ESJVol23 2web
ESJVol23 2web
ESJVol23 2web
Informal Learning
Technology and Engineering bring STEM to Life!
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Join ITEEA's Elementary STEM Council
at ITEEA's 81st Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO
travel time and informal teachable moments
Laura J. Hummell, DTE
computer programming: algorithm for
mathematics exploration!
Megan Nickels, Sarah B. Bush, Bethany Fralish,
Karen Karp, Matthew S. Taylor, Samuel R. Bush,
and Jeff Karp
technikcamps: a technology education
program in Germany
Nils Bergs, Martin Fislake, Jana Siegel, and
Jens Zimmermann
STEM children’s rhymes:
STEM Little Boy Blue
Emily Yoshikawa Ruesch and
Scott R. Bartholomew
P.26 ARTICLE bringing STEM to life: essentials for elementary
incorporating engineering and renewable STEM education – informal learning
technologies into the K-5 classroom through opportunities
culturally relevant literature and design Thomas Roberts
Lisa B. Bosman, Kelli L. Chelberg, and P.5 MESSAGE FROM THE CHILDREN’S COUNCIL
Greg J. Strimel PRESIDENT
passing the baton
Charlotte P. Holter
by Thomas Roberts
Editor-in-Chief, Kathleen B. de la Paz
Field Editors, Virginia R. Jones and Thomas Roberts
Editor/Layout, Kathie F. Cluff
Yvonne Spicer, DTE, President
Ed Reeve, DTE, Past President
Michael Sandell, DTE, President-Elect
Debra E. Shapiro, DTE, Director, Region I elcome back to The Elementary STEM Journal! This issue focuses on
Abbi Richcreek, Director, Region II
Kurt R. Helgeson, Director, Region III
informal learning experiences. We know there is not enough time or
Gary Stewardson, Director, Region IV resources to teach everything, let alone to teach it how we would like in
Mark Crenshaw, Director, ITEEA-CSL
Marie Hoepfl, Director, CTETE the traditional school day. Informal learning experiences can help supple-
Scott Greenhalgh, Director, TEECA
Charlotte Holter, Director, ITEEA-ESC ment students’ school experiences. Whether visiting a museum, having an after-school
Steven A. Barbato, DTE, Executive Director robotics club, facilitating a summer camp, or spontaneous learning in authentic situa-
Field Editors tions, informal learning has the ability to provide context to school learning, to extend
Volume 23
Virginia R. Jones: [email protected] and deepen engagement with school subjects, and to provide opportunity and access to
Patrick Henry Community College
Thomas Roberts: [email protected]
unique learning settings, materials, and content specialists (Roberts, et al., 2018). Infor-
Bowling Green State University mal learning environments are also a great and proven way to increase students’ interest
2018-2019 Editorial Review Board in STEM (Mohr-Schroeder, et al., 2014) and increase the likelihood that students pursue
SCOTT BARTHOLOMEW ROGER HILL STEM careers (Kitchen, et al., 2018).
Purdue University University of Georgia
Chase STEM Academy, OH Rockingham (VA) Schools
SCOTT BEVINS CATHRINE MAIORCA In this issue, with its focus on informal learning, we have a great range of resources that
University of VA at Wise Cal State Long Beach
you can implement in a variety of settings. Laura Hummell gives a number of activities
Lincoln Parish Schools, LA Woodbrook ES, NJ students can complete, all while traveling. These activities are great for family vacations,
Millersville University Liberty Christian Academy, VA field-trip bus rides, or as part of daily drives to and from work or between after-school
Pulaski ES, KY Plymouth ES, NH activities. Megan Nickels and team give a great introduction to coding with an emphasis
MIKE DAUGHERTY KURT MICHAEL on mathematics. The ideas in this article could be incorporated in a number of settings,
University of Arkansas Liberty University
WILLIAM HAVICE BRYANNE PETERSON but also help answer that age-old question students pose in the mathematics class-
Clemson University Virginia Tech
FREDA HICKS room: When will we ever use this in real life? Martin Fislake and colleagues give a great
STEM inColor
overview of technikcamps, a technology- and problem-solving-focused summer camp
ITEEA Elementary STEM Council Officers program in Germany. The article not only provides an international example of exciting
Charlotte P. Holter, President
Kimberly Bradshaw, President-Elect STEM happenings but provides great examples of quality technology activities that you
Laura Hummell, DTE, Past President
Lisa Moyer, Secretary could incorporate into summer camp activities. The final article provides a great intro-
Julie Sicks-Panus, Treasurer duction into using culturally relevant literature to engage students in renewable energy.
