Syllabus: B.Tech

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Automobile Engineering
(Electric and Hybrid Vehicles)


Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

B.Tech. Automobile Engineering (Electric and Hybrid Vehicles)
(Valid for students admitted from the year 2023 onwards)

Semester 1: Sections A, B, C/Semester 2: Sections D, E, F

Course No.





Course Title

1 BS AMS1110 Applied Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100

2 BS ACS1110 Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
3 ESA EEA1110 Principles of Electrical Engineering 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
5 AU CEU1110 Environmental Studies (Audit Course) 3 0 0 0 15 25 60 100
5 ESA MEA1130 Thermal Sciences 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
6 BS ACS1910 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
7 ESA COA1911 Computer Programming Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100
8 ESA MEA1910 Engineering Graphics Lab 1 0 2 2 60 40 100

Semester 2: Sections A, B, C/Semester 1: Sections D, E, F

Contact Marks

Course No.


S. No.

Course Title



1 BS AMS1120 Applied Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100

2 BS APS1110 Applied Physics 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
3 ESA ELA1110 Principles of Electronics Engineering 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
4 ESA MEA1120 Engineering Mechanics 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
5 HM EZH1110 English 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
6 BS APS1910 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
7 ESA MEA1921 Engineering Workshop 0 1 2 2 60 40 100
8 HM EZH1910 Communication Skills Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Structure: B.Tech. Automobile Engineering (Electric and Hybrid vehicles)

Semester 3:

Course No.

S. No.

Course Title


1 PC AEC2110 Mechanics of Solids 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100 MEA1120

2 PC AEC2430 Automotive Materials 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
3 PC AEC2320 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
4 PC AEC2750 Lean Methods for Automobile Engineers 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
5 ESA AEA2420 Experimental Methods & Analysis 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
6 BS AMS2310 Higher Mathematics 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
7 PC AEC2910 Machine Drawing Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100
8 PC AEC2950 Fluids Mechanics Lab 0 1 3 1.5 60 40 100
9 PC AEC2930 Manufacturing Technology Lab-I 0 1 2 2 60 40 100

Semester 4:

Course No.

S. No.


Course Title


1 PC AEC2450 Vehicle Body Design 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100

2 PC AEC2220 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100 MEA1110
3 PC AEC2410 Manufacturing Technology 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100 MEA1920
4 ESA EEA2040 Automotive Electrical & Electronic System 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
5 BS AMS2320 Numerical Method and Optimization 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
6 PC AEC2760 Additive Manufacturing 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
7 AU AEUXXX Foreign Language 3 0 0 0 15 25 60 100
8 ESA AEA2970 Automotive Electrical & Electronic Lab 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
9 PC AEC2960 Thermal System Lab-I 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
10 PSI XXXXXX Industrial Training 0 1 2 2 100 100
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Structure: B.Tech. Automobile Engineering (Electric and Hybrid vehicles)

Semester 5:

Course No.


S. No.

Course Title


1 PC AEC3110 Design of Vehicle Components 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100

2 PC AEC3290 Electric & Hybrid Vehicles 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
3 HM MEH3450 Engineering Economy & Management 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
4 PC AEC3240 Fuels, Lubricants & Coolants 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
5 PC AEC3130 Automotive Drives & Transmission 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
6 AU AEUXXX Audit Course (To be declared by dept.) 3 0 0 0 15 25 60 100
7 PE AEEXXX PROGRAM ELECTIVE-I 3 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
8 PC AEC3960 Modeling & Simulation of Thermofluid System 0 1 2 2 60 40 100


Semester 6:

Course No.

S. No.


Course Title


1 PC AEC3120 Machinery Dynamics 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100 MEC2120

2 PC AEC3220 I.C. Engines 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
3 PC AEC3340 Automotive Hydraulic Pneumatic Systems 3 1 0 4 15 25 60 100
4 PC AEC3250 Automotive Emission & Control 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
5 HM EZH4010 Intellectual Property Right for Engineers 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100 MEA1110
6 PC AEC3970 Fuel Testing Lab 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
7 PC AEC3930 Manufacturing Technology Lab-II 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
8 PC AEC3940 Solid Modeling & Analysis Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100 MEC2910
9 PC AEC3950 Kinematics & Stress Analysis Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Structure: B.Tech. Automobile Engineering (Electric and Hybrid vehicles)

Semester 7:

Course No.

S. No.

Course Title


1 PE AEEXXXX PROGRAM ELECTIVE II 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100

2 OE AEOXXXX OPEN ELECTIVE-I 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100

3 PC AEC4210 Automotive System 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100

4 PC AEC4950 Energy Conversion Systems Lab 0 1 2 2 60 40 100

5 HM MEH4810 Colloquium 0 1 2 2 60 40 100

6 PC AEC4960 Thermal System Lab II 0 0 3 1.5 60 40 100
7 PSI AEC4910 Project (Phase I) 0 3 0 3 60 40 100

Semester 8:

Course No.

S. No.

Course Title


1 PE AEEXXXX PROGRAM ELECTIVE-III 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100

2 PE AEEXXXX PROGRAM ELECTIVE-IV 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
3 PE AEEXXXX PROGRAM ELECTIVE-V 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
4 OE AEOXXXX OPEN ELECTIVE-II 2 1 0 3 15 25 60 100
5 PSI AEC4920 Project (Phase II) 0 4 0 4 60 40 100
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

SUMMARY OF CREDIT : B.Tech. Automobile Engineering (Electric and Hybrid Vehicles)

Credit Ranges Credit Ranges

Credits Credit
Course Category (as per for II Year
provided Provided
ordinance) Onwards
in FY
Basic Sciences (BS) 25-30 19 6-11 26
Engineering Sciences & Arts (ESA) 24-40 19 6-22 27.5
Humanities and Management (HM) 10-16 5 5-11 11
Program Core (PC) 60-100 60-100 83.5
10-18 (2 for
Project, Seminar, Internship (PSI) 10-18 11
Program Elective (PE) 15-32 15-32 15
Open Elective (OE) 6-18 6-18 6
Audit course (AU) 0 No. of course: 1 No. of course: 2
Total Credits 180

Note: Students will be required to pass a minimum of 12 overall credit courses

available on online platforms such as MOOCS, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. and
recommended by the Department.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Engineering Mechanics

Course Number : MEA1121
Credits : 03
Course Category : ESA
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L–0T–0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work 15%
Mid-Sem Examination (1 Hours) 25%
End-Sem Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To give students practice in applying their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering and
to expand this knowledge into the vast area of Applied Mechanics.
2. To enhance students’ ability to design by requiring the solution of open-ended problems.
3. To prepare the students for higher level courses.

