2X Operation Manual Full 6217
2X Operation Manual Full 6217
2X Operation Manual Full 6217
For these reasons the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, Ian Fellows
Ltd. would greatly appreciate being informed of them
The above not withstanding, Ian Fellows Ltd. can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual or their
Statement on Conformity
This Instrument conforms to all appropriate European Community Directives for Process Control Equipment
and is designed for operation within an Industrial Environment.
(Suitable for Environment as defined in EN 50082-1:1992 and EN 50081-2:1994).
In CErt 1 ~ ‘Trade’ mode, SYSTEM 2X configured with appropriate components, conforms with the
Harmonised European Standard EN 45501. This standard is based on a world-wide accepted OIML
Recommendation R76 ~ Non Automatic Weighing Instruments. SYSTEM 2X type approval number is
UK2747 (previously T2532). In addition, it is built according to a strict ISO9001 Quality Assurance System
and complies with EN55022 (Emissions), EN45501 Annex B (Immunity), and both SI2328:1994 and
SI3260:1994 Electrical Safety directives.
Throughout this manual the following typefaces have the subsequent meaning
ENTER Boxed Shaded items indicate a front panel key press
RE-ENT Unboxed shaded items with this font indicate a message or value on the display
Tare Menu header or item
This Manual generally describes normal, or default, operation. The actual functionality of the installed
instrument may be different dependent on the parameters modified by the installer.
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System 2X – Contents
1.1 Front Panel/Display 3
1.2 Replacing Legends 4
1.3 Mains Connection 5
1.4 Loadcell Connection 5
1.5 Control Input & Output Connections 7
1.6 Printer Serial Port Connections 10
1.7 Analogue Output Installation (Option) 13
1.8 Switching On 14
2.1 Calibration Preparation 15
2.2 Calibration Procedure 16
2.3 Calibration without Weight 19
2.4 Weight Filtering 20
2.5 Analogue Output Adjustment (Option) 21
2.6 Calibration Transfer 22
3.1 Access Levels, Passcodes and Internal Pushbutton 24
3.2 Accessing Menus and Parameters 25
3.3 Editing Parameters 26
3.4 Real Time Clock – Setting Time and Date 29
3.5 Configuring Operator Functions 29
3.6 User Definable Codes and Running Number 30
3.7 Configuring Lower Display Use 31
3.8 Configuring Control Inputs 32
3.9 Configuring Control Outputs 32
4.1 Product Text Strings 33
4.2 Product Totals 33
4.3 Product Tares (from version 6217) 34
5.1 Preset and Memory Tares 35
5.2 Semi Auto Tare 37
6.1 Setpoint Comparator Modes 38
6.2 Batch Weighing Mode (Feed Control) 40
6.3 Output Allocation Parameter 45
7.1 Parts Counting 47
7.2 Conversion Mode 47
8.1 Printer/Serial Installation 48
8.2 Printer Configuration 48
8.3 Print Formatting 48
8.4 Print Operation And Interlocks 54
8.5 Eltron Printer – Special Print Mode 54
9.1 Weighbridge Mode - Setup 56
9.2 Weighbridge Mode - Operation 56
10.1 Serial Communications 60
10.2 Multi-drop Operation 65
11.1 Hardware Diagnostics 66
11.2 Parameter Dump Menu 67
11.3 Display Error Messages 68
12.1 Technical 69
12.2 Features 69
12.3 Dimensions 70
12.4 Approvals 70
APPENDIX – Reference Tables 71
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1.1 Front Panel/Display
PRESET Simple tare entry or memory tare operation.
Set Gross Weight to ZERO (Requires stable weight within zero setting range)
Setting range relative to 'initial zero'.
Trade Mode +/- 2% of Max. Non-Trade Mode +/- 10% of Max
10 x SCALE RESOLUTION for calibration tests.
(Trade Mode, displays while button is pressed. Non-Trade mode, toggles on/off)
Status Indicators
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Display Status Indication
The normal weighing units of measurement are legended on the front panel. Other display functions are
indicated by a character in the left of the lower display. Character may be as follows:
- The L_dISP parameter in the Assign menu permits different uses of the lower display. Some settings
may overwrite these status indicators.
- The Nnsd parameter in the Assign menu can be set to disable the status characters.
The internal front panel legends can be replaced with suitably prepared printed ‘slips’ that are slid into slots
accessible from the rear of the door.
Open Close
Locking Clip
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1.3 Mains Connection
If not already pre-wired, connect incoming mains supply to P3. A connector shell, pins and a special crimp
tool are required.
System 2X is usually built for 230V (180-260V) operation unless specifically ordered (confirm by checking
data plate). From baseboard Revision C, conversion to 110V is possible via 115V/230V Voltage Select
Switch (S2) - consult factory if in doubt.
Note: Loadcell Cabling should be run separately from other wiring, especially mains AC supply wires
and any such wiring crossing, if necessary, only at right angles and as far apart as possible.
Two factors affect the distance between the load cell and the instrument:
1. The ultimate resolution.
2. The cross sectional area of the sense wires.
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Likewise if the resolution is 5,000:1 and standard cabling is used then the maximum distance is 170metres.
Again doubling the sense wires will extend this to 340metres.
The duplicate conductors are ‘commoned’ and insulated inside the enclosure so that only one or two wires
enter each P1 connection).
The screen must be terminated to the case on entry, by trapping it beneath the gland nut.
1. -Sense
Insert bared wire
2. +Sense
3. n/c
A/D Tin Can 4. -Signal
5. +Signal
6. +Excit
7. -Excit
Load Cell(s)
+ SENSE + SN Wiring Instructions:
-Sense (-SN)
-Output (-Sig)
- SIGNAL + SIG +Output (+Sig)
+ EX +Input (+EX)
-Input (-EX)
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Normal 4-wire Loadcell Cable Connection Schematic
Ensure all I/O is wired correctly and checked before applying power. Incorrect or reversed voltages may result in
damage requiring service/factory repair.
The System 2X provides Isolated ground, +5V, and +24V (unregulated) supplies f or use with the control I/O and,
where suitable, to support add on modules and peripherals.
Care must be taken to ensure that the supplies do not short circuit to Ground - An inadvertent short will usually
blow the on board re-settable fuse. To “Reset”, power off - remove the short circuit leave to cool down and then
power on.
These are normally the only inputs available on a standard System 2X. They can be assigned functionality
as described in separate sections of this manual.
+24V 0V
External Supply External Supply
0V 24V
Using Internal Supply
These inputs can be controlled from either internal or external (12-24V ac or dc) supplies as shown. The
switching current is 10-20mA. The switch may be in series with either leg of the input and polarity is not
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Optional Control Inputs A,B,C,D
These inputs are only available when supplied for custom applications, this dictates the functionality.
The following information relates to the Revision C baseboard (PCB 13E698C) when configured with
TIL194/PC814 opto isolators.
The switching current is 20mA @ 24V. The input is off for signals <9V
A jumper selector above the connector position makes provision for various circuit arrangements.
External Supply Using Internal Supply
Using Internal Supply
+12-24V 0V
External Supply External Supply
0v +12-24V
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Control Outputs
Relays 1 / 2 / 3
Different relay options are available - check baseboard to see which is fitted.
LEDs (D4/D18/D25) located near each relay indicate when the relay operates.
There are six limited current (50mA max.), opto-transistor outputs available for use on special applications.
Maximum ‘off’ voltage is 30V, ‘on’ voltage drop <1V @ 20mA.
L L L L L L External
1 2 3 4 5 6 PSU
External Supply
The above diagram shows how each of the six outputs are paired. By selecting the jumper socket available
at the system 2X, either 24v, 5V or external 5-24V excitation voltage can be selected to drive the available
loads L1 to L6.
Note the “-ve” is common to all output “pairs”, however “+ve” connection is only “common” for each pair.
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1.6 Printer Serial Port Connections
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Multi-drop – Connecting RS422 & RS485
The standard build is for RS485 ‘2-wire’ connection. To use ‘4-wire’ (dedicated pairs for transmit and
receive), the Jumper socket must be set to ‘422 as shown in section 7.1, (if left in ‘485, the ‘receive’ pair will
go into ‘transmit’ mode whenever the instrument transmits data).
Note that RS422 and RS485 have almost identical signal criteria. RS485 is a modified RS422 that allows
multiple transmitters instead of only one, and hence full 2-wire networking (multi-drop) capability. Thus an
RS422 system will always be a 4-wire system, transmitting on RS422A/B pair, and receiving on
422/85Tx/RxA/B pair. A 4-wire RS485 system is wired as shown below (one pair for common) and a six
wire RS422 (again one pair for common) on the following page.
The extra 4-wire connections are shown below (receive on 422/85Tx/RxA/B).
The termination resistor R1 is normally fitted and must be ‘snipped’ on all but the first and last devices on the
network cable (note that the ‘host’ is often the first device, a PC or a PLC, in which case it must have a
termination resistor fitted). An alternative is to ‘snip’ all R1s and fit termination resistors to match the
characteristic impedance of the comms cable (if unknown, fit 100W) externally on the cable connectors at the
extreme ends of the network. Then all indicators are identical. As a rule of thumb these terminating resistors
are only required when the cable distance exceeds 20 metres.
Screen Link
Twin Twisted Pair Screened Cable - one pair for signals, one joined for Ground and screen earthed at one
end only.
Note that terminating Resistor R1 is only required at the extreme ends of the communication chain, all units
in between should have this resistor removed.
The Selector Link Top Hat has to be shorting the upper pair of pins on the Jumper on all the units in the
comms. chain to enable RS485 that uses the IC 7 for both Transmission and Reception.
Suitable cable would be twin twisted pair with overall screen and overall PVC insulation, 7/32 AWG, Belden
Type 9502 would be suitable (Farnell 437-050, 500ft or 437-062, 1000ft).
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Wiring for Multi-Drop Master with 2 Slaves using RS 422
Screen Link
Three Pair Twisted Screened Cable - one pair for Master transmission signals, one pair for Master receiving
signals and one joined for Ground with the screen earthed at one end only. All Slaves wired similarly Rx to
Rx and Tx to Tx.
Note that terminating Resistor R1 is only required at the extreme ends of the communication chain, all units
in between should have this resistor removed. If total cable length exceeds 20 M it would be prudent to add
a 100R terminating Resistor across 422 A and B on the last Slave (as shown in the above diagram).
The Selector Link Top Hat has to be shorting the lower pair of pins on P5 on all the units in the comms. chain
to enable RS422 that uses both IC 6 and IC 7. IC 6 for Transmission and IC 7 for Reception with the
software driver held permanently low to fix the direction of data flow.
Suitable cable would be triple twisted pair with overall screen and overall PVC insulation. 7/32 AWG Belden
Type 9503 would be suitable. (Farnell 437-074, 500ft or 437-086, 1000ft).
The comms protocol will always begin with the Master sending a command. The Master will then wait for a
valid response before sending any further commands to other instruments. A time out must be allowed in the
event of no reply. By default on receipt of serial characters will wait approx 2 second for
subsequent/termination characters, as such at least this delay needs to be allowed for to be sure of no reply.
The DELAY parameter in the SERIAL menu permits this period to be reduced allowing a much shorter time
When SERIAL menu NET parameter = 1, a Slave will only accept data headed by its address and will
consider the first CR (hex 0D) to be the message terminator.
If operating using RS485 it will then set its Transmit Flag and will wait 8 mSec to ensure control has switched
before sending its response string. On completion of transmission it will wait 8 mSec to ensure that the Tx
buffer has been cleared and if using RS485 it will then reset its Transmit Flag, releasing the bus. Any PC or
PLC acting as Master should consider these timings in their comms software.
Setting NET = 2 permits similar use of addressing but without the line switching delays.
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1.7 Analogue Output Installation (Option)
The DAC card is designed to provide an analogue output directly proportional to Loadcell signal to an
ultimate accuracy of 1 part in 50,000 over full range output. ( for a nominal 10 c temperature range) or 1 part
in 3000 for full temperature range. (-10 c to + 40 c). Zero and gain parameters are set approximately at the
factory but the calibration is not guaranteed accurate. On site calibration is a must for units that require a
high degree of accuracy.
SK1: 7-Way
DAC Location - Board is “Piggy Back” Mounted off of Baseboard using Nylon spacers at positions FX1 and
FX3. The D/A Card is connected to the Baseboard via 7-way pin connector on DAC (SK1) and 7-way
header on Baseboard (SK3).
Active Output
4-20mA 0-10V
See Calibration Section 2.5 for information on enabling and adjusting the analogue output.
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1.8 Switching On
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The calibration facility allows full re-calibration from the front panel, checking of calibration validity without
disturbing existing parameters, or is a valuable diagnostic tool for initial set-up and subsequent fault-finding.
This section aims to be usable without extensive additional knowledge of the System 2X, if required further
information on keyboard operation, setting up menus, access levels and much more is described in
subsequent sections.
Before calibration, see configuration menus at the rear of the manual and review parameters in Config
and engcfg menus and set preferences to suit the application. Particularly
Config EngCfg
Pont Restore Tares at Power on Cert 1=Trade Mode
Set 1 to enable 0=Non Trade Mode
Zset Auto tare clear & set zero on stable (5s) negative weight ponz Power on without zero check or auto zero
Set 1 to enable Set 1 to enable
Zzpc Auot Zero Setting range at power on
0=± 10% 1=± 2%
Trac Zero Tracking
0=disable, 1=enable
Spas Supervisor Password default =1
(requires level 2 access to change)
On initial calibration, decide in advance what the calibration values are to be. Some systems will be supplied
with the values already printed in the legend window to the left of the front panel weight display. If not, it is
necessary to decide what the maximum (‘Max’) load of the scale is to be (typically determined by the
associated ‘bottomworks’ (the mechanical part of the installation, including loadcell(s)). The maximum
weight should not exceed the loadcell(s) capacity; remembering the extra effect of the ‘deadload’ (e.g.
platform top or support structure on the active part); plus some margin should be left for ‘shock’ loading,
dependent on the application. The display is maintained for 9 divisions (9e) beyond this value.
