vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Multi-pressure Systems, Cascade Systems, Trans-critical CO2
refrigeration cycle.
Unit 2: Air Refrigeration Systems: Bell Coleman air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration systems. Vapour
Absorption Refrigeration System: Aqua-ammonia and Li- Br Absorption systems.
Unit 4: Cold Chain: Introduction, scope and importance of cold chain in food processing industry. Storage and
transport of perishable food products. Cold storage and Food product transportation methods. Shelf life of different
food products (Chilled & Frozen foods). Use of dry ice in cold chain and its production.
1. C.P. Arora; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. W.F. Stocker & J.w. Jones; Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, McGraw Hills Inc. Intl. Student’s
3. Anand, M.L. Refrigeration& Air-Conditioning. Asian Books Pvt., Ltd., 2002.
4. Sun, Da-Wen. Advances in Food Refrigeration. Leatherhead Publishing, 2001.
References Books
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Course Objectives
1. To develop the technical skills necessary to generate an engineering drawing and an engineering
assembly using a modern CAD system.
2. To introduce the elements of engineering communications; including graphical representation of
machines and its elements.
3. To model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings with geometric
dimensioning tolerance.
Course Outcomes
1. Apply various concepts like dimensioning, conventions and standards related to machine
drawings in order to become professionally efficient.
2. Read, interpret and draw assembly drawing with moderate complexity using standard
conventions and methods.
3. Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new products
4. Model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings using CAD packages like
Books :
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