Course Outcomes

1. Classify basic engineering mechanics concepts required for predicting the behaviour of static
2. Develop concepts of rigid body kinematics
3. Ability to apply Newton’s Second Law in predicting the motion of rigid bodies under the influence of
various forces and moments.
4. To appreciate the energy and momentum methods in modelling and analysis of motion of rigid body


Unit 1: Statics: Concepts and Principles of Mechanics, Moment of Forces, Moment about Axis, Couple and
Equivalent Force-Couple system, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Reaction, Friction and Wedges;
Content beyond Syllabus: Principle and Application of Virtual Work

Unit 2: Kinematics: Curvilinear Motion of Particles: Position Vector, Velocity, and Acceleration; Relative
Motion in Translation; Tangential, Normal, Radial and Transverse Components; Rigid Body Kinematics:
Translation, Rotation about a Fixed Axis, General Plane Motion, Absolute and Relative Velocity and
acceleration in Plane Motion;
Content beyond Syllabus: Instantaneous Center of Rotation, General 3D Motion, Coriolis Acceleration

Unit 3: Newton’s Second Law: Kinetics of Particles: Linear and Angular Momentum of system of particles-
-Rate of Change of Linear and Angular Momentum; Equations of Motion in Terms of Radial and Transverse
Components; Motion under a Central Force--Conservation of Angular Momentum; Motion of the Mass Center
of a System of Particles, Angular Momentum of a System of Particles about Its Mass Center, Conservation
of Momentum for a System of Particles; Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Equations of Motion, Angular Momentum
in Plane Motion, d'Alembert's Principle
Content beyond Syllabus: Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions, Euler's Equations of

Unit 4: Energy and Momentum Methods: Kinetics of Particles: Work of a Force, Kinetic Energy of a
Particle- Principle of Work and Energy, Potential Energy, Conservative Forces, Conservation of Energy,
Principle of Impulse and Momentum, Impulsive Motion, Direct and Oblique Central Impact, Problems
Involving Energy and Momentum; Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Principle of Work and Energy, Principle of
Impulse and Momentum for the Plane Motion, Conservation of Angular Momentum
Content beyond syllabus: Kinetics of rigid bodies in 3D, Application of the energy and Momentum methods
to the 3D Motion of a Rigid Body
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


1. Beer Ferdinand P. and Johnston Jr., E Russel, Vector Mechanics of Engineering: Statics
and Dynamics, Metric Edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Merium, JL., Engineering Mechanics (Volume I and II), 3rd Edition (SI Version) John Wiley
and Sons

Pos PSOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
1 3 2 1 1 3 1 1
2 3 2 1 1 3 1 1
3 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2
4 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 2
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Engineering Workshop

Course Code : MEA1921
Credits : 03
Course Category ; ESA
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 0L-1T-2P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Practical
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 65%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 40%

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is

1. to make students aware of engineering materials and manufacturing processes.

2. impart hands on training on product development.

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of this course, students should be able to

1. classify engineering materials.

2. classify different manufacturing processes and their applications.
3. describe and distinguish various tools and equipment used.
4. select the manufacturing operations as per given project/product/job.



Introduction and identification about engineering materials. Introduction
1. about Manufacturing. 3

2. Process (MEA-1920) and industrial safety requirements. 3

3. Introduction about classification of manufacturing processes/ tools. 3
Demonstration of Metal cutting operations in M/c Shop along with the
hands-on preparation of a job involving various metal cutting
processes: shaping, slotting, milling, turning, threading, knurling etc.
4. 3x4
• The diagram of the job will be shared at the time of lab work.
• Main machines to be worked on: Shaper, Slotter, Milling, Lathe
Demonstration of Joining processes, carpentry work and electroplating
with the hands-on preparation of job involving various processes: joint
making using wood as well as metal, planning, drilling, boring, finishing
buffing, electroplating etc.
5. 3x4
• The diagram of the job will be shared at the time of lab work.
• Tools used in Carpentry, Fitting
• Machines used: Drilling, Grinding, Gas / Arc welding,
Electroplating setup
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Demonstration of foundry and smithy work with the hands-on

preparation of job involving various processes: Moulding, casting, hot
metal smithy work, tin smithy etc.
6. 3x4
• The diagram of the job will be shared at the time of lab work.
• Work may be requiring Pit furnace, Open hearth furnace etc.
• Tools used: as per Moulding shop, Smithy and Tin smithy shop.

1. The course comprises of above minor projects, after finishing every project as per the
students will submit the detailed report and be present with the prepared job for viva voce
to get evaluation done. There would be ideally three reports and three viva-voce of 20
marks each.

2. A Student shall NOT be allowed to attend the class without an apron, safety shoes and
steel rule.

3. The report submission and viva voce exam shall be held as per the schedule mentioned

4. Each student shall submit his/her report on a practical notebook.

5. Each student should collect the practical notebook from the teacher concerned before the
next submission.

6. If a student is absent on his/her scheduled turn, he/she shall be required to complete the
job before the report submission is due.

7. Students are required to paste their photograph on the job card.

8. The report is to be prepared as per the instructions given and it should not be of more than
3 pages.

9. The students are advised to prepare their report themselves. They must not share/copy
their report with/from other students.

The format of report shall be as follows:



1. Manufacturing engineering and Technology (Vol I and II) by Kalpakjian Publisher Addison-
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Thermal Sciences

Course Number : MEA1111
Credits : 04
Course Category : ESA
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work 15%
Mid-Sem Examination (1 Hours) 25%
End-Sem Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. Impart knowledge of basic concepts and laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer.
2. Develop capability to evaluate the performance of thermal engineering systems.
3. Develop the problem-solving skills essential to good engineering practice of heat transfer in real-
world applications.

Course Outcomes

After taking this course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the basic thermodynamic concepts and analyze systems using intuitive problem-solving
2. Apply the First Law of Thermodynamics to a system of thermodynamic components to estimate
required balances of heat, work and energy flow.
3. Evaluate system properties and apply energy balance with the help of property data.
4. Explain the importance of Second Law of Thermodynamics and evaluate the limitations on thermal-
mechanical energy conversion in practical systems.
5. Formulate the models necessary to study, analyze and design engineering systems through the
application of basic principles of heat transfer.


Unit 1: Applications of Thermodynamics, Basic Concepts and Definitions: Thermodynamic Systems,

Properties, States, Processes, Cycles, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Quasi-Static Process, Pressure and its
Measurement, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Temperature and its Measurement. Thermodynamic
Concepts of Heat and Work; Types of Work Interactions, First Law of thermodynamics for control mass
and control volume, Energy as a Property, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Specific heats.

