ESJVol23 3web2
ESJVol23 3web2
ESJVol23 3web2
Finding Balance
Between Teaching,
Technology and Engineering bring STEM to Life!
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
The “Bobcat Binkys” team from Benton Hall Academy from Little Falls, NY took first place with
their innovative design. Their teacher, Tracy Young, mentored the students as part of an after-
school group. The team won a one-year I-STEM Education Group Membership, one free hotel
night in Kansas City for this year’s ITEEA conference, and a spot in ITEEA’s STEM Showcase.
Tracy Young will be sharing information about her winning design at the STEM Showcase from
4:00-5:30pm on Thursday, March 28 at ITEEA’s Conference in Kansas City, MO.
Earning second place in the Challenge was Plymouth Elementary School in Plymouth, NH. Student
Reese Querry and her teacher,
Julie Sicks-Panus, submitted an
outstanding design.
robotics in mathematics: engaging students
in perimeter
Tabetha Kelley, Megan Nickels, Sarah B. Bush,
Matthew S. Taylor, and Craig Cullen
streamlining differentation and integration:
exploring a new educator resource
Chris San Antonio-Tunis, Owen Berliner, and
Christine M, Cunningham
stories of design: using books to unpack the
engineering design process
Michelle Forsythe, Julie Jackson, and Danielle
Laura Hummell
by Virginia R. Jones
by Kimberly Bradshaw
alance is something that I think a grid in the hallway and di-
each of us strives to achieve rected robots using code to a des-
on a daily basis, especially ignated square on that grid. The smiles on
as educators. Each educa- the faces of the students and purposeful
tor is focused not only on how to help so focused on the content, collaboration was worth all of the time
students learn the content that we are differentiating it to maximize and the risk of trying something new.
teaching, but also striving to make sure learning for all students and ensuring that
that students can apply these concepts to the students have mastered that con- This edition of The Elementary STEM
daily situations. Sometimes we become tent, that we forget to have fun with our Journal is full of articles, lesson plans, and
students along strategies to help you find balance in your
the way. Finding classroom and school. We hope that you
that balance will find that “spark” to help you find joy in
often requires balancing all the facets of your interac-
our willingness tions with students.
to step outside
the box and try
something new.
As a building Bradshaw is the
administrator, I Principal of Green
am able to wit- Valley Elementary in
ness balance in Roanoke County, VA.
action on a daily She has been an el-
basis. Just a ementary educator for
few weeks ago 23 years, serving as
one of our fifth an elementary principal for the past ten years.
grade teach- Kim is a member of VASCD, ITEEA, ESC, CSL,
ers planned and serves on the Family Council for Coastal
a lesson with Carolina University. She holds a Masters of Edu-
her students cation in Administration and Supervision from
in which they the University of Virginia and a Bachelor of Sci-
solved math ence in Liberal Studies from Longwood College.
problems on Kim can be reached at [email protected].
e c
ic o go!
t Book Used:
Lawrence, E. (2016).
by Sharon A. Brusic
Keeping ice cream cold and solid for a long period of time is difficult.
Standards for Technological Literacy (ITEEA,
• Standard 9: • Hold exactly one scoop of ice cream, sherbet, or frozen ice
o Benchmark A: The engineering design process treat.
includes identifying a problem, looking for ideas, devel- • Be comfortable for a person to carry on a long walk.
oping solutions, and sharing solutions with others (p. • Be an aesthetically pleasing model that someone would be
100). proud to use.
• Standard 10: In addition, you must document your problem-solving process
o Benchmark A: Asking questions and making observa- and science understandings in a design journal.
tions helps a person to figure out how things work (p.
107). Materials:
o Benchmark E: The process of experimentation, which is • Assorted and clean recyclables such as small containers
common in science, can also be used to solve techno- (e.g., yogurt, applesauce), lids (e.g., jars, margarine), foam
logical problems (p. 108). trays, packaging foam, cardboard tubes, disposable cups,
fabric/felt scraps, plastic bags, etc.
design brief
Student Introduction
You and your friends want to enjoy a dish of ice cream at the
local park. You are worried that your ice cream will melt by the
time you walk there since you don’t have an appropriate cooler
to take along. How might you solve this “ice cream to go” prob-
lem using simple materials available in your home or school?
