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Calibration and Diagnostics

Instrument (CADI)
Quick Reference Guide

Table of Contents

Section 1 — Introduction
About This Manual…..................................................................................................... 1
General Use of the CADI............................................................................................... 1
Initial Setup of the CADI................................................................................................. 2
CADI Buttons................................................................................................................. 2
Calibration Mode............................................................................................................ 3
Date and Time Mode...................................................................................................... 3
Diagnostic Mode............................................................................................................ 3
Extension Cable............................................................................................................. 4

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

Derrick Functions........................................................................................................... 5
Derrick Parameters........................................................................................................ 6
Multi-Functioning..................................................................................................... 7
Parameter Values.................................................................................................... 8
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................... 8

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

Derrick Functions......................................................................................................... 17
Derrick Parameters...................................................................................................... 18
Multi-Functioning................................................................................................... 19
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 20
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 20

Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 27
AT237 Parameters....................................................................................................... 27
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 28
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 29

Section 5 — A40P CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 31
A40P Parameters......................................................................................................... 31
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 32
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 33

Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 35
AT40-G Parameters..................................................................................................... 35
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 36
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 37

Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 41
L42E/L44E Parameters................................................................................................ 41
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 43
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 43

Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 45
Aerial Device Parameters............................................................................................ 45
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 47
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 47
Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use
Derrick Functions......................................................................................................... 49
Derrick Parameters...................................................................................................... 49
Multi-Functioning................................................................................................... 51
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 51
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 51

Section 10 — AT248F CADI Use

Aerial Device Functions............................................................................................... 57
AT248F Parameters..................................................................................................... 57
Parameter Values.................................................................................................. 59
Calibration Procedure.................................................................................................. 59

DL/DM Series Field CADI Settings Sheet
DLB/DMB Series Field CADI Settings Sheet
D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet
D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet
Section 1 — Introduction

About This Manual… General Use of the CADI

This manual provides information about the Calibration All of the control system parameters for each individual
and Diagnostics Instrument (CADI) device (refer to Figure unit are set at the factory for optimum performance. The
1.1). This information should be read and understood by settings can vary from one unit to another of the same
maintenance personnel prior to performing their assigned model. The CADI is the device used to adjust these pa-
duties. The CADI contains programming for several types rameters. Each direction of the proportional control func-
of units. The information in this manual explains the gen- tions is adjusted independently of the opposite function
eral operation of the CADI and then explains the use with direction. For example, changing the low speed or max
the various Altec equipment models listed in the table of out for boom up has no effect on boom down.
contents. This supplement provides additional information
to that which is in the maintenance manual concerning This manual contains several adjustment procedures that
adjustment and troubleshooting using the CADI. are necessary for the best operation of the unit. Follow
the procedures completely and in the correct sequence
to obtain the optimum performance of the unit.

Power Cord

Function Being Adjusted
Parameter Name Line to be
Parameter Value Line (Value
Being Adjusted is Flashing)

Parameter Value Function Menu

Select Buttons Select Buttons

Parameter Select Button Mode Select Button

Figure 1.1 — CADI Components and Terminology

Section 1 — Introduction • 1
The control system settings are stored in the above rota- beginning with V, located to the left, is the firmware version
tion valve driver. If this valve driver needs to be replaced, number for the above rotation valve driver installed on the
record the current settings before removing the original unit. Some adjustment procedures may vary depending
valve driver from the unit. Use the CADI to determine on this version number. The number located to the right
the current parameter settings, and write these down is the CADI firmware version number. Altec technical
on a copy of the CADI values sheet provided in the unit support can use this version number to determine if the
specific section of this guide. After installing the new valve CADI contains the latest firmware update.
driver, use the CADI to adjust the settings to the values
recorded from the original valve driver. If the original If the proper unit type is displayed, pressing any button on
values could not be obtained, all the settings must be the keypad will bring up the first calibration mode screen.
properly calibrated for optimum performance (refer to the
unit specific section of this guide). If Unknown Machine appears on the startup screen, the
CADI is not properly programmed for the unit to which it is
connected. Contact Altec technical support at 1-877-GO-
Initial Setup of the CADI Altec option 4 to determine if the CADI firmware needs
Connecting the CADI updating based on the CADI firmware version number
The CADI connects to a socket (refer to Figure 1.2) and shown on the startup screen. If updating is required, order
is powered by the unit. and install a CADI chip revision kit, available by contact-
ing Altec parts distribution at 1-877-GO-Altec option 1.

If No Machine appears on the startup screen, the unit to

which it is connected has been shut off using the emer-
gency stop. The emergency stop must be disengaged
before the CADI will recognize the unit.

Note: Before making any adjustments using the CADI,

the unit should be operated so that the oil is at proper
operating temperature according to the specifications
in the maintenance manual. It is strongly recommended
that the original settings on the CADI be recorded on a
Connection copy of the CADI values sheet which is included at the
Socket end of each unit section.

CADI Buttons
Figure 1.2 — CADI Connection Socket The CADI keypad contains six buttons which are used to
select the information displayed on the LCD screen, and
The CADI will power up and display the startup screen to select and change various adjustable parameters (refer
when it is connected to the connection socket (refer to to Figure 1.1). The buttons must be pushed repeatedly
Figure 1.3). to scroll through the items in the display or to change
the parameter values.

Unit Type Mode Select Button (= MODE)

Use the mode button to scroll through all the mode screens
(calibration mode, date and time mode, and diagnostic
mode). The display wraps around to the first mode screen
after displaying the last screen.
Above Rotation Valve Driver CADI Firmware
Firmware Version No. Version No.
Parameter Select Button (= SELECT)
Figure 1.3 — In calibration mode, use the select button to scroll through
CADI Startup Screen (Derrick Screen Shown) all the control system parameters for the function that
is currently displayed on the screen. The value for the
The unit type (for example, Derrick) will appear in the parameter that is currently selected flashes on the display.
center of the startup screen. Two version numbers are The selection wraps around to the first parameter after
displayed on the line below the unit type. The number reaching the last parameter.

2 • Section 1 — Introduction
In diagnostic mode, use the select button to scroll through CADI returns to diagnostic mode. Once on this diagnos-
all the available diagnostic screens. The display returns to tic screen, use the select button to scroll to the desired
the first diagnostic screen after displaying the last screen. diagnostic screen. Note that some diagnostic screens
are labeled diagnostic mode at the top, and some such
Function Menu Select Buttons (= MENU) as the I:/O: screen are not labeled like this.
In calibration mode, use the left and right menu buttons
to scroll through all the programmable function screens. I:/O: Screen
The display wraps around to the first function screen With the CADI in diagnostic mode, if the I:/O: screen is
after the last function screen is displayed when scrolling not already displayed, use the select button to scroll to
in either direction. the I:/O: screen (refer to Figure 1.4).

Parameter Value Select Buttons (= VALUE)

In calibration mode, use the up and down value buttons
to incrementally increase or decrease the value of the
selected (flashing) parameter. When adjusting a thresh-
old (TH), max out (MX), or low speed (LMX) parameter
while operating the function (hand control shifted), adjust
the setting slowly, no faster than one point every five
seconds. Adjusting the settings too fast will result in
incorrect settings.

Calibration Mode
Pressing any button on the keypad while the startup screen
is displayed (refer to Figure 1.3) will bring up calibration
mode (refer to Figure 1.1), showing the screen for the
first programmable function. Use the menu, select, and
value buttons as described in the CADI buttons section
to make all selections and adjustments. Follow the spe-
cific calibration procedure for the model being serviced
contained in the applicable section of this guide.

In calibration mode, the LCD screen provides four rows

of information (refer to Figure 1.1). The first row shows
the mode. The second row shows the function selected.
The third row lists all the parameters for the function. The
fourth row lists all the current values for the parameters.
The value for the parameter that is currently selected
flashes on the display. Figure 1.4 — I:/O: Screen

This screen displays the list of input and output boards

Date and Time Mode
that are not communicating with the systems in the above
Use the mode button to select date and time mode. The rotation valve driver board. I: designates the input boards
date and time settings are set at the factory and do not that are not communicating and O: designates the output
need adjustment. boards that are not communicating.

If a number is present after I: or O: it means that the in-

Diagnostic Mode
dicated input or output board(s) is not reporting back to
Use the mode button to select diagnostic mode. The first the above rotation valve driver board. Numbers listed do
time that diagnostic mode is accessed after plugging in not necessarily indicate a problem, as they may not be
the CADI, the I:/O: screen is displayed (refer to Figure options on the unit. The list of input and output boards and
1.4). Use the select button to scroll through all the avail- their corresponding board numbers for a derrick (except
able diagnostic screens. If a diagnostic screen other DB Series) is shown in Figure 1.5. For the I:/O: screen
than the I:/O: screen is displayed and the mode button example shown in Figure 1.4, a derrick without a slave
is used to cycle through the mode screens again, this panel will have the numbers 2 and 3 listed after the I:
same diagnostic screen will be displayed again when the since those are the input boards in a slave panel. The 6

Section 1 — Introduction • 3
I: (Inputs)
0 – CADI
1 – Inputs from transducers and limit switches – located in above rotation valve driver
2 – Slave control panel
3 – Slave control panel
4 – Master control panel
5 – Master control panel
6 – Four-lever upper control – located at controls at the platform

O: (Outputs)
0 – CADI
1 – Below rotation valve driver
2 – Control panel output – drives gauges and indicator lights in control panels
3 – Not used on standard derricks
4 – Above rotation valve driver outputs
5 – Above rotation valve driver outputs
6 – Above rotation valve driver outputs

Figure 1.5 — Input and Output Board Numbers for Derricks (Except DB Series)

displayed on the screen in Figure 1.4 refers to the four- reading can be used when diagnosing electrical issues
lever upper controls. This indicates that there is an error which may be caused by low supply voltage.
with this input or the unit is not equipped with this option.
Other Diagnostic Screens
For further information on using the I:/O: screen for With the CADI in diagnostic mode, use the select button
troubleshooting for the various models included in this to scroll through the additional diagnostic screens not de-
guide, contact Altec technical support at 1-877-GO-Altec scribed above. These screens display information which
option 4. can be useful for more advanced troubleshooting. Call
1-877-GO-Altec and select option 4 for further information.
Temp:/Volt: Screen
With the CADI in diagnostic mode, use the select button
Extension Cable
to scroll to the temp:/volt: screen (provided on above rota-
tion valve driver boards produced beginning in late 2012). An 8’ long CADI extension cable is available to allow use
This screen displays the temperature of the above rota- of the CADI farther from the connection socket on the
tion valve driver and the supply voltage from the chassis unit. Call 1-877-GO-Altec and select option 1 to order
measured at the above rotation valve driver. The voltage this cable, part number 970432863.

4 • Section 1 — Introduction
Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use
The CADI connection for the derrick is located in one of CADI Connection Radio
several locations depending on the type of control panel Socket Receiver
on the derrick.

• Traditional control panel with six lever-type hand

controls or one joystick and two lever-type hand
controls – under the control panel (refer to Figure

Control Panel CADI Cable


Figure 2.3 — Radio Only CADI Connection Socket

• On units which do not have a CADI connection

socket accessible at the above locations, a socket is
provided on the pedestal or turntable and connected
by a cable to the closest valve driver board.

Derrick Functions
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
Figure 2.1 — menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
Traditional Panel CADI Connection Socket tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 2.4). The function is shown on
• Opti-View riding seat – on the front of the right hand the display. Derrick functions that can be adjusted are
control pod (refer to Figure 2.2). shown in Figure 2.5.



Figure 2.2 — Opti-View CADI Connection Socket Function Being Adjusted

• Radio controls only with no lower control panel – on Figure 2.4 — Derrick Function
the back of the radio receiver mounting bracket on
the turntable (refer to Figure 2.3).

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 5

Function Purpose • FREQ – Frequency
Boom up Raises the boom FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver
Boom down Lowers the boom for the function.
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit Do not change the FREQ values from the factory
settings. If this value is changed, the function will
2nd extend Extends the intermediate boom not operate at optimal performance.
2nd retract Retracts the intermediate boom
3rd extend Extends the upper boom • SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03)
The SC setting controls how the power level of the
3rd retract Retracts the upper boom signal sent to the control valve changes in relation
Winch in Retracts the winch line to the position of the hand control.
Winch out Extends the winch line
The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera-
Digger dig Clockwise digger rotation tion, in which the power level of the signal increases
Digger clean Counterclockwise digger rotation or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how
HOP meter Controls calibration of the HOP meter far the hand control is shifted.

HOP trip Sets trip point of the HOP Do not change the SC values from the factory set-
ESLP CW Controls set point of the electronic side tings of 00 unless directed to do so temporarily in
load protection in clockwise direction the TH calibration procedure. If this value is not set
ESLP CCW Controls set point of the electronic side as specified, the function will not operate at optimal
load protection in counterclockwise direction performance.

Throttle Controls foot throttle parameter of unit If the above rotation valve driver firmware version
Figure 2.5 — CADI Adjustable Functions number meets the criteria specified in the calibration
procedure, the SC setting of 03 selects a two-speed
calibration curve that may be used to calibrate the
Derrick Parameters TH parameter for all the boom, winch, and digger
Use the select button to scroll through the control system functions. This calibration curve sends a constant
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the power signal to the control valve that is equivalent to
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter the corresponding TH value for the function when the
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For hand control is positioned between 10 and 80 percent
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the of total travel, and equivalent to the corresponding
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 2.6). MX value for the function when the hand control is
The parameter values are shown under the parameter shifted beyond 80 percent of total travel. The SC
names. A description of each parameter is listed below. value is adjusted on the calibration screen for the
first direction of a function pair, and applies to both
function directions. For example, the SC setting for
boom up also applies to boom down. The SC setting
must be returned to 00 after completing the calibra-
tion procedure for both directions of a function.

• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99)

The TH setting controls the power level of the sig-
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to
the control system.

The TH value controls the metering of the unit function

as function movement is started and stopped. If the
Parameter TH value is set too low, the hand control will require
Parameter and
Current Value Being Changed excessive movement before the function starts to
move. If the value is set too high, the function may
Figure 2.6 — Derrick Parameter Display

6 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
operated near the neutral position. tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
operate at optimal performance.
The TH value for a boom, winch, or digger function
must be less than both the LMX value and the MX • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to 99, used
value for that function. in low speed mode and for priority flow)
The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con-
• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99, trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to
used in standard speed mode) the control valve when the hand control is operated
The MX setting controls the power level of the signal with low speed selected on the lower control panel
sent to the control valve when the hand control is or radio remote or when the four-lever upper controls
operated with standard speed selected on the lower are operated.
control panel or radio remote.
The LMX value determines the reduced speed
The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini- (increased cycle time) of a boom, winch, or digger
mum cycle time) of a boom function when standard function when low speed is selected and the hand
speed is selected and the hand control is fully shifted. control is fully shifted.

The MX value determines the maximum speed of the Increase the LMX value to increase a boom func-
winch and digger functions when standard speed is tion’s low speed (shorter cycle time). Decrease the
selected and the hand control is fully shifted, when LMX value to reduce a boom function’s low speed
not operating any boom functions at the same time (longer cycle time).
as the winch or digger.
LMX values are used for winch and digger operation
Increase the MX value to increase a function’s stan- when either of these functions is operated at the
dard speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of same time as a boom function (priority flow).
the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle Increase the LMX value for a winch or digger function
time). to increase the winch or digger speed and decrease
the boom function speed when operating winch or
Do not set the MX value higher than required to digger at the same time as a boom function.
achieve the proper cycle time. If the MX value is set
too high, the valve spool may reach full travel before The LMX value for a boom, winch, or digger function
the hand control is fully shifted, causing a loss of must be higher than the TH value and lower than the
meterability. MX value for that function.

The MX value for a boom, winch, or digger function LMX is used to calibrate hydraulic overload protection
must be higher than both the LMX value and the TH (HOP) trip, and, if so equipped, electronic side load
value for that function. protection (ESLP) trip, as described in the mainte-
nance manual.
The MX parameter is used to calibrate the load
indicator gauge (HOP meter), as described in the The LMX value must be set equal to the MX value
maintenance manual. The LMX value must then be for HOP meter and throttle.
set to the same value as MX.
For units equipped with a variable foot throttle, the When in standard speed mode and using a boom function
MX value determines the maximum engine rpm when with a winch or digger function (multi-functioning), the
the throttle is fully actuated. The LMX value must machine is programmed to use the priority flow function-
then be set to the same value as MX. ality. Priority flow divides the oil between the winch and
boom functions while operating both at the same time.
• RA – Ramp Priority flow also divides the oil between the digger and
The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as boom functions while operating both at the same time.
function movement starts after the hand control is Priority flow is controlled by the LMX values of the winch
activated, and the rate of deceleration as function and digger functions respectively.
movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 7

During multi-functioning in standard speed mode, the son using the lower radio remote control, if so equipped,
boom function speeds are controlled by the MX values along with a CADI extension cable. The upper controls
of the corresponding boom functions. However, the cannot be used for the calibration procedure except as
maximum boom function speeds may be reduced due indicated under Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters.
to hydraulic flow limitations.
When the procedure refers to boom functions, this indi-
To synchronize (multi-function) boom extend/retract with cates boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second (inter-
winch out/in and boom down/up with digger dig/clean, mediate) extend/retract, and third (upper) extend/retract.
adjust the winch or boom LMX values as described under
Calibration Procedure. The standard speed and low speed cycle time ranges
used for calibrating the MX and LMX values for the boom
Parameter Values functions are contained in the maintenance manual and
The parameter value flashes when selected using the in the unit specific field CADI settings sheet included in
select button. Use the up or down value button to change the Appendix of this guide.
the value of the selected parameter.
Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters
When all parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI If the lower control panel is equipped with a three-axis
from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the boom functions joystick, the calibration procedure for the
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed. second (intermediate) parameters will vary depending on
the internal design of the control panel. The presence
or absence of a placard by the CADI connection socket
Calibration Procedure (refer to Figure 2.7) indicates the type of panel design
The following procedure covers the full calibration of all furnished.
the boom, winch, and digger functions. If derrick per-
formance indicates that the TH, MX, or LMX parameter
of a single function needs calibrating, perform only the
appropriate portion of the calibration procedure. If the
pulsar has been replaced for a function, the TH, MX,
and LMX settings must all be calibrated for that function.