Unit 2: Steady-State, Steady-Flow Process (SSSF) and Uniform-State, Uniform-Flow Process (USUF)
processes. Pure Substance: Different Phases of Pure Substance, Property Diagrams, Tables and Charts,
Phase Boundaries, Dryness Fraction, Phase-Change Processes of Pure Substances, Property
Diagrams for Phase-Change Processes, concept of ideal gas and real gas.

Unit 3: Second Law of Thermodynamics and its Applications: Limitations of First Law, Statements and
Corollaries of Second Law, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Internal and External Irreversibility,
Direct and Reversed Heat Engines (Efficiency and COP), Carnot Cycle, Thermodynamic Temperature
Scale, Clausius inequality, Entropy – a property of a system, Second law analysis of control volume.
Analysis of Power and Refrigeration cycles
Unit 4: Concepts of Heat Transfer and its Engineering Applications: Fourier’s law of steady state heat
conduction, Composite wall and the electrical analogy, Heat flow through a hollow cylinders and spheres,
Convective heat transfer, Newton’s law of cooling, Combined heat transfer, electrical analogy, overall heat
transfer coefficient, Black body radiation, grey body, emissive power, emissivity, Kirchhoff’s law, Stefan-
Boltzmann law, Radiation properties. Applications of heat transfer in electrical, electronics and computer
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A Boles, McGraw-

Hill Education.
2. Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley.
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by D.B. Spalding and E. H. Cole, English Language Book Society,
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Mapping of COs, POs & PSOs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2
2 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2
3 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3
4 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3
3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Engineering Graphics Lab

Course Number : MEA1911
Credits : 02
Course Category : ESA
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 0L–1T–2P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Continuous Assessment (Drawing Sheets/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%

Course Objectives

1. To develop understanding of the fundamentals of engineering graphics, standards, conventions of

drawings, scales, curves.
2. Exposure to orthographic projections of point, lines, planes and machine parts.
3. Understanding of isometric projection and development of surfaces.

Course Outcomes

1. Ability to interpret engineering drawing and knowledge viz conventions dimensions, scaling and
various engineering curves.
2. Ability to comprehend the principle of orthographic projections with the ability to draw the projections
of lines and planes.
3. Ability to draw orthographic projection of machine parts and then sections and visualize
engineering components from any drawing.
4. Capability to draw & interpret isometric projections of object with proper scaling and able to develop
surfaces of solids.


Fundamentals of engineering drawing, standards, lettering, conventional lines and their uses, methods
of dimensioning.

Orthographic projections, projection of points, lines and planes.

Projections and sectioning of solids/machine parts.

Axonometric Projections, isometric projection of solids, development of surfaces, intersection of surfaces


1. Parthasarathy, Vela Murali, “Engineering Drawing”, Oxford University Press (2015).

2. Basant Agrawal, C.M. Agrawal, “Engineering Drawing”, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed. (2013).
3. Web Links:

Pos PSOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2
2 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 2
3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 2
4 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 2
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Vehicle Body Design

Course Number : AEC2450
Credits : 04
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 2L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To acquire the fundamental knowledge of ergonomic design of vehicles.

2. To understand design, safety and fatigue aspects of automotive.
3. Understanding the basic idea of design processes.
4. Abilities of developing equations pertaining to the design of machine elements.
5. Knowledge of different materials and their properties for designing the machine elements.

Course Outcomes

After completing the course, the student must be able

1. To apply various ergonomic principles for vehicles design

2. To apply design, safety and fatigue aspects in automotive design.
3. to design machine components based on appropriate theory of failure and exposure to fatigue design.
4. to select and design the fasteners and joints as per the requirements.

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Ergonomics: Introduction to automotive ergonomics, use of anthropometry in designing vehicles,

seating dimensions, interior systems ergonomic design, occupant packaging, seat comfort, suspension
seats, split frame seating, back pain reducers, dash board instruments, electronic displays, field of view from
automotive vehicles, driver information acquisition and processing, commercial vehicle cabin ergonomics,
mechanical package layout, goods vehicle layout, visibility - regulations, driver’s visibility, tests for visibility,
methods of improving visibility and space in cars.

Unit 2: Design, Safety and Fatigue Aspects: Design for press working, design for spot welding, adhesives
and sealants, goods vehicle structure design, chassis frame configuration, structural properties of chassis
frame members. crash tests, forces in roll over, head on impact, plastic collapse and analysis, fatigue and
vibration, structural vibration, modeling of driver vision, driver performance measurement, driver workload
measurement, and vehicle evaluation methods.

Unit 3: Design for static and dynamic loading, design stress and factor of safety, reliability, Theories of
failures, failure resulting from static and variable loading.

Unit 4: Design of threaded joints: Eccentrically loaded bolted joints, Torque requirement; Design of riveted
and welded joints: Strength of Butt and fillet joints, Unsymmetrical welded joints, Effect of Eccentric Load;
Design of Power screws: Efficiency of Square threaded and self-locking screw, design of screw, nut and
screw jack.


1. Ergonomics in the Automotive Design Process, Vivek D. Bhise, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
2. Joseph E. Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill.
3. V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
4. M.F. Spott, Design of Machine Element, Prentice Hall.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Course Code : AEC2220
Credits : 04
Course Category ; DC
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L-1T-0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

To create basic awareness for applying the concepts of thermodynamics in processes used in different
industrial applications. To equip graduates with the heat transfer processes taking place in various
equipment and to formulate simple problems and estimate rates of heat transfer, temperature variation
and efficiency of such equipment.

Course Outcomes

After taking this course students should be able to

1. To apply basic thermodynamic relations, use various thermodynamic tables and charts for
analyzing real life engineering problems.
2. Analyse problems based on gas-vapor mixtures and psychrometric processes. Explain basic
refrigeration cycles andcompressors used in refrigeration systems.
3. Formulate and analyse heat conduction problems with and without heat generation. Apply the
concept of boundarylayer formation over heated surfaces during forced and free convection.
4. To analyse radiative heat exchange between two or more surfaces of different geometries and
to analyse differentautomobile systems using principles of Heat Transfer.


Unit–I: Thermodynamic Relations & Real Gas: Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Joule-
Thomson coefficient, Relations involving enthalpy, internal energy, entropy, specific heats etc, Ideal and
real gas behaviour, Real gas equations of state, compressibility factor, enthalpy and entropy departure,
Availability and irreversibility.

Unit–II: Non-Reactive Mixtures & Refrigeration: Mixtures of ideal gases, Mixtures involving gases and
vapours, First law applied to gas-vapor mixtures, Psychrometric parameters and processes, Basic
refrigeration cycles (Vapour compression, Air refrigeration and Vapour absorption), Compressors.

