The document discusses sedimentary facies and basins. It can be summarized as:
1) Sedimentary basins are places where large-scale sedimentation occurs. The depth, shape and size of a basin are determined by tectonic movements within the Earth's lithosphere.
2) Sedimentary facies represent the characteristic sediment deposited in a particular depositional environment. Facies can be distinguished by lithology, fossils, sedimentary structures, and other features that indicate the depositional setting.
3) Walther's Law of Facies states that as depositional environments shift laterally over time, the sediment facies deposited will change in a predictable way, with deeper water facies over
The document discusses sedimentary facies and basins. It can be summarized as:
1) Sedimentary basins are places where large-scale sedimentation occurs. The depth, shape and size of a basin are determined by tectonic movements within the Earth's lithosphere.
2) Sedimentary facies represent the characteristic sediment deposited in a particular depositional environment. Facies can be distinguished by lithology, fossils, sedimentary structures, and other features that indicate the depositional setting.
3) Walther's Law of Facies states that as depositional environments shift laterally over time, the sediment facies deposited will change in a predictable way, with deeper water facies over
The document discusses sedimentary facies and basins. It can be summarized as:
1) Sedimentary basins are places where large-scale sedimentation occurs. The depth, shape and size of a basin are determined by tectonic movements within the Earth's lithosphere.
2) Sedimentary facies represent the characteristic sediment deposited in a particular depositional environment. Facies can be distinguished by lithology, fossils, sedimentary structures, and other features that indicate the depositional setting.
3) Walther's Law of Facies states that as depositional environments shift laterally over time, the sediment facies deposited will change in a predictable way, with deeper water facies over
The document discusses sedimentary facies and basins. It can be summarized as:
1) Sedimentary basins are places where large-scale sedimentation occurs. The depth, shape and size of a basin are determined by tectonic movements within the Earth's lithosphere.
2) Sedimentary facies represent the characteristic sediment deposited in a particular depositional environment. Facies can be distinguished by lithology, fossils, sedimentary structures, and other features that indicate the depositional setting.
3) Walther's Law of Facies states that as depositional environments shift laterally over time, the sediment facies deposited will change in a predictable way, with deeper water facies over
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Places where large-scale sedimentation takes place are called sedimentary
The amount of sediment that can be deposited in a basin depends on the depth of the basin, the so called accommodation space.
Depth, shape and size of a basin depend on tectonics, movements within the Earth's lithosphere.
Where the lithosphere moves upward (tectonic uplift), land eventually rises above sea level, so that and erosion removes material, and the area becomes a source for new sediment.
Where the lithosphere moves downward (tectonic subsidence), a basin forms and sedimentation can take place. When the lithosphere keeps subsiding, new accommodation space keeps being created. Sedimentary Facies Depositional environments in ancient sediments are recognised using a combination of sedimentary facies, facies associations, sedimentary structures and fossils, particularly trace fossil assemblages, as they indicate the environment in which they lived. The setting in which a sedimentary rock forms is called the sedimentary environment. Every environment has a characteristic combination of geologic processes and circumstances. The type of sediment that is deposited is not only dependent on the sediment that is transported to a place, but also on the environment itself. Sedimentary environments usually exist alongside each other in certain natural successions. Every sedimentary environment has its own characteristic deposits. The typical rock formed in a certain environment is called its sedimentary facies. When sedimentary strata accumulate through time, the environment can shift, forming a change in facies in the subsurface at one location. On the other hand, when a rock layer with a certain age is followed laterally, the lithology (the type of rock) and facies eventually change. [34]
Facies can be distinguished in a number of ways: the most common ways are by the lithology (for example: limestone, siltstone or sandstone) or by fossil content. Coral for example only lives in warm and shallow marine environments and fossils of coral are thus typical for shallow marine facies. Facies determined by lithology are called lithofacies; facies determined by fossils are biofacies. [35]
Sedimentary environments can shift their geographical positions through time.
Coastlines can shift in the direction of the sea when the sea level drops, when the surface rises due to tectonic forces in the Earth's crust or when a river forms a large delta. In the subsurface, such geographic shifts of sedimentary environments of the past are recorded in shifts in sedimentary facies.