After deciding ‘Max’, the ‘scale interval’ (‘countby’ or ‘e’) must be selected. This must be a sub-multiple of 1,
2 or 5, anywhere between 0.001 and 50. For ‘trade’ applications, it must also be between 1/500 and
1/10,000 of ‘Max’; the actual value ultimately being a compromise between what can reliably pass Weights
and Measures Initial Verification tests but not be so coarse as to be useless.
For SYSTEM 2x, the Actual Scale Interval (‘d’) is always the same as the Verification Scale Interval (‘e’).
‘Min’ (below which it is illegal to trade) is 20e (20 x Scale Interval).
Weigh platform with 4 x 200kg ‘shearbeam’ cells and support structure ‘deadload’ of 100kg.
Wheeled stillages will be pushed off ramps so some shock loading is inevitable.
Theoretical range of Scale Interval is (560 / 10000) = 0.056kg and (560 / 500) = 1.12kg.
A 1kg interval is clearly very coarse. The classification of the loadcells will limit the low value.
1/3000 is typical for the cells, so the high-resolution limit is thus (560 / 3000) = 0.187kg.
th th
Therefore, a scale interval ‘e’ of 0.2 or 0.5kg would give resolutions of 1/2800 or 1/1120 .
The ‘Min’ in each case would be (20 x 0.2) = 4kg or (20 x 0.5) = 10kg.
If the ‘active’ range of the loadcell(s) is low (i.e. only using a small portion of the loadcells rated capacity for
actual weighing), another limiting factor to ultimate resolution may be signal size. In trade installations there
must be a minimum of 1 microvolt (1µV) change in loadcell signal for each division.
To check for adequate signal, substitute the selected scale interval in place of ‘CAL weight’ in the equation
given below in section 2.6 ‘CAL’. If the ‘Millivolt reading’ is less than 0.001, a higher scale interval must be
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2.2 Calibration Procedure
In most configuration menus, parameters are selected and adjusted on an individual basis. The Calibration
menu is arranged as a sequence of steps, completeing one step automatically moves to the next. Steps can
be bypassed if no change is required by using ¢
1 Press any number key 1 to 9 for 1sec., display will show PASS
Enter level 1 Passcode (default 1), and press ENTER
2 The MENU TITLE USER__ will be displayed.
3 Use £, ¢, to select CALIBN
4 Press MODE to enter menu:-
¨ Unless ACCESS is already at level 2, the unit will beep and prompt Push but
This is a request to press the Internal Calibration pushbutton
¨ In Non-Trade Mode the prompt is Pass for a Passcode avoiding the need to open the
The pushbutton may still be used instead
5 Press and hold the pushbutton until the ‘bleeping’ stops or enter the level 2 Passcode (default 900)
The display will show ACCESS 2 - and will then display DISP
TIP: If re-calibration is not intended; press MODE to skip this step (e.g. for diagnostic purposes).
1 Displays current display division together with decimal point position. The MODE LED will be
flashing (provided system is at level 2 access)
¨ To change selection press MODE the ¢, £ LED's now flash.
¨ Use ¢, £ to step through the division sizes available.
2 Press ENTER to set displayed selection and move on to…….
1 Shows current value for maximum range - system must be recalibrated if this is changed
¨ Set a suitable value using the 0-9 keypad
2 Then press ENTER to set displayed selection and move on to……..
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FILt ~ Filter Band Parameter
1 Shows currently defined Span Calibration Weight Value. This may be any weight between 12.5%
(6.5% in non-trade mode) and 100% of the MAX CAPACITY (TOP) and must be an exact multiple
of disp.
¨ Enter the value of calibration weights to be applied using the 0-9 keypad..
2 Then press ENTER to set displayed selection and move on to ~
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CAL ~ Calibrate Span
1 The lower display shows approximate millivolt output from loadcell(s) as offset by deadload
2 Ensure weigh platform is loaded with the previously selected calat value, is stable, and the mV
reading is as might be expected - see below:
TIP It is important the mV reading is close to the expected reading. A fault on the ‘SENSE’ signals from the loadcell
may result in a millivolt reading 2~4 times higher than expected but give an otherwise, apparently ‘normal’ calibration. The
result of setting up with a faulty ‘SENSE’ signal would be drifting and general instability of the weight reading.
¨ Press ENTER to initiate automatic SPAN acquisition. This will take several seconds.
If “dead” reading has not previously been aquired - the lower display will show dead?
If illegal Calat value has been entered display will show CAL?
If insufficient signal display will show L?
¨ Alternatively, press ¢ to skip Span Calibration. (ie if it is only desired to re-acquire DEADLOAD)
3 Display will eventually show ……..
1 The lower display shows weight in x10 resolution allowing calibration to be checked.
To ‘fix’ new values (must be level 2), press ESC whilst at test display.
¨ sure? will appear; ESC or ¥ will confirm. £, ¢, will return to calibration.
To abort calibration press ESC or ¥ whilst not at tESt .
¨ abort? will appear; press ESC or ¥ to confirm, other function keys will return to calibration.
Test mode also features facilities for
SPAN TRIM - to adjust calibration span leaving zero unchanged.
LINEARITY - to providing a single point linearity correction
2 SPAN TRIM - must be above min calibration weight (12.5% of Top, or 6.25% if non trade mode)
¥ Enters SPAN TRIM MODE, indicated by test n in the upper display
¨ £ = nudges calibration factor up
¨ ¢ = nudges calibration factor down
¨ Each ‘nudge’ moves the indicated weight at full scale by about 1/10th of a division (e).
¨ When complete exit by pressing ESC as above or proceed to linearity mode…
From SPAN TRIM ¥ Enters LINEARITY MODE, indicated by test l in the upper display
¨ load the platform until it displays it’s worst case linearity error and note the weight applied
¨ Press ¥ again to set break point & start adjustment indicated by test L.
¨ Adjust the displayed weight to be the same as the applied weight using £ , ¢
The process maintains fixed zero and top positons, with a shift applied at the linearity break point.
When complete exit by pressing ESC as above
· linearity adjustments are immediate and will be applied even if calibration is aborted
· Calibration Data is not secured until exit from Linearity Mode
· A deadweight or span operation clears any linearity adjustment that has been applied
· Exit with SURE? after changing Disp or tOP, resets all stored tares/setpoints/totals.
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2.3 Calibration without Weight
Non Trade Mode permits calibration using the cell mV/V rating as an alternative to conventional calibration
with weights.
Calibration stages up to and including deadload - Dead - must be performed to establish capacity,
resolution and an accurate zero reference. Then use ¢ to step through the remaining stages, to the last item
Span .
Loadcell Sensitivity is the Millivolts per volt (mV/V) output at the cell's rated load.
The System Maximum Capacity is the value entered at top
2 X 60 = 1.2000 mV/V. Enter 1.2000 (must be 4 decimal places) to set the span.
Rather than using the loadcell manufacturers catalogue quoted nominal sensitivity, it is best to use the exact
figures provided by the individual test certificate. In multiple cell applications, average the sensitivities of the
Performing a normal CAL test weighing forces the SPAn parameter to 0. It is not possible to read back a
meaningful value if a conventional span calibration is performed.
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2.4 Weight Filtering
2X provides five powerful features for optimising weighing performance and display appearance to suit
individual applications.
Filter – see FILT & FLTC – adjusts the level of damping applied to the weight signal
Fast Track – see Fast – enables fast track of large weight changes
Display Freeze – see UFRZ – holds a stable reading from unnecessary flicker
Motion Band – see MBND – affects the system conditions required for STABLE weight
Display Update – see UPDT – alters how often the display is refreshed
FILT & FLTC parameters found in the CONFIG Menu adjust the level of damping applied to the load cell
signal. Inevitably more damping makes for slower reaction time to change in weight.
From the CONFIG menu these parameters can be altered at Level 1 Access. The Filter Band (FILT) is also
in the calibration menu where level 2 Access is required to affect any change.
FILT can be set from 01 for light damping to 08 for extremely heavy damping. A setting of 02 is likely to suit
most applications.
Normally only FILT (The Filter Band) will need to be altered, this automatically sets a value for FLTC (The
Filter Coefficient) as shown in the table below:
A Filter Band setting of 10 indicates a non standard setting of the Filter Coefficient. A setting of 00 might be
used during calibration, to allow the filter to self-adjust.
Fast parameter, found in the CONFIG (level 1 Access) and CALIBN (Level 2 Access) menus can be
used to speed up large changes in weight.
The Fast Track setting reduces damping while the signal is in motion, allowing faster weight change, then
applies the current filter setting once weight has stabilised.
Turning Fast Track on automatically invokes the Display Freeze feature, which can be turned off if required,
see below.
Fast Track must be set to suit the particular application or the way in which the scale is to be used.
UFRZ parameter, found in the CONFIG menu, sets the Display Freeze feature on or off. The setting is
automatically altered by changes to FAST. If the opposite setting is required set UFRZ after FAST
When the Display Freeze is active, a stable reading will be frozen to prevent unnecessary flicker. The Freeze
is released after ~ 0.5 sec of motion.
Any application requiring instant response to weight change will need freeze turned off by setting UFRZ
(Unfreeze) to 1
Note: 2X Filling mode (SETD 01) automatically handles the way in which the filter is applied during fill.
However FAST & UFRZ settings will affect the behaviour before and after fill. For example if weight might
need manual top up after fill set FAST =0 (Off).
mbnd parameter, found in the CONFIG menu (level 2 Access) can be used to relax the conditions defining
By default mbnd = 0 and can only be changed at Level 2 Access. This is designed to ensure that the weight
signal is truly stable before operations such as Print or Tare are performed.
Less stringent conditions may suit some applications. Increasing Mbnd (range 1-7) relaxes the conditions
for stability such that dependent functions will act quicker though the weight might still be changing. Thus a
Print could occur before the final weight is reached. A Legal for Trade application would use mbnd = 0.
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UPDT parameter, found in the CONFIG menu (level 1 Access) sets the rate at which the display (and
serial interface transmission) is refreshed. It does not otherwise affect the speed of operation (ie setpoints,
printing etc.)
UPDT 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Non Trade Only
Update rate (S) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
The display rate should be chosen for the application. Most platform and bench scales would use the default
03 where as a weighbridge may suit a slower rate such as 06. Manual dosing applications benefit from faster
rates (01).
From EngCFg menu set AnEn to 1, this enables access to the hidden menu Analog .
If NO Analogue Output Module is fitted, it is IMPORTANT that this parameter is set to its default value Zero.
Note Level 2 Access is required.
Enabling the analogue output prohibits use of continuous serial data transmission on the communications
port (COM2)
The desired mode of operation can be set using the 4-20 Setting this to 1 sets the unit for 4-20mA output
(up to 900W load ) - setting to zero sets the unit for 0 - 10 Volt output.
With a Calibrated DVM across the appropriate outputs Zero & Gain parameters can be adjusted by either
editting them directly in using ZEro and gAIn or by ‘nudging’ up or down in ZAdj and gAdj by using
the ¢ and £ keys. (each ‘nudge’ corresponds to about 2mA/1mV).
Note:- Zero and gain parameters are hexadecimal parameters. As a rough rule of thumb a 400 (Hex)
change to these figures will change the output by 1V or 2Ma
The default analogue output is to track gross weight over full range. It is possible to change these defaults to
allow greater flexibility for specific applications.
· Err The error condition output (when under or overrange) can be forced to fully negative or fully
positive with this parameter. Full positive is default (0)
· NEt When set to 1 forces Output to correspond with the NET (displayed) weight. (Default 0
· CALA A ‘false’ full scale can be programmed with the weight value parameter (defaults to the
CALAT value in CALIbn. Allows use over limited range - note care must be taken when using this
parameter to assess the likely accuracy of the output.
Current Output is recommended being most reliable medium. If a Voltage Output is to be used then consult
‘DAC - Analogue Outputs Application Note’ held on website at www.ianfellows.co.uk
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2.6 Calibration Transfer
For non-certified, low accuracy applications (e.g. silo contents monitoring) where in-service re-calibration is
often extremely difficult, it is possible to replace the ‘baseboard’ and simply transfer across old calibration
constants (with some modification to account for slightly different characteristics). The overall accuracy
should not vary by more than 0.5%.
It is in any case a good idea to maintain a record of all of the parameters mentioned below, plus ZERO and
gAIn parameters from AnALog if an analogue output module is installed. Also, if a printer is installed,
print out the ADC Configuration and Memory Image by setting AdC 1 then mEm 1 in EngCFg . If the
existing baseboard parameters should ever be lost, they may enable a service technician to restore
calibration exactly, without having to physically re-calibrate
Have a record of all relevant (i.e. to you) previous system parameters (always keep an up-to-date record),
especially UnPo, VrEF, A In, FACt, dEdF, CALF, CFrg.
Calibration data can be restored into EEPROM should data be lost for any reason by re-entering the
calibration data as follows (this data should ALWAYS be recorded at the time of calibration).
In CALIbn re-enter the original dISp, toP and, if known, the CALAt value.
ADC Configuration
Items marked * require the calibration button to be pressed when being entered.
Set UCAL to zero (Serial Cmd SU) and ensure that the FILt setting is restored.
1. Enter new FACt /MF, VrEF /VR and A In /AI level 2 with calibration button.
2. If a default reload has occurred the original calibration will need to be restored as above.
3. Enter the old FACt value into the CHgF parameter. This will cause a new CALF to be calculated.
Alternatively - this new CALF can be calculated using a calculator – new CALF = new FACt/ old FACt.
This can then be entered directly with no need to enter CHgF, this is only required if an accuracy of > 1
part in 3000 is required.
4. Force an initial zero with scale unloaded, or re-acquire dead.
5. If a default reload has occurred then the UCAL parameter will have to be set to zero.
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Restoring Calibration with Replacement Baseboard c/w ADC
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The 5 function buttons ('Hotkeys') below the lower display may be allocated up to 9 functions per button. This
allows the installer to configure operator functions appropriate to individual applications.
Input & ouptut functions can be similarly tailored and the use of the lower display can also be defined.
