(Part: A) : Details Explanations
(Part: A) : Details Explanations
(Part: A) : Details Explanations
Paper Code : RPSCEE15 | : RPSCCE15 | RPSCME15
[PART : A]
1. Society is a group of people who lives within some type of boundary
territory and who share a common way of life.
2. GNP is an estimated value of the total worth of production and
Services, by citizens of a country, on its land or on foreign land.
Calculated over the course on one year.
3. Child labour is often defined as work that deprives children of their
childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to
physical and mental development.
4. The Govt. of India formed various committees for poverty estimation
in India in the past :
Alagh committee (1977)
Lakdawala (1989)
Tendulkar (2005)
Rangarajan (2012)
5. Urbanization means permanent settlement of people in cities. More
and More people are moving to cities from villages in search of
Job. The rural-urban migration is also partly due to population
growth, search of Jobs, opportunities, better facilities and poverty
in the villages.
6. The purpose of Quality assurance, by ensuring a level of Quality
in its products or services, the business is able to build a positive
reputation and consistency.
7. 6 sigma means 99.99997% perfect, only 3.4 defects in a million.
8. Transaction costs are high.
Not suitable for smaller projects.
9. Indian Institute of Information technology (IIT's) are a group of
institutes of higher education in India focused on information
technology. Five of them are established, funded and managed by
the ministery of Human Resource development. The rest are setup
on the PPP model.
10. Dedicated Fright Corridor (DFC) is a railway route, which is dedicated
to fright traffic movement only. DFC has many freight loading
terminals and no passenger railway stations/terminals. Only freight
train run over DFC, stopping at designated fright loading/unlocading
terminals. No passenger train is supposed to run on the DFC.
11. Ujjawala Yojana.
Animal Energy programme.
12. Soil conservation is the prevention of soil loss from erosion or
reduced fertility caused by over usage, acidification, salinization or
other chemical soil contamination.
13. Water harvesting means capturing rain where it falls or capturing
the runoff from catchment and streams etc. and taking measures
to keep that water clean by not allowing polluting activities to take
place in the catchment.
14. International Renewable Energy Agency.
15. Biofuels are liquid fuels that have been derived from agricultural
crops including conventional food plants and special energy crops.
It may also be derived from forestry, agricultural or fishery products
or municipal wastes, as well as from agro-industry, food industry
and food service by products and wastes.
16. Biosphere is the part of the earth's crust, hydrosphere and
atmosphere that supports life. It is formed through the interaction
of atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.
17. Biodiversity hotspot in India :
Eastern Himalaya
Western Ghat
Indo-Burma Region.
18. Objectives of NGT :
To provide effective disposal of cases relating to environment
Giving relief and compensation for damages to persons and
Other related matters.
19. Project is a unique process, consisting of a set of co-ordinated and
controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve
an objectives conforming to specific requirements, including
constraints of time, cost and resources.
20. Profit to volume ratio is known as profit volume ratio, expresses
relationship between constribution the value of the sales.
Mathematically profit volume ratio = 100 .
[PART : B]
21. It is the practice of forestry on lands outside the conventional forest
area for the benefit of rural and urban communities. It provides fuel
wood to divert cowdung from village hearths to village fields, small
timber for rural housing and agricultural implements, fodder for the
cattle of the rural population living pass away from the forest areas,
protect agriculture by the creation of diverse ecosystem and arresting
wind and water erosion and creation of recreational forests for the
benefits of the rural as well as ubran population.
22. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) :
Gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of Methane. It is a lead
free, non toxic, least polluting and ensures substantial reduction in
exhaust polluting and ensures substantial reduction in exhaust
pollution and harmful toxins. It also cuts engine noise substantially.
In Delhi CNG run buses, automobiles and auto rickshaws can be
23. Major factors responsible for social development :
Increase in real per capita income that is national income divided
by population.
The extent to which national income has increased and what is
the growth rate of this income.
What is the extent of urbanisation, literacy and education rate.
To what extent application of science and technology is made
and what is the magnitude of research in the various field.
There should be multi-dimensional development and people should
have scientific temperament and cultural attitude.
24. Afforestation is a process of converting or transforming an area
into forests. It has great significance as it counteracts the
deforestation and minimise desertification, which has resulted due
to deforestation. It further provide plant life which is most needed
today to provide oxygen to humans and minimize the effect of air
pollution on planet earth. It has great significance in human life and
must be encouraged.