For personnel who are familiar with the detailed calibration
procedure contained in this section, a condensed calibra-

tion procedure for the boom, winch, and digger functions
is provided in the Appendix of this guide (refer to the field
CADI settings sheet for the applicable derrick model).

Make a copy of the applicable CADI values sheet (refer

to Figures 2.10 and 2.11) or the field CADI settings sheet Figure 2.7 — Joystick CADI Parameters Placard
(refer to the Appendix) to use for recording the current and
new parameter settings. Note that the TH, MX, and LMX If the control panel does have the placard shown in
values shown on the CADI values sheet are approximate Figure 2.7 installed by the CADI connection socket, the
preliminary values. These values must be adjusted for joystick uses second (intermediate) CADI parameters for
all the boom, winch, and digger functions according to the intermediate boom function and third (upper) param-
the procedure in this section to obtain optimum perfor- eters for the upper boom function. Calibrate the second
mance. The HOP, ESLP, and throttle parameter values (intermediate) parameters using the intermediate boom
must be set in accordance with the model specific CADI function on the joystick, and calibrate the third (upper)
values sheet (refer to Figures 2.10 or 2.11) or adjusted parameters using the upper boom function on the joystick.
in accordance with the maintenance manual for proper
operation. Do not adjust the parameter values for FREQ If the control panel does not have the placard shown in
or RA. Do not adjust the SC values unless specified in Figure 2.7 located by the CADI connection socket, the
the TH adjustment procedure, and return the SC settings lower control joystick uses third (upper) CADI parameters
to 00 when finished. for both the intermediate boom and upper boom func-
tions. If the unit is operated from upper controls or radio
If the calibration procedure is performed using the lower controls, second (intermediate) CADI parameters are
control panel on the unit, a second person will be needed to used for the intermediate boom. Calibrate the second
assist during the MX adjustment portion of the procedure. (intermediate) CADI parameters as described as follows.
The calibration procedure can be performed by one per-

8 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

• If the unit is not equipped with upper controls or radio Notice
controls, do not change the second (intermediate) Proper differential pilot pressure, measured as the
parameter values from the factory settings. Because difference between pilot port pressure and return line
the intermediate boom cycle times cannot be adjusted (tank) pressure, is critical for optimum performance.
independently, the intermediate boom may not be able If the procedure for setting differential pilot pressure
to meet the published cycle times. A compromise may is not described in the available unit maintenance
have to be made between intermediate and upper manual, contact Altec technical support at 1-877-GO-
boom functionality when adjusting the third (upper) Altec option 4 for further information.
CADI parameters.
4. Operate the unit to warm the hydraulic oil to 120 to
• If the unit is equipped with radio controls, with or 130 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius).
without four-lever upper controls, calibrate the second This temperature is important for proper TH calibra-
(intermediate) TH, MX, and LMX parameters using tion.
the radio controls.
• If the unit is equipped with four-lever upper controls
but does not have radio controls, calibrate the second If the oil is not warmed to the required temperature
(intermediate) TH and LMX parameters using the range, the CADI settings resulting from the calibra-
four-lever upper controls. Do not adjust the second tion procedures will not be accurate, and poor meter-
(intermediate) MX setting. ability will result.

Setup One way to verify the oil temperature is to use an

1. Position the unit on a level surface in an open area infrared (IR) thermometer to read the temperature of
where the booms can be fully extended, raised, the hydraulic reservoir on or near the end opposite
and rotated. Apply the parking brake and chock the from the return line filter, at a point about 1/3 of the
wheels. way above the bottom of the reservoir (refer to Figure
2.8). The oil can be warmed quickly as described in
2. Start the engine, engage the unit’s hydraulic system, step a or b.
and properly set the outriggers.
a. If the unit is equipped with a digger, unstow the
3. Check the system pressure and differential pilot digger. Make sure the booms are fully retracted.
pressure, and verify that the pump is delivering the With the engine at full rpm, operate digger dig at
correct oil flow, in accordance with the maintenance full speed while holding the intermediate boom
manual. Make any necessary adjustments. Leave control fully shifted in the Retract position or hold-
the turntable cover off after checking the differential ing the pole guide open/close switch in the Close
pilot pressure. position. When the oil has reached 120 to 130

Return Line Filter

Here on Side
or End

/3 of Reservoir

Figure 2.8 — Reservoir Temperature Measurement Location

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 9

degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius), this function to 00. The value button on the CADI can
stow the digger and proceed to step 5. be held down continuously until the setting reaches
b. If the unit is not equipped with a digger, make sure
the booms are fully retracted. With the engine at 11. Operate the hand control and adjust the MX and TH
full rpm, operate winch raise/winch lower repeat- values for the function being calibrated as described
edly at full speed while holding the intermediate in steps a-g.
boom control fully shifted in the Retract position
or holding the pole guide open/close switch in a. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and increase
the Close position. Do not allow the load hook to the MX value slowly until the function starts mov-
contact the boom tip when operating winch raise. ing.
When the oil has reached 120 to 130 degrees
Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius), proceed b. Release the hand control, and decrease the MX
to step 5. value by three points.

5. Position the boom at an angle between 10 and 30 c. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and check
degrees above horizontal, and rotate it to a position for function movement. If the function is fully
where all the functions can be operated for calibra- stopped, continue to step d. If the function is not
tion. fully stopped, go back to step b.

6. Connect the CADI to the CADI connection socket. Use d. Increase the MX value by one point every five
the CADI extension cable to make this connection if seconds until the function begins to creep, mean-
the calibration procedure will be performed by one ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable.
person using the lower radio remote control. Make For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for
note of the valve driver firmware version number on movement. For other functions, compare the mov-
the CADI startup screen for use in step 8. ing component to a stationary object.

7. Put the CADI into calibration mode. Write the current e. Release the hand control. Subtract 15 points from
value of the TH, MX, and LMX parameter for each the MX value determined in the previous step to
function on the CADI values sheet or the field CADI obtain the required TH setting. Then adjust the TH
settings sheet before making any adjustments. value to this number. For example, if the function
begins to creep at MX = 42, subtract 42 – 15 = 27,
TH Calibration and adjust the TH setting to 27.
8. Calibrate the TH parameters using the appropriate
procedure as indicated in step a or b. The valve driver f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values
firmware version number refers to the number seen sheet or the field CADI settings sheet.
on the CADI startup screen in step 6.
g. Return the MX setting to the value recorded in
a. TH can be calibrated using MX to simulate TH on step 10.
all units regardless of firmware version number.
To use this procedure, proceed to step 9. 12. Repeat steps 10-11 for each direction of each boom,
winch, and digger function.
b. TH can be calibrated using SC = 03 if the firmware
version number is not V00.00.00.00. To use this 13. Proceed to step 22.
procedure, proceed to step 14.
TH Calibration Procedure Using SC = 03, Usable Only
TH Calibration Procedure Using MX to Simulate TH With CADI Startup Screen Not Showing V00.00.00.00
9. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the 14. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
control panel being used. Operate with the engine control panel being used. Operate with the engine
at full rpm. at full rpm.

10. Record the MX setting for the function to be calibrated 15. Select the calibration screen for the first direction of
(boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second extend/ the function pair to be calibrated (boom up, rotation
retract, third extend/retract, winch in/out, or digger CW, second extend, third extend, winch in, or digger
dig/clean). Then change the TH and MX settings for dig). Change the SC value to 03.

10 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

16. The following steps will require moving the hand 19. Repeat steps 15-18 for each boom, winch, and dig-
control to about half of its full travel and holding it ger function.
in this position. This sends a power signal to the
control valve equivalent to the TH setting. Do not 20. Scroll through the calibration screens for all the
exceed 80 percent of the total handle travel, as this boom, winch, and digger functions and verify that
will increase the power signal to the valve to the MX all SC settings have been returned to 00.
setting. Operate the hand control and adjust the TH
value for the function being calibrated as described 21. Proceed to step 22.
in steps a-f.
MX Calibration
a. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel 22. Calibrate the MX parameters using the appropriate
and hold it in this position. If the function begins procedure(s) as indicated in Figure 2.9.
moving, proceed to step b. If the function is not
moving, increase the TH value slowly until the MX Calibration Procedure Based on
function starts moving. Manual Handle Vibration (refer to Figure 2.9)
23. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
b. Release the hand control, and decrease the TH control panel being used. Operate with the engine
value by three points. at full rpm.

c. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel 24. Fully shift the hand control for the function being
and hold it in this position. Check for function move- checked and hold it in this position. Look at the
ment. If the function is fully stopped, continue to manual override handle on the control valve to see
step d. If the function is not fully stopped, go back if it is visibly vibrating or fluttering. If movement is not
to step b. visible, touch the handle to feel for vibration. Adjust
the MX value as described in step a, b, or c.
d. Increase the TH value by one point every five
seconds until the function begins to creep, mean- a. If the manual override handle does visibly vibrate
ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable. or flutter, increase the MX value by one point every
For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for five seconds until the flutter is no longer visible
movement. For other functions, compare the mov- but the handle still vibrates to the touch. Then
ing component to a stationary object. proceed to step 25.

e. Release the hand control. Finalize the TH setting b. If the manual override handle does not visibly
by reducing the TH value by 15 points. vibrate or flutter and does not vibrate to the touch,
decrease the MX value by one point every five
f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values seconds until the vibration can be felt but is still
sheet or the field CADI settings sheet. not visible. Then proceed to step 25.

17. Select the calibration screen for the second direction c. If the manual override handle does not visibly
of the function pair, and repeat step 16. vibrate or flutter but does vibrate to the touch, do
not adjust the MX. Proceed to step 25.
18. After the TH setting has been adjusted for both direc-
tions of the function, return to the calibration screen 25. Press on the manual override handle to try to move
for the first direction of the function, and reset the it farther in the direction that it is shifted. Adjust the
SC value to 00. MX value as described in step a or b.

Derrick Model Function MX Calibration Procedure

DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 Boom functions Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
Winch and digger
DL (serial no. month/year Boom functions Cycle time (steps 29-33)
prefix of 0713 or earlier) Winch and digger Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
DL (serial no. month/year Boom functions Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
prefix of 0813 or later) Winch and digger
Figure 2.9 — MX Calibration Procedure Usage

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 11

a. If the handle does not move any farther but stops LMX Calibration
vibrating to the touch, do not adjust the MX. Re- 34. Calibrate the LMX parameters using the appropriate
lease the hand control, and proceed to step 26. procedure as indicated in step a or b.

b. If the handle does move farther, raise the MX value a. For boom functions, proceed to step 35.
by 1 point and repeat step 25.
b. For winch and digger functions, proceed to step
26. Time the function with the hand control on the control 40.
station fully shifted as specified, according to step a
or b. LMX Calibration Procedure for
Boom Functions, Based on Cycle Time
a. For a boom function, operate the function for a 35. Set the low speed/standard switch to low speed on
full cycle while timing it, as described in the main- the control panel being used. Operate with the engine
tenance manual. If the cycle time is below the at full rpm.
standard speed range, decrease the MX value and
retest until the cycle time is within the published 36. Fully shift the hand control for the boom function be-
range. Record the final MX value and standard ing checked and time it for a full cycle, as described
speed cycle time on the CADI values sheet or the in the maintenance manual. Adjust the LMX value
field CADI settings sheet. and retest as required until the cycle time is within
the low speed range.
b. For the winch or digger function, timing of the func-
tion is not required. Record the final MX value on 37. Record the final LMX value and low speed cycle time
the CADI values sheet or the field CADI settings on the CADI values sheet or the field CADI settings
sheet. sheet.

27. Repeat steps 24-26 for each direction of each func- 38. Repeat steps 36-37 for each direction of each boom
tion as specified in Figure 2.9. function.

28. When the MX parameters for all functions have been 39. When the LMX parameters for all boom functions
calibrated as indicated in Figure 2.9, proceed to step have been calibrated, proceed to step 40.
LMX Calibration Procedure for Winch
MX Calibration Procedure Based and Digger Function, Based on Priority Flow
on Cycle Time (refer to Figure 2.9) 40. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
29. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the control panel being used. Operate with the engine
control panel being used. Operate with the engine at full rpm.
at full rpm.
41. Adjust the LMX value for winch out so that the winch
30. Fully shift the hand control for the boom function being line speed matches the boom speed when operating
checked and time it for a full cycle, as described in intermediate or upper boom extend and winch lower
the maintenance manual. Adjust the MX value and at the same time at full hand control travel. Record
retest as required until the cycle time is within the the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet or the
standard speed range. Do not set the MX higher than field CADI settings sheet.
the value which produces the proper cycle time.
42. Adjust the LMX value for winch in so that the winch
31. Record the final MX value and standard speed cycle line speed matches the boom speed when operating
time on the CADI values sheet or the field CADI set- intermediate or upper boom retract and winch raise
tings sheet. at the same time at full hand control travel. Record
the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet or the
32. Repeat steps 30-31 for each direction of each boom field CADI settings sheet.
43. Adjust the LMX value for digger dig so that the boom
33. When the MX parameters for all boom functions have moves down slowly when operating boom lower and
been calibrated as indicated in Figure 2.9, proceed digger dig at the same time at full hand control travel.
to step 34. Record the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet
or the field CADI settings sheet.

12 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

44. Adjust the LMX value for digger clean so that the
boom moves up slowly when operating boom raise
and digger clean at the same time at full hand con-
trol travel. Record the final LMX value on the CADI
values sheet or the field CADI settings sheet.

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 13

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) (Seconds)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
Boom up 00751 002 253 / 803 / 991 553 /
3 3 1 3
Boom down — — 25 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Rotation CW 0075 00 25 / 70 / 99 55 /
3 3 1 3
Rotation CCW — — 25 / 70 / 99 55 /
1 2,4 3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Winch in 0075 00 30 / 80 / 99 60 / —
3 3 1 3
Winch out — — 30 / 80 / 99 60 / — —
1 2 3 3 1 3
Digger dig 0075 00 40 / 90 / 99 70 / — —

14 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use

3 3 1 3
Digger clean — — 40 / 90 / 99 70 / — —
1 1 1 5 1 1 5
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 64 / 05 /99 64 / — —
HOP trip — — — — — — — 86 / — —
ESLP CW — — — — — — — 08 / — —
ESLP CCW — — — — — — — 08 / — —
1 1 8 9 9
Throttle 0392 00 02 — 40 / — 40 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown except temporary adjustment as specified under Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
If lower control panel is equipped with three-axis boom functions joystick, calibration procedure for second (intermediate) parameters varies. Refer to Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters under
Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.
If equipped with electronic side load protection, preliminary setting only. Refer to Electronic Side Load Protection in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure; if not equipped with electron-
ic side load protection, set to 99.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 02; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, preliminary setting only. Adjust MX value to achieve engine rpm at maximum throttle producing maximum total pump flow of 38 gpm. Set LMX to same value
as MX; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.

Figure 2.10 — CADI Values Sheet for DL/DM

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) (Seconds)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
Boom up 00751 002 253 / 803 / 991 553 /
3 3 1 3
Boom down — — 25 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Rotation CW 0075 00 25 / 65 / 99 50 /
3 3 1 3
Rotation CCW — — 25 / 65 / 99 50 /
1 2,4 3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) retract  — — 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Winch in 0075 00 30 / 80 / 99 55 / — —
3 3 1 3
Winch out — — 30 / 80 / 99 55 / — —
1 2 3 3 1 3
Digger dig 0075 00 40 / 90 / 99 70 / — —
3 3 1 3
Digger clean — — 40 / 90 / 99 70 / — —
1 1 1 5 1 1 5
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 53 / 05 /99 53 / — —
HOP trip — — — — — — — 82 / — —
ESLP CW — — — — — — — 00 / — —
ESLP CCW — — — — — — — 20 / — —
1 1 8 9 9
Throttle 0392 00 02 — 42 — — 42 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown except temporary adjustment as specified under Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
If lower control panel is equipped with three-axis boom functions joystick, calibration procedure for second (intermediate) parameters varies. Refer to Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters under
Calibration Procedure in this guide.
D2/3000A Series, DT80 with radial outriggers, preliminary setting only. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX;
D4000A Series, DT80 with out and down outriggers, leave at factory setting. Do not adjust. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.
D2/3000A Series, DT80 with radial outriggers, preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure;
D4000A Series, DT80 with out and down outriggers, leave at factory setting. Do not adjust. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for test procedure.
If equipped with electronic side load protection, set CW to 00. Preliminary setting only for CCW. Refer to Electronic Side Load Protection in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure; if not
equipped with electronic side load protection, set CW and CCW to 99.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 02; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, preliminary setting only. Adjust MX value to achieve engine rpm at maximum throttle producing maximum total pump flow of 38 gpm for D2/3/4000A Series or
44 gpm for DT80. Set LMX to same value as MX; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.