A system of configuration menus is provided primarily for installer set up and engineering purposes. A
common exception would be supervisor use of menus for programming Product (PLU) texts and perhaps
memory tares.
Within the menu system, the function keys take on their secondary functions MODE ESC ¥ £ and ¢
Prompts to enter a passcode - PASS - or press the internal pushbutton PUSH BUT may appear at entry
to Menu Mode or when entering into a Menu.
Subject to installer configuration, 'Hotkeys' may also be access protected using the PASS function,
requiring use of the same code and procedure as for level 1 access.
TIP - If a non standard supervisor code is required on a Trade Stamped system, ensure the preferred code is
set before commissioning and stamping as subsequent changes will require access to the internal
pushbutton, which may be sealed after stamping.
Passcodes may be up to 4 digits and entered using the numeric keypad 0-9 and ENTER (Only dots are
displayed to prevent unauthorised observation.)
The access level achieved is briefly displayed when the code is entered. (In MAIN MENU MODE the current
access level can also be displayed by pressing and holding PRINT )
The access level will remain effective as long as the system remains in MENU MODE.
At Level 2 exiting with the ¥ key enables the system to remain at level 2. (Menus can then be re-entered
without use of passcode/pushbutton)
Access will be reset to level 0 if the system is left idle for 4 minutes.
Return to weighing by using ESC always resets access to level 0 immediately.
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3.2 Accessing Menus and Parameters
MENU DIAGRAMS at the rear of this manual show the menus as separate boxes with the menu name at the
top. The PARAMETERS are listed in the left column.
· To enter MENU MODE press and hold any number key 1-9 for 1 second.
The first prompt will be PASS - this can be by-passed by pressing MODE , the level 1(or 2) password can
be entered or the internal calibrate pushbutton pressed. (See 3.3)
If correct level 1(or 2) password is entered, or pushbutton pressed then all the menu titles will be displayed.
If the incorrect password is entered or the password is by-passed then the limited 'Short' set of Menus will be
At access level 0 only the 'short menu selection' (USER__ & batch_) are visible.
At access level 1and above all menus are available although some hidden menus will be visible only
if appropriately enabled.
With the desired MENU showing press MODE to enter the menu and access the PARAMETERS.
The display will either show the first parameter or prompt PUSHBUT or PASS if a higher access
level may be required within that menu.
At access level 1 all parameters (except pass codes) can be viewed, but parameters protected at
level 2 will not be alterable. If it is not intended to alter protected parameters, the PUSHBUT and
PASS requests may be ignored by pressing MODE or ENTER
For full access key the pass code or use the pushbutton to obtain the required level.
· To exit MENU MODE (See also 3.1 for information about access levels)
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3.3 Editing Parameters
The parameters within a menu are stepped through using the £ and ¢ buttons.
The PARAMETER NAME appears in the upper display, with it’s value in the lower display. There are various
parameter formats and usually the existing entry can be overwritten or edited
- To edit a value first press MODE - the active digit will flash - move between digits using ¥ and edit as
Parameter Formats
NUMERIC ONLY - includes many items that are simple 0/1 (off/on) setting, and weight values which
display with decimal point fixed in position.
- entries generally scroll from right to left, simply key numbers form the keypad
HEX - used in print control strings, addressing and various engineering parameters. Each
digit in these cases may be 0-9, A-F
ALPHANUMERIC - used in descriptive texts stored against PLU's and editable prompts.
- Multiple presses of the numeric keys cycle through the number and letters marked for
each key. (0 toggles between 0 and a 'space' character)
- In 'overwrite' mode, changing key will automatically step to the next character.
- If consecutive characters require a value from the same key, then press ¥ to move on
to the next character.
TIP - Once a value has started being changed, and prior to pressing ENTER, the original value can be
restored by pressing ESC any time prior to ENTER
A few parameters have their own special procedures, which are described elsewhere in this manual.
Most notably
HOTKEY in the ASSIGN menu
DISP in the CALIBN menu
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The 7-segment display uses a stylised alphabet. Most letters are obvious except:
J = J, K = k, M = M, T = t, U = U and V, W = W, X = X,
Text descriptions for PLU's may contain upper and lower case letters, lower case are identified with a
decimal point beside the letter. Example:
Upper case ‘A’ is displayed as A
Lower case ‘a’ is displayed as A.
It is possible to place print control and punctuation characters in the alphanumeric ASCII text strings.
TIP - Most print control characters required are easiest applied using the dedicated control character
parameters in the P_Ctrl menu.
- When a PC connection is available it is usually easier to input strings including punctuation with
serial commands.
The System 2X Panel permits characters to be set to a hex value in the range 01-7F using the following
· Select the appropriate text string (‘StxA/b’ etc.) in the Pr_For menu.
· At the position where the special character is required,
· Select the special # character by pressing 3 3 3 3 - display will show as Ÿ
· Press £ key - the character will blank
· Enter the Most Significant digit 0h to 7h.
· The hex value for the control character is represented in the lower segments in cryptic format (below).
· Press £ key again - The Most Significant byte is now represented in the upper segments.
· Enter the Least Significant Digit in 0h-Fh.
· This will light the lower segments in cryptic binary format (See below).
· Repeated pressing of the £ key will toggle between the two values .
· The special entry mode will remain on until the next character is selected using the ENTER key; edit is
terminated by selecting ENTER or abandoned by pressing ESC
· Any previously selected control characters will appear as '
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Cryptic Hex Format
The value of the control character is worked out as follows:
Each segment has the ‘value’ shown below, left. By adding the lit segment values, the character value
in hex is given. An understanding of binary and hexadecimal notation is assumed in order to use this
facility. The factory can give specific help, if required. (Avoid entering value 0Dh; this is ‘carriage
20 20 20
40 10 10 10
2 2 2 2
4 1 4 4 1 1
8 8 8
20H+10H+08H+04H+02H+01H = 3FH = ?
00 NUL Ctrl @ 20 space 40 @ 60 ‘
01 SOH Ctrl A 21 ! 41 A 61 a
02 STX Ctrl B 22 " 42 B 62 b
03 ETX Ctrl C 23 # 43 C 63 c
04 EOT Ctrl D 24 $ 44 D 64 d
05 ENQ Ctrl E 25 % 45 E 65 e
06 ACK Ctrl F 26 & 46 F 66 f
07 BEL Ctrl G 27 ’ 47 G 67 g
08 BS Ctrl H 28 ( 48 H 68 h
09 HT Ctrl I 29 ) 49 I 69 I
0A LF Ctrl J 2A * 4A J 6A j
0B VT Ctrl K 2B + 4B K 6B k
0C FF Ctrl L 2C , 4C L 6C l
0D CR Ctrl M 2D - 4D M 6D m
0E SO Ctrl N 2E . 4E N 6E n
0F SI Ctrl O 2F / 4F O 6F o
10 DLE Ctrl P 30 0 50 P 70 p
11 DC1 Ctrl Q 31 1 51 Q 71 q
12 DC2 Ctrl R 32 2 52 R 72 r
13 DC3 Ctrl S 33 3 53 S 73 s
14 DC4 Ctrl T 34 4 54 T 74 t
15 NAK Ctrl U 35 5 55 U 75 u
16 SYN Ctrl V 36 6 56 V 76 v
17 ETB Ctrl W 37 7 57 W 77 w
18 CAN Ctrl X 38 8 58 X 78 x
19 EM Ctrl Y 39 9 59 Y 79 y
1A SUB Ctrl Z 3A : 5A Z 7A z
1B ESC Ctrl [ 3B ; 5B [ 7B {
1C FS Ctrl \ 3C < 5C \ 7C ¦
1D GS Ctrl ] 3D = 5D ] 7D }
1E RS Ctrl ^ 3E > 5E ^ 7E ~
1F US Ctrl _ 3F ? 5F _ 7F
Shaded characters can be set directly from the keypad; other values can be applied using the cryptic format.
See also Print Formatting section for more information on text strings.
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3.4 Real Time Clock – Setting Time and Date
If the clock is being used (usually for printing purposes) the Time and Date functions will most likely be
arranged as hotkey functions giving easy user access. If not then they can be found and adjusted from within
the USER__ menu. (They can also be set using serial commands)
Prompt HK CMD
TINNE 37 TM Set in the format HHMMSS - Clock starts running on pressing ENTER
DaTE 36 DA Set in the format DDMMYY
An additional date function is provided that is NOT supported by the real time clock.
The 'User' U DaTE is useful in simple labelling applications as a manually set date for purposes such as
best before/use by etc. It does not increment with the clock. Again the function would usually be provided as
a hotkey function but is also located in the USER__ menu.
U DaTE 38 DT Set in the format DDMMYY– upto 6 digit numeric entry, no validity checks
Assign - HotHEY
This function allows customisation of the System 2X for many applications to suit individual requirments.
The five 'Hotkeys' below the displays can have up to nine functions assigned to each of them. As such a key
might be used to string a sequence of functions or perhaps prompt for a series of parameters to be entered.
See Appendix for the table and brief description of all functions that can be performed with the hotkeys.
To set up hotkeys:
· The Top display will show the First (if any) assigned Function. The bottom lower display shows the
sequence number and code of the first function allocated to this key.
· An existing entry can be accepted by pressing ENTER or a new code keyed and stored by pressing
· As each code is entered the sequence number on the left will increment. Entry can continue until all nine
functions are assigned or terminate the sequence by selecting code 00 and press ENTER.
TIP - current hotkey assignments can be viewed by simply pressing ENTER to each value.
Assign - Help If a printer is connected. The 'HELP' parameter (below hotkey in the menu) can be
used to print a list of available hotkey code/functions. The lower display will show zero, press 1 then ENTER
to print the list. Setting the printer port baud rate to 0 redirects the transmission to COM2 where this data
might be transmitted to a PC.
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Assign - Disabling Permanent Keys and Functions
The Assign menu permits permanently marked keys and other functions to be inhibited if required.
Four 8-digit numeric code items and an incrementing number can be customised by the installer.
The codes can be configured as hotkeys (functions 43 – 46) to allow easy access and entry by the user.
The running number can be accessed from within the USER menu, or can be assigned to a hotkey (41) if
operator access is required.
The Prdata menu enables the hotkey prompts and data header texts to be edited to suit different use.
Messages (up to 6 chr) displayed when the hotkey is selected are set by the following parameters
D P 3 ORDER 45 K
D P 4 batch 46 L
run p run no 41 H
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Prdata - Data Header Text
Print Item I D t 1a D t 1b
CO.D.E. NU. M.B.E.R.
Print Item J D t 2a D t 2b
OP.E.R.A.T.O. R.
Print Item K D t 3a D t 3b
OR.D.E.R. N U.M.B.E.R.
Print Item L D t 4a D t 4b
BA.T.C.H. N U.M.B.E.r.
Print Item H run t1 run t2
ru.n.n.i.n.g. n.o. .
· A hotkey function (42) can be assigned to automatically reset the running number to 1. This can be used
in a hotkey sequence, for example, to reset the number when a total is printed.
· If operators should not be permitted to change the running number, it can be restricted to access level 2
by setting CONFIG : rn d = 1
Assign - LDISP
The Lower display can be configured to display various parameters such as setpoints, product codes etc.
For example a filling system might have LDISP = 14 in order to have the current TARGET weight on the
Default value is zero, whereby in weighing mode, the display will show the value of any active PRESET
See Appendix Tables for information functions/codes that can be applied on the lower display.
· The legend box at the end of the display can be used to identify the units/use of this display.
· Some hotkey functions e.g. display totals extend the possible use of the lower display
· The input/output status function can be a useful tool for diagnosing exactly when inputs and outputs are
activated - see also section 8.1
· The HELP parameter below LDISP prints a list of functions/codes
Assign - nnsd
The most significant digit of the lower display gives status information (see section 1.1)
To disable set nnsd =1 (Default value setting is 0)
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3.8 Configuring Control Inputs
For example, might permit connection of a heavy duty print or tare button or maybe start and stop functions
on a filling system.
See Appendix Tables for functions/codes that can be allocated as Input functions.
TIP - an input can be configured to trigger one of the hotkeys, as such a sequence of functions may be
Many modes of operation are available with the relay outputs. These include filling, checkweighing and
special status modes. See separate section.
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Totals, Text Strings, Setpoints, Part weights etc. are stored for each of 98 different PRODUCT CODES.
Whenever one of these parameters is altered, it only affects the value for the currently selected product.
Whenever the Product Code is changed (by whatever means - hotkey/menu/command), all the associated
registers and parameters are changed to ones corresponding to the new Product.
Product Code 99 has special purposes for print headers and totals.
The Product Code can also be used to recall stored tares (from 6217) see 4.3 below.
The configuration menus need to be used for entering and edited text descriptions if Product Codes are to
recall text for printing. They will also need to be used to program setpoint parameters, part weights etc. if
these have not been made accessable as hotkey functions. An installer should aim to configure the hokeys
with sufficient functions in such an arrangement to suit operator requirements for individual applications.
For convenience, the Product Code parameter -CodE - is presented in various menus containing items
that are stored separately for each each code.
First select the code 01-98 using CodE, then edit the 4 strings as required.
Repeat the process for all required CodE numbers.
For the stored text to appear in print outs, the print format must be defined to include them. (See Print
Formatting information). The strings will print for the currently selected code.
St1A &St1b transmit together and are specified in the print format as 'DATA TYPE' A
St2A &St2b transmit together and are specified in the print format as 'DATA TYPE' B
Any weight (or count) PRINTED is also stored to SUB and GRAND total registers FOR THE CURRENT
TIP - An actual printer is not always necessary to make good use of totals features. If the handshake
parameter (Pr_Cfg : Hdsh) is turned off, the print function can be used to store weights without a printer
connected. Totals can be viewed on the lower display.
Hotkeys (and inputs or serial commands) can be used to view or print totals and reset the registers as
required. See Appendix for hotkey & input codes.
Setting Product Code 99 followed by a total command will print totals for ALL products.
From version 6217 there are hotkey/input codes to print ALL totals without manually selecting code 99 and
there are also codes to print the total of all product totals.
