Tectonics & Sedimentation
Tectonics & Sedimentation
Tectonics & Sedimentation
The relationship was first emphasized more than a century back
Diastrophism creates the source as well as the sink for the sediments
Nature of interplate-contact, convergent, divergent or transform, further
determines the slope of the depositional surface
The balance determines largely deposition below and above sea level
and that, in turn, determines texture, structure and geometry of
sedimentary units
The places around the globe where sediments accumulate into stratigraphic
successions are collectively referred to as Sedimentary basins
Sedimentary basins are morpho-tectonic depressions accommodating
The major control on the formation of basins is plate tectonics and basins are
classified in relation to interplate and intraplate stress fields, responsible for
formation and evolution of the basin
Before the advent of plate tectonics, basins were considered in terms of
In the 19th century to explain the huge thickness of accumulations and
subsequent deformation of the strata in mountain belts some mechanism has
been inferred to produce basin and then deformed the strata
The large downfolds were termed Geosynclines and the upfolds were
A geosyncline was considered to be a site for sediment accumulation which
gradually sink, at least partly, under the weight of added material; eventually
leading to deformation, at least of the lower part, igneous intrusion and
Geosyncline scheme considered two kinds of basins viz., eugeosycline and
miogeosyncline and two kinds of sedimentary assemblages flysch and
Pre-plate tectonic classification of sediments:
o Preorogenic o Flysch
o Euxinic o Molasse
Though geosynclines are not all alike, they are initiated, filled and
commonly, though not always, deformed
Filling of different stages have different character
For strike-slip setting, basins may form either due to crustal extension
beacause of mechanical stretching and subsequent thermal subsidence
or due to tectonic loading (because of development of thrust belts in
areas of compression) depending on the local stress regime
Three other, relatively less important, mechanisms are
• Intracratonic Basins
• Oceanic Basins
• Pull-apart Basins
Deltas that form on the gentler flank are generally of mouth-bar type,
while those forming on the steeper flak are likely to be of Gilbert-type
In Maritime rifts, which are those flooded by the sea, coarse sediment is
deposited as fan deltas at the basin margins and distributed by wave, tide,
storm and gravity currents
Basaltic magma usually rises along the axis of the rift and oceanic crust begins to
When there is a thin strip of basaltic crust in between two halves of a rift system
the basin is called Proto-oceanic trough
Sediment supply comes from flanks of the trough which will be uplifted
Rivers will feed sediment to shelf areas
Connection to the open ocean may be intermittent and the areas of high
evaporation may periodically desiccate
Red sea is the only modern example of proto oceanic rift acting as a
narrow seaway between continental blocks
Rivers feeding the Red Sea from Arabian and African margins supply
clastic detritus and carbonate sedimentation occurs in warm waters
In the early stage of the basin formation when connection with the open
ocean was intermittent evaporation deposition was important
Basins in Intraplate Settings
Eventually, the plate boundary or the spreading ridge far seaward of the
basin, locking the basin into a relatively stable platform at the edge of
the rifted continent
The term passive is used as the opposite to the active margins between
oceans and continents where oceanic crust is being subducted
The continental crust is commonly thinned in this region and there may
be a zone of transitional crust before fully oceanic crust is encountered
Intracratonic basins are relatively large, commonly ovate downwarps that occur
within continental interiors away from plate margins
After rifting within the continental crust a change in thermal regime takes place
Continental crust extended and thinned brings hotter mantle material closer
After cessation of rifting geothermal gradient of the area reduced,
leading to cooling of the crust; as cold rocks are denser than hot rocks,
cool lithosphere sinks, resulting thermal subsidence and in turn produce
intracratonic basins
Intracratonic basins are typically broad but not very deep and the rate of
subsidence due to the cooling of the lithosphere is slow
As the basin grows in size new margins created along the spreading
ridges, older crust moves away from the hot mid-oceanic ridges
The depth of the basin increases away from the ridges (around 2500m)
to 4000-5000m where basaltic crust is old and cool
Sediment nature is similar to active ocean basin but lacks volcanic activities
Basins associated with Convergent Settings
At convergent setting two lithospheric plates converges towards each other
leading to the subduction of oceanic plates and ultimate collision and suturing of
continental plates, after total subduction of the oceanic plate
Different types of basins, related to either subduction of oceanic plate or
collision between two continental plates, can be produced within this setting
Basins developed under such setting can further be grouped according to the
nature of convergent margin
o Basins related to subduction
o Basins related to continental collision
Basins related to Subduction
In this setting, the downgoing ocean plate descends into the mantle
beneath the overriding plate (subduction) which may be a oceanic or
continental plate
The magmas generated rise to the surface through the overriding plate to
create a line of volcanoes, a volcanic arc
Arc-trench systems are the regions of plate convergence, yet there may be
local extension as well as compression in the upper plate