Unit–III: Conduction & Convection heat transfer: Combined heat transfer processes, 1-D steady state
heat conduction through composite structures, Critical thickness of insulation. 1-D heat conduction with
internal heat generation, Forced Convection during External and Internal flows, Free convection heat

Unit–IV: Radiation & applications of heat transfer: Laws of thermal radiation, Intensity of radiation,
Radiation Shape factors for simple geometries, Radiation heat transfer between black surfaces and gray
surfaces, Heat Pipe, Extended surfaces, Thermal Management systems.


1. Claus Borgnakke and Richard Sonntag, ‘Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’, Seventh Edition,

Wiley IndiaPvt. Ltd, 2008.
2. Eastop and McConkey, ‘Applied Thermodynamics’, Pearson Education Asia, 2003.
3. Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley.
4. Introduction to heat transfer by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, John Wiley.
5. Heat and Mass Transfer by Altamush Siddiqui, Cengage L. India P. Ltd.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Thermal Systems Lab-I

Course Number : AEC2950
Credits : 02
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work (Reports/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%

Course Objectives:

To enable the students to understand the basic principles of refrigeration, combustion and heat transfer
through experimental means.

Course Outcomes:

After taking this course the students should be able to:

1. Estimate the psychrometric properties of ambient air and understand the working of two and
four stroke internal combustion engines.
2. Determine the volumetric efficiency of reciprocating compressor and to understand the thermal
structure of laminar pre-mixed flame.
3. To predict transient behaviour of various equipment’s and estimate heat transfer rates, film
coefficients, efficiency, effectiveness, etc. in free and forced convection.
4. To determine thermal conductivity of insulating material and conductance of a heat pipe.

List of Experiments:

1. Measurement of relative humidity by adiabatic saturator and comparison of result with other
2. Comparative study of two-stroke and four-stroke I.C. Engines.
3. Determination of volumetric efficiency of a two-stage reciprocating air Compressor.
4. To draw temperature profiles of a premixed LPG flame.
5. To determine thermal conductivity of an insulating material by two slabs guarded Hot Plate
6. To determine the thermal conductance of a Heat pipe (a superconducting device) and other
identical pipes.
7. To determine heat transfer coefficients of air flowing across the extended surface. Also, find
the rate of heat transfer, efficiency and effectiveness of the surface used.
8. To determine the film coefficient of air flowing over a heated body during the transient heat
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Lean Methods for Automobile Engineers

Course Number : AEC2750 / MEE4750
Credits : 03
Course Category : PC
Pre-Requisite(s) : Manufacturing Technology
Contact Hours : 2L-1T-0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Work : Mid Semester Examination (25 Marks)
Assignments, Tutorial, Quiz (15 Marks)
and End Semester Examination (60 Marks)

Course Objectives

1. To expose lean fundamental concepts, and distinguish between traditional manufacturing and
lean manufacturing.
2. To understand and apply various lean tools & demonstrate lean solutions to sustain them.
3. To learn to reconcile lean with other systems.
4. To interpret and communicate the solution of the problem in organized manner.

Course Outcomes

After successfully completing the course, students should be able to:

1. Understand the importance of Lean in Today's environment, gain knowledge and skills to
differentiate between value & waste, and identify the activities to value creation.
2. Examine the problem, analyze it and propose appropriate lean methods to solve it.
3. Demonstrate appropriate tools for the given problems and propose solutions to sustain them.
4. Design and develop a systematic plan to implement lean solutions for given problems.


Unit 1: Introduction to Lean Manufacturing (LM): Historical evolution of LM, Global competition &
customer requirements, Meaning of Lean Manufacturing System (LMS), Characteristics of LMS, Concept of
value & waste, Types of waste and their description, Need & benefits of LMS, Elements of LMS, Lean
thinking to meet the customer requirements.

Unit 2: Primary Lean Tools & Techniques: Meaning and purpose of '5S' Work place organization, '5S'
process & its implementation, Benefits of '5S', Meaning and purpose of Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM), Pillars of TPM, TPM implementation process, Principles & techniques of TPM, Overall Equipment
Effectiveness (OEE) and problems on computation of OEE, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) & waste
visualization, Type of VSM, Steps in construction of VSM, TAKT time calculation.

Unit 3: Secondary Lean Tools & Techniques: Cause and effect diagram, Pareto chart, Radar chart,
Poka Yoke, Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Kanban system, Automation, Design for
Manufacturing & Assembly (DFMA), Just-in-Time (JIT), 5W2H process improvement approach, Visual
management, Problems on Pareto analysis and computation of number of Kanban.

Unit 4: LMS Rules & Implementation: Stability, Management, Standardized work, Pull system (KAIZEN),
Continuous improvement (CI), Lean Implementation: Lean methodology, Lean planning for successful
conversion, Implementing LMS for higher productivity, LMS Design Process, Lean leadership & culture.


1. N. Gopalakrishnan, Simplified Lean Manufacture, PHI, 2010.

2. Akhilesh N. Singh, Lean Manufacturing: Principles to Practice, L.B. Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Delhi, India,
3. Production and Operations Management by S.N. Chary, McGraw Hill, India, 2019.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

CO-PO-PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2
2 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 1
3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 1
4 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 2
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Mechanics of Solids

Course Number : MEC2110 / AEC2110
Credits : 04
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L–0T–1P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Course work 15%
Mid-Sem Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End-Sem Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To develop fundamentals of 3-D elasticity.

2. To get acquainted with principles of equilibrium, engineering properties of materials, strain energy
deformations etc. in engineering applications.
3. To practice the methodologies in the analysis and design of structural members.

Course Outcomes

1. Ability to analyse stresses and strains using 3D elasticity.

2. Ability to comprehend material constitutive models to analyse structures based on principles of strain
energy and to access the buckling characteristics.
3. Ability to analyse statically indeterminate structures.
4. Capability to analyse the pressure vessel, rotating rings and disc.


Unit 1: Stress at a point, Stress tensor and its properties, Equilibrium equations (Cartesian & Polar Co-
ordinates), Principal stresses, Strain and its measurements, Strain tensor, Strain rosettes. Compatibility

Unit 2: Generalized Hooke’s law and constituting equations, Strain energy in tension, shear, Bending and
torsion, Castigliano’s and Maxwell’s theorems, Deflection of straight and curved beams using strain energy.
Introduction to columns, Euler’s buckling theory, Rankine Gordon-formula.

Unit 3: Analysis of beams, Principle of superposition, statically indeterminate beams, Shear force, Bending
moment and deflections in statically indeterminate beams, Macaulay's double integration method, Moment
area theorem, Clapeyron’s three moment theorem, Deflection in fixed and continuous beams.