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4.3 Product Tares (from version 6217)
The System 2X can be configured for Product Codes to automatically recall and set memory tares.
User__ - T con
If T Con = 1 then changing Product code will automatically select the corresponding Tare code and set
any tare that has been preset.
(The tare or tare code can be subsequently changed without effecting Product Code setting.)
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Note :- Tare functions operate differently in Weighbridge Mode - See Weighbridge Operation Section
A PRESET TARE may be used to offset the Gross weight by a known weight. This may be keyed in directly
or there are 99 Preset Memory Tare Stores, for recalling commonly used weights.
The entry “mode” can be toggled between 'Manual' & 'Stored' using MODE after pressing PRESET TARE.
The lower display will show (by default) the current Tare Value e.g. 1000
If the value is correct press ENTER to return to weighing with the tare set
To change, key value first then press ENTER
Tare Codes can also be automatically recalled and set by Product Code changes, see section 4.3.
Entries must be valid (for division size and in scale range). The decimal place is automatically positioned.
Alternatively a CANCEL TARE function can be allocated to a hotkey (HK code 71), in which case the
PRESET TARE button always accesses entry mode.
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Programming Memory Tare Codes
To use Tare Codes, values must first be stored for the codes to be used.
Values can either be keyed in or acquired by weighing. This can be done from within the USER configuration
menu or by configuring Hotkeys for the purpose.
TIP - The menu can be easier when setting up a large number of codes. The hotkeys are more convenient
when operators need to change/add codes periodically.
Enter the Tare Number to change using the NUMERICAL 0-9 KEYS.
Press ENTER to select the current tare value for the keyed in No.
The lower display will show the current Tare Value. 1230
Enter the Tare Value for the new Tare Number to change using the NUMERICAL 0-9 KEYS.
Repeat as required.
On return to the weight display the most recently entered Tare Store will be in use.
Enter the Tare Number to change using the NUMERICAL 0-9 KEYS.
The lower display will show the current Tare Number and live weight Value. 23 0
Repeat as required.
On return to the weight display the most recently entered Tare Store will be in use.
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5.2 Semi Auto Tare
By default
Pressing SEMI AUTO TARE button will tare off a stable GROSS weight - NET indicator illuminates to
indicate tare in operation.
Pressing SEMI AUTO TARE a second time cancels this tare. Pressing again will set the new GROSS
weight to NET ‘zero’.
Alternatively a CANCEL TARE function can be allocated to a hotkey (HK code 70 or 71).
This ALTERS the SEMI AUTO TARE function such that it ALWAYS TARES to net zero.
TIP: The ability to set tare, cancel tare, display gross etc. to hotkeys allows tailoring to suit different
applications. Using a sequence of hotkey functions a system could, for example, be made to automatically
tare following operator code entries etc.
Tare functions can also be allocated to inputs. See appendix for Hotkey and Input allocation codes.
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The relay control outputs can be configured to operate in different ways to meet many applications. These
vary from simple trip and checkweigh comparators to a sophisticated filling sequence. It is also possible to
assign the outputs a defined status or operate the ouptuts from serial commands.
Several checkweighing modes are available as described below. The mode is set by the parameter entered
against SEtd in the In_oUt MENU.
Setpoints are defined by parameters in the bAtCH_ MENU, which can also be configured as hotkey
functions. Setpoints are set individually for each of the 98 PRODUCT CODES.
Note – the descriptive prompt for setpoints varies according to which SETD mode is set. (See first column of
tables below)
These tables define the default operation of the Relay outputs in different setpoint modes. They also
illustrate the different descriptive prompts, the serial comms (Status) letter, the displayed (Indicator) status
It is possible to further modify the default behaviour by altering the Output Allocation parameter oPAL
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Op1 Wt >Spt1 on
Wt <Spt1 off
Op2 Wt >Spt2 on All outputs run independent to their own
Wt <Spt2 off setpoint
Op3 Wt >Spt3 on
Wt <Spt3 off
If tolp = 1 Printing is restricted to weights within SPT3 +/- PTOL (see Batch menu
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6.2 Batch Weighing Mode (Feed Control)
Whilst it is possible for a control system to implement filling (or discharge) operations using simple trip
ouptuts, the principal here is that the fill (or discharge) is initiated by giving a command (button/input etc.) TO
THE INDICATOR which then controls feeding to the required level.
This gives many advantages as the sequence can be enhanced to incorporate use of devices such as
autotare, inflight compensation (auto adjusting if required), printing etc. Further more in this mode the
System 2X extrapolates from the rate of flow to apply a predictive cut off making for extremely fast and
accurate batch results.
Before the batchweighing function can be used, further configuration and setting up of parameters will be
needed according to how the user wishes the system to operate.
The lower display can be configured to show preferred information (e.g. Target Weight, set LDISP = 14)
and hotkeys will also be wanted for convenient access to parameters that need operator or supervisor
access during use. Refer to Appendix for Hotkey/Input/Lower display configuration codes
Local or Remote Start and Stop functions can be configured by Assigning hotkeys (local) or setting IPAL
parameters (remote).
Any ‘STOP’ INPUT is configured to be ‘FAILSAFE’
If an INPUT is configured for STOP then the input MUST be present before any ‘START’ command
(button or input) will be recognised.
Function Comments
START If L Tare and U Tare are both Zero -
Hotkey & Input Code 11 Function will start batch provided net (displayed) weight is within zero +/-
Setpoint1 value
If L Tare or U Tare are Non-Zero -
Function will start batch provided GROSS weight (even if in net mode) is
within L Tare & U Tare limits.
No Auto-tare is performed before feeds are turned on.
AUTO TARE & START Weight limits apply as above.
In this case an Auto Tare (requiring no motion) is performed.
Hotkey & Input Code 12
Using a hotkey, system requires to detect no motion within the 'Motion Time-
out period' (Config menu TOUT parameter). If not the function fails and no
batch is started.
Using an input, the system will attempt to seek no motion and tare for as long
as the input is maintained.
STOP Abort batch, turning feeds off when hotkey is pressed or the input removed.
Any further start function requires start conditions to be met as before.
Hotkey & Input Code 13
Note: Use of menu mode or hotkeys will suspend feeds (outputs turn off) until weighing mode is restored.
Also see Appendix for additional 'Pause' function hotkey and input codes.
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Batching Parameters
CodE 21Select Material PRODUCT CODE (01 - 98).
Each of the following parameters can be set to suit Material code selected.
Target 24 Desired Final TARGET Weight. ((Setpoint 3)
drible 23 Amount BEFORE TARGET for slow feed
SPt1 22 SETPOINT 1 -
If L Tare and U Tare (see below) are both Zero -
Weight must be within zero +/- Setpoint1 value to permit batch start
(Setpoint 1 is also the level at which 'batch complete status' is reset.)
InFLt 27 Material ‘IN-FLIGHT’ weight value
POSINF 28 Reverse/Positive In-flight value
PtoL 29 Print Tolerance limits - see TOLP & POST parameters
jogt 30 Jog Timer
L tare 25 Low tare limit If L Tare or U Tare are Non-Zero -
U Tare 26 Upper tare limit GROSS weight (even if in net mode) must be in limits for start
ofil 32 Overfill offset for cut off and automatic inflight calculations – (range 0-255e).
Note - L/U Tare parameters permit batch start only when a container within these weight limits is in place. If
set to zero, then start is limited by setpoitnt 1. Setpoint 1 relates to net mode, and as such if an autotare is
applied, then setpoint 1 effectively limits the difference in container tares from one to the next.
(Default behaviour can be modified with the Output Allocation parameter oPAL see next section.)
Cut Off
‘calm’ time
and waiting
Start OP1 ‘ON’ stability ‘Discharge’
OP1 ‘ON’
(if selected)
1 If non-sampled OR Calm AND Jog And Autoprint NOT selected, go straight to ‘Discharge’.
2 If Auto Tare on Start is selected, will start looking for stability here.
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Typical Batching Cycle Description
At this point Output 1 releases, leaving Output 2 to complete dribble feed. O/P 1 is
NOT latched and would turn ON again if the weight dropped back below this value.
DRIBBLE FEED Output 2 Remains operated d on MSD of the lower display.
Feeds until weight exceeds
At this point Output 2 Releases. O/P's 1 & 2 now latch OFF pending any further
FOLLOWING (Subject to configuration)
CUT-OFF If a Non-Sampled weighment go to Batch Complete below.
If CALm timeout is awaited bUSY displays (allowing inflight material to settle)
Note: - SEMI AUTO TARE and PRINT are disabled during fill.
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Printing in Batching
The details given below outline the key parameters that govern printing during batching operations.
TIP - Features such as batching to within a tolerance/jogging and totalising can be exploited without a printer
by turning off the handshake parameter (Pr_Cfg : Hdsh).
ToLP Print In Tolerance parameter may either be ON (1) or OFF (0). If OFF tolerance checking
will not be done, even if PtoL is active, if ON then operation depends on the Setpoint
Mode selected. If Setd 01 or 07 then tolerance check will be +/- the PtoL
value of the tArg (Setpoint 3) i.e the 'Ready to Print' flag will be set when in these
bounds (Printing will occur when other conditions all correct).
If Setd 00, 02, 04, 05 or 06 then the 'Ready to Print' flag will be set when
the weight is within the "PASS" Band as set by the three setpoints and this will over-ride
any ptoL value that may be set.
PoSt Print in Positive Tolerance parameter may also either be ON (1) or OFF(0) and enables
positive only tolerance checking. If OFF then tolerance checking will be exactly as defined
in toLP. If ON then the tolerance check will be + PtoL of targ . This restricts the
scope of PtoL such that the 'Ready to Print' flag will only be set when within the positive
tolerance. Note that tolp must be ON for this to be effective.
Auto Auto 1 Autoprint enabled, a printout will occur as soon as conditions for printing
are met. With default settings, this would mean a print occurring at the first stable weight
above ‘Min’ but prohibited in filling mode SETD01 until Batch programme is run.
PtoL Determines pass/fail criteria for batching. Sets the limits for Autoprinting in conjunction
with toLP and poSt. Can be set for up to 98 batch product codes.
DSCH The Bulk Output can be allocated as a Discharge Output. The Discharge mode parameter
can be used to force the discharge at the end of the 'batching' program regardless of
achieved weight.
May either be ON (1) or OFF (0). If OFF, the default setting, then at the end of the
'batching' program the MSD will display an E indicating the end. No discharge will occur.
If ON then at the end of the program, Output 1 (Bulk O/P) will turn ON again indicating a
discharge is required. This Output will remain On until the weight drops below the value
entered to setpoint one.
DSPr Discharge on Print parameter can be used to inhibit the discharge if a successful print has
not occured. May either be ON (1) or OFF (0) and if OFF, the default value, then
discharge will be dependent solely on the state of dSCH as above. If ON then discharge
will only occur after a successful print function has completed. If not automatic, or out of
tolerance, then manual adjustments can be made prior to printing and then discharging.
Note that dsch must be ON for this parameter to be effective.
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Jogging - Inflight Compensation & Calm Timer
If jogging is required & printouts are not, printout can be supressed , by setting HdSH 00 (print output
but no handshake reqd.), or bAUd 00 (printout redirected to serial).
CALm The Batch Calm Timer may be set to run at the end of a batch to allow filling to complete.
Can be set from 00 (default) to 99 and determines the length of time the system waits in
0.1 second increments. I.e. 40 = 4 seconds and this will be the interval after the dribble
output has turned OFF before the weight will be checked and the batch "program" can
proceed. Also sets the interval (plus motion criteria) between jogs, see next.
Jogt Determines whether jogging is active (00 to 5119) or turned OFF (00 the default value). If
the batch weight achieved is below the minimum tolerance set by ptol/tolp/post,
and jogging is active, then up to three jogs will occur to attempt to bring the weight within
required limits. The value entered will be used to determine the JOG ON interval in
The value entered will round down to the next 20mS i.e. an entry of 5119 will
round down to 5100mS; an entry of 21-39 will give a jog ON period of 20mS.
AinF 0 Automatic In-Flight Compensation adjustment disabled.
AinF 1 After CALm time (see below) and stability, adjusts In-Flight Comp. by 25%of any error if
error is less than 12.5% of Capacity (Top + 9e). Otherwise, no adjustment If calculated
inflight is > 12.5% of capacity ( Top + 9e) then inflight value will be set to zero. If jogging
is enabled the autoinflight is calculated after the initial settle - not after jogging has
Batch Sampling
Samp Enables full batch cycle including print, autoinflight adjustments etc. on periodic sample
weighments only. Other weighments complete on cut-off without further checks, printing or
auto inflight compensation. The samp number, 1 to 99, is the interval after which a
check is initiated. Values of 00 & 01 mean checks are made for all weighments.
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6.3 Output Allocation Parameter
The normal operation of the outputs within any particular setpoint mode can be modified or overriden with a
specific status task using the OPAL parameter.
In_oUt - Opal
The first (left hand) digit is internally employed as a check digit and can be ignored.
The remaining (right hand) 6 hex (0-9,A-F) digits are allocated to the outputs as follows
Digit No:
2 3 4 5 6 7
Behaviour Status Behaviour Status Behaviour Status
Note: Ignore digit 1. Digits 4 & 6 are only effective in Simple Trip mode SEtd 07.
In Simple Trip Setpoint Mode Setd 07 , each output acts independently and can have
it’s own behaviour defined using digits 2, 4 and 6.
In all other setpoint modes the operation of outputs is interlinked. In this case the setting of
digit 2 applies to all outputs regardless of digits 4 & 6.
(Tip - For example in Setd 07 , one output could monitor positive gross weight, whilst
another reacts on negative net weights)
0 (Default) Setpoint weight value based on Net Weight. Setpoint values are positive
of this zero, and output operation is ‘instantaneous’ (stability is not awaited).
1 Setpoint weight values based on Gross Weight (‘zero’ is always true zero weight).
Only valid for Setpoint Modes 00, 02, 03 and 07.