25. Technology Transfer to Rural Sectors :
Transfer must involve low capital cost.
User local materials in the area must be emphasized.
Job opportunities to local people.
Technology of rural areas craftman ship must be encouraged.
Local energy sources should be enhanced and used.
26. NEERI : National Environmental Engineering Research Institute,
WTO : World Trade Organization.
FICCI : Federation of India Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries.
ICAR : India Council of Agricultural Research.
27. Main causes for income inequality :
Govt. regulations.
Lack of opportunity to all.
Family problems and other social problems.
Land disputes.
Lack of education and caste system.
Unfair practices by political system.
Traditional business methods.
28. Disaster management is a collective term encompassing all aspects
of planning for and responding to emergencies and disasters including
both pre and post event activities. It refers to the management of
resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian
aspects of emergencies in order to lessen the impact of disasters.
In essence, disaster management is more than just response and
relief, it is a systematic process aimed at reducing the negative
impact and consequences of adverse events.
29. Advantages of Break even analysis are as follows :
It is very helpful for forecasting results.
An important tool for decision making in order to accomplish
desired objectives.
The effect of change in unit sales price and cost of production
on profit can be determined.
Provide more realistic basic policy making.
The situation of divident payment to start can be determined
with the help of B.E.A.
B.E.A. can help in giving indications about unit selling price in
view of some predetermined policy.
30. Radioactive waste is a byproduct from nuclear reactors, fuel
processing plants, hospitals and research facilities. Radioactive waste
is also generated while decommissioning and dismantling nuclear
reactors and other nuclear facilities.
There are six general categories of Radiocative waste :
Exempt waste and very low level radioactive waste.
High level radiactive waste.
Low level radiactive waste.
Uranium mill waste.
Transuranic radioactive waste.
Naturally occuring radioactive waste.
31. Globlisation can be made fairer in the following ways :
Policies should be made in such a way that they protect the
interests of not only the rich and prosperous producers but also
the workers.
The government can nagotiate with WTO for fairer rules and
co-aling with developing countries to stand against the domination
of developed countries.
Equal space should be provided to both developed and developing
economics to explore the market and compete.
32. The central RTI act extends to the whole of India except the state
Jammu and Kashmir. All bodies, which are constituted under the
constitution or under any law of govt, or all bodies including NGO's
which are owned, controlled or substantially financed by the
government are covered.
[PART : C]
33. Discuss the monitorable targets of 12th Five year plan.
The Twelfth Plan commenced at a time when the global economy
was going through a second financial crisis, precipitated by the
sovereign debt problems of the Eurozone which erupted in the last
year of the Eleventh Plan. The crisis affected all countries including
India. Our growth slowed down to 6.2 percent in 2011-12 and the
deceleration continued into the first year of the Twelfth Plan, when
the economy is estimated to have grown by only 5 percent. The
Twelfth Plan therefore emphasizes that our first priority must be to
bring the economy back to rapid growth while ensuring that the
growth is both inclusive and sustainable. The broad vision and
aspirations which the Twelfth Plan seeks to fulfil are reflected in
the Subtitle: ‘Faster, Sustainable,and More Inclusive Growth’.
Inclusiveness is to be achieved through poverty reduction, promoting
group equality and regional balance, reducing inequality, empowering
people etc. whereas sustainability includes ensuring environmental
sustainability, development of human capital through improved health,
education, skill development, nutrition, information technology etc.
and development of institutional capabilities, infrastructure like power
telecommunication, roads, transport etc.
Monitorable Targets of the Plan :
Twenty Five core indicators listed below reflect the vision of rapid,
sustainable & more Inclusive growth of the twelfth Plan :
(i) Economic Growth :
Real GDP Growth Rate of 8.0 per cent.
Agriculture Growth Rate of 4.0 per cent.
Manufacturing Growth Rate of 10.0 per cent.
Every State must have an average growth rate in the Twelfth
Plan preferably higher than that achieved in the Eleventh Plan.
(ii) Poverty and Employment:
Head-count ratio of consumption poverty to be reduced by 10
percentage points over the preceding estimates by the end of
Twelfth FYP.
