Incident or Accident Reporting & Investigation
Incident or Accident Reporting & Investigation
Incident or Accident Reporting & Investigation
1.0 Purpose
1.1 To document steps that shall be taken for reporting, recording, investigating and
2.0 Scope This procedure applies to all incidents and accidents that may occur due to the
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 The SHEQ Manager has overall responsibility for the development and
3.2 HODs, HOSs, supervisors and all employees are responsible for the implementation
4.0 Definitions
4.11 Corrective Action - An action taken to eliminate the causes of an identified non-
Conformity to prevent its recurrence
4.12 INCIDENT - Undesired event that gives rise to an accident or had the potential to lead
to an accident.
4.14 Accident - Undesired incident giving rise to death, injury, ill health, damage or other
4.15 Near Miss -An incident/occurrence which under slightly different circumstances would
have resulted in an accident.
4.18 FAC -Any work-related accident with no loss of time but resulting in any cut, strain,
burn, bruise, inhalation irritation or abrasion which is attended by a First Aider.
4.19 MTC -Once off treatment or subsequent observation of minor injuries by a medical
report for work and perform his/her assigned duties, the following day/shift after
4.21 Serious Injury - An injury that results in the loss of fourteen (14) or more weekdays.
4.23 Property Damage - Any incident which involves no injury but results in
4.22 Environmental Damage - Any incident which results in the pollution and disturbance
4.23 Quality Incident -Any incident relating to a product, service, product being
4.24 In-Transit Injuries - Injuries incurred while travelling are considered work
Injur3ies when the travel is in the course of employment, on a known and authorized
4.25 Preventive Action -An action taken to eliminate causes of a potential non-
5.1 All incidents, including near misses, shall be timeously reported, investigated and closed-
5.2 Any deviation to the procedure shall be notified and authorized in accordance with the
6.1 All accidents and incidents must be reported immediately to the immediate supervisor
6.2 The accident scene must not be disturbed or altered by anyone until the scene has
attended by the SHEQ department. Accordingly, any further work at the point of accident
must be stopped until attended by the SHEQ department and operations declared safe to
resume after preliminary investigations and/or corrective action recommendations to
prevent recurrence.
6.3 All those involved in an incident shall truthfully document written accounts of such
incidents and submit to the SHEQ department immediately after the incident.
the process obstructing the course of appropriate corrective action development, shall be
7.1 Any employee, temporary worker, contractor and visitor who sustains an injury whilst at
7.2 Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs)shall be reported in accordance with the SB motor vehicle
Document Document Title: Effective Revision
Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
7.4 The responsible supervisor to whom the incident has been reported shall immediately
notify the HOD and appointed SHEQ personnel of the incident and ensure that the injured
is attended to immediately by the First Aider. The First Aider shall record, in a register,
details of the actions taken and the first aid equipment used.
HODs and HOSs shall ensure that the injured personnel are transported to the nearest
7.5 medical center immediately after First Aid treatment for technical assessment to prevent
7.6 The injured shall be accompanied to the medical center a SHEQ personnel for tracking
and monitoring progress relating to the injuries. All medical documents and accurate
7.7 After an accident, the HOD, HOS and supervisor shall ensure the following is observed:
Any work relating to the accident shall be stopped and picture evidence taken to
7.8.1 A preliminary investigation shall be conducted by the project team at the accident
7.8.2 The accident scene shall not be disturbed or tempered with until preliminary
investigations are done (except where there is immediate danger on human life,
7.8.3 Normal work operations shall resume only after the area has been declared safe
7.7.4 by the SO and after the corrective recommendations from investigation findings
7.8 The supervisor and SO shall also gather adequate information regarding the occurrence
7.8.1 Individual statements immediately after the incident from the involved, both
directly and indirectly, which are detailed, accurate and written in isolation of other
affected parties.
7.8.2 Written statements from the immediate supervisor, foreman, SO and all inferred
3. Incident description
5. General findings
6. Other observations
7. Pictorial evidence
7.9 HODs and HOSs shall ensure that a written preliminary incident notification report, which
shall be compiled by the SO, is submitted to the SM within twenty-four (24) hours from
7.10 If it is not reasonably practical to send the report within the time, a verbal report, while
waiting the sending of the written report, shall be made detailing the basic information.
7.11 Preliminary investigations shall determine the basic causes and actions to be taken to
address them.
7.13 For all LTI accidents, the SM shall complete a NSSA W.C.I.F.14 claim and submit to the
Document Document Title: Effective Revision
Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
local NSSA Workers Compensation offices within fourteen (14) days of accident
7.15 The SM shall immediately notify the MD of the Lost Time Injury level incidents going
7.16 Full accident and incident investigations shall be conducted within 3 days from the day
of incident occurrence.
7.17 Investigation teams shall be headed by the SM, HODs and HOSs who shall be
7.18 The incident classification or severity shall determine the investigation level of the
7.19 Investigation teams for the different incident classes shall comprise of, as a minimum:
7.19.2 FAC, MTC, ED, PD: HOD, supervisory and technical personnel, SO, SHEQ
7.19.4 Fatality: MD, General, SM, regulatory authorities; Production manager and SO.
Document Document Title: Effective Revision
Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
7.20 During the investigations the team shall identify among other things:
7.21 Accident investigation processes shall be thorough and determine the root causes of the
7.22 Investigation teams shall also recommend relevant preventive measures, including the
necessary policy changes and adjustments in operational procedures. In all cases the
implementation of recommendations shall be short term to long term with clearly set dates
7.23 HODs and HOSs shall ensure that all recommendations in the investigation reports are
implemented within the agreed time frames and shall review the implementation progress
7.24 All incident/accident reports for the LTI level going upwards, including major ED, PD and
7.25 All incidents shall be analyzed at least on a monthly basis where lagging indicators and
7.26 Incidents shall be classified accordingly under the following categories which may be re-
7.26.8 Fatality
7.27 All near miss incidents shall be reported to the supervisor and SO and recorded with full
7.28 Near misses shall be recorded using the preliminary notification template and
7.29 All significant near misses deemed as dangerous shall be investigated as required by
this procedure.
7.30 All LTI, Serious and Fatal accidents shall be reported to the MD and MR, by the SM,
and immediately notify the NSSA Inspectorate before any paper work is done.
7.31 Immediately after a serious or fatal accident, the responsible HOD and HOS shall
preserve the accident scene from tampering and ensure that all operations are stopped
until investigations are completed and written permission has been granted by NSSA
7.32 The SM shall circulate incidents to all departments for learning and the prevention of
repeat incidents from similar identified causative factors, through the implementation of
7.33 HODs and HOSs are responsible for the communication of incidents to all employees,
the publication of incident news flash on notice boards for awareness and the
7.34 HODs and HOSs shall also maintain incident communication and close-out records
which shall be auditable, including all departments from where the incident did not
Document Document Title: Effective Revision
Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
7.35 The Human Capital department is responsible for communicating with the affected
family members and makes the necessary arrangements for all injury and fatal incidents.
7.36 HODs and HOSs shall account for all the direct and indirect costs incurred due to
an accident, from the point of incident occurrence though to the final investigation and
7.37 HODs, HOSs and SHE personnel shall record associated costs on a standard incident
7.37.6Legal/contractual fines
7.38 The incident cost sheet shall be filled at all the stages and total cumulative accident costs
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Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
9 Records
Document Document Title: Effective Revision
Type Incident/aAccident Date: No.& Date
Procedure Reporting and JANUARY
Investigation 2024
1. Record Title