2 Setpoints operate when Negative of indicated zero instead of positive (weighing
4 Setpoints operate when Positive or Negative (i.e. on the modulus of weight)
8 Must await stability (no-motion) before outputs operate.
The values above may be summed to give a combination of ‘modifications’. E.G. 'OPAL
9xxxxx’ (i.e. 8+1) would delay output operation until a stable gross weight at or above the
particular setpoint was reached. ‘OPAL Cxxxxx’ (8+4); output operates when no motion at
or beyond setpoint, positive or negative of NET zero.
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Digit 3, 5, 7 If not at zero (default), the Output (1, 2, 3) corresponding to the digit (3, 5, 7) is forced into a
Status Mode (regardless of Setpoint Mode selected) and operates on the status conditions
as listed below. Thus a digit other than zero overrides the normal operation as described in
Setpoint Modes for the particular output.
0 Default behaviour
1 Output operates on Net mode (like NET indicator)
2 Output operates on Motion (like MOTION indicator).
3 Output releases on Alarm condition (for test only).
4 Output operates when Negative and in Net mode.
5 Output operates on Negative Gross.
6 Output releases when weight Out of Range (i.e. failsafe).
7 Output operates on Gross Zero (like ZERO indicator).
8 Output operates on Net Zero.
9 Output operates on Gross mode (like GROSS indicator).
A Output operates when ‘Printed’ Flag set.
c Output operates at Batch Complete.
Note: If ‘A’ is selected, the appropriate output is reset when a new print is allowed (after return to zero or
sufficient weight change; as programmed).
X 00 00 03 OP’s 1 and 2 operate as setpoints based on net weight as described in 4.3. OP3
operates when no alarm condition.
X 00 00 02 OP’s 1 and 2 operate as setpoints based on net weight. OP3 operates on ‘motion’.
X 10 10 07 OP’s 1 and 2 operate as setpoints based on gross weight. OP3 operates at
‘Gross zero’.
X 20 20 04 OP’s 1 and 2 operate as negative setpoints for ‘weighing out’. OP3 ops when ‘neg
X 80 80 0A OP’s 1 and 2 operate as net setpoints, only on stability. OP3 ops after ‘print
X12 00 07 OP1 ops on ‘motion’. OP2 ops as setpoint based on gross wt. OP3 operates at
‘Gross zero’.
X 02 00 07 OP1 ops on ‘motion’. OP2 ops as setpoint based on net wt. OP3 operates at
‘Gross zero’.
X 10 02 07 OP1 ops as setpoint based on gross wt. OP2 ops on ‘motion’. OP3 operates at
‘Gross zero’.
X 00 00 00 OP’s 1,2 and 3 operate as setpoints based on net weight. (OP3 only in Setpoint
mode 07).
X 10 10 10 OP’s 1,2 and 3 operate as setpoints based on gross weight. (OP3 only in Setpoint
mode 07).
X 10 10 90 OP’s 1,2 and 3 operate as setpoints based on gross weight. (OP3 awaits weight
stability before operating and is only active in Setpoint mode 07).
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7.1 Parts Counting
Counting parameters are found in the CoUnt_ menu, but to use the System 2X for parts counting, hotkey
functions can be configured to suit the operation required.
Function Hotkey
PRODUCT CODE 49 Selecting a Product Code (PLU) 1-98, recalls stored part weight,setpoints, text strings etc and enables count mode
PART WEIGHT 55 Permits Part Weight entry. The value is stored for currently set product code
SAMPLE SIZE (1-99) 54 Load sample quantity, key in sample size and press ENTER to compute part weight and enable count
Sample 1 50
Sample 10 51 Quick select samples. Permits single press sampling by use of preset sample quantities.
Sample 20 52 Load appropriate sample size and press to enable count
Sample 50 53
Toggle Count/Weight 56 Toggles between weight and count display, using currently active part weight
CANCEL Count mode 60 Restores weight display
Each time a sample is weighed, or a part weight edited, it’s value is written into the currently active
‘PRODUCT’ CODE memory.
Live weight is replaced by count in the upper display and count mode is indicated by a ‘C’ in the lower
display leftmost digit.
Print outs can be formatted to include count information and as with weight, when a print is performed the
count value is added to total registers (sub & grand) for the current product code. As such total counts can
be printed and displayed in the same way as for weight data.
Note: - Conversion is disabled in weighbridge Mode where a separate factor and print variable is provided
for litres conversion. See Weighbridge Section 9.
A conversion factor may be applied to the current weight value and the converted value displayed by
configuring the lower display using the Assign menu Ldisp parameter.
Set Ldisp = 20
The conversion factor can be edited from the CoUnt_ menu FACt parameter.
Or a hotkey - can be assigned for the purpose Hotkey Code 59
The removable legend insert at the end of the display windows can be used to identify the lower display
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8.1 Printer/Serial Installation
In most instances the default setting of zero allows printers to be configured to suit most user applications.
In certain instances special configurations have been preset - which allow easy configuration settings for
specific use (especially weighbridge ticket operation).
Print configuration can be set in software to match the printer settings being used:-
TIP: Printer Baud rate 0 disables print port (Com1) and re-directs all print messages to serial port (Com2).
Important Note: The operation of System 2X in “Weighbridge” mode is different to that as outlined in earlier
sections of this manual. Semi Automatic Tare, Preset Tare, hotkey allocation, Print and Parts counting
functions are all affected. See section on Weighbridge mode operation.
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Summary of Print Output Construction
Pre print
Characters Shaded Fields are Enabled \ Disabled by
CtrLHA/B or tot HdSTaT
Pre Print Carriage Returns
1St Cr,2nd Cr,Sub Cr or grndCr
Header Control Header Leading Header Field Packing Data Control Data Field CR , CR/LF
Char’s Spaces For1 A/b Spaces char’s For1 A/b Cr1 A/b
CtrL1 A/B or SPC1 A/b For2 A/b HSPC1A/b CtrL2 A/B or For2 A/b Cr2 A/b
Tot 1A/b SPC2 A/b Sfor A/b or HSPC2A/b tot 1A/b Sfor A/b or SCr A/b or
SSPC A/b or gFor A/b SHSPCA/b or gFor A/b gCr A/b
Header Control Header Leading Header Field Packing Data Control Data Field CR , CR/LF
Char’s Spaces For1 A/b Spaces char’s For1 A/b Cr1 A/b
CtrL1 A/B or SPC1 A/b For2 A/b HSPC1A/b CtrL2 A/B or For2 A/b Cr2 A/b
Tot 1A/b SPC2 A/b Sfor A/b or HSPC2A/b tot 1A/b Sfor A/b or SCr A/b or
SSPC A/b or gFor A/b SHSPCA/b or gFor A/b gCr A/b
Post Print
Control Char’s
CtrLFA/B or
tot FA/b
- Refer to the APPENDIX for tables listing variable data items that can be printed -
Weighbridge Mode For1 A/B - defines Print 1 format - For2 A/B - defines Print 2 format.
· Each character is a code representing a different 'Variable' data item - the codes can be obtained from
the tables of variables found in the APPENDIX.
Note - The list of variables differs for Weighbridge and Totals printing.
· ‘Variables’ A, B, C, and D are text-strings pre-programmed by the user as St1A / St1b / St2A /
St2b see PLU information section 4.1
Each string is up to 14 characters long and consists of either St1A + St1b or St2A + St2b.
Different strings may be programmed for each PRODUCT CodE 01 to 98 (Variables A and B) and
for CodE 99 (Variables C and D).
· The EOS (end of string) terminator Ÿ (ASCII 1Fh ) code may be used to shorten St1A/b & St2a/b
to less than 7 characters (To select in edit mode press key 3 four times) - then press ENTER
· It is possible to place print control and punctuation characters within a text string. See section 3.3
'Special Print Characters'
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Pr_for Leading Spaces And Trailing Carriage Returns
CR1 a/b Sets the number of trailing carriage returns for each item as defined in For1 a/b.
Hex character entry - allows up to 15 Carriage returns between each Data item.
CR2 a/b Weighbridge Mode Sets the number of trailing carriage returns for each item as
defined in PFor2/QFor2. Hex character entry - allows up to 15 Carriage returns
between each Data item
sCR a/b
gCR a/b Sets the number of trailing carriage returns for each item as defined in totals print
formating sfor a/b and gfor a/b. Hex character entry - allows up to 15
Carriage returns between each Data item.
note - Carriage return settings are ignored for Column mode printing.
CR2 a/b Weighbridge Mode Sets the number of trailing carriage returns for each item as
defined in PFor2/QFor2. Hex character entry - allows up to 15 Carriage returns
between each Data item
sPc1 a/b Sets the number of leading spaces before printing out of each item as defined in
For1 a/b. Hex character entry - allows up to 15 leading spaces before each
Data item.
SPc2 a/b Weighbridge Mode Sets the number of leading spaces before printing out of each
item as defined in For2 a/b. Hex character entry - allows up to 15 leading
spaces before each Data item.
sSPsc a/b
gSPsc a/b Sets the number of leading spaces before printing out of each item as defined in
totals print formating sfor a/b and gfor a/b.
Hex character entry - allows up to 15 leading spaces before each Data item.
If more than 15 leading spaces or trailing “returns” are needed before or after an item, select a TYPE zero
with extra spaces and /or “returns”. Alternatively - print control characters may provide alternative solution.
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Pr_For - Carriage Returns Before Start of Print
1St CR 0 - 99 Enter number of Leading carriage returns before first variable is printed (as
defined in For1 a/b ) for Print \ Print 1 function.
2nD CR [Weighbridge Mode] 0 - 99 Enter number of Leading carriage returns before first
variable is printed (as defined in For2 a/b ) for Print 2 function.
Sub CR 0 - 99 Enter number of Leading carriage returns before first variable is printed (as
defined in sfor a/b ) for Sub Total Print function.
GrndCR 0 - 99 Enter number of Leading carriage returns before first variable is printed (as
defined in GFor a/b ) for Grand Total Print function.
Note Column Printing will use above functions.
· Control Characters can be embedded in text stings St1A/St1b; St2A /St2b see section 3.3
or -
· Control Characters can be applied using parameters in the P_ctrl menu.
CS1A/B CS2A/B are only transmitted where specified in a particular format. Other control strings are set
for standard printing (apply to Print 1 & Print 2) and for totals printing (apply to sub and grand)
Note: These characters are sent after any leading Carriage returns have been sent.
CtRL1A\CtRL1B Sets up to 8 hex byte control characters, sent before each variable in the print file.
tot1A\tot1B Sets up to 8 hex byte control characters, sent before each variable in the total file.
Used in association with ….2A\2B below, allows headers to be formatted differently to data.
Note: This feature only has effect on variables that have associated headers and is not used if Headers are
switched “off” with HDStAt set to zero.
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P_CtrL CtRL2A/B tot2A/B ~ Mid Line Control Characters.
Can be used to set Control characters in between the header and data elements of a variable, allowing data
to be formatted differently to headers.
CtRL2A\CtRL2B up to 8 control characters, sent before the data of each variable in the print file.
tot2A\tot2B up to 8 control characters, sent before the data of each variable in the total file.
Note: This feature has effect on all Data types even if associated headers are switched “off”
CtRLFA\CtRLFB Sets up to 8 hex byte control characters sent at end of complete print.
totfA\totFB Sets up to 8 hex byte control characters sent at end of complete total print.
Control codes are sent out after Carriage Returns as programmed. For example to set form feed for the
EPSON LX-300 printer set CtRLFA to 0C
The first variable (the first ‘digit’ in For1 A) is ‘C’ which prints the text strings St1A + St1b as set for
'Product Code 99'. It is preceded by ‘7’ spaces (first digit in SPC1 A) and followed by ‘2’ carriage returns
(first digit in Cr1 A) making a gap before the next item. Subsequent items are illustrated below.
Variables Spaces Print Example CR's Comments
For1A/1B Spc1A/1B Cr1A/1B
C 7 HEADER 2 Leading spaces centralise the text. An extra CR
makes a gap before the next item
6 0 Date dd/mm/yy 1
1 0 Gross xxxxxxxxkg 1
5 0 Tare xxxxxxxxkg 1
2 0 Net xxxxxxxxkg 1
D 5 DESCRIPTION 4 Extra carriage returns added to feed the print out
to a tear off position.
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Pr_For COl - Printing Data in Columns
Type No. G 6 7 H 1 2
Product Ref. Date Time Running No. Gross Net
xx dd/mm/yy hh:mm 3391502 12.567kg 9.230kg
xx dd/mm/yy hh:mm 3391503 12.569kg 9.232kg
xx dd/mm/yy hh:mm 3391504 12.565kg 9.238kg
Form Set up form feeds (Set no. of lines before 5 line break e.g. Labels or page printing).
Set to 1, to print a list of the print variables for standard, weighbridge and totals printing.
Set to 1, to print a sample of the format designed without leaving the menu.
Separate formats can be designed for sub and grand total prints. The principals are the same as that
described here for print formatting but using similar parameters within the totfor menu.
See MENUS for parameter list and APPENDIX for the table of variables that can be printed in totals.
Tot_For Force Force Sub Total Print & Clear before Grand
If Force is set to 1 then a request to print & clear Grand total(s) will automatically generate a corresponding
print & clear Sub total operation, if the sub total is not already clear.
- Designed for applications such as day/week totals, to prevent missing the current days total when week
totals are printed & cleared.
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8.4 Print Operation And Interlocks
Local Printing
This can be done by simply pressing the PRINT key at the desired weight - providing all programmed print
interlock conditions are met a printout will occur.
See Appendix Hotkey & Input function lists for print & totals functions that can be assigned
Auto 1 Enable Autoprint mode, automatically prints each time conditions satisfy the above criteria
and the weight becomes stable - e.g. if nnin , nEgP and CHgE were all 0, a print would occur each
time the weight stabilised above ‘20e’ after returning to zero.
Printer type 3 selection as detailed in section 8.2 enables the following parameters to be set which are
specific to Eltron (EPL2 types) printer configuration. These parameters are only visible in the Pr_For menu
when this printer type is selected. It also automatically turns off print headers (HDSTAT 0) and modifies the
print transmission as detailed below.