Generate 50 million new work opportunities in the non-farm
sector and provide skill certification to equivalent numbers during
the Twelfth FYP.
(iii) Education :
Mean Years of Schooling to increase to seven years by the end
of Twelfth FYP.
Enhance access to higher education by creating two million
additional seats for eachage cohort aligned to the skill needs of
the economy.
Eliminate gender and social gap in school enrolment (that is,
between girls and boys, and between SCs, STs, Muslims and
the rest of the population) by the end ofTwelfth FYP.
(iv) Health :
Reduce Infant mortality rate (IMR) to 25 and Mother mortality
rate (MMR) to 1 per 1,000 live births, and improve Child Sex
(0–6 years) to 950 by the end of the Twelfth FYP.
Reduce Total Fertility Rate to 2.1 by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Reduce under-nutrition among children aged 0–3 years to half
of the NFHS-3 levelsby the end of Twelfth FYP.
(v) Infrastructure, Including Rural Infrastructure :
Increase investment in infrastructure as a percentage of GDP
to 9 percent by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Increase the Gross Irrigated Area from 90 million hectare to
103 million hectare by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Provide electricity to all villages and reduce AT&C losses to 20
per cent by the endof Twelfth FYP.
Connect all villages with all-weather roads by the end of Twelfth
Upgrade national and state highways to the minimum two-lane
standard by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Complete Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridors by
the end of TwelfthFYP.
Increase rural tele-density to 70 per cent by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Ensure 50 % of rural population has access to 40 lpcd piped
drinking watersupply, and 50 % gram Panchayats achieve Nirmal
Gram Status by the end ofTwelfth FYP.
(vi) Environment and Sustainability
Increase green cover (as measured by satellite imagery) by 1
million hectare everyyear during the Twelfth FYP.
Add 30,000 MW of renewable energy capacity in the Twelfth
Reduce emission intensity of GDP in line with the target of 20
per cent to 25 percent reduction over 2005 levels by 2020.
(vii) Service Delivery
Provide access to banking services to 90 percent Indian
households by the end of Twelfth FYP.
Major subsidies and welfare related beneficiary payments to
be shifted to a directcash transfer by the end of the Twelfth
Plan, using the Adhar platform with linked bank accounts.
34. Poverty Gap :
According to the World Bank, poverty gap is the mean shortfall
from the poverty line (counting the non-poor as having zero shortfall),
expressed as a percentage of the poverty line. Poverty gap measures
the intensity of poverty. It shows the extent to which individuals on
average fall below the poverty line. The concept of poverty gap
was developed by the World Bank and is extensively used to
measure the incidence of poverty in different countries, As per the
World Bank, India’s poverty gap was 4.8 per cent in 2011.
Causes of Poverty
Underdevelopment of the Indian Economy :
The root cause of poverty is the under development of the Indian
economy. The under development is manifested by the relative
backwardness of agriculture and industrial sector. Widespread
infrastructural bottle necks are result of slow pace of development.
Nearly 20% of the population is still living below the poverty line.
Rapid growth of population, particularly among the poor, is
responsible for the problem of poverty in the country.
High Level of Unemployment :
Poverty is caused by unemployment or unemployment coupled
with a low rates of wages. More than six decades economic
planning has failed to generate adequate employment opportunities
in the industrial and service sector. Large unemployment has resulted
in low levels of income and a large share of population lies below
the minimum subsistence levels.
Inequalities of Income :
An important cause of poverty in India is the existence of large
inequalities in distribution of national income and concentration of
economic power (both in rural and urban sectors of the economics).
Efforts to reduce inequalities have been ineffective. The benefits
of growth have been appropriates by the rich section and have not
reached the poorest of the poor. So the rich become richer as their
income rise and assets expanded.
Political Factors :
Before Independence, India was exploited under the British rule.
After Independence other political factors have adversely affected
economic progress. Economic policies are formulated to promote
the interest of the richer section of the society & poor people are
suffers in the process.
The steep and continuous rise in price, particularly of essential
commodities has added to the miseries of the poor.
High Illiteracy Rate :
Lower education result in lower income as there is a positive
correlation between the two.
Underutilization of Resource:
Due to the unexploitation natural resources of the country, poverty
spreads throughout the country. Labour and land productivity
continue to be low in India. Consequently, most of the farmers live
in a state of poverty.