Unit 4: Thin cylinders and spherical shells, cylindrical vessel with hemispherical ends, Wire wound barrels,
Lame’s theory, Thick cylinder, Compound cylinder, Force fits, Rotating rings and disc


1. Hearn, E.J.; Mechanics of Materials – Vol- I & II, Pergamon Press.

2. F. Beer, E. R. Johnston, J. T. DeWolf, Mechanics of Materials, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
3. Kazmi, S.M.A., Solid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hills.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Material Science / Automotive Materials

Course Number : MEC2430 / AEC2430
Credits : 04
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To provide basic information about engineering materials.

2. To provide details about composition and properties of engineering materials.
3. To provide information about materials behaviour to stresses, working and different treatment
4. To provide information about corrosion and its prevention.

Course Outcome

1. Students should have in depth knowledge of engineering materials and their composition etc.
2. Students should be aware with properties of materials and change in properties due to working and
processes like heat treatment etc.
3. Students should be able to select the materials for a particular application.


Unit 1: Introduction to Engineering & Automobile materials; Crystal Structure, Miller indices, Crystal
imperfections, Role of dislocations, Grain boundaries and stacking faults on mechanical properties of

Unit 2: Phase diagrams: Allotropy of iron, Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, TTT-diagram, types of heat
treatment, Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening Tempering, Case-hardening, Surface hardening, Effect of
alloying elements in steels and cast iron.

Unit 3: Diffusion in Solids: Types of diffusion, Isothermal Transformation, Precipitation hardening, Age-
hardening, Aluminum alloys, Brasses, Bronzes, Non-metallic materials-Glasses, Ceramics, Polymers and

Unit 4: Mechanical Failure, Tensile Test, Fatigue Test, Creep Test, Environmental Effect on basic
Engineering Materials, crashworthiness.


1. William D. Callister, Jr.; Materials Science & Engineering: An Introduction.

2. Gupta, K.M.; Materials Science & Engineering

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Fluid Mechanics

Course Code : AEC2320
Credits : 04
Course Category ; DE
Pre-Requisite(s) : Me111
Contact Hours : 3L-0T-1P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To develop a concept of fluid and an understanding of Continuum model of fluid motion

2. Development of basic concepts of continuum mechanics like localized force distributions, Eulerian
and Lagrangian frames of reference, Field and Material derivatives.
3. Development of principles of fluid statics and their applications.
4. To provide knowledge of kinematic aspects of fluid motion, basic methods of flow visualization.
5. To provide basic knowledge of incompressible flow in circular pipes and exposure to design
problems involving piping systems.

Course Outcomes

After taking this course the students shall be able to

1. Apply the knowledge of Fluid statics for design, and flow kinematics for analysis of flow fields.
2. To analyze a flow system using integral and differential approaches.
3. Design fluid transportation system and estimate energy losses.
4. Analyze fluid flow around immersed bodies and estimate the associated fluid forces.


Unit 1: Fluid as continuum, incompressible and compressible fluids, stress at a point, Newton’s law of
viscosity, Newtonian fluids, thermodynamic/hydrodynamic pressure, hydro-static forces on submerged
plane and curved surfaces, rigid body motion of fluid, Eulerian & Lagrangian of fluid motion, velocity &
acceleration, stream line, path line and streak line

Unit 2: System & control volume, basic & subsidiary laws, Reynold’s transport theorem (no proof), laws of
conservation of mass, momentum; integral & differential approaches, Euler’ & Bernoulli’s equations,
Bernoulli’s applications. Incompressible and compressible flow, fully developed flow.

Unit 3: Flow in circular pipes, Reynolds number regimes, Laminar and turbulent flow, Effect of rough walls;
Moody’s chart, Major and minor losses in pipe systems, Evaluation of losses using correlations and charts,
Hydraulic diameter, Flow through pipes and pipe networks with built-in pumps and turbines, Flow between
reservoirs, Orifice and venturi flow meters.

Unit 4: Flow past immersed bodies, Qualitative description of boundary- layers, Flow separation,
Streamlined and bluff bodies, Lift, drag, and pitching moment, Flow control, Dimensional analysis and
similarity, Buckingham-pi theorem, Model versus prototype, Scaling parameters; Scaling laws;
Nondimensional form, Problem-solving using non-dimensionalization.

Books :

1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, FM White, McGraw Hills, 7th Ed.

2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Fox & McDonalds
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Manufacturing Technology – I / Manufacturing Technology

Course Number : MEC2410 / AEC2410
Credits : 04
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : MEA1920 (Manufacturing Process Lab.)
Contact Hours : 3L – 1T – 0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives:

1. Students should have the knowledge of the variables of metal casting processes to produce engineering
components and consequently employ the process.
2. Students should have the knowledge of the parameters in metal joining/welding techniques of manufacturing
engineering components and adopt the process.
3. Students should gain knowledge of the parameters which affect the manufacture of engineering components
through metal forming techniques and consequently implement them while manufacturing.
4. Students should have the knowledge of the factors affecting production of polymer, elastomer, ceramic and
glass components and they should be able to produce them.

Course Outcomes

1. Graduates should be able to analyze the variables of metal casting processes to produce engineering
components and consequently employ the process.
2. Graduates should be capable to evaluate the parameters in metal joining/welding techniques of manufacturing
engineering components and adopt the process.
3. Graduates should gain knowledge and able to estimate the parameters which affect the manufacture of
engineering components through metal forming techniques and consequently implement them while
4. Graduates should be able to develop and analyze the factors affecting production of polymer, elastomer, ceramic
and glass components and they should be able to produce them.


Unit 1: Metal Casting: Casting processes, Pattern and core making, Moulding, Solidification of metals, Gating system,
Riser, Casting processes, Inspection of Casting defects, Casting Design and Economics

Unit 2: Metal Joining: Fusion and non-fusion welding processes, metallurgy of welding, weld design, welding defects,
testing welded joints, soldering, brazing, adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening.

Unit 3: Metal Forming: Mechanisms of Plastic deformation, yield criteria, Hot and Cold working processes: rolling,
forging, extrusion and drawing, shear metal working, punching, blanking, bending, deep drawing, coining and spinning,
Design of Jigs and Fixtures, Press working tools.

Unit 4: Processing of Metal and Non-Metals: Powder Metallurgy: Production of metal powders, compaction, sintering,
Selective laser sintering, forming and shaping of ceramics and glasses.

Processing of Plastics: Extrusion, Injection Moulding, Blow and rotational Moulding, thermoforming, casting of plastics,
processing of elastomers and reinforced plastics, Design Consideration, Rapid prototyping.


