Thiết kế web
Thiết kế web
Thiết kế web
Hanoi, 2023
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 3
2. Problem Statement ............................................................................... 4
3. Brainstorm and research ...................................................................... 5
4. Describe the design process .................................................................. 6
5. Use-case:................................................................................................ 9
6. System Design: .................................................................................... 11
7. Implementation and testing ................................................................. 12
8.Conclusion ............................................................................................ 35
9. Appendix ............................................................................................. 35
1. Introduction
In the dynamic and ever-expanding urban landscapes, cities are often characterized by their
diverse districts, each with a unique personality, culture, and a plethora of culinary and
leisure options. However, the sheer abundance of restaurants and hangout spots across
these districts can be both a blessing and a challenge for individuals seeking the perfect
place to dine or unwind. Navigating through the multitude of choices and discovering
hidden gems becomes a complex task, especially for newcomers or those looking to
explore areas beyond their familiar haunts.
Recognizing this need for guidance in the labyrinth of urban offerings, the idea of creating
a dedicated website to recommend the best restaurants and hangout places in each district
takes center stage. Such a platform aims to serve as a digital compass, providing users with
a curated guide to the city's diverse districts, highlighting the culinary delights and leisure
hotspots unique to each area.
Building this website not only simplifies the decision-making process but also adds a layer
of excitement and discovery to the exploration of the city. Locals can find new favorites in
their own districts, and visitors can venture beyond the well-trodden paths to discover the
city's hidden culinary and leisure treasures. The platform, by showcasing the diversity of
offerings across districts, becomes a bridge connecting people to the rich tapestry of
experiences that the city has to offer.
The goal of this topic is to develop a website that serves as a comprehensive and reliable
platform for recommending restaurants and places to hang out in different districts of a
city. The aim is to provide users with a convenient and user-friendly resource that assists
them in making informed decisions about where to dine and spend their leisure time. The
website's objective is to offer a curated selection of establishments, presenting their key
features, customer reviews, and relevant information to help users make choices that align
with their preferences and needs. By providing accurate and up-to-date recommendations,
the goal is to enhance users' experiences by directing them to high-quality dining and
leisure options within each district. Ultimately, the goal of this topic is to create a valuable
online resource that supports users in discovering and exploring the best restaurants and
hangout spots in the city, fostering a positive and enjoyable urban lifestyle.
2. Problem Statement
This project aims to address the challenges faced by those in search of the perfect coffee
hangout spot. Our goal is to create a comprehensive directory, or perhaps a dynamic
online platform, that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of individuals seeking
unique and fulfilling coffee chill-out experiences.
This project holds the potential to not only simplify coffee-shop exploration but also to
foster a vibrant community of coffee lovers, allowing them to connect, share their
experiences, and discover hidden gems across the city.
3. Brainstorm and research
3.2. Research process is gathering information about the technology, tools, and
frameworks required to build the system:
• PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is one of the popular programming languages in
the field of web development and is widely used in building dynamic websites
and web applications.
• Laravel is an open-source web application development framework built on the
PHP programming language.
4. Describe the design process
Figure 1 shows the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for a website. This diagram
includes the following entities:
• User: User can be anyone who wants to access the website
• Account: An account is an entity used to identify a user.
• Post: Post is an entity used so users can post articles including titles, categories,
comments, images, ...
• Admin: Manager is the entity used to track data
4.2. User Story
User Story:
• User - Find Places:
Users want to find places to eat or chill coffee so that I can discover new and interesting
Acceptance Criteria:
- The website should have a search feature where I can enter my location or preferred
- The search results should display a list of restaurants and coffee shops in the specified
- The search results should include information such as the name, address, ratings, and
reviews of each establishment.
- Clicking on a search result should provide more detailed information about the
establishment, including photos, menu, and contact details.
• Admin - Manage Posts:
Admin want to have the authority to manage posts on the website to maintain content
quality and remove inappropriate or spammy content.
Acceptance Criteria:
- The admin should have access to a post management interface that displays all the
posts on the website.
- The admin should be able to view post details, including the title, description, author,
and date created.
- The admin should have the ability to delete posts that violate the website's content
guidelines or are deemed inappropriate.
- The admin should be able to update post information if necessary, such as correcting
errors or modifying categories.