Design and make an appropriate and creative ice cream dish or
container that will keep your ice cream solid and cold for as long
as possible. Ponder what you learned about heat energy as you
solve this engineering problem.
Experiments with heat energy require students to use a thermometer to record temperature.
ro b o t i c s i n
a t h e m a t i c s :
eng a g i n g s
mt u dents in p e r i m e t e r
two perimeter tasks go past the end of the tape or would not would walk along the longer line seg-
reach the end. Students would revise their ments to come up with an estimate for a
Students used Wonder Workshop’s Dash thinking, edit their program, and “retry” line segment that was 80 cm. or 100 cm.
robot. It follows commands from the (Figure 2). As they moved throughout the long. They would then program Dash to
Blockly Software, which students ac- different races, they would ask each other move that distance. One participant used
cessed on tablets. The commands used in questions such as, How far do you think this strategy numerous times in order to
the Blockly language were "drive forward" this line is? and would make comparisons estimate the length of the sides. When the
and "turn 90°." Students were placed in with other races by saying, In the other line segment was shorter than his foot, he
groups of three to four. race the side length was 20 centimeters. would program Dash to travel less than
This one looks like 20 centimeters. Let’s 20 cm. We found it incredibility interest-
Task 1: Animal Races try that. ing that students used the length of their
The first task was designed to have stu- own feet as estimation tools and thought
dents use Dash to “run” a race. Students maybe this was because they used their
were to code Dash to move the shortest
distance possible around a rectangular
figure taped on the classroom floor (Fig-
ure 1). Students were given the following
prompt: Dash is interested in running a
race. He wants to run the race that is the
shortest. Which race should Dash run?
The races were assigned the following
animal names: Fox Race (50 cm. by 30
cm.), Elephant Race (80 cm. by 20 cm.),
Wolf Race (40 cm. by 40 cm.), Cheetah
Race (20 cm. by 40 cm.), Mouse Race (20
cm. by 30 cm.), and Tiger Race (60 cm. by
10 cm.). Following the prompt, students
worked to create programming code to
help Dash move (or “run”) around the
rectangle, which determined the perim- Figure 2. Coding Dash to run the Cheetah Race.
ESCape the ordinary and join ITEEA’s Elementary STEM Council! The Elementary STEM Council
(formerly ITEEA’s Children’s Council) offers resources, lessons, news, and more about programs in
elementary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics around the world.
f e r e n t a t i o a n d
dif integration
r r e s o u r c e
w e d uca t o
lo r i n g a n e
Chris San Antonio-Tunis, Owen Berliner, and Christine M. Cunningham
s o f d e s i g n :
using boo
orie s to unpa c k t h e e n ginee ring des i g n p ro c ess
life” (NAE, 2008, p.44). Problems present- further by also using books to reverse-en- of events with a framework that assists
ed in children’s stories can also be used gineer the processes by which engineers readers in developing their understanding
to launch engineering design challenges. solve problems. Like Hill-Cunningham, about the person-of-study and that indi-
For example, Standards for Technological Mott, and Hunt (2008), we view children’s vidual’s achievements” (Werderich, Farris,
Literacy: Content for the Study of Technol- literature as providing a “real life” applica- & McGinty, 2014, p.66).
Figure 1. EDP stages in Whoosh! Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions The EDP details a series of
iterative actions that guide
EDP Stage Summary of excerpt from Whoosh!
engineers as they investi-
Imagine Lonnie is inspired by a TV show to build a robot.
gate problems and con-
Create & Test He gets his robot to turn and move.
Ask Lonnie needs to make parts that kids can handle. with young children, we
Create & Test He builds a prototype and tests it out at a picnic. typically use the version of
the EDP developed by The
Communicate He fails to convince toy companies to make his water gun.
Museum of Science, Boston
Create & Test Lonnie keeps working on other projects.
as part of its Engineering is
Improve He makes a revised prototype with a new tank.