Figure 2.11 — CADI Values Sheet for D2/3/4000A and DT80

Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use • 15

16 • Section 2 — DL/DM, D2/3/4000A, DT80 CADI Use
Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use
The CADI connection for the derrick is located in one of CADI Connection Radio
several locations depending on the type of control panel Socket Receiver
on the derrick.

• Traditional control panel with six lever-type hand

controls or one joystick and two lever-type hand
controls – under the control panel (refer to Figure

Control Panel CADI Cable


Figure 3.3 — Radio Only CADI Connection Socket

• On units which do not have a CADI connection

socket accessible at the above locations, a socket is
provided on the pedestal or turntable and connected
by a cable to the closest valve driver board.

Derrick Functions
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
Figure 3.1 — menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
Traditional Panel CADI Connection Socket tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 3.4). The function is shown on
• Opti-View riding seat – on the front of the right hand the display. Derrick functions that can be adjusted are
control pod (refer to Figure 3.2). shown in Figure 3.5.



Figure 3.2 — Opti-View CADI Connection Socket Function Being Adjusted

• Radio controls only with no lower control panel – on Figure 3.4 — Derrick Function
the back of the radio receiver mounting bracket on
the turntable (refer to Figure 3.3).

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use • 17

Function Purpose
Boom up Raises the boom
Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
2nd extend Extends the intermediate boom
2nd retract Retracts the intermediate boom
3rd extend Extends the upper boom
3rd retract Retracts the upper boom
Winch in Retracts the winch line
Winch out Extends the winch line
Parameter and Parameter
Digger dig Clockwise digger rotation Current Value Being Changed
Digger clean Counterclockwise digger rotation
Figure 3.6 — Derrick Parameter Display
HOP meter Controls calibration of the HOP meter
HOP trip Sets trip point of the HOP • FREQ – Frequency
ESLP CW Controls set point of the electronic side FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of
load protection in clockwise direction the signal output by the above rotation valve driver
for the function.
ESLP CCW Controls set point of the electronic side
load protection in counterclockwise direction
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory
Throttle Controls foot throttle parameter of unit settings. If this value is changed, the function will
LML Sets trip point of the load moment limiter not operate at optimal performance.

Figure 3.5 — CADI Adjustable Functions • SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03)

The SC setting controls how the power level of the
Derrick Parameters signal sent to the control valve changes in relation
to the position of the hand control.
Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera-
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter tion, in which the power level of the signal increases
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the far the hand control is shifted.
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 3.6).
The parameter values are shown under the parameter Do not change the SC values from the factory set-
names. A description of each parameter is listed below. tings of 00 unless directed to do so temporarily in
the TH calibration procedure. If this value is not set
as specified, the function will not operate at optimal

If the above rotation valve driver firmware version

number meets the criteria specified in the calibration
procedure, the SC setting of 03 selects a two-speed
calibration curve that may be used to calibrate the
TH parameter for all the boom, winch, and digger
functions. This calibration curve sends a constant
power signal to the control valve that is equivalent to
the corresponding TH value for the function when the
hand control is positioned between 10 and 80 percent
of total travel, and equivalent to the corresponding

18 • Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

MX value for the function when the hand control is The MX parameter is used to calibrate the load
shifted beyond 80 percent of total travel. The SC indicator gauge (HOP meter), as described in the
value is adjusted on the calibration screen for the maintenance manual. The LMX value must then be
first direction of a function pair, and applies to both set to the same value as MX.
function directions. For example, the SC setting for
boom up also applies to boom down. The SC setting For units equipped with a variable foot throttle, the
must be returned to 00 after completing the calibra- MX value determines the maximum engine rpm when
tion procedure for both directions of a function. the throttle is fully actuated. The LMX value must
then be set to the same value as MX.
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99)
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig- • RA – Ramp
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position function movement starts after the hand control is
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to activated, and the rate of deceleration as function
the control system. movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.

The TH value controls the metering of the unit function Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
as function movement is started and stopped. If the tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require operate at optimal performance.
excessive movement before the function starts to
move. If the value is set too high, the function may • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to 99,
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is used in low speed mode)
operated near the neutral position. The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con-
trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to
The TH value for a boom, winch, or digger function the control valve when the hand control is operated
must be less than both the LMX value and the MX with low speed selected on the lower control panel
value for that function. or radio remote or when the four-lever upper controls
are operated.
• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99,
used in standard speed mode) The LMX value determines the reduced speed
The MX setting controls the power level of the signal (increased cycle time) of a boom, winch, or digger
sent to the control valve when the hand control is function when low speed is selected and the hand
operated when standard speed is selected on the control is fully shifted.
lower control panel or radio remote.
Increase the LMX value to increase a function’s low
The MX value determines the maximum speed speed (shorter cycle time). Decrease the MX value
(minimum cycle time) of a boom, winch, or digger to reduce a function’s low speed (longer cycle time).
function when standard speed is selected and the
hand control is fully shifted. The LMX value for a boom, winch, or digger function
must be higher than the TH value and lower than the
Increase the MX value to increase a function’s stan- MX value for that function.
dard speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value LMX is used to calibrate hydraulic overload protec-
to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle tion (HOP) trip, and, if so equipped, electronic side
time). load protection (ESLP) trip and load moment limiter
(LML) trip, as described in the maintenance manual.
Do not set the MX value higher than required to
achieve the proper cycle time. If the MX value is set The LMX value must be set equal to the MX value
too high, the valve spool may reach full travel before for HOP meter and throttle.
the hand control is fully shifted, causing a loss of
meterability. Multi-Functioning
During multi-functioning in standard speed mode using
The MX value for a boom, winch, or digger function two or more boom functions or when using a boom func-
must be higher than both the LMX value and the TH tion with the winch or the digger, all the function speeds
value for that function. are controlled by the MX values of the corresponding

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use • 19

functions. However, the maximum function speeds may operation. Do not adjust the parameter values for FREQ
be reduced due to hydraulic flow limitations. or RA. Do not adjust the SC values unless specified in
the TH adjustment procedure, and return the SC settings
When in standard speed mode and using a boom func- to 00 when finished.
tion with a winch or digger function (multi-functioning),
the machine is not programmed to use the priority flow If the calibration procedure is performed using the lower
functionality. control panel on the unit, a second person will be needed to
assist during the MX adjustment portion of the procedure.
To synchronize (multi-function) boom extend with winch The calibration procedure can be performed by one per-
out functions and boom retract with winch in functions while son using the lower radio remote control, if so equipped,
in standard speed, use the winch hand control function along with a CADI extension cable. The upper controls
on the control panel to achieve the desired rate of speed. cannot be used for the calibration procedure except as
Do not adjust the MX or LMX values for boom extend indicated under Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters.
or retract outside of the unit cycle times to synchronize
winch speed with boom speed, as this will only slow the When the procedure refers to boom functions, this indi-
boom functions for both standard and low speeds. No cates boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second (inter-
adjustment is needed to synchronize (multi-function) mediate) extend/retract, and third (upper) extend/retract.
boom down and digger dig while in standard speed.
The standard speed and low speed cycle time ranges
Parameter Values used for calibrating the MX and LMX values for the boom
The parameter value flashes when selected using the functions are contained in the maintenance manual and
select button. Use the up or down value button to change in the unit specific field CADI settings sheet included in
the value of the selected parameter. the Appendix of this guide.

When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters
from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the If the lower control panel is equipped with a three-axis
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed. boom functions joystick, the calibration procedure for the
second (intermediate) parameters will vary depending on
the internal design of the control panel. The presence
Calibration Procedure or absence of a placard by the CADI connection socket
The following procedure covers the full calibration of all (refer to Figure 3.7) indicates the type of panel design
the boom, winch, and digger functions. If derrick per- furnished.
formance indicates that the TH, MX, or LMX parameter
of a single function needs calibrating, perform only the

appropriate portion of the calibration procedure. If the
pulsar has been replaced for a function, the TH, MX,
and LMX settings must all be calibrated for that function.

For personnel who are familiar with the detailed calibration
procedure contained in this section, a condensed calibra-
tion procedure for the boom, winch, and digger functions •
is provided in the Appendix of this guide (refer to the field
CADI settings sheet for the applicable derrick model).

Make a copy of the applicable CADI values sheet (refer

to Figures 3.10 and 3.11) or the field CADI settings sheet
Figure 3.7 — Joystick CADI Parameters Placard
(refer to the Appendix) to use for recording the current and
new parameter settings. Note that the TH, MX, and LMX
If the control panel does have the placard shown in
values shown on the CADI values sheet are approximate
Figure 3.7 installed by the CADI connection socket, the
preliminary values. These values must be adjusted for
joystick uses second (intermediate) CADI parameters for
the all the boom, winch, and digger functions according
the intermediate boom function and third (upper) param-
to the procedure in this section to obtain optimum perfor-
eters for the upper boom function. Calibrate the second
mance. The HOP, ESLP, and throttle parameter values
(intermediate) parameters using the intermediate boom
must be set in accordance with the model specific CADI
function on the joystick, and calibrate the third (upper)
values sheet (refer to Figures 3.10 or 3.11) or adjusted
parameters using the upper boom function on the joystick.
in accordance with the maintenance manual for proper

20 • Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

If the control panel does not have the placard shown in 3. Check the system pressure, standby pressure, and
Figure 3.7 located by the CADI connection socket, the differential pilot pressure, and verify that the pump is
lower control joystick uses third (upper) CADI parameters delivering the correct oil flow, in accordance with the
for both the intermediate boom and upper boom func- maintenance manual. Make any necessary adjust-
tions. If the unit is operated from upper controls or radio ments. Leave the turntable cover off after checking
controls, second (intermediate) CADI parameters are the differential pilot pressure.
used for the intermediate boom. Calibrate the second
(intermediate) CADI parameters as described as follows. Notice
• If the unit is not equipped with upper controls or radio Proper differential pilot pressure, measured as the
controls, do not change the second (intermediate) difference between pilot port pressure and return line
parameter values from the factory settings. Because (tank) pressure, is critical for optimum performance.
the intermediate boom cycle times cannot be adjusted If the procedure for setting differential pilot pressure
independently, the intermediate boom may not be able is not described in the available unit maintenance
to meet the published cycle times. A compromise may manual, contact Altec technical support at 1-877-GO-
have to be made between intermediate and upper Altec option 4 for further information.
boom functionality when adjusting the third (upper)
CADI parameters. 4. Operate the unit to warm the hydraulic oil to 120 to
130 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius).
• If the unit is equipped with radio controls, with or This temperature is important for proper threshold
without four-lever upper controls, calibrate the second calibration.
(intermediate) TH, MX, and LMX parameters using
the radio controls. Notice
• If the unit is equipped with four-lever upper controls If the oil is not warmed to the required temperature
but does not have radio controls, calibrate the second range, the CADI settings resulting from the calibra-
(intermediate) TH and LMX parameters using the tion procedures will not be accurate, and poor meter-
four-lever upper controls. Do not adjust the second ability will result.
(intermediate) MX setting.
One way to verify the oil temperature is to use an
Setup infrared (IR) thermometer to read the temperature of
1. Position the unit on a level surface in an open area the hydraulic reservoir on or near the end opposite
where the booms can be fully extended, raised, from the return line filter, at a point about 1/3 of the
and rotated. Apply the parking brake and chock the way above the bottom of the reservoir (refer to Figure
wheels. 3.8). The oil can be warmed quickly as described in
step a or b.
2. Start the engine, engage the unit’s hydraulic system,
and properly set the outriggers.

Return Line Filter

Here on Side
or End

/3 of Reservoir

Figure 3.8 — Reservoir Temperature Measurement Location

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use • 21

a. If the unit is equipped with a digger, unstow the 10. Record the MX setting for the function to be calibrated
digger. Make sure the booms are fully retracted. (boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second extend/
With the engine at full rpm, operate digger dig at retract, third extend/retract, winch in/out, or digger
full speed while holding the intermediate boom dig/clean). Then change the TH and MX settings for
control fully shifted in the Retract position or hold- this function to 00. The value button on the CADI can
ing the pole guide open/close switch in the Close be held down continuously until the setting reaches
position. When the oil has reached 120 to 130 00.
degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius),
stow the digger and proceed to step 5. 11. Operate the hand control and adjust the MX and TH
values for the function being calibrated as described
b. If the unit is not equipped with a digger, make sure in steps a-g.
the booms are fully retracted. With the engine at
full rpm, operate winch raise/winch lower repeat- a. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and increase
edly at full speed while holding the intermediate the MX value slowly until the function starts mov-
boom control fully shifted in the Retract position ing.
or holding the pole guide open/close switch in
the Close position. Do not allow the load hook to b. Release the hand control, and decrease the MX
contact the boom tip when operating winch raise. value by three points.
When the oil has reached 120 to 130 degrees
Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius), proceed c. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and check
to step 5. for function movement. If the function is fully
stopped, continue to step d. If the function is not
5. Position the boom at an angle between 10 and 30 fully stopped, go back to step b.
degrees above horizontal, and rotate it to a position
where all the functions can be operated for calibra- d. Increase the MX value by one point every five
tion. seconds until the function begins to creep, mean-
ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable.
6. Connect the CADI to the CADI connection socket. Use For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for
the CADI extension cable to make this connection if movement. For other functions, compare the mov-
the calibration procedure will be performed by one ing component to a stationary object.
person using the lower radio remote control. Make
note of the valve driver firmware version number on e. Release the hand control. Subtract 15 points from
the CADI startup screen for use in step 8. the MX value determined in the previous step to
obtain the required TH setting. Then adjust the TH
7. Put the CADI into calibration mode. Write the current value to this number. For example, if the function
value of the TH, MX, and LMX parameter for each begins to creep at MX = 42, subtract 42 – 15 = 27,
function on the CADI values sheet or the field CADI and adjust the TH setting to 27.
settings sheet before making any adjustments.
f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values
TH Calibration sheet or the field CADI settings sheet.
8. Calibrate the TH parameters using the appropriate
procedure as indicated in step a or b, based on the g. Return the MX setting to the value recorded in
valve driver firmware version number displayed on step 10.
the CADI startup screen in step 6.
12. Repeat steps 10-11 for each direction of each boom,
a. TH can be calibrated using MX to simulate TH on winch, and digger function.
all units regardless of firmware version number.
To use this procedure, proceed to step 9. 13. Proceed to step 22.

b. TH can be calibrated using SC = 03 if the firmware TH Calibration Procedure Using SC = 03, Usable Only
version number is not V00.00.00.00. To use this With CADI Startup Screen Not Showing V00.00.00.00
procedure, proceed to step 14. 14. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
control panel being used. Operate with the engine
TH Calibration Procedure Using MX to Simulate TH at full rpm.
9. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
control panel being used. Operate with the engine
at full rpm.