This means that sedimentary facies can change either parallel or perpendicular to an imaginary layer of rock with a fixed age, a phenomenon described by Walther's facies rule. [36]
grain size, sorting, rounding lithology sedimentary structures bedding type Sedimentary Facies Fasies adalah bagian batuan sedimen dengan karakteristik khusus, terbentuk dalam suatu proses sedimentasi di sebuah lingkungan pengendapan tertentu. Fasies Tekstur, komposisi dan struktur sedimen yang dihasilkan dari akumulasi dan modifikasi dalam ligkungan tertentu.
The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
The physical features of a sedimentary environment include water depth and the velocity and persistence of currents. Chemical characteristics of an environment include the salinity (proportion of dissolved salts), acidity or basicity (pH), oxidation potential (Eh), pressure, and temperature. The biological characteristics are mainly the assemblage of fauna and flora that populate the setting.
These conditions, combined with the nature of the transporting agent and the source area, largely determine the properties of ... (100 of 18499 words) F A C I E S
Konsep - Fasies menunjuk sejumlah kerakter- unit sedimen, yang umumnya berukuran kecil ( skala cm m). Litologi, ukuran butir, struktur sedimen, warna, komposisi, kandungan biogenik.
Lithofacies (physical dan chemical characteristics. Biofacies (macrofossil content). Ichnofacies (trace fossils)
Fasies Sedimentasi. Endapan sedimen yang mempunyai ciriciri perbedaan yang sangat nyata , baik fisik, kimia atau pun biologi. Endapan berbutir kasar dari sebuah sedimen berbutir halus yang diendapkan dalam air yang lebih tenang. Fasies biasanya lebih mudah dikenali dari ukuran butir. A= Sandstone facies (beachenvironment) B = Shale facies (offshore marine environment) C = Limestone facies (far from sources of terrigenous input) F A C I E S Dalam skala besar, terlihat adanya suatu kombinasi, mencakup waktu dan ruang, membangun suatu susunan unsur unsur arsitektural sebuah lingkungan pengendapan tertentu. (contoh : lateral- acrcretion deposits, terbentuk dari sebuah unsur arsitektural dalam lingkungan sungai bermeander). F A C I E S PEMBENTUKAN FASIES SEDIMEN F A C I E S Penampang stratigrafi vertikal biasanya akan dibagi bagi menjadi beberapa seri yang berbeda, dengan tebal dan karakteristik masing2 . Aspek perbedan dari setiap pengukuran ini dinyatakan sebagai fasies.
Fasies mempunyai kecendrungan menjadi beberapa susunan, dimana setiap susunan memperlihatkan adanya suatu perubahan perkembangan yang mengarah keatas. Transgressive sequence Deeper water facies overlie shallow water facies. A deepening upward" sequence. Regressive sequence Shallow water facies overlie deeper water facies. A shallowing upward" sequence. Landward Migration of Shoreline = Regression (regression can either form due to 1) lower sea level or 2) shoreline building basinward [a.k.a. progradation]) Walther's Law of Facies. Hukum Fasies Walters (Dinamai pada Johannes Walther), bahwa fasies urutan vertikal menyatakan perubahan lingkungan secara lateral. Ini menunjukan bahwa bila lingkungan pengendapana bergerak secara lateral, sedimen dari sebuah lingkungan akan terletak diatas satu terhadap lainnya. F A C I E S Transgresi Laut (kenaikan muka laut) memperlihatkan pergeseran Fasies kearah Darat dan sebaliknya akibat regresi. Lapisan debu vulkanik (bentonites) membentuk time marker yang baik dan memungkinkan untuk dapat mengkorelasi antar fasies . Kenampakan perbedaan kecepatan evolusi dan perubahan dalam lingkungan (disebabkan karena transgresi) Brachiopoda berkembang lambat dan tetap tinggal dalam atau diatas Fasies Pasir. Sementara cephalopoda berkembang cepat dan memang mereka binatang perenang. Keduanya berubah dan tersebar luas sehingga merupakan indeks fosil yang sangat baik TRANSGRESSION = SEA LEVEL RISE REGRESSION = SEA LEVEL DROP
Turun-naik muka laut dapat diakibatkan oleh : Perubahan ukuran es penutup kutub, karena perubahan iklim.
Cairnya es penutup mengakibatkan muka air laut naik (transgresi ) sudah dihitung bahwa bila es di Antartic mencair akan mengakibatkan muka air laut naik 60 70 meter (200 feet).