The solar energy is the least efficient but easily accessible of all the
renewable energies. Here are some challenges faced by solar energy:
Initial High Capital Cost : Solar parks are capital intensive to setup.
Lack of Cheap Financing : Innovative financial solutions required.
e.g. Indian government launched green bonds to finance renewable
energy projects.
Require Large Area : Lack of adequate land is problem. Solution:
rooftop solar energy, offshore solar energy plants, vertical solar plants.
Intermittent Nature of Electricity : Works in daytime and varies
with solar insolation.
Grid Stability : When solar energy becomes significant proportion
of total electricity mix then grid stability is a concern because of
its intermittent nature. Investments in new technological solutions
to maintain grid stability required.
Lack of Trained Manpower : Shortage of skilled manpower in R
& D, manufacturing, construction and maintenance sector of solar
About 70% of India’s electricity generation capacity is from fossil fuels.
India is largely dependent on fossil fuel imports to meet its energy demands.
By 2030, India’s dependence on energy imports is expected to
exceed 53% of the country’s total energy consumption. Greater
import dependence is a threat to India’s energy security as it
introduces global market volatility into the mix.
It also adds to a huge import bill leading to a loss of valuable foreign
capital. We need to shift our focus towards the renewable energy sources.
After the recently concluded Paris talks, wherein countries agreed
to limit their emissions so as to contain the global temperature rise
to CO2, the need to develop renewable energy sector gains even
more importance.
There are various sources of renewable energy like wind, nuclear, solar,
tidal, geothermal etc. But, in this article, we shall mainly talk about
the solar energy and various policy initiatives of India in this sector.
36. Rural industries play very important role in any economy. Rural
industries help in the proper utilization of local resources like raw
materials and labour for productive purposes and thus increase
productivity. Employment generating capacity of the rural industrial
sector is much greater than that of the large scale sector so it is
labour- intensive and are capable of generating more employment
per unit of capital employed.
Lack of Infrastructural Facilities :
Rural areas are characterized by poor infrastructural facilities in
the field of roads, electricity, street lighting, road transport etc.
which hampers the smooth movement of various industrial activities.
This is a major problem faced by rural entrepreneurs.
Lack of Technical Knowledge:
As rural industries are labour intensive, they cannot afford to introduce
sophisticated techniques and methods of production which is very
expensive. Lack of technical knowledge, appropriate technology and
training create immense problem in the growth of rural industries.
Marketing Problems :
Marketing of rural products has not been well developed. Promotion
and distribution is lacking. Lack of proper communication facilities
and marketing information adds to the problem to large extent.
Lack of Adequate Knowledge and Information :
Though information technology has developed in the modern world,
rural people hardly availed its benefits. They are not knowledgeable,
trained and motivated to achieve more and more in their own sphere.
A solution for the problem lies in rural industrialisation through
which productive employment may be provided for excess rural
population. Rural industrialization serves as an effective means of
reducing rural-urban disparities and stops migration of people from
rural to urban areas and accelerates the process of rural
development. Rural industrialization plays an effective role in rural
transformation, generation of balanced socio-economic development
through an increase in gainful employment and a rise in income
levels in the region.
To develop the Rural Industries different initiatives should be started
for particularly in rural areas. The main objectives of these initiatives
should be to ameliorate the supply chain management, upgrade
skills, introduce innovative technologies and expand markets of the
entrepreneurs and artisans. A wide range of programs, schemes,
projects and policies are also formulate to carry out various activities
in the rural sectors.
The State Government should also ensured employment generation
program in the rural regions under Rural Employment Generation
Program (REGP) and the Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
in association with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other banks.
Leadership is the ability of a company’s management to set and
achieve challenging goals, take swift and decisive
action, outperform the competition, and inspire others to perform
well. Leadership is a process by which an executive can direct,
guide and influence the behaviour and work of others towards
accomplishment of specific goals in a given situation. Leadership
is the ability of influence the subordinates to work with confidence
and zeal. Leaders are required to develop future visions, and to
motivate the organizational members to want to achieve the visions.
Leadership provides direction for a company. Employees need to
know the direction in which they are headed and who to follow to
reach the destination. Leadership involves showing workers how to
effectively perform their responsibilities and regularly supervising
the completion of their tasks. Leadership is also about setting a
positive example for staff to follow, by being excited about the
work, being motivated to learn new things, and helping out as
needed in both individual and team activities.