1. Manufacturing Technology, Volume 1, P.N. Rao, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
2. Manufacturing Science, A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallick, East-West Press Private Limited.
3. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, S. Kalpakjain, Addission-Wesley Publishing Company.
4. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, J.A. Schey, McGraw Hills.
5. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, E.P. Degarmo. J.T. Black and R.A. Kohser, Prentice Hall of India.

Contents Beyond Syllabus

1. Videos and web links on of different manufacturing processes like welding, casting, forming and material
processing and use of advance equipment.
2. Introduction to advanced materials and processes like additive manufacturing, hybrid material, CMM, selective
sintering, and 3-D Printing.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Machine Drawing

Course Number : AEC 2910
Credits : 02
Course Category : DE
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 0L–1T–2P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Continuous Assessment (Drawing Sheets/CAD Models/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%

Course Objectives

1. To develop the technical skills necessary to generate an engineering drawing and an engineering
assembly using a modern CAD system
2. To introduce the elements of engineering communications; including graphical representation of
machines and its elements.
3. To model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings with geometric dimensioning
and tolerance.

Course Outcomes

After taking this course students should be able to

1. Apply various concepts like dimensioning, conventions and standards related to machine drawings
in order to become professionally efficient.
2. Read, interpret and draw assembly drawings with moderate complexity using standard conventions
and methods.
3. Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new products.
4. Model simple assembly drawings and prepare detailed part drawings using CAD packages like
5. Develop skills to communicate ideas and information through engineering drawing.

Course Syllabus

General Introduction and introduction to AutoCAD, Conventional representation of common features and
symbols used in machine drawing.

Fasteners & Fixtures: Nut and bolt assembly, Riveted joints, Screw Jack, Bench Vice, Pipe Vice.

Transmission Members: Stuffing Box, Flexible Coupling, Knuckle Joints,

Bearings, Valves & Miscellaneous items: Plummer Block, Tailstock/ Swivel Bearing, Stop Valve, Non-
Return Valve.


1. P.S. Gill; Machine Drawing, Katson Publishing House.

2. N. D. Bhatt, Machine Drawing, Charotar Book Stall, Anand, 1996.
3. K L Narayana, P Kannaiah and K Venkata Reddy, Machine Drawing, 3rd edition, New Age
Publications, 2006.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Fluid Mechanics Lab.

Course Code : AEC2950
Credits : 1.5
Course Category ; DC
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 0L-1T-2P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Course Work (Report/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives:

1. Develop the concept of velocity and piezometric head and how they are related to each other.
2. Develop the concept of friction in fluids and its impact on design of piping systems.
3. Develop the concept of momentum exchange principle.
4. Basic knowledge of pressure distribution inside bends and around bluff and streamline bodies.
5. Knowledge of Performance characteristics of Pumps.

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to

1. Design piping system and its components.

2. Predict losses in various fluid dynamical systems.
3. Analyse pressure distribution inside bends and around bluff and streamline bodies.
4. Design systems using Momentum exchange principle
5. Conduct performance evaluation tests on pumps.

List of Experiments

1. To verify Bernoulli's Theorem in a non-circular duct.

2. To determine friction factor for a horizontal commercial pipe of uniform section.
3. To determine the head loss coefficient due to sudden expansion and sudden contraction.
4. To determine the vane coefficient of flat plate due to water jet impinging on it.
5. To establish pressure distribution along the wall of 90o rectangular bends for air flow through it.
6. To determine the drag coefficient CD of a circular cylinder placed in a uniform cross flow of air by
measuring the pressure distribution on its surface.
7. To measure the pressure distribution and the aerodynamic characteristics of a symmetric NACA
8. To study the performance characteristics of centrifugal pump and to draw the iso-efficiency curves


1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, FM White, McGraw Hills, 6Ed.

2. Holman, J. P., “Experimental Methods for Engineers” 7th Edition, McGraw Hill.
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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Manufacturing Technology Lab – I

Course Number : AEC2930
Credits : 02
Course Category : DC
Pre-requisites (s) : MEC1920 (Manufacturing Process Lab.)
Contact Hours : 0L – 1T – 2P
Type of Course : Practical
Course Assessment : Course work (Reports/Viva-Voce) 60%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 40%

Course Objectives

1. Students should have the knowledge of the properties to recognize various engineering materials. They should
also be aware of the tests to sort those engineering materials.
2. Students should have the hands-on training of basic forming processes like forging, bending etc. and should
also be able to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.
3. Students should have the hands-on training of basic engineering processes of metal casting and should also be
able to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.
4. Students should have the hands-on training of basic engineering processes of joining/welding and should also
be able to visualize and quantify the process parameters for quality products.

Course Outcomes

1. Graduates should be able to recognize various engineering materials and can apply the test to recognize and
sort them.
2. Graduates should be able to perform basic forming processes like forging, bending etc. and should also be able
to quantify process parameters for quality products.
3. Graduates should be able to perform basic metal casting processes and should also be able to quantify process
parameters for quality products.
4. Graduates should be able to perform basic joining/welding processes and should also be able to quantify process
parameters for quality products.


Rotor – I

1. a) To categories the given components into:

i) Magnetic and non-magnetic materials

ii) Metallic and non-metallic materials
iii) Thermoplastics and thermo-sets and
iv) Ferrous and non-ferrous materials.

b) To identify the ferrous alloys through spark and sound tests.

2. a) To determine the electrode consumption rate (ECR) at various current densities for electric arc welding process.
b) To study the quality of the weldment by joining metallic components of different thickness at various current

3. To design and produce patterns for the given engineering products incorporating the shrinkage & draft allowances

i) Single piece solid type and

ii) Spilt pattern.

4. To perform the following experiments in Sand Testing Lab:

a) Determine the effect of ramming on various properties of moulding sand

i) Moisture Content
ii) Permeability Number
iii) Hardness of Sand Mould
iv) Crushing and Shearing Strength of the Sand Mould and
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

b) Find out:

i) Clay Content and

ii) AFS Grain Fineness Number of the given Moulding Sand

Rotor – II

1. To study the effect of forces on the lateral & longitudinal deformation during forging of the given component.
2. To identify the heat affected zone (HAZ) of the welded part through visual inspection method.

3. a) To identify and study the various phases in microstructures of the following standard specimen

i) High Carbon Steel

ii) Brass &
iii) Cast Iron

b) Determine the spring back factor of sheet metal using

i) V-block and
ii) Bending Die

c) To study the effect of bending along and across the grains of the given sheet metal.
d) To perform non-destructive test (dye penetration) on a test specimen and comment on the results.