Pertumbuhan es penutup kutub dapat mengakibatkan penurunan muka air laut (regresi) perhitungan menunjukan bahwa muka air laut pada masa Jaman Es Terkahir, 100 meter (300 feet) lebih rendah dari pada muka air laut sekarang. Sebagian besar dari Paparan Benua pada saat itu kering dan tersingkap.
Kecepatan pemekaran dasar samudara.... Pada masa permekaran lantai samudra dan kegiatan gunung berapi bawah laut, sistim punggung samudra tumbuh karena adanya lava baru yang menggantikan air laut menuju kearah pinggiran benua (transgresi).
Kecepatan peneggelaman atau daratan naik pada the 8000 - 10,000 tahun yang lalu sejak cairnya lapisan es terkahir di Amerika Utara, sebagain Kanada terangkat karena kenaikan isostatis sampai 300 meter. Characteristics of Sedimentary Facies Alluvial fans coarsening-upward with few small-scale sedimentary structures boulders often not well rounded (short transport distance) poorly sorted with abundant rock debris (also short transport) little soil and few fossils red sediment owing to oxidation of iron by the air (typical for non-marine sediments) lap up against mountain bedrock.
Stream deposits sandstones with conglomerate in channels cross bedding common sands often pink with Fe-oxides, can be well sorted interbedded with siltstone and claystone representing overbank deposits or pond- fillings soils may be present, particularly in fine-grained overbank or marsh deposits fossils in overbank deposits or at the bases of channels may have coal both fining-upward and coarsening-upward sequences due to stream channel migration Sand dunes well sorted sandstones large scale cross bedding (1 m or more high) discontinuous soils in blowouts, tracks and trails in low areas between dunes
Shoreline deposits fine-grained clay and mud rich in organic matter and root marks (back beach marsh) marsh sediments also have abundant fossils of brackish-water oysters and snails (low diversity), wood common, sometimes mud cracks channels filled with sand or silt,--red or pink if in freshwater, yellow or green in salt water beach is well sorted sand, few fossils, planar lamination Foreshore (Plunge zone in breakers): gravelly to coarse sand, cross-bedding and few burrows, yellow sand 7. offshore sandssandstone and siltstone, burrowed, high fossil diversity, cross-bedded or massive beds depending upon water depth,
Reef systems nearshore settings may be sandy (like the beaches above) or may consist of "lime mud" lagoonal lime mud with few types of fossils, lamninated beds, mud cracks, stromatolites, often gray or black with Fe-pyrite., sometimes chert reef composed of massive limestone with diverse fossils, no stratification commonly with lots of pore space, even caverns where carbonates have been dissolved away fore reefblocks of reef limestone in lime mud, massive layers, contorted bedding associated with slides or slumps Offshorefine grained lime mud with abundant fossils, massive bedding (often highly burrowed), sometimes chert Graded Bedding = Vertical Decrease of Sediment Size Turbidity Current = PROCESS Turbidite = RESPONSE Deep Sea fine grained carbonate/siliceous limestone or red clay massive bedding with abundant burrows few large fossils, but microfossils may be abundant chert nodules common gradual upward gradation from biogenic sediments to red clay Tectonic Settings Putting it all together
Mid Ocean Ridges Typical sequence: pillow basalts (perhaps mixed with some calcareous sediment) umbers (metal-rich sediments blown out of black smokers and hydrothermal vents) deep sea carbonates siliceous sediment or chert red clay with mn-nodules Reflects the gradual subsidence of the originally hot, buoyant ocean crust into deeper water where carbonates are dissolved
Ocean-Continent Volcanoclastics, lithic sandstone and greywacke in trench, accretionary wedge and fore-arc basins accretionary wedge may have other sediments scraped off the subducting platedeep sea limestone, chert have reef limestones interbedded with volcaniclastics.