Elementary project (Cun-
Communicate A toy maker is impressed by his invention. The Super Soaker is born! ningham, 2009). This easy-
Ask Lonnie is still in his workshop solving problems! to-understand EDP model
Examples of
Although at first it might seem daunting picture book biographies, chapter biog- a review of a plan of action, the creation
to find an appropriate book to reverse- raphies, and other trade books that we and testing of a prototype, or a reason-
engineer the EDP, this journal as well as have used to unpack the EDP can be able, workable solution can also be used
other publications have compiled lists of found in Table 1. Picture book biographies to unpack the EDP. The trade book The
books that have been vetted by experi- include simplified text and informative Most Magnificent Thing weaves a story of
enced STEM educators. These resources illustrations that present a snapshot the frustration and eventual success that
offer reliable starting points to look for of the problem-solving process of an often accompanies the "create & test"
trade books that promote students’ STEM engineer or inventor. The picture book and "improve" phases of the EDP.
learning (Authors, in press). For example, biography Balloons Over Broadway: The
this journal has long formatted a column True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s In this article we have focused on using
called “Books to Briefs” that models how Parade reveals the many roadblocks and books to unpack the EDP. However, simi-
to use books to launch an engineering redesigns involved in making the famous lar literacy strategies can also be used to
design challenge. Many of these book Macy’s parade balloons. Chapter book explore engineering habits of mind, such
selections can also be used to explicitly biographies typically dig more deeply as systems thinking, creativity, optimism,
trace the EDP in action. Likewise, each into the life of an engineer or inventor, as collaboration, communication, and ethical
year the National Science Teachers Asso- each chapter often details a different key considerations (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder,
ciation (NSTA) reviews recently published moment, place, or problem in their lives. 2009). Teachers can pass out response
trade books and issues a list of the Best The chapter book Who Were the Wright sticks labeled with these habits of mind.
STEM Books K–12, which can be found at Brothers? explores how Orville and Wilbur Then, as the teacher reads the biogra- Wright applied their observations of birds phy or trade book aloud, students can
In addition, the NSTA journal Science and and their understanding of bicycles to raise the corresponding response stick
Children includes a “Teaching Through design the first successful flying machine whenever they notice a character in the
Trade Books” column that recommends (Buckley, 2014). Other fiction and nonfic- story using a specific engineering habit of
two STEM books per issue. Finally, the tion trade books that include a problem, mind. When this happens, the teacher can
Table 1. Picture book biographies, chapter biographies, and other trade books for unpacking the EDP.
n d o n
London Bridge is falling down, Bricks and mortar will not stay,
Falling down, falling down, Will not stay, will not stay,
London Bridge is falling down, Bricks and mortar will not stay,
My fair lady. My fair lady.
overview The meaning of the song is what it says. It addresses the stabil-
ity (or lack of stability) of the bridge. There are varying verses
This activity allows students to use a familiar children’s rhyme to following the first verse that many know by heart. The intermedi-
learn and incorporate principles of integrated STEM. Students ary verses all address suggestions (both realistic and fanciful) of
practice recognizing words and identifying a problem (we want how to fix the problem, along with reasons why those sugges-
the students to build a bridge that meets certain constraints). tions may fail.
This activity is designed to take approximately 90 minutes. The When the rhyme’s lyrics were first written, its popularity grew
progression includes: reviewing the rhyme, completing a cut-out immensely, especially in the UK and USA.
and fill-in activity, and producing a STEM portfolio. Once the stu-
dents have worked through the portfolio, they will work to build Source:
a prototype of their solution. While prototyping, the students will
use a span and a car in the classroom to test and improve their
designs. London Bridge lesson plan
materials Level: Kindergarten
Duration: 1.5 hours
• Span for bridge to go over (could be tables or blocks, one
foot apart) lesson objectives
• Hotwheels car
• Handouts (cut-out/fill-in activity, STEM design portfolio K.CCSSI_ELA.RR.1. With prompting and support, ask and an-
packet) swer questions about key details in a text.