F Code 01-99 Determines the form code sent to the Eltron printer. Designing and storing a label
form within the printer, obviates the need for complex formatting to be sent from the system 2X. The F Code
value is set independently for each Product Code, default for all Product Codes is F Code = 01.
Slabel/glabel 01-99 Selects number of labels to print on Sub and Grand total prints
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EPL2 Printing
In Eltron Mode print transmissions
from the indicator take the format
Labelname = Pxx For standard Print
CrLf Sxx For Sub Total without clear
FR”labelname”CrLf Txx For Sub Total & Clear
?CrLf Uxx For Grand Total without clear
variableCrLf Vxx For Grand Total & Clear
variableCrLf Where xx is the current F Code value
PnnCrLf Variables are specified by the items set in the corresponding
format file
The Eltron Printer must consequently have forms stored using the above labelnames. Refer to Eltron
Programming Manuals and Create-a-Label software for more on label design and the use of stored forms.
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System 2X can be configured to operate in “weighbridge” mode. This allows configuration and use of
System 2X on sites where the principle weighing is weighing and printing of docket of containers \ vehicles
as they arrive \ leave on site (full or empty).
It is important to note that System 2X should only be configured for use in weighbridge mode when it suits
the required application - many functions as elsewhere described in this manual may operate differently in
this mode.
Weighbridge Operating Mode can be activated from last item in EngCFg menu - brIdgE=1.
Operating mode must be selected before setting up the rest of the system requirements.
Changing from Standard to Bridge mode or vice versa resets various settings & registers.
Activating weighbridge mode automatically pre-configures various parameters to provide a default
weighbridge operating set-up. This can then be further tailored to suit individual requirements.
SEMI AUTO TARE is “disabled” as default - this is the recommended setting for Weighbridge use.
Hotkeys assignment:
MODE Time - Date
ESC Cancel All Tares + Clear “Active” parameter - e.g 1st Weight
¥ Not assigned
¢ Re-enter First Weight - see later
£ Ident - see later
Pr_CFg tYPE 1 Printer configuration to suit Epson LX300 with loose tickets (default).
Pr_CFg tYPE 4 To change for use of TM295/SP298 slip printer.
See website www.ianfellows.co.uk for application note on slip printer formatting.
It should be noted that tYPE settings 1 and 4 alter the print handshake such that if ticket is not in place and
print buffer fills, the System 2X will prompt 'Check Printer' until the printer comes back on line or ESC is
pressed. If ticket had not been in printer when Print was pressed, this makes it possible to simply load ticket
and printout will automatically resume.
Print format providing Time/Date/Running number/First weight store ID and weight data.
The protocol and control characters set by the quick select settings and the information printed can be
modified as required using the Pr_For, P_CtrL and Pr_CFg menus.
Actual operating instructions and print detail will vary from system to system according to the way in which it
has been installed and set up
Most simple weighbridge installations are arranged for a vehicle to be weighed on arrival (full or empty)
recording the weight on a ticket as 'First weight' . The vehicle leaves the bridge, loads/unloads and returns to
weigh out. By entering the first recorded weight into the indicator, the system can calculate the net weight
difference between full/empty and add second printout to the original ticket, detailing all three weight values
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By default the weight data is presented as 'First Weight' on weighing in and 'Gross/Tare/Net' on weighing
out. Markers < > on the Gross or Tare lines show which was the weighed value. A 'Re-entered' information
line denotes method used for first weight entry. Alternatively, print format options allow for weight data to be
arranged in a First Weight/Second Weight/Net Weight layout
Vehicles weigh In and Out, loading or unloading in between.
First Weight Manually re-entered for the Second Weighing.
Re-entered First Weight Hotkey assigned (HK code 93 - rE-eNt).
Vehicles weigh In and Out, loading or unloading in between.
First Weight automatically recalled by 'Store ID' for the second weighing.
Store ID Hotkey assigned (HK code 92).
Store ID included in First Print format.
As first weighings are carried out, the System 2X automatically stores these weights against Store Identity
Codes. When a code is used to recall a weight for its second weighing, the store for that code is cleared
enabling the code to be reused by the next first weighing. If this feature is to be used, it is essential that the
Store ID is included in the first weighing printout.
Œ Note - if no hotkey has been assigned to Re-enter function, then RE-ENT will be prompted each time the
PRINT button is pressed. For a first weighing simply press PRINT again, for second weighing enter the first
weight as above. This technique may be preferred to avoid any tendency to press PRINT for second
weighing without having entered the first weight.
A memory tare is recalled for vehicle to make a single weighing.
Hotkeys assigned for entering/acquiring tare values (HK codes 73 and 74)
Weighbride installations operating a controlled fleet of vehicles that permit use of memory tares will first need
to store vehicle weights against the system 'Tare Codes'. Hotkeys can be set up for this purpose.
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Entering known Tare values (Uses Hotkey code 73 'P-TARE').
(•Note. In 'Weighbridge' mode The use of PRESET TARE button is effectively the same as in 'Standard'
mode with the important difference being that whilst a Preset Tare entry will normally put the top display into
NET mode, for weighbridge use, this display remains showing GROSS weight, any net weight calculation
only being printed on tickets).
Facilities are provided for printing or print & clearing Memory Tares. These can be accessed via the menus
as a supervisor operation (level 1 access required), or pre-configured as Hotkeys for convenience.
USEr t Prt Prints list of stored memory tares (Hotkey code 75).
USEr tArECL Clears list of stored memory tares and clears (Hotkey code 76).
USEr Id Prt Prints list of stored I.D.’s & weights (Hotkey code 95).
USEr Id CLr Clears list of stored I.D.’s & weights and clears (Hotkey code 96).
A Vehicle Registration Number function is included, brIdgE rEg_no This enables printing of a vehicle
registration number. The function can be pre-configured to a Hotkey; the number is entered via the numeric
keypad using the alphanumeric entry procedures. A good understanding of the keyboard procedures is
required to make effective use of this function.
If used, the Vehicle Registration also stores the first weighing in the same way as the Store ID function
previously described. Thus re-entry of a vehicle registration will automatically recall the first weight and and
clear the I/O memory after second weighing.
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totALS ~ Total Registers
Totalising features in weighbridge mode are generally as standard mode except that weights are only added
to totals on 'second' weighing print. i.e. where a net weight calculation is performed.
For applications carrying liquids, the second (out) print format can be arranged to include Print Items
The conversion factor can be altered within the menus Bridge : confac parameter or can be assigned
to a hotkey function (91).
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10.1 Serial Communications
· The COM2 port provides serial connection for remote control, set up and data acquisition.
· By default, a string of status and current weight information is transmitted unconditionally (default approx
every 300mS). This can be turned off for weight on request only. An extensive suite of commands
enables a host computer to communicate further with the System 2X.
· A multi-drop mode is also available for multi-weigher systems.
Serial Commands
The configuration menus at the end of the manual also list a serial command associated to each parameter.
All commands sent to the system must terminate in CR with no more than 1.5s between characters. The host
must wait for the System 2X response to complete before sending further commands.
As a general rule, sending a command on its own, will receive back the current value or setting.
Sending a command with an associated value will change the parameter or action the command.
TIP - The system must be at the correct access level to change or action commands. Many configuration
parameters are protected at access level 1 - if response received is ?C, try sending PW1 ('password 1') and
try the command again. - If the access level 1 pass code has been changed, send PW with the new pass
RN123 Sets running number to 123. Sending RN will now respond 0000123
TY1 Reset sub total register for current code (TY would report 0 and have no effect)
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Commands Not Listed in the menus
DR1 = when print occurs, csv packet of printed data transmits to COM2
DS Send csv Data packet of last print
DR2 = when print occurs SOH (hex 01) byte transmits to COM1
DR Automatically send above or alert
DS requests csv data packet anytime
ET Set/reset X10 Test Resolution ET0 = Standard ; ET1 = X10 Mode
HKD = Dump Hotkey Settings
HK Hotkey settings
HK1 = read/set MODE Hotkey….HK5 = read/set UP Hotkey
I1/2 Enquire state of ac Input 1/ 2
LH Request TAN number
ME followed by up to 8 chr - places message on lower display
ME Put message on lower display
ME only clears message
NT0-99 sets 'tare code' - NT0 is used for simple keyboard tare
NT Preset Tare Code No - NT1-99 are used for memory tare stores
FT Preset Tare Value stored FTxxxxx - sets tare value for currently selected tare code (0-99)
FV Preset Tare Value set FT0 - cancels the preset tare but leaves stored tare value unchanged
FV - reports tare value currently SET (whilst FT would report value currently stored)
TY1 Reset sub total (no print) for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
TZ1 Reset grand total (no print) for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
TA1 Print sub total for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
TB1 Print & clears sub total for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
UU1 Print Total of ALL Sub totals
UA1 Print grand total for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
UB1 Print & clears grand total for current product code. Use TR99 (product code 99) to reset all
UV1 Print Total of ALL Sub totals
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Serial Communications Error Codes
OK Command accepted
?? Unacceptable parameter or unspecified failure to carry out command or parameter entry
?1 Flash chip error
?A Calibration weight value above Max or below Max/8 (Max/16 if non-trade)
?B Below Min Weight – Print Mode Only
?C Command not permitted under current access level or Calm time in operation – Print Mode Only
?D Start of calibration deadload acquisition or Flash not enabled
?E Column mode not allowed in weighbridge – Print Mode Only
?F Attempted span calibration without prior deadload aquire (trade only)/Fault during printing
?G Weight Negative – Print Mode Only
?H Loadcell signal too high
?I Invalid parameter
?J Jogging – Print Mode Only
?L Loadcell signal too low
?M Signal in motion
?N Unrecognised Command
?O Product code error - Print Mode Only
?P Unload Scale – Print prohibited or Power up
?S Start of calibration span acquisition or Semi-auto tare not allowed in weighbridge mode – Print
Mode Only
?U Uncalibrated
?W Luci busy
?X Failed to re-zero because outside limits/due to motion
?Y Weight outside zero acquisition
?Z Failed to re-zero because outside limits
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Serial Interface Weight Data Format
The default output from the serial interface is shown below. It is output each time the weight display is
updated (default is 300ms), and expects no response. Continuous output may be turned off (Sing1). In this
case, the string is requested with the Serial WT command.
There are various options to its format, as shown shaded - these are selected using the parameters in the
SErIAL menu. If multi-drop mode is selected (see below), output is not automatic, the weight data must
be requested (‘Address’ + WT command).
Default = a (06)
Prefix 0-4 Hexadecimal Control Characters
set via serial control characters
Status 1 Stability
S = Stable M = Motion
Status 2 Mode
G = Gross, N = Net,
T = Tare Weight,
P = Axle Weighing
Status 3 according to SM Setpoint Mode
Setd 1 2 4 5 6
B Bulk Z Near Zero
D Dribble L/F Low/Fail
E Discharge H/F High/Fail
S Waiting Start P Pass
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Alternative Weight Output String (Gross/Net Mode)
If an SG1 command is sent to System 2X via the serial port (STRING =1), the following alternative weight
data format is available. SG0 forces back to default mode described above.
Default = a (06)
Status 4 Print Message Status
Z Centre Zero
H Weight > Max
L Weight Underrange
P Print Completed
M Weight in Motion or N – see notes
G Weight Negative and not allowed
B Net Weight < Min. load & disabled
R Weight Valid for Print
Gross Weight Data 6 ASCII Digits
(Leading zeros blanked, Embedded Decimal Point
not allowed)
In Part Count Mode = Net Part Count at full
Blank in Normal Mode. LSD in x10 Mode
3. Status Notes
· Status characters are in priority order (‘M’ ‘motion’ will over rule a ‘P’ ‘print complete’ if both are valid).
· ‘M’ ‘weight not stable’, becomes ‘N’ if a print command is given but pending ‘no motion’.
· Bit 7 (ascii character + 80h) set if negative weight in NET mode. Bit 5 (ascii character + 20h) set if
negative weight in GROSS mode (‘Z’ can never be negative GROSS).
· ‘R’ indicates Stable for print.
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10.2 Multi-drop Operation
General Considerations
A MASTER can speak to several SYSTEM 2X’s over an RS485 network (all data must now be requested).
· Maximum 31 SLAVES (SYSTEM 2X) and only one MASTER.
· SLAVES configured with addresses hex 01 - FF (From version 6217) - not 0A or 0D
· Networks may be designated as either 2 or 4 wire systems.
· Connections to be twisted pair and ‘daisy-chained’ (not 'star' connected).
· 2 Network ends to be specified and terminated (R1‘snipped’ on all other SYSTEM 2X - Preferably install
terminators in cable plugs at network ends and snip ALL R1s).
· SLAVES (SYSTEM 2X) will always ‘listen’ unless spoken to (no unsolicited messages).
· SLAVES will default to ‘listen’ within 1 character time of requested response.
· Time-out on all operations to default 'SLAVES listen' mode is normally 1 second.
· All communication packets commence with 'Address' and terminate with CR (or CR, LF). If function
demands a response with an indeterminate delay; MASTER must poll for it.
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Various Hardware diagnostic tools and Software diagnostic messages are built into the core System 2X - this
provides a useful “on-site” tool for eliminating possible causes of problems when the Indicator is integrated
into a system.
When selected the lower display will show the status of the inputs - if the input 1 is “not made” and
input 2 is “made” the lower display will show.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AC Inputs DC Inputs
1-2 1-4
(P16) (1&2 = P8)
(3&4 = P9)
The Status indicators will change in real time as Input status is changed.
When using this feature the operator must take due care to ensure that any ancillary equipment connected
will not operate in an unsafe manner when outputs are pulsed.
Press the MODE key to select this option, the lower display will show .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Status indicators will change in real time as Output status is changed.
Any of the outputs can be selected by repeat pressing of the ¥ key. The Selected output will be indicated by
the flashing lower segment. The current selected output can be “set” to “on” by pressing the £ key. The
staus indicator for the selected output will change to ;. It can be turned “off” by setting the ¢ key. One or
more of the outputs can be set to turn “on” or “off”.