Following are the main roles of a leader in an organization:
(i) Setting Goals :
A leader is expected to perform creative function of laying out goals
and policies to persuade the subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.
(ii) Organizing:
In order for the group to effectively perform their task, the leader
must ensure that the group is properly organized. A leader is to
create and shape the organization on scientific lines by assigning
roles appropriate to individual abilities with the view to make its
various components to operate sensitively towards the achievement
of enterprise goals. Not only should each member have a clear
understanding of what is expected of them, but the group itself
should be properly structured to facilitate their actions.
(iii) Initiating Action:
A leader is to take the initiative in all matters of interest to the group.
He should not depend upon others for decision and judgment. He should
float new ideas and his decisions should reflect original thinking.
(iv) Direction and Motivation:
It is the important function of a leader to guide and direct his group
and motivate people to do their best in the achievement of desired
goals, he should build up confidence and zeal in the work group.
The functional leader must ensure that every individual in the group
feels sufficiently appreciated for their efforts and actions.
(v) Link between Management and Workers:
A leader works as a necessary link between the management and
the workers. He interprets the policies and programmes of the
management to his subordinates and represents the subordinates’
interests before the management. He can prove effective only when
he can act as the true guardian of the interests of his subordinates.
(vi) Integrates and Reconciles the Personal Goals with Organizational
A leader through leadership traits helps in reconciling/ integrating
the personal goals of the employees with the organizational goals.
He is trying to co-ordinate the efforts of people towards a common
purpose and thereby achieves objectives. This can be done only if
he can influence and get willing co-operation and urge to accomplish
the objectives.
(vii) Required at all levels :
Leadership is a function which is important at all levels of
management. In the top level, it is important for getting co-operation
in formulation of plans and policies. In the middle and lower level,
it is required for interpretation and execution of plans and
programmes framed by the top management. Leadership can be
exercised through guidance and counselling of the subordinates at
the time of execution of plans.
The following points highlight the main impacts of intense agriculture
on environment. The impacts are:
(i) Degradation of Land :
The degradation of land is matter of serious concern endangering
sustainability of agriculture. Faulty cultural practices in the forest
and other plain areas expose the soil to water and wind erosions.
The water logging due to rising water table, particularly along the rivers,
rendering soil unfit for cultivation. Increased dependence on intensive
agriculture and irrigation also resulted in salination, alkalination and
water logging in the some irrigated area of the country.
Therefore apart from soils erosion problem the following are the
kinds of land degradations taking place:
Deficiency of soil nutrients due to intensive cultivation.
Imbalance in soil nutrients particularly the deficiency of micro-
Decline in the organic matter in the soil.
Deforestation and overgrazing causing exposure of soil to
water and wind erosion.
Decline in underground water due to over exhaustion for high
water using crops, increase in cropping intensity and increase
in cultivated area.
Increase in water level in the cotton belt of north-western
part of the country endangering cultivation of cotton crop due
to pumping out of brackish water resulting in accumulation of
salts on earth surface.
High uses of nitrogen and water have caused percolation of nitrogen
up to water table thus polluting it even for human consumption.
(ii) Health Related Issues :
Agricultural pollution is the main source of pollution in water and
lakes. Chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides make their way
into the groundwater that end up in drinking water. Health related
problems may occur as it contributes to blue baby syndrome which
causes death in infants. Oil, degreasing agents, metals and toxins from
farm equipment cause health problems when they get into drinking water.
(iii) Biodiversity :
India is a country with wide variety of agro-climatic conditions which
includes a wide variety of animals and plants. As agriculture is
becoming more and more commercialized, a number of plant and animal
species are becoming extinct. Fertilizers, manure, waste and ammonia
turns into nitrate that reduces the amount of oxygen present in water
which results in the death of many aquatic animals. The depletion of
vegetative cover such as grass lands and forest tree species and
similarly extinction of wild animals, birds and insects is matter of concern.
(iv) Pest Problem :
With the shift in crop pattern, increase in area under irrigation and
higher cropping intensity the pest problem has become very severe.