Mohamad Barbarji, Vice President - Communications
Thomas Roberts, Vice President - Programming In addition to these outstanding articles, I also want to highlight a new department you
The Elementary STEM Journal is published four will be seeing in the journal, Elementary Animators. This feature will provide ongoing tips
times a year (September, December, March, and
May) by the International Technology and Engineer- for incorporating animation at the elementary level.
ing Educators Association. Electronic subscriptions
are included in ITEEA Elementary STEM Council
dues and all group membership dues. Electronic While this journal seeks to provide elementary educators with a range of STEM resourc-
subscriptions to the journal are $30.00 per year.
Single copies of back issues are available for $8.00. es they can use, we also know you do great work every day. To recognize this work, we
Advertising Sales
feature a teacher in each issue. In this issue, Natalie Boe from Valley City, North Dakota
ITEEA Publication Department shares some of her favorite experiences teaching elementary STEM. Thank you for shar-
[email protected] ing your experiences with us, Natalie!
Subscription Claims
All subscription claims must be made within 60
days of the first day of the month appearing on the With the winter break fast approaching, I also want to remind you of the Grand De-
cover of the journal. sign Challenge. Announced earlier this fall, the Grand Design Challenge requires small
Address Changes
Go to the ITEEA website – Log in
groups to develop a better product or tool that can be used to give small children doses
and edit your profile. It’s that simple. of liquid medicine. More details, including all of the exciting prizes, can be found on page
Article Submissions 38. The deadline is December 31, 2018.
All contributions for review should be sent to:
Kathleen B. de la Paz, Editor in Chief, at:
[email protected]
See you at the conference in Kansas City!
Submission guidelines can be found at:
Thomas Roberts is a teacher educator and researcher at Bowling Green State
Contents copyright © 2018 by the International
Technology and Engineering Educators Association, University in Bowling Green, Ohio. He can be reached at [email protected].
baton by Charlotte P. Holter
t has been my pleasure to serve as Schools were trained in Chil-
President of the Elementary STEM dren’s Engineering/STEM practices.
Council (formerly the Children's The county-wide training reinforced
Council) for the past three years. My the philosophy that student learning is
term will end at the close of the annual mation about conferences enhanced with hands-on opportunities
ITEEA Conference in Kansas City, MO. I and special training held around where students are an integral part of the
have watched this organization become the country that enhance professional de- design process. We are glad to welcome
stronger and more resolute in promot- velopment in STEM teaching. Engineering Kim as our leader.
ing its goals, and I’m very proud to be byDesign™ curriculum is available, with
associated with ESC. My deepest ap- great opportunities for implementing de- Edward Everett Hale said “Coming to-
preciation is expressed to our wonderful sign thinking. This encapsulates what the gether is a beginning; keeping together
Council members who sincerely love this Elementary STEM Council has to offer. is progress; working together is success.”
profession and are united in making this We always welcome your ideas, requests, Let keep working together for the good of
“STEM” resource for elementary teachers and suggestions. I am very proud of the our children.
everywhere. accomplishments of the Elementary
STEM Council. On the journey,
As I reflect on this experience, I am Charlotte P. Holter
extremely pleased to have led the Council As we move forward, I encourage you
through many positive changes, includ- to plan to attend the 2019 conference in
ing embracing a name change that better Kansas City. There are great breakout Charlotte P. Holter,
defines our purpose and mission. Our sessions offered by teachers (including Ed.D., an elementary
quarterly journal’s name is reflective elementary) who are excited to share. teacher for 30+ years,
is currently a Gifted
of this name change also. As well, the This is also a great opportunity to net-
Education Special-
Council has worked to make our website work with others with similar interests.
ist for Rockingham
current, with pertinent information and A host of vendors showcase the newest
County, VA. She is
opportunities that benefit those teachers and latest things for you to take back to an adjunct professor
who are trying to improve their teaching. the classroom. The STEM Showcase is for James Madison
This fall members of our Council offered another great place to get awesome ideas University, Harrisonburg, VA and has been
a webinar specifically geared for Elemen- to take back to the classroom. extensively involved with elementary STEM/
tary and STEM teachers to learn about Children’s Engineering professional develop-
best practices that was presented at a Your president-elect, Kim Bradshaw, is ment for both preservice and inservice teachers.
