Mesogenetic (Beyond The Influence of Surficial Processes) Karst Systems That Enhance Vertical Conductivity of Fluids

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interparticle pore network, and touching vugs that form

part of an interconnected pore system (Fig. 10.35b).

These three types have different porositypermeability
characteristics and are therefore distinct petrophysically.
Although depositional environment and grain types are
important in determining the primary porosity of a
carbonate sediment, the postdepositional evolution of
porosity is often the key element in the formation of car-
bonate reservoirs. Dissolution during burial of a car-
bonate sediment dominates the formation of secondary
porosity. Initially, secondary porosity is fabric-selective in
the so-called eogenetic zone. Later during burial, in the
mesogenetic (beyond the inuence of surcial processes)
and telogenetic (exhumation back to the region of surcial
processes) zones, porosity generation is generally not
fabric-selective. One of the most important processes
during diagenesis of carbonate rocks is dolomitization.
Dolomitization may result in cementation because of a
net import of CO
(Lucia and Major 1994), or if CO
locally sourced, may result in net production of porosity
(Moore 1989; Purser et al. 1994). Dissolution by ingress
of fresh meteoric water during periods of exposure is
perhaps the most important process enhancing porosity
during dolomitization.
Secondary porosity associated with breccias can result
from evaporite solution collapse, limestone solution col-
lapse, faulting, and soil formation (Blount and Moore
1969). For example, solution collapse breccias produced
during periods of inux of fresh meteoric waters at times
of subaerial emergence contribute signicantly to the
porosity of the Ordovician Ellenburger carbonate reser-
voir in Puckett eld, west Texas (Loucks and Anderson
1985). Major karstic dissolution associated with major
unconformities is responsible for a number of important
carbonate reservoirs, such as the Mississippian Northwest
Lisbon eld, Utah (Miller 1985) and the Permian Yates
eld, west Texas (Craig 1988). Intense fracturing com-
monly enhances porosity in carbonate rocks. A good
example is the Oligocene Asmari Limestone of Iran.
Despite a matrix porosity of just 9%, the reservoir pro-
duces up to 80,000 barrels of oil per day from a fractured
reservoir (McQuillan 1985).
The methodology of process stratigraphy (8.18.2)
facilitates an explanatory approach to the occurrence of
carbonate reservoirs. A number of common stratigraphic
contexts (Fig. 10.36) can be linked to the occurrence of
productive carbonate reservoirs (Saller et al. 1994; Harris
et al. 1999; Moore 2001):
Sea-level lowstand (lowstand systems
tract, LST)
On carbonate ramps and rimmed carbonate shelves,
lowstands of sea level are important because in humid
climates chemically unstable marine sediments are
potentially subjected to ushing by large volumes of
undersaturated meteoric waters. This modies the poros-
ity and permeability of the host sediment. Marine car-
bonate sediments commonly are exposed and develop
karst systems that enhance vertical conductivity of uids.
Gravity-driven meteoric water may move towards the
coastline, mixing with marine water, and causing disso-
lution, secondary porosity, and some dolomitization. On
isolated carbonate platforms (such as atolls), there is no
active gravity-driven ow beneath the platform, leaving
a platform-wide meteoric lens oating on marine water
at a sea-level lowstand. Cementation may take place
along the water table, negatively impacting porosity, but
cavernous, karstic porosity may develop along the
periphery of the platform. The core of the platform is
pervasively dolomitized in a mixing zone between the
meteoric lens and marine water drawn into the platform.
Sea-level rise (transgressive systems
tract, TST)
Diagenesis during sea-level rise is dominated by marine
water. During sea-level rise on a ramp, deposition of
transgressive deposits seals a conned, gravity-driven
ow in the highstand deposits of the underlying deposi-
tional sequence, often associated with porosity gain in the
up-dip recharge area, and porosity loss by cementation
in the down-ow area. On rimmed carbonate shelves,
reef growth typies the shelf margin during relative sea-
level rise, giving good framework porosity, but marine
cementation may reduce porosity along the shelf margin.
The interiors of isolated carbonate platforms are gener-
ally open to marine waters during a sea-level rise and
there is little meteoric water inuence. Reefs may track
sea-level rise, particularly on the windward side. Minor
dolomitization of platform margins by marine waters
driven by thermal convection, or reux from the interior
of the platform during arid periods, results in porosity
loss by cementation.
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