The seriousness of pests has further increased by way of
indiscriminate and increased use of pesticides. Once they have
been sprayed, it does not disappear completely. Some of it mixes
with the water and seeps into the ground. The rest of is absorbed
by the plant itself. As a result, the local streams that are supplied
water from the ground become contaminated, as do the animals
that eat these crops and plants.
The predatory birds and insect population has dwindled at a sharp rate
causing lack of natural control of pests. The direct effects of high use
of dangerous pesticides have created health hazards on human & animal.
(v) Disposal of Agricultural Wastes :
The use of by-products such as paddy straw and rice husk has not
been made properly. The burning of such by-products creates
increase in carbon dioxide and carbon-monoxide in the atmosphere
resulting in respiratory problems for animals and human beings.
There is need for recycling the agricultural wastes by having
enterprises like dairy, poultry, fishery etc. processing of by-products
and ploughing in the field as organic matter. The mechanisation of
agriculture requires various energy resources such as diesel,
electricity, petrol and higher use of fertilizers as well, has negative
impact on the ecology of the country by air pollution, water pollution
and soil pollution.
Intense agriculture is good at feeding populations but it is not
sustainable. Over the last decade governments have become stricter
about enforcing regulations. Farmers are also becoming more aware
of the damage and are looking for solutions. Many farms are
moving back to traditional manure, direct irrigation from local water
bodies and organic means of keeping pest populations in check.
Big Ag farmers are also seeking ways to scale preventative measures
without widespread business disruption. Governments emphasise
the need to use land and resources more efficiently, creating more
produce from the same amount and making the agricultural process
more cost-effective.
Organic farming is a sustainable agriculture set of practices that
can have a lower impact on the environment at the small scale.
Organic farms tended to have higher soil organic matter content
and lower nutrient losses (nitrogen leaching, nitrous oxide emissions
and ammonia emissions) per unit of field area. Organic farming
has shown to have on average 30% higher species richness than
conventional farming.
To meet the needs of society in ways without damaging or depleting
natural resources on earth.
Adopt the technologies which make products that can be reused
and reduce waste and pollution.
To reduce the rate of growth of energy consumption while enhancing
economic development.
To ensure sustainable development and preserve the environment
for future generations.
To increase public awareness and education of products of green
technologies and enhance its contribution to the national economy.
(i) Energy Sector :
Green Technologies depend on the development of alternative fuels.
Clean, renewable and efficient new energy sources are being
developed and implemented, including wind turbines, solar cells,
and bioreactors. These sources produce power without releasing
toxic wastes into the environment as conventional fossil fuels.
(ii) Green Building:
Green building also known as green construction or sustainable
building refers to both a structure and the application of processes
that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient
throughout a building’s life-cycle: from planning to design,
construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.
(iii) Green Transport:
Green Transport also known as sustainable Transport and it is any
form of transport that does not depend on dwindling natural
resources. Instead it depend on renewable or regenerated energy
rather than fossil fuels that have a finite life expectancy. For this
reason it is said to have a low or a negative effect on the environment
since it makes use of energy sources that are sustainable.
(iv) Renewable Energy:
Green technology includes the conversion of renewable resources
such the sun’s light, wind and water to energy that we can use.
Solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal wells are all examples
of technological innovations that can replace the need for coal and
oil. A solar cell directly converts the energy in light into electrical
energy through the process of photovoltaic. Generating electricity
from solar energy means less consumption of fossil fuels, reducing
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
(v) Environmental Cleaning and Remediation:
Another aspect of green technology involves removing contaminates
from the soil, air and water. Detoxifying hazardous wastes by
chemical and biological methods to reduce their toxicity.
Bioremediation is the process in which a living organism (plant/
animal/bacteria) is deployed to make hazardous wastes harmless.
For example bacteria and enzymes help to destroy toxic and
hazardous substances or convert them in harmless compounds.
Various plants have been identified which can help to clean up soil
and water contaminated with chemicals such as pesticides, organic
solvents, radioactive matter and toxic metals such as lead, mercury
and arsenic
(vi) Wastewater Management :
Wastewater treatment refers to the process of removing contaminants
and undesirable components from domestic, industrial and polluted
waters to safely return it to the environment for drinking, irrigation,
industrial, and other uses. Numbers of green technologies methods
are tested and used for wastewater treatment either alone or in
combination with other conventional methods.