convenient time for teachers to partici- the principal at Green Valley Elementary She has published elementary STEM Education
pate. Another webinar will be offered in School in Roanoke County, VA. Several materials for use in the classroom. Dr. Holter
the spring of 2019. Our website has infor- years ago teachers in Roanoke County can be reached at [email protected].
m hing
t Book Used:
Spires, A. (2014).
by Sharon A. Brusic
• Lots of assorted recyclables and reusable items such as
small containers (e.g., yogurt, applesauce), lids (e.g., laundry
soap, bottles), foam trays, cardboard tubes, broken toys
or random parts (e.g., bolts, nuts, springs), cereal or shoe
boxes, disposable cups, straws, fabric scraps, etc.
• A few simple tools (e.g., hole punch, scissors, hammer,
screwdriver, pencil sharpener, handsaw)
• Various paper scraps
• Crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils
• Paper clips (all sizes) All kinds of small containers make great starting points for children’s
• Brass paper fasteners design projects. Image credit: Pixabay (Creative Commons).
• String or yarn
A student made this playing card holder from a recycled microwave food This desk caddy was fabricated from recycled laundry soap cups, straws,
tray, pieces of cardboard, and construction paper scraps. Image credit: and rubber bands. No glue is required. Image credit: Author.
4. Conduct a brainstorming session with the children about questions such as: (1) Which solution is the heaviest? Light-
some simple problems they might have that can be solved est? (2) Which product uses the most recyclable materials?
by designing a new object or tool using mostly recyclable or The least?, and (3) Which object is the shortest? Tallest?
reusable materials. Write all of the ideas on the board or flip 8. After the activity, engage children in discussing the feelings
chart. Pose questions to get the children to consider many they experienced while designing and making; compare
different options. Once the list is finished, narrow down their feelings to the girl in the story.
the list to 1-3 problems that you want the children to focus
on for this design problem. Choose problems that suit the references
grade level and the materials and tools available. If needed,
use some of these as starting points for ideas: Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2018). Common core
• A device to keep pencils from falling off a desk. state standards. Retrieved from
• A special container to hold small treasures (e.g., coins, International Technology Education Association (ITEA/ITEEA).
shells, stones). (2007). Standards for technological literacy: Content for the
• Something for the teacher’s desk to store supplies like study of technology (3rd ed.). Reston, VA: Author.
paper clips and rubber bands. NGSS Lead States. (2013). Next generation science standards:
• A new type of game to play during recess. For states, by states. Achieve, Inc. on behalf of the twenty-
5. Explain that you want students to document their design six states and partners that collaborated on the NGSS.
process using lots of sketches. Either provide plain white Spires, A. (2014). The most magnificent thing. Tonawanda, NY:
paper to do this or have them document the process using a Kid Can Press Ltd.
simple design log. (See Design Log on page 9 and at www.
6. When all children have finished designing and making their Sharon A. Brusic is a professor in the Depart-
products, hold a “Magnificent Thing Expo.” Have children ment of Applied Engineering, Safety and Tech-
share their solutions and talk about how their objects’ nology at Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
shapes and designs help them to function and solve the She is also the coordinator for early childhood
problem. Where appropriate, emphasize how tools help education students’ minor in integrative STEM
people get things done by focusing on what tools children education methods. She can be contacted at
used to produce their objects. [email protected].
7. Reinforce the math standard by having children compare
objects that were designed to solve the same problem. Pose
materials to plan and
an d create your own
magnificent object or
Design Log
Draw two
Did you use at least three (3) recyclable or
the problem? tool that solves one of ideas for reusable materials?
the agreed-upon your design
Did you work hard even when it was
problems. in the
How can you make your design better?
Draw a picture in
the box. Show ___________________________________
what your final
design looks like.
Test your
design. Answer
questions on back.