To exit the test the MODE key must be selected - all outputs will turn off.
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Testing the Serial Communications *** Level 1 Access ***
The printer port and the Serial port and as a consequence connecting cables can be simply tested as follows
- The test is simply completed by removing the interface cable from host computer/ printer /and linking the
TX and RX lines together
tESt tSt1(2) ~ Testing of Printer port Com1 & Serial Port Com2
When selected data A-Z is transmitted out of the Printer port in an endless loop. The lower display echoes
the returned signal. Linking signals TX & RX at the baseboard will indicate if the problem lies with the
system 2X or is external. If data is not received back the lower display will just show 0000000. The test
can be abandoned by selecting the ESC key.
The following tests are recorded for completeness - their main use is for manufacturing tests.
Raw communications data from system 2X baseboard is output to comms - closely resembles SG1 format.
A special test harness is fitted to the I/O connectors to automatically check I/O ports. A check on the
watchdog timer circuit is also performed. The I/O tests as described above are much more useful for testing
hardware on site.
Two configuration reports can be generated via the printer port – for record keeping purposes.
TIP - Set printer port baud rate to 0 to transmit reports via the comms port (COM2)
Set to 1 to “dump” all product codes and related values to printer port, i.e. ST1A, ST1B, ST2A, ST2B
Set to 1 to send configuration information to printer. – This information is displayed by menu e.g. the USER
menu displays as follows.
---- This record will provide useful information for technical queries and allow
CODE = 1 easier re-installation and configuration
Runn = 26
U_Date= 010198
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11.3 Display Error Messages
20 % Cannot reset because outside ± 10% (or ± 2%, dependent on condition) zero settings
4 % limits.
If at power on, adjust weight or press ZERO to reselect previous Zero setting
Abort? Do you wish to abort this calibration, forgetting all alterations?
ENTER or ¥ to confirm else back to calibrate.
ACCESS Displays ACCESS LEVEL achieved on entry to MENU (n = 0-3).
Level n
bUSY Processor is busy (please wait).
nEgative Print/store inhibited - Print disallowed when weight is negative.
not CAL Not yet calibrated - perform a calibration
noPASS Access denied; enter password or operate internal button (if authorised).
Out-Tol Print Inhibited as weight is out of set tolerance band.
PASS . Enter Password (or press MODE, ESC or ENTER to skip) . indicates current digit
PrInt Printing in progress.
PuSh bUt Press CAL pushbutton (or press MODE, ESC or ENTER to skip).
SUrE? Do you wish to accept this calibration? ESC or ¥ if so, else back to calibrate.
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12.1 Technical
12.2 Features
Ian Fellows Ltd or your trade representative will be pleased to discuss your requirements and tailor a solution to suit
your weighing needs.
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12.3 Dimensions
Standard System 2X
Flanged System 2X
12.4 Approvals
System 2X is approved in accordance with the Council Directive 90/384/EEC as amended on Non Automatic
Weighing Instruments to European Standard on Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments
EN45501: 1992 as: an indicator tested as part of a weighing instrument for class III and IIII where the max
no of verification scale divisions will be n £ 10 000 (class III) or n £ 1000 (class IIII).
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APPENDIX – Reference Tables
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Hotkey Function Table
Assign - hotkey
Hot Key Function & Assign Menu Prompt Code Notes
DELAY (0.5s) before next function delay 10
PASS code protect Pass 6 Level 1 access code required to proceed through rest of hotkey sequence
RESET Access level to 0 Lev 0 7 Use at end of sequence to re-secure access
PAUSE - No weight display Pause 9 Turn off all outputs and inhibit functions (with or without weight display) until
pressed again
PAUSE - With weight display Pause 14
START filling mode Start 11
AUTOTARE & START filling mode At st 12
STOP (abort) filling mode Stop 13
PRODUCT CODE Code 21 Recalls stored setpoints, text descriptions etc for the code
SPT1 Spt1 22
SPT2/Dribble/Low/Tolerance see note 23 Prompt depends on mode egSpt2/drible/Louu/tol
SPT3/Target/High see note 24 Prompt depends on mode egSpt3/target/High
Lower Tare Limit for start L tare 25
Upper Tare Limit for start U tare 26
Inflight Inflt 27
Reverse Inflight Posinf 28
Print Tolerance Ptol 29
Jog Timer Jogt 30
Calm Timer Calnn 31 Access level 1 required, use PASS protection
Overfill Ofil 32
Batch Sample Sannp 33 Access level 1 required, use PASS protection
PRODUCT CODE Code 21 Recalls stored setpoints, text descriptions etc for the code
DATE (RTC) Date 36
Manual Date Entry U date 38 Prints as set, does not auto increment
Running Number see note 41 Prompt is as configured, default is Run no
Reset Running Number Clr rn 42 Resets to 0000001
Definable Code 1 (print format item I) see note 43 Prompt is as configured, default is code
Definable Code 2 (print format item J) see note 44 Prompt is as configured, default is Op no
Definable Code 3 (print format item K) see note 45 Prompt is as configured, default is Order
Definable Code 4 (print format item L) see note 46 Prompt is as configured, default is Batch
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Hotkey function table continued…
Stored Form Code F code 19
Number of Labels to Print Labels 97 These items are used in the construction of the print string only when Printer
Number of Sub Total Labels to print Slabel 98 TYPE 3 (Eltron/EPL2) mode is set
Reset Sub Total for Current Product Code Cl SUB 77
Reset Sub Total for ALL Product Codes C AL S 61
No Print is generated with these codes
Reset Grand Total for Current Product Code CL gnd 84
Reset Grand Total for ALL Product Codes C AL g 62
Print Sub Total for Current Product Code Sub p 78
Print Sub Total for Current Code & Clear sub Pc 79
Print Sub Total for ALL Product Codes S AL P 63
Print Sub Total for ALL Codes & Clear S ALPc 64
Print Total of ALL Sub totals Sunn S 67 Prints using sub total formatting
Print Grand Total for Current Product Code gnd p 85
Print Grand Total for Current Code & Clear gnd pc 86 If 'Force=1' forces sub (code 79) first
Print Grand Total for ALL Product Codes g AL P 65
Print Grand Total for ALL Codes & Clear g ALPc 66 If 'Force=1' forces sub (code 64) first
Print Total of ALL Grand totals Sunn G 72 Prints using grand total formatting
Display Sub Total Gross Gros s 80 (not applicable in weighbridge mode)
Display Sub Total Net Net s 81
Display Sub Total No No s 82
Display Sub Total Count Cnt s 83 (not applicable in weighbridge mode)
Display Grand Total Gross Gros g 87 (not applicable in weighbridge mode)
Display Grand Total Net Net g 88
Display Grand Total No No g 89
Display Grand Total Count Cnt g 90 (not applicable in weighbridge mode)
TIP Up to 9 functions can be set in a sequence. If a function fails due to motion, handshake etc., then the system usually proceeds to
the next function. - Use the Motion Time Out TOUT [MT] parameter if required. e.g setting 99 applies an infinite motion time out.
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Input Function Table
In_Out - Ipal 1 Ipal 2
Input Function Code
PAUSE - No weight display 9
Turn off all outputs and inhibit functions (with or without weight display) while Input is ON
PAUSE - With weight display 14
PAUSE Failsafe - No weight display 10
Turn off all outputs and inhibit functions (with or without weight display) while Input is OFF
PAUSE Failsafe - With weight display 15
Trigger MODE HOTKEY sequence 21
Trigger ESC HOTKEY sequence 22
Trigger LEFT arrow HOTKEY sequence 23 Permits an input to trigger a suitably programmed hotkey sequence.
Trigger DOWN arrow HOTKEY sequence 24 (Hotkeys can perform a sequence whereas inputs usually only handle a single event)
Trigger UP arrow HOTKEY sequence 25 Versions prior to 6217 used codes 63-67
START filling mode 11
AUTOTARE & START filling mode 12
STOP (abort) filling mode 13
Reset Running Number 42 Resets to 0000001
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Input function table continued…
Reset Sub Total for Current Product Code 77
Reset Sub Total for ALL Product Codes 61
No Print is generated by these codes
Reset Grand Total for Current Product Code 84
Reset Grand Total for ALL Product Codes 62
Print Sub Total for Current Product Code 78
Print Sub Total for Current Code & Clear 79
Print Sub Total for ALL Product Codes 63
Print Sub Total for ALL Codes & Clear 64
Print Total of ALL Sub totals 67 Prints using sub total formatting
Print Grand Total for Current Product Code 85
Print Grand Total for Current Code & Clear 86 If 'Force=1' forces sub (code 79) first
Print Grand Total for ALL Product Codes 65
Print Grand Total for ALL Codes & Clear 66 If 'Force=1' forces sub (code 64) first
Print Total of ALL Grand totals 72 Prints using grand total formatting
Display Sub Total Gross 80 (not in WB mode)
Display Sub Total Net 81
Display Sub Total No 82
Display Sub Total Count 83 (not in WB mode)
Display Grand Total Gross 87 (not in WB mode)
Display Grand Total Net 88
Display Grand Total No 89
Display Grand Total Count 90 (not in WB mode)
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Print Format Tables
Pr_For - For1A For1b For2A For2b
These tables provide the codes for items that can be incorporated into print formats.
Standard Printing
¶ = Spaces
= = Flash System 2X Only
* = Can be of variable length if l char in pr_for is set to 0
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Print Formats Continued
¶ = Spaces
= = Flash System 2X Only
* = Can be of variable length if l char in pr_for is set to 0
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Print Formats Continued
Sub-Total Printing
Grand-Total Printing
¶ = Spaces
= = Flash System 2X Only
* = Can be of variable length if l char in pr_for is set to 0
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From Weight Display Mode
See Section 3
Example: Prompts in batch_ alter according to the Setpoint Mode set in the in_out Menu
Menu:- User__ Mode Setd Setd Setd Setd
User Menu Parameter 01 00/02 03/07 04/05/06
ECHO 1 EE Echo Mode Setpoint 1
1=echo on
Spt1 Spt1 Spt1 Spt1
1 Setpoint 2 DrIblE louu Spt2 Tol
Parameter Access Level Serial Command Brief Description
Setpoint 3 targET high Spt3 targET
Default setting
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PR_FOR totfor prdata p_ctrl
Print Format Menu Format Menu Editable Items Menu Printer Control Characters Menu
CODE 1 TR Select Product Code S COL 1 SH SUB Total – Enable Column Mode D P 1 1 VA1 Item 1 Prompt I Control Characters (all 8 byte hex)
01-99 1 DW SUB Header A 1 VA2 Item 2 Prompt J
1 PRH Print Format ‘Help’ SHeaDA D P 2
Help sHEADB 1 DX SUB Header B D P 3 1 VA3 Item 3 Prompt K Standard Printing
Fcode 1 EH Form Code –
Sfor a 1 TF SUB Format A D P 4 1 VA4 Item 4 Prompt L 1 JA Control Character String
Eltron Printer Only Cs1a
1 UF SUB Format B 1 VA5 Item 1 Header A Print Format E
ST1a 1 SA Print String 1A Sfor b D T 1A
1 UR SUB Number Of CR Before Print 1 VA6 Item 1 Header B Cs1b 1 JB Control Character String
ST1b 1 SB Print String 1b Sub cr D T 1B Print Format E
1 SC Print String 2A Sspc a 1 TS SUB Space Format A D T 2A 1 VA7 Item 2 Header A
St2a Cs2a 1 KA Control Character String
1 SD Print String 2b Sspc b 1 US SUB Space Format B D T 2B 1 VA8 Item 2 Header B Print Format F
St2b 1 KB
1 HW 1=Print “header” Shspca 1 QY SUB Packing Spaces D T 3A 1 VA9 Item 3 Header A Cs2b Control Character String
Hdstat Format A Print Format F
0=“header” Off D T 3B 1 VAA Item 3 Header B
1 TH Enable Column Mode Shspcb 1 QZ SUB Packing Spaces Ctrlha 1 HU Pre-print Control Character
Col D T 4A 1 VAB Item 4 Header A
Format B 1 HV Pre-print Control Character
ÄWB 1 TC SUB CR Format A D T 4B 1 VAC Item 4 Header B Ctrlhb
1 WP Change width of print
Scr a Ctrl1a 1 HP Pre-header Control Character
UUidth 1 UC SUB CR Format B Run p 1 RNP Run Number Prompt
0-99 (default = 22) Scr b Ctrl1b 1 HR Pre-header Control Character
1 N/A SUB Test Print RUN T1 1 RNT Run Number Print Header 1
for1 a 1 PF Format A S test Ctrl2a 1 HM Pre-data Control Character
1 EJ SUB Number Of Labels – Eltron RUN T2 1 RNT Run Number Print Header 2
FoR1 b 1 QF Format B Slabel Ctrl2b 1 HS Pre-data Control Character
printer Only
1st cr 1 YR Leading Carriage Returns – Print 1 1 HQ After Print Control Character
G COL 1 GH GRAND Total – Enable Column Ctrlfa
Spc1 a 1 PS Spaces Format A Mode 1 HT After Print Control Character
1 QS Spaces Format B 1 DY GRAND Header A
Spc1 b gHEADA Totals Printing
1 QU Packing Spaces A gHEADB 1 DZ GRAND Header B 1 QG Totals Pre-print
Hspc1a Totha
1 QV Packing Spaces B Gfor a 1 BI GRAND Format A Control Character
Hspc1b 1 QH
1 PC CR Format A 1 BJ GRAND Format B Tothb Totals Pre-print
Cr1 a Gfor b Control Character
1 QC CR Format B grndcr 1 WR GRAND Number Of CR Before
Cr1 b Print Tot1a 1 QI Totals Pre-header
Test 1 N/A Test Print 1 Control Character
Gspca 1 BG GRAND Space Format A
Print 2 – Weighbridge Tot1b 1 QJ Totals Pre-header
Gspcb 1 BH GRAND Space Format B Control Character
For2 a 1 YF 2nd Print Format A
Ghspca 1 BM GRAND Packing Spaces 1 QK Totals Pre-data
1 ZF 2nd Print Format B Format A
FOR2 b Control Character
2nd cr 1 ZR Leading Carriage Returns – Print 2 Ghspcb 1 BN GRAND Packing Spaces 1 QL Totals Pre-data
Format B
1 YS 2nd Print Spaces Format A Control Character
Spc2 a 1 BK GRAND CR Format A 1 QM Totals After Print
Spc2 b 1 ZS 2nd Print Spaces Format B Gcr a TotFa
1 BL GRAND CR Format B Control Character
Hspc2a 1 QW 2nd Print Packing Spaces Format A Gcr b 1 QN Totals After Print
1 QX 2nd Print Packing Spaces Format B G test 1 N/A GRAND Test Print totFb
Hspc2b Control Character
Glabel 1 EK GRAND Number Of labels – Eltron
Cr2 a 1 YC 2nd Print CR Format A
Printer Only
Cr2 b 1 ZC 2nd Print CR Format B 1 UL 1= Forces SUB Before GRAND
Test2 1 N/A Test Print 2 print & clear (Functions 86 & 66)
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pr_cfg serial assign in_out
Printer Configuration Menu Serial Set-up Menu Keyboard Button Assignment Menu Configuration Control I/O Menu
Baud 1 PV Printer Baud Rate BAUD 1 EV Baud Rate 1 HK1 Choose Hotkey Setd 1 SM Setpoint Mode
00=dump via serial 01=1200
4800 - Allocate Functions To Keys 1 N/A Test Inputs. Display Input Status
01=1200 02=2400 HK5 See Appendix For Allocation Table Ip tst
02=2400 04=4800 Op tst 1 N/A Test Outputs
HELP 1 HKH Print Out Hotkey Allocation Table
04=4800 09=9600 Ipal 1 1 IA, Allocate AC Input 1.