Continent-Continent upward transition from deep marine sedimentary rocks (turbidites) to volcanic arc sediments to granitic/metamorphic-derived sediments as the collision zone is uplifted and successively deeper rocks are eroded thick continental sedimentsalluvial fans, stream deposits Continental interiors can have limestone, shale and coal reflecting flooding and re-emergence from "epicontinental seas
Passive margins sequence from continental sediments and salt (initial rifting) to reef carbonates and shallow marine clastics (early rift phase) to deep marine clastics and hemipelagic sediments (late stage of rift and passive margins
. TAMAT. SEMENTARA Sedimentology and Facies Characteristics of Sandstones The term facies refers to all of the characteristics of a particular rock unit. The characteristics of the rock unit come from the depositional environment. Every depositional environment puts its own distinctive imprint on the sediment, resulting in an almost unique facies. Thus, a facies is a distinct kind of rock for that area or environment. Each depositional environment grades laterally into other environments. We call this facies change when dealing with the sedimentary rock record. Sedimentary facies is defined as a unit of rock that is distinguished by its individual sedimentological character. Its individuality is a combination of all or some of the following characteristics such as sedimentary structures, fossil content, lithology, geometry and paleocurrent pattern (Reineck & Singh, 1980; Tucker, 1981; Selley, 2000). Sedimentary facies reflects the physical, chemical and biological conditions and processes of the depositional environment. Setiap lingkungan berkembang secara lateral kearah lingkungan lain; disebut sebagai perubahan fasies .(bila ini mengenai batuan.) Istilah fasies juga menyangkut semua karakteristik dari unit batuan tertentu. Karateristik sebuah unit batuan yang berasal dari suatu lingkungan pegendapan. A=Sandstone facies (beachenvironment) B = Shale facies (offshore marine environment) C = Limestone facies (far from sources of terrigenous input) Conglomerate & sandstone Channel sandstoen Clean sandstone shale coal limestone Alluvial fan Limestone rivers lagoon Barrier beach Shallow marine Swamp F A C I E S Fasies adalah sebuah unit batuan sedimen dengan karakteristik khusus, terbentuk dalam suatu proses sedimentasi di sebuah lingkungan pengendapan tertentu.
Konsep - Fasies menunjuk pada sejumlah kerakter- unit sedimen, yang umumnya berukuran kecil ( skala cm m). Litologi, ukuran butir, struktur sedimen, warna, komposisi, kandungan biogenik.
Lithofacies (physical dan chemical characteristics. Biofacies (macrofossil content). Ichnofacies (trace fossils)
F A C I E S Sedimentology and Facies Characteristics of Sandstones The term facies refers to all of the characteristics of a particular rock unit. The characteristics of the rock unit come from the depositional environment. Every depositional environment puts its own distinctive imprint on the sediment, resulting in an almost unique facies. Thus, a facies is a distinct kind of rock for that area or environment. Each depositional environment grades laterally into other environments. We call this facies change when dealing with the sedimentary rock record.
Sedimentary facies is defined as a unit of rock that is distinguished by its individual sedimentological character. Its individuality is a combination of all or some of the following characteristics such as sedimentary structures, fossil content, lithology, geometry and paleocurrent pattern (Reineck & Singh, 1980; Tucker, 1981; Selley, 2000). Sedimentary facies reflects the physical, chemical and biological conditions and processes of the depositional environment. Istilah fasies menunjuk kepada semua karakter batuan tertentu. Karakteristik unit batuan tersebut dibentuk dalam sebuah lingkungan pengendapan dan setiap lingkungan pengendapan akan meninggalkan jejak pada batuan sedimen yang terbentuk didalamnya, menghasilkan fasies yang unik. Setiap lingkungan pengendapan berubah secara lateral kearah lingkungan yang lain ; disebut sebagai perubahan fasies b( bila terkait dengan mengamatan batuan sedimen.).
Fasies Sedimen dinyatakan sebagai sebuah unit batuan yang dikenali dari individu karakter sedimen. FASIESDEFINISI DAN KETERKAITAN. Fasies sedimen : Batuan secara keseluruhan (tipe batuan) mencerminkan lingkungan pengendapan. contoh : Fasies Batupasir; Fasies batulempung, Fasies batugamping dan Fasies garam (salt). Aturan Umum: menjelaskan lingkungan pengendapan + fasies.
Catatan: dalam fasies batuan ubahan juga menggunakan konsep yang sama. F A C I E S
Istilah sedimentary Facies diterapkan pada batuansedimen dengan dasar interpretasi diskriptip ataupun interpretasi karakteristik .
Fasies diskriptip didasarkan pada ciri2 litologi seperti komposisi, ukruan besar butir, ciri perlapisan dan struktur..litofasies..,atau . biofacies (fossil) component (biofacies), .atau keduanya.