Share your design
with others at the
Magnificent Thing Expo!
i n fal
o r m s
an d
l e m o m e n t
tea c h a b
Travel time is an excellent opportunity to get creative young STL Standard Used:
minds focused on positive, self-directed learning that makes the Standard 1. Students will develop an understanding of the
travel time and distance go that much faster than if they weren’t characteristics and scope of technology.
engaged. Individualized learning is a key component of informal Benchmarks: In order to comprehend the scope of technology,
learning, initially because there is flexibility in who is engaging in students should learn that:
the learning and when the learning occurs. Everyone must travel A. The natural world and human-made world are different.
somewhere eventually, and these travel times offer a multitude B. All people use tools and techniques to help them do things.
of chances for informal learning. C. Things that are found in nature differ from things that are
human-made in how they are produced and used.
There are a multitude of resources available that are adaptable
for where you and your students live and learn. Whether it is on As people travel from place to place, either on a bus, in a car, on
the coast, inland, in a desert, in the mountains, near a body of foot, on a bicycle, etc., it is important for everyone to be aware of
water, in a city, in the country, or wherever you live, there are the environment, weather, and surroundings. Always encourage
opportunities for the children you teach (or live with) to explore your students to actively observe the world around them.
their environments, understand the unique and amazing charac- • During their travel time to/from school and home or to/from
teristics of where they live, and appreciate their worlds. home and other activities for 3-5 days, have students do
regular eye-spy observations and describe what they see
One set of vetted, informal, educational resources is available daily.
through the educational materials website called SMILE. • Discuss the similarities and differences of what they saw.
SMILE was launched in 2010 by a group of science museums • Have them create a collage/chart with drawings, pho-
dedicated to bringing science, technology, engineering, and tographs, magazine/computer-printed pictures, words,
math (STEM) out of the academic cloister and into the wider sentences, or other items related to their daily observations.
c o m p u t e r
r o g r a m m i n g :
p lgorithm f o r m a t he matics e x p l o r a t i o n !
by Megan Nickels, Sarah B. Bush, Bethany Fralish,
Karen Karp, Matthew S. Taylor, Samuel R. Bush, and Jeff Karp
14 the elementary STEM journal December 2018 back to contents
Did you know that… Figure 1. Four programming challenges students completed.
• Many students decide the STEM
subjects are too challenging, boring, Challenge 1 Challenge 3
Let’s put four lines together to create a Let’s make a square with the “repeat”
and/or uninteresting before they
square. block, which uses fewer blocks.
enter eighth grade (PCAST, 2010)?
• Women, minorities, and other groups How many times should the “repeat”
block loop the blocks inside it to make it
remain vastly underrepresented as
a square?
STEM majors and in STEM careers
Challenge 2 Challenge 4
(Hill, Corbett, & Rose, 2010; PCAST,
Let’s create three squares, turning after Can you create a snowflake using the
2010)? each square. “repeat” block to make a square 10 times?
• Students who show interest in STEM
How many degrees will you need to turn How many degrees will you need to
disciplines by the eighth grade are up
before each new square? “turn” between each square?
to three times more likely to become
STEM majors in college (PCAST,
2010)? different stations and have the opportu- programming
We must respond to these STEM statis- nity to talk with real computer program-
tics! As stated in NCTM’s Principles to mers at the end of class! We used a
challenges: a closer look
Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success whole-group discussion, asking questions at the mathematics
for All (2014), we must “increase the num- such as How does a robot know how and
Programming Challenge 1 required stu-
ber of high school graduates, especially where to move? Do robots speak our lan-
dents to use their knowledge of geometry
those from traditionally underrepresented guage? and How can robots interpret our
content by focusing on the properties of
groups, who are interested in, and pre- language? in order to help students begin
squares—including the number of sides
pared for, STEM careers” (p. 3). to think like programmers and understand
and interior angle measures. In order
more precisely what is meant by the word
to precisely write code to successfully
In this article, the authors share how coding. At the first station, students part-
complete this challenge and represent the
students from a Southeastern urban city nered on a laptop to engage in Frozen®-
idea that squares have four equal sides,
were transported from their current life themed coding challenge puzzles found
students had to program their robot to
as fifth graders to a STEM career as a on a free website, (2017). At the
go the same distance when making each
computer programmer. We describe two second station, students completed the
of the four sides of the square. The robot
different programming stations, engaging programming challenges with a real robot
also must turn exactly 90° each time
students in the same four programming named Dash (Wonder Workshop, 2017;
when forming the square (representing
challenges presented in Blocky program-; Figure 2).