22 • Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

15. Select the calibration screen for the first direction of 17. Select the calibration screen for the second direction
the function pair to be calibrated (boom up, rotation of the function pair and repeat step 16.
CW, second extend, third extend, winch in, or digger
dig). Change the SC value to 03. 18. After the TH setting has been adjusted for both direc-
tions of the function, return to the calibration screen
16. The following steps will require moving the hand for the first direction of the function, and reset the
control to about half of its full travel and holding it SC value to 00.
in this position. This sends a power signal to the
control valve equivalent to the TH setting. Do not 19. Repeat steps 15-18 for each boom, winch, and dig-
exceed 80 percent of the total handle travel, as this ger function.
will increase the power signal to the valve to the MX
setting. Operate the hand control and adjust the TH 20. Scroll through the calibration screens for all the
value for the function being calibrated as described boom, winch, and digger functions and verify that
in steps a-f. all SC settings have been returned to 00.

a. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel 21. Proceed to step 22.
and hold it in this position. If the function begins
moving, proceed to step b. If the function is not MX Calibration
moving, increase the TH value slowly until the 22. Calibrate the MX parameters using the appropriate
function starts moving. procedure(s) as indicated in Figure 3.9.

b. Release the hand control, and decrease the TH MX Calibration Procedure Based on
value by three points. Manual Handle Vibration (refer to Figure 3.9)
23. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
c. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel control panel being used. Operate with the engine
and hold it in this position. Check for function move- at full rpm.
ment. If the function is fully stopped, continue to
step d. If the function is not fully stopped, go back 24. Fully shift the hand control for the function being
to step b. checked and hold it in this position. Look at the
manual override handle on the control valve to see
d. Increase the TH value by one point every five if it is visibly vibrating or fluttering. If movement is not
seconds until the function begins to creep, mean- visible, touch the handle to feel for vibration. Adjust
ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable. the MX value as described in step a, b, or c.
For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for
movement. For other functions, compare the mov- a. If the manual override handle does visibly vibrate
ing component to a stationary object. or flutter, increase the MX value by one point every
five seconds until the flutter is no longer visible
e. Release the hand control. Finalize the TH setting but the handle still vibrates to the touch. Then
by reducing the TH value by 15 points. proceed to step 25.

f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values b. If the manual override handle does not visibly
sheet or the field CADI settings sheet. vibrate or flutter and does not vibrate to the touch,

Derrick Model Function MX Calibration Procedure

DMB, D2/3/4000B Boom functions Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
Winch and digger
DLB (serial no. month/year Boom functions Cycle time (steps 29-33)
prefix of 0713 or earlier) Winch and digger Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
DLB (serial no. month/year Boom functions Manual handle vibration (steps 23-28)
prefix of 0813 or later) Winch and digger
Figure 3.9 — MX Calibration Procedure Usage

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use • 23

decrease the MX value by one point every five 30. Fully shift the hand control for the boom function being
seconds until the vibration can be felt but is still checked and time it for a full cycle, as described in
not visible. Then proceed to step 25. the maintenance manual. Adjust the MX value and
retest as required until the cycle time is within the
c. If the manual override handle does not visibly standard speed range. Do not set the MX higher than
vibrate or flutter but does vibrate to the touch, do the value which produces the proper cycle time.
not adjust the MX. Proceed to step 25.
31. Record the final MX value and standard speed cycle
25. Press on the manual override handle to try to move time on the CADI values sheet or the field CADI set-
it farther in the direction that it is shifted. Adjust the tings sheet.
MX value as described in step a or b.
32. Repeat steps 30-31 for each direction of each boom
a. If the handle does not move any farther but stops function.
vibrating to the touch, do not adjust the MX. Re-
lease the hand control, and proceed to step 26. 33. When the MX parameters for all functions have been
calibrated as indicated in Figure 3.9, proceed to step
b. If the handle does move farther, raise the MX value 34.
by 1 point and repeat step 25.
LMX Calibration Procedure
26. Time the function with the hand control on the control 34. Set the low speed/standard switch to low speed on
station fully shifted, according to step a, b, or c. the control panel being used. Operate with the engine
at full rpm.
a. For a boom function, operate the function for a
full cycle while timing it, as described in the main- 35. Time the function with the hand control on the control
tenance manual. If the cycle time is below the station fully shifted, according to step a, b, or c.
standard speed range, decrease the MX value and
retest until the cycle time is within the published a. For a boom function, operate the function for a full
range. Record the final MX value and standard cycle while timing it, as described in the mainte-
speed cycle time on the CADI values sheet or the nance manual. Adjust the LMX value and retest
field CADI settings sheet. as required until the cycle time is within the low
speed range. Record the final LMX value and low
b. For the winch function, count the number of winch speed cycle time on the CADI values sheet or the
drum rotations in 15 seconds. Record the final MX field CADI settings sheet.
value and number of standard speed rotations on
the CADI values sheet or the field CADI settings b. For the winch function, count the number of winch
sheet. drum rotations in 15 seconds. Adjust the LMX
value and retest as required until the number of
c. For the digger function, count the number of auger drum rotations is approximately half of the number
rotations in 15 seconds with the digger in high determined at standard speed. Record the final
speed. Record the final MX value and number LMX value and number of low speed rotations on
of standard speed rotations on the CADI values the CADI values sheet or the field CADI settings
sheet or the field CADI settings sheet. sheet.

27. Repeat steps 24-26 for each direction of each func- c. For the digger function, count the number of
tion as specified in Figure 3.9. auger rotations in 15 seconds with the digger in
high speed. Adjust the LMX value and retest as
28. When the MX parameters for all functions have been required until the number of auger rotations is
calibrated as indicated in Figure 3.9, proceed to step approximately half of the number determined at
34. standard speed. Record the final LMX value and
number of low speed rotations on the CADI values
MX Calibration Procedure Based sheet or the field CADI settings sheet.
on Cycle Time (refer to Figure 3.9)
29. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the 36. Repeat step 35 for each direction of each function.
control panel being used. Operate with the engine
at full rpm.

24 • Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times (Sec
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) or Turns in 15 Sec)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
Boom up 00751 002 303 / 803 / 991 553 /
3 3 1 3
Boom down — — 30 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Rotation CW 0075 00 30 / 70 / 99 55 /
3 3 1 3
Rotation CCW — — 30 / 70 / 99 55 /
1 2,4 3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 65 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Winch in 0075 00 30 / 80 / 99 60 /
3 3 1 3
Winch out — — 30 / 80 / 99 60 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Digger dig 0075 00 40 / 90 / 99 70 /
3 3 1 3
Digger clean — — 40 / 90 / 99 70 /
1 1 1 5 1 1 5
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 64 / 05 /99 64 / — —
HOP trip — — — — — — — 86 / — —
ESLP CW — — — — — — — 08 / — —
ESLP CCW — — — — — — — 08 / — —
1 1 8 9 9
Throttle 0392 00 02 — 40 / — 40 / — —
LML trip — — — — — — — 99 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown except temporary adjustment as specified under Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
If lower control panel is equipped with three-axis boom functions joystick, calibration procedure for second (intermediate) parameters varies. Refer to Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters under
Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.
If equipped with electronic side load protection, preliminary setting only. Refer to Electronic Side Load Protection in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure; if not equipped with electron-
ic side load protection, set to 99.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 02; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, preliminary setting only. Adjust MX value to achieve engine rpm at maximum throttle producing maximum total pump flow of 43 gpm. Set LMX to same value
as MX; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If not equipped with load moment limiter, do not change from value shown; if equipped with load moment limiter, refer to Load Moment Limiter in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.

Figure 3.10 — CADI Values Sheet for DLB/DMB

Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use • 25

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times (Sec
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) or Turns in 15 Sec)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
Boom up 00751 002 303 / 803 / 991 553 /
3 3 1 3
Boom down — — 30 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Rotation CW 0075 00 30 / 65 / 99 50 /
3 3 1 3
Rotation CCW — — 30 / 65 / 99 50 /
1 2,4 3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
3,4 3,4 1 3,4
2nd (interm) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) extend 0075 00 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
3 3 1 3
3rd (upper) retract — — 40 / 80 / 99 55 /
1 2 3 3 1 3
Winch in 0075 00 30 / 80 / 99 60 /
3 3 1 3
Winch out — — 30 / 80 / 99 60 /

26 • Section 3 — DLB/DMB, D2/3/4000B CADI Use

1 2 3 3 1 3
Digger dig 0075 00 40 / 90 / 99 70 /
3 3 1 3
Digger clean — — 40 / 90 / 99 70 /
1 1 1 5 1 1 5
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 53 / 05 /99 53 / — —
HOP trip — — — — — — — 82 / — —
ESLP CW — — — — — — — 00 / — —
ESLP CCW — — — — — — — 20 / — —
1 1 8 9 9
Throttle 0392 00 02 — 42 / — 42 / — —
LML trip — — — — — — — 99 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown except temporary adjustment as specified under Calibration Procedure in this guide.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
If lower control panel is equipped with three-axis boom functions joystick, calibration procedure for second (intermediate) parameters varies. Refer to Three-Axis Joystick CADI Parameters under
Calibration Procedure in this guide.
D2/3000B Series, preliminary setting only. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX;
D4000B Series, leave at factory setting. Do not adjust. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.
D2/3000B Series, preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure;
D4000B Series, leave at factory setting. Do not adjust. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for test procedure.
If equipped with electronic side load protection, set CW to 00. Preliminary setting only for CCW. Refer to Electronic Side Load Protection in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. If
not equipped with electronic side load protection, set CW and CCW to 99.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 02; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If equipped with variable foot throttle, preliminary setting only. Adjust MX value to achieve engine rpm at maximum throttle producing maximum total pump flow of 43 gpm. Set LMX to same value
as MX; if not equipped with variable foot throttle, set to 00.
If not equipped with load moment limiter, do not change from value shown. If equipped with load moment limiter, refer to Load Moment Limiter in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.

Figure 3.11 — CADI Values Sheet for D2/3/4000B

Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use
There are two CADI connection locations on the AT237. tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 4.3). The function is shown on
• On the top of the upper control panel (refer to Figure the display. Aerial device functions that can be adjusted
4.1). are shown in Figure 4.4.

Control Panel CADI Cable

CADI Connection

Function Being Adjusted

Figure 4.1 — Figure 4.3 — AT237 Function

Upper Control Panel CADI Connection Socket
Function Purpose
• On the bottom of the lower control panel (refer to
Figure 4.2). Boom up Raises the boom
Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
Lower Controls Extend Extends the boom out
Retract Retracts the boom in
Elevator up Brings the arm up
Elevator down Brings the arm down
CADI Connection Figure 4.4 — CADI Adjustable Functions

AT237 Parameters
Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
Figure 4.2 —
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 4.5).
Lower Control Panel CADI Connection Socket
The parameter values are shown under the parameter
names. A description of each parameter is listed below.
Aerial Device Functions
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-

Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use • 27

The TH value for a function must be less than the
MX value for that function.

• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99, used for upper controls)

The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
sent to the control valve when the hand control is
operated with upper controls selected on the lower
control panel.

The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-

mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper
controls when the hand control is fully shifted.

Increase the MX value to increase a function’s upper

Parameter and Parameter control speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
Current Value Being Changed the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle
Figure 4.5 — AT237 Parameter Display time).

• FREQ – Frequency Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
for the function. travel before the hand control is fully shifted, causing
a loss of meterability.
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory
settings. If this value is changed, the function will The MX value for a function must be higher than the
not operate at optimal performance. TH value for that function.

• SC – Speed curve • RA – Ramp

The SC setting controls how the power level of the The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation function movement starts after the hand control is
to the position of the hand control. activated, and the rate of deceleration as function
movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.
The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera-
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
far the hand control is shifted. operate at optimal performance.

Do not change the SC values from the factory set- • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to
tings of 00. If this value is not set as specified, the 99, used for lower controls)
function will not operate at optimal performance. The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) is used
to determine the reduced speed (low speed) setting.
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99)
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig- LMX is used when lower controls is selected on the
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control lower control panel.
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to Do not change the LMX values from the factory set-
the control system. tings of 60.

The TH value controls the metering of the unit function Parameter Values
as function movement is started and stopped. If the The parameter value flashes when selected using the
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require select button. Use the up or down value button to change
excessive movement before the function starts to the value of the selected parameter.
move. If the value is set too high, the function may
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is
operated near the neutral position.

28 • Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use

When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI value. Values can be different than the values that are
from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the shown. Do not adjust values for frequency (FREQ), speed
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed. curve (SC), ramp (RA), or low speed (LMX).

Refer to Figures 4.6 and 4.7 before making adjustments.

Calibration Procedure
Put CADI into calibration mode. Write the value of each
parameter in the gray space to the right of the printed

Frequency Speed Threshold Max Out Ramp Low Speed Cycle Times (Seconds)
Function (FREQ) Curve (SC) (TH)1 (MX)1 (RA) (LMX) Specification2 Actual

Boom up 0075 00 44 74 99 60
Boom down     44 67 99 60

Rotate CW 0075 00 49 99 99 60
Rotate CCW     49 99 99 60

Extend 0075 00 47 85 99 60
Retract     44 75 99 60

Elevator up 0075 00 47 69 99 60
Elevator down     45 75 99 60
The values shown for TH and MX are approximate preliminary values only. Adjust these values as required for proper performance during the
calibration procedure.
Refer to Figure 4.7 to set the approximate cycle times using the MX settings.

Figure 4.6 — CADI Values Sheet for AT237

MX Value 99 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60

Boom up 16.6 16.7 17.3 17.5 18.6 21.0 25.1 31.8 45.6
Boom down  11.4 11.5 12.3 13.3 14.9 16.7 20.0 24.2 33.5

Rotate CW 53.0 54.2 56.9 61.0 68.2 77.2 95.0 124.5 189.6
Rotate CCW 54.9 56.9 60.4 66.8 74.4 90.3 113.2 162.8 276.8

Extend 12.0 12.1 12.1 12.9 14.1 15.5 18.3 22.8 29.9
Retract  13.5 13.6 13.9 14.7 15.7 17.1 20.3 24.4 33.3

Elevator up 10.9 10.9 11.1 11.2 12.1 13.5 15.5 19.3 26.6
Elevator down  7.3 7.3 7.5 7.8 8.5 9.9 11.6 15.1 20.4

Figure 4.7 — AT237 Cycle Times (in Seconds) Based on MX Value

Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use • 29

30 • Section 4 — AT237 CADI Use
Section 5 — A40P CADI Use
There are two CADI connection locations on the A40P.
Aerial Device Functions
• On the side of the upper control panel (refer to Figure With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
5.1). menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 5.3). The function is shown on
the display. Aerial device functions that can be adjusted
are shown in Figure 5.4.
Panel Top

CADI Connection Socket

Cable Function Being Adjusted

Figure 5.3 — A40P Function

Figure 5.1 —
Function Purpose
Upper Control Panel CADI Connection Socket
Boom up Raises the boom
• On the side of the lower control panel (refer to Figure Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
Extend Extends the boom out
Lower Controls Retract Retracts the boom in
Figure 5.4 — CADI Adjustable Functions

A40P Parameters
CADI Connection Use the select button to scroll through the control system
Socket parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 5.5).
The parameter values are shown under the parameter
names. A description of each parameter is listed below.

Figure 5.2 —
Lower Control Panel CADI Connection Socket

Section 5 — A40P CADI Use • 31

excessive movement before the function starts to
move. If the value is set too high, the function may
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is
operated near the neutral position.

The TH value for a function must be less than the

MX value for that function.

• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99, used for upper controls)

The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
sent to the control valve when the hand control is
operated at upper controls.

The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-

Parameter and Parameter mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper
Current Value Being Changed controls when the hand control is fully shifted.

Figure 5.5 — A40P Parameter Display Increase the MX value to increase a function’s upper
control speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
• FREQ – Frequency the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of to reduce a function’s upper control speed (longer
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver cycle time).
for the function.
Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
settings. If this value is changed, the function will value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
not operate at optimal performance. travel before the hand control is fully shifted, causing
a loss of meterability.
• SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03)
The SC setting controls how the power level of the The MX value for a function must be higher than the
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation TH value for that function.
to the position of the hand control.
• RA – Ramp
The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases function movement starts after the hand control is
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how activated, and the rate of deceleration as function
far the hand control is shifted. movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.

The SC settings of 02 and 03 produce nonlinear Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
control operation, in which the power level of the tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
signal increases or decreases in a nonlinear fashion operate at optimal performance.
in proportion to how far the hand control is shifted.
• LMX – Low speed
Do not change the SC values from the factory set- This parameter is not used in this application.
tings. If this value is not set as specified, the function
will not operate at optimal performance. Do not change the LMX values from the factory set-
tings of 99.
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99)
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig- Parameter Values
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control The parameter value flashes when selected using the
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position select button. Use the up or down value button to change
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to the value of the selected parameter.
the control system.
When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI
The TH value controls the metering of the unit function from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the
as function movement is started and stopped. If the above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed.
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require

32 • Section 5 — A40P CADI Use

(FREQ), speed curve (SC), ramp (RA), or low speed
Calibration Procedure (LMX).
Put CADI into calibration mode. Write the value of each
parameter in the gray space to the right of the printed Refer to Figures 5.6 and 5.7 before making adjust-
default value. Values can be different than the default ments.
values that are shown. Do not adjust values for frequency

Frequency Speed Threshold Max Out Ramp Low Speed Cycle Times (Seconds)
Function (FREQ) Curve (SC) (TH)1 (MX)1 (RA) (LMX) Specification2 Actual

Boom up 0085 02 44 90 99 99
Boom down     40 96 99 99

Rotate CW 0075 03 46 85 65 99
Rotate CCW     49 93 65 99

Extend 0085 00 47 67 80 99
Retract     40 74 90 99
The values shown for TH and MX are approximate preliminary values only. Adjust these values as required for proper performance during the
calibration procedure.
Refer to Figure 5.7 to set the approximate cycle times using the MX settings.
Figure 5.6 — CADI Values Sheet for A40P

MX Value 99 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60

Boom up 19.9 20.2 21.1 22.7 24.5 28.0 35.7 46.7 69.1
Boom down  21.5 23.4 26.2 28.3 32.0 38.4 49.6 71.9 129.9

Rotate CW 53.0 54.2 56.9 61.0 68.2 77.2 95.0 124.5 189.6
Rotate CCW 54.9 56.9 60.4 66.8 74.4 90.3 113.2 162.8 276.8

Extend 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 14.0 16.4 20.8 31.9
Retract  15.7 15.8 16.0 16.0 16.3 17.5 21.9 31.7 50.7

Figure 5.7 — A40P Cycle Times (in Seconds) Based on MX Value

Section 5 — A40P CADI Use • 33

34 • Section 5 — A40P CADI Use
Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use
There is one location to connect the CADI on the AT40-G, Function Purpose
located on the lower control station (refer to Figure 6.1). Boom up Raises the boom
Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
Extend Extends the boom out
Retract Retracts the boom in
Elevator up Brings the arm up
Elevator down Brings the arm down
Figure 6.3 — CADI Adjustable Functions

CADI Connection AT40-G Parameters

Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
Figure 6.1 — CADI Connection Socket that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 6.4).
Aerial Device Functions The parameter values are shown under the parameter
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right names. A description of each parameter is listed below.
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 6.2). The function is shown on
the display. Functions that can be adjusted are shown
in Figure 6.3.

Parameter and Parameter

Current Value Being Changed

Being Adjusted

Figure 6.4 — AT40-G Parameter Display

• FREQ – Frequency
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of
Figure 6.2 — AT40-G Function the signal output by the above rotation valve driver
for the function.

Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use • 35

Do not change the FREQ values from the factory • MX – Max out (from 00 to 99, used for upper controls)
settings. If this value is changed, the function will The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
not operate at optimal performance sent to the control valve when the hand control is
. operated at upper controls.
• SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03)
The SC setting controls how the power level of the The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper
to the position of the hand control. controls when the hand control is fully shifted.

The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- Increase the MX value to increase a function’s upper
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases control speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
far the hand control is shifted. to reduce a function’s upper control speed (longer
cycle time).
Do not change the SC values from the factory settings
of 00 except as directed to temporarily in the calibra- Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
tion procedure. If this value is not set as specified, quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
the function will not operate at optimal performance. value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
travel before the hand control is fully shifted, causing
For use during the calibration procedure, the SC set- a loss of meterability.
ting of 03 selects a two-speed calibration curve that
is used to calibrate the TH and MX parameters. This The MX value for a function must be higher than the
calibration curve sends a constant power signal to the TH value for that function.
control valve that is equivalent to the corresponding
TH value for the function when the hand control is • RA – Ramp (from 00 to 99)
positioned between 10 and 80 percent of total travel, The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
and equivalent to the corresponding MX value for the function movement starts after the hand control is
function when the hand control is shifted beyond 80 activated. The RA setting does not control the rate
percent of total travel. The SC value is adjusted on of deceleration as function movement stops after
the calibration screen for the first direction of a func- the hand control is deactivated, as this is controlled
tion pair, and applies to both function directions. For via a nonadjustable default setting within the valve
example, the SC setting for boom up also applies to driver.
boom down. The SC setting must be returned to 00
after completing the calibration procedure for both Do not change the RA values from the factory settings
directions of a function. except as directed to temporarily in the calibration
procedure. If this value is not set as specified, the
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99) function will not operate at optimal performance.
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig-
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control • LMX – Low speed
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position This parameter is not used in this application.
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to
the control system. Do not change the LMX values from the factory set-
tings of 99.
The TH value controls the metering of the unit function
as function movement is started and stopped. If the Parameter Values
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require The parameter value flashes when selected using the
excessive movement before the function starts to select button. Use the up or down value button to change
move. If the value is set too high, the function may the value of the selected parameter.
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is
operated near the neutral position. When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the
CADI from the socket. The settings are saved in the
The TH value for a function must be less than the above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed.
MX value for that function.

36 • Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use

Seek immediate medical attention if injured by escap-
Calibration Procedure ing hydraulic oil. Serious infection or reaction can re-
1. Make a copy of the CADI values sheet (refer to sult if medical treatment is not given immediately.
Figure 6.7) to use for recording the current and new
parameter settings. Note that the TH and MX values Spilled hydraulic oil creates slick surfaces and can
shown on the CADI values sheet are approximate cause personnel to slip and/or fall. Keep the unit and
preliminary values. These values must be adjusted work areas clean.
for the all the functions according to the procedure
in this section to obtain optimum performance. Caution
2. Position the unit on a level surface that will allow for Injury can result from airborne particles entering the
boom raise, extension, rotation, and arm raise. Apply eyes. Wear appropriate safety equipment.
the parking brake and chock the wheels.
7. Bleed the air out of the top bonnets on all seven spools
3. Start the vehicle engine and move the PTO on/off on the main control valve. Back each plug out with an
switch to the On position. Switch the station selec- Allen wrench while engaging the dump valve. The
tor switch at the lower control station to the Upper dump valve can be engaged by holding the station
position. selector switch in the Lower position. While engag-
ing the dump valve, back each of the seven plugs
4. Get in the platform and properly secure the personal out (one at a time) until a small amount of hydraulic
fall protection system to the lanyard anchor. Raise and oil escapes by the plug (refer to Figure 6.6). A shop
rotate the lower boom until it is clear of any objects towel or rag can be placed around the plug to capture
that might obstruct boom movement. the majority of the spilled hydraulic oil. Be careful not
to back the plugs out too far so that an open path is
5. Operate all main boom functions 10 complete cycles created for the pilot pressure to escape.
or more. Then verify that the hydraulic oil temperature
is at the proper operating temperature (between 100
and 120 degrees Fahrenheit) before making any
CADI adjustments.

6. Remove the plastic cover to gain access to the main

control valve.

Figure 6.5 — Turntable

Death or serious injury can result from hydraulic oil
being injected into the flesh.

Figure 6.6 — Main Control Valve

Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use • 37

8. Connect the CADI to the CADI connection socket at exceed 80 percent of the hand control’s total travel.
the lower controls. A CADI extension cable can be Exceeding 80 percent of the total hand control travel
utilized to allow for calibration from the upper controls will provide a constant power signal equivalent to
at the platform. If an extension cable is not available, the corresponding MX value. If the function begins
an assistant will be required to make adjustments to to move as soon as the handle is engaged into the
the CADI while an operator cycles the unit from the function, lower the TH value until all motion is stopped.
upper controls at the platform. Raise the value for the TH setting 1 point every 5
seconds until the function begins to creep (less than
9. Record the current TH and MX settings on the CADI 1” of platform movement per second). Finalize the
values sheet (refer to Figure 6.7). TH setting by reducing the TH value by 20 points.
Record the final TH value (refer to Figure 6.7).
10. Reset the RA value to 99 for each function. A value
of 99 is needed to properly calibrate the unit. The RA 14. Switch the calibration unit function selection to the
value will be set back to the proper value for opera- opposite function within the pair being adjusted.
tion during the final step. Repeat step 13 for the opposite function.

11. Select the pair of functions to be adjusted (boom up/ 15. Repeat steps 10 to 14 for the remaining functions.
down, CW/CCW, extend/retract, or elevator up/down).
A pair of functions need to be calibrated together, 16. Once the TH values are properly set, check the cycle
since the first function within each pair contains the times of the aerial device. Allow room for full boom
SC for both functions within the pair. For example, movement. Engage the interlock trigger and quickly
the SC can be adjusted only on the boom up screen, move the hand control to the full travel position in
as there is no SC selection for boom down. the direction required for the function selected. Time
the function for full stroke travel.
12. Change the SC value to 03 for the first function
within the pair being adjusted. The SC setting of 03 17. If the cycle times do not fall within the boundaries
provides a constant power signal equivalent to the of the specified cycle times (refer to Cycle Times in
corresponding TH value to the actuator when the the maintenance manual), make the following adjust-
hand control is engaged between approximately 10 ments. If the cycle time achieved is faster than the
to 80 percent of the total hand control movement. minimum cycle time for any specific function, select
The SC adjustment will apply to both sides of the the MX parameter on the CADI for the appropriate
pair of functions selected. function. Reduce the MX setting until the function’s
movement starts to slow down. Incrementally de-
13. Squeeze the interlock trigger and move the hand crease the MX setting until the proper cycle time is
control into position for the desired function being achieved. If the cycle time achieved is slower than the
calibrated throughout this step. Be careful not to maximum cycle time for the function, increase the MX

Frequency Speed Threshold Max Out Ramp Low Speed Cycle Times (Seconds)
Function (FREQ) Curve (SC) (TH)1 (MX)1 (RA) (LMX) Specification2 Actual

Boom up 0075 00 45 90 04 99
Boom down     35 90 04 99

Rotate CW 0075 00 35 90 04 99
Rotate CCW     45 90 04 99

Extend 0075 00 45 90 07 99
Retract     35 90 07 99

Elevator up 0075 00 45 90 05 99
Elevator down     35 90 05 99
The values shown for TH and MX are approximate preliminary values only. Adjust these values as required for proper performance during the
calibration procedure.
Refer to the maintenance manual to set the approximate cycle times using the MX settings.

Figure 6.7 — CADI Values Sheet for AT40-G

38 • Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use

setting until the proper cycle time is achieved. If the 18. Record the final MX value for each function (refer to
MX setting cannot be utilized to achieve the proper Figure 6.7).
cycle time, the spool stop may need to be adjusted
to achieve faster cycle times. Refer to Main Control 19. Reset the SC value to 00 for all functions. If SC is
Valve in the maintenance manual for information not reset to 00, neither function within the pair will
regarding how to adjust the spool stops and then operate correctly.
repeat this procedure.
20. Set the RA value to the value listed in Figure 6.7 for
each function.

Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use • 39

40 • Section 6 — AT40-G CADI Use
Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use
There is one location to connect the CADI on the L42E/44E Function Purpose
(refer to Figure 7.1). Upper boom fold Folds the upper boom
Upper boom unfold Unfolds the upper boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
Lower boom fold Folds the lower boom
Lower boom unfold Unfolds the lower boom
Figure 7.3 — CADI Adjustable Functions

L42E/L44E Parameters
Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the pa-
rameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter that
is currently selected flashes on the display. For example,
the lower boom fold function is selected and the ramp
Figure 7.1 — CADI Connection Socket parameter is selected (refer to Figure 7.4). The param-
eter values are shown under the parameter names. A
description of each parameter is listed below.
Aerial Device Functions
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 7.2). The function is shown on
the display. Aerial device functions that can be adjusted
are shown in Figure 7.3.

Parameter Parameter and

Being Changed Current Value

Figure 7.4 — L42E/L44E Parameter Display

• FREQ – Frequency
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver
Function for the function.
Being Adjusted
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory
Figure 7.2 — L42E/L44E Function settings. If this value is changed, the function will
not operate at optimal performance.

• SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03)

The SC setting controls how the power level of the
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation
to the position of the hand control.

Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use • 41

The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- Increase the MX value to increase a function’s stan-
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases dard speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
far the hand control is shifted. to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle
Do not change the SC values from the factory settings
of 00 except as directed to temporarily in the calibra- Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
tion procedure. If this value is not set as specified, quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
the function will not operate at optimal performance. value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
travel before the hand control is fully shifted, causing
For use during the calibration procedure, the SC set- a loss of meterability.
ting of 03 selects a two-speed calibration curve that
is used to calibrate the TH and MX parameters. This The MX value for a function must be higher than both
calibration curve sends a constant power signal to the the LMX value and the TH value for that function.
control valve that is equivalent to the corresponding
TH value for the function when the hand control is • RA – Ramp
positioned between 10 and 80 percent of total travel, The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
and equivalent to the corresponding MX value for the function movement starts after the hand control is
function when the hand control is shifted beyond 80 activated. The RA setting does not control the rate
percent of total travel. The SC value is adjusted on of deceleration as function movement stops after
the calibration screen for the first direction of a func- the hand control is deactivated, as this is controlled
tion pair, and applies to both function directions. For via a nonadjustable default setting within the valve
example, the SC setting for boom up also applies to driver.
boom down. The SC setting must be returned to 00
after completing the calibration procedure for both Do not change the RA values from the factory settings
directions of a function. except as directed to temporarily in the calibration
procedure. If this value is not set as specified, the
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99) function will not operate at optimal performance.
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig-
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position 99, used in low speed mode)
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con-
the control system. trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to
the control valve when the hand control is operated
The TH value controls the metering of the unit function with low speed (turtle mode) selected at the upper
as function movement is started and stopped. If the controls.
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require
excessive movement before the function starts to The LMX value determines the reduced speed
move. If the value is set too high, the function may (increased cycle time) of a function operated from
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is upper controls when low speed is selected and the
operated near the neutral position. hand control is fully shifted.

The TH value for a function must be less than both Increase the LMX value to increase a function’s low
the LMX value and the MX value for that function. speed (shorter cycle time). Decrease the LMX value
to reduce a function’s low speed (longer cycle time).
• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99,
used in standard speed mode) The LMX value for a function must be higher than
The MX setting controls the power level of the signal the TH value and lower than the MX value for that
sent to the control valve when the hand control is function.
operated with standard speed (rabbit mode) selected
at the upper controls. Parameter Values
The parameter value flashes when selected using the
The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini- select button. Use the up or down value button to change
mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper the value of the selected parameter.
controls when standard speed is selected and the
hand control is fully shifted.

42 • Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use

When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI value. Values can be different than the values that are
from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the shown. Do not adjust values for frequency (FREQ), speed
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed. curve (SC), or ramp (RA).

Refer to Figure 7.5 and to the maintenance manual before

Calibration Procedure making adjustments.
Put CADI into calibration mode. Write the value of each
parameter in the gray space to the right of the printed

Frequency Speed Threshold Max Out Ramp Low Speed Cycle Times (Seconds)
Function (FREQ) Curve (SC) (TH)1 (MX)1 (RA) (LMX) Specification2 Actual

Up boom unfold 75 00 35 79 04 62
Up boom fold     35 79 04 62

Rotate CW 75 00 35 85 03 68
Rotate CCW     35 85 03 68

Low boom unfold75 00 35 85 04 80

Low boom fold     35 85 04 80
The values shown for TH, MX, and LMX are approximate preliminary values only. Adjust these values as required for proper performance during the
calibration procedure.
Lower boom unfold is set from 0 to 90 degrees and fold from 90 to 0 degrees. Upper boom is set at a 180 degree arc and rotate on complete
360 degree revolution.

Figure 7.5 — CADI Values Sheet for L42E/L44E

Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use • 43

44 • Section 7 — L42E/L44E CADI Use
Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use
There are two CADI connection locations on the LS63.

• Lower control panel – bottom side (refer to Figure



Function Being Adjusted

Figure 8.3 — LS63 Function

Connection Function Purpose
Socket Boom up Raises the boom
Figure 8.1 — Boom down Lowers the boom
Lower Control CADI Connection Socket CW Clockwise rotation of the unit

• Platform controls – bottom side (refer to Figure CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
8.2). Boom extend Extends the boom
Boom retract Retracts the boom
Winch in Retracts the winch line
Winch out Extends the winch line
HOP meter Controls calibration of the HOP meter
HOP trip Sets trip point of the HOP
CADI Figure 8.4 — CADI Adjustable Functions
Connection Socket
Aerial Device Parameters
Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
Figure 8.2 — example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
Platform Controls CADI Connection Socket frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 8.5).
The parameter values are shown under the parameter
names. A description of each parameter is listed below.
Aerial Device Functions
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func-
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be
adjusted (refer to Figure 8.3). The function is shown on
the display. Aerial device functions that can be adjusted
are shown in Figure 8.4.

Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use • 45

The TH value for a function must be less than both
the LMX value and the MX value for that function.

• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99,

used in standard speed mode)
The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
sent to the control valve when the hand control is
operated with standard speed selected at the upper

The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-

mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper
controls when standard speed is selected and the
hand control is fully shifted.
Parameter and Parameter
Current Value Being Changed Increase the MX value to increase a function’s stan-
dard speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
Figure 8.5 — Parameter Display the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle
• FREQ – Frequency time).
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
for the function. quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory travel before the hand control is fully shifted, causing
settings. If this value is changed, the function will a loss of meterability.
not operate at optimal performance.
The MX value for a function must be higher than both
• SC – Speed curve the LMX value and the TH value for that function.
The SC setting controls how the power level of the
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation The MX parameter is used to calibrate the load
to the position of the hand control. indicator gauge (HOP meter), as described in the
maintenance manual. The LMX value must then be
The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- set to the same value as MX.
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how • RA – Ramp
far the hand control is shifted. The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
function movement starts after the hand control is
Do not change the SC values from the factory set- activated, and the rate of deceleration as function
tings of 00. If this value is not set as specified, the movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.
function will not operate at optimal performance.
Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99) tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
The TH setting controls the power level of the sig- operate at optimal performance.
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to 99, used in low speed mode)
the control system. The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con-
trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to
The TH value controls the metering of the unit function the control valve when the hand control is operated
as function movement is started and stopped. If the with low speed selected at the upper controls.
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require
excessive movement before the function starts to The LMX value determines the reduced speed
move. If the value is set too high, the function may (increased cycle time) of a function operated from
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is upper controls when low speed is selected and the
operated near the neutral position. hand control is fully shifted.

46 • Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use

Increase the LMX value to increase a function’s low
speed (shorter cycle time). Decrease the LMX value Calibration Procedure
to reduce a function’s low speed (longer cycle time). Follow the procedures completely and in the correct se-
quence to obtain the optimum performance of the unit.
The LMX value for a function must be higher than Position the unit in an open area where the booms can
the TH value and lower than the MX value for that be fully extended, raised, and rotated. Position the unit
function. on a level surface, apply the parking brake and chock
the wheels. Engage the unit’s hydraulic system. Properly
LMX is used to calibrate hydraulic overload protection set the outriggers. Warm the oil to proper operating tem-
(HOP) trip, as described in the maintenance manual. perature. Verify that the pump is delivering the correct
oil flow before testing function speeds. Check system
The LMX value must be set equal to the MX value pressure and pilot pressure according to the maintenance
for HOP meter. manual and verify that the pump is delivering the correct
oil flow before testing function speeds. Hold each function
Parameter Values control at full stroke when measuring cycle time. Check
The parameter value flashes when selected using the all function cycle times before making any adjustments.
select button. Use the up or down value button to change Refer to the maintenance manual for cycle times. All
the value of the selected parameter. functions must be in the average cycle times for optimal
performance. Record all function settings before making
When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI any adjustments with the CADI.
from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed. Put CADI into calibration mode. Write the value of each
parameter in the gray space to the right of the printed
value. Values can be different than the values that are
shown. Do not adjust values for FREQ, SC, or RA.

Refer to Figure 8.6 before making adjustments.

Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use • 47

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times (Sec
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) or Turns in 15 Sec)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
Boom up 00751 001 222 / 792 / 991 522 /
2 2 1 2
Boom down — — 34 / 89 / 99 66 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
Rotation CW 0075 00 34 / 83 / 99 66 /
2 2 1 2
Rotation CCW  — —  37 / 83 / 99 64 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
Boom extend 0075 00 41 / 81 / 99 67 /

48 • Section 8 — LS63 CADI Use

2 2 1 2
Boom retract  —  — 37 / 83 / 99 66 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
Winch in 0075 00 40 / 79 / 99 55 /
2 2 1 2
Winch out —   — 40 / 79 / 99 55 /
1 1 1 3 1 1 3
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 76 / 05 /99 76 / — —
HOP trip  — —   — — —  —  — 45 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.

Figure 8.6 — CADI Values Sheet for LS63

Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use
The CADI connection for the DB37 is located under the Function Purpose
lower control panel (refer to Figure 9.1). L track fwd Left track forward
L track rev Left track reverse
Control Panel CADI Cable
R track fwd Right track forward
CADI R track rev Right track reverse
Socket Boom up Raises the boom
Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
2nd extend Extends the intermediate boom
2nd retract Retracts the intermediate boom
3rd extend Extends the upper boom
3rd retract Retracts the upper boom
Winch in Retracts the winch line

Figure 9.1 — CADI Connection Socket Winch out Extends the winch line
Digger dig Clockwise digger rotation
Derrick Functions Digger clean Counterclockwise digger rotation

With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right HOP meter Controls calibration of the HOP meter
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func- HOP trip Sets trip point of the HOP
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be ESLP CW Controls set point of the electronic side
adjusted (refer to Figure 9.2). The function is shown on load protection in clockwise direction
the display. Derrick functions that can be adjusted are
shown in Figure 9.3. ESLP CCW Controls set point of the electronic side
load protection in counterclockwise direction
Figure 9.3 — CADI Adjustable Functions

Derrick Parameters
Use the select button to scroll through the control system
parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 9.4).
The parameter values are shown under the parameter
names. A description of each parameter is listed below.

Function Being Adjusted

Figure 9.2 — Derrick Function

Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use • 49

The TH value for a boom, winch, or digger function
must be less than both the LMX value and the MX
value for that function.

• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99,

used in standard speed mode)
The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
sent to the control valve when the hand control is
operated with standard speed selected. Standard
speed is selected by default when using the lower
control panel, and is selectable by a switch on the
radio remote.

The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-

Parameter and Parameter mum cycle time) of a boom function when standard
Current Value Being Changed speed is selected and the hand control is fully shifted.

Figure 9.4 — Derrick Parameter Display The MX value determines the maximum speed of the
winch and digger functions when standard speed is
• FREQ – Frequency selected and the hand control is fully shifted, when
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of not operating any boom functions at the same time
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver as the winch or digger.
for the function.
Increase the MX value to increase a function’s stan-
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory dard speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of
settings. If this value is changed, the function will the hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value
not operate at optimal performance. to reduce a function’s standard speed (longer cycle
• SC – Speed curve
The SC setting controls how the power level of the If the MX value is set too high, the valve spool will
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation reach full travel before the hand control is fully shifted,
to the position of the hand control. causing a loss of meterability.

The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- The MX value for a boom, winch, or digger function
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases must be higher than both the LMX value and the TH
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how value for that function.
far the hand control is shifted.
The MX parameter is used to calibrate the load
Do not change the SC values from the factory set- indicator gauge (HOP meter), as described in the
tings of 00. If this value is not set as specified, the maintenance manual. The LMX value must then be
function will not operate at optimal performance. set to the same value as MX.

• TH – Threshold (from 00 to 99) • RA – Ramp

The TH setting controls the power level of the sig- The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control function movement starts after the hand control is
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position activated, and the rate of deceleration as function
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to movement stops after the hand control is deactivated.
the control system.
Do not change the RA values from the factory set-
The TH value controls the metering of the unit function tings. If this value is changed, the function will not
as function movement is started and stopped. If the operate at optimal performance.
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require
excessive movement before the function starts to • LMX – Low speed (from 00 to 99, used
move. If the value is set too high, the function may in low speed mode and for priority flow)
not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con-
operated near the neutral position. trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to

50 • Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use

the control valve when the hand control is operated Parameter Values
with low speed selected on the radio remote. The parameter value flashes when selected using the
select button. Use the up or down value button to change
The LMX value determines the reduced speed the value of the selected parameter.
(increased cycle time) of a boom, winch, or digger
function when low speed is selected and the hand When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the CADI
control is fully shifted. from the socket. The settings selected are saved in the
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed.
Increase the LMX value to increase a boom func-
tion’s low speed (shorter cycle time). Decrease the
LMX value to reduce a boom function’s low speed
Calibration Procedure
(longer cycle time). The following procedure covers the full calibration of all
the boom, winch, and digger functions. If derrick per-
LMX values are used for winch and digger operation formance indicates that the TH, MX, or LMX parameter
when either of these functions is operated at the of a single function needs calibrating, perform only the
same time as a boom function (priority flow). appropriate portion of the calibration procedure. If the
pulsar has been replaced for a function, the TH, MX,
Increase the LMX value for a winch or digger function and LMX settings must all be calibrated for that function.
to increase the winch or digger speed and decrease
the boom function speed when operating winch or Make a copy of the CADI values sheet (refer to Figure
digger at the same time as a boom function. 9.6) to use for recording the current and new parameter
settings. Note that the TH, MX, and LMX values shown
The LMX value for a boom, winch, or digger function on the CADI values sheet are approximate preliminary
must be higher than the TH value and lower than the values. These values must be adjusted for all the boom,
MX value for that function. winch, and digger functions according to the procedure
in this section to obtain optimum performance. The HOP,
LMX is used to calibrate hydraulic overload protection ESLP, and throttle parameter values must be set in ac-
(HOP) trip and electronic side load protection (ESLP) cordance with the CADI values sheet (refer to Figure 9.6)
trip, as described in the maintenance manual. or adjusted in accordance with the maintenance manual
for proper operation. Do not adjust the parameter values
The LMX value must be set equal to the MX value for FREQ or RA. Do not adjust the SC values unless
for HOP meter. specified in the TH adjustment procedure, and return
the SC settings to 00 when finished.
When in standard speed mode and using a boom function If the calibration procedure is performed using the lower
with a winch or digger function (multi-functioning), the control panel on the unit, a second person will be needed
machine is programmed to use the priority flow function- to assist during the MX adjustment portion of the pro-
ality. Priority flow divides the oil between the winch and cedure. The calibration procedure can be performed by
boom functions while operating both at the same time. one person using the lower radio remote control, if so
Priority flow also divides the oil between the digger and equipped.
boom functions while operating both at the same time.
Priority flow is controlled by the LMX values of the winch When the procedure refers to boom functions, this indi-
and digger functions respectively. cates boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second (inter-
mediate) extend/retract, and third (upper) extend/retract.
During multi-functioning in standard speed mode, the
boom function speeds are controlled by the MX values The standard speed and low speed cycle time ranges
of the corresponding boom functions. However, the used for calibrating the MX and LMX values for the boom
maximum boom function speeds may be reduced due functions are contained in the maintenance manual.
to hydraulic flow limitations.
To synchronize (multi-function) boom extend/retract with 1. Position the unit on a level surface in an open area
winch out/in and boom down/up with digger dig/clean, where the booms can be fully extended, raised, and
adjust the winch or boom LMX values as described under rotated.
Calibration Procedure.

Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use • 51

2. Start the engine, engage the unit’s hydraulic system,
and properly set the outriggers. Return Line

3. Check the system pressure and differential pilot

pressure, and verify that the pump is delivering the
correct oil flow, in accordance with the maintenance
manual. Make any necessary adjustments. Leave Measure
the turntable cover off after checking the differential Temperature
pilot pressure. Here on Side

Notice 1
/3 of Reservoir
Proper differential pilot pressure, measured as the Height
difference between pilot port pressure and return line
(tank) pressure, is critical for optimum performance.
If the procedure for setting differential pilot pressure Figure 9.5 —
is not described in the available unit maintenance Reservoir Temperature Measurement Location
manual, contact Altec technical support at 1-877-GO-
Altec option 4 for further information. 7. Put the CADI into calibration mode. Write the current
value of the TH, MX, and LMX parameter for each
4. Operate the unit to warm the hydraulic oil to 120 to function on the CADI values sheet before making
130 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees Celsius). any adjustments.
This temperature is important for proper threshold
calibration. TH Calibration
8. Calibrate the TH parameters using the appropriate
Notice procedure as indicated in step a or b. The valve driver
firmware version number refers to the number seen
If the oil is not warmed to the required temperature on the CADI startup screen in step 6.
range, the CADI settings resulting from the calibra-
tion procedures will not be accurate, and poor meter- a. TH can be calibrated using MX to simulate TH on
ability will result. all units regardless of firmware version number.
To use this procedure, proceed to step 9.
One way to verify the oil temperature is to use an
infrared (IR) thermometer to read the temperature b. TH can be calibrated using SC = 03 if the firmware
of the hydraulic reservoir on or near the end oppo- version number is not V00.00.00.00. To use this
site from the return line filter, at a point about 1/3 of procedure, proceed to step 14.
the way above the bottom of the reservoir (refer to
Figure 9.5). The oil can be warmed quickly. Unstow TH Calibration Procedure Using MX to Simulate TH
the digger. Make sure the booms are fully retracted. 9. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on the
With the engine at full rpm, operate digger dig at full control panel being used. Operate with the engine
speed with tools circuit on. When the oil has reached at full rpm.
120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 54 degrees
Celsius), stow the digger and proceed to step 5. 10. Record the MX setting for the function to be calibrated
(boom up/down, rotation CW/CCW, second extend/
5. Position the boom at an angle between 10 and 30 retract, third extend/retract, winch in/out, or digger
degrees above horizontal, and rotate it to a position dig/clean). Then change the TH and MX settings for
where all the functions can be operated for calibra- this function to 00. The value button on the CADI can
tion. be held down continuously until the setting reaches
6. Connect the CADI to the CADI connection socket.
Make note of the valve driver firmware version number 11. Operate the hand control and adjust the MX and TH
on the CADI startup screen for use in step 8. values for the function being calibrated as described
in steps a-g.

52 • Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use

a. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and increase value for the function being calibrated as described
the MX value slowly until the function starts mov- in steps a-f.
a. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel
b. Release the hand control, and decrease the MX and hold it in this position. If the function begins
value by three points. moving, proceed to step b. If the function is not
moving, increase the TH value slowly until the
c. Fully shift and hold the hand control, and check function starts moving.
for function movement. If the function is fully
stopped, continue to step d. If the function is not b. Release the hand control, and decrease the TH
fully stopped, go back to step b. value by three points.

d. Increase the MX value by one point every five c. Move the hand control to about half of its full travel
seconds until the function begins to creep, mean- and hold it in this position. Check for function move-
ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable. ment. If the function is fully stopped, continue to
For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for step d. If the function is not fully stopped, go back
movement. For other functions, compare the mov- to step b.
ing component to a stationary object.
d. Increase the TH value by one point every five
e. Release the hand control. Subtract 15 points from seconds until the function begins to creep, mean-
the MX value determined in the previous step to ing to move at the slowest movement noticeable.
obtain the required TH setting. Then adjust the TH For boom up/down, watch the lift cylinder rod for
value to this number. For example, if the function movement. For other functions, compare the mov-
begins to creep at MX = 42, subtract 42 – 15 = 27, ing component to a stationary object.
and adjust the TH setting to 27.
e. Release the hand control. Finalize the TH setting
f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values by reducing the TH value by 15 points.
f. Record the final TH setting on the CADI values
g. Return the MX setting to the value recorded in sheet.
step 10.
17. Select the calibration screen for the second direction
12. Repeat steps 10-11 for each direction of each boom, of the function pair, and repeat step 16.
winch, and digger function.
18. After the TH setting has been adjusted for both direc-
13. Proceed to step 22. tions of the function, return to the calibration screen
for the first direction of the function, and reset the
TH Calibration Procedure Using SC = 03, Usable Only SC value to 00.
With CADI Startup Screen Not Showing V00.00.00.00
14. If using the radio remote, set the low speed/standard 19. Repeat steps 15-18 for each boom, winch, and dig-
switch to standard. Operate with the engine at full ger function.
20. Scroll through the calibration screens for all the
15. Select the calibration screen for the first direction of boom, winch, and digger functions and verify that
the function pair to be calibrated (boom up, rotation all SC settings have been returned to 00.
CW, second extend, third extend, winch in, or digger
dig). Change the SC value to 03. 21. Proceed to step 22.

16. The following steps will require moving the hand MX Calibration Procedure
control to about half of its full travel and holding it 22. If using the radio remote, set the low speed/standard
in this position. This sends a power signal to the switch to standard. Operate with the engine at full rpm.
control valve equivalent to the TH setting. Do not
exceed 80 percent of the total handle travel, as this 23. Fully shift the hand control for the function being
will increase the power signal to the valve to the MX checked and hold it in this position. Look at the
setting. Operate the hand control and adjust the TH manual override handle on the control valve to see

Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use • 53

if it is visibly vibrating or fluttering. If movement is not a. For boom functions, proceed to step 29.
visible, touch the handle to feel for vibration. Adjust
the MX value as described in step a, b, or c. b. For winch and digger functions, proceed to step
a. If the manual override handle does visibly vibrate
or flutter, increase the MX value by one point every LMX Calibration Procedure for
five seconds until the flutter is no longer visible Boom Functions, Based on Cycle Time
but the handle still vibrates to the touch. Then 29. Set the low speed/standard switch to low speed on
proceed to step 24. the radio remote and operate the unit from the radio
remote. Operate with the engine at full rpm.
b. If the manual override handle does not visibly
vibrate or flutter and does not vibrate to the touch, 30. Fully shift the hand control for the boom function be-
decrease the MX value by one point every five ing checked and time it for a full cycle, as described
seconds until the vibration can be felt but is still in the maintenance manual. Adjust the LMX value
not visible. Then proceed to step 24. and retest as required until the cycle time is within
the low speed range.
c. If the manual override handle does not visibly
vibrate or flutter but does vibrate to the touch, do 31. Record the final LMX value and low speed cycle time
not adjust the MX. Proceed to step 24. on the CADI values sheet.

24. Press on the manual override handle to try to move 32. Repeat steps 30-31 for each direction of each boom
it farther in the direction that it is shifted. Adjust the function.
MX value as described in step a or b.
33. When the LMX parameters for all boom functions
a. If the handle does not move any farther but stops have been calibrated, proceed to step 34.
vibrating to the touch, do not adjust the MX. Re-
lease the hand control, and proceed to step 25. LMX Calibration Procedure for Winch
and Digger Function, Based on Priority Flow
b. If the handle does move farther, raise the MX value 34. Set the low speed/standard switch to standard on
by 1 point and repeat step 24. the radio remote and operate the unit from the radio
remote. Operate with the engine at full rpm.
25. Time the function with the hand control on the control
station fully shifted as specified, according to step a 35. Adjust the LMX value for winch out so that the winch
or b. line speed matches the boom speed when operating
intermediate or upper boom extend and winch lower
a. For a boom function, operate the function for a at the same time at full hand control travel. Record
full cycle while timing it, as described in the main- the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet.
tenance manual. If the cycle time is below the
standard speed range, decrease the MX value and 36. Adjust the LMX value for winch in so that the winch
retest until the cycle time is within the published line speed matches the boom speed when operating
range. Record the final MX value and standard intermediate or upper boom retract and winch raise
speed cycle time on the CADI values sheet. at the same time at full hand control travel. Record
the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet.
b. For the winch or digger function, timing of the
function is not required. Record the final MX value 37. Adjust the LMX value for digger dig so that the boom
on the CADI values sheet. moves down slowly when operating boom lower and
digger dig at the same time at full hand control travel.
26. Repeat steps 23-25 for each direction of each func- Record the final LMX value on the CADI values sheet.
tion as specified in Figure 9.6.
38. Adjust the LMX value for digger clean so that the
27. When the MX parameters for all functions have been boom moves up slowly when operating boom raise
calibrated as indicated in Figure 9.6, proceed to step and digger clean at the same time at full hand con-
28. trol travel. Record the final LMX value on the CADI
values sheet.
LMX Calibration
28. Calibrate the LMX parameters using the appropriate
procedure as indicated in step a or b.