• Building materials (e.g., construction/tissue/printer paper, K.CCSSI_ELA.RR.2. With prompting and support, identify the
cardboard, pipe cleaners, straws, toothpicks, Styrofoam, main topic and retell key details of a text.
tinfoil, etc.) K.CCSSI_ELA.RR.3. With prompting and support, describe
the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or
suggestions for adapting to older pieces of information in a text.
K.CCSSI_ELA.CC.2. Confirm understanding of a text read aloud
grades or information presented orally or through other media
• Require bridges to meet more constraints or carry higher by asking and answering questions about key details and
weights. requesting clarification if something is not understood.
• Require annotated drawing indicating where compression
or tension may be put onto a bridge. phase one
Gather the class together and go over “London Bridge is Falling
history Down” together. Use the cutout sheets to allow the students to
“London Bridge is Falling Down” is said to date back to the fill in the blanks.
middle ages, or perhaps beyond.
Once you have said the children’s rhyme together, hand out the
planning sheets and go over the key details of the rhyme.
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
Teacher Initials______
Go look at the materials and then list three ideas that you can
make using the materials we have.
1. _____________________________________
Find the teacher and explain the drawing to them so they can
take notes below.
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
Teacher Initials______
identify the problem on the table, have the students list three things that they could
use to build the bridge that meets those constraints.
We want to be able to build a bridge that won’t fall down. The
bridge needs to span one foot and needs to be able to support a Have the students pick their favorite idea and do a more detailed
hotwheels car. drawing of it. Once the drawing is complete, have the students
find the teacher to explain their product. The teacher can then
activity write down the description of their bridge.
The students will participate in a design challenge where they build, improve, and share
have to design a bridge that meets specific criteria. There will
be teacher sign offs so that students work through the design Have the students build from their drawn designs. Allow the
process. students to test the design using the span created and the
hotwheels car. As they see what works and what needs im-
On the worksheet, have the students list three different ideas provement, encourage them to go back and improve and make
that they could do to make a bridge. This could include rails, pil- further iterations on their design.
lars, a strong road, etc. When they are done with this, have them
get a teacher sign off. The students can then come together and, as a class, they can
explain their designs, share what they chose, and discuss im-
Once the teacher has looked at the three ideas, have the stu- provements or questions peers may have.
dents go look at materials. Once they know what materials are
My fair
a e r o s p a c g
en g i n e e r i n
tec h n i c i a n s
by Teena Coats and Bryanne Peterson
erospace eng
d space trave
in aviation an
Quick Facts: Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians
2017 Median Pay $67,240 per year
For many years, humans have dreamed of getting off the $32.33 per hour
ground to explore the sky and amongst the stars. Through- Typical Entry-Level Education Associate's degree
out history, there are reports of individuals making crafts Work Experience in a Related None
that allow them to float and glide through the air, such as Occupation
makeshift wings and balloons filled with hot air. It wasn’t until On-the-Job Training None
the 19th century that the designing of these flying machines Number of Jobs, 2016 12,100
really “took off.” The turn of the 20th century saw some of the Job Outlook, 2016-26 7% (As fast as average)
biggest advances in the study and development of getting Employment Change, 2016-26 800
humans off the ground and into the air (Rae, 1961). The sky
is not the limit for aerospace engineering technicians today
though; these individuals design, test, and build the aircraft and references
spaceships that allow humans to leave the ground and explore
new heights (BLS, 2018). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2018).
Occupational outlook handbook, aerospace engineering
Aerospace engineering technicians work to bring the engineer’s and operations technicians. Available at
vision to life by building, modeling, testing, calibrating, and architecture-and-engineering/aerospace-engineering-and-
recording data on aircraft systems. Technicians are also respon- operations-technicians.htm#tab-1
sible for designing and building the testing facilities to test the Rae, J. (1961). Science and engineering in the history of aviation.
products on the ground or in a computer simulation before they Technology and Culture, 2(4). 391-399. doi: 10.2307/3100894.
ever see airtime. To test the aircraft products, technicians may Reese, S. (2016). Aerospace technician. Techniques, 91(4), 56.
use a wind tunnel or other special equipment to understand how Retrieved from
the crafts will operate once they are no longer on the ground login?url=
(Reese, 2016). Technicians may also work in laboratories that as- 0?accountid=12725
semble missiles and other projects for the military. For some, like
those working on military projects, special security clearances
may be a part of the job (BLS, 2018). Teena Coats is currently pursuing her doctoral
degree in STEM education at NC State and is a
To pursue a career as an aerospace engineering technician, stu- graduate of the Integrative STEM Education MA
dents are encouraged to take science courses as well as practi- program at Virginia Tech. She can be reached at
cal skill courses such as those in career and technical education. [email protected].