4. To produce the castings for different mould hardness (ramming intensities) and find out the defects.

1. S. Kalpakjain, Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Addissson-Wesley Publishing Company
2. S. Kalpakjain and S.R. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Pearson Education.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Fundamentals of Robotics

Course Code : MEE4810
Credits : 03
Course Category ; DE
Pre-Requisite(s) : Engineering Mathematics
Contact Hours : 3L-0T-0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives:

1. To acquire knowledge of Robotics and Robot components.

2. To understand the various Robot configurations.
3. To acquire knowledge of Robot Kinematics.
4. To familiarize with the robot actuation and control system.

Course Outcome

After taking this course students should be able to:

1. Ability to identify and understand the robotic system and their workspace.
2. Have idea about kinematics of robot.
3. Understand robot actuation and control system.


Unit I: Introduction, History of Robotics, Classification of Robots, Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots,
Robot Components, Robot degrees of freedom, Robot Coordinates and Reference Frames, Robot
Characteristics, workspace, and Applications.

Unit II: Matrix Representation of Point, Vector and Frame relative to a fixed reference frame;
Homogenous transformation matrices; Representation of transformations: Pure, rotational and combined.

Unit III: Forward Kinematic Equation of Robots: Position and Orientation, Denavit-Hartentberg
representation of Forward Kinematic Equation of Robots.

Unit IV: Sensors, Actuators and Drive Systems for Robotics applications, Sensor Characteristics and
utilization, Characteristics of Actuating Systems, Basics of Robot Control System, Programming modes,


1. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by John J. Craig, Pearson, Education International,
2. Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Control, Applications by Saeed Benjamin Niku John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 2020.
3. An Introduction to Robot Technology by Phillipe Coiffet, Springer Netherlandsl, 2012.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Introduction to Microfluidics

Course Code : MEE4290
Credits : 04
Course Category : DE
Pre-requisites (s) : Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer
Contact Hours : 3L–1T–0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work 15%
Mid-Sem Examination (1 Hours) 25%
End-Sem Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. Develop a broad understanding of transport phenomena at micro scale.

2. Learn various fabrication techniques and experimental methods of micro systems.
3. Understand the various microfluidic processes and components.
4. Develop an understanding of major applications of microfluidics and MEMS in various fields.

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, the student will

1. Have an understanding of the basics of microfluidics & transport phenomena.

2. Be able to apply the knowledge of fabrication techniques and experimental methods to develop micro
3. Be able to conceptualize microfluidic systems by using various processes and components.
4. Be able to design new microfluidic systems for various applications.


UNIT – I: Transport phenomena in Microfluidic devices.

- Relationships Among MEMS, Nanotechnology, and Microfluidics
- Continuum Fluid Mechanics at Small Scales
- Governing equations and constitutive relations
- Surface tension, contact angle, dynamic contact angle, etc
- Electro kinetics - Electro-osmosis, Electrophoresis, Dielectrophoresis, etc
- Species and charge transport phenomena

UNIT – II: Fabrication and Experimental Methods in Microfluidic.

- Micro fabrication techniques - Photo lithography, Additive/subtractive technique, Pattern
transfer technique, etc.
- Functional Materials for micro devices – silicon & polymers
- Microscopy and μPIV.

UNIT–III: Microfluidic systems and components

- Physics of mixing & Micromixers
- Micro reactors and Micro combustors
- Micro filters and Micro separators
- Micro sensor and Actuators
- Microfluidic system components – valve, pumps, dispenser, etc.

UNIT – IV: Microfluidic Applications

- Microfluidics for flow control
- Bio-sensing – Glucose sensing, O2 sensing
- Microchannel Electronic cooling
- Digital microfluidics
- Biochemical - Drug delivery, Diagnostics/sensing
- Energy applications – Micro gas turbine / MTPV/MTE power generation systems
- 3D Bio printers, Inkjet printers
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


1. Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, second edition, Nam-Trung Nguyen & Steven T.
Wereley, Artech House.
2. Micro and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics: Transport in Microfluidic Devices, Brian J. Kirby,
Cambridge University Press.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Aerospace Structures

Course Number : MEE4170
Credits : 04
Course Category : DE
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L–0T–1P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Coursework/Home Assignment 15%
Mid Semester Examination (1 Hour) 25%
End Semester Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To acquaint students with theory of linear elasticity, work and energy principles.
2. To introduce various structural component of aerospace vehicle and loadings over it.
3. To equip students with theory of bending and torsion of slender bodies.
4. To introduce numerical methods for solving linear structural mechanics problems in aerospace

Course outcomes:

1. Ability to identify various aerospace structural component and loadings over it.
2. Ability to apply work-energy principles in analyzing the behavior of various structures.
3. Capability to analyze the behavior of thin-walled beams subjected to combined loads, including
bending and shear.
4. Expertise to solve structural problems subjected to torsional loads.


Unit 1: Introduction to aerospace vehicles and various loading on it, static equilibrium, compatibility
equations, Strain energy and complementary strain energy, Potential and complementary potential of
external forces

Unit 2: Principle of virtual work, Potential theorems, Unit load method, Determinate and indeterminate
structures, planar and space trusses, Raleigh-Ritz Method.

Unit 3: Bending and extension of beams, stress resultants, modulus weighted section properties,
Idealization of stiffened–shell structures.

Unit 4: Torsion of slender bodies, Prandtl-stress function, Warping function, Thin-walled open sections, thin
walled closed section, Shear center, shear flow in thin walled multicell box beams.


1. Theory and analysis of flight structures, RM Rivello.

2. Aircraft structures for engineering students, THG Megson.
3. An introduction to the mechanics of solids, SH Crandall, NC Dhal, TJ Lardner.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Additive Manufacturing

Course Code : AEC2760 / MEE4760
Credits : 04
Course Category : DE
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L-1T-0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives:

1. To know the principle methods, areas of usage, possibilities and limitations as well as environmental
effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To be familiar with the characteristics of the different materials those are used in Additive


Upon completion of this course, the students can able

1. To compare different method and discuss the effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To analyse the characteristics of the different materials in Additive Manufacturing.


UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Overview, History, Need, Classification, Additive Manufacturing Technology in

product development, Materials for Additive Manufacturing Technology, Tooling, Applications.

UNIT 2 CAD & REVERSE ENGINEERING: Basic Concept, Digitization techniques, Model Reconstruction,
Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing Technology: CAD model preparation, Part Orientation and
support generation, Model Slicing, Tool path Generation, Softwares for Additive Manufacturing Technology:

system – Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)- Principle, process, advantages and applications – Solid based
system –Fused Deposition Modelling – Principle, process, advantages and applications, Laminated Object

UNIT 4 POST PROCESSING OF AM PARTS: Support Material Removal, Surface Texture Improvement,
Accuracy Improvement, Aesthetic Improvement, Preparation for use as a Pattern, Property Enhancements
using Non-thermal and Thermal Techniques, case studies.


1. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice, Ali Kamrani & Emad Abouel Nasr. Springer.
2. Additive Manufacturing, C.P. Paul, A.N. Jinoop, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology Principles and Applications by G. K. Awari, C. S.
Thorat, Vishwjeet Ambade , Taylor & Francis Ltd.

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Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Refrigeration and Cold Chain

Course Code : MEE4231/MEA3011
Credits : 04/03
Course Category : DE/ESA
Pre-requisites (s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L–1T–0P/3L–0T–0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course work 15%
Mid-Sem Examination (1 Hours) 25%
End-Sem Examination (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

1. To understand the fundamentals of refrigeration and to select the appropriateequipment for

various refrigeration applications.
2. To design and implement refrigeration systems as per the recommendedstandards.
3. To understand the basic components of refrigeration system and refrigerants.
4. To provide knowledge of cold chain management systems.

Course Outcomes

After taking this course students should be able to:

1. Design the refrigeration system based on vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
2. Apply the concept of air refrigeration system, vapour absorption refrigerationsystem.
3. Select the components of refrigeration system and proper selection of refrigerant.
4. Analyse food storage and transport systems.


Unit 1: Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems: Analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system,
Actual vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Multi-pressure Systems, Cascade Systems, Trans-critical
CO2 refrigeration cycle.

Unit 2: Air Refrigeration Systems: Bell Coleman air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration systems.
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System: Aqua-ammonia and Li- Br Absorption systems.

Unit 3: Components of a Refrigeration System: Compressor, Condenser, Evaporator,Expansion valves,

piping and different controls. Refrigerants: Selection criteria and desirable properties of refrigerants.
Alternative refrigerants.

Unit 4: Cold Chain: Introduction, scope and importance of cold chain in food processing industry. Storage
and transport of perishable food products. Cold storage and Food product transportation methods. Shelf life
of different food products (Chilled & Frozen foods). Use of dry ice in cold chain and its production.


1. C.P. Arora; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. W.F. Stocker & J.w. Jones; Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, McGraw Hills Inc. Intl. Student’s
3. Anand, M.L. Refrigeration& Air-Conditioning. Asian Books Pvt., Ltd., 2002.
4. Sun, Da-Wen. Advances in Food Refrigeration. Leatherhead Publishing, 2001.

References Books

1. Kennedy, Christopher J. Managing Frozen Foods. CRC / Woodhead Publishing,2000.

2. James, S.J. and C. James. Meat Refrigeration. CRC / Woodhead Publishing, 2002.
3. Stringer, Mike and C. Dennis. Chilled Foods: A Comprehensive Guide. 2nd Edition,CRC / Woodhead
Publishing, 2002.
4. Evans, Judith. Frozen Food Science and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
5. Hui, Y.H. et al., Handbook of Frozen Foods. Marcel Dekker, 2004.
6. Manohar Prasad; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, New Age Publishers.
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Course Code : MEE4291
Credits : 04
Course Category ; DC
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L-0T-1P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives

To equip students with the basic understanding of electric and hybrid vehicles.
Course Outcomes
By studying this course, the student shall be able

1. To explain basic functioning of electric vehicle components and its performance.

2. To classify and compare various energy storage batteries, fuel cells and their performance
3. To describe electric vehicle propulsion system and electric drive trains.
4. To demonstrate concept of hybrid electric vehicles, differentiate types of hybrid electric vehicles
and compare with conventional IC vehicles.


Unit 1: Fundamentals of Electric Vehicle: Types of Electric Vehicles, Configurations of Electric Vehicles,
Performance of Electric Vehicles; Traction Motor Characteristics, Tractive Effort and Transmission
Requirement, Vehicle Performance, Tractive Effort in Normal Driving, Energy Consumption, Comparison with
IC Engines, Electric Vehicle and Environment.
Unit 2: Batteries: Overview of Electrochemical Batteries, Types of Batteries; Lead–Acid Battery, Nickel-Based
Batteries, Lithium-Based Batteries, Parameters of Batteries, Charging Systems, Fuel Cell Energy Storage
Unit 3: Electric Propulsion System: Types of Electric Motors, Principle of Operation and Construction of DC
Motors, Induction Motors, Permanent Magnet Motors, Motor Cooling, Efficiency, Introduction to Converters,
Electric Drive Trains.
Unit 4: Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Concept of HEVs Drivetrains, Comparison between Conventional IC Engine
Vehicles and HEVs, HEV technologies, Types of HEVs, Series and Parallel HEVs, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Series-parallel HEVs, Plug-in- HEVs.

1. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, Kambiz Ebrahimi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and
Fuel Cell Vehicles, CRC Press, 2018.
2. James Larminie and John Lowry, Electric Vehicles Technology Explained, John Wiley and Sons Ltd,
3. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2000
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Course Title : Additive Manufacturing

Course Code : MEE4760
Credits : 04
Course Category : DE
Pre-Requisite(s) : None
Contact Hours : 3L-1T-0P
Type of Course : Theory
Course Assessment : Course Work 15%
Mid Sem Examination (1Hours) 25%
End Semester Exam (2 Hours) 60%

Course Objectives:

1. To know the principle methods, areas of usage, possibilities and limitations as well as environmental
effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To be familiar with the characteristics of the different materials those are used in Additive


Upon completion of this course, the students can able

1. To compare different methods and discuss the effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
2. To analyse the characteristics of the different materials in Additive Manufacturing.


UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Overview, History, Need, Classification, Additive Manufacturing Technology in

product development, Materials for Additive Manufacturing Technology, Tooling, Applications.

UNIT 2 CAD & REVERSE ENGINEERING: Basic Concept, Digitization techniques, Model Reconstruction,
Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing Technology: CAD model preparation, Part Orientation and
support generation, Model Slicing, Tool path Generation, Softwares for Additive Manufacturing Technology:

system – Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)- Principle, process, advantages and applications – Solid based
system –Fused Deposition Modelling – Principle, process, advantages and applications, Laminated Object

UNIT 4 POST PROCESSING OF AM PARTS: Support Material Removal, Surface Texture Improvement,
Accuracy Improvement, Aesthetic Improvement, Preparation for use as a Pattern, Property Enhancements
using Non-thermal and Thermal Techniques, case studies.


4. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and Practice, Ali Kamrani & Emad Abouel Nasr. Springer.
5. Additive Manufacturing, C.P. Paul, A.N. Jinoop, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology Principles and Applications by G. K. Awari, C. S.
Thorat, Vishwjeet Ambade , Taylor & Francis Ltd.

COs with POs


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