These user stories highlight the main functionalities desired by the target users (users
and admins) in the context of a website where people can find places to eat or chill coffee,
share their experiences, and where admins can manage user accounts and posts.
Implementation of these user stories would enhance the overall user experience, facilitate
information sharing, and help maintain the website's quality and security.
5. Use-case:
3 Update Post Allows administrators and user to edit information in the post.
5 Confirm post Administrators have the authority to moderate and control the content
shared by users.
6 Add category Managers have the capability to add new categories for users.
7 Log out User and managers can log out of the system.
5.3. Draw use-case diagrams
6. System Design:
Site map
Figure 3 shows the site map. This sitemap is divided into two main sections: Users and
• The user section includes the following:
- Login: Users can log in to the website using their name and password.
- Edit profile: Logged-in users possess the ability to modify their profiles
through the "Edit Profile" feature.
- View all posts: The homepage exhibits posts that the administrator has
reviewed, and users can peruse these articles.
- Create post: Users have the capability to generate posts and make
modifications to their own posts.
• The management section includes the following items:
- Login: Restaurant managers can log in to the admin page using username
and password.
- Post management: Admin can censor all posts, edit or delete posts
- User management: Management can create, update and delete users.
This sitemap offers a comprehensive outline of the website and its features. It serves
as a valuable resource for users seeking information about the website's functionality and
operation. Additionally, it aids restaurant managers in efficiently overseeing website-
related tasks.
• Create post
o Create route:
o Build a blade page to display necessary information so users can fill it
o Create controller in Home Controller
o Build a blade file so users can view and observe data about their
• Delete post
o Create route
o Create a blade file, because the DELETE function is placed inside the
view function to increase user convenience during use
• Update post
o Create route
o Create controller in HomeController
o Create a form so users can easily edit and see what they have filled
• Show blog post
o Create a view file so users can see the content of all posts that have
been posted by other users and approved by admin
• Read more
o Create a view so users can see article details compared to the preview
window outside the home page
• Create post.
o Build model, database
o Use html commands to create forms that contain attributes that users
can see and enter
o Access the web.php file to create a link to the controller so you can
control functions and retrieve user data and logic.
o Declare the file paths of the controllers that will be used in this file
• View post
o Create route
o In file Admin Controller
• Delete post
o Create route
• Update post
o Create route
o Create a controller to handle logic
o Create a blade file to help users easily see and edit content
Accept/reject post
7.2. Interface
Upon accessing the website, users will encounter the homepage interface, featuring a set
of tools located at the top of the page. The homepage serves as the central hub from
which users can navigate through different sections, access key information, and utilize
the available tools to interact with the website's diverse offerings.
In order to gain access to the website's features and personalized content, individuals are
required to go through the process of creating an account. This involves providing
necessary information such as a unique username, password, and possibly additional
details to establish a user profile. The account creation step not only ensures a secure and
personalized experience for users but also opens up avenues for them to engage with
various functionalities offered on the website. This intentional registration process
enhances both the security.
Upon successfully establishing an account, users will proceed to log in to the website,
gaining access to the platform's features that include the ability to view and create posts.
This login step is essential for users to engage with the content-sharing functionalities,
allowing them to not only explore existing posts but also contribute to the platform by
creating and sharing their own content.
After logging in, the user will be returned to the home screen
To share a post, users can initiate the process by clicking on the "Create post" button. Following this
action, an interface will appear, providing users with the necessary tools to compose and publish their
posts. This includes options such as crafting a title, adding a comment, specifying a location, and
attaching accompanying photos. The user-friendly interface is designed to facilitate a seamless and
interactive experience, allowing individuals to easily articulate their experiences and contribute engaging
content to the platform.
After creating a post and being approved by the admin, the user's post will appear
here and the user can also view other users' posts.
Upon selecting the "Read more" option, users will be seamlessly transitioned to a
dedicated page where they can delve into a more in-depth exploration of the
Administrators have the ability to access a comprehensive overview of all posts,
including detailed information about each individual post. This includes the option
to delete or edit posts, providing a robust content moderation mechanism.
Additionally, administrators possess the authority to either accept or reject posts,
enabling them to ensure that the content aligns with the platform's guidelines and
maintains a high standard of quality.
9. Appendix
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