A technician may specialize in one specific area, or they may be
a generalist, working across fields related to aerospace engi-
neering. People in these jobs can expect to make a difference
in the future of the world, especially as we work to turn science Bryanne Peterson, Ph.D., has a decade of
fiction into reality with cars that fly and space travel to other classroom experience and now works with edu-
planets. Aerospace technicians will serve a vital role in develop- cators to improve STEM education and career
ing the technology of tomorrow. development in their classrooms. She can be
reached at [email protected].
Animation Adventureland
Chapter 2 - Animation Principle of Squash and Stretch
Miss Petunia smiled, leading Matias, Millie, and Pocket to a little cabin just past the lake. The cabin was filled with balloons and
bouncing balls colored all the shades of the rainbow.
“Now children, time for your second trial of Squash and Stretch,” Miss Petunia said. She began to bounce a ball. “See how the ball
moves? It quite literally squashes and stretches as it bounces!” She handed Matias and Millie some chalk. “Now for your trial, I would
like to see you draw the same movement.”
Matias and Millie thought long and hard on how to draw the movement of the ball.
“It’s like gravity is pulling the ball down when it hits the ground!” Matias exclaimed.
“We have to show that the rubber is flexible, I suppose,” Millie remarked. “Maybe give me a try?” Millie asked and Matias handed her
some chalk.
Millie drew a series of four spheres. The first stood normally, the second stretched upwards into an oval shape, the third went back
to its normal standing position, and the fourth squashed into the ground. Millie threw her arms up in excitement and ran to Miss
Petunia to check her work.
Now you try! Can you draw what this piece of jello would look like if it was dropped from a fridge?
Miss Petunia kept Matias and Millie in the same room for the third trial. Although this time, she took out a box containing blocks.
“Arcs will be your third trial! Just as fun as the others,” Miss Petunia promised. She tossed the block back and forth. “See how the
block follows an arc like a rainbow?” Matias and Millie nodded in a agreement. “Now for this trial, I would like see how you draw the
arc of a moving object! Remember it has to follow a certain path,” Miss Petunia winked.
“We can draw a series of blocks like we did with the ball
in Squash and Stretch, don’t you think?” Millie said.
“Then why don’t you give it a try this time?” Millie en-
couraged Matias and passed him the chalk.
Matias began to add more blocks to the drawing as did Millie. Together, they drew them in a pattern, going up and then down. The
drawings created the shape of a semicircle when completed. At last they felt ready to tell Miss Petunia!
“Did we pass the third trial? We really feel like we did it right this time!” Matias said.
“Perfect! The blocks move in a near perfect arc. Can’t wait to see you both complete the fourth trial!” Miss Petunia laughed.
Student Activity
Now it’s time for you to try! Let’s see you draw the arc of a frisbee being tossed to a puppy!
by Brendajulissa Diaz
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More than just an outstanding educator and colleague, Laura was a shining star, full of
enthusiasm, who believed deeply in the possibility of success for every student and worked
tirelessly to make it happen.
ITEEA and Laura’s many colleagues would like to recognize her countless contributions to
the technology and engineering education profession and the association as well as to the
Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education, Technology and Engineering
Education Collegiate Association, Council for Supervision and Leadership, and the
Elementary STEM Council, including many years of helping to lovingly grow The
Elementary STEM Journal.
Laura was renowned for inspiring others. As part of a recent Elementary STEM Council
webinar, she shared a quote often attributed to W.B. Yeats and typical of her mindset:
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
We will miss your extraordinary contributions, but even more, your generosity of spirit and
your wonderful heart.
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