09=9600 or 19200 V5
or 19200 1 GP Parity Ipal 2 1 IA, Allocate AC Input 2
PRTY 1=disable
1 PP Printer Parity 00=none
00 01=odd PRINT 1 KP Print Key Disable
Help IPAL Help
01=odd 02=even S TARE 1 KT Semi Auto Tare Key Disable
Opal 1 OA Allocate Outputs.
02=even 1 EG Data Bits 1 KF Preset Tare Key Disable
DATA P TARE relay 1 n/a Output 3 Operation
1 PD Data Bits 7=7 data bits
07=7 data bits
8 8=8 data bits ZERO 1 KZ Zero Key Disable (2X6.01J Þ Only)
TEST 1 KE Test Key Disable 1 IC Auto In-flight
08=8 data bits
HELP 1 N/A Serial Help Ainf
1 N/A Print Configuration Help LD Lower Display Assign 1=auto comparator enable
Help CRLF 1 EL Line Feed Mode L DISP 1 BF Calm Timer
1 PL Printer LF Mode 1=CR+LF HELP LDH Print Out Lower Display Allocation Calm
1 0=CR only Table 0-9.9 seconds
1 MI Lower Display MSD Dsch 1 DM Discharge Status
1=CR+LF 1 EE Echo Mode NNSD
ECHO 0=enable 1=discharge mode
1 PH Printer Handshake 1=echo (not in multi-drop mode)
1 1=disable Dspr 1 PB Discharge On Print
1 HC Control Character Prefix 1=enable
01=ready high CTRL
ww xx yy zz(hex) 1 SV Batch Sample
02=ready low 00 00 00 00 Samp
Runs Full Batch Program On
Eold 1 PY Printer EOL Delay 1 ED No DP In Weight Data
NODP Every nnth Batch
0-9.9 seconds 0=embedded dp
0 0-99
Print – Conditions 1 EC Append Checksum 1 TW Restricts Target/Setpoint 3 value
1 MW Print Below Minimum Weight CHSU Top t
Nnin 1=16 bit CRC checksum 0=no restriction
1=allow print < minimum 0
1 NP Negative Print NOST 1 SE No Status Information
Negp 0=embedded
1=allow print if –ve 0
chge 1 FC Print On Weight Change 1 EO Data On Request
0=weight must got to 0 or –ve to SING
enable 0
1 PU 0=conditional print STRING 1 SG See Serial Communications.
1=conditional print – weight 0
change not required
NET 1 EM Multi-drop Mode
2=unconditional print – level 2 only
0 off
Tolp 1 TL Print In Tolerance 0 1=Addresing mode RS485
1=only print if tolerance criteria
0 met
2=Addressing mode Rs232
ADDR 1 AE Multi-drop Address
Post 1 PO Positive Tolerance Hex 01-FF (from 6217)
1=allow print only if weight is in 61
0 positive tolerance setting DELAY 1 N/A Multi-drop Transmit/Receive
1 BF Calming Timer Delay 0-99ms
Calnn 0
0-9.9 seconds
PDATA 1 DR Print Data After Successful Print
settle time for batch mode
Se ? 1 M5 Print On Weight Change 0 1=print data to serial
1=set minimum weight value to 5e
2=SOH (hex1) to serial
Auto 1 AP Auto Print Mode
1=print on stable weight
Live 1 AN Animal Weighing
1=enable auto filter on PRINT
Type 1 PI Printer Quick Select
0=Generic D510
0 1=Epson LX300
3=Eltron LP2402
4=Epson TM-295/Star SP298
5=Citizen IDP562
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bridge dump config engcfg
Weighbridge Menu Dump 2X Configuration Menu User Configuration Menu Engineering Configuration Menu
Only If Option Available And Selected OnlyThe
Dump If Option Available
Following And Selected
Information To The Unit 2 UN Units (For Printing) Cert 2 EX Trade Mode
00=none 01=Kg 0=non certified
1 WI 1ST Weight Ticket Identity
Str 1d Printer Port – To Initiate Set To 1 02=lb 03=g Ponz 2 EP Power On Non Zero
Reg no 1 WV Vehicle Registration Number 1 D1 Dump All Product Codes And 04=gm 05=t 1=no zero power up
1 WD Print Out All Used Store Identities
Prod 06=N 07=Mv
Id prt Related Items Pdel 2 EY Display Test At Power On
1 WC Clear All Used Store Identities 1 D4 Dump All Important Settings 08=Cn 09=Cv 0=disable
Id clr setup 1 AF Filter Coefficient
1 LC Weighbridge Conversion Factor Afil Fzer 1 CZ Restore Original Zero
ConFac 1=acquire/opt 2 LB Set Linearity Breakpoint
0.00001-9.99999 Linb
1.00000 Filt 2 FB Filter Band Setting
00-08 Lins 2 LS Shift Linearity
01=light 0=down
08=stiff 1=up
1 DF Digital Filter Coefficient Unpo 2 EU Unipolar/Bipolar
Filtc 1=adc unipolar
01-FF (FF is lightest)
2 FK Fastrack Setting Elog 1 LO Dump Error Log
Fast 2 VR ADC Initial Reference Offset
0=Off (uniform filter) Vref
1=On (Filter fast tracks on motion) †/-
Unfz 2 UZ Unfreeze
A in 2 AI ADC Initial Input Offset
0=Display locks onto stable weight
1=No Weight Freeze †/-
Mbnd 2 MB Motion Band Sensitivity Fact 2 MF mV Display Calibration Factor
0-F †
Tout 1 MT Motion Time Out
Cfrg 2 CG ADC Configuration Constant
00-98 seconds
99=no timeout *
Updt 1 UD Display Update Rate 2 DD ADC Deadload Offset
Update Update Rate(s) */-
01 =0.1
Calf 2 CF ADC Calibration Factor
03 =0.3
(HEX value)
04 =0.4 *
05 =0.5 2 IZ First Zero Value
06 =0.6
Non Trade Only */-
Update Update Rate(s) Zoff 2 ZE Zero Offset
07 =0.7 /-
08 =0.8 2 MX A/D Change Factor
09 =0.9 Chgf
Adc 1 XA Dump ADC Configuration
10 =1,0
1 P1 Maximum/Minimum Mode Calb 1 RW Restore Calibration
1=enable n/a LH Traceable Access Number
Tan no
Dflt 1 DE Default Set-up 3 NS Serial Number
2 1=force defaults S no
3 L no 2 VN Luci Number
2 NE Running Number Disable P no 2 VX Version Number
Rn d
1=entry disabled 2 PE Level 2 (Cal) Password
Pont 1 TV Previous Tare Enable 1 XC Full Parameter Dump
1=after power up Pdnp
Nen 0 XR Dump Memory Image
Zset 1 ZM Auto Zero Set
1=cancel tare on stable negative Anen 1 EA Enable Analog Output
weight 2 SU Set/Force Uncal
Zzpc 1 Z2 Initial Zero Set 1=not calibrated
0=± 10% Sco en 1 M0 Enable Scope
1=± 2% 1 WB Enable Bridge
1 ZT Zero Track Enable
Trac * Auto selected in Calibration
Spas 2 VP Supervisor Password † CAL switch must be pressed as value entered
/- Negative entry capability
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analog count_ calibn test__
Analog Output Set-up Menu Parts Count Menu Calibration Menu Test Mode Menu
Only If Option Available And Selected Code 1 TR Select Product Code Disp 2 DI/ Countby/D.P Position TST 1 1 N/A Loop Test COM1 Send
01 to 98 DP A……..Z (top) receive on lower
Err 1 GE Error Action
1 PT Part Weight Value 2 TO Top (Maximum Capacity) display
0=max on error Part Top
1=min on error (Normal weight range) 2 FB Filter Band Setting TST 2 1 N/A Loop Test COM2
1 CN Count Mode
2 GC Current Mode Cnt 00-08 Loop 2 N/A Loop Test Of All I/O
4 20 00=off 01=light
0=0-10V 2 N/A Loop Test Of All I/O
1=4-20mA 01-99 sample size 08=stiff IO TST
1 VF Conversion Factor K TST 1 N/A Keyboard And Display Test
2 GT Net Tracking Fact Fast 2 FK Fastrack Setting
Net X 0.1000 – 10.0000 0=reactive
0=o/p is gross
1=o/p is net 1=stable
2 GN Weigh Out Mode Dead 2 CD Calibrate Deadload
Negn 0-40mV L/C signal
1=increasing output with
decreasing weight Calat 2 N/A Calibration Weight Value
2 GZ Zero Offset Factor 12.5 – 100% of Top
2 YZ Zero Trim Cal 2 CW Calibrate Span
Zadj e>1mV, sig<45mV
r and o step zero offset
2 CA Set Full Output At (Calat) Other Test 2 N/A Test/Trim Span (Linearity)
Cala Enabled with p when weight
Than top (i.e. maximum)
(default = calat value) displayed – non trade mode only
2 GG span 2 MC Span Calibration
Gain Gain factor
Enter value in units of mV/V
Gadj 2 YG Gain Trim Eg 0.001mV = 0.001 - non trade
r and o step zero factor mode only
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Baseboard Location References:
1 2 3 4 5
37 41 45
21 22
25 26 28 29 49 51 54 56 59 62 64 68
31 32 36 40 44
10 18
19 23
46 45
48 50 53 55 61 63 67
16 60
35 57 58 65
39 43
9 11 13 15 17 20 24 27 30 33 34 38 42 47 52 60 66 69 70 71
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Reference Description PCB Reference 42 LUCI OUTPUT RELAY 1 CONNECTIONS P10
1 PROCESSOR IC12 (Closed/Normally Closed/Normally Open)
3 BATTERY BT1 44 RELAY 1 (Receive LED) D25
5 CAL SWITCH S1 46 RIBBON HEADER (Extended 952 boards) SK5
6 LUCI WATCHDOG LED D27 47 V25 OUTPUT 1 and 2 P12
8 INTERFACE TO V25 SK2 49 V25 OUTPUT 1 (Receive LED) D19
9 COM 1 (Printer Port) P1 50 V25 OUTPUT 2 IC O18
10 COM 1 (Receive LED) D34 51 V25 OUTPUT 2 (Receive LED) D20
11 COM 2 (RS232) CONNECTIONS P4 52 V25 OUTPUT 3 and 4 P13
12 COM 2 (Receive LED) D36 53 V25 OUTPUT 3 IC O20
13 COM 3 (Serial Port – Option) P6 54 V25 OUTPUT 3 (Receive LED) D22
14 COM 3 (Receive LED) D37 55 V25 OUTPUT 4 IC O19
15 COM 4 (Serial Port – Option) P7 56 V25 OUTPUT 4 (Receive LED) D21
16 COM (Receive LED) D38 57 V25 OUTPUT 1 and 2 VOLTAGE SELECT OP 1-2
18 COM2 RS422/485 (Receive LED) D35 59 LUCI3-Relay Option/V25 OUTPUT 6 JUMPER SELECT N/A
19 COM 2 422/485 JUMPER SELECT (Top RS485, N/A 60 V25 OUTPUT 5 and 6 P14
Bottom RS422) 61 V25 OUTPUT 5 IC O21
28 INPUT A IC O13 70 FUSE F1
30 AC INPUTS 1 and 2 P16
31 AC INPUT 1 IC O23 NOTE: -
The type of Relay fitted will determine whether the connections are Closed/Normally
Closed/Normally open – check baseboard to see which is fitted.
(Closed/Normally Closed/Normally Open)
Options can be: -
35 RELAY 3 RL5/6
· Metal Cased HE221C…~ 175V, 0.25A, 5VA Reed ~ Changeover Contact
36 RELAY 3 (Receive LED) D4
· Metal Cased HE261A…~ 240V, 1.5A, 50VA Reed ~ Single “make” - Contact
37 RELAY 3 IC O1
· Plastic Cased RY6100…~ 240V, 5A Conventional ~ Changeover Contact
(Closed/Normally Closed/Normally Open)
LEDs ‘Relay 1/ Relay 2/ Relay 3’ (D25/D18/D4) light when the corresponding relay operates.
39 RELAY 2 RL2/4
40 RELAY 2 (Receive LED) D18
41 RELAY 2 IC O26
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