ming language. You do not need to imple-
ment both stations in your classroom
to meaningfully employ the computer
programming challenges we share—you
can use whichever one best aligns to your
available resources. The programming
challenges align primarily to fourth and
fifth grade content standards within the
Common Core State Standards (CCSSI,
2010) such as the algebraic ideas behind
patterns (4.OA.5), the relative size of mea-
surement units (4.MD.1), angle measure-
ment (4.MD.5.b), lines of symmetry (4.G.3),
and multiplication fluency (5.NBT.5).
h n i k c a m p s :
G e r m a n y
a t ion p rogram in
og y e d u c
a technol
passes the obstacles. The cup closes with After this, they are all familiar with the Nils Bergs is a
an awards ceremony where the children kit, the controllers, the sensors, and the technology and sports
get prizes and certificates for their perfor- software. So they all together think about educator student
mance (Fislake & Bogdol, 2004). which stations the conveyer should at the University of
include and create a weekly time sheet. Koblenz. He can be
the industry-camp Then the children are split into small reached at nilsbergs@
groups where they decide which group
The main task in the industry-camp is to builds which part of the conveyer, and the
build a conveyor to simulate an industry, work process can start. Martin Fislake,
like a production line with different manu- Ph.D., is senior lec-
facturing cells. The kids work in groups of In every group, everyone is an engineer turer in the technology
up to four attendees and have to build at now, and they can utilize their creativity education department
least one part of the conveyer. At the end and reinforce their capacity for teamwork at the University of
of the camp all cells will be combined and and their independence. Koblenz. He can be
put together into one large conveyer. reached at fislake@
After all groups finish their part of the pro-
To design and operate the cells in the duction line, they start putting the pieces
production line, they have to use fisch- together to create one big production line Jana Siegel is a
ertechnik© construction kits, including a and bring it to function. On the last day of technology and chem-
TX/TXT-controller and program it with the the camp, the presentation for the parents istry educator student
software RoboPro©. The participants get takes place. at the University of
a short introduction into the handling of Koblenz. She can be
the construction kit, the software, and the references reached at janasie-
composition of the controllers, motors, [email protected].
and sensors. Fislake, M. (2009). Kinder Technik Ferien
Camps in Rheinland-Pfalz. Bildung- Jens Zimmermann
Once the participants learn how to design sarbeit zwischen Markt und Mission. is a technology and
with the construction kit as well as how University Koblenz-Landau. biology educator stu-
to code using the software, they have to Fislake, M. & Bogdol, B. (2004). Das Ro- dent at the University
combine both. For that, they design a little bonauten-Camp. University Koblenz- of Koblenz. He can be
pinwheel and program it as a training Landau. Retrieved from https://subs. reached at jzimmer-
task. mann92@uni-koblenz.
ings67/GI-Proceedings.67-37.pdf de.
But first, there has to be an introduction Fislake, M. & Kohlhage S. (2012). Jahres-
to the topic. Some questions like “What is bericht Kinder Technik Ferien Camps
a production line or a conveyer?” “Where Saison 2011. University Koblenz-
do we have conveyers?” or “Which manu- Landau.
facturing cells are in a production line?” Karno, D. (2018). Bau einer Industries-
must be resolved. To clarify these ques- traße mit fischertechnik. University
tions, the mentors can use short film clips Koblenz-Landau.
or name some local companies.
TEM C h i l d
S by Emily Yoshikawa Ruesch
and Scott R. Bartholomew
t l e B o y B l u e
22 the elementary STEM journal December 2018 back to contents
This activity allows students to use a familiar children’s rhyme to
Little boy blue, come blow your horn,
learn and incorporate principles of integrative STEM. Students
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
practice recognizing words and identifying a problem (we want
But where's the boy who looks after the sheep?
the students to design something to help wake up Little Boy
He's under a haystack, fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I - for if I do, he’s sure to cry.