54 • Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use

Frequency Speed Ramp Cycle Times
(FREQ) Curve (SC) Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) (RA) Low Speed (LMX) (Seconds)
Factory Factory Prelim Current/New Prelim Current/New Factory Prelim Current/New Standard Low
Function Setting Setting Setting Settings Setting Settings Setting Setting Settings Speed Speed
R track fwd 00751 001 501 — 991 — 991 991 — — —
1 1 1 1 1 1
R track rev 0075 00 50 — 99 — 99 99 — — —
1 1 1 1 1 1
L track fwd 0075 00 50 — 99 — 99 99 — — —
1 1 1 1 1 1
L track rev 0075 00 50 — 99 — 99 99 — — —
1 1 2 2 1 2
Boom up 0075 00 25 / 89 / 99 60 /
2 2 1 2
Boom down — — 25 / 89 / 99 60 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
Rotation CW 0075 00 25 / 89 / 99 60 /
2 2 1 2
Rotation CCW — — 25 / 89 / 99 60 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
2nd (interm) extend 0075 00 30 / 99 / 99 60 /
2 2 1 2
2nd (interm) retract — — 30 / 99 / 99 60 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
3rd (upper) extend 0075 00 30 / 99 / 99 60 /
2 2 1 2
3rd (upper) retract — — 30 / 99 / 99 60 /
1 1 2 2 1 2
Winch in 0075 00 30 / 89 / 99 60 / — —
2 2 1 2
Winch out — — 30 / 89 / 99 60 / — —
1 1 2 2 1 2
Digger dig 0075 00 30 / 89 / 99 75 / — —
2 2 1 2
Digger clean — — 30 / 89 / 99 75 / — —
1 1 1 3 1 1 3
HOP meter 0392 00 00 — 86 / 05 /99 86 / — —
HOP trip — — — — — — — 70 / — —
ESLP CW — — — — — — — 05 / — —
ESLP CCW — — — — — — — 05 / — —
Factory setting. Do not change from value shown.
Preliminary setting only. Unit must be calibrated as described under Calibration Procedure in this guide for optimum performance.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Load Indicator Gauge in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure. Set LMX to same value as MX.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Hydraulic Overload Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.
Preliminary setting only. Refer to Electronic Side Load Protection (HOP) in the maintenance manual for calibration procedure.

Figure 9.6 — CADI Values Sheet for DB37

Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use • 55

56 • Section 9 — DB37 CADI Use
Section 10 — AT248F CADI Use
There are two CADI connections on the AT248F. adjusted (refer to Figure 10.3). The function is shown on
the display. Functions that can be adjusted are shown
• On the top of the upper control panel (refer to Figure in Figure 10.4.

Control Panel CADI Cable

CADI Connection
Being Adjusted

Figure 10.1 —
Upper Control Panel CADI Connection Socket

• On the bottom of the lower control panel (refer to

Figure 10.2).
Figure 10.3 — AT248F Function

Function Purpose
Boom up Raises the boom
Lower Controls
Boom down Lowers the boom
CW Clockwise rotation of the unit
CCW Counterclockwise rotation of the unit
Extend Extends the boom out
CADI Connection
Socket Retract Retracts the boom in
Elevator up Brings the arm up
Elevator down Brings the arm down
Figure 10.4 — CADI Adjustable Functions

AT248F Parameters
Figure 10.2 — Use the select button to scroll through the control system
Lower Control Panel CADI Connection Socket parameters displayed on the screen and choose the
parameter to be adjusted. The value for the parameter
Aerial Device Functions that is currently selected flashes on the display. For
example, the boom up unit function is selected and the
With the CADI in calibration mode, use the left and right Frequency parameter is selected (refer to Figure 10.5).
menu buttons to scroll through the programmable func- The parameter values are shown under the parameter
tion screens and select the desired unit function to be names. A description of each parameter is listed below.

Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use • 57

positioned between 10 and 80 percent of total travel,
and equivalent to the corresponding MX value for the
function when the hand control is shifted beyond 80
percent of total travel. The SC value is adjusted on
the calibration screen for the first direction of a func-
tion pair, and applies to both function directions. For
example, the SC setting for boom up also applies to
boom down. The SC setting must be returned to 00
after completing the calibration procedure for both
directions of a function.

• TH – Threshold (from 0 to 99)

The TH setting controls the power level of the sig-
nal sent to the control valve when the hand control
is shifted slightly out of neutral just to the position
where it begins to send a minimum signal level to
Parameter and Parameter
Current Value Being Changed the control system.

The TH value controls the metering of the unit function

as function movement is started and stopped. If the
TH value is set too low, the hand control will require
excessive movement before the function starts to
move. If the value is set too high, the function may
Figure 10.5 — AT248F Parameter Display not start and stop smoothly as the hand control is
operated near the neutral position.
• FREQ – Frequency
FREQ refers to the frequency measured in hertz of The TH value for a function must be less than both
the signal output by the above rotation valve driver the LMX value and the MX value for that function.
for the function.
• MX – Max out (from 00 to 99,
Do not change the FREQ values from the factory used in high speed mode)
settings. If this value is changed, the function will The MX setting controls the power level of the signal
not operate at optimal performance. sent to the control valve when the hand control is
operated with high speed (rabbit mode) selected at
• SC – Speed curve (from 00 to 03) the upper controls.
The SC setting controls how the power level of the
signal sent to the control valve changes in relation The MX value determines the maximum speed (mini-
to the position of the hand control. mum cycle time) of a function operated from upper
controls when high speed is selected and the hand
The SC setting of 00 produces linear control opera- control is fully shifted.
tion, in which the power level of the signal increases
or decreases in a linear fashion in proportion to how Increase the MX value to increase a function’s high
far the hand control is shifted. speed (shorter cycle time), within the limits of the
hydraulic flow available. Decrease the MX value to
Do not change the SC values from the factory settings reduce a function’s high speed (longer cycle time).
of 00 except as directed to temporarily in the calibra-
tion procedure. If this value is not set as specified, Do not set the MX value higher than the value re-
the function will not operate at optimal performance. quired to achieve the correct cycle time. If the MX
value is set too high, the valve spool will reach full
For use during the calibration procedure, the SC set- travel before the hand
ting of 03 selects a two-speed calibration curve that
is used to calibrate the TH and MX parameters. This The MX value for a function must be higher than both
calibration curve sends a constant power signal to the the LMX value and the TH value for that function.
control valve that is equivalent to the corresponding
TH value for the function when the hand control is

58 • Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use

• RA – Ramp (from 00 to 99) 2. Position the unit on a level surface that will allow for
The RA setting controls the rate of acceleration as boom raise, extension, rotation, and arm raise. Apply
function movement starts after the hand control is the parking brake and chock the wheels.
activated. The RA setting does not control the rate
of deceleration as function movement stops after 3. Start the vehicle engine and move the PTO on/off
the hand control is deactivated, as this is controlled switch to the On position. Switch the station selec-
via a nonadjustable default setting within the valve tor switch at the lower control station to the Upper
driver. position. Set the high speed/low speed switch to high
speed (rabbit mode) at the upper controls.
Do not change the RA values from the factory settings
except as directed to temporarily in the calibration 4. Get in the platform and properly secure the personal
procedure. If this value is not set as specified, the fall protection system to the lanyard anchor. Raise and
function will not operate at optimal performance. rotate the lower boom until it is clear of any objects
that might obstruct boom movement.
• LMX – Low speed (from 00 to 99, used
in low speed mode and for lower controls) 5. Operate all main boom functions 10 complete cycles
The LMX setting (also referred to as low max) con- or more. Then verify that the hydraulic oil temperature
trols the reduced power level of the signal sent to is at the proper operating temperature (between 100
the control valve when the hand control is operated and 120 degrees Fahrenheit) before making any
with low speed (turtle mode) selected at the upper CADI adjustments.
6. Remove the plastic cover to gain access to the main
The LMX value determines the reduced speed control valve.
(increased cycle time) of a function operated from
upper controls when low speed is selected and the
hand control is fully shifted.

Do not change the LMX values for upper control

functions from the factory settings of 65.

A separate LMX parameter is used to determine the

reduced speed of a function when operated from
lower controls.

Do not change the LMX values for lower control

functions from the factory settings of 70.

Parameter Values Cover

The parameter value flashes when selected using the
select button. Use the up or down value button to change Figure 10.6 — Turntable
the value of the selected parameter.
When all the parameters are properly set, unplug the
Death or serious injury can result from hydraulic oil
CADI from the socket. The settings are saved in the
being injected into the flesh.
above rotation valve driver as soon as they are changed.
Seek immediate medical attention if injured by escap-
Calibration Procedure ing hydraulic oil. Serious infection or reaction can re-
sult if medical treatment is not given immediately.
1. Make a copy of the CADI values sheet (refer to Fig-
ure 10.8) to use for recording the current and new
Spilled hydraulic oil creates slick surfaces and can
parameter settings. Note that the TH and MX values
cause personnel to slip and/or fall. Keep the unit and
shown on the CADI values sheet are approximate
work areas clean.
preliminary values. These values must be adjusted
for the all the functions according to the procedure
in this section to obtain optimum performance.

Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use • 59

Caution 12. Change the SC value to 03 for the first function
within the pair being adjusted. The SC setting of 03
Injury can result from airborne particles entering the
provides a constant power signal equivalent to the
eyes. Wear appropriate safety equipment.
corresponding TH value to the actuator when the
hand control is engaged between approximately 10
7. Bleed the air out of the top bonnets on all seven spools
to 80 percent of the total hand control movement.
on the main control valve. Back each plug out with an
The SC adjustment will apply to both sides of the
Allen wrench while engaging the dump valve. The
pair of functions selected.
dump valve can be engaged by holding a function
over relief. While engaging the dump valve, back
13. Squeeze the interlock trigger and move the hand
each of the seven plugs out (one at a time) until a
control into position for the desired function being
small amount of hydraulic oil escapes by the plug
calibrated throughout this step. Be careful not to
(refer to Figure 10.7). A shop towel or rag can be
exceed 80 percent of the hand control’s total travel.
placed around the plug to capture the majority of
Exceeding 80 percent of the total hand control travel
the spilled hydraulic oil. Be careful not to back the
will provide a constant power signal equivalent to
plugs out too far so that an open path is created for
the corresponding MX value. If the function begins
the pilot pressure to escape.
to move as soon as the handle is engaged into the
function, lower the TH value until all motion is stopped.
Bonnet Plugs (x 6) Raise the value for the TH setting 1 point every 5
seconds until the function begins to creep (less than
1” of platform movement per second). Finalize the
TH setting by reducing the TH value by 20 points.
Record the final TH value (refer to Figure 10.8).

14. Switch the calibration unit function selection to the

opposite function within the pair being adjusted.
Repeat step 13 for the opposite function.

15. Repeat steps 10 to 14 for the remaining upper control


16. Once the TH values are properly set, check the cycle
times of the aerial device. Allow room for full boom
Figure 10.7 — Main Control Valve
movement. Engage the interlock trigger and quickly
move the hand control to the full travel position in
8. Connect the CADI to the CADI connection socket at
the direction required for the function selected. Time
the upper controls.
the function for full stroke travel.
9. Record the current TH and MX settings on the CADI
17. If the cycle times do not fall within the boundaries
values sheet (refer to Figure 10.8).
of the specified cycle times (refer to Figure 10.9),
make the following adjustments. If the cycle time
10. Reset the RA value to 99 for each function. A value
achieved is faster than the minimum cycle time for
of 99 is needed to properly calibrate the unit. The RA
any specific function, select the MX parameter on the
value will be set back to the proper value for opera-
CADI for the appropriate function. Reduce the MX
tion during the final step.
setting until the function’s movement starts to slow
down. Incrementally decrease the MX setting until
11. Select the pair of upper control functions to be ad-
the proper cycle time is achieved. If the cycle time
justed (boom up/down, CW/CCW, extend/retract,
achieved is slower than the maximum cycle time for
or elevator up/down). A pair of functions need to be
the function, increase the MX setting until the proper
calibrated together, since the first function within
cycle time is achieved. If the MX setting cannot be
each pair contains the SC for both functions within
utilized to achieve the proper cycle time, the spool
the pair. For example, the SC can be adjusted only
stop may need to be adjusted to achieve faster cycle
on the boom up screen, as there is no SC selection
times. Refer to Main Control Valve in the maintenance
for boom down.
manual for information regarding how to adjust the
spool stops and then repeat this procedure.

60 • Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use

Upper Control Frequency Speed Threshold Max Out Ramp Low Speed Cycle Times (Seconds)
Function (FREQ) Curve (SC) (TH)1 (MX)1 (RA) (LMX) Specification2 Actual

Boom up 0075 00 46 72 05 65 20 to 25
Boom down     33 64 05 65 20 to 25

Rotate CW 0075 00 40 76 05 65 60 to 70
Rotate CCW     44 78 05 65 60 to 70

Extend 0075 00 36 64 08 65 15 to 20
Retract     40 68 08 65 15 to 20

Elevator up 0075 00 31 64 04 65 20 to 25
Elevator down     38 68 04 65 20 to 25

Lower Control Low Speed

Function (LMX)

Boom up 70
Boom down 70

Rotate CW 70
Rotate CCW 70

Extend 70
Retract 70

Elevator up 70
Elevator down 70
The values shown for TH and MX are approximate preliminary values only. Adjust these values as required for proper performance during the
calibration procedure.
Refer to Figure 10.9 to set the approximate cycle times using the MX settings.

Figure 10.8 — CADI Values Sheet for AT248F

MX Value 99 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60

Boom up 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.7 15.4 17.1 24.9 44.2 65.0
Boom down 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.5 15.5 16.3 17.1 19.3 36.4

Rotate CW 43.5 43.5 43.5 45.3 52.0 67.6 78.1 128.8 180.6
Rotate CCW 43.7 43.7 43.9 46.3 53.7 69.5 114.7 163.7 242.5

Extend 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.4 9.6 9.8 12.2 17.7 26.4
Retract  12.6 12.6 12.7 12.7 13.0 13.3 13.8 26.6 46.4

Elevator up 9.7 9.7 9.8 9.8 10.1 10.6 12.0 17.9 26.2
Elevator down  10.4 10.5 10.8 11.3 11.9 12.9 18.0 27.5 35.3

Figure 10.9 — AT248F Cycle Times (in Seconds) Based on MX Value

Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use • 61

18. Record the final MX value for each upper control 20. Set the RA value to the value listed in Figure 10.8
function (refer to Figure 10.8). for each upper control function.

19. Reset the SC value to 00 for all upper control func- 21. Verify that the LMX value is 65 for each upper control
tions. If SC is not reset to 00, neither function within function, and adjust it if necessary.
the pair will operate correctly.
22. Verify that the LMX value is 70 for each lower control
function, and adjust it if necessary.

62 • Section 9 — AT248F CADI Use

DL/DM Series Field CADI Settings Sheet
Read and understand the CADI Quick Reference Guide • DL models (serial no. month/year prefix 0713 or
(749-30200) before using this sheet. earlier): for boom functions, adjust MX values
to achieve standard speed cycle times (refer to
1. Setup Figure 5); for winch and digger, refer to Figure 4.
• Record current TH, MX, and LMX values before • DL models (serial no. month/year prefix 0813 or
making any adjustments (refer to Figure 1). later): refer to Figure 4 for all functions.
• Warm oil to 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. • Record new MX values and boom functions stan-
• Verify system pressure (3,000 psi) and pilot pres- dard speed cycle times after completing calibration
sure (155 to 160 psi + tank pressure), and adjust (refer to Figure 1).
if necessary.
5. LMX Calibration
Oil temp _______________________________ • Operate with engine at full rpm.
System pressure _________________________ • For boom functions, set controls to low speed and
adjust LMX values to achieve low speed cycle
Tank pressure ___________________________
times (refer to Figure 5).
Pilot pressure ___________________________ • For winch and digger, set controls to standard
speed and adjust LMX values for multi-functioning
2. Diagnostics operation.
Symptoms vs. corresponding CADI adjustments — For winch plus boom extend/retract, if winch
(refer to Figure 2). outruns boom, decrease winch LMX.
— For winch plus boom extend/retract, if boom
3. TH Calibration (refer to Figure 3) outruns winch, increase winch LMX.
• Set controls to standard speed. — For digger plus boom up/down, if boom stops,
• Operate with engine at full rpm. decrease digger LMX.
• Record new TH values after completing calibration — For digger plus boom up/down, if digger stops,
(refer to Figure 1). increase digger LMX.
• Record new LMX values and boom functions low
4. MX Calibration (refer to Figure 4) speed cycle times after completing calibration
• Set controls to standard speed. (refer to Figure 1).
• Operate with engine at full rpm.
• DM models: refer to Figure 4 for all functions.

Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) Low Speed (LMX) Cycle Times (Seconds)
Standard Low
Function Current New Current New Current New Speed Speed
Boom up
Boom down
Rotation CW
Rotation CCW
2nd (interm) extend
2nd (interm) retract
3rd (upper) extend
3rd (upper) retract
Winch in — —
Winch out — —
Digger dig — —
Digger clean — —
Figure 1 — CADI Values

Appendix — DL/DM Series Field CADI Settings Sheet

Symptom Adjustment
Excessive hand control travel before function movement starts TH
Poor meterability at function start TH
Excessive hand control travel after function reaches full speed MX
Function does not meet rated cycle time at full hand control travel MX
Boom extend/retract outruns winch, or winch outruns boom extend/retract LMX
Boom up/down and digger will not operate together LMX
Not enough difference between standard speed and low speed LMX
Four-lever upper control speeds are too fast or too slow LMX
Figure 2 — Adjustments

Increase MX Release Fully shift Increase MX Release hand

Fully shift function No control, set TH
Change MX slowly until hand control, slowly until Reset MX to
and TH to 00 function function decrease MX hand control. function begins to 15 points original value
hand control moves by 3 points Does function to creep less than
move? this MX value

Figure 3 — TH Calibration

Does manual Does manual Does manual Is boom
Fully shift No Yes override handle No Is a boom Yes Yes
function override override function within Done
handle vibrate handle vibrate move farther function being cycle time at
hand control when pressed tested?
visibly? to touch? full speed?
by hand?
Yes No Yes No

Increase MX Decrease MX Increase MX Decrease

by 1 point by 1 point by 1 point MX to meet
cycle time

Figure 4 — MX Calibration

Function DL42 DL45 DM45/47 DM50

Boom raise 16 to 21 16 to 21 20 to 25 20 to 25
Boom lower 11 to 15 11 to 15 14 to 19 14 to 19
Rotation CW or CCW (360°) 48 to 55 48 to 55 55 to 63 55 to 63
Intermediate boom extend 12 to 16 15 to 19 15 to 19 23 to 27
Intermediate boom retract 9 to 13 11 to 15 11 to 15 20 to 24
Upper boom extend 13 to 17 13 to 17 13 to 17 21 to 25
Upper boom retract 10 to 14 10 to 14 10 to 14 19 to 23
Standard Speed
Function DL42 DL45 DM45/47 DM50
Boom raise 35 to 40 35 to 40 43 to 48 43 to 48
Boom lower 24 to 28 24 to 28 31 to 36 31 to 36
Rotation CW or CCW (360°) 100 to 107 100 to 107 114 to 122 114 to 122
Intermediate boom extend 26 to 30 32 to 36 32 to 36 48 to 52
Intermediate boom retract 20 to 24 24 to 28 24 to 28 42 to 46
Upper boom extend 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 44 to 48
Upper boom retract 22 to 26 22 to 26 22 to 26 40 to 44
Low Speed
Figure 5 — Cycle Times (Seconds)

Appendix — DL/DM Series Field CADI Settings Sheet

DLB/DMB Series Field CADI Settings Sheet
Read and understand the CADI Quick Reference Guide 4. MX Calibration (refer to Figure 4)
(749-30200) before using this sheet. • Set controls to standard speed.
• Operate with engine at full rpm.
1. Setup • DMB models: refer to Figure 4 for all functions.
• Record current TH, MX, and LMX values before • DLB models (serial no. month/year prefix 0713
making any adjustments (refer to Figure 1). or earlier): for boom functions, adjust MX values
• Warm oil to 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. to achieve standard speed cycle times (refer to
• Verify system pressure (3,000 psi), standby pres- Figure 5); for winch and digger, refer to Figure 4.
sure (400 psi), and pilot pressure (155 to 160 psi • DLB models (serial no. month/year prefix 0813 or
+ tank pressure), and adjust if necessary. later): refer to Figure 4 for all functions.
• Record new MX values and standard speed cycle
Oil temp _______________________________ times/turns after completing calibration (refer to
System pressure _________________________ Figure 1).
Standby pressure ________________________
5. LMX Calibration
Tank pressure ___________________________ • Set controls to low speed.
Pilot pressure ___________________________ • Operate with engine at full rpm.
• For boom functions, adjust LMX values to achieve
2. Diagnostics low speed cycle times (refer to Figure 5).
Symptoms vs. corresponding CADI adjustments • For winch and digger, adjust LMX values to achieve
(refer to Figure 2). 1
/2 the number of rotations in 15 seconds as in
standard speed.
3. TH Calibration (refer to Figure 3) • Record new LMX values and low speed cycle
• Set controls to standard speed. times/turns after completing calibration (refer to
• Operate with engine at full rpm. Figure 1).
• Record new TH values after completing calibration
(refer to Figure 1).

Cycle Times (Sec

Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) Low Speed (LMX) or Turns in 15 Sec)
Standard Low
Function Current New Current New Current New Speed Speed
Boom up
Boom down
Rotation CW
Rotation CCW
2nd (interm) extend
2nd (interm) retract
3rd (upper) extend
3rd (upper) retract
Winch in
Winch out
Digger dig
Digger clean
Figure 1 — CADI Values

Appendix — DLB/DMB Series Field CADI Settings Sheet

Symptom Adjustment
Excessive hand control travel before function movement starts TH
Poor meterability at function start TH
Excessive hand control travel after function reaches full speed MX
Function does not meet rated cycle time at full hand control travel MX
Not enough difference between standard speed and low speed LMX
Four-lever upper control speeds are too fast or too slow LMX
Figure 2 — Adjustments

Increase MX Release Fully shift Increase MX Release hand

Fully shift function No control, set TH
Change MX slowly until hand control, slowly until Reset MX to
and TH to 00 function function decrease MX hand control. function begins to 15 points original value
hand control moves by 3 points Does function to creep less than
move? this MX value

Figure 3 — TH Calibration
Count no. of
drum rotations
in 15 sec

Does manual Does manual Does manual Is boom

Fully shift No Yes override handle No What type of Boom Yes
function override override function within Done
handle vibrate handle vibrate move farther function is cycle time at
hand control when pressed being tested?
visibly? to touch? full speed?
by hand?
Yes No Yes Digger No

Increase MX Decrease MX Increase MX Count no. of Decrease

by 1 point by 1 point by 1 point auger rotations MX to meet
in 15 sec in high cycle time

Figure 4 — MX Calibration

Function DL42B DL45B DM45B/47B DM50B

Boom raise 16 to 21 16 to 21 20 to 25 20 to 25
Boom lower 11 to 15 11 to 15 14 to 19 14 to 19
Rotation CW or CCW (360°) 48 to 55 48 to 55 55 to 63 55 to 63
Intermediate boom extend 12 to 16 15 to 19 15 to 19 23 to 27
Intermediate boom retract 9 to 13 11 to 15 11 to 15 20 to 24
Upper boom extend 13 to 17 13 to 17 13 to 17 21 to 25
Upper boom retract 10 to 14 10 to 14 10 to 14 19 to 23
Standard Speed
Function DL42B DL45B DM45B/47B DM50B
Boom raise 35 to 40 35 to 40 43 to 48 43 to 48
Boom lower 24 to 28 24 to 28 31 to 36 31 to 36
Rotation CW or CCW (360°) 100 to 107 100 to 107 114 to 122 114 to 122
Intermediate boom extend 26 to 30 32 to 36 32 to 36 48 to 52
Intermediate boom retract 20 to 24 24 to 28 24 to 28 42 to 46
Upper boom extend 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 44 to 48
Upper boom retract 22 to 26 22 to 26 22 to 26 40 to 44
Low Speed
Figure 5 — Cycle Times (Seconds)

Appendix — DLB/DMB Series Field CADI Settings Sheet

D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet
Read and understand the CADI Quick Reference Guide 4. MX Calibration (refer to Figure 4)
(749-30200) before using this sheet. • Set controls to standard speed.
• Operate with engine at full rpm.
1. Setup • Record new MX values and boom functions stan-
• Record current TH, MX, and LMX values before dard speed cycle times after completing calibration
making any adjustments (refer to Figure 1). (refer to Figure 1).
• Warm oil to 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Verify system pressure (3,000 psi) and pilot pres- 5. LMX Calibration
sure (155 to 160 psi + tank pressure), and adjust • Operate with engine at full rpm.
if necessary. • For boom functions, set controls to low speed and
adjust LMX values to achieve low speed cycle
Oil temp _______________________________ times (refer to Figure 5).
System pressure _________________________ • For winch and digger, set controls to standard
speed and adjust LMX values for multi-functioning
Tank pressure ___________________________
Pilot pressure ___________________________ — For winch plus boom extend/retract, if winch
outruns boom, decrease winch LMX.
2. Diagnostics — For winch plus boom extend/retract, if boom
Symptoms vs. corresponding CADI adjustments outruns winch, increase winch LMX.
(refer to Figure 2). — For digger plus boom up/down, if boom stops,
decrease digger LMX.
3. TH Calibration (refer to Figure 3) — For digger plus boom up/down, if digger stops,
• Set controls to standard speed. increase digger LMX.
• Operate with engine at full rpm. • Record new LMX values and boom functions low
• Record new TH values after completing calibration speed cycle times after completing calibration
(refer to Figure 1). (refer to Figure 1).

Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) Low Speed (LMX) Cycle Times (Seconds)
Standard Low
Function Current New Current New Current New Speed Speed
Boom up
Boom down
Rotation CW
Rotation CCW
2nd (interm) extend
2nd (interm) retract
3rd (upper) extend
3rd (upper) retract
Winch in — —
Winch out — —
Digger dig — —
Digger clean — —
Figure 1 — CADI Values

Appendix — D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet

Symptom Adjustment
Excessive hand control travel before function movement starts TH
Poor meterability at function start TH
Excessive hand control travel after function reaches full speed MX
Function does not meet rated cycle time at full hand control travel MX
Boom extend/retract outruns winch, or winch outruns boom extend/retract LMX
Boom up/down and digger will not operate together LMX
Not enough difference between standard speed and low speed LMX
Four-lever upper control speeds are too fast or too slow LMX
Figure 2 — Adjustments

Increase MX Release Fully shift Increase MX Release hand

Fully shift function No control, set TH
Change MX slowly until hand control, slowly until Reset MX to
and TH to 00 function function decrease MX hand control. function begins to 15 points original value
hand control moves by 3 points Does function to creep less than
move? this MX value

Figure 3 — TH Calibration

Does manual Does manual Does manual Is boom
Fully shift No Yes override handle No Is a boom Yes Yes
function override override function within Done
handle vibrate handle vibrate move farther function being cycle time at
hand control when pressed tested?
visibly? to touch? full speed?
by hand?
Yes No Yes No

Increase MX Decrease MX Increase MX Decrease

by 1 point by 1 point by 1 point MX to meet
cycle time

Figure 4 — MX Calibration

Appendix — D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet

Function D2045A D2050A D2055A D3050A D3055A D3060A
Boom raise 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 33 to 39 33 to 39 33 to 39
Boom lower 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 33 to 39 33 to 39 33 to 39
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64
Intermediate boom extend 20 to 23 23 to 27 28 to 32 23 to 27 28 to 32 30 to 34
Intermediate boom retract 17 to 21 20 to 24 24 to 28 20 to 24 24 to 28 26 to 30
Upper boom extend 18 to 22 21 to 25 21 to 25 21 to 25 21 to 25 28 to 34
Upper boom retract 16 to 20 19 to 23 19 to 23 19 to 23 19 to 23 26 to 31
Standard Speed

Function D2045A D2050A D2055A D3050A D3055A D3060A

Boom raise 58 to 62 58 to 62 58 to 62 69 to 75 69 to 75 69 to 75
Boom lower 58 to 62 58 to 62 58 to 62 69 to 75 69 to 75 69 to 75
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125
Intermediate boom extend 42 to 45 48 to 52 58 to 62 48 to 52 58 to 62 62 to 66
Intermediate boom retract 36 to 40 42 to 46 50 to 54 42 to 46 50 to 54 54 to 58
Upper boom extend 38 to 42 44 to 48 44 to 48 44 to 48 44 to 48 59 to 65
Upper boom retract 34 to 38 40 to 44 40 to 44 40 to 44 40 to 44 55 to 60
Low Speed

Function D4050A D4055A D4060A D4065A DT80

Boom raise 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 33 to 37
Boom lower 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 29 to 33
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 71 to 79
Intermediate boom extend 23 to 27 28 to 32 30 to 34 39 to 45 31 to 35
Intermediate boom retract 20 to 24 24 to 28 26 to 30 32 to 47 33 to 37
Upper boom extend 21 to 25 21 to 25 28 to 34 37 to 45 38 to 44
Upper boom retract 19 to 23 19 to 23 26 to 31 32 to 48 37 to 41
Standard Speed

Function D4050A D4055A D4060A D4065A DT80

Boom raise 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 68 to 72
Boom lower 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 60 to 64
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 146 to 154
Intermediate boom extend 48 to 52 58 to 62 62 to 66 81 to 87 64 to 68
Intermediate boom retract 42 to 46 50 to 54 54 to 58 72 to 87 68 to 72
Upper boom extend 44 to 48 44 to 48 59 to 65 78 to 86 79 to 85
Upper boom retract 40 to 44 40 to 44 55 to 60 72 to 88 76 to 80
Low Speed
Figure 5 — Cycle Times (Seconds)

Appendix — D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet

Appendix — D2/3/4000A and DT80 Field CADI Settings Sheet
D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet
Read and understand the CADI Quick Reference Guide • Operate with engine at full rpm.
(749-30200) before using this sheet. • Record new TH values after completing calibration
(refer to Figure 1).
1. Setup
• Record current TH, MX, and LMX values before 4. MX Calibration (refer to Figure 4)
making any adjustments (refer to Figure 1). • Set controls to standard speed.
• Warm oil to 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. • Operate with engine at full rpm.
• Verify system pressure (3,000 psi), standby pres- • Record new MX values and standard speed cycle
sure (400 psi), and pilot pressure (155 to 160 psi times/turns after completing calibration (refer to
+ tank pressure), and adjust if necessary. Figure 1).

Oil temp _______________________________ 5. LMX Calibration

System pressure _________________________ • Set controls to low speed.
• Operate with engine at full rpm.
Standby pressure ________________________
• For boom functions, adjust LMX values to achieve
Tank pressure ___________________________ low speed cycle times (refer to Figure 5).
Pilot pressure ___________________________ • For winch and digger, adjust LMX values to achieve
/2 the number of rotations in 15 seconds as in
2. Diagnostics standard speed.
Symptoms vs. corresponding CADI adjustments • Record new LMX values and low speed cycle
(refer to Figure 2). times/turns after completing calibration (refer to
Figure 1).
3. TH Calibration (refer to Figure 3)
• Set controls to standard speed.

Cycle Times (Sec

Threshold (TH) Max Out (MX) Low Speed (LMX) or Turns in 15 Sec)
Standard Low
Function Current New Current New Current New Speed Speed
Boom up
Boom down
Rotation CW
Rotation CCW
2nd (interm) extend
2nd (interm) retract
3rd (upper) extend
3rd (upper) retract
Winch in
Winch out
Digger dig
Digger clean
Figure 1 — CADI Values

Appendix — D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet

Symptom Adjustment
Excessive hand control travel before function movement starts TH
Poor meterability at function start TH
Excessive hand control travel after function reaches full speed MX
Function does not meet rated cycle time at full hand control travel MX
Not enough difference between standard speed and low speed LMX
Four-lever upper control speeds are too fast or too slow LMX
Figure 2 — Adjustments

Increase MX Release Fully shift Increase MX Release hand

Fully shift function No control, set TH
Change MX slowly until hand control, slowly until Reset MX to
and TH to 00 function function decrease MX hand control. function begins to 15 points original value
hand control moves by 3 points Does function to creep less than
move? this MX value

Figure 3 — TH Calibration
Count no. of
drum rotations
in 15 sec

Does manual Does manual Does manual Is boom

Fully shift No Yes override handle No What type of Boom Yes
function override override function within Done
handle vibrate handle vibrate move farther function is cycle time at
hand control when pressed being tested?
visibly? to touch? full speed?
by hand?
Yes No Yes Digger No

Increase MX Decrease MX Increase MX Count no. of Decrease

by 1 point by 1 point by 1 point auger rotations MX to meet
in 15 sec in high cycle time

Figure 4 — MX Calibration

Appendix — D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet

Function D2045B D2050B D2055B D3050B D3055B D3060B
Boom raise 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 33 to 39 33 to 39 33 to 39
Boom lower 28 to 32 28 to 32 28 to 32 33 to 39 33 to 39 33 to 39
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64
Intermediate boom extend 20 to 23 23 to 27 28 to 32 23 to 27 28 to 32 30 to 34
Intermediate boom retract 17 to 21 20 to 24 24 to 28 20 to 24 24 to 28 26 to 30
Upper boom extend 18 to 22 21 to 25 21 to 25 21 to 25 21 to 25 28 to 34
Upper boom retract 16 to 20 19 to 23 19 to 23 19 to 23 19 to 23 26 to 31
Standard Speed

Function D2045B D2050B D2055B D3050B D3055B D3060B

Boom raise 58 to 62 58 to 62 58 to 62 69 to 75 69 to 75 69 to 75
Boom lower 58 to 62 58 to 62 58 to 62 69 to 75 69 to 75 69 to 75
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125
Intermediate boom extend 42 to 45 48 to 52 58 to 62 48 to 52 58 to 62 62 to 66
Intermediate boom retract 36 to 40 42 to 46 50 to 54 42 to 46 50 to 54 54 to 58
Upper boom extend 38 to 42 44 to 48 44 to 48 44 to 48 44 to 48 59 to 65
Upper boom retract 34 to 38 40 to 44 40 to 44 40 to 44 40 to 44 55 to 60
Low Speed

Function D4050B D4055B D4060B D4065B

Boom raise 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52
Boom lower 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52 44 to 52
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64 58 to 64
Intermediate boom extend 23 to 27 28 to 32 30 to 34 39 to 45
Intermediate boom retract 20 to 24 24 to 28 26 to 30 32 to 47
Upper boom extend 21 to 25 21 to 25 28 to 34 37 to 45
Upper boom retract 19 to 23 19 to 23 26 to 31 32 to 48
Standard Speed

Function D4050B D4055B D4060B D4065B

Boom raise 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100
Boom lower 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100 92 to 100
Rotate CW or CCW (360°) 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125
Intermediate boom extend 48 to 52 58 to 62 62 to 66 81 to 87
Intermediate boom retract 42 to 46 50 to 54 54 to 58 72 to 87
Upper boom extend 44 to 48 44 to 48 59 to 65 78 to 86
Upper boom retract 40 to 44 40 to 44 55 to 60 72 to 88
Low Speed

Figure 5 — Cycle Times (Seconds)

Appendix — D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet

Appendix — D2/3/4000B Field CADI Settings Sheet

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