The amount of extension is governed by the relative rates of plate
convergence and subduction and this is in turn influenced by the angle
of subduction
However, not all backarc areas are under extension: some are ‘neutral’
and others are sites of the formation of a flexural basin due to thrust
movements at the margins of the arc massif (retroarc basins)
Ocean trenches are elongate, gently curving troughs that form where an oceanic
plate bends as it enters a subduction zone
Deepest (up to 11km, average depth is about twice of the average ocean bottom)
basins of the world
They are also narrow, sometimes as little as 5 km across, although they may be
thousands of kilometres long
Subduction occurs beneath either an oceanic lithosphere (Mariana type) or
continental lithosphere (Andean type)
Peru-Chile trench system is an ideal example
The sedimentary pile accumulated on the ocean crust and in the trench is not
necessarily subducted along the destructive boundary
The pile of sediment may be wholly or partially scarped off the downgoing plate
and accrete on the leading edge of the of the over-riding plate to form an
accretionary prism or complex
Small, flat-floored basins restricted within such accretionary prism and bounded
between thrust sheets are known as Trench-Slope Basin
These prisms or wedges are best developed where sediment thickness in the
trench is thick
Volcaniclastic debris is
likely to present in almost
all cases
Sunda trench of Sumatra Island
Intra-arc & Backarc Basins
Rifting occurs in the region of the volcanic arc where the crust is hotter
and weaker
Initially the arc itself rifts and splits into two parts, an active arc with
continued volcanism closer to the subduction zone and a remnant arc
The loading of the crust on the opposite side of the arc to the trench
results in flexure, and the formation of a basin
These basins are called ‘retroarc’ because of their position behind the
arc and the ‘foreland’ because the mechanism of formation is by
flexure of the loading edge of the continent in a similar way to peripheral
foreland basins
The continental
crust will be
close to sea
level at the time
the loading
commences so
most of the
occurs in
fluvial, coastal
and shallow
Main source of detritus is from the mountain belt and the volcanic arc
The Andes have been uplifted by crustal thickening and the intrusion of
magma associated with subduction of the Pacific Plate at Peru-Chile
Remnant Ocean Basins
These are sinking ocean basins flanked by at least one convergent margin
As a rifted continental margin approaches a subduction zone, coastal
promontories, resulted from hot spots, failed rifts and transform faults, collide
Diachronous orogenic uplift and erosion result
Adjacent remnant ocean basins thus become natural repositories of voluminous
sediments derived from the growing orogenic belts
Progressively increasing sedimentation rate leads to shallowing of the basin and
eventually lead to continental sedimentation (molasse stage)
Basins related to Continent Collision
Thrust faults form a thrust belt along the edges of the mountain chain
within which material is moved outwards, away from the centre of
orogenic belt
The thrust belt moves material on either side of the orogenic belt
Under this load the crust flexes to form a peripheral foreland basin
The width of the basin will depend on the amount of load and the
flexural rigidity of the foreland lithosphere
In the initial stages of foreland basin formation the collision will have
only proceeded to the extent of thickening the crust (which was formerly
thinned at a passive margin) up to ‘normal’ crustal thickness
Although this results in a load on the foreland and lithospheric flexure in the
orogenic belt itself will not be high above sea level at this stage and little detritus
will be supplied
Early foreland basin sediments will therefore occur in a deepwater basin, with
the rate of subsidence exceeding the rate of supply
When the orogenic belt is more mature and has built up a mountain chain there
is an increase in the rate of sediment supply to the foreland basin outpacing the
increased rate of subsidence
In foreland basins formed during the tertiary in Europe as part of the Alpine
orogeny, the early, turbidite-rich stage of sedimentation is referred to as the
‘flysch’ stage and later , shallow marine to continental deposits are referred to
as the ‘molasse’ stage
Foreland basin stratigraphy is often complicated by the deformation of the
earlier basin deposits by later thrusting
The basin will tend to become larger with time as more load is added, and the
later deformation at the margin will include some of the earlier basin deposits
Erosion and reworking of older basin strata into the younger deposits are
If a plate boundary is a straight line and the relative plate motion purely
parallel to that line there would be neither uplift nor basin formation
along strike-slip plate boundaries
However, such plate boundaries are not straight, the motion is not
purely parallel and they consist not of a single fault strand but of a
network of branching and overlapping individual faults
Strike-slip faults tend to curve, split into branches and are frequently
offset in an en echolen fashion. These complex patterns give rise to
localized extension and compression
o The curvature of a single fault strand results in bends that are either
restraining bends (locally compressive) or releasing bends (locally
extensional); releasing bends form elliptical zones of subsidence
These basins form due to collision of continents of varying shapes and sizes
Aulacogens are believed to form as the result of evolution of a rift triple junction
As plate separation proceeds, one of the arms of the triple junction becomes
inactive, and remains preserved in the continent as a failed rift or aulacogen
Successor basins