This activity is designed to take approximately 90 minutes. The
progression includes: reviewing the rhyme, completing a cut-out
and fill-in activity, and producing a STEM portfolio. Once the stu-
dents have worked through the portfolio, they will work to build Little Boy Blue lesson plan
a prototype of their solution. While prototyping, the students
should be given a space in the classroom to test and improve Level: Kindergarten
their designs. Duration: 1.5 hours
What is Little Boy Blue supposed to do to stop this from happen-
As a child prodigy, he received the nickname “Boy Bachelor” for
What happened to Little Boy Blue?
receiving his diploma from Oxford at the age of fifteen. He was
known for “blowing his own horn” in pride of his accomplish-
ments. identify the problem
We want to stop the animals from wandering. In order to do this,
In anti-Wolsey propaganda in 1529, King Henry VIII forced Wol-
we need to wake up Little Boy Blue. The students need to design
sey to forfeit his land and property to the crown. The lyrics to the
something that can help to wake up Little Boy Blue.
rhyme are said to be taunting him over losing his property and
no longer being able to blow his own horn.
The students will participate in a design challenge where they
have to design a way to help wake up Little Boy Blue. There will
be teacher sign-offs so that students work through the design
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
Teacher Initials________
Go look at the materials and then list three ideas that you
can make using the materials we have.
1. _____________________________________
Find the teacher and explain the drawing to them so they
2. _____________________________________ can take notes below.
3. _____________________________________
Teacher Initials________
On the worksheet, have the students list three things that they Emily Yoshikawa Ruesch is a Project Lead
could make to wake up Little Boy Blue. When they are finished the Way teacher at the Weber Innovation Center.
with this, have them get a teacher sign-off. She currently teaches digital electronics, engi-
neering design, and physics with technology.
Once the teacher has reviewed the three ideas, have the stu- She can be reached at [email protected].
dents go look at materials. Once they know what materials are
on the table, have the students list three things that they could
build to wake up Little Boy Blue.
Scott R. Bartholomew is an assistant
Have the students pick their favorite idea and do a more detailed professor of Engineering/Technology Teacher
drawing of it. Once the drawing is complete, have the students Education at Purdue University; West Lafayette,
find the teacher to explain their product. The teacher can then IN.
write down the product description.
He's under a ,
n g i n ee r i n
o r a t i n g e l a s s ro o m
inco r p t h e K -5 c
l o g i e s in t o
tech n o
a n t l i t e r a t u r e
a l l y r e l e v
cultur g n c h a l l e n g e s
des i and
by Lisa B. Bosman, Kelli L. Chelberg, and Greg J. Strimel
the project and provide experiences for nee Indian Tribe of Wis- A biomedical engineer could…
4. teacher professional
development workshops
Two different workshops were offered to Figure 5. Certificates awarded to students upon completion of the activities.
local K-5 teachers, one in December 2016
and the other in January 2017. The workshop was about three hours long, and teachers
Lisa B. Bosman,
received hands-on guidance towards using the curriculum. Six different schools were
Ph.D., is a post-
represented, with a total of 42 teacher participants with grade distribution as follows:
doctoral researcher in
K 1 2 3 4 5 Coordinator Preservice the Purdue Polytech-
2 0 3 11 10 13 2 1 nic Institute at Purdue
University and author
4.1 Standards Alignment to Next Generation Science Standards of the book Teaching
The teachers were shown how potential demonstration of student outcomes could the Entrepreneurial
occur through the implementation of curriculum in the classroom. Mindset to Engineers. She can be reached at
[email protected].
As an alternative to deploying the curriculum to the entire class, based on teacher feed-
back, some educators recommend using the curriculum (books, design challenges, and
worksheets) as a means of differentiated instruction. A second grade teacher noted, “I
have four students that are particularly creative and high achieving academically that
could benefit from working with this kit to challenge them in engineering and problem
solving.” A 5th grade teacher stated, “I plan to use this as a tool for my students who
excel and need differentiated instruction. They will first read the book, talk about it,
make the model, report about it, and show the class.” Lastly, another 5th grade teacher
mentioned, “I plan to use this resource for students who may not otherwise be engaged
normally to spark their interest in math and science concepts.”
s i c a l t h e r a p i
p h y
a s s i s t a n t s ,
P T and a i d e s
by Bryanne Peterson
he human bo e rtise in how the
se parts
mu sc le s , e xp
and over 650
ght-after skill. Quick Facts: Physical Therapists
co nnect is a sou 2017 Median Pay $86,850 per year
$41.76 per hour
Typical Entry-Level Education Doctoral or professional degree
Physical therapists, called PTs, are experts in the human body’s
Work Experience in a Related None
function and movement and use these skills to help people.