Individual Lithofacies atau biofasies perlapisan tunggal dengan ketebalan milimeter atau sesusun lapisan dengan tebal puluhan sampai ratusan meter.
Sebagai contoh, sebuah endapan sungai dapat terdiri dari conglomerate lithofcies interbed (lapisan berulang konglomerat ) dengan ketebalan desimeter. Atau ( pengisian Paleozoic basin) dapat dibagi menjadi unit2 dg ketebalan beberapa meter shelly Facies, yang mengandung fossil brachiopoda dan trilobits, dan graptolic facies. Terminolgi fasies juga dapat dipakai dalam pengertian interpretasi untuk sekumpulan batuan yang diduga telah terbentuk pada kondisi yang sama. Pemakaian ini menunjukan proses pengendapan yang spesifik, seperti, turbidite facies, atau sebuah lingkungan pengendapan tertentu seperti fasies karbonat paparan (shelf carbonate facies, mencangkup sebuah kisaran proses pengendapan.
Sekumpulan Fasies (biasanya lithofacies) yang umum diketemukan bersamaan dalam catatan sedimentasi diketahui sebagai Kumpulan Fasies (facise assemblages) atau association Facies. Pengelompokan ini dimaksudkan untuk pembatasan yang lebih luas, interpretative Facies, untuk tujuan paleogeographic reconstruction. Walther's Law of Facies. Hukum Fasies Walters (Dinamai pada Johannes Walther), bahwa fasies urutan vertikal menyatakan perubahan lingkungan secara lateral. Ini menunjukan bahwa bila lingkungan pengendapana bergerak secara lateral, sedimen dari sebuah lingkungan akan terletak diatas satu terhadap lainnya.
Contoh klasik dari hukum ini adalah urutan stratigrafi secara vertikal hasil transgresi dan regresi laut. Tetapi, hukum ini tidak dapat dipakai dimana kontak antara batuan berbeda, non-conformable ( i.e proses sedimentasi tidak menerus), atau perubahan lingkungan secara mendadak dimana non-adjacent environtment mengganti satu terhadap lainnya.
Facies and depositional environments Urutan Fasies /Facies succesions (Facies sequences) Adalah sekumpulan fasies dengan perubahan teratur kearah atas.
Asosiasi Fasies rangkuman beberapa fasies yang membentuk sebuah kombinasi, yang spesifik mewakili sebuah lingkungan pengendapan ( catatan: sangat sedikit sebuah fasies saja dikenali sebagai satu kejadian (seting) saja.
Hukum Walther (1894) Menyatakan bahwa bila dua buah fasies berbeda ditemukan bertumpuk satu terhadap lain dan tidak dipisahkan oleh sebuah ketidak selarasan, berarti telah terendapakan berurutan ditempat yang sama pada waktu berbarengan.
Analisa Fasies adalah interpretasi perlapisan dengan pengertian lingkungan pengendapan (atau sistim pengendapan), umumnya berdasarkan pada sebuah pengamatan yang luas.
Transgresi , kenaikan permukaan laut relatip terhadap daratan, menghasilkan offshore Facies diendapkan diatas nearshore facies.
Regresi, turunnya permukaan air laut relatip terhadap daratan, menhasilkan nearshore facies diendapkan diatas offshore afcies. Nearshore high-energy environment Offshore low-energy environments Sand facies Mud facies Fasies Sedimentasi. Endapan sedimen yang mempunyai ciriciri perbedaan yang sangat nyata , baik fisik, kimia atau pun biologi. Endapan berbutir kasar dari sebuah sedimen berbutir halus yang diendapkan dalam air yang lebih tenang. Fasies biasanya lebih mudah dikenali dari ukuran butir. A=Sandstone facies (beachenvironment) B = Shale facies (offshore marine environment) C = Limestone facies (far from sources of terrigenous input)
Carbonate facies Transport of sediment to shoreline Nearshore high-energy environment Offshore low-energy environments Sand facies Mud facies F A C I E S sedimentary depositional environment describes the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deposition of a particular type of sediment.
therefore, the rock types that will be formed after lithification, if the sediment is preserved in the rock record. A sedimentary facies is a group of characteristics which reflect a sedimentary environment different from those elsewhere in the same deposit. Thus, facies may change vertically through a sequence as a result of changing environments through time. Also, facies may change laterally through a deposit as a result of changing environments with distance at the same time.