Their job revolves around promoting their patients' ability to
On-the-Job Training None
“move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability”
Number of Jobs, 2016 239,800
(APTA). With such an important job, they can’t do it alone; PTs
Job Outlook, 2016-26 28% (Much faster than average)
frequently have both assistants and aides to help them ensure
patients of all ages and backgrounds remain mobile and healthy. Employment Change, 2016-26 67,100
Due to the nature of their work, people who work in physical Quick Facts: Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides
therapy are frequently moving as they help care for patients. 2017 Median Pay $57,430 per year (Assistants)
However, the work physical therapy teams do varies by the $25,730 per year (Aides)
type of patient. Some PTs specialize in certain types of physical Typical Entry-Level Education Associate's degree (Assistants)
therapy—orthopedics or sports medicine, for example—while HS Diploma + on-the-job
others help all sorts of patients with a variety of issues such training (Aides)
as pain management or decreased mobility. This type of work Work Experience in a Related None
requires a strong knowledge of human anatomy and problem- Occupation
solving skills—that’s a physical therapists’ specialty. While all On-the-Job Training Certificate programs frequently
bodies are basically structured the same, what works for one available
patient will not necessarily be the right way for a second patient. Number of Jobs, 2016 140,300
Without being able to see inside the body, PT teams rely on Job Outlook, 2016-26 30% (Much faster than average)
observation and patient input to figure out the best way to treat
Employment Change, 2016-26 42,700
pain and mobility issues. They also receive data and input from
other members of a patient’s health-care team, consulting with
physicians and surgeons as well as their own assistants and references
aides to ensure the best outcome for their patients. Once they
have a plan for a patient, therapy begins. The PT or assistant Americal Physical Therapy Association (APTA). (2016).
would help patients do specific exercises or use special equip-
ment, and the aide may clean the equipment after helping book Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2018).
the next appointment. Fastest growing occupations.
With people living longer than ever before, this job market is ex- Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2018).
panding rapidly. Physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, Occupational outlook handbook: Physical therapists.
and physical therapy aides are each listed as one of the top
20 fastest growing occupations (BLS). Physical therapists are Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2018).
required to have a professional degree and earn over $85,000 Occupational outlook handbook: Physical therapist assis-
a year (BLS); 21 percent of PTs own their own practice, making tants and aides.
them entrepreneurs, as well (APTA). To be a physical therapy therapist-assistants-and-aides.htm
assistant, a two-year degree is required, and these individu-
als make over $55,000 a year, while an aide position typically
requires a high school diploma and on-the-job training making Bryanne Peterson, Ph.D., has a decade of
around $26,000 annually (BLS). People in this field typically have classroom experience and now works with edu-
a strong desire to help others and feel good about their work; cators to improve STEM education and career
physical therapists have even been ranked in Forbes’ "The Ten development in their classrooms. She can be
Happiest Jobs" (APTA). reached at [email protected].
An by Douglas Lecorchick, Victoria Anne Hoeveler, and Joyce Liang
Animation Adventureland
At the very last house on Anyhow Lane where an oak grew tall and the mailbox was painted by handprints, lived Mr. and Mrs. Ben-
nett with their daughter, Millie. For Millie’s whole life, ten years and three quarters to be exact, their family never changed much,
unlike the Johnsons down the road with their four sons and another on the way. The Bennetts enjoyed a perfectly content life, but
nevertheless Millie felt something missing and spent her every birthday wish on a little brother or sister. She almost gave up hope,
until last Thursday when they headed to the airport to meet a most special someone.
Millie waited at the baggage claim and searched through the crowds of people. The
day had finally come to meet her new little brother, Matias. He flew all the way from
the Dominican Republic to be with them, and Millie could hardly contain her excite-
ment. Soon, a boy with shaggy hair and rosy cheeks rushed out the gate.
Millie met him halfway and gave him the greatest of bear hugs. The two jumped with
glee and talked nonstop the whole way home. Matias even brought his pet gecko
named Pocket! At last, her family felt whole.
First thing, Millie gave him a tour of their home. They started from the basement and worked their way up, only stopping for a quick
snack in the kitchen, though Matias spent a particularly long time in his new room, rummaging through every nook and cranny.
Millie couldn’t imagine what his life was like before becoming her brother, but what she did know was that she would try her very
hardest to be the best big sister she could be.
“Why don’t we open that toy chest and play with your new toys?” Millie suggested. She had picked the toy chest from an antique
store only days before his arrival.
Matias didn’t have to be told twice and flung the lid open. He dug through the toys, sinking further and further and further…until fall-
ing in completely!
“Matias!” Millie jumped in head first after him. She fell down a long hole and landed in
a soft bed of grass. Butterflies fluttered around her head, and clouds puffier than cot-
ton candy floated across the sky. Matias shook dirt from his hair. Even Pocket let out a
squeak from the impact. “Are you okay?” Millie asked.
“Si,” he said.
“Hello there! We don’t get many guests around here.” A woman with a dazzling smile
greeted them. “My name is Miss Petunia. So nice to meet you.”
Miss Petunia dangled a key in front of them. “If you complete my twelve trials, then you most certainly can go home. Until then follow
And so it began…
Millie and Matias followed Miss Petunia until they reached a crystal clear lake, though the beach was completely empty! No towels
or umbrellas, not even some toys!
“For your first trial, you must complete what I like to call Staging,” Miss Petunia said.
“Wonderful question! Staging is when you place certain objects to fit a particular setting or idea. Now why don’t you two try Staging
the beach of this lake?”
Millie and Matias ran over to the far end of the sand where bins of decorations lined
the water's edge. Inside were props and toys of all kinds! The possibilities of what
they could use were endless.
“I’m going to use these towels. Why don’t you find an umbrella or some sand toys?”
Millie grabbed the first towels she found and ran back to Miss Petunia without check-
ing on Matias.
Millie laid the towels down perfectly next to each other. Though when she turned around she found that Matias grabbed the wrong
toys! He found toy trains and bears, though nothing to dig through the sand or build castles.
“I’m afraid that isn’t quite right. Why don’t you try one more time?” Miss Petunia pointed back to the decorations and props.
“That’s okay! We all make mistakes sometimes.” Millie gave him a smile of reassurance. “Look for plastic toys you find on the beach
this time.”
They dug through the bins until eventually finding the correct toys. Millie even found
a sun umbrella! Together, they rushed back to where Miss Petunia waited for them.
They placed the new toys by the water. Then Millie set up the umbrella over the
towels for shade. Matias and Millie waited for Miss Petunia as she looked over their
“Looks like a perfect day for a beach outing to me! I deem your first trail to be suc-
cessful!” Miss Petunia declared. “Now it’s time for your second trial.”
Millie and Matias jumped with excitement. They completed Staging and had fun while doing it!
See this desert? Why don’t you try Staging by drawing in features of what you think makes a believable desert scene? Hope to
see you for Matias and Millie’s second trial!
Dr. Douglas Lecorchick is STEM education Joyce Liang is an artist studying in the Mary-
enthusiast with a calling to facilitate collabora- land Institute College of Art and Schuler School
tion among professional educators. He can be of Fine Art in Baltimore, Maryland.
reached at [email protected].
m e e t
Natalie Boe
36 the elementary STEM journal December 2018 back to contents
he Elementary STEM Journal strives to not only share great ideas, but to also highlight
the great work happening in elementary STEM classrooms across the country and
around the world. Teacher Highlight will introduce readers to one extraordinary ele-
mentary STEM teacher in each issue. Each featured teacher is either an ITEEA Teacher
Excellence Award winner or is part of an ITEEA Program Excellence Award-winning program at
an elementary school. We congratulate them for the great work they do for their students and
thank them for being willing to share their experiences in The Elementary STEM Journal.
ur th gr ad e teacher at Was
Natalie Boe is
a fo She has
Val le y C it y, North Dakota.
chool in earned her
Elementary S os e to 30 years and
io n fo r cl om
been in educat tion in 2007 fr
gree in Te ch nology Educa
master's de
te University.
Valley City Sta
by Natalie Boe
The Global Design Challenge: elementary STEM students will work in small design teams to develop a better
product or tool that can be used to give small children doses of liquid medicine. Learn full details about the
Challenge at
The theme for Volume 23 (2018-19 school year) is: Bringing STEM to Life: Essentials for Elementary Education
with the following subthemes for upcoming individual issues:
23-3: Finding Balance Between Teaching, Learning, and, Application (March 2019)
23-4: Equity in Elementary